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S07.E02: New House, Old Grudges

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Do you automatically have things in common with everybody in your age?  So why assume the opposite side of that and assume that one wouldn't have something in common with a person 20 years older or younger than them?  Oh right, because then we couldn't bash Carole. 


I can fully admit that if anyone else was flirting with a man 30 years younger than them, I'd have zero problem with it. I really do just hate Carole. The way she flirts too, she just drives me crazy. It might be irrational and unfair, but she bugs so hard.   The trashtvtalk recap for the last episode flat out called her Carrie Bradshaw and she so wishes she was, but I also hated Carrie. 

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You know the smallest most throw away scene was the one that stuck in my craw the most. It was B in the car with her driver and her assistant. They are driving in what looks like midtown NYC and come to a stop and B asks "why have we stopped" and the driver says "because we are at a red light." What? It just seemed so fucking weird to me. Driving a car in NYC, you are lucky to be moving. Who the hell asks why have we stopped? That is pretty much what driving in NYC is stop, stop, stop, drive, stop, stop, drive. So weird. 


I feel like I am going to be besieged by Skinnygirl crap both blatantly and subliminally. 


I love Luanne's new home. Absolutely, by far the best home on NYC right now. Confession, never loved the interior of her old house. The exterior was gorgeous, but the interior was confusing. All that wood paneling? Just nope! Way too rustic for my taste. 


I really like Dorinda. Does she have a speech impediment though? No shade


I never would have recognized Noelle in a million years. I would have to see him without the struggle mustache to render a cuteness judgement though. 

Edited by islandgal140
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I just think it's pathetic. Plain and simple, I'm not opposed to age differences in relationships but a gap that big...... Well, it's pathetic and the *fact* that they are still together means he's just as pathetic as she is and probably has mommy issues to boot.

I am liking Dorinda however every time she talks about her boy friend she ALWAYS has to preface the conversation with how much he's so different than her deceased husband as if she's still trying to convince herself he's a decent guy.

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When it comes to dating much younger men, or much younger women for that matter, the issue for some is not necessarily a judgment, but more of an Ick factor. Example. Kim Richards poo pooing Brandi dating the moving guy or Max's friend. Kim has a son the same age, so in Kims (although we know it's rum soaked) mind, that's like dating a child, because Brandi is old enough to be the mother of a child/man college age. While it may not seem a big deal to someone else, NBD, it depends on your own personal mindset on the issue. That was the only time I agreed with Kim's point of view.

Carole is about 50 I believe. Why date someone who's 20 years younger? So, just like it does with older men trolling young girls, it seems perverted to some, including me. It's because we are thinking about what's best for our sons that age. With age, comes wisdom. Just like other parenting issues, it might be a concern that his youth would be squandered on someone from another generation that in the future, would be a poor match. If my 22 year old son was dating a 45-50 year old, like myself, sorry, but I would be thinking WTF? At the same time, if my 23 year old daughter was dating someone my age, boy would that gross me out. Sorry, but that's how I feel. Of course, the difference between older women & men is that with an older woman, does that mean the younger man doesn't want kids? Of course, he may not, no big deal, but than again, he might change his mind and if he committed to someone beyond child bearing years or done with it, where does that leave him? The negative reaction comes from a parenting concern in some cases.

Andy Cohen, Brandi, Carole, etc. can do whatever they want. Their boy or girl toys can do whatever they want. To each his own. I'm convinced that's why he loves Brandi...they share the same opinions on certain issues. They see no problem with it because of their opinion it's no big deal. Others have a right to comment it feels skeevey to them for their own reasons.

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I can fully admit that if anyone else was flirting with a man 30 years younger than them, I'd have zero problem with it. I really do just hate Carole. The way she flirts too, she just drives me crazy. It might be irrational and unfair, but she bugs so hard.   The trashtvtalk recap for the last episode flat out called her Carrie Bradshaw and she so wishes she was, but I also hated Carrie. 


And Carol trying to be Carrie is one of the reasons I can't stand Carol. Because I loved Carrie.  LOL

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If all she is looking for is short breezy relationships, and that is her prerogative, then fine. There is little chance this is a life partnership. Maybe she isn't looking for that. As a woman her age, I wouldn't be interested in a relationship with a man, using that term loosely, that I don't share life experiences, cultural references a shared sense of history. Maybe that's just me PLUS......Men get better looking in middle age IMO.

Really, what a bitch....why does she feel the need to throw that in Ramona's face?

