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S11.E18: When I Grow Up

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I hope that the episode title holds true, and the episode ends with Amelia and Derek making amends. In the promo, Derek sounds mature/like he seriously has no intentions of stealing Amelia's job. It's Amelia who needs convincing. I honestly think Derek is back in Seattle with the intent to fix his marriage and family, along with his relationship with his sister.

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The show is usually good when there's a lot of interesting medical scenes, so I enjoyed this episode for that alone. But I actually didn't think the hook of having the students on a tour was necessary, and I wasn't on board for the Stephanie subplot -- until the comedic turnaround at the end.

As for the shooting storyline, I was disappointed that the young boy got an organ; I thought that was really unrealistic and too narratively convenient. Having the kid die because of the victims' mother's (justifiable) grief was a missed opportunity for great drama. Meanwhile, I'm intrigued that they're giving Callie a new (MALE) love interest, although it's obvious he'll be getting the hospital outsider treatment afforded to poor saps like Finn and Matthew. So I'm not expecting him to have much longevity around here.

In other news, Meredith and Derek both being happy is incredibly foreboding. Like Seasons Six and Eight, everything is pointing towards disaster.

Edited by upperco

Another snoozer. I remember when this show was dramatic and fun and I actually cared about the lives of the main characters and enjoyed the hell out of the Mer/Cristina friendship and liked the bar scenes and everything. Now it's like...who cares? Stephanie and Jo drinking at the bar, Amelia mooning over Owen, the ever-bland Ben...I care about literally none of this and I've been given zero reason to care.


I wouldn't mind a good season finale disaster ending in half the cast dying in brutal ways.

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Pop Quiz!


The little girl will turn out to be:


A. Amelia's daughter from one of her missing years.


B. Derek's second cousin.


C. Daughter of Ellis's younger sister.


D. Ellis's clone.


E. Ellis's reincarnation.


F. The transplant recipient of Sloan's hypothalmus.


Regardless, get her an Anatomy Jane and start a med school tuition fund, stat!

  • Love 9

Best moment of the episode: Callie telling the police captain that she couldn't tell him anything about the suspect's condition. Finally, one person in this hospital remembers that HIPAA rules exist! Of course, then Bailey balanced that out by having Meredith hand over a list of 100 patients who are gettng organs because of the two cops.


Oh, great. Bulldozer Bailey is back! Thank goodness the other cop was able to talk the mom into donating her sons' organs. I get Bailey is supposed to be the somewhat brash doctor who is so passionate about her patients that she sometimes crosses the line, but, as Maggie told Alex, learn to read the room!


Amelia: I don't want to make this all about me.

Me: LIAR!!


Ha, I loved that Alex's solution to entertaining the kids was to show them gross x-rays of people with stuff stuck in them.


I really disliked what a pain in the ass Amelia was when Derek initially came back. I understand that after being in his shadow, she doesn't want to go back to being Other Shepard, but calm down there, girl. I really liked their brother/sister conversation at the end of the episode. Well, until Derek said that it isn't love if it doesn't destroy you. Stop perpetuating the myth that "real" love has to be this all consuming thing that will destroy you, show.

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I loathe Amelia (PP refuge here) and love Derek, and even I thought she was justified to be skeptical of him.  The great Derek Shepherd, content with snips and snaps?  But it seems as if this separation from his family has really changed him, for the good, and I hope it sticks.  I also really appreciated that Meredith seemed happy that he's back....I was worried they were going to make her miserable or something.


This show is just dreck these days, but as long as Mer/Der are okay and Alex is happy I can deal with most of it. 


Maggie's lisp still bugs.  Speech therapy...you can afford it now.

  • Love 3

I know Callie has always been a bit agressive in her application of makeup, but those Kardashian-strength false eyelashes were distracting. I was surprised she could keep her eyelids open...

A few weeks ago I noticed Kepner's fake lashes were so long they literally knocked a little crimp in the top of her face mask when she blinked during surgery.  Someone in makeup adores artificial eyelashes.

Edited by candall
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I enjoyed Alex's 30 seconds with the kids.

Callie actually didn't bug me for once.

