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S04.E18: Mishipeshu

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A homicide leads Nick and Hank onto the dark and mysterious path of a local Native American power quest. Meanwhile, Juliette's erratic behavior lands her on the wrong side of the law. At the spice shop, Rosalee and Monroeare on a mission and call on Captain Renard for help.

ATTENTION CANADIAN VIEWERS: Because The Amazing Race runs a two-hour episode this evening, Grimm will not be available on CTV. It will be instead available on CTV Two at the same time it is aired on NBC (20:00 EDT). In places where CTV Two is not available (Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and the territories), the episode can be found on NBC without simultaneous substitution.

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Renard's possessed by something that makes him a mugger. The boy, Hank, and the nice lady copy are possessed by a vengeful Native American spirit that kills the murderers of the aforementioned boy. I swear, somehow Juliette is being possessed by Adalind, because she is acting just like her.


I'm possessed, you're possessed, we're all possessed.


This episode was just an acid trip. And I loved it.


It's time for Juliette to be de-Hexenbeisted, though. But if she rips the baby out of Adalind and puts it in her own womb first, I'd be tickled pink.


My only nitpick with this episode is that the guy worked as a janitor at the school. I had to pass an FBI fingerprint and background check to work at my school. I have to get re-fingerprinted by the FBI and my state's crime bureau every 4-5 years. That guy would never haven gotten hired by an actual school. Only in TV Land.

Edited by mustbekarma
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Thank you Rosalee for pointing out that no one has ever heard of Henrietta and she might not be an authority on the subject of how hexenbeists get made, or unmade.


On the other hand, based on the preview, I can only hope that Rosalee's efforts become moot because Juliette and Adalind kill each other.   Please let this happen.   Cannot stand anymore relationship angst.   Hey Juliette maybe if stop forcing that face on everyone it would give them a chance to adjust.   But you force it then blame them for not being immediately accepting.  BTW, how long did it take you to accept that Nick was a Grimm and all that meant?   Oh right, I forgot, you can take as long as you like, but Nick has to be absolutely perfect in every interaction with you or HE's WRONG.   GTF over yourself woman.   And go back to work so you can afford being the bitch you are.


I really wish the MOW of the week didn't get pushed aside for all the bad Momma Renard spells Angst.   This one was kinda interesting.   And the end with the female deputy being possessed.   This does not bode well for her relationship with Hank.   Or maybe it does since he was possessed too and would understand.


Loved Wu finally asking about the high percentage of Wesen cases.   Turns out it is a national problem.   Now if we only knew WHY Wesen were more likely to commit crimes than non-Wesen that would be appreciated.

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 Now if we only knew WHY Wesen were more likely to commit crimes than non-Wesen that would be appreciated.


Renard only said that  whatever percentage of crimes were wesen-related. A wesen isn't  automatically the perpetrator. Some are, some aren't. Some crime could be related, in that there are things like the troll who was acting against the eisbiebers or the lowen preacher embezzelling his flock. There are plenty of ways for crime to be wesen-related.


I'm just glad that Juliette is owning that she wants to keep her power. She stated it in clear language. Granted, she isn't acting like the Juliette I prefer, but she's not so different that I'd say she's possessed. Nick is pretty clearly still in "fix you" mode, so I think that is more a problem than Juliette having powers. Great, Nick wants to repair/move forward/continue the relationship, but in order to do that he needs to address the hexenbiest in the room and both need to actually be the mature adults they are and listen to the other. Then go from there. But we can't have that, apparently.


I heard Deputy Sheriff Ferris mention that she's divorced; Hank's divorced. She's been possessed; he's been possessed. He isn't intimidated by lady leos, I feel pretty sure. He survived Adalind. I hope Deputy Sheriff Janelle and Det. Hank go out a few times. She seems cool.


I am not liking what is being shown  about Renard. I another thread, I mentioned wanting Renard to phase back to being more gray, but a blatant, violent mugging was nowhere on my radar. Especially as Sean seems to be experiencing lost time.


Hell-ooo, Hector!! I enjoyed Gregory Cruz on Saving Grace, so I snapped to at his wonderful voice. What a good casting call.


Russell was excellent in channeling Young Simon and his body language while possessed. Then the change into the mishipeshu-vessel. The tussle with Nick was scary enough.  Granted, he may have been enhanced, but hank has plenty of knowledge that the mishipeshu could exploit.