In all fairness, Ramona was horrid with Luann when she was going thru her own divorce.

I guess Luann believes that revenge is better served cold.

So classy that countess!

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OK I watched WWHL thank god for the DVR. Upthread it states that Ramona asked Bethenny to lunch while Jill's houseguest, therefore Ramona is a hyprocrite so I wanted to check that out.


Here's how that went.


Bethenny states in the old clip that Jill asked Bethenny to stay at Jill's house in the Hamptons for the entire summer. Ramona is then shown  in flashback at a party and asks Bethenny to have lunch on Sunday and Bethenny says yes.


I am totally splitting hairs here but inviting B to lunch while she's there for an entire summer isn't the same as inviting someone for the next morning who is on a short term weekend trip when Ramona (allegedly missing email and all) has made plans and an invite. Does that make sense?


The poll was 60 / 40 in favor of NO it is not rude to ask someone's houseguest to brunch. I guess I am in the 40. If someone's a weekend houseguest don't poach them from the host. Stay out of it.


Bethenny also said she called herself "the wealthiest homeless person" and it was a pun. Except later when in the car w/real estate dude she said just plain homeless. Again. Liar. Revisionist history.

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
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OK I watched WWHL thank god for the DVR. Upthread it states that Ramona asked Bethenny to lunch while Jill's houseguest, therefore Ramona is a hyprocrite so I wanted to check that out.


Here's how that went.


Bethenny states in the old clip that Jill asked Bethenny to stay at Jill's house in the Hamptons for the entire summer. Ramona is then shown  in flashback at a party and asks Bethenny to have lunch on Sunday and Bethenny says yes.


I am totally splitting hairs here but inviting B to lunch while she's there for an entire summer isn't the same as inviting someone for the next morning who is on a short term weekend trip when Ramona (allegedly missing email and all) has made plans and an invite. Does that make sense?


The poll was 60 / 40 in favor of NO it is not rude to ask someone's houseguest to brunch. I guess I am in the 40. If someone's your weekend houseguest don't poach them. Stay out of it.

It is all about camera time anyway.

Who would want to hang out with drunken SonJa at that time?

She is mean, clueless and not even fun to be around anymore.

Beth can have her.

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I’ll give the editors credit for the juxtaposition of Dorinda and Sonja’s comments regarding Luann’s house.  Dorinda was perfectly graceful in the way she complimented the house.  Sonja’s seething jealousy has her immediately making negative comments.  What a beautiful place right on the water.  I want to befriend Luann just to try for an invite. 


The shrieking, so much shrieking.  Okay, Ramona’s phrase “keeping company with men” could be seen as a euphemism for prostitution or being a kept woman.  (Of course, that would have made more sense about 70-80 years ago.)  However, clearly that’s not what she meant.  Didn’t someone else propose the phrase to her?  And of course Bethenny, in not being able to simply say “I think that phrase doesn’t mean what you think it means” has to use her attack style of speaking, so Ramona goes quickly into crazy pants land.  Oh ladies, never learn to communicate.  Your lives would become much too easy.

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I think that's the difference.  Staying all summer or staying one weekend. She can't be expected to do all things, every day with her hostess.  Even though Jill probably wanted it that way.

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I think Ramona will still in large part be Ramona - because she is actually bat shit crazy and I'm not sure most of her issues can be fixed on a hiatus - but it is clear she is trying to portray herself as a changed woman. So polite to the waitstaff at lunch in a way we have never seen, drinking water in one scene, a beer in the other (to negate the criticism that no one has ever seen her without a Pinot in her hand), the apology for Lu, telling Beth she is trying to be more "politically correct", and then pretending to be shocked that anyone would use the term "gay" anything.

My guess is that Beth regretted sending those tweets. It's funny because they were actually kind of mean (IMO), but on WWHL she acted like she wasn't mad and that what he said was no big deal.  It's funny because on the show she said that there is nothing that anyone can say that can get to her, something that Kristen called out in her blog. Beth contradicted her own words by making it seem like someone talking about her being too skinny bothered her greatly.  Surely people talk about her weight all the time?

I wanted to respond to both your posts and then realized I was about to say the same thing about Ramona and Bethenny. They're both veterans, they know how to play the game, and what we're seeing is calculated. Ramona had to strategize before this season because of her pending divorce, so you're absolutely right - the niceness towards the waitress, the beer, the gay husband remark.... all calculated efforts. But Ramona is who she is, so it'll probably last only another episode or two.

