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Small Talk: We'll Be Right Back

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In regard to the alleged "One Million Moms" who worked themselves up into a frenzy of outrage because Hallmark Channel showed a commercial with a gay couple (and Hallmark caved and refused to keep airing it) - there a definitely not a million members of the group.



“While no one believes they actually have 1 million followers [or] 1 million who are moms, it is nearly impossible to pin down just how many people they actually reach,” a GLAAD spokesperson tells The Advocate. “The parent organization, AFA, claims to have ‘approximately 170,000 subscribers to its monthly flagship publication’ and ‘more than 1 million email subscribers.’ However, these numbers have always been fudged, as AFA is notorious for counting as a supporter anyone who ever fills out one of their forms — something many opponents of the organization do as a way to troll them with oppositional/mocking information.”



There’s no disputing that One Million Moms and the AFA spew a lot of anti-LGBTQ hatred. “If you look at [AFA talk show host and columnist] Bryan Fischer ... his show is just a torrent of bigotry,” Montgomery notes. Despite trying to distance itself from him a few years ago and stripping him of a title, the AFA still gives him a platform to liken LGBTQ people to Nazis as well as demonize Jews, Muslims, Mormons, and gay conservatives.

For that reason, it’s worth taking the AFA and One Million Moms seriously enough to counter the bigotry with facts. “I think the AFA has a significant reach,” Montgomery says, noting that it has a $19 million annual budget.

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2 hours ago, Ashforth said:

In regard to the alleged "One Million Moms" who worked themselves up into a frenzy of outrage because Hallmark Channel showed a commercial with a gay couple (and Hallmark caved and refused to keep airing it) - there a definitely not a million members of the group.



That damned pesky Constitution.....

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1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

But not commercials that offend certain people's delicate sensibilities.

Hallmark is a private company.  They're  allowed to  make that decision.  The government  cannot  force them to run such ads, nor can they prevent  them  from running the  ads. I think the company  handled it best --- pulled ALL their ads off Hallmark. Hallmark loses advertising  $$$$$. 

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7 hours ago, mmecorday said:

I prayed to God that He would remove those obnoxious Starkist Tuna commercials with Candace Cameron Bure and by golly I haven't seen one of those in a while.

It's a Christmas Miracle!

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17 hours ago, mmecorday said:

I prayed to God that He would remove those obnoxious Starkist Tuna commercials with Candace Cameron Bure and by golly I haven't seen one of those in a while.

Are you sure you didn't pray to 1 million moms and tell them Candace was a lesbian?

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On 12/16/2019 at 10:04 AM, mmecorday said:

I prayed to God that He would remove those obnoxious Starkist Tuna commercials with Candace Cameron Bure and by golly I haven't seen one of those in a while.

But now she's on non-Hallmark channels with ads talking about how much she loves Residuals Time - I mean, Hallmark Christmas Movie Time.

Edited by Jamoche
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from Favorite Commercials, Zahdii wrote:


Charlie now claims to be sober, and he might well be, as he hasn't been in the news for the last couple of years for questionable behavior.  Not to mention the number of 'insiders' and 'close family friends' who have recently given interviews stating that he was close to bankrupt and was in danger of becoming homeless.  Where is his close-knit wealthy family at this time?  I guess they weren't aware and Charlie didn't want to bother them.  That seems to be enough for him to get small one-off jobs, just to test the waters, so to speak.  He's given interviews in the past where he claims he was blacklisted because of his problems.