Then there was the preview. *sigh* 

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Grimm's writers remind me of lazy soap opera writers who write in actresses' pregnancies because they lack imagination. I can only hope that Claire Coffee does not get pregnant again before Grimm ends. The only way for these writers to redeem themselves by having Juliet taking that baby and put it into her uterus. 


I did like the American Indian possession story. I was surprised that it was the deputy who possessed at the end, I thought it would be tribal leader.


Wu made me laugh when he asked what percentage of crime Wesen are responsible for. 

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Minus Juliette, I liked this one.  Hank was great, the crime of the week was interesting and not really wesen, right?  Wu asking Renard the question we've all been wondering.  And Renard answering, not vaguely.  Rosalee and Monroe are on the job.  This one was back on track.  I would love for Hank to have a friend, but this won't end well for Janelle. 

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You know, if the percentage of Native American magic users was the same in reality as it is on tv, all us land-stealing white assholes would've been dropkicked back to Europe after the first broken treaty.


That said, pretty decent episode.  The "victims" were evil pricks who deserved their fates.  The "perpetrator" was also a human (with a little supernatural "help").  It looks like we got some progress on Juliette's storyline both in terms of her accepting/liking her powers and a way to deal with her situation.  I'm hoping it turns out that she'll stay a hexenbiest but regain her human conscience, which is probably what was "numbed."  Though I won't be too sad if Juliette rips Adalind's throat out first.

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I rather liked it (and I *hated* the last two eps). It was a ton of fun. Juliette can die now, of course, and I loved how they dragged in stuff that wasn't normal Wesen o' the Week (they've done it before of course, when Juliette showed she knew Spanish, right?)


What the hell was the mugging about? Whatever it was, it was cool. And the whole Wesen crime spree? Words fail at how deliciously insane this ep was.

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I assume Juliette knows about the Wesen Council. If she continues to be this reckless and blatant when using her powers, the Council is clearly going to be gunning for her. She can probably take them, but she can't let her guard down for a moment.

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I laughed at this exchange--

Renard [on his phone (of course) to Monrosalee]:

You were with my mother when she made the first batch. Don't you remember what she did?

Rosalee: She didn't tell us how much she used.

Monroe: Yeah. She just kind of did it.

--because it reminds me of when my kids call up and want to know my measurements of water to flour for bread or tortillas.

I hope if they do ask Renard's mom that she says something like: Well, it depends upon how fresh the glockenspiel is and whether or not it's a sunny or rainy day.

Anyway, I guess Juliette is "numb" or without feelings because Mama Renard got the recipe wrong. Sounds like a set up for either an antidote from Monrosalee or an excuse for Juliette to be a cold blooded killer who Nick has to shoot dead to save an innocent puppy.

Renard's possessed by something that makes him a mugger. The boy, Hank, and the nice lady copy are possessed by a vengeful Native American spirit that kills the murderers of the aforementioned boy. I swear, somehow Juliette is being possessed by Adalind, because she is acting just like her.


I'm possessed, you're possessed, we're all possessed..

Seriously. I guess it keeps the budget down--no need to hire arc-long bad guys--just have the good guys get possessed.
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Cool to see Ferris again.  Still want something to happen with her and Hank.  Especially if Hank wants to keep getting home-cooked meals from Rosalee and Monroe without feeling like a third wheel, now that Nick is being so damn moody, he can't even hang-out anymore.  Really hope this angst stuff will be taken care of soon: if it starts interacting with the character's hanging out with one another, then that's just going too far.


Juliette's now locked up for assault, but doesn't give a damn, to say the least.  She seems all about going Full Hexenbeast now.  Whatever floats you're boat, I guess, but maybe you shouldn't woge out and start bar fights then.  


Interesting that the case wasn't actually Wesen related, but a Native American spirit, and pretty much everyone involved was human.  Hank getting possessed was fun, and allowed Russell Hornsby to get more the normal, which I approve of.  Liked the Hector character too.  I hope we get more of him and the reservation in future episodes: always enjoy those type of stories.


Renard must have been possessed or something.  Loved Wu channeling a portion of the viewing audience, by noticing how Wesen heavy, crimes in Portland tend to be.

