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S07.E02: New House, Old Grudges

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I thought Noel was more amused how the "old" woman was reacting to him.



Yeah, I got that impression too.  Noel seems like his mom & has a wry sense of humor.  If I was his age  I'd be fuckin' laughing my ass off at Carole.  Oh hell, I'm nowhere near his age & I was doin' that.  I mean, c'mon, other than being sorta tall & young, the chef was totally unmemorable.  Sheesh, Carole, desperate much?


Kristin is a non entity. Heather is starting to grate.



Kristen shoulda gotten the boot.  Heather can stay, even if her only function is to kick B's stuck-up ass.  I'm definitely getting a vibe Bethenny is gonna rub it in all of their faces how she's way, way way above all of 'em.  Have to admit, I'd luv for her to say to Kells that she's way up here & Kells is all the way down there.  What could Kells say back -- other than, "staaaaaahp, staaaaaahp"?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I liked seeing Noel in the kitchen helping to roll out those meatballs!  I can't believe that he's all grown up! 


Neither can I!  In fact when Noel was first shown I was kind of checking him out, not realizing who he was, and boy did I feel like a dirty old lady after that.


LuAnn looked absolutely gorgeous at the estate sale.  I'm a couple of months older than she is and I would still kill for her sense of style.

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One thing I did really love was when Ramona and Sonja were talking about the "gay husband." Ramona looked legitimately confused and said, "I just think of him as my friend." FINALLY! Who would have thought that Ramona of all people would be the first housewife to get how gross and demeaning that sounds!

What I couldn't believe in that scene was that Sonja didn't turn around and say "huh"?  Ramona is one of the first HW's I ever remember using the phrase "gay husband". She has said it over and over again on this show, and been hammered away at repeatedly for it. Suddenly she is saying that someone's sexuality doesn't occur to her? Whatever Ramona. 


I think Ramona will still in large part be Ramona - because she is actually bat shit crazy and I'm not sure most of her issues can be fixed on a hiatus - but it is clear she is trying to portray herself as a changed woman. So polite to the waitstaff at lunch in a way we have never seen, drinking water in one scene, a beer in the other (to negate the criticism that no one has ever seen her without a Pinot in her hand), the apology for Lu, telling Beth she is trying to be more "politically correct", and then pretending to be shocked that anyone would use the term "gay" anything. It is interesting and actually reminds me of S3 Ramona, which was the last season I could tolerate her. That was her renewal season and she was a nicer, kinder Ramona that year. I liked that she acknowledged she was making some positive changes in her life, but the next season she went back to being the same old Ramona. Maybe I will like the new Ramona again, but I doubt it. 

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I thought Noel was more amused how the "old" woman was reacting to him.

As for how Luann knows Mario is on dating sites, isn't she single? Maybe she is on them as well tons of my friends have been "matched" with exes of their friends.

I didn't watch last season so I kind of dig Carole an Luann's friendship even though I don't like Carole.

Carole finally figured out that she could be Luann's pilot fish.

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She wrote a couple of pretty nasty tweets about him, though. I don't like the guy, but she did the whole "who is he?" game, and chided him for being a famewhore and seeking attention and money. Last time I checked, she, too, is on a reality show, and is considered a famewhore out for money and attention. And both are guests on Andy's show and have to answer questions like "which HW needs plastic surgery?" So what's the difference btwn. the two?


The funniest part is, I believe that Terry's famewhore show Botched gets better ratings than Beth's famewhore show does.  


My guess is that Beth regretted sending those tweets. It's funny because they were actually kind of mean (IMO), but on WWHL she acted like she wasn't mad and that what he said was no big deal.  It's funny because on the show she said that there is nothing that anyone can say that can get to her, something that Kristen called out in her blog. Beth contradicted her own words by making it seem like someone talking about her being too skinny bothered her greatly.  Surely people talk about her weight all the time? 

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I'm confused...is the boy chef dating Carol or LuAnn?  In the previews for the season, LuAnn mentions dating her niece's ex boyfriend and he's "young".  Carol tells someone that SHE'S dating the chef guy from the Hampton's.   So is he dating both of them?  That'll put an end to Carol & LuAnn's budding friendship pretty fast!


