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S05.E22: Reunion Part 3

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We know that Kim is capable of driving under the influence because we've seen her do it on the show in season 2. It's not like this is something that she is incapable of. 



She drove drunk during season 2? I honestly don't recall that but I haven't seen season 2 in ages.

I have been sitting here trying to find the right words to express how I'm feeling. It's so easy to jump into straight snark as they comes more easily to me. I think there some very lucky people on this board who have not had to engage with an addict and might find it highly offensive that others almost appear giddy about Kims arrest. I honestly don't think anyone here really delights in someone else's suffering (ok maybe a few!) it's just that when you have a history with addicts you never get to have that satisfactory moment of "see I wasn't crazy , he/ she really is using, I told you so" . You don't have it ,because in that moment where a relapse happens you are too busy bailing them out of jail, trying to find a rehab that accepts your insurance or attending their funeral. Most of us have been lied to, stolen from and had our hearts broken yet again as we beleive that this time the outcome really will be different. I can't explain the anger of knowing you are being lied to yet the guilt for not trusting someone you care about. I think this arrest allows people to play out their own "see I told you moment" that we all longed for. It's vindication by proxy. It's also safe because nobody was hurt and we all know help for Kim is a phone call away. No one would be having this reaction if Kim overdosed and killed herself.

From your mouth to God's ears. I would sure hope not.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
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Blaming LVP for making Kim drive to the Polo Lounge, drink to excess, get cut off, harass the patrons, get 86'd, lock herself in the bathroom, refuse arrest, and kick a cop??? The press release was definitely written by Brandi.


And the old saw.. Monty's DYING and she's planning a WEDDING.....  For the love of Pete,  that poor Monty is not only suffering with CANCER, he's got this stupid bitch blaming him for her own frickin' problems.  I think I'd just go rent an apartment and call in Hospice and be done with it.  Like what in the fresh HELL??

And for cryin' out loud, the WEDDING.... IS NUMBER TWO.  Girl is ALREADY MARRIED.

This cracked me up so hard! Thanks, goofygirl!

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Well the saying "what you resist, persist" is certainly true in Kims case. So much of the drama this season could have been avoided if she had simply said "yes I relapsed, relapse is part of recovery and this a long journey" but no....that was too easy.

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OG - Ok I started this and then I lied to you all.  Lied like a lying liar.  OG is Original Gangsta not Old Gangsta.  I don't know what to say.  I had a lot of limes in my gin and tonic the night before so I might have some kind of brain malfunction from the pesticide in the limes.  I don't remember if I specifically bought organic limes.  And I don't remember if I washed them but there I was slicing them up and throwing them in my drinks, I mean drink.


So please don't be saying old gangsta in front of your teenage boys because they will laugh you out of the room.  Again, I'm sorry.  I'm as sorry as LisaR.

That's ok sweetie. We wont hold it against you. I'll still sit next to you and be your Eileen (though I'm not as classy) and dramatically whisper "How dare you." if someone says anything to you.

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That's because you were looking out without the booze and pill soaked brain of Kim Richards. Silly you.


Lisa talked about Kim's "issues". So it's Lisa's fault. The problem is not that Kim is a pill popping drunk, it's that people TALKED about her being one. Don't you remember how Kimmy explained all that on the show. If everyone would just stop TALKING about the problem it would go away.


Hey, I've been sober at least a 1/2 hour, maybe even 90 minutes if you count napping.........

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Kim's people officially start the blame game. It's now Lisa Vanderpump's fault for driving a wedge between the two sisters! Bwah!

Kim writing blogs. . . . .hahahaha.  I don't know this happened two days ago and Brooke had just arrived in Dubai on the 12th-seems like a rather quick turn around trip for someone who complained how long it took her to get there.  Really Vanderpump's fault?

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I wonder if Kim got loaded before going to the polo lounge. It doesn't make sense to drink pubically (I'm leaving that typo, you can't make me delete it) around a paparazzi infested bar. Not that Kim is known for making sense, but...still.

Well, call me crazy or harsh or whatever, but I think she did it on purpose hoping to garner more sympathy because those horrible women drove her to it. There. I said it.

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I'm pretty sure that all Thursday episodes of WWHL are taped on Wednesday. I'm guessing that's why nothing was said about it. 


Yeah, that could be it.


I was leaning more towards Andy might have been instructed by Bravo/NBC legal team not to say anything yet. as Bravo is apparently not commenting to any news/tabloid publications yet.

Edited by Persnickety1
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Am I making fun of Kim's fall. YES I AM. She put herself in the public eye and showed how cold, selfish, and cut from the gut mean she could be. She even threw her niece on her pile of victims. She's damn lucky she hasn't killed anybody yet.


 I have no sympathy for her. I'm touchy feely, sympathetic, empathetic and compassionate towards those I feel deserve it.  Not everybody deserves it. It is too bad she is an alcoholic, but if she ever gets sober, which would be a good thing, it still doesn't address her unapologetic, selfish, meanness. Kim has shown everybody who she is and doesn't like the response she has gotten and blames everybody but herself. That has happened sober and not.