I don't know if Charlie Sheen has found sobriety or not. But I also am in a family full of addictions, some people drugs, some alcohol, many a combination of both. I can empathize with his family and things they have done and have tried to do for him over the years. Been there, done that. At some point, we have had enough, everything else has failed, some of us turn to Al-Anon where we learn we have to let go of them and let them sink or swim or hit bottom. We don't need to do anything to help them hit bottom, we just need to back out of their way and let them. Sometimes letting a person go and letting them do is the biggest favor we can do for them. Treating them with enough respect to let them make their mistakes and to make their own decisions is a hard, hard thing, but it's for the best. One of the reasons I haven't been active on here is that I had to do a very hard thing for my drug addicted great-nephew. I had to have him arrested on the bench warrant he had and I had to get a protective order. I cannot accept unacceptable behavior and he has got to learn however he has to learn it that he cannot throw people around, especially old people and women. He cannot pick on people who aren't as strong as he is. I am a woman, I'm almost 70, I'm 4'11", he's male, 21, 6', yes he is stronger. I have permanent nerve damage in my hand from him stomping on it. He's in jail where he's been since December 13, he has his first hearing on his failure to appear next week. Then he will be appointed an attorney, then there will be a trial. I suspect he will not be getting out of jail until his trial, he's already proved he won't show up in court. Believe me, this is hard, I about fell apart in court last week when the judge made my emergency protective order permanent for 5 years. But, I'm clearing out the room he trashed and that helps my resolve, when I see the senseless damage he did, my miniatures and dolls he pilfered through, broke, used for drug stuff (don't ask me, I don't know), my beautiful little things and my dolls that he threw on the floor, walked all over, broke, covered them with cigarette ash.

So, I won't be judging the Sheen/Estavez family for any of their actions, I don't know what they've done or tried to do. Yes, they have more money than I do, but they shouldn't have to throw it away on one son's terrible behavior. The fact that Charlie appears for a few seconds in that ad with his father gives me a little hope that maybe he has cleaned up his act. I hope so. I hope that someday, my great-nephew will clean up his act. Where there's life, there's hope. Even though it doesn't feel like it sometimes.

Edited by friendperidot
I left out a word
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3 hours ago, friendperidot said:

One of the reasons I haven't been active on here is that I had to do a very hard thing for my drug addicted great-nephew

God bless you.  I lost my nephew to  heroin addiction.  Like  yours, my family is  full of addicts  --- some addicted to  alcohol, some  to other drugs, some are poly drug addicts. I've  lost multiple  family members  to addiction.  It's  hard to watch them  fall.  

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23 hours ago, friendperidot said:

 One of the reasons I haven't been active on here is that I had to do a very hard thing for my drug addicted great-nephew. I had to have him arrested on the bench warrant he had and I had to get a protective order. 

I am so sorry for what you are going through, the physical damage you've suffered and the loss of your beautiful things.

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But, I'm clearing out the room he trashed and that helps my resolve, when I see the senseless damage he did, my miniatures and dolls he pilfered through, broke, used for drug stuff (don't ask me, I don't know), my beautiful little things and my dolls that he threw on the floor, walked all over, broke, covered them with cigarette ash.

as a fellow doll person, this absolutely breaks my heart. you've done more than enough for this person, family or not. nobody gets to treat you like that. cut him out of your life forever. please know that i'm aching right along with you. i'm not religious but i will send all my peaceful energy out into the stratosphere for you.

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Re: Check writing...

I write two checks to the county for the cats' rabies tags. And they get 3-year rabies shots, so that's 2 checks every three years. Once the county and the city converted the property taxes to online, the only reason I have for checks is the aforementioned rabies tags and any workman who does stuff around my condo and doesn't take credit cards. Oh, and I owe my brother $2270 for the new carpet and the new stove...he gets a discount at H'Depot, so he put them on his credit card. I'll pay him back with a check once I get money from the insurance company.

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In addition to all the birthday and Christmas checks for kids and grands, which get put into cards that are sent by snail mail (that totals 14 checks/year), we also have what my husband refers to as athletic and music scholarships for the grands, paying for piano and swimming lessons - we send checks for those. I pay the county for water (4 times per year) and property taxes by checks, because the county adds a surcharge if you pay by credit card. I have a cleaning service that comes every 2 weeks. They don't take credit cards, so I write checks for them (and leave a cash tip for the crew).  I only go to the bank to use the ATM outside. The last time I went inside was when the ATM was down. I also go in if we've ordered foreign currency for travel. We can order it online, but we have to go in to pick it up - requires a teller and a manager who count it out and have me sign that it's correct and I have received it.

