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Small Talk: We'll Be Right Back

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On 10/16/2023 at 9:00 PM, ebk57 said:

My best friend's birthday is on Halloween

Wait am I your best friend? 😀

The Lindt outlet store in Lake George, New York makes hot chocolate with up to six, I think, Lindt truffles and it’s confounding to me that the hubby will not regularly drive three hours one way to get me hot cocoa.

And now for the main event, it’s that time of year again!


Edited by mojoween
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1 hour ago, mojoween said:

Wait am I your best friend? 😀

You're my best sports friend here in PrimetimerLand!  😉


Actually, my "other" best friend whose birthday in on Halloween is also my best baseball buddy here.  She interned with us back in the last century and I took her to a baseball game once - and as she says, I couldn't get rid of her after that 😄 You should come to a game with me!!


I love Mookie's attitude.

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The topic of Lume and other "whole body deoodorants" has come up in a couple of threads, so I thought this article might be of interest to some:

At Vox: 'Why are whole-body deodorants suddenly everywhere?'

The author thinks, probably money, of course. But also mentions that since these products are not antiperspirants, there are less regulations and they can be put on the market faster.

Edited by Trini
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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I cannot remember which celebrity couple it is but wealthy enough to afford hot water but do not believe in bathing their children very often...I guess they wait till someone tells them their kids stink?

(From the Commercials that Annoy ... thread)

Ashton Kutcher and Mila Kunis.  Daily bathing isn't recommended for kids until puberty; I think it's once or twice a week before then*.  They said something like they bathe them when they see dirt on them, but my guess is if they smelled funk, they'd bathe them then, too. 

*I quit being lazy and looked it up.  That frequency recommendation is from the American Academy of Dermatologists.  This Harvard Health article says similar:


Lots of bathing can lead to dry, irritated skin. But also, the skin has natural protective oils, and natural bacteria, that help to keep us healthy and safe — and that can get washed away with daily bathing.

If your baby or preteen looks pretty clean, isn't stinky, isn't covered in bug spray, and hasn't been in a pool or other body of water, it's fine to skip the bath or shower. Really, bathing two or three times a week is fine. In fact, for many kids, even just once or twice a week is fine. You can always do a quick wipe with a wet washcloth to the face, groin area, and any dirty spots.

Stinky teenagers might need more bathing or showering, depending on activity level and deodorant use. But even they may be able to get away with washing their face and using a soapy washcloth on their groin and underarms.


Edited by Bastet
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I grew up in a rather rural small town, we had a bathtub but no shower (some of our neighbors had outhouses).  When we were kids, we took Saturday night baths for church on Sunday.  The rest of the week, we washed up at the sink.  The boys tended to smell more than the girls because they played harder, so they had to wash more often.  Puberty changed things and the girls washed more often, too.  

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I grew up in an old house, built in the late 1800s, that originally didn't have indoor plumbing. We had 1 bathroom that had a claw foot tub, no shower. I remember washing my hair in the tub, going underwater to wet and rinse my hair when shampooing. I was envious of my friends that had showers.

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On 6/16/2024 at 6:28 AM, chessiegal said:

I grew up in an old house, built in the late 1800s, that originally didn't have indoor plumbing. We had 1 bathroom that had a claw foot tub, no shower. I remember washing my hair in the tub, going underwater to wet and rinse my hair when shampooing. I was envious of my friends that had showers.

The house I grew up in was not as old as yours @chessiegal. It was built in 1912, we also had no shower.  I washed my hair the same way! But as a final rinse, I used to turn on the water and rinse again in the clean water out of the spout.  Ahhh the "good" old days!! 

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It's funny, that's how my mom taught me to wash my hair, even though we had the standard tub with a shower above. I later realized that a shower was much more efficient. I'm guessing it's because she had been a WWII refugee from Germany and likely didn't have new fangled things like showers (til her death she never took showers, and neither did my father, a depression baby from coal country.)