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You know, I think someone got the percentages wrong on the last mixed drink I had (or inhaled through a hat), because I'm just becoming numb with this show. Here are my random thoughts:

  • So, I'm torn about the WotW--at some points I thought it was cool, at others I thought the plot was a bit racist.  The big glaring whole there is that a native child would NOT have been put in non-tribal foster care, at least not in Oregon.  My mother was a family therapist and did some work with the tribes around her and the state is pretty clear that they don't take children out of the tribe. I'm also not an expert on the local tribes, but from what I do know, I don't recall them going on vision (or "power" quests).
  • Angsty Nick:  I can't say I like it, but I think it would be unrealistic if he weren't acting this way.  So, I'm fine with it--for now.  There will have to come a point, either before the end of this season or within the first 2-3 eps of season 5, where either the relationship has to mend (at this point, I'm hoping that won't be the case), or Nick will have to personally move on.
  • It's been a long time since I've done the nightlife thing in downtown PDX, but I think the bar where Juliette had her little meltdown is a gay bar.
  • It was nice to see that Hank got something to do.
  • I did like the ending, although it will be interesting if we see the Deputy Sheriff again or if this is another Wesen (or Wesen like creature) abandoned by the writers.
  • Until the preview, there was no Adalind.  That's a win!
  • Thank you, Wu...you asked the question every single person who has ever watched this show has wanted to know!
  • This has bugged me every single time they show someone in jail.  Why is it that there is always only one person in the holding cells?  There are several cells and every single time they show it, all but the one holding the character in question is empty. I mean, there could be some real plot potential there with what other people hear/see when a Wesen is in the cell next to them.


The rest of my thoughts are about the monstrosity coming next week, so I'll take it to the spoiler thread.

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Ugh. This is just embarrassing. Call me when Trubel gets back.


I think she comes back in episode 21, "Headache." It is the 2nd to last of the season

  • It's been a long time since I've done the nightlife thing in downtown PDX, but I think the bar where Juliette had her little meltdown is a gay bar.


Yes, I'm quoting myself...sue me.


The bar was probably a set, but it looked A LOT like a gay bar in Old Town called Hobo's (or at least it was...as I said, it has been a while).  I always thought the should do something around there because the entrance to the Shanghai Tunnels is, literally, right in front of Hobo's.  If there was ever a place prime for some Wesen mischief, it would be there.

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You have made my night! I've been reasonably certain she was coming back for probably the finale, since they've been shoehorning mentions of her into the show since she left, and that vague possibility has done more than the mytharc in getting me through this season!


I hope Trubel does come back soon. She, at least, shook things up and made it interesting. I'm starting to feel like all this show has to offer is endless baby drama that it can neither explain nor resolve. Well, that and increasingly racist attempts to mine other cultures for folkloric monsters that Nick can defeat. I actually had high hopes about Juliette turning into a Hexenbiest, but that hasn't helped things at all. They could have made her a full-on villain to defeat, or a kick-ass new ally, or even a high-stakes victim in need of saving. ANY of those could have been interesting and engaging.... but this? What is this? She's enough like Juliette that we're supposed to feel bad for her? But we're NOT supposed to think she's really still herself because she's acting like a jerk? How has this changed her, really? She's not a good guy anymore, but not a bad guy either? And even when she seems to take charge of her transformation and says she wants to stay that way, we can't really believe her because it's in the context of this completely out-of-character behaviour that indicates she's not in control of herself, and so her statement is robbed of any impact. I don't get it! Are they just killing time waiting for something interesting to happen later? Dragging this storyline out is not doing it any favours!


I can't even think about Adalind. I really feel like this season is just treading water until the finale. They set big things up to happen, and then somehow ended up not having enough story to fill a 22-episode season, despite the WotW stuff taking up most of the screentime. I'm reserving judgment of the season as a whole until it's over, but so far I am not optimistic. 

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Most crime in most places is Wesen related?  Wow.


With Renard flipping out and beating up someone, and then seeming to come out of it later, I am now thinking his mom deliberately did something to both him and Juliette. 


I wish Nick had been more useful this ep.

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What I'm not exactly a fan of is Rosalee's vow to 'fix' Juliette. While I love her for being a fierce friend, she apparently hasn't talked with Juliette. The situation feels like "the patient has been given medications that messed up the patient. We must give the patient more medications to reverse the earlier medications! Moar meds!!"  I am betting that Juliette will not take kindly to being considered a wesen chem experiment, like the last two wesen the gang have helped to uneven, unknown effect.