I need more of Kristin and Dorinda giving side eye in the background whenever Sonja's on screen.  The kid gloves need to come off with her.  If Sonja wants to live in a world of fantasy, that's OK but don't try to sell your lies to your friends, who know your real deal better than you,  I wouldn't tolerate it if she were in my circle.  I'd challenge her on every claim she makes about her fabulousness. 

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Color me surprised, but I was actually quite touched by Ramona's apology. Like Luann, I felt this was the most genuine and humble we've seen her. It wasn't a typical Ramona apology - "I'm sorry if YOU were hurt by what I said". No, she flat out owned how wrong she had been and truly seemed sorry for being so nasty to Luann. Hey, I hate what Mario did to her, but if some good can come out of it, if Ramona can change some of those unpleasant things about her, good for her. 


I did think Luann was right to cautiously take the apology, and not go skipping off into the sunset with Ramona. I did seem genuine, but you never know where she'll be next week. Baby steps. 


I also appreciated when Ramona and Sonja were talking about their friend (can't remember his name) and Sonja said how nice it was to have a "gay best friend" or "gay husband", or whatever she said, when going through a bad split....and Ramona said something to the effect of, "I don't call him my GAY anything. He's just my friend and he's a good guy". Finally! Someone said it. 


And Sonja can lose me with her looking down of the nose at Luanna's Sag Harbor house. Look, I am not even remotely familiar with NYC or the surrounding areas (been to the city on the way to Cape Cod twice around the age of 5), but I thought her house looked lovely. Much more open, airy, and cheerful than the old one. But, hello, Sonja! You just pulled a Corona out of your fucking purse! Who are you to act all high and mighty!? 


I have nothing to say about Bethenny and Ramona's stupid brunch fight. Because that's all it was. Stupid. My 5 and 6-year-old fight about more meaningful things. 

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also loved Ramona saying she thinks of her sister as a "living doll" and telling the waitress she loves her smile.  It just boggles my mind Ramona owns a business and property and isn't in an asylum.


I actually liked that she told the waitress she loved her smile, and made sure to get her name and introduce themselves as well. It's a stark contrast between how rude and dismissive I've seen other people on these shows be towards their wait staff. I don't know, I'm particularly sensitive to the issue because my inlaws are horrible to eat out with, they are very rude to wait staff. So I always try to be over-the-top nice. But it's quite possible that Ramona's smile compliment made that woman's night. 


ETA: I totally forgot that LuAnn was the one who coined "Skinny Girl!" Whether she buys her a car or not, LOL, Beth sure did not like being reminded of that fact.


Can someone refresh my memory on this. The flashback they showed was so brief, but it seemed to me like Luann asked what that was Beth just ordered, Beth responded something like, "Oh, it's a skinny girl's margarita" and Luann just repeated it? I may have missed something, but it didn't seem to me like Luann came up with the name. 


I loved her description of Sonja as an urban myth, and a combination of...two things I can't remember at the moment but enjoyed at the time.


Dorinda said she was a combination of Mary Poppin and Zsa Zsa Gabor. It was quite astute and hilarious! Even my mother texted me to laugh about that line. 

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I saw what you saw, ghoulina. Beth said it first. It was a nice inscription but I don't think she was being anything but gracious. She mentioned "help." How that translates to cash in Heather's mind, well...says more about Heather.

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God bless you Heather for throwing Bethenny some shade about the book inscription. It was STEALTH and really made B squirm. She can't even give the Countess OK maybe not a car but maybe a shout out to back up the book inscription, no wonder she is all 10 shades of rage about splitting any of it with Jason Hoppy! Bethenny has NO family NO husband no one around her except paid employees and no one to make her accountable for anything and it's showing on her.


Luann has my radar pinging mean girl because she is clearly on the anti Ramona bus. The taunting of "I'm not stressed out  Imnotstressedout" was not in the etiquette book Countess especially in your own home. You do not make a guest feel uncomfortable. Luann said that etiquette requires the houseguest to check back with Ramona before they make other plans, and does not require Bethenny to be sensitive to poaching Ramona's guests. Money can't buy you class. Bethenny should not have singled out one of someone else's weekend houseguests for an invite, especially when Ramona had one on the table. Ramona is ok, off kilter, but she's feeling vulnerable and walking a fine line of independence with her new life and was taking a lot of pride with those ladies en suite. I think Bethenny could have been more considerate but quite Frankely does not have the manners. She has the right to do whatever she wants and ask whoever she wants but a little thought into the process would have been sensitive.