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Yeah,between Guy Fieri [whose name is spelt with an 'r' instead of a 'd' he's bullied everyone in using] and whose garish mug gets foisted all the time even when his shows aren't on, Alton Brown who started out as a quirky helpful food nerd but has  wound up being an obnoxious bully  and Melissa ['this dish reminds me of my mother who committed suicide when I was 20 (so you'd better award ME the first place instead of judging all us contestants' dishes on our  merits regardless of whatever personal tragedies we all may have had prior to entering this contest)] ' d'Arabian, etc.  I haven't bothered with that network in years.

It used to actually show helpful means for viewers to make delicious entrees but has long since degenerated into a bunch of pointless contests making inedible items dominated by loudmouth so-called personalities [how Ina Garten has somehow been spared/not taken her skills elsewhere, I will never understand].

Still, one would think something that calls itself the Food Network would actually want to have commercials that didn't cause viewers to lose their appetite - even if they rarely show foods worth making/eating these days!  Maybe they should change the name to the Stomach Churning Network.


Edited by Blergh
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PBS, which originated tv cooking shows with Julia Child, is still your best bet for instructional cooking shows. FN dumped Sara Moulton. I've read her account of the difficulty of moving to PBS because she had to find sponsors for her show on PBS. So glad she did, along with other talented cooks. One great thing about PBS is that you'll never see a commercial for Lume or any whole-body deodorant. 😄

Bobby Flay told FN he wanted to do a brunch show and was told there was no room on FN. It wasn't until they started Cooking Channel that he found a home for Brunch with Bobby. I don't think they air that anymore, which is too bad. I thought it was a good show. I even bought the cookbook.

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1 hour ago, mmecorday said:

@Blergh, I agree with everything you said! I had a cat that knew it was time to eat when he heard "The Barefoot Contessa" theme song. 

When my cats went outside, I'd leave the door ajar in case of emergency (any crawling/flying thing that also came in was their target prey later on). They both would stick fairly close to home, the late Bosco ranging further than Stella did/does.  I don't know if Bosco heard it, but Stella did - as soon as the "Jeopardy!" "think" music came on, she knew it was time to come in. Bosco would come in then, too. They weren't allowed to stay outside during "coyote time."

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My parent’s house that was built around 1920 also had a tub, no shower.  But I had to wash my hair in the farmhouse sink in the kitchen!

I wanted to come in here today to share the news that Mookie Wilson, he of the Santa and Easter bunny photo fame, crossed the rainbow bridge today.  Well he was shoved across, really, and I am not ok with it.  I did get to hold him until the very end and then some, which I don’t really recommend, actually.

Thanks everyone for being amused by him and indulging how ridiculous it was to take a cat to see holiday characters.

We are never ever ever getting another cat.  I mean it.

Edited by mojoween
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I am so sorry @mojoween! I will miss Mookie Wilson (and I'm not even that fond of cats...mostly because I'm allergic.  Mostly.  But how can I not love a cat named after a baseball player.)

My heart is with you. 

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19 hours ago, mojoween said:

We are never ever ever getting another cat.  I mean it.

Hmmm, I seem to remember saying that when my Baby Boo (avatar), a rescue, crossed the rainbow bridge in 2018.  He was with me for 12.5 years and I said never again! That lasted about 3 years!

Well, cat distribution system or not, I now care for 42  feral cats and the OG mama is my indoor cat. So never say never.... 😸

I am so sorry to hear of your loss, I know that heartbreak and it still can make me sad.  I totally agree about the holding after he has crossed, not really a good thing.

In time you will remember all the fun things and look at all the great photos and smile.... in time...

Edited by Gramto6
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21 hours ago, mojoween said:

We are never ever ever getting another cat.  I mean it.

I've decided that when Stella crosses the Bridge, I should foster a senior cat. No kittens. I do not want my pet to outlive me.  This way, if *I* cross the Bridge first, the foster people will care for the cat I leave behind.

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15 hours ago, Ghost of TWOP Past said:

What happened?

Money.  The farewell is here.

9 hours ago, Haleth said:

Will there be anyone to add new shows?

Since the forums are still active, the community manager - who creates new forums - is still employed.

9 hours ago, Haleth said:

I'm wondering if anyone is going to be moderating the forums.

That's done by volunteers.  I think there are only a couple of them these days.

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