I'm sick of Amelia. I've actually come to like Maggie okay because she's not hogging the screen too much, but it feels like Amelia is all over the place. She and Owen may take the record for fast relationships.

I really dislike Bailey.

Edited by Evie
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As for the shooting storyline, I was disappointed that the young boy got an organ; I thought that was really unrealistic and too narratively convenient. Having the kid die because of the victims' mother's (justifiable) grief was a missed opportunity for great drama.


For me, having the mother decide to donate the liver was great drama (though not in your face and on screen). The threat of him dying because of the mother's grief and understandable objections to helping, was dealt with - so, not entirely missed. Personally, I wouldn't want that nice mother to live with having condemned a young boy to death (now, if it had been a full grown man - or the kid had been actively involved in the shooting, rather than in the getaway car, I'd have a different opinion).



I enjoyed Alex's 30 seconds with the kids.

I'm sick of Amelia. I've actually come to like Maggie okay because she's not hogging the screen too much, but it feels like Amelia is all over the place. She and Owen may take the record for fast relationships.

I don't know, Mer and Der were pretty quick on the relationship front. Seems to me, they still hold the record. (not that I can remember all the ins and outs of everyone's multiple relationships)


Alex is still the best.


Though I'm not fond of Jo and Stephanie - the scene in the bar was hilarious. I thought he looked a little young - but first year teachers look pretty young to me too.


Was it just me - or did anyone else get confused about the two police brothers. I mistakenly assumed Kevin Alejandro (the cop Callie worked on) was one of the brothers. The other two apparently just blended into one for me - neither of them were distinctive enough, I guess. At least to me.

Edited by clanstarling
  • Love 4

Maggie's lisp still bugs.  Speech therapy...you can afford it now.


Same goes for Maggie. During their scene together in the beginning of the episode, their collective speech problems were all I could focus on. And then I watched the  new Big Bang Theory episode and Jim Parsons's lisp was just out of control. How did these people all join a profession where talking is all they do?

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I loathe Amelia (PP refuge here) and love Derek, and even I thought she was justified to be skeptical of him.  The great Derek Shepherd, content with snips and snaps?  But it seems as if this separation from his family has really changed him, for the good, and I hope it sticks.  I also really appreciated that Meredith seemed happy that he's back....I was worried they were going to make her miserable or something.


This show is just dreck these days, but as long as Mer/Der are okay and Alex is happy I can deal with most of it. 


Maggie's lisp still bugs.  Speech therapy...you can afford it now.


I couldn't stand Amelia on PP, and can't stand her now.  Amelia with Owen makes me cringe.  Blech.


I agree, I only care about Alex, and maybe Mer/Der, in a purely nostalgic way.

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I was intrigued to have this police officer-driven storyline follow so soon after Scandal's--it seems like Shonda has some opinions to share and/or wants to capitalize on recent events, though (interestingly) they were quite different portrayals across the two shows.


The writing of the Shepherdess continues to bug (you're falling in love with him? Did I miss an episode or eight?), as does Callie's lipstick color (shallow but true). I did enjoy how her assumption that the officer would want the kid to die turned out to be entirely false--it was nice to see an assumption challenged without being beat over the head by it.


They've had great guest stars the last few weeks...these last few have felt a little more old-school Grey's to me. And speaking of: I love that they're playing the pilot next week. It will be fun to see it again in prime-time, ten years on. 

  • Love 3

Was it just me - or did anyone else get confused about the two police brothers. I mistakenly assumed Kevin Alejandro (the cop Callie worked on) was one of the brothers. The other two apparently just blended into one for me - neither of them were distinctive enough, I guess. At least to me.

Thank you!  I had to watch part of it again to try to figure it out.  I guess the one brother got his big speech but I don't remember much at all about the other brother.  I too was trying to figure out how both brothers died if leg shot top cop was still alive and breathing.  


Thinking back to prior really stupid story lines, Mere's streak is fully broken now.  Is she going to decide that having Derek back and being happy makes her a crappy surgeon and decide to blow up her life?  