Noel is grown up! wow! So cute the hip hop flashback. Where is the sweet tiny nanny?


I hoped at first Lu was banging the chef. Noel gets his own cottage so Lu can find new pirates, she even has a boat now!  Arrrrrrrgh. ;-)


Carole hanging on him was clingy and desperate. My better half caught that hot minute & said "Man does she want to breed that kid or what. She is old enough to be his mother! Two times over!" hahahaha


Luann needs to keep it together for me, don't pick on Ramona even though she has more than earned it, straighten your taper candles and what in the name of God is that flaccid flowering cactus on the sideboard? Stay on fleek, Countess !

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Dorinda - It's early but she's going to be fun.  I like her observations.  Love that we have another summer in the Berkshire's gal.  I hope we end up there again.  I much prefer that experience over all the posing in the Hamptons.


Heather - That was nasty over SkinnyGirl.  Loved how they ran the clip with Beth telling Luann she called it the SkinnyGirl.  I want a car for listening too!  I think Heather is just a wee bit jealous that Bethenny hit the jackpot.  If she continues this it's all about trying to be relevant.  If this is the last we hear she just let the champs get the better of her.


Sonja - Oh honey


Ramona - Good grief, apparently no one is allowed to have brunch in the Hamptons but Ramona.  Love the lost email.  Even better was the clip they ran on WWHL where Ramona is committing the same brunch faux pas by asking Jill's guest Bethenny to lunch.  I don't blame B for leaving the party.


Luann - Finally a fine example of moving on with life.  Sonja, Ramona, Beth - take notes.  And how cute is Noel?


Bethenny - Oh her talking heads are the best.  Bitches who brunch.

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One thing I did really love was when Ramona and Sonja were talking about the "gay husband." Ramona looked legitimately confused and said, "I just think of him as my friend." FINALLY! Who would have thought that Ramona of all people would be the first housewife to get how gross and demeaning that sounds!


Like others above I too liked her saying she thought of him as her friend (and not some gay toy) but I don't usually have a problem with someone using the "gay husband/bf" phrase even though I think it's stupid and demeaning, though not offensive. Hard for me to get upset about something I usually see gay men fully participating in and even encouraging by calling themselves it as well. If they don't have a problem I wont waste any energy being annoyed or upset by it.


I also saw in the flashback that Beth was the one who called it Skinny Girl, Lu just parroted her. So yea, buy me a car for repeating what you said Beth! lol Maybe there is another clip or moment where Lu actually comes up with the name because we didn't see it in this ep. Nice of Beth to acknowledge that Lu might have influenced her in coming up with the brand though (in whatever way it occurred).


I really liked this ep, it had a lot of funny moments. 

Edited by jvr
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Can someone refresh my memory on this. The flashback they showed was so brief, but it seemed to me like Luann asked what that was Beth just ordered, Beth responded something like, "Oh, it's a skinny girl's margarita" and Luann just repeated it? I may have missed something, but it didn't seem to me like Luann came up with the name.


Nope, that's what I heard too.  And the inscription was just thanks for being there.  I'm sure Heather felt a little foolish once she saw the actual taped event.  God, wouldn't it be odd to always have taped evidence of how things happen.  But to be fair, the guy who sued Bethenny gave her a name at a cocktail party so Luann could sue for $100 million.

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Loved seeing Lu's new house. I liked the old one, but it was a bit dark. The new one is to die for. And Noel has his own cottage? How cool is that? I was wondering why she was selling the actual house fixtures of the old one, but I think someone said the buyer was going to tear down the old one. These people and their money!


Sonja is insanely jealous of Lu. While Lu's divorce was not happy, the Count settled with her and she is now independent, so she can buy and sell her house if she pleases. Sonja is still fighting with Old Man Morgan about I know not what, she has had to sell assets because of need, she has a judgement she has to pay. I wonder if she also has creditors chasing her. LuAnn also gets to forever be a Countess, which I know bugs the crap outta Sonja. Sonja loves to talk about rubbing elbows with royalty, but LuAnn is royalty. So what's the problem with Sag Harbor? Sonja certainly had her nose in the air about it. 