As far as my snark, these are public people who have put themselves on a pedestal, they made themselves a glass house, accepted money for the pleasure of being one of the chosen ones, and I've got a wicked sense of humor and understand schadenfreude.

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Well the saying "what you resist, persist" is certainly true in Kims case. So much of the drama this season could have been avoided if she had simply said "yes I relapsed, relapse is part of recovery and this a long journey" but no....that was too easy.

It's much more understandable if you think this wasn't a relapse, Kim is an active substance abuser, and all of Kim's behavior was aimed at establishing control of people new to her circle. Remember how everybody who wasn't Brandi petted and coddled Kim way back on Game Night? They knew the deal. You can't tell me Camille doesn't know what an addict looks like. After Amsterdam, Rinna was done, just like Vanderpump was done after Paris.

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I wonder if Kim got loaded before going to the polo lounge. It doesn't make sense to drink pubically (I'm leaving that typo, you can't make me delete it) around a paparazzi infested bar. Not that Kim is known for making sense, but...still.

I bet most of her issue was from the pills from Monty.

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I'm curious.


I wonder if there's any quick re-editing done of the upcoming Secrets Revealed episode.


If, in light of this event, Bravo is intending to show any other footage they may have of Kim not appearing sober.


I could totally see them ramping up whatever footage they have for the ratings, since this shit was the #1 trending headline on my Facebook feed all day yesterday.

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I was leaning more towards Andy might have been instructed by Bravo/NBC legal team not to say anything yet. as Bravo is apparently not commenting to any news/tabloid publications yet.


I haven't yet looked this morning, but Andy didn't mention anything about it on Twitter yesterday, so you may be right about this.

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I'm curious.


I wonder if there's any quick re-editing done of the upcoming Secrets Revealed episode.


If, in light of this event, Bravo is intending to show any other footage they may have of Kim not appearing sober.


I could totally see them ramping up whatever footage they have for the ratings, since this shit was the #1 trending headline on my Facebook feed all day yesterday.

I wonder how that reads to Kim. Is she sick enough to find that validating? Everyone cares what happens to her, she really is a Very Important Person.

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My point was, I highly doubt during their very real struggle there are people chastising them as they struggle to get a handle on the disease. All I know is that even though Kim's illness isn't driving her to maddening actions severe enough that end up causing others to do acts that land them in jail for 10 to life she's being lumped into the most heinous camp of ugly offenders whose illnesses caused them to do great harm.


Yes, she's probably put her family through emotional hell, and her children had to witness it as well as.  Scarring and family dysfunction but that's far from being a monster who deserves no compassion. I'm not saying that she shouldn't receive any backlash or grief for the pain her addiction has caused but I'm saying that life's hard, some people can steam through and persevere while others aren't built as sturdy. I don't think extremes are necessary. Walking on eggshells one extreme. Cutting her off and treating her like a leper by family and friends the other extreme.


There's a looooooooooooooooooooot of room in the middle to explore that I would hope those closest to her try to explore. In my world, you don't punch a clock or wait for the timer to ding where you say "is my shift over yet". My "shift" wasn't over until my mom passed. My "shifts" won't be over with my siblings using the same formula however I did find a balance that didn't completely swallow me up while at the same time keeping my resentments and judgments from overflowing onto them. I allowed their struggles to be their battle to win while I showed unwaivering support. I stepped in when I could but I also put my hands up in defeat when it was too much and kept my fingers crossed for a positive outcome. Dilemma by dilemma. That's life. Now that's the life if you chose to stay within the parameters of an addicts life. Of course the option to cut complete ties is very acceptable decision and I think it's everyone's right to do that to but there needs to be a decisiveness whatever choice is made. That's the reality. Easier said than done is a secondary concern. It needs to happen so that a clear direction is posed and healing can have a chance to be the focus and not the shame, grieve and guilt the addict is constantly faced with if they have people in their lives that continue to keep and add to the list of their failures. Even though a big part of recovery means taking responsibility it's not the only challenge to get through and I feel like everyone gets so caught up in that part and minimize the difficulty of that detail. I just think to much emphasize is put on the "victims" and not on the sad situation as a whole which also includes the addict.


My opinion and my opinion only is that Kim doesn't fall into the unforgivable addict. You know the one's. That steal, beat family members to get a fix. Alcoholic fathers and mothers that beat their children during their drunken hazes. Drive drunk, leave kids home alone to fed for themselves. Child neglect. Aside from some information that we have about Mauricio and Kyle helping Kim financially (which still isn't more than picking up small comments said by Kyle about treating Kim like a second wife and Kim not being able to handle a mortgage), assumptions that Kyle practically raised Kim's kids and that she is a very very unruly drunk. I don't see her as a lost cause.