Bethenny's mean tweets towards Terry were an honest response to the "too skinny" remark, whereas her much more accepting remarks on WWHL came after thinking about how it would play out. I'm sure she knew she'd be asked about the homeless comment, so she knew she needed to be consistent - I am who I am, I say what I say, I'm on a reality show, I'm fair game, I'm not everyone's cup of tea, etc., etc... (Btw, I noticed she didn't delete the tweets). But unlike Ramona, she'll stick to the game plan.

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LuAnn ended a four year relationship with a man who was, what?, fifteen years her junior. At the end of the day, these are grown ass men (not guys who just left their teen years) who know more about what's best for them because they're the ones actually living their lives daily.

Edited by Mozelle
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LuAnn ended a four year relationship with a man who was, what?, fifteen years her junior. At the end of the day, these are grown ass men (not guys who just left their teen years) who know more about what's best for them because they're the ones actually living their lives daily.

Was Jacques really 15 years younger?

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I am totally splitting hairs here but inviting B to lunch while she's there for an entire summer isn't the same as inviting someone for the next morning who is on a short term weekend trip when Ramona (allegedly missing email and all) has made plans and an invite. Does that make sense?

Yes, it makes sense, and I agree with you. Except I think Ramona didn't really plan a brunch, it was more of a reaction to someone "poaching" her guests, so the whole thing turned stupid. But at the risk of sounding like the Countess, I think it's common courtesy to check in with your host about stuff like that, or for the other Hamptons resident to check in before inviting other people's guests over. Am I being too Emily Post?

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Vicky and Ramona are so alike, they are truly reality show gold. You don't need to.script Ramona...she naturally provides.the goods without even.having to.fight lol

Yes, they are the two HW's that I like the least (well, except for Brandi) yet cannot imagine their shows without them.  Their every word and action begs for snark. The idea that two people can reach their mid-50's, be on TV for years, and still have zero self-awareness continues to stun. 

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I'm confused....didn't Bethanny say on WWHL (?) that she couldn't buy a house during the ongoing court case with Jason.....yet bought the Hampton House and apt in Soho since her split. She even said, iirc, this has been the case for 2 years.

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I actually liked that she told the waitress she loved her smile, and made sure to get her name and introduce themselves as well. It's a stark contrast between how rude and dismissive I've seen other people on these shows be towards their wait staff. I don't know, I'm particularly sensitive to the issue because my inlaws are horrible to eat out with, they are very rude to wait staff. So I always try to be over-the-top nice. But it's quite possible that Ramona's smile compliment made that woman's night. 





Can someone refresh my memory on this. The flashback they showed was so brief, but it seemed to me like Luann asked what that was Beth just ordered, Beth responded something like, "Oh, it's a skinny girl's margarita" and Luann just repeated it? I may have missed something, but it didn't seem to me like Luann came up with the name. 





Dorinda said she was a combination of Mary Poppin and Zsa Zsa Gabor. It was quite astute and hilarious! Even my mother texted me to laugh about that line. 


I share your memory.


LuAnn did not name the drink.  She was repeating what Bethenny had referred to it as to the waiter when she ordered.


I do wish Bethenny would have pointed out to Andy that if he played the entire clip he (and viewers) would see this.


I think Bethenny was thanking LuAnn in the book inscription for helping get the SG margarita out there because she was the first one who was seen actually ordering one herself.  


And I say this as someone who likes Bethenny and LuAnn, so no playing favorites in my memory.  I just watched this season a few days ago courtesy of Hulu.


Bethenny clearly still needs to learn when to speak up and when to shut the fuck up.

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In all fairness, Ramona was horrid with Luann when she was going thru her own divorce.

I guess Luann believes that revenge is better served cold.

So classy that countess!

So basically they are cut from the same cloth.

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Loved seeing Lu's new house. I liked the old one, but it was a bit dark. The new one is to die for. And Noel has his own cottage? How cool is that? I was wondering why she was selling the actual house fixtures of the old one, but I think someone said the buyer was going to tear down the old one. These people and their money!


Sonja is insanely jealous of Lu. While Lu's divorce was not happy, the Count settled with her and she is now independent, so she can buy and sell her house if she pleases. Sonja is still fighting with Old Man Morgan about I know not what, she has had to sell assets because of need, she has a judgement she has to pay. I wonder if she also has creditors chasing her. LuAnn also gets to forever be a Countess, which I know bugs the crap outta Sonja. Sonja loves to talk about rubbing elbows with royalty, but LuAnn is royalty. So what's the problem with Sag Harbor? Sonja certainly had her nose in the air about it. 