I am not saying Rosalee is wrong to want to help Juliette, and by extension Nick; they're her friends. I'd be shocked if she just did nothing. Yet, we have Renard saying that unless they know specifics, they could further harm. Which, while I am down with side-eyeing Henrietta for her unknown-ness, Renard has been around for the whole shapeshift thing. He should carry a little more weight than an unknown hexenbiest.


And even when she seems to take charge of her transformation and says she wants to stay that way, we can't really believe her because it's in the context of this completely out-of-character behaviour that indicates she's not in control of herself, and so her statement is robbed of any impact. I don't get it!


As much as I liked Juliette owning her wanting to keep the powers? This^. We're running out of season, there are too many annoying storylines around, and  we are getting the Juliette-as-hexenbiest by the dropper full.  Thank you, Slovenly Muse, for the questions. On point.

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What I'm not exactly a fan of is Rosalee's vow to 'fix' Juliette. While I love her for being a fierce friend, she apparently hasn't talked with Juliette. The situation feels like "the patient has been given medications that messed up the patient. We must give the patient more medications to reverse the earlier medications! Moar meds!!"  I am betting that Juliette will not take kindly to being considered a wesen chem experiment, like the last two wesen the gang have helped to uneven, unknown effect.

This is a good point.  I love that they are working on something and not just taking Henrietta's word for granted, but I do wonder how the show will address this.  Now that Juliette is declaring that she wants to stay a Hexie (while simultaneously whining about "wanting her life back," but never mind that), are they going to show Nick et al forcing a "cure" on her that could do who-knows-what to her?


We're running out of season, there are too many annoying storylines around, and  we are getting the Juliette-as-hexenbiest by the dropper full.


This 1000 times over.  I had no patience for the MotW story this episode.  I thought it was frankly kind of boring, didn't make much sense, was supernatural but not actually Wesen, and I just couldn't get into it.  It's only an hour-long show and I really couldn't muster up much angst for the feelings of some characters that I have been introduced to within the space of that hour and will probably not see again when "Juliette's a freakin' Hexenbiest?!" and none of the characters (mostly Nick and Juliette, really) can even seem to get past the initial shock and stop acting like 2-year-olds on acid.  They can't even have a real conversation when one of them is stuck in a jail cell for pete's sake.


And on top of that we still have all the ridiculous dangling loose ends courtesy of Adalind, Kenny, Kelly, baby #1, baby #2, etc., and on top of that they keep introducing new problems for Renard - recurrent bleeding bulletholes, giant devil hands reaching out of the sky at him, strange compulsions to beat up strangers and steal their wallets...  Excuse me if I didn't have much patience for MotW, Show.

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Please keep Juliette in jail. Nick can visit her every once in a while (without us seeing it) & we can be Juliette free.


Wu's face when Renard told him that most of the crime was Wesen related was priceless.

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I can only hope that Rosalee's efforts become moot because Juliette and Adalind kill each other.   Please let this happen. 

Yes! If we could have the hexenbeist equivalent of a magical shootout where they both kill each other and we could be rid of both of them and ANOTHER baby, I would be so happy!


But (and it's a big but), the one awesome thing that Juliette did this week was in the bar when she started to walk away and the guy said, "Hey, I just bought you two drinks!" and her reply was, "What did you expect for two drinks?" WORD. Buying someone a few drinks doesn't mean they owe you anything, dude.

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...With Renard flipping out and beating up someone, and then seeming to come out of it later, I am now thinking his mom deliberately did something to both him and Juliette...

Or Mama Renard is just not a very good cook (of hexenbiest spell recipes). I would love the writers to fix this plot by having some humorous remarks to this effect--speaking of (upthread) Monrosalee wanting to "fix" things.

Like Renard saying something like: Mom always did burn the brownies.

And Monroe replying: You're just telling us this now??!!?

Most crime in most places is Wesen related?  Wow...

...and I am hoping this remark was intended as either Renard snark and/or to indicate to Wu that the chief is not quite himself.
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Wu's face when Renard told him that most of the crime was Wesen related was priceless.


Also Renard's face in reaction to Wu's reaction.  I had to laugh.



I hope Trubel does come back soon. She, at least, shook things up and made it interesting. I'm starting to feel like all this show has to offer is endless baby drama that it can neither explain nor resolve. Well, that and increasingly racist attempts to mine other cultures for folkloric monsters that Nick can defeat.