Johnny Cash struggled with his addictions all his life with good patches and bad but some people can at least get through life with more good than bad with the right love and support. Sometimes letting the reality sink in that Kim's never going to completely kick the habit opens doors to ideas and practices that may create a manageable life.  It's not only worth it if she gets and stays sobers unwaveringly for the rest of her life. At this point I think Kim will always be wobbly, fall down and completely fail. Now it's about those who want to stick around and kept steadying her as she stumbles through this disease. Good, bad, ugly and for better or worse. Either choose yes or choose no but this limbo of tears and victimhoom, blame and anger does absolutely nothing for any sort of possible recovery. Whether it be temporary or permanent.


Here's hoping Kim finds it.


I don't dislike Kim.  And I don't think people who are addicts don't have a real struggle.  Being on a reality show (her choice) doesn't help her.  My objection was comparing it to cancer victims. 


On Kim, I don't know enough about her treatment of others and what she's done in her past.  I wouldn't think she's an "unforgiveable" addict and yet what we saw on the reunion is pretty damn bad.  The threats tor reveal something about her niece -- the one who spent time in the hospital because of your dog?  That's about as low as you can get.


I'll save my sympathy for people that don't have the means to get themseles into rehab.

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I'm one of those people who was so utterly irritated at Kim when she wouldn't let anyone else talk at the reunion, and especially when she went off on her monologue of, "I want to be perfectly clear, Andy, I am not struggling with sobriety, I didn't have a relapse, I took Monty's pill for my 100% pain, I am three years sober so STFU about me struggling with sobriety..."


She doesn't seem to have a clue how she comes across to other people - drunk, high, or sober - nor does she care.  She seems to think her behavior is perfectly fine.  "Do you know who I AM?!"  So, to me, her arrest was just her getting caught in her lies, deception, and self-delusion, and it seems fitting since she certainly doesn't listen when anyone tells her that her behavior is not ok. 


But since she's blaming everyone but herself for getting arrested, I guess even the police saying her behavior is not ok isn't making any dent in her denial bubble.  Guess that means she has further to go before reaching bottom.  That's up to her, but my sympathy is all for her family who have to suffer through her journey downward.

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That story about Kim just filled me with dismay. She isn't going to learn a thing from this incident and is blaming other people for her problems just as she usually does. This isn't going to be a wake up call at all if that's the attitude Kim is taking. 


Of course Kim doesn't think she was disturbing other patrons. In her mind the people at the Polo Lounge actually wanted more of drunk!Kim and requested that she join their party and it was the snooty maitre'd's fault for messing up their good time. 


In Kim's mind she is apparently single handedly planning the wedding of the century because she has to "everything to everybody" even though there is so far nothing to indicate that planning Brooke's wedding has been this all consuming experience for her.


Naturally Kim is going to play the Monty card for the rest of her life but how does she not get that she can't be there for Monty if she's in the condition she's in? She can't keep realistically playing that card when stuff like this is happening.


Lol that she throws out her blog as an excuse as if she cares so much about fulfilling that part of her contract. (I wonder if Bravo used that as part of the reason for why they're letting Kim go so Kim tried to say that she'd do whatever was necessary?) Well, I definitely think that she'll be back next season now unfortunately. This story isn't going to turn Bravo off IMO especially considering the attention her arrest is getting. 


I also think that this will mean that Brandi is in too for another season. I was hopeful for awhile but now I'm not. This really does suck.


Persnickety, I hope you're right about the secrets revealed episode having some more questionable footage. 


I'm still out of likes. >:(

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This.  Kim joined a show on her own.  I want to make it clear that I think all the daughters of Big Kathy are frankly unpleasant to me on one level or another.  But Kyle is not and never will be responsible for what Kim does.  Kim is responsible for Kim.  Arrgh.  I went and had dinner and returned to this post to realize that while I wanted to co-sign on the above, I also wanted to ask the poster who suggested that perhaps Kyle put Kim on the show for whatever reason, so I'm sorry because I can't boldface your name and let you know I wanted your take on this, but!   This isn't even a point which can be debated, is it?  I want to make it really clear that I'm not trying to start an argument with anyone, but can someone who feels as this poster does, why Kim is not to held responsible for her actions?  I genuinely want to understand what you're getting at.  How, in your estimation, is Kim not responsible for what she does?


I don't know if you are addressing me but i'm in that wee small camp so will try. Also i'm a few pages back from the end of this thread so I'm very sorry if i'm rehashing/reopening something already resolved in response to this.


Thank you so very much for explaining why you feel about Kim the way you do. It has been seriously painful to read the pile on Kim here, for me, because I couldn't understand how everyone could take such pleasure in hurting someone already in so much pain. I'm understanding better. I still wish it didn't happen, don't think it's a good look, but I get it. I'll stay out of it from now on because it's too painful to witness/read/hear that for me personally - no judgment, I'm just saying I don't want to go through that again.