Ramona goes from zero to 10 in a millisecond. When she was with Dorinda and before Bethany walked in, she was acting all sane, but as soon as B walked in, kaboom. I do think she was sincere when she apologized to LuAnn, but LuAnn is right about being cautious. You never know what sets Ramona off. Ramona never sent an email, for sure, I guess in Ramona's mind, if you are staying with her, you are a prisoner, you can only do activities perscribed by Ramona. What an ass. I also didn't get it when B kept saying that "in the company of men" meant sleeping around. It doesn't mean that to me, it means she is hanging out, but not really dating men. What's the big deal?


Oh Carole, you do think you are 22. Skinny doesn't equal young, girlfriend. 


I loved Heather's red jacket and blue blouse, I wanted to snatch it from her. Sonja looked like an ad for Garnet Hill, lol. LuAnn always looks so casually effortlessly put together. I love her style. 


I wonder what Dorinda was thinking when she got a full on dose of the RH. Her head must have been spinning. 


Remember in seasons 1 or 2, the dueling Labor Day parties at Ramona and Luann's places in the Hamptons?


Alex and Simon had been invited to both, stopped by Ramona's first, and, as soon as Ramona found out their next stop was LuAnn's, she went batshit on them, practically having a toddler'ish foot-stomping, breath-holding tantrum because LuAnn was poaching her guests?


Yeah, same situation here.  I think Ramona just assumed all of her houseguests would be at her beck and call for the weekend and then, when Sonja wanted to see Bethenny's place, she went ballistic.


I did love Bethenny's comment to LuAnn that she and all of her guests were welcome to come over for brunch...Now I'm waiting until next week to see if LuAnn and crew do indeed go to Bethenny's so we can get a view of her new Hamptons place.

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Do you automatically have things in common with everybody in your age?  So why assume the opposite side of that and assume that one wouldn't have something in common with a person 20 years older or younger than them?


This is a good point, and one I often make when I am criticized, as a homeschooler, for not having my kids properly "socialized". I like to point out that they easily make friends with people of all ages, from babies to adults. Everyone is different, and has different life experiences. I am 35 and I have a very good friend who is 23,  but my 62-year-old mom is my BFF, for life. We hang out all the time! 


I really could care less about the ages of the people these women date, as long as everyone is of age. I will say, the only time I am put off is when the over-the-top flirting seems to be making the recipient uncomfortable. But I would feel that way no matter the ages involved. 


The poll was 60 / 40 in favor of NO it is not rude to ask someone's houseguest to brunch. I guess I am in the 40. If someone's a weekend houseguest don't poach them from the host. Stay out of it.


Did Bethenny know Sonja was Ramona's houseguest? She came in kind of late, and I am not sure she knew the details of who was staying where. But I will say, the way in which she asked Sonja to brunch seemed kind of desperate. She came across as very insistent, like Sonja was the new girl in school and Beth was trying to lock her down in HER clique, before one of the other cliques had a chance to get her. 


I don't know, I found the entire thing very silly and weird. 

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I just have a couple of early observations here. What is with the orange tile counters in Ramona's kitchen? And the orange, green and white tile backsplash? In what decade would that have been in style? Also, I loved that Dorina had a sequined skull head on her shirt. That was awesome. Also, is there any way Ramona's house does not have more than two bedrooms upstairs? Why put Sonja in the basement, that place looks huge! Seems to me like they are just creating drama.

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I seriously wish the entire season would take place on Sag Harbor, in LuAnn's house. Her house is my Dream Home. I was shocked when the ladies arrived and talked about it as if it were some rinky dink shack. It's on the water! There's a cottage for Noel! It's peaceful and beautiful! I'd be happy to watch guests come and go, eat and drink, fight and fornicate for 20 episodes.


I like Carole, and I really hate to write this, but I think she's very unattractive. That's why her forwardness with the chef surprised me. I mean, in the end, he didn't look all that cute, but I kept wondering how annoying it must have been to have this random houseguest try to help him prepare a meal for his employer's party. Imagine if he wasn't into her? I also felt for LuAnn's gardener when Sonja was all over him. My husband and I were in our mid-twenties when we started dating, and I remember a lot of women were aggressively tried to date him even though they knew he was with me, but I've never asked him if he felt harassed by them or uncomfortable with the attention. It seems so desperate and pathetic. Carole's behavior with the chef, and her behavior with her editor last week, make me rethink whether I like her. She's grossing me out a little.