I feel like they have been mining other cultures from the beginning and it's not necessarily racist.  In this case Nick didn't defeat any monster, the racist human murderers were murdered by other humans.  I actually liked the non-Wesen stuff in this episode.

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I kind of liked this episode, however it was very predictable. I called those guys killed his father as soon as they said he was murdered. I liked the part when Hank got processed that was interesting. And the female cop killed the other guy at the end.  And that the chief noticed something was different about Nick.


I didn't like Juliette as usual this season.


And wtf was going on with Renard.


Lastly, so glad Wu finally asked what all the fans were thinking.

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I was wondering what set Renard off that he did that mugging.  They kept showing the guy rifling through the bills in his wallet - was it the color of the money?  Did it remind him of the coins? What the hell WAS that all about?  Then he looks at the guy's ID & gives it to Wu to give back to the victim...with no hint that anything else might be in the future regarding this.  WTF?  Yet another bizarre thread to follow.  Can't we tie up some of these loose ends before we go off chasing more?

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I'm starting to feel like either Hexen magic is either very hit and miss, or we're only seeing the second or third level Hexens.  Maybe "There might be unexpected consequences" is code for "I'm not really good at the top level stuff, but whatever."


Maybe the really good Hexen's aren't found out because they've got the training to do it right, and the self control to know when casting a spell isn't worth the risk.


If Hexen's that grow up with this stuff are routinely messing up, no wonder Rosalee said that a newly created Hexenbeist is the most dangerous.

Edited by Zahdii
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Regarding Renard and the wallet, my first thought was that he identified the money as Euros or whatever currency they use back at the palace.  I figured that he thought he was being spied on.  There was some reason why the camera focused on the money in the wallet.

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I also thought it wasn't just a random mugging of a guy with way too much cash. Yeah Renard isn't himself but he would've had to be triggered by something other than greed or latent criminality. Plus, maybe it's too much watching Person of Interest but it was broad daylight and there could have been cameras.

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Didn't think it was possible but Juliette is annoying me more than usual. So much that I have to fast forward through her scenes! It would make her ridiculous storyline worth it if they kill her off for a season finale!

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With Renard flipping out and beating up someone, and then seeming to come out of it later, I am now thinking his mom deliberately did something to both him and Juliette. 



I have been saying this ever since they started blaming Adalind for Juliette's transformation. Unless I'm forgetting something, Adalind didn't do anything to Juliette (this time). She transformed herself and raped Nick, but after that she left and had no idea that anything was going to happen or had happened to Juliette. She was totally surprised by Juliette being a Heixenbeist. Renard's mom was the one who did the spell and made the potion and convinced everyone that Juliette transforming herself was the only possible way to help Nick. I'm not sure why Renard's mom would want to turn Juliette into a Heixenbeist, but I think she's the real culprit. 

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Ugh, I usually like Juliette but even I'm starting to get sick of her storyline.  The writers need to clarify what exactly is meant when they have characters say "that's not her" when she's acting crazy.  Is she literally possessed by some sort of hexenbeist spirit, are they trying to play it like some sort of psychosis or mania or other mental illness, or do they just mean she is in fact completely normal other than being a hexenbeist and just needs to time to sort it out?  I was unclear when Rosalee was talking to Renard if when she meant reversing the percentages in the potion to get a numbing effect if she was saying that was what happened and that's why Juliette is weird or if it meant Rosalee could whip up a potion to reverse the hexenbeisting or a potion that would calm Juliette down.  I'm usually okay with being a bit confused on some of the details and accepting it will get explained later, but the Juliette storyline has just been dragging out for so long now and I can't tell if the show actually knows where they want to go with her.  I'm cool with her keeping her new power and it would probably be my preference that she did, but part of me thinks it's a bit like the old cliche person with bipolar disorder in the midst of a manic phase insisting they don't need medication because their mania prevents them from seeing the harm they're causing.  I can't tell if Juliette genuinely wants to keep her new power, or if she is so high off it that nothing she says can be trusted.  (This is possibly where it would help if BT was a stronger actress and was making a clear choice in how to play Juliette's current state)


So, I'm torn about the WotW--at some points I thought it was cool, at others I thought the plot was a bit racist.  The big glaring whole there is that a native child would NOT have been put in non-tribal foster care, at least not in Oregon.  My mother was a family therapist and did some work with the tribes around her and the state is pretty clear that they don't take children out of the tribe. I'm also not an expert on the local tribes, but from what I do know, I don't recall them going on vision (or "power" quests).