I am now at a point where anything that Amelia does bugs me.  I just hate seeing her face. It is not fair or reasonable, but I just can't stand when she is on screen.  And now she's in flove with Owen.  Greeeeeaaaaaat.  I can muster absolutely no amount of caring for them as a couple.  Please make it stop, show.  Make it stop. 

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I thought it was pretty good, especially for this season. I like Amelia and I really enjoyed the ending scene with she and Derek having an actual conversation like siblings. I hope this means we're done with the in hospital bickering every episode. Neither of them have friends so I hope going forward they can have a conversation here and there.  I enjoyed Alex's 20 seconds as always and I thought the patient storylines were ok but predictable. I'm curious to see if Callie's cop actually returns or if he'll even get a mention. I liked April & Jackson's scene too but each time Jackson says "Plastics Posse" it only makes me wish Mark was there instead of him (sorry).


Meredith's "I'm blessed" came across to me as being like Meredith's "I'm fine", fake. I also thought it was interesting how she was looking in from the outside, an observer and not a participant in the family happiness. Even in her conversation with Amelia she said that Derek is happy so that makes her happy. To me all that adds up to Meredith isn't happy. I know Derek was speaking to a child but the way he gushed sounded like a 7th grader wrote a fanfic and almost like he was trying to convince himself of it. Add in Derek's comment of love destroying you and everything with MerDer seemed really odd all around, but maybe its only because I'm not a fan.

Edited by windsprints
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Jackson, go back to your stubble!  I did not like the beard - it distracts from your pretty, pretty eyes!

I didn't like Jackson's beard either. I think it's because it's kind of patchy.

I like Amelia. She brings out a side of Derek we haven't seen much of (the sibling) so I find her presence refreshing in that regard. And I like her trepidation about the relationship with Owen-- it's the thing about being a "runner." I'm the same way, I run like a jackrabbit from any semblance of commitment.

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I wonder if Derek got a lobotomy while he was in Washington, coming back all content to do the little bits and coach soccer. I know this is what women often want, but it rarely happens with a man as ambitious as Derek unless we're looking at a death bed revelation.


I like Amelia and her hesitatation about having Derek back rang true.  There are few things so difficult as changing the way you interact with your birth family, which is why competent adults tend to revert to being 12 when they go home for a visit.


I couldn't stop looking at Callie's makeup. So television perfect, so nothing like what a real orthopedic surgeon looks like.  That said, I did like her scenes with the cop.


I know I come prejudiced against Bailey because she's so self-centered, but how is it that a hospital the size of that one doesn't have someone on staff to handle looking for organs for transplant?  That's a real job, not one for Bailey as she leaves her patient in the OR to make phone calls.


As for the shooting storyline, I was disappointed that the young boy got an organ; I thought that was really unrealistic and too narratively convenient. Having the kid die because of the victims' mother's (justifiable) grief was a missed opportunity for great drama.

I actually really liked that part.  I think the only thing that makes it better to lose someone you love is to know that their organs live on helping someone else (although 37 people is a bit much).  It makes it better for the mother that the boy is someone her son was rooting for to get a good life.


Now if she'd adopted him -- that would have been over the top.

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Well, until Derek said that it isn't love if it doesn't destroy you. Stop perpetuating the myth that "real" love has to be this all consuming thing that will destroy you, show.


That line was pure Shonda. I know she writes soaps, but her vision of love throughout all of them puts an angsty 13-year-old to shame. I CAN'T BREATHE WITHOUT YOU!!!111 Well get an asthma inhaler. It's all angst and torture and tears and unhealthy dynamics. Mer/Der is a toxic relationship and always has been. So naturally it's the show's main couple.

  • Love 7

Derek being back breathed life back into this show. I loved seeing the brief scene with their kids (Derek Bailey finally!) and I liked his interaction with the little girl in the gallery. Something is off with Meredith, but I think it's foreshadowing something, rather than her not being happy.


I'm so over this hospital where the surgeons take care of splinters, skinned knees, blood draws, MRIs, CTs, X-rays, and now matching organs to donors. Word to the poster above who talked about handing the woman a list of people who'd receive her sons' organs. Miranda Bailey has had no real story since ... OCD? No mention of her kid, no friends just like everyone else except for Meredith and Alex.