Is this the first time Ramona's sister made an appearance on the show? (I've just finished watching season 3, so I only have seasons 1, 2, 3 and 6 under my belt.)


And there was a Black woman at Luann's party. Has there been a Black woman as a guest before? Not counting Aviva's father's fiance or Sonja's assistant.


Bethenny's appearance at Luann's threw off the dynamic. She is clearly too used to being the center of attention in a room and that kind of Big Personality doesn't fit with so many other housewives. They all seemed to gather around her on the sofa to listen to her words of wisdom, and Ramona's gigantic entrance definitely took the spotlight off her.


Is Ramona mad at Bethenny for returning? They automatically seemed to go after each other.


I wonder if Ramona's crazy is from feeling threatened or insecure? I actually thought she seemed pleasant before her run-in with Bethenny at Luann's. Made me wonder if she had spent many years being insecure and unhappy with Mario, and now she was threatened by Bethenny's presence at the party.


I must say, I was bored by Bethenny's snark at Luann's. It seemed out-of-place and disruptive. I think she has funny lines, but she doesn't seem the right fit.

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I think so. Maybe it was ten years, but I don't believe it was a smaller margin than ten.

Luann is truly an attractive, well conserved woman then.

She did not look much older than him, IMO

So basically they are cut from the same cloth.

Yep, however Luann is more polished and less funny, IMO. Edited by LIMOM
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I just think it's pathetic. Plain and simple, I'm not opposed to age differences in relationships but a gap that big...... Well, it's pathetic and the *fact* that they are still together means he's just as pathetic as she is and probably has mommy issues to boot.



LOL. Well then don't they just make the PERFECT couple!


Carole is about 50 I believe. Why date someone who's 20 years younger? So, just like it does with older men trolling young girls, it seems perverted to some, including me. It's because we are thinking about what's best for our sons that age. With age, comes wisdom. Just like other parenting issues, it might be a concern that his youth would be squandered on someone from another generation that in the future, would be a poor match. If my 22 year old son was dating a 45-50 year old, like myself, sorry, but I would be thinking WTF? At the same time, if my 23 year old daughter was dating someone my age, boy would that gross me out. Sorry, but that's how I feel. Of course, the difference between older women & men is that with an older woman, does that mean the younger man doesn't want kids? Of course, he may not, no big deal, but than again, he might change his mind and if he committed to someone beyond child bearing years or done with it, where does that leave him? The negative reaction comes from a parenting concern in some cases.



Well hey there's that 65-year old German woman I saw on the Today show yesterday who is pregnant with quadruplets ---and she claims that she got pregnant naturally with her last baby at 55.  So ya know, Carol's got plenty of time to squeeze out some offspring if that's what her younger beau wants*.



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I am also confused by Bethenny's "homeless" situation. It seems strange that she can't rent a place for year, and be done with it. Or, at the very least, do a few month stints at corporate housing. Some of these hotels have apartments that get a lot of hotel amenities (cleaning services, room service, etc). It seems she has enough funds to do that. As for being in a car, well, welcome to being a CEO. I know many who are on the go all the time. 

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I lived in Lenox, have known people who worked at Canyon Ranch.   There is no way they would tolerate Sonja and besides I agree there is no way she could afford it.

           I was shocked when they allowed the group to come.  The townies do not like New Yorkers.      

Every year I check the Canyon Ranch site when I'm trying to plan a vacation with my husband. I don't know, I guess I have to remind myself that it really is as expensive as it was when I checked the year before. It simply is a very expensive place and I've never been able to work out a way to afford it. We did make a trip to the Berkshires once and I felt uncomfortable even though I think our rental car didn't have NY plates. I guess people could tell by our accents.


I know two people who go to Canyon Ranch several times a year. I know they have money, but it never stands out to me until they make those trips to Canyon Ranch. I wouldn't be surprised if Sonja has found a way to go there for free or discounted. Maybe sleeping with a higher up?


Anyway, do the ladies go to Canyon Ranch this season or did that happen in a different season?


I really like Dorinda. Does she have a speech impediment though? No shade



I don't mean this in a shady way either, but Dorinda sounds like she slurs. I've heard people speak like this before and wondered if they were drunk, but never found out because one can't ask that question. I also think Kim sounds like this sometimes, but Kim says she's sober. Is it possible people who used to drink a lot develop a slur?