Ramona goes from zero to 10 in a millisecond. When she was with Dorinda and before Bethany walked in, she was acting all sane, but as soon as B walked in, kaboom. I do think she was sincere when she apologized to LuAnn, but LuAnn is right about being cautious. You never know what sets Ramona off. Ramona never sent an email, for sure, I guess in Ramona's mind, if you are staying with her, you are a prisoner, you can only do activities perscribed by Ramona. What an ass. I also didn't get it when B kept saying that "in the company of men" meant sleeping around. It doesn't mean that to me, it means she is hanging out, but not really dating men. What's the big deal?


Oh Carole, you do think you are 22. Skinny doesn't equal young, girlfriend. 


I loved Heather's red jacket and blue blouse, I wanted to snatch it from her. Sonja looked like an ad for Garnet Hill, lol. LuAnn always looks so casually effortlessly put together. I love her style. 


I wonder what Dorinda was thinking when she got a full on dose of the RH. Her head must have been spinning. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I never hated Beth before, and I definitely love having the OG housewives back, but I did not appreciate how Bethenny came in guns blazing for Ramona.  Yes, Ramona is crazy, but calling her a slut who sleeps around and then dragging her outside to say you don't care to hang with you?  Fuck off Bethenny.  

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Sonja is insanely jealous of Lu. While Lu's divorce was not happy, the Count settled with her and she is now independent, so she can buy and sell her house if she pleases. Sonja is still fighting with Old Man Morgan about I know not what, she has had to sell assets because of need, she has a judgement she has to pay. I wonder if she also has creditors chasing her. LuAnn also gets to forever be a Countess, which I know bugs the crap outta Sonja. Sonja loves to talk about rubbing elbows with royalty, but LuAnn is royalty. So what's the problem with Sag Harbor? Sonja certainly had her nose in the air about it. 


From what people have said here, it seems like Sonja got a good/decent settlement out of her ex, but she squandered it away. She somehow had both the townhouse in NYC (which she could have sold before it started falling apart) and a place in France. Lu was just smart about how she handled things after her divorce. I used to feel bad for Sonja, because she does seem truly desperate and in a bad place, but then she wastes her money on gold (!) facials while refusing to get a dental implant. She makes such bad decisions. 

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I never hated Beth before, and I definitely love having the OG housewives back, but I did not appreciate how Bethenny came in guns blazing for Ramona.  Yes, Ramona is crazy, but calling her a slut who sleeps around and then dragging her outside to say you don't care to hang with you?  Fuck off Bethenny.


Bethenny said that Ramona doesn't sleep around.  Bethenny left the party and was talking to Luann.  Ramona ran out to talk to her.  I'm not sure we watched the same show.  I've still got it on Tivo so I'll double check.

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I'm confused...is the boy chef dating Carol or LuAnn?  In the previews for the season, LuAnn mentions dating her niece's ex boyfriend and he's "young".  Carol tells someone that SHE'S dating the chef guy from the Hampton's.   So is he dating both of them?  That'll put an end to Carol & LuAnn's budding friendship pretty fast!



I don't think LuAnne ever said she was dating him.  I'm 99% sure it's Carole who ends up dating him.  So for those who think her flirting was "not cute" or desperate or pathetic.... apparently he thought differently!  For some people (albeit a small percentage of the population), age really IS just a number!


Bethanny and Ramona both annoyed me. So shrill.  Much loudness.  Really liking Dorinda so far.  She seems to have the ability to snark, yet do it in a "I'm mostly just amused by these crazy pants women" way.  But then, there is her daughter.... so that leads me to believe that maybe I'll end up changing my mind!


Add me in to the Sonja/Carole Cougar camp who were first looking at that "other guy" in the kitchen with a Hello SIR! eye and then realizing...oh shit, that's little Noel.  Who's not little.  And very handsome!

Edited by Duke2801
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Bethenny said that Ramona doesn't sleep around.  Bethenny left the party and was talking to Luann.  Ramona ran out to talk to her.  I'm not sure we watched the same show.  I've still got it on Tivo so I'll double check.


No, you are exactly right, that's what happened. Sometimes I think I watched a different show too lol. No one was dragged outside and Beth didn't call anyone a slut that I saw, she just questioned using a phrase that to her meant something she didn't think Ramona would like. Plus most of what she said was not in the scene with Moaner (but in her interview segment). 