Amelia (Why is she here again?) continued belittling her brother - glad he didn't rise to the bait. She's everything I would hate in a boss. Yawn to her big love affair with Owen. I can't get how she thinks she'll be destroyed by falling in love, but I'm not Shonda, who evidently has not had a relationship without cheating and where each partner supports and nurtures the other.


I always notice Callie's makeup - SaRa is a beautiful woman, so I don't know whose idea it is to put her in stage makeup - like Broadway stage. Meredith/Ellen generally looks like she slept in her clothes, and Callie is in full makeup when she wakes up in the morning.


I guess there was little screen time for Jackson and April, since he's overcoming a knee injury, I think, and she has a newborn. If I were a fan of them, which I'm not, I'd be pretty po'd.


I can't even remember anything Alex did, except for show inappropriate, but funny, X-rays to the kids. I can remember what Stephanie did, but every time she appears, and again I wonder, "Why?"

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I guess there was little screen time for Jackson and April, since he's overcoming a knee injury, I think, and she has a newborn. If I were a fan of them, which I'm not, I'd be pretty po'd.

I'm not a big shipper but I like them and I was very happy with what they had in the episode. They had a nice scene and Jackson talked to his wife about his career aspirations of wanting to be a mentor like Mark was to him. I'd rather see that than each of them running around telling other people what they want in life. I don't think any other couple even had a scene together except a brief shot of Owen/Amelia in bed at the very beginning.

To me all that adds up to Meredith isn't happy.

When is Meredith ever happy?


I don't think their scenes mean anything other than they're over him kissing and running home. They follow the same pattern year after year. They tell other people all about their problems with each other (or say nothing at all). They fight. Sometimes one runs away. One gives a pretty speech, sometimes with candles. They have sex then they tell other people all is ok.   Rinse, repeat. 


I did notice that both of Meredith's patients have died since Derek has returned. I suppose its a matter of time until she brings this up. 

  • Love 3

Interesting episode. Bad day for poor Mrs. Gibson. 


I liked the Stephanie story; the transition from the kid stating that he was going to the junior prom to her slamming down a shot with Jo, who was laughing her ass off, was humorous. I liked Alex knowing exactly what kids like and I liked the little girl's curiosity and Derek's allowing her to continue watching what clearly she should not be watching. (I like it when adults acknowledge that sometimes kids are capable of handling adult situations.) 


I enjoyed Meredith and Maggie's discussion about people who say that they are "blessed". Those people annoy me, too. I can understand Meredith's discomfort with feeling "blessed".

  • Love 4

I pretty much enjoyed this episode.  It felt "vintage" Grey's to me, with a good medical story and a little bit of personal stuff. It was nice to have a big medical case of the week that all the doctors played a part in though I definitely agree that it was hard keeping the two victims/brothers straight....partially since they both died similarly (no brain activity).  I never realized how much the show would be lacking without Derek until he was gone for a few episodes.  May be coincidence but this episode was remarkably better that the past few.  


My favorite part of the episode was Derek and Amelia's conversation at the very end.  It is SO rare on television (Grey's is guilty as any) for two characters to have an actual face to face talk about real issues.  It was a really fantastic scene right down to Amelia saying she was falling in love with Owen.  Typical Grey's fashion Derek would have finding out by walking in on them in the on call room so I was really glad to see them talk about it like adults.  Also glad the "Shepherd Showdown" was pretty minimal.


Speaking of Owen and Amelia...i find it funny that everyone thinks their relationship has been rushed.  Their first kiss was 6 episodes ago, and months passed during Herman's surgery.  I actually think their relationship has been one of the slowest developing ones.  I mean most couples on Grey's are sleeping with each other on the first date.  