Edited by slade3
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I created an account just so I can gush about my LuAnn sighting last weekend! Was in Bridgehampton on Saturday having lunch at a table outside when I heard her unmistakeable voice...and right there, talking to the people at the table next to me, was LuAnn! She looked absolutely gorgeous, talked to the table for about five minutes (I even heard someone introducing her to the others as LuAnn), then went into an apartment right next to me, came out a few minutes later, then sat on a bench talking to her friend for a while. Soooo exciting! Not only my first ever Housewives sighting, but my favorite Housewife no less!


I should also mention that this whole thing happened about 2 hours after I got engaged. My fiance was not in the least bit amused that I found the two events to be even remotely comparable on the excitement scale ;)


In a situation like yours, my ass would have been arrested.


I would have followed her around begging and pleading for her to share every single style and beauty secret she had, and then begging for a tour of her Sag Harbor house so I could experience that lifestyle for 15 minutes.


Yeah, I'd be the headline for a Radar OnLine article:  Beauty- and Lifestyle-Crazed Woman Arrested for Harassing a Real Housewife!!!

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When it comes to dating much younger men, or much younger women for that matter, the issue for some is not necessarily a judgment, but more of an Ick factor. Example. Kim Richards poo pooing Brandi dating the moving guy or Max's friend. Kim has a son the same age, so in Kims (although we know it's rum soaked) mind, that's like dating a child, because Brandi is old enough to be the mother of a child/man college age. While it may not seem a big deal to someone else, NBD, it depends on your own personal mindset on the issue. That was the only time I agreed with Kim's point of view.

Carole is about 50 I believe. Why date someone who's 20 years younger? So, just like it does with older men trolling young girls, it seems perverted to some, including me. It's because we are thinking about what's best for our sons that age. With age, comes wisdom. Just like other parenting issues, it might be a concern that his youth would be squandered on someone from another generation that in the future, would be a poor match. If my 22 year old son was dating a 45-50 year old, like myself, sorry, but I would be thinking WTF? At the same time, if my 23 year old daughter was dating someone my age, boy would that gross me out. Sorry, but that's how I feel. Of course, the difference between older women & men is that with an older woman, does that mean the younger man doesn't want kids? Of course, he may not, no big deal, but than again, he might change his mind and if he committed to someone beyond child bearing years or done with it, where does that leave him? The negative reaction comes from a parenting concern in some cases.

Andy Cohen, Brandi, Carole, etc. can do whatever they want. Their boy or girl toys can do whatever they want. To each his own. I'm convinced that's why he loves Brandi...they share the same opinions on certain issues. They see no problem with it because of their opinion it's no big deal. Others have a right to comment it feels skeevey to them for their own reasons.

Speaking of other Housewives, we have LuAnn who was married to a man "twice her age" according to Ramona (I know he wasn't twice her age but he was what, 20 years older?) then Jaques (as mentioned) who was more than a decade younger. Sonja married a man much older, 20-25 years? Lisa and Ken on RHOBH are almost 20 years apart and Ken's son is married to a woman Lisa's age, at least 20 years his senior.

The idea that it couldn't be a serious relationship seems silly to me, and if it's not a serious relationship, good for them! The goal for every relationship doesn't have to be marriage and children, not everyone wants that. If they are happy, I say more power to them!

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Also, is there any way Ramona's house does not have more than two bedrooms upstairs? Why put Sonja in the basement, that place looks huge! Seems to me like they are just creating drama.


I didn't think she meant the basement.  (Unless she actually said the basement and I didn't hear it.  Which is entirely possible. LOL)  I think when she said downstairs, she meant as opposed to upstairs.  Like, first floor.  Main floor.  Maybe there's a master on the first floor and all the other bedrooms are up.  And Moaner and Mario had another master on the second level for the view? 


So it's possible there are four bedrooms upstairs - master, Avery's room, guest room and where Ramona hides the bodies.  And a master/guest suite downstairs (main level)?

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I just think it's pathetic. Plain and simple, I'm not opposed to age differences in relationships but a gap that big...... Well, it's pathetic and the *fact* that they are still together means he's just as pathetic as she is and probably has mommy issues to boot.




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Ramona was on the defense with Bethenny from the moment she got to the party. She got super defensive about Bethenny commenting that she called herself an old dog, then was all weird when they were all talking on the couch and then the brunch thing. I think she was lying about sending an email and decided to feign innocence when she started getting called out on it. Her emails get sent to her trash when she sends them? That doesn't even make sense. As entertaining as her craziness can be, I think she gets really nasty when her back is against the wall. The way she was talking to Bethenny --"caaaalm downnnn"-- was a practiced kind of maliciousness, designed to make her feel crazy (and make her angrier and thus act crazy); gaslighting and blame-shifting at its best. And I am sooo not a Bethenny defender.