I was wondering about that when they mentioned the kid had been in foster care and not in contact with the tribe.  Even if no tribal foster families were available you would think the tribe - including the father's best friend - would make some effort to stay in contact.  At least they acknowledged the spirit they were shoehorning in wasn't native to the area and that it's connection to the kid was because his mother was from a different tribe in a different area, rather than going with all the Native American tribes have basically the same myths and beliefs.

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I was unclear when Rosalee was talking to Renard if when she meant reversing the percentages in the potion to get a numbing effect if she was saying that was what happened and that's why Juliette is weird or if it meant Rosalee could whip up a potion to reverse the hexenbeisting or a potion that would calm Juliette down.
I took it to mean that if you reversed the percentages and then administered the potion, it would "numb" the original spell.  Like 1 + (-1) = 0.


Has Juliette just been wandering the streets for days?  What has she been doing?  Just watching TV at Renard's?  It has literally been several days, if not weeks, since she and Nick started fighting.  Her business is going to go under.

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...Has Juliette just been wandering the streets for days?  What has she been doing?  Just watching TV at Renard's?  It has literally been several days, if not weeks, since she and Nick started fighting.  Her business is going to go under.

There was a line about how she hasn't been showing up at work--so I guess either there are other people who work there (who the audience has never seen) or pet owners are calling the home phone. I'm going to assume that no animals are being neglected in cages.
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Her business is going to go under.


I never got the feeling that the vet clinic was owned by Juliette. She may have been a steady, always-available vet the clinic could depend on, but she seemed to always be able to leave the clinic stuff at the clinic. No talk about getting business paperwork done for taxes or juggling schedules to cover shifts or writing out paychecks for her employees.


Now, she may have enough goodwill built up that she isn't fired automatically for her skipping out on her job and patients, but it's going to severely dent her professionally, no doubt. 


I wonder where the trio of friends we saw in Season 2 are? The ones we saw in the club?  Why hasn't Nick called Juliette's wesen college pal to come talk with Juliette? That might be more helpful than everyone gabbing at her about stuff.


Regarding Renard and the wallet, my first thought was that he identified the money as Euros or whatever currency they use back at the palace.


It looked like the focus was that the dude had fistfuls of 100s, like he paid for his whatever with a hundred. Maybe it was the picture on the back of the bill? ::shrugs:: At first it looked like the money doubled in amount in the wallet, but I chalked that up to The Weirdness going on with Renard.



And that the chief noticed something was different about Nick.


I liked that too. I also liked that he wasn't given the usual title of Shaman, but Dream Reader. Though, he did have his Pouch of Mystic Items, which came in handy.

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About the mugging...I just assumed whatever's going on with Juliette transferred to Renard when they were together. Seems like they're both having a hard time controlling their base instincts, and the show inserted the flashback scene of the two of them (in case we all forgot). I hope we were supposed to be focusing on the wallet for some other reason I missed.

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Okay, so this was the first full episode that I got to saw, (the last two or three was that I was able to catch only the back half or I missed it completely and had to watch it online). That being said, the first thing I want to say is that I am hating the new time spot. For some reason, I can't remember that this show now starts at 8 PM EST, and I am still thinking (I guess out of habit) that this show is airing at 9 PM EST. That being said, I do want Grimm to return to it's old 9 PM EST time slot. 


Okay as for this episode I am aware that Adalind is pregnant with what appears to be Nick's child, Renard is re-bleeding from his old (healed) wounds, Mama Renard is nowhere to be found, a new Royal is in charge and is looking of Nick's Mom and Adalind's other child, Adaline is supposed to be working for the Royals, Juliette is now a moody emo Hexenbiest that blames everyone but her for her situation (okay granted that she did undergo a spell to restore Nick's Grimmness but come on, didn't Mama Renard mentioned any side effects?) , and Nick is reduced to a lumpy sack of emoness that does nothing but stare at things teary eyed. 


But with all that I am still enjoying just seeing the Wesen of the Week plot and I am happy that they brought back that female police officer that they saved from those cult guys (not the Weseneairn but the ones that were killing just about anyone they found on a highway). 