Now, here's my issue with the episode and the really the whole second part of this season in general.  I am so confused by Meredith's "blessed" happiness.  I can't pinpoint if it's Ellen's acting, or if its the directing, or the writing...or maybe something else but that opening conversation between Meredith and Maggie is something Meredith would never say seriously.  I thought (like some other posters) she was just pretending to be happy but in the scenes of her looking in at Derek in the house with the kids, she did seem genuinely happy.  I've always found EP to be a great actor so I don't think it is her, but something just seems off to me. I don't think her monologue was meant to be ambiguous.  I also agree with several other posters, Meredith and Derek being this happy has got to be foreshadowing for something bad to happen. 


Oh, forgot my second issue.  As much as I loved Derek and Amelia conversation....Derek saying their mom said he was miserable and to go back home seemed weird since the reason he actually came home was kissing the research fellow.  I would have been happy if we just never had that kiss and what Derek said here was what brought him back to Seattle.  

  • Love 4


I can't pinpoint if it's Ellen's acting, or if its the directing, or the writing...or maybe something else but that opening conversation between Meredith and Maggie is something Meredith would never say seriously.  I thought (like some other posters) she was just pretending to be happy but in the scenes of her looking in at Derek in the house with the kids, she did seem genuinely happy.

Both Derek and Meredith seem to have conveniently resolved their differences by having personality transplants. Derek doesn't mind taking orders from Amy or giving up his dream job? Meredith is "happy that he's happy?"


I'm reminded of "The Stepford Wives." We need a crazy stabber in the hospital to find out if they've been replaced by robots.

  • Love 4

Another one with a whole bunch of really lovely personal character moments and interactions. The opening convo with Meredith and Maggie was reminiscent of the sort of conversation Mer would have had with Cristina, without it sounding like Maggie was trying to be Cristina. The Derek-Amelia conversation at the end was really nice. Stephanie and Jo at the bar was the sort of thing that could have happened in the early seasons.


And April & Jackson's moment, despite feeling somehow removed from the rest of the episode and its goings-on, was really kind of beautiful. I liked the acknowledgement that Jackson misses Mark, which goes quite well with how he just keeps trying to make "plastics posse" a thing — I actually love how forced and awkward it always sounds, and how Ben is just having none of it. This scene makes all that a little more human, and less like he's just trying to be Mark 2.0 or something (despite his basically saying that he wants to do what Mark did). I just really liked it, and how it was just a nice quiet moment between married people.

  • Love 6

For me, having the mother decide to donate the liver was great drama (though not in your face and on screen). The threat of him dying because of the mother's grief and understandable objections to helping, was dealt with - so, not entirely missed. Personally, I wouldn't want that nice mother to live with having condemned a young boy to death (now, if it had been a full grown man - or the kid had been actively involved in the shooting, rather than in the getaway car, I'd have a different opinion).


I would agree if the script employed any kind of tension that obscured the otherwise obvious trajectory of the narrative. We knew she was going to consent to the donation. Thus, no conflict... no drama. 

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I'm saying it: Meredith is full of BS. "I'm blessed"? WTF. This seems fake to the end. I bought Derek's sentiment but he's always talked like that, so makes more sense for him to say that kind of thing. She is definitely trying to convince herself. 


I loved loved the Amy/Derek talk. Hopefully the bickering will stop now and that Amelia gets over herself. 


"I'm falling in love with Owen." Why? You can do so much better. 


Bailey, ugh. 


As much as I loved Derek and Amelia conversation....Derek saying their mom said he was miserable and to go back home seemed weird since the reason he actually came home was kissing the research fellow.  I would have been happy if we just never had that kiss and what Derek said here was what brought him back to Seattle.

I'm guessing he had this in his mind already when Renee kissed him. Sometimes, especially men, need a figurative slap in the face to realize what is happening. I didn't find this as weird.


Thinking back to prior really stupid story lines, Mere's streak is fully broken now.  Is she going to decide that having Derek back and being happy makes her a crappy surgeon and decide to blow up her life?

At least she'd be honest about him, which would be a good change. Given how Meredith has treated him this season, it would be nice to finally acknowledge where he stands, which is Pluto. 


After this episode, the rumors of Derek dead very soon are growing. For some people, in this episode the situation of MerDer seems too perfect, like the calm before the storm. PIctures of burning cars on the Mount Hollywood in Griffith Park feed the rumors. Do you think it's believable ?