Re Kyle putting Kim on this show and if that can be debated - maybe not by standards and opinions of most here. But to me, it definitely can be debated but I don't need the debate so it's fine to skip. I have my opinion, I stand by it due to life experience. In the same way someone said they felt crazy and seeing Kim meltdown helped them feel vindicated they are not crazy.... Kyle is that for me. I see her in a way few others do apparently. But I also think i'm not wrong. So we can disagree. What sticks for me on this with Kyle is her attitude toward and treatment of Kim in Season 1. Lots of little things, correcting her word enunciations, minimizing Kim's concerns about her daughters and them leaving the nest, no empathy for Kim. Or very little and at weird times. When Kim really needed it, Kyle had none. When Kim didn't need it, Kyle is all over her expressing concern. It felt like watching a mind f**k going on from Kyle to Kim and it didn't help Kim at all as an addicted alcoholic who needs straight talk, consistent behaviour and true trust. If Kim hadn't relapsed already, Kyle certainly wasn't helping her stay sober by Kyle's behaviour. An addict has a messed up brain by the point Kim was at when this show started. It's not a level playing field and if Kyle really cared, at some point in preceding years she' dhave educated herself about how to sincerely help Kim, what alcohol has done to Kim physiologically, and how to be around Kim in a safe way for both of them. Kyle clearly did none of that so care about her sister? Fuck no, Kyle doesn't give a crap about Kim. But she kept telling Kim she does which was messing Kim up because Kim is trying to read her sister and trust her but Kyle keeps doing things that hurt her so....mind f**k constantly. 


Finally,the limo scene, when Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism. Kyle said this which was the final decider for me, about Kim leaning on Mauricio for things apparently, Kyle said "like a f**king second wife!!" to Kim during that tirade. Kyle also got nearly physical with Kim to point where Kim was recoiling backward. 


I understand everyone does not see this the way I do and that it's hard to care about Kim. Kim isn't in my everyday. I wouldn't sign up for that either. But she's on a tv show that became all about the dysfunctional relationship of the Richards Sisters and it was painful to watch. I can't unlearn all i've learned in life and I can't not be who I am. It hurts to not be able to be who you are and have others tell you you're messed up, not right, always wrong, stupid, crazy etc. when you're not harming anyone but simply trying to understand, same as everyone else. I'm merely trying to process the horrible tv show Bravo fed us, same as everyone else.


ETA: Forgot this point but it matters. Kyle confirmed for me and all of us that she didn't care about Kim in any sincere way. In part 3 of the reunion Kyle told Kim the only reason she puts up with Kim is because Kyle loves Kim's daughters. Kyle confirmed what Kim had been suspecting and what I saw/read in Kyle. It's one thing to not be responsible for your sister or for an addict. Yes they are responsible for themselves. It's another thing entirely to deliberately put them in harm's way. How many trips and events this season featured alcohol? The wine tasting at a bar, with Kim, Kyle actually asking Kim if she's ok. WTF? Not helpful and actually hurt Kim. Hurt Kim, hurt Kim's kids. Kyle says she loves Kim's kids so why fan the flames of her addiction if she loves those kids so much? I'm done.

Edited by CTO
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I'm curious.


I wonder if there's any quick re-editing done of the upcoming Secrets Revealed episode.


If, in light of this event, Bravo is intending to show any other footage they may have of Kim not appearing sober.


I could totally see them ramping up whatever footage they have for the ratings, since this shit was the #1 trending headline on my Facebook feed all day yesterday.


Oh Bravo is tailoring this to get the response they want. They will play both sides of the card.

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I'm curious.

I wonder if there's any quick re-editing done of the upcoming Secrets Revealed episode.

If, in light of this event, Bravo is intending to show any other footage they may have of Kim not appearing sober.


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IMO, both sisters have to go.

Kim because she is in desperate need of privacy and treatment and Kyle because she bores me with her shameless fame whoring.

Her husband business does well enough (as she so forcefully showed us this year)

Her precious kids are going to be collateral damage if they are not already.

Both Kim and Kyle were damaged by the Biz, this has to stop, IMO.

Bring back Camille and some new blood.

Even Joyce was a nice addition, Carlton can stay off my TV along with con artist Taylor.

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You know people never understood Hitler either. They can be so mean. The reveled in his troubles and laughed at his pretentious nonsense.

Didn't they know who he was?

He wasn't really being mean. He was n 100% pain. Nobody knew what he went through at night. Goering was living with him and he was really sick. Plus he had to plan all those invasions. If everyone had not made such a big deal about there wouldn't have been a World War 2. It was all their fault.

Especially his sister.

Still the fact remains even Hitler isn't as bad as Kim Richards.

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Kim's people officially start the blame game. It's now Lisa Vanderpump's fault for driving a wedge between the two sisters! Bwah!


Gawd help me, I'm so confused (and totally NOT playing The Stroke Card here)...


How in fresh hell would Lisa Vanderpump know who the fuck KIM'S DAUGHTER BROOKE was inviting to her wedding?


How the actual fuck would Lisa Vanderpump be the one to break the news to Kyle that Kim was disinviting her?


And how could watching a reunion in which she participated and fired her mouth off for about 3 straight fucking hours be stressful for her?