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I'm almost 50 years old, but my aunt still sends me birthday checks. 🙂

At most grocery stores, you don't even have to write anything on the check -- it's all done for you. Truly, we are living in the future!

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I'm old school.  I still write checks for a lot of stuff, and I go to the bank at the beginning of every month to get my "allowance" for the month.  For budgeting purposes, I withdraw a certain amount of cash to pay for gas, movies, eating out, etc. -- entertainment-type things -- I have to pay attention to how much I spend.  And I use a grocery store gift card for my grocery budget every month.  I used to be able to reload those, but the store has changed its policy and I have to get a new one each month, but I write a check to pay for it initially. 

I know people who use a credit card for everything, then just write one check every month to pay the credit card off.  I'm not nearly self-disciplined enough to do that.

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On ‎12‎/‎16‎/‎2019 at 1:04 PM, mmecorday said:

I prayed to God that He would remove those obnoxious Starkist Tuna commercials with Candace Cameron Bure and by golly I haven't seen one of those in a while.

That's b/c she's in new ones hawking buffalo chicken in a pouch. Yuck.

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43 minutes ago, mmecorday said:

I'm almost 50 years old, but my aunt still sends me birthday checks. 🙂


I'm 53, and mine does, too.

The only checks I write are for rent, Medicaid spenddown, and church(everything else is autopay via my debit card).  In fact, for the first time in five years, the address on my checks matches my actual address; I had just received a new box when my first apartment was condemned in late 2014--two apartments ago.

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

I know people who use a credit card for everything, then just write one check every month to pay the credit card off. 

That's what I do.  I pay that out of a money market account, and then I have a regular checking account for the occasional smaller check (the money market acct checks can't be for less than $250) - if I need to reimburse someone, if I need to pay by check because there's a fee for credit card payment, etc. 

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4 hours ago, smittykins said:

In fact, for the first time in five years, the address on my checks matches my actual address; I had just received a new box when my first apartment was condemned in late 2014--two apartments ago.

I don't even order checks. I write about a dozen a year, and I have a software program (that I can customize with address and banking info) and blank check stock and just print them when I need them.

Edited by Moose135
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Over in Annoying, Irritating, Angry thread, Auntie Pam said:


I just hate all the pharmaceutical ads.  Whenever I see one, all I can think is "Why don't you put that money into research?"  And I imagine all the people who have those conditions bombarding their caregivers with requests to prescribe the drug.  Pimping drugs to patients just seems wrong.

I said I have a story about this. I've told it before, but it's been a few years, so I'll tell it again for those who don't want to search a zillion posts. I don't even remember which thread it was on. And I may have told it a couple of times.

About 20 years ago, I was foster parent to my young niece, she was about 9, when this happened. I started noticing that she was watching pharmaceutical ads very closely, and then she'd say, "I'm going to do that." I asked her what and she said she was going to talk to her doctor about whatever drug. I said that she didn't need that, it wasn't for children. But she was stubborn, so I suggested she write down the names of all the drugs she wanted to ask about. She did. During one of our conversations about the ads, I asked her if she knew what Viagra was for. She did not, of course, so I explained it was for older men who were having sexual problems. Her response? In her most 9 yr old voice, "THAT'S DISGUSTING!" 

Finally, we had to go see the doctor, she took her list and after her exam, she handed Dr. Connie her list. Dr. Connie took her seriously and went down the list, "I don't prescribe this for children, you don't need that, etc." Then she got to Viagra, she said, "And I'm not even going to talk to you about Viagra!" I was snickering the entire time and it was hard not to laugh out loud at that.