Also, I do think that Juliette has now become a total loss, and they should just either kill her off or just write her off. In every scene, she is a total bitch to everyone, that she thinks is responsible. In my opinion, Juliette should just realize that she was the one who made the choice to undergo Mama Renard's spell and that only person, that could even be truly responsible, for this crap, is Adalind. 

Edited by TVSpectator
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(From TVSpectator)


and that only person, that could even be truly responsible, for this crap, is Adaline.





(From Rockstar99435)

Renard's mom was the one who did the spell and made the potion and convinced everyone that Juliette transforming herself was the only possible way to help Nick. I'm not sure why Renard's mom would want to turn Juliette into a Heixenbeist, but I think she's the real culprit.



I tend to Rockstar's thinking in Juliette's case. It was Elizabeth making the potion and only vaguely referencing the possibility of  side effects, which she didn't describe in any fashion. Unlike another poster, I think Elizabeth's tone was more "I have no idea what could happen, not my spell. I'm not liable for weird shit from this spell that's not mine. You're adults taking this on, right?"


I think that if we're going to go blaming Adalind, that's not exactly fair. Going all the way back to S1E1, Adalind was a hired gun for Renard. Bad things happened to Adalind because she did as he said/asked. Renard allowed Nick to grow in his animosity towards Adalind and refused to protect her from Nick. When nick outsmarted everyone involved by de-hexening Adalind, they threw her away. So, if we're going to throw blame/fault? It needs to go back to Sean, who started the whole she-bang.

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(From TVSpectator)





(From Rockstar99435)


I tend to Rockstar's thinking in Juliette's case. It was Elizabeth making the potion and only vaguely referencing the possibility of  side effects, which she didn't describe in any fashion. Unlike another poster, I think Elizabeth's tone was more "I have no idea what could happen, not my spell. I'm not liable for weird shit from this spell that's not mine. You're adults taking this on, right?"


I think that if we're going to go blaming Adalind, that's not exactly fair. Going all the way back to S1E1, Adalind was a hired gun for Renard. Bad things happened to Adalind because she did as he said/asked. Renard allowed Nick to grow in his animosity towards Adalind and refused to protect her from Nick. When nick outsmarted everyone involved by de-hexening Adalind, they threw her away. So, if we're going to throw blame/fault? It needs to go back to Sean, who started the whole she-bang.


To fair, it was Adalind who disguised herself as Juliette and slept with Nick (and also taking away his Grimm powers). So I would say that she started the whole, "Juliette as a Hexenbiest" storyline. 

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To fair, it was Adalind who disguised herself as Juliette and slept with Nick (and also taking away his Grimm powers). So I would say that she started the whole, "Juliette as a Hexenbiest" storyline.

One could then push the blame back to Juliette and the Scooby Gang in general since, IIRC, Adalind was goaded into doing it by the Royals in exchange for help in getting her Baby! back--which the Scoobies had sent away with Mama Grimm. There's more than enough blame to go around, but can someone remind me why they needed to get the StarChild away from the Royals? Or did we never exactly know?
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One could then push the blame back to Juliette and the Scooby Gang in general since, IIRC, Adalind was goaded into doing it by the Royals in exchange for help in getting her Baby! back--which the Scoobies had sent away with Mama Grimm. There's more than enough blame to go around, but can someone remind me why they needed to get the StarChild away from the Royals? Or did we never exactly know?


Yes, you are right to point out that this really has everything to do with the special baby-Diana- but still I feel that Juliette was as much as part of turning herself into a Hexenbiest as Nick, Rosalee, Monroe, Renard, etc... I just feel that Juliette's whole bitchiness towards everyone in the Scooby Gang is not needed at all/ totally unfounded; although I can see her being really piss at both Mama Renard and Adalind. 

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I'm pretty sure the crap Juliette pulled in that bar is grounds for the Wesen Council to send a hit man after you, according to what we learned a few episodes ago. Nick knows this, yet he's leaving her in a cage, where her location is literally public record anyone can access online. Because continuity.

I mean, I'm down, but I'm just saying, I'm fairly sure Nick isn't.

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There's more than enough blame to go around, but can someone remind me why they needed to get the StarChild away from the Royals? Or did we never exactly know?