Bitch wasn't stressed filming it.  She and vapid Brandi looked pleased as punch with themselves during the entire debacle.  Hell, Kim looked practically orgasmic a few times when she was zeroing in on Kyle.




I did read that article correctly, didn't I?


I feel like I'm falling down a rabbit hole trying to make sense of this shit.

Edited by Persnickety1
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I don't know if you are addressing me but i'm in that wee small camp so will try. Also i'm a few pages back from the end of this thread so I'm very sorry if i'm rehashing/reopening something already resolved in response to this.

Thank you so very much for explaining why you feel about Kim the way you do. It has been seriously painful to read the pile on Kim here, for me, because I couldn't understand how everyone could take such pleasure in hurting someone already in so much pain. I'm understanding better. I still wish it didn't happen, don't think it's a good look, but I get it. I'll stay out of it from now on because it's too painful to witness/read/hear that for me personally - no judgment, I'm just saying I don't want to go through that again.

Re Kyle putting Kim on this show and if that can be debated - maybe not by standards and opinions of most here. But to me, it definitely can be debated but I don't need the debate so it's fine to skip. I have my opinion, I stand by it due to life experience. In the same way someone said they felt crazy and seeing Kim meltdown helped them feel vindicated they are not crazy.... Kyle is that for me. I see her in a way few others do apparently. But I also think i'm not wrong. So we can disagree. What sticks for me on this with Kyle is her attitude toward and treatment of Kim in Season 1. Lots of little things, correcting her word enunciations, minimizing Kim's concerns about her daughters and them leaving the nest, no empathy for Kim. Or very little and at weird times. When Kim really needed it, Kyle had none. When Kim didn't need it, Kyle is all over her expressing concern. It felt like watching a mind f**k going on from Kyle to Kim and it didn't help Kim at all as an addicted alcoholic who needs straight talk, consistent behaviour and true trust. If Kim hadn't relapsed already, Kyle certainly wasn't helping her stay sober by Kyle's behaviour. An addict has a messed up brain by the point Kim was at when this show started. It's not a level playing field and if Kyle really cared, at some point in preceding years she' dhave educated herself about how to sincerely help Kim, what alcohol has done to Kim physiologically, and how to be around Kim in a safe way for both of them. Kyle clearly did none of that so care about her sister? Fuck no, Kyle doesn't give a crap about Kim. But she kept telling Kim she does which was messing Kim up because Kim is trying to read her sister and trust her but Kyle keeps doing things that hurt her so....mind f**k constantly.

Finally,the limo scene, when Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism. Kyle said this which was the final decider for me, about Kim leaning on Mauricio for things apparently, Kyle said "like a f**king second wife!!" to Kim during that tirade. Kyle also got nearly physical with Kim to point where Kim was recoiling backward.

I understand everyone does not see this the way I do and that it's hard to care about Kim. Kim isn't in my everyday. I wouldn't sign up for that either. But she's on a tv show that became all about the dysfunctional relationship of the Richards Sisters and it was painful to watch. I can't unlearn all i've learned in life and I can't not be who I am. It hurts to not be able to be who you are and have others tell you you're messed up, not right, always wrong, stupid, crazy etc. when you're not harming anyone but simply trying to understand, same as everyone else. I'm merely trying to process the horrible tv show Bravo fed us, same as everyone else.

ETA: Forgot this point but it matters. Kyle confirmed for me and all of us that she didn't care about Kim in any sincere way. In part 3 of the reunion Kyle told Kim the only reason she puts up with Kim is because Kyle loves Kim's daughters. Kyle confirmed what Kim had been suspecting and what I saw/read in Kyle. It's one thing to not be responsible for your sister or for an addict. Yes they are responsible for themselves. It's another thing entirely to deliberately put them in harm's way. How many trips and events this season featured alcohol? The wine tasting at a bar, with Kim, Kyle actually asking Kim if she's ok. WTF? Not helpful and actually hurt Kim. Hurt Kim, hurt Kim's kids. Kyle says she loves Kim's kids so why fan the flames of her addiction if she loves those kids so much? I'm done.

This is why "showing the tape" is not dispositive.

Kim is fifty gd years old. Ain't nobody doing nothing to her that she ain't doing to her.

And if Kyle hates her, so be it. I would. I damn sure would.

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Kyle and Kim talk about hating each other and that they only stay together because their kids love the other.  The mantra about sisters sticking together loving support.  Deep issues those two have makes for good reality tv. Kyle's a snake and Kim's a snake. 

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I guess I feel bad for Kim. However even in my throes of my active drinking career I didn't blame everyone else. She just seems like such a vile person to the core. It's hard to feel sorry for someone like that!! Some people are just awful , addict or not! I know if I were part of the housewife crew I'd be feeling somewhat vindicated for sure! Hell I do as a viewer!!

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This is why "showing the tape" is not dispositive.

Kim is fifty gd years old. Ain't nobody doing nothing to her that she ain't doing to her.

And if Kyle hates her, so be it. I would. I damn sure would.


I posted a lengthy post over in Kim's thread about my brother, who was my "Kim."