Children do pay attention to these ads, they don't know what all the conditions are for. I grew up in a time when there were no pharmaceutical ads, and they kind of came on tv gradually, so most of the time, I tune them out. But I do worry about those people who have no ability to filter out unnecessary information.

And I'll probably tell the story again in a few years. I'm old, I have memory problems. Is there a pill for that?

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I think part of the problem is with no more liquor, beer, or cigarette ads, they have to come up with something for the stations/networks/shows to get some revenue. There was probably a relaxing of rules somewhere along the line, too. Used to be lawyers would die before they'd do advertising. Even the ones with "display ads" in the yellow pages were looked upon as suspect.

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4 minutes ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I think part of the problem is with no more liquor, beer, or cigarette ads, they have to come up with something for the stations/networks/shows to get some revenue. There was probably a relaxing of rules somewhere along the line, too. Used to be lawyers would die before they'd do advertising. Even the ones with "display ads" in the yellow pages were looked upon as suspect.

The cigarettes part is true, although I see an awful lot of liquor and beer ads these days. But you're right lawyers used to never advertise. It was considered declasse.

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Just now, friendperidot said:

A friend of mine shared this on FB and I just knew that people here would appreciate this beautiful story and probably the most beautiful version of this song that I've ever heard. 


I couldn't get through it. Too close to home. Sorry.

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From the head-scratchers thread:

>>* I remember where I was when Kennedy was shot and when the Twin Towers came down.

I'll bite.  In first grade; and finally taking a nap because I had a day off and the kids were off to school.

Edited by SoMuchTV
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I was in 8th grade English class when they pulled out the teacher to tell him Kennedy had been shot. They sent us home early.

I was working for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives with their Explosives Study Group in an office on Vermont Ave, 5 blocks from the White House on 9/11. They always had tvs turned on to cable news. Someone came and got me when the 1st plane hit a tower, We sat transfixed seeing the 2nd plane, then finding out a plane hit the Pentagon.  I figured the White House or Capitol would probably be next. My husband worked a few blocks from the Capitol. I called him and said I was sending my folks home, and we could meet and start walking home (I lived 10 miles away and took the Metro to work). My husband said he wasn't going anywhere. I told him I loved him and left. I walked about 5 miles until I saw people coming and going from the Metro and figured it was safe (who knew if they were sabotaging the Metro?). My husband got home about 2 1/2 hours later, having walked the 11 miles home. It was a scary time. I knew a manager at DEA who had an office overlooking the Pentagon He said when he heard a plane coming in really low, he turned and looked and saw the plane hit the Pentagon. It was certainly a day I'll never forget.

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6 minutes ago, chessiegal said:

It was a scary time. I knew a manager at DEA who had an office overlooking the Pentagon He said when he heard a plane coming in really low, he turned and looked and saw the plane hit the Pentagon. 

Damn. I mean, I've seen the footage of the planes that hit the towers, but it's one thing to see the playback on TV. I can't imagine actually witnessing any of that firsthand. 

My parents were both in elementary school when Kennedy was shot. They were both 6 at the time (my mom would turn 7 the following month). They've talked about how they remembered their teachers coming into their classrooms, sobbing, and dismissing the classes for the rest of the day. My dad also talked about how when he came home, he saw his dad crying, and he said that was the only time he could ever remember seeing his dad cry. 

Edited by Annber03
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1 hour ago, Annber03 said:

Damn. I mean, I've seen the footage of the planes that hit the towers, but it's one thing to see the playback on TV. I can't imagine actually witnessing any of that firsthand. 

My parents were both in elementary school when Kennedy was shot. They were both 6 at the time (my mom would turn 7 the following month). They've talked about how they remembered their teachers coming into their classrooms, sobbing, and dismissing the classes for the rest of the day. My dad also talked about how when he came home, he saw his dad crying, and he said that was the only time he could ever remember seeing his dad cry. 