The stated reason was that Kelly, Nick's mom, said there was a prophesy about a special child that could do great evil or good, depending on how she was raised. Kelly and Co. thought that Diana, the StarChild (hee! OG V flashback) would be better off not only not around the Royals. I think it was implied, if not actually said, that the group, including Renard, thought Diana should be kept from Adalind as well. I don't remember Renard arguing too hard about keeping Adalind out of the loop/circle of trust.


As of the preview, I'm just disappointed that Nick takes everything out of Adalind as gospel. Kenneth may or may not. Yet it looks like Nick is all in on this new baby being his. I believe TPTB want us to forget about Adalind sleeping with Renard a day or so before sleeping with Nick. You'd think Renard could count, but apparently he's busy with mugging folks or bleeding.

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I'm pretty sure the crap Juliette pulled in that bar is grounds for the Wesen Council to send a hit man after you, according to what we learned a few episodes ago. Nick knows this, yet he's leaving her in a cage, where her location is literally public record anyone can access online. Because continuity.

I mean, I'm down, but I'm just saying, I'm fairly sure Nick isn't.


Does the Wesen Council even know that Juliette was a former regular old human, turned Hexenbiest or maybe they haven't heard about what Juliette was pulling (or even yet, they are hearing that a powerful Hexenbiest is causing trouble in Portland, but they don't know who it is, yet?)?

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Okay, so this was the first full episode that I got to saw, (the last two or three was that I was able to catch only the back half or I missed it completely and had to watch it online). That being said, the first thing I want to say is that I am hating the new time spot. For some reason, I can't remember that this show now starts at 8 PM EST, and I am still thinking (I guess out of habit) that this show is airing at 9 PM EST. That being said, I do want Grimm to return to it's old 9 PM EST time slot. 


Hee Hee...a couple weeks ago (maybe it was last week, I can't remember), Claire Coffee and Sasha Roiz were supposed to live tweet the West Coast airing.  Well, at 8:00 Claire Coffee was there.  At about 8:50, she tweets that Sasha Roiz just showed up--he thought it started at 9pm.


You are obviously not the only person who is having trouble adjusting to the new time.  (For the record, this show belongs at 9pm AT THE EARLIEST just based on its subject matter).

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I hope if they do ask Renard's mom that she says something like: Well, it depends upon how fresh the glockenspiel is and whether or not it's a sunny or rainy day.

Anyway, I guess Juliette is "numb" or without feelings because Mama Renard got the recipe wrong. Sounds like a set up for either an antidote from Monrosalee or an excuse for Juliette to be a cold blooded killer who Nick has to shoot dead to save an innocent puppy.

I am still betting Renard's mom is dead or dying and that's the cause of his magical undoings, or at the very least the bleeding and the vision he last had while bleeding through his gunshot wounds. I'm on the fence if the blurry-vision benjamins mugging is or isn't related to the same. Basically, that snake thing that made him alive again was in some way either beholden to or controlled by his mother, and if she's toast, it wants some of its own back. Or something to that effect.

I realize given the soapishness of the writing lately, there is a decent probability the Juliette personality shift and the Renard whatevers may turn out to be related, but I sort of hope not? I'm hoping they're totally separate issues. I think it'd be more interesting if they weren't basically making everything directly related to everyone having sex with everyone else during magical whateverings of handwavium ie sex=magical conduit of blah blah blah I'm bored even trying to articulate it, let alone watching it.

Edited by theatremouse
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...I think it'd be more interesting if they weren't basically making everything directly related to everyone having sex with everyone else during magical whateverings of handwavium ie sex=magical conduit of blah blah blah I'm bored even trying to articulate it, let alone watching it.

Perfect articulation for what you're describing, IMO, theatremouse! And it's not just on this show. "Sex=magical conduit of blah blah blah" is just as common as the Star Child trope. I get that it is sort of magical that sex results in a new human being coming out of another, and that this the basis for all of the fictional "blah blah blah" that is symbolically substituted. But I hate it and True Love's Kiss too.
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As I recall, baby Diana had some pretty strong powers while in utero. And that was a baby that was 1/2 Hexenbeist 1/4 Zauberbeist 1/4 Royal. So, now that Adalind is apparently well along in her pregnancy with a 1/2 Hexenbeist 1/2 Grimm, shouldn't we expect an extra powerful, super special snowflake baby? Or , maybe the fact she used Juliette's "body" will make the baby less powerful?

Edited by neuromom
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