I had to cut off my brother at a certain point, too, so I wouldn't hate him.


It becomes self-preservation for a lot of us dealing with an addict at some point, your sanity or their addiction destroying your sanity.


If Kyle has decided to cut Kim from her life, I would completely and unquestionably understand.

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I have compassion for Kim's children and her family. I even have compassion for Kim's inability to admit she has a problem. However, she opened the door to the mocking by her behavior all season long. She insisted over and over she was sober. That she has never had a struggle with her sobriety. Blah blah blah. Sorry but that leads to mocking. It just does.


The condescension is unhelpful and unnecessary. I don't disagree that Kim needs to take responsibility for herself. I don't disagree that she failed to take responsibility for her dog and what the dog has done to others. I've had a lot of trouble with the mocking and I think it's fair to feel that way.

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The condescension is unhelpful and unnecessary. I don't disagree that Kim needs to take responsibility for herself. I don't disagree that she failed to take responsibility for her dog and what the dog has done to others. I've had a lot of trouble with the mocking and I think it's fair to feel that way.

Kim brings all that shit to herself though.

However I agree with you that bringing shame and mockery toward Kim is counter productive.

I hope that the rumors are true and that she is forced into Rehab and stay there for a LONG, LONG time.

Forget the wedding. Who needs two wedding anyways? Is Bravo picking up the tab?????

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However I agree with you that bringing shame and mockery toward Kim is counter productive.

Very true. However this is not a support forum. If Kim has come here looking for productive input then she is in worse shape than we imagined.

So these are opinions and quite frankly none of them are productive. We're all just flapping about like we're on a reality show.

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CTO, I posted over at NJ when I felt that the glee over T's jail sentence was inappropriate. So, your point is not lost on me. But I truly saw no glee, just relief that the lies could no longer be credibly sustained.

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Very true. However this is not a support forum. If Kim has come here looking for productive input then she is in worse shape than we imagined.

So these are opinions and quite frankly none of them are productive. We're all just flapping about like we're on a reality show.

I was referring to the characters on the show commenting on Kim's situation not the posters.
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I don't think being an addict makes Kim immune from the shame and mockery heaped on everyone in a reality show when they show their ass.  I'm certainly not going to applaud her behavior!


Someone upthread posted something like:  Addicts can be assholes, but not every addict is an asshole. 


And I'm glad they did because it's true.  I have a friend who struggles with alcohol, takes Antabuse, and sometimes relapses.  But he's a kind, funny, generous person and does not go around kicking people, screaming at them that they stole his goddamn house, or telling us how sober he is all the time.  Nor does he keep a dog that has bitten 5 people, and he doesn't lock himself in bathrooms to get high. 


Kim, on the other hand, does that, so that makes her an asshole AND an addict.  For me, it's the asshole part that brings on my desire to shame and mock, not the addict part.  I suspect that's the issue her co-workers are struggling with, as well as her family.  They want to help her with her addiction and be there for her, but the asshole isn't interested and yells at them for talking about her life and death choices.

Edited by izabella
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CTO, I posted over at NJ when I felt that the glee over T's jail sentence was inappropriate. So, your point is not lost on me. But I truly saw no glee, just relief that the lies could no longer be credibly sustained.


Yeah, no glee from me, but I'm grateful for all of the levity here.  I'm also relived that this, the outing of her non-sobriety, wasn't extended for too long, for her family's sake.  Having to pretend that all is well is exhausting and I'm sure they are hoping that *this time*, Kim will really want to help herself.  I'm just so sad for her kids, who by Kim's own admission, have dealt with this their whole lives.  They are still so young -- I really hope Kim chooses them over her vices and gets her shit together.  

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I don't think being an addict makes Kim immune from the shame and mockery heaped on everyone in a reality show when they show their ass.  I'm certainly not going to applaud her behavior!


Someone upthread posted something like:  Addicts can be assholes, but not every addict is an asshole. 


And I'm glad they did because it's true.  I have a friend who struggles with alcohol, takes Antabuse, and sometimes relapses.  But he's a kind, funny, generous person and does not go around kicking people, screaming at them that they stole his goddamn house, or telling us how sober he is all the time.  Nor does he keep a dog that has bitten 5 people, and he doesn't lock himself in bathrooms to get high. 


Kim, on the other hand, does that, so that makes her an asshole AND an addict.  For me, it's the asshole part that brings on my desire to shame and mock, not the addict part.  I suspect that's the issue her co-workers are struggling with, as well as her family.  They want to help her with her addiction and be there for her, but the asshole isn't interested and yells at them for talking about her life and death choices.


Ahahahaha, my godfather was an alcoholic all of his life.


He hid bottles all over the place...in the garage, in the cabinets, in the freaking baby grand piano at one point.


Every time my godmother would find a bottle and pour it out, he'd just buy and hide another one.


His favorite trick was to get a soda, dump out half of it, and then fill up the difference with rum or whiskey or whatever he could get his hands on.