Kennedy: I was in the school library with my American  History  class. The teacher, who was known for  making bad jokes and for  not being  fond of JFK, came out from the  librarian's office and announced that the  president had been  killed.  We all sat there waiting for  his bad punch line. 

Twin towers: I was driving to  work  when the  first  plane  hit. My first thought was  "Damn, that pilot seriously  fucked up. "  A few minutes later the  radio station  announced that a second plane had hit the second  tower.  I knew  then we were  under  attack.  I pulled off onto the shoulder  and puked  up everything  but my toenails.  

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4 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

Twin towers: I was driving to  work  when the  first  plane  hit. My first thought was  "Damn, that pilot seriously  fucked up. " 

Yeah, I'd thought it was a freak accident at first, too. I was in 11th grade then, in my math class-it hadn't started yet, but I'd gotten there early-and kids started coming in talking about a plane hitting one of the towers, and that's what I'd initially assumed. I was also surprised by that because my school choir had just been to New York City in April of that year, so the news was weird for me on that level, too.

For some reason, though, even after I heard about another plane hitting, it still didn't occur to me that it was a terrorist attack until my teacher turned on the radio and we learned that's what it was. Obviously I knew two planes hitting towers like that wasn't just a freak accident at that point, but why my mind didn't go directly to the next logical option after that, I'm not really sure. I think it's 'cause the only other terrorist attack I had any memory of up to that point was the Oklahoma City bombing, and I was 10 when that happened. So maybe the whole concept just didn't really occur to me as quickly as it would've for other people, or something? I dunno. 

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I was in 8th grade when Kennedy was assassinated.  Without warning, the office turned on the loud speakers in the classrooms and played a radio broadcast over it.  We had to listen for a while to figure out what they were talking about.

I lived in Los Angeles on 9/11, and was driving to work, listening to NPR, when the towers came down.  Because I worked in downtown LA, they were worried that there might be more attacks in different cities, so they told us to go home.


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I was in first grade when Kennedy was shot.  I don't really remember much of that day (I think we only went half days at that time, so I may have been out of school already).  I do remember that I had the day off for the funeral and I couldn't watch cartoons.  I wasn't happy.

9/11 - Mr. ebk was on the train to NY for labor negotiations.  I was in the shower when the radio said a traffic plane had hit the tower.  I was ironing, and watching TV, when the second tower was hit.  And then the Pentagon.  I work in Virginia (not that close to the Pentagon), so I didn't want to go in, but my boss said I had to.  Which turned out to be for the best since I didn't have a computer at home, so when my friend in NY emailed me to ask how I was, I was there and was able to tell him where Mr. ebk was supposed to be.  He walked over and fetched him and brought him back to his office.  Since the phones weren't working in NY, this eased my mind a lot.  Mr. ebk got home around 11 that night and I've never been so happy to see someone in my life. 

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A former co-worker and I actually rolled our eyes and said, “Dumbass.” when we heard about the first plane hitting the towers. We both thought it was a tiny plane, with maybe a student pilot, and how the hell do you miss a great big building like that?  We were horrified to learn it was a great big plane and that it was deliberate.  We stayed at work, but no work got done.

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The year Kennedy died my family had moved 1,000 miles for my Dad’s new job. My very wonderful 5th grade teacher told us Kennedy was shot. One boy who was known to speak thoughtless insults said “Yay.”  My mother cried for weeks —not surprisingly, 5 decades later she never got over the loss of my father. 

2001 I started a new job 2,000 miles from my old job as an academic librarian. I had been taught that a reference librarian needs to follow the news, so the TV was on as I got ready for work, so I saw the crashes in real time. My high strung middle daughter had just moved 3,000 miles to start college, which was 1,000 miles from me. Her dorm was 1 mile from Ground Zero. 