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In a situation like yours, my ass would have been arrested.


I would have followed her around begging and pleading for her to share every single style and beauty secret she had, and then begging for a tour of her Sag Harbor house so I could experience that lifestyle for 15 minutes.


Yeah, I'd be the headline for a Radar OnLine article:  Beauty- and Lifestyle-Crazed Woman Arrested for Harassing a Real Housewife!!!

This is NOT the same, but I saw Bethenny across the street from my building in Manhattan over a month ago. She was in a coffee shop, sitting at a window, staring out. She looked very sad. I hadn't watched seasons 1 - 3 yet, so I had no idea what she was like, but I'm sure she noticed me recognizing her.

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I created an account just so I can gush about my LuAnn sighting last weekend! Was in Bridgehampton on Saturday having lunch at a table outside when I heard her unmistakeable voice...and right there, talking to the people at the table next to me, was LuAnn! She looked absolutely gorgeous, talked to the table for about five minutes (I even heard someone introducing her to the others as LuAnn), then went into an apartment right next to me, came out a few minutes later, then sat on a bench talking to her friend for a while. Soooo exciting! Not only my first ever Housewives sighting, but my favorite Housewife no less!


I should also mention that this whole thing happened about 2 hours after I got engaged. My fiance was not in the least bit amused that I found the two events to be even remotely comparable on the excitement scale ;)

Congratulations! And I love your story. It feels like a great addendum to your proposal story, which I bet your gf's will love, although your fiancé- not so much!

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I just have a couple of early observations here. What is with the orange tile counters in Ramona's kitchen? And the orange, green and white tile backsplash? In what decade would that have been in style? Also, I loved that Dorina had a sequined skull head on her shirt. That was awesome. Also, is there any way Ramona's house does not have more than two bedrooms upstairs? Why put Sonja in the basement, that place looks huge! Seems to me like they are just creating drama.

I made a comment last week that Ramona's house was very out of date.  The exterior is too.  The kitchen give a way is the counter. They have individual tiles on the counter which is definitely a much older style. Nowadays, the only time you see individual tile or granite is when someone is trying to cut corners on cost.

     The guest room had outdated carpet too.   Nothing wrong with the home, just outdated.

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I know two people who go to Canyon Ranch several times a year. I know they have money, but it never stands out to me until they make those trips to Canyon Ranch. I wouldn't be surprised if Sonja has found a way to go there for free or discounted. Maybe sleeping with a higher up?

How does Sonja afford anything? In other words, until her $7 million settlement is due, she keeps living it up on whatever money she has from her divorce or alimony, and her Bravo paycheck.

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Sonja and the beer in her purse...If you noticed, in the kitchen when she was pouring the beer she near about missed the glass completely, she was drunk as a skunk even by that point.


To be fair, when she was pouring it, Heather walked by and bumped Sonya's pouring elbow - so she didn't miss the glass so much as she had to recalibrate where she was pouring. LOL. I don't think Sonja was drunk as a skunk by then.  But she was glowing, for sure.

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just have a couple of early observations here. What is with the orange tile counters in Ramona's kitchen? And the orange, green and white tile backsplash? In what decade would that have been in style?


Ramona is stuck in the 90s. I'm not sure if that's when she bought and furnished the NYC apartment and the Hamptons house, but the decorating is strikingly similar. 

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"Is Ramona mad at Bethenny for returning? They automatically seemed to go after each other."


I think Ramona is really angry about Bethenny coming back. One reason is probably that Bethenny trumps her as more popular and successful.    Two, and maybe more maddening for Ramona is that she knows Bethenny is making a lot more money than she is.

     I think Luman feels the same, but her cowardly way of acting out is to invite Kelly to that party.


 Funny about the Luman sighting.    If it had been me, and this goes for 99% of all housewives, I might take a glance and eavesdrop a little, but I would pretend I had no idea who they were.    I would never want to know or be seen with any of them.      They are purely entertainment for me, making fools of themselves.

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Speaking of other Housewives, we have LuAnn who was married to a man "twice her age" according to Ramona (I know he wasn't twice her age but he was what, 20 years older?) then Jaques (as mentioned) who was more than a decade younger. Sonja married a man much older, 20-25 years? Lisa and Ken on RHOBH are almost 20 years apart and Ken's son is married to a woman Lisa's age, at least 20 years his senior.