My godmother spoke to his physician, and he gave her a prescription for Antabuse to give to my godfather without his knowledge.  This was decades ago, before HIPAA and confidentiality came into play, and the doc knew my godfather was a hardcore alcoholic.


Gawd help me, but it was hilarious hearing my dad tell stories about my godfather (unaware of the Antabuse) would try to pretend he was drinking a soda and then violently start vomiting after a few sips.  "Must have been something I ate."  My dad, of course, knew what had caused the vomiting.


And like the alcoholic you refer to, my godfather was a kind, lovely soul, a hard-working man who would give the shirt off of his back to anyone in need.  My godmother's desire to force him to stop drinking was because of her concern for his health rather than any asshole behavior or abusive behavior.  She was trying to save his life, but he didn't think his drinking was a problem (go figure).


Rest his soul, he kept drinking even through the Antabuse but nonetheless when he passed, he had been sober for about 15 years.


Not all addicts are irresponsible, unreliable, narcissistic balls of vileness like Kim.

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So who had Lisa Vanderpump in the "Who Will Kim Blame for her Relapse" pool? Anyone?



That article just stupefies me.


I could almost see Kim's twisted logic if she had tried to blame Rinna for repeatedly calling her out and knowing Kim had lost the battle with sobriety.   Almost.  It wouldn't make sense to a rational person, but Kim isn't rational; however, Rinna would have been an easier target at whom to point The Bony Finger of Judgment than Vanderpump.


Whoever gave that information to TMZ really seems to have a personal issue with LVP, because I don't understand how she comes into play with any of Kim's messiness.


I mean, it's not like Kim went to SUR and Jax or Sandoval poured vodka and tonics down her throat at Lisa's demand.


LVP is probably scratching her head wondering how she became the focus of this fuck-and-awe Kim caper.

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I think LVP knows exactly how she became the focus, thanks to one Ms. Glanville whose true BFFs are the tabloids.  lol    


Brandi really needs to learn how not to be so obvious with this shit.  

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Now that Kim Richards has been arrested yesterday for public intoxication and kicking a policeman, will she still scream, rant and cry her eyeballs out insisting that she's been 'sober for 3 years' and does NOT need an intervention?


Sorry Kim, any shred of credibility you might have had is gone for good. Nobody will ever trust your word again. Time to quit the show and check in to rehab.

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Very true. However this is not a support forum. If Kim has come here looking for productive input then she is in worse shape than we imagined.

So these are opinions and quite frankly none of them are productive. We're all just flapping about like we're on a reality show.

Yeah I've been reading and asking myself "is Kim in this board?"

I doubt she is so I am quite enjoying the jokes and everything else. The bitch spent the entire season being rude, condescending, mean, nasty, and ugly toward her sister and coworkers. I hope she gets her addiction under control but she's still a nasty person who won't take responsibility for anything in her life. The fact that she got arrested for assault and battery not a week after being seen accusing Lisar of same is hilarious. Sorry, not sorry.

I only wish Brandi had been in the cell with her.

Also, shame on Kyle for allowing this to happen to Kim just like she's allowed everything else bad that's ever happened to Kim to happen to Kim.

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Except for poker night where she acknowledged she took a pill,  I thought Kim was coherent and sober this season.  I saw no evidence of drinking on her part so I don't get why this arrest is an "outing of her non-sobriety".  It's a fall off the wagon like the pain pill was. 

I hope KIm writes a blog after she's been clean for a couple days.  I would be interested to hear from her and apparently she has a contractual obligation to write for Bravo so I hope she's woman enough to do it.

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I think LVP knows exactly how she became the focus, thanks to one Ms. Glanville whose true BFFs are the tabloids.  lol    


Brandi really needs to learn how not to be so obvious with this shit.  


Brandi is using the tabloids again to shift the focus of blame to someone else.  Amazing.  ;)

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Thank you so very much for explaining why you feel about Kim the way you do. It has been seriously painful to read the pile on Kim here, for me, because I couldn't understand how everyone could take such pleasure in hurting someone already in so much pain. I'm understanding better. I still wish it didn't happen, don't think it's a good look, but I get it. I'll stay out of it from now on because it's too painful to witness/read/hear that for me personally - no judgment, I'm just saying I don't want to go through that again.


Re Kyle putting Kim on this show and if that can be debated - maybe not by standards and opinions of most here. But to me, it definitely can be debated but I don't need the debate so it's fine to skip. I have my opinion, I stand by it due to life experience. In the same way someone said they felt crazy and seeing Kim meltdown helped them feel vindicated they are not crazy.... Kyle is that for me. I see her in a way few others do apparently. But I also think i'm not wrong. So we can disagree. What sticks for me on this with Kyle is her attitude toward and treatment of Kim in Season 1. Lots of little things, correcting her word enunciations, minimizing Kim's concerns about her daughters and them leaving the nest, no empathy for Kim. Or very little and at weird times. When Kim really needed it, Kyle had none. When Kim didn't need it, Kyle is all over her expressing concern. It felt like watching a mind f**k going on from Kyle to Kim and it didn't help Kim at all as an addicted alcoholic who needs straight talk, consistent behaviour and true trust. If Kim hadn't relapsed already, Kyle certainly wasn't helping her stay sober by Kyle's behaviour. An addict has a messed up brain by the point Kim was at when this show started. It's not a level playing field and if Kyle really cared, at some point in preceding years she' dhave educated herself about how to sincerely help Kim, what alcohol has done to Kim physiologically, and how to be around Kim in a safe way for both of them. Kyle clearly did none of that so care about her sister? Fuck no, Kyle doesn't give a crap about Kim. But she kept telling Kim she does which was messing Kim up because Kim is trying to read her sister and trust her but Kyle keeps doing things that hurt her so....mind f**k constantly. 