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Bethenny said that Ramona doesn't sleep around.  Bethenny left the party and was talking to Luann.  Ramona ran out to talk to her.  I'm not sure we watched the same show.  I've still got it on Tivo so I'll double check.

No, you watched the right show. Beth said something about "keeping the company of men" implies sleeping around a bit, and that she knows Ramona doesn't sleep around. She certainly never tried to drag Ramona outside to say anything to her.  She left and Ramona followed her. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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I moved away from NY a long time and still have dreams of winning the lottery and buying a house just like Lu's, and yes, Sag Harbour would do just fine for me. 


Loved Dorinda's side eye to everything about Sonja. She can see right through her bullshit. I like her. 


I think it would be delicious if Jason moved on from this divorce in progress and found himself a younger cutie from his hometown in PA and had a couple more kids. How would the Skinnygirl handle that?


Was Sonja hitting on the gardener at Lu's party? Sonja comedy gold right there. 

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Sometimes I think I watched a different show too lol.

I really do just leave some of these shows on the Tivo list for a while.  And there have been times when I've 'run the tape' and damn I totally missed something.  But in this case I have the distinct memory of Luann going out and my thought was Luann was the one that said - hey brunch tomorrow?  Do we want to go out or what?  The Bethenny turned to the person closest to her and said, do you want to come to my house.  I thought the next thing would be Bethenny saying that to the other folks that were talking.  When Ramona just launched at her she said I'm not doing this and left, followed out by Luann.  I thought Luann was going to say, do you want to do a brunch at our house, what time.  But Ramona first attacked Bethenny and hyperventilated while insisting B calm down.  Then went back inside and announced her email made it clear that she was having brunch.  It was odd, odd, odd.


Bethenny and Ramona were teasing about it to each other on twitter so whatever happens they are still talking.

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My question is about the comment Bethany made when she was in the car, she said she keeps moving from executive apartments to hotels on the regular...why, is she running out on the tab? Pick one or the other and stick with it, there are long term arrangements that can be made with hotels and executive apartments. Wouldn't that be a more stable life for her child? I think it makes it easier for Jason to file for full custody if it looks like the child must live an unstable life because of her selfish mother.  I put the owness on Bethany for her "misery" with all the time spent in a car driving to the next luxury hotel or executive apartment, besides her child she is running a business, how unfair it is to her employees to keep uprooting them and then expecting deadlines to be met, keeping clients happy and not losing files etc... 

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I also didn't get it when B kept saying that "in the company of men" meant sleeping around. It doesn't mean that to me, it means she is hanging out, but not really dating men. What's the big deal?


I didn't get that either. "Keeping company" means just that....keeping company. If I said, "I'm keeping company with cats lately", does that mean I'm having sex with them? No. It was very clear to me that Ramona meant she was being taken out by some men, but keeping it pretty light and casual. Nowhere in that did I get, Ramona is banging the entire Upper East Side. 


Bethenny said that Ramona doesn't sleep around.  Bethenny left the party and was talking to Luann.  Ramona ran out to talk to her.  I'm not sure we watched the same show.  I've still got it on Tivo so I'll double check.


Bethenny DID say that Ramona isn't the type to sleep around. But she insisted that her (Ramona's) phraseology implied that she was, indeed, sleeping around. And that's where some disagree. 

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Some toughts :

- What's Sonja's substances of choice ? Adderal + alcohol ? Coke and alcohol ? Because NOWHERE she was clear !

- Bethenny : I never watched her before this season, and was expecting someone with a kind of funny and bubbly side. But I only get a fake, whiny, and really manipulative person talking... The kind of people I never want around me. A kind of Sonja-ish, a little bit less delusionnal, but more "calculated"

- Ramona's apologize ? I liked it, and found it really genuine

Edited by Diane Mars
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But it's quite possible that Ramona's smile compliment made that woman's night.



Since the waitress seemed to be a larger gal (I'm one too so no shade intended), I'm relieved that Ramona didn't follow it up with one of her "I'm trying to be helpful" Ramona-isms. Like, "You have a great smile…if you lost some weight you'd be a knockout." 


Noel is grown up! wow! So cute the hip hop flashback.