The idea that it couldn't be a serious relationship seems silly to me, and if it's not a serious relationship, good for them! The goal for every relationship doesn't have to be marriage and children, not everyone wants that. If they are happy, I say more power to them!

I also agree with your comments as well. I was just trying to explain why myself & other posters have commented on the skeeve factor. I don't really care who Carole dates...I just think she appeared pathetic and was trying to explain why I feel that way. If it's not serious, I agree, who cares. If it is, that's their business, however, I'm just saying it seems odd to me and I don't see the attraction.

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Carole is about 50 I believe. Why date someone who's 20 years younger? So, just like it does with older men trolling young girls, it seems perverted to some, including me. It's because we are thinking about what's best for our sons that age.


Dating a man her own age would mean 1) dating a married man 2) dating a man with an ex- or kids and all the baggage that implies  3) dating a man who would rather have a younger woman with the hopes of having kids.  


For this guy, he's dating a woman who doesn't want kids.  To him, that might be preferable than dating a woman whose clock is ticking.

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I know two people who go to Canyon Ranch several times a year. I know they have money, but it never stands out to me until they make those trips to Canyon Ranch. I wouldn't be surprised if Sonja has found a way to go there for free or discounted. Maybe sleeping with a higher up?



I did wonder - fleetingly - if Sonja was talking about Kripalu, which is also in Lenox. And while some celebrities have gone there over the past (Isabella Rossellini, Woody Harrelson), it's a far cry from the luxurious Canyon Ranch. It's changed a bit since when I've gone there, but Kripalu is relatively no-frills and I can't imagine Sonja using a communal bathroom or eating breakfast in silence.


Carole is about 50 I believe. Why date someone who's 20 years younger?



This is the woman who said in her first season that men don't even get interesting until they hit 40, so…I'm a bit puzzled too. I understand Carole's got her fair share of detractors on the board, but IMO she's got a fair ways to go before she appears desperate a la Sonja. And actually, helping the chef was a smart strategy - it kept her out of the mess that was brewing amongst the others.

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I think Carole is annoying in that she flirts in a way that always involves getting the other person to acknowledge she is all that.   Its really obvious and pathetic to me.

           She wants everyone to know how fab she is as much as Sonja wants to keep reminding people she once had access to a yacht.

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I also agree with your comments as well. I was just trying to explain why myself & other posters have commented on the skeeve factor. I don't really care who Carole dates...I just think she appeared pathetic and was trying to explain why I feel that way. If it's not serious, I agree, who cares. If it is, that's their business, however, I'm just saying it seems odd to me and I don't see the attraction.

I actually love when younger men date older women, but I'm old-fashioned when it comes to how that dating starts. In the case of both Carole and Sonja, it seemed as if the chef and gardener would have been happy to talk to anyone there - in other words, I didn't see any chemistry between the couples, or any interest on the chef's part, or the gardener's part. Carole seemed to decide "Oh, he's cute, I'm going to keep him company" without a thought as to whether this guy wanted some stranger to keep him company while he was working. That seemed desperate to me. So what confuses me about Carole is her confidence, but also her inability to "read the room". I know one can't wait forever to meet the person who sees you across a crowded room and smiles, but deciding you're going to force your company on someone who is in the middle of preparing a meal he's being paid to prepare seemed desperate, ballsy and a little rude.

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I did wonder - fleetingly - if Sonja was talking about Kripalu, which is also in Lenox. And while some celebrities have gone there over the past (Isabella Rossellini, Woody Harrelson), it's a far cry from the luxurious Canyon Ranch. It's changed a bit since when I've gone there, but Kripalu is relatively no-frills and I can't imagine Sonja using a communal bathroom or eating breakfast in silence.



This is the woman who said in her first season that men don't even get interesting until they hit 40, so…I'm a bit puzzled too. I understand Carole's got her fair share of detractors on the board, but IMO she's got a fair ways to go before she appears desperate a la Sonja. And actually, helping the chef was a smart strategy - it kept her out of the mess that was brewing amongst the others.

Good point, maybe she was looking for an insulating distraction!

These ladies are a handful. I like the way the "new set" kind of group of and comment on the "original set" of the RHONY. Carole, Heather & Kristen entertained themselves as viewers of the other ladies drama when they started on this show. I'm really interested in seeing the "teams" changing if the previews are any indication...it's a bit 4th wall-ish, like when Lydia would giver her observations on the other ladies on the OC.

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