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Small Talk: We'll Be Right Back

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I just want to start this thread, because it was a favorite of mine on TWoP, but bring on your best.   This is my favorite....

Edited by David T. Cole
I'm a wizard.
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This is the Small Talk thread for Commercials -- a social thread and not generally for specific commercial discussion.

Please feel free to start new threads for ads you want to talk about.

Does this mean (in general, but also specifically for this thread/forum) that it would be inappropriate, for example, for me to ask if that was really Katherine Heigl I saw in a commercial recently, instead of asking to have a thread started under commercials for something like, "HITG! Look Who's Talkin'" or...?
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So we'll have a gazillion threads with 2 replies each. Well, at least that's not tedious or easy to remember. Except not. It is tedious and hard to remember ...for me.

So maybe I am the issue. Note to self. :)

"I can't be opening and closing all kinds of threads."[tm / BR]

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I'm totally with random chance. I'm not up to dealing with the anarchy that will likely ensue with narrow, super specific threads.

I want to find fellow posters' insights easily, recall where I read them, and be able to come back later and easily find where to comment on them.

I want to obey the rules and I want participate, but I don't want it to be rocket science and a headache.

Edited by ari333
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Crap, I'm sorry Ari, I was just kidding. I know it's all a shock to the system right now but we'll get used to it. And look, quote buttons! With multi-quote! That's pretty cool right? And isn't it a fantastic piece of luck in general that there was a place for us to go, and they want us here (so far)?  It will all be okay. 

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I thought in TWOP, there were too many threads for the commercials.  Perhaps people can suggest some in here before creating them?

1) Actors in Commercials

2) Commercials that make us scratch our heads

3) People who should go away now

4) Commercials we love

5) I don't think that means what you think it means (unintended messages)

6) Commercials that suck

7) Stirring the pot - Controversial Commercials

8) Prime Time (Super Bowl, Emmys etc)

Or maybe by genre?  Autos, Healthcare, Beauty etc.


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I agree there were too many categories of commercials at the other site. No genre breakdowns is my vote.

Lola16, I agree with your 1, 2, 3 (but just call it "go away!"--or something related to general overload of commercial/person/theme/character), 4, 5 and 7.

#6 is unnecessary and understood, I think, as part of us coming here to bitch about commercials, and 8 isn't necessary/is covered by other categories.

I feel like we're shaping history here!

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Here are the threads:

1) Actors in Commercials =  Before they were famous - actors in commercials
2) Commercials that make us scratch our heads =  Say What? Commercials that make us scratch our heads.
3) People who should go away now & 6) Commercials that suck =  Commercials With People That Should Go Away And Beyond...Commercials That Annoy, Irritate or Outright Enrage
4) Commercials we love =  Favorite Commercials <3
5) I don't think that means what you think it means (unintended messages)
7) Stirring the pot - Controversial Commercials

I think that should cover it.  If anyone wants to propose a new thread, please do so.  Also if anyone wants to update a thread title, we can ask Dave.

Happy snarking!

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Crap, I'm sorry Ari, I was just kidding. I know it's all a shock to the system right now but we'll get used to it. And look, quote buttons! With multi-quote! That's pretty cool right? And isn't it a fantastic piece of luck in general that there was a place for us to go, and they want us here (so far)?  It will all be okay. 

It's all cool and good and I'm happy to be here. I just don't know where to put things/posts at times and I don't want to make a mistake, so I end up not participating when I really want to. I guess that's what I was trying to say. I don't want to be that guest, like one I had in real life, who we invited to our home for lobster dinner. He walked in the door and started insulting our wallpaper and the way I sliced tomatoes heh.  So, I don't want to be that person. :) 

Edited by ari333
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What about a thread dedicated to the music in commercials?  

As an example, last year that obnoxious earworm, "I Don't Care, I Love it" by Icona Pop ended up in several ads and was a popular topic of snarking/bitching/rage.

Edited by OriginalCyn
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I watch ABC Evening News every night, and it's amazing that almost every single ad during the entire show is for some medication.  Seriously.  Except for ads for other ABC shows.  It was also pretty unnerving to have them advertising vaginal creams during my dinner.

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I agree that on that other site, it was hard to know whether to post in (or read) a thread that was about Headscratching, Angry, People Who Should Go Away, or a couple of adjacent ideas. So I appreciate consolidation.

I do, however, think that Actors In Commercials is about more than "before they were famous": sometimes famous actors do commercials (and I cheer for them, as it's a nice chunk of change for them).

And I did start a "Voice-Over" thread. The mystery of voices that we only hear seemed substantially different from the topic of onscreen actors.

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So...hi...I recognize many of the screen names as fellow TWoP refugees. How are you all adjusting to this place? As someone said in another thread, it's very bright in here. I think all the white space is putting me on edge. Usually, on TWoP, when I got pissed off I could turn it around or just go away for a bit and ignore it. But since coming here with all the glare and white-ness I have had to fight the urge to spew fire on 2 different threads (not in the Commercials area. You're all cool.) and was only partially successful in controlling myself. It's like the place is both too familiar and too different, bigger and smaller at the same time.

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Here is my great contribution to this thread:  Man alive, Fable earwormed me!!  *shakin' that thing, shakin' that thing"* 


I'll be over here *By Mennen!*ing my butt off.  


Oh...yay, that actually worked.  For like the two seconds it took before I started in with the humming again.  


*shakin' that thing*


*Byyyyy Mennen!*


So now that I know what I'll be doing for the rest of time, I think I'll just go read threads.  

Edited by stillshimpy
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How are you all adjusting to this place?
It's like freshman year of high school.  There are some kids I know from junior high, but others I don't.  And it's the same but also different.  But I know I'll get used to it.