He's definitely a cutie and always seemed like a sweet-natured kid. I know Victoria went through her phase of sneaking out of the house and whatnot, but LuAnn's children seem pretty unspoiled as far as these RH shows go. And it's cool that Noel still has his skateboard business.


But, hello, Sonja! You just pulled a Corona out of your fucking purse! Who are you to act all high and mighty!?


Because she's not stopping by convenience stores to buy economy-sized bags of potato chips, like LuAnn. (Still my favorite WTF? moment from S6.)

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So at the beginning of Luann's party a beautiful black lady was shown saying hi to her. I may have missed an introduction if one was given however during the brucnh scene on the couch in the side room the same lady was seen hanging out with all the housewives however she never spoke. No other guest, that I could tell was in the particular room so I thought it odd that she was in there. Was this a housewife that didn't get an Apple? 


Sonja and the beer in her purse...If you noticed, in the kitchen when she was pouring the beer she near about missed the glass completely, she was drunk as a skunk even by that point. Then she kept adding ice to it. Yuck! And was she drinking a corona? Double Yuck! At least smuggle in some Craft Beer lady! 


Carole is getting ready close to Sonja territory for me with her desperateness. At least be coy about the fact that you are flirting with a boy 30 years younger than you. 


The Ramona/Bethenny argument was odd and as much as I dislike B, I was on her side. Sonja is not Ramona's property and besides, you'd think Ramona would be happy to have Sonja out of her hair. It seems like they barely tolerate each other anymore, what with Sonja having to sleep in the "dog house" at Ramona's place. 


Lu's place was so nice and I couldn't believe that was Noel. He's one lucky kid to get his own cottage because I'll go ahead and tell you now, my boys (who are still babies) would not ever be given their own cottage on my property. Get your own place. But I'm also not rich and single. 

Edited by Mountainair
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I never hated Beth before, and I definitely love having the OG housewives back, but I did not appreciate how Bethenny came in guns blazing for Ramona.  Yes, Ramona is crazy, but calling her a slut who sleeps around and then dragging her outside to say you don't care to hang with you?  Fuck off Bethenny.  


I didn't see it quite this way... to me, The B was reacting to Ramona who came in already looking completely frazzled. The reaction to the brunch invite was completely over the top and I kind of appreciated the fact the The B shut it down but quick after seeing her antics.


That said, it's a shame they can't just build a bridge and get over it (and themselves), because you'd think they'd be a halfway decent support system for each other as they work through their membership applications in the "I didn't realize I married an asshole" club. On the surface, they have a LOT in common.



I am really liking Dorinda. She's clearly being set up as the Greek chorus and I like the fact that she seems comfortable enough in herself to operate in this world while not getting dragged down in it (....yet). She's remarkably down to earth for this franchise and I think that's sorely needed.


Heather seemed unnecessarily thirsty with the whole "buy Lu a car" thing. I'm wondering if she's trying to pull a Kenya Moore in order to retain her apple... Aviva's gone, so now she needs a foil. 


Second episode was much better than the first, and this season seems to be off to a better start than the last.  I just hope it doesn't come off the rails RHOA-style.

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I'm really having a hard time remembering what the problem is between Beth and Ramona. I thought they were on good terms when she left the show before? And she was at the wedding on the other show. What happened?

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Just shut up Bethenny!  Bringing her back seems dated and desperate for the show.  She seems hard, brittle and angry.  The extra skinny which I used to covet is starting to look haggard on her. Too hard-edged, too loud, too shrill.  She was on an upswing when she left the show with her life and business, now she has the failed marriage and talk show (yeah I know you're so GLAD that's over girl)!  And she sounded totally defensive about the homeless remarks on WWHL.  She knew how it sounded but seems to feel sorry for herself.  I don't think she owned that at all.  She shouldv'e said, I'm an asshole and it was a series of asshole remarks about her oh so sad multi-millinaire situation.  The first statement about being the richest hoimelss person in NY was funny, after that stop wailing and crying about it!

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WWHL was funny last night regarding the etiquette question about extending an invitation to someone's houseguest.  They showed a clip of Ramona in S1 saying something to Beth about knowing that she was staying at Jill's house, but that she would love for her to get a way for a while and join her for lunch. This is why Ramona is such a treasure. She is the ultimate hypocrite in almost any situation. 