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JFK: I was in 8th grade in Miami. The vice-principal came on the PA system and choked up telling us the POTUS was dead. They dismissed us - the busses came early to pick up the kids. I didn't normally take the bus - my mom usually picked me up - but that day I took the bus...and was appalled at how the Cuban kids were laughing. They never would forgive JFK for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

"60 Minutes" had done a story on Osama bin Laden a few weeks earlier in 2001. I was working in a dental office. Each "operatory" had a TV and at least two were always on CNN. When the first plane hit, ALL the TVs were turned to CNN. I asked if it were an accident or something like Osama bin Laden. Everybody at the front desk looked at me and said, "Who?" (I guessed they don't watch/pay attention to "60 Minutes") Then the 2nd plane hit. Employees who were moms left to go get their kids from school - this is Atlanta - who's to say CNN won't be next?  (Personally, I always felt the terrorists WANTED news coverage, so they'd leave CNN alone. My mom, in North Carolina, still worried about me - she was more afraid of them going for the All-American Coca-Cola.)

I've been to Shanksville, PA to see the memorial park. It is a sobering sight. I've been twice and can't stay very long - I get too emotional.

I have a friend who lives in New Jersey. Both she & her husband worked in NYC, Charlene worked near the WTC and Greg's office had moved from there just a few weeks prior. They commuted by train, leaving their car in a parking lot on the Jersey side of the river.  They couldn't get home on 09/11, so they stayed in town. When Charlene checked her phone messages, several neighbors had called her in a panic - their car is STILL at the train station...are they OK?  She said that's how people discovered their neighbors were gone - the abandoned cars in the commuter parking lots told the story of folks who would never come home.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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2 hours ago, Prevailing Wind said:

She said that's how people discovered their neighbors were gone - the abandoned cars in the commuter parking lots told the story of folks who would never come home.

That's incredibly haunting. 

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I am old enough to remember when President Kennedy was killed but I do not. It probably is a combination of we were not a political family, I do not remember politics ever being talked about in our house. The other part is my father died about a year before and it would have upset me. On Sept.11th I was getting ready for work with the news on. Like a lot of people I thought it was an accident at first the the other plane hit. I went to work but by noon our company sent us home. None of the stores were in danger but they said it was a day to be with our family.

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By the time I woke up on 9/11, both towers had already collapsed.  It was really hard to absorb all that had happened.  The crash in Pennsylvania hadn't yet been reported; the plane was still one the airline was "deeply concerned" about the status of.  The rumor about a car bomb at the State Department hadn't yet been debunked, either, so there was all this fear as to what was coming next. 

I live in Los Angeles, but I was on a hiking trip in Utah for the week.  It felt weird not being home, in case something happened in L.A., but it was terrific to spend the day on the trails.  Of course, we (a friend was with me) watched hours of news coverage each night when we got back to the hotel, but we were able to cleanse our minds each day by being out in nature.

When I called my parents, I found out a coworker had called their house (knowing I'd be checking in with them) to say that one of the employees at our company had lost his wife and mother-in-law (they were on Flight 11).  My dad knew some of the crew on Flight 77 because he used to travel to D.C. on business a lot and that was always the flight he took home; as a frequent flyer, and in first class, he and the crew knew each other by name and always chatted. 


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I was in kindergarten when JFK was killed. We got sent home from school. That's all I remember about it. Oh, and seeing Walter Cronkite cry on the air.

9/11 I was listening to the radio, getting ready for work. At first I thought it was a joke. "Oh, those wacky am DJ's" Then I realized it was real so I turned on CNN. I called my flower shop and my assistant told me the big event we were doing for Boeing that evening had been cancelled. I went in and we made red, white and blue ribbon badges and handed them out on the sidewalk in front of the shop. Everyone was in shock.

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3 hours ago, smittykins said:

I wasn’t alive for Kennedy, and I was at work when 9/11 happened.  We had to keep up with the news through radio and newspapers because our cable was shut off(don’t ask).

We didn't have any TVs in our office, so we all tried to get online to see the news, but all of the news websites were overcome, and we were trying to find decent coverage that was still up.


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