The white doesn't bother me, but now that you mention it, something else would be nicer, I think.

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I'm a little bewildered by the complaints about a white background (not just on this thread). I don't doubt that they are sincere, but I find myself wondering: What else would one want behind black lettering? And isn't this what all sites have?

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Personally I'd like a pastel rainbow background with little unicorns flying around & an occasional puppy licking the screen. Of course that may be because I'm slightly sick & didn't really sleep the past two nights so stupid things sound genius. Actually I'm just glad to have a place to be. Thankful & grateful. And now the lack of sleep is making me teary.  Excuse me while I go hug my dogs & pretend I'm not crying. I wonder if my dogs would let me dye their fur pretty colors...

Edited by ramble
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I'm a little bewildered by the complaints about a white background (not just on this thread). I don't doubt that they are sincere, but I find myself wondering: What else would one want behind black lettering? And isn't this what all sites have


I think it's because TWoP was grey, so this is unfamiliar.  Personally, I like the white background.  So clean and fresh!  I didn't even notice it others mentioned it.

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I mentioned this elsewhere, but you can just turn down the brightness, if it is bothering you.  Usually F2 is the key on most systems.  Also, I use a free program called "Flux" It's free, like adblock and you can get it for any operating system. It will automatically adjust your screen brightness to fit the time of day.  Really helps with glare issues for me.  I like it a lot, personally and have used it for years.  


So those are a couple of options if the screen brightness is just driving you up a wall, into a tree and directly out of your mind.  


I like it here, by the way, but I came over with the Completely Unspoiled group from Game of Thrones almost as soon as TWoP's closure was announced, so I've had kind of a long time to get used to it.  

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All right, Shimpy, I hit F2 and now it's too dark and I can't figure out how to make it brighter again. 


Never mind, I just figured out F3 brightens it again.

Edited by riley702
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I like it here, by the way, but I came over with the Completely Unspoiled group from Game of Thrones almost as soon as TWoP's closure was announced, so I've had kind of a long time to get used to it.

I signed up the moment I heard about it too, I knew I'd need time to adjust to the software, especially since TWoP was deliberately retro. I can't remember this verbatim now but it's a quote from Monk: "I don't mind change, I just don't like to be there when it happens."

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I had problems with urls that start with https (which should be OK, but whatever), so I just delete the "s" to make it http and I'm good to go. I have to say this is one of the easiest sites to embed a video on. Although, sometimes I can't see the embedded video when I first post it, but a refresh will bring it right up.

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I haven't had an issue with the videos but a couple posters have --- for them it was because they were on mobile devices and the links were m.  Once they switched to non mobile links, it worked.


I don't mind the white.  I think with TWoP, it had more borders so it appeared darker.  I like the lack of side borders.  I'd rather have more content, less design.

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I think what I dislike is not the brightness, but the font size: I can see as much text on the screen as I'd like without hitting Control - several times. I've suggested a setting be added to the profile control panel. There are things I like about the layout here!

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How are you all adjusting to this place?

It's like freshman year of high school.  There are some kids I know from junior high, but others I don't.  And it's the same but also different.  But I know I'll get used to it.

You hit the nail on the head, janie jones. The biggest adjustment for me is learning how the forums are organized here.

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Did anyone catch the ep of Rick and Morty when Rick gave the family a cablebox that recived shows from every dimension? They had some brilliant commercial spoofs, like a version of a local "crazy Bob's discount electronics" with "I have ants inside my eyes Bob!".

Edited by Ubiquitous
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Fianlly got around to making the Chrismagivingoweensterjuly to school quilt.   My protest against the smooshing of the holidays together.   You can see it here:


You can see it Legal Quilts

OMG!  That is so freaking awesome!  Its so cool that you did that, I wish I had a talent so I too could contribute to the snark art community!

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Regarding the helicopter-mom phone-bricking app that's drifted off topic in one of the threads: there've been studies showing that even kids who have completely internalized the "don't use your phone while you're driving" message will respond to it if it's from their parents. So anything that puts more pressure on them to do that is really not such a great idea.


Teenagers are supposed to be learning how to get distance from their parents, anyway, even the good ones - and from personal experience, the ones most insistent about getting called back right now are not the good ones.

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Eh, I don't think it's such a big thing. It's not saying they have to call back immediately. It just means they have to call their parents back first before they use their phone for anything else. If it's not safe for them to call their parents, they shouldn't be using the phone for anything else anyway.

That said, I probably wouldn't use it. If a had a teenager who had a problem returning calls on a phone I paid for, they would quickly no longer have a phone I paid for. If they want to waste their money on their own phone, that's their money.

Within reason, of course. Also, I should add the caveat that I pretty much never use a phone as a phone - I prefer to text - so if I'm actually calling, it's urgent, and my family knows this.

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I just don't know why she had to create an app rather than simply enforcing whatever her phone rules were -- if the kid doesn't follow them, take the damn phone away.  Yes, it's nice that kids can have cell phones for emergency situations, but those of us who grew up before they existed didn't die by the thousands for lack of one.  The odds that something terrible is going to happen during the period the kid no longer has a personal cell phone glued to their ear are pretty low, whereas I'd think the odds of having a "high-value treat" being taken away prompting them to adjust their behavior would be decent. 


Mind you, I use my cell phone about 10 times in an average year, so all this phone hoopla is not something to which I can relate, period. But, fundamentally, she is the parent (not to mention the one paying for the phone), right?  So, if a kid abuses a privilege, they lose that privilege.  You don't need an app for that.

Edited by Bastet
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What the world needs are mobile phones that can't connect, with either voice or data, when the phones are moving. I'm damn tired of idiots ramming into me with shopping carts at the store because they can't shut up and shop, let alone the distracted drivers making life more interesting on the road.

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