Finally,the limo scene, when Kyle outed Kim's alcoholism. Kyle said this which was the final decider for me, about Kim leaning on Mauricio for things apparently, Kyle said "like a f**king second wife!!" to Kim during that tirade. Kyle also got nearly physical with Kim to point where Kim was recoiling backward. 


I understand everyone does not see this the way I do and that it's hard to care about Kim. Kim isn't in my everyday. I wouldn't sign up for that either. But she's on a tv show that became all about the dysfunctional relationship of the Richards Sisters and it was painful to watch. I can't unlearn all i've learned in life and I can't not be who I am. It hurts to not be able to be who you are and have others tell you you're messed up, not right, always wrong, stupid, crazy etc. when you're not harming anyone but simply trying to understand, same as everyone else. I'm merely trying to process the horrible tv show Bravo fed us, same as everyone else.


ETA: Forgot this point but it matters. Kyle confirmed for me and all of us that she didn't care about Kim in any sincere way. In part 3 of the reunion Kyle told Kim the only reason she puts up with Kim is because Kyle loves Kim's daughters. Kyle confirmed what Kim had been suspecting and what I saw/read in Kyle. It's one thing to not be responsible for your sister or for an addict. Yes they are responsible for themselves. It's another thing entirely to deliberately put them in harm's way. How many trips and events this season featured alcohol? The wine tasting at a bar, with Kim, Kyle actually asking Kim if she's ok. WTF? Not helpful and actually hurt Kim. Hurt Kim, hurt Kim's kids. Kyle says she loves Kim's kids so why fan the flames of her addiction if she loves those kids so much? I'm done.


Thanks for explaining your point of view.  Also, thanks for understanding my block of text back there which I feel I should edit--it's more than a little bit brain foggy, last night was a carb extravaganza and I think I was kind of food coma-y.

There's lots that you and I don't agree on.  I guess I just don't believe that any of Big Kathy's daughters are honestly all that healthy.  Little Kathy seems emotionally distant and cold, Kim is an addict and a narcissist, Kyle is just as much a mean girl as the other two when she feels like it.  But the one thing that sticks out to me is that out of all of them, Kyle seems--seems!--to have the healthiest relationships.  She is able to maintain friendships, even if they're with people like TMCFR, a woman I don't particularly like.  She has a husband who appears to love her and their children.  She looks to me like she is at least aware of some of her shortcomings and she tries.  

I can't really get into the rest of it, because the bottom line is that I don't see Kim or Kyle as innocents, but out of the two, I think Kim is much more willing and able to go for the low blow.   For every wrong Kyle has done Kim, Kim has in turn dished that right back at her, sometimes beyond what I personally consider necessary.


Sincerely Yours, do you honestly believe there are people posting on this board who would laugh if Kim OD'ed?


Seriously?  There's some gallows humor going on here right now, yeah, just like there was on the other boards I frequented when Russell committed suicide.  Why?  Because this show became dark and ugly over the last three weeks.  


There would be no joy in the actual end of a life, no. I'm surprised that you would ask this of us.  I may dislike Kim for a whole lot of reasons, but why would anyone be happy if she OD'ed?

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I'm one of those people who was so utterly irritated at Kim when she wouldn't let anyone else talk at the reunion, and especially when she went off on her monologue of, "I want to be perfectly clear, Andy, I am not struggling with sobriety, I didn't have a relapse, I took Monty's pill for my 100% pain, I am three years sober so STFU about me struggling with sobriety..."


She doesn't seem to have a clue how she comes across to other people - drunk, high, or sober - nor does she care.  She seems to think her behavior is perfectly fine.  "Do you know who I AM?!"  So, to me, her arrest was just her getting caught in her lies, deception, and self-delusion, and it seems fitting since she certainly doesn't listen when anyone tells her that her behavior is not ok. 


But since she's blaming everyone but herself for getting arrested, I guess even the police saying her behavior is not ok isn't making any dent in her denial bubble.  Guess that means she has further to go before reaching bottom.  That's up to her, but my sympathy is all for her family who have to suffer through her journey downward.

Being a narcissist complicates things because they live as false, made-up personas - so when the ridiculousness of that false persona is exposed there is only an atrophied real self to turn to - for some, that true self may no longer be accessible.
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