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Welp. Add me to the list of women who first saw the cute guy sitting in LuAnn's kitchen and noted his attractiveness only to be taken aback by the fact that he's an 18-year-old Noel. LuAnn has some great looking kids!

I'm confused...is the boy chef dating Carol or LuAnn? In the previews for the season, LuAnn mentions dating her niece's ex boyfriend and he's "young". Carol tells someone that SHE'S dating the chef guy from the Hampton's. So is he dating both of them? That'll put an end to Carol & LuAnn's budding friendship pretty fast!

The preview was kind of fast, but from what I remember, there was a clip of LuAnn saying that it was awkward cut quickly with her also saying "dating my niece's ex." So, it made it seem like she was talking about now dating her niece's ex. However, it was in response to Carole asking LuAnn if it was weird for her that Carole was now dating the niece's ex.

Which leads me to all the gasping about Carole flirting with the guy. Since they're still dating, and this thing filmed late summer/early fall, I'm going to say that Mr. Chef had no problem with Carole's flirting.

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Ramona was reacting to Betheney's comments about her dating. They were very aggressive and I think it pissed Ramona off and in Ramona fashion, she was unable to communicate her displeasure in the normal way so she went after her about the brunch. That's what I saw.

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I stand corrected about Bethenny's comments/slut shaming of Ramona.  There was so much screeching I misunderstood!  My takeaway was that Ramona was saying she was keeping the company of men (Ramona is so dumb, I love it - she has class, an AMBIANCE, kadooz!), and then Bethenny hit back hard with 'that means you're sleeping around'.  I missed the part about her denying that Ramona was sleeping around and was merely corrected Ramona for one of her many grammatical fuckups.


Having said that - Bethenny irritates me.  Just the fact that she came back to the show proves to me that she is desperate as hell.  I am sick of her pretending that she's homeless.  And Ramona is crazy, hypocritical and rude - but goddammit if I don't still have a soft spot for her!  I feel the same way about Vicki on OC.  I can trash talk them as much as I like, but if the other housewives go in on them, I get pissed!


I cracked up to see that flashback scene of Noel with his breakdance teacher.  The first season of NYC was delusional magic and that scene in particular was rewound hundreds of times in my home - Cyclone was such a dork!  I wonder where he is now. 

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Because she's not stopping by convenience stores to buy economy-sized bags of potato chips, like LuAnn. (Still my favorite WTF? moment from S6.)


Ahhh, good point. As long as it's not a big, ol bag of potato chips! Heaven forbid. 


Wait, what if you had both???

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Basically DITTO to Mozelle's whole post! 


Carole is getting ready close to Sonja territory for me with her desperateness. At least be coy about the fact that you are flirting with a boy 30 years younger than you.



I'm honestly failing to understand how flirting openly with somebody cute and younger than you makes one "desperate." To me, the term means "omg, I'm SO desperate to land a boyfriend/husband that I will literally take the next guy who comes along, no matter what he looks like or what a loser he is."  


Now, if Carole was going around flirting it up with fat, balding, older men (see: Dorinda's beau), yes, I could see how one might deem her desperate. 


And I don't think that Chef-Boy-R-Cute is 20 is he??

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What could she possibly have in common with that young man? I think it is a pathetic attempt to prove her desirability. She really bugs.

He wasn't cute, he was just young.

Edited by Higgins
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Vicky and Ramona are so alike, they are truly reality show gold. You don't need to.script Ramona...she naturally provides.the goods without even.having to.fight lol

I would so love a buddy type of show with those two.

They are both singles, they could cruise together for men.

Even the thought of of having those two being on a road trip or even a cruise to "empower" women make me smile.

Shit, I would even do PPV

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Bethenny was very pointed and aggressive with Ramona, but Bethenny has been that way with pretty much everyone since she's been back. Is it a holdover from her brief stint as a talk show host?  I'm really not minding her at all, and thought the drama between the two last night was just a great balance of ludicrous and petty.  But she has lacked a certain amount of joy in her interactions so far on the show. She used to get a kick out of people and things and she doesn't seem to anymore. I mean Ramona is a ridiculous person, but B used to be able to laugh at her. I did appreciate her face when Ramona was using her "come down from the ledge" voice, that was classic. 

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Basically DITTO to Mozelle's whole post! 