I doubt it's related. It was said that Mer would have PTSD and perhaps believe he was involved but not a marked disaster. Although a probable disease revelation would be more devastating. JMO.

Edited by AnitaM86

I would agree if the script employed any kind of tension that obscured the otherwise obvious trajectory of the narrative. We knew she was going to consent to the donation. Thus, no conflict... no drama. 

True enough. In my opinion, pretty much the same can be said for most plotlines on Grey's - which is no longer known (if it ever was)for nuance and unexpected outcomes. So my expectations aren't as high as they might be for shows with better writing, plotting, and vision.


I can enjoy it on it's own merits, and even allow myself to be touched by moments which aren't brilliantly written, but are moving nonetheless.

Edited by clanstarling
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I am now at a point where anything that Amelia does bugs me.  I just hate seeing her face. It is not fair or reasonable, but I just can't stand when she is on screen.  And now she's in flove with Owen.  Greeeeeaaaaaat.  I can muster absolutely no amount of caring for them as a couple.  Please make it stop, show.  Make it stop. 


This truly annoys the hell out of me - why do writers give Amelia so much screentime???I´d say OK 1107 - we get her background,but ENOUGH of her after the Herman storyline, it did not stop,she is constantly,constantly pushed  down our throats, she is entangled in almost EVERY patient storyline. She is everywhere. Are we watching Greys Anatomy or Amelia´s anatomy? Who is the main character of this show Meredith or Amelia?  I´M SICK OF AMELIA! 


And it goes on and on .....

Who do you see most  in the next promo 1119??  Amelia.

Who do you see in 80% of promo pictures for 1120?  Amelia.


What is this agenda about??? Why is she served to us in every scene?  Why doesn´t Jolex have a storyline? Why did they stop telling Maggie´s storyline?Who is Owen beside being a sleeping buddy of Amelia? How are Japril dealing with the loss of a child??? And I could go on and on ....

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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This truly annoys the hell out of me - why do writers give Amelia so much screentime???I´d say OK 1107 - we get her background,but ENOUGH of her after the Herman storyline, it did not stop,she is constantly,constantly pushed  down our throats, she is entangled in almost EVERY patient storyline. She is everywhere. Are we watching Greys Anatomy or Amelia´s anatomy? Who is the main character of this show Meredith or Amelia?  I´M SICK OF AMELIA! 


And it goes on and on .....

Who do you see most  in the next promo 1119??  Amelia.

Who do you see in 80% of promo pictures for 1120?  Amelia.


What is this agenda about??? Why is she served to us in every scene?  Why doesn´t Jolex have a storyline? Why did they stop telling Maggie´s storyline?Who is Owen beside being a sleeping buddy of Amelia? How are Japril dealing with the loss of a child??? And I could go on and on ....



One of the reasons she might be getting more screen time is because she's low (wo)man on the totem pole. The other actors, besides just Patrick, probably like a lighter schedule. That plus the love Shonda has for the actress is overwhelming :)

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Without Christina and with so little Derek, it seems Maggie and Amelia were tasked to fill in the blanks.  For a while, it was all Maggie all the time, and now they've turned to Amelia.  They don't realize we'd rather see an Alex story line, or don't care.  They probably get tired of writing for the same old characters and dive into the new ones.

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I know Callie has always been a bit agressive in her application of makeup, but those Kardashian-strength false eyelashes were distracting. I was surprised she could keep her eyelids open...

I think that SaRa is gorgeous. Every week, I covet her eyebrows and lips, but I have to agree that the false eyelashes were too much. My daughter is a doctor, with two young children, and she'd never make it to work on time if she put on that much makeup.


Maggie's lisp still bugs.  Speech therapy...you can afford it now.


Even Jackson and Meredith were mentioned having some sort of lisp,but what if all actors who portray them tried speech therapy and maybe it didn´t help, I don´t mind their lisp at all, I focus on their acting,I´m not disturbed by a certain kind of lisp they have, maybe they all struggle with it personally,I wouldn´t make a big deal out of it. Just saying. It´s a part of their personality.It makes them who they are. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

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