I'm honestly failing to understand how flirting openly with somebody cute and younger than you makes one "desperate." To me, the term means "omg, I'm SO desperate to land a boyfriend/husband that I will literally take the next guy who comes along, no matter what he looks like or what a loser he is."  


Now, if Carole was going around flirting it up with fat, balding, older men (see: Dorinda's beau), yes, I could see how one might deem her desperate. 


And I don't think that Chef-Boy-R-Cute is 20 is he??


Because I stay being Sleuthy McSleutherson, I found Adam's (Carole's chef boyfriend) LinkedIn. It says that he went to Colorado State from 2003-2007. If he followed the standard high school to college trajectory, that would put him at 29 or 30 years old now. 

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Is LuAnn the coolest mom or what? Noel gets his own separate man cave (well, boy cottage)? What a great house, too.


Sonja's got "healing hands," wheee! Sounds like a euphemism. If she's going to Canyon Ranch in Lenox, I've no idea how she's paying for it. That's the place where Cindy took Jill, LuAnn and Kelly in S4 and it's very spendy.

I lived in Lenox, have known people who worked at Canyon Ranch.   There is no way they would tolerate Sonja and besides I agree there is no way she could afford it.

           I was shocked when they allowed the group to come.  The townies do not like New Yorkers.      

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What could she possibly have in common with that young man? I think it is a pathetic attempt to prove her desirability. She really bugs.

He wasn't cute, he was just young.


LOL. As Mozelle pointed out, they are still dating, so apparently he likes pathetic women.


Do you automatically have things in common with everybody in your age?  So why assume the opposite side of that and assume that one wouldn't have something in common with a person 20 years older or younger than them?  Oh right, because then we couldn't bash Carole. 


Me? I have friends of ALL ages, from early 20s up to age 60.  I would really be missing out a lot of wonderful people in my life if I limited myself to befriending people exclusively within my age bracket.  I don't see why dating necessarily has to be any different if both parties are cool with it.


And he was cute. IMO!

Edited by Duke2801
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"Luann telling Ramotional that Mario is on dating sights, can't wait.  How does she know?"


Is there anything that isn't passive aggressive that comes out of her mouth?

 She still mentions being the Countless in her tag line.    She has no genuine personality.  She was a normal not too bright person from Conn. still pretending to be someone else, never ever doing a good job of it.    She has never once owned up to anything.    Can't stand her.


 Sonja now looks like a down and out drunk as well as being one.


eta:     I wanted to comment on Carole. She has made the transition from once a respected writer and correspondent to one more housewife. She must of been flat broke.   It seems to go beyond broke though, because she seems to be as dumb and obnoxious as well.

Edited by Cherrio
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If all she is looking for is short breezy relationships, and that is her prerogative, then fine. There is little chance this is a life partnership. Maybe she isn't looking for that. As a woman her age, I wouldn't be interested in a relationship with a man, using that term loosely, that I don't share life experiences, cultural references a shared sense of history. Maybe that's just me PLUS......Men get better looking in middle age IMO.

"Luann telling Ramotional that Mario is on dating sights, can't wait.  How does she know?"


Is there anything that isn't passive aggressive that comes out of her mouth?

 She still mentions being the Countless in her tag line.    She has no genuine personality.  She was a normal not too bright person from Conn. still pretending to be someone else, never ever doing a good job of it.    She has never once owned up to anything.    Can't stand her.


 Sonja now looks like a down and out drunk as well as being one.

Really, what a bitch....why does she feel the need to throw that in Ramona's face?

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My question is about the comment Bethany made when she was in the car, she said she keeps moving from executive apartments to hotels on the regular...why, is she running out on the tab? 


I don't understand that either.  Before we found our place in NYC, my fiance's company put us up in a very swell, furnished corporate apartment for a month.  But the way Beth was talking to her assistant, it was like they'd stay here and there and then figure out where they'd be next week. WTH?  Pick a place, Beth.  NYC is full of 'em.

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RHONY was a relief after the heavy handed (and sad) drama of the RHOBH reunion.

It was great to see Noel - grown up - the future Count - helping in the kitchen.

I think both Ramona and Bethenny are made for this kind of reality TV guilty pleasure.

I am beginning to see where Dorinda fits in.

I hope RHONY stays away from the dark side - which have been the Achilles heel for some of the other shows in the franchise.

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