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S03.E16: I Can't Keep Away From You

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Rayna refuses to let Deacon wallow in his condition, but her support only frustrates him and pushes him away. Meanwhile, Avery, Gunnar and Scarlett are opening for Rascal Flatts on tour, but, when her past public meltdown haunts her on social media, Scarlett becomes wary of performing again. Meanwhile, Jeff and Layla continue to blur the lines of business and pleasure, sending Layla into a state of confusion. Will is enjoying his new writing partner Kevin, but hits a bump in the road when Kevin is mysteriously no long available. Then, Sadie finds herself in a dangerous situation with her relentless ex-husband.


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You know what, I like that she's angry enough that she taking her anger out on busting guitars. I'm not into destroying things, but it's about time we saw some of that pentup frustration in her where she just lets go and takes it out on Deacon's guitars. I'm okay with that. What advice does a therapist give, it you want to vent your anger, hit or kick a bunching bag or smash some guitars.(Guitars was mine) Now that she's got all that anger and frustration out, makeup sex is suppose to be the best so we will have to wait and see how great it is in the next episode. How many days?

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I don't know where else to post this, but you can vote what to name Avery and Juliette's baby. Seems a little late, but...I'm #teamCadence (but as long as it's not Blythe, I don't really care).


Oh god, there does not need to be another baby named Bella in the world, not even a fake one. Edited by kitcloudkicker
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Boy what a surprise that ending was.............NOT!!  The only surprise is that Luke was there, although we all knew those 2 would get together.  I wonder where he got shot and if his liver will work for Deacon.


I almost cried when Rayna and Deacon walked into the house.  Maddie was so happy.


This can't end good for poor Teddy.  Now he's looking to embezzle money.


I'm glad Layla grew some balls.


Triple X...eh meh.. But I liked that song.

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Well that was pretty frakkin fantastic.

New prediction: Teddy gets shanked in prison and dies just in time to donate his liver to Deacon (who languishes hotly in ICU while Scarlett cries over his near-death bed). This saves Maddie from a risky live-donor situation, and she is wheeled on a gurney into her teary mother's waiting arms. The kids mourn for half an episode, no one cares how Daphne feels, and then the Jaymes/Claybourne Family Singers stage a reunion/comeback tour with the Exes as the opening band.

Edited by madam magpie
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Avery and Juliette, awww . . . .  My reason for watching "Nashville" . . . .


Teddy, Rayna inherited stacks of money from her father.  She should be able to give you a couple hundred thousand to protect the girls from scandal.  (And it would kind of be poetic justice for Lamar to fund saving Teddy.  Wasn't Lamar really the one behind Peggy's death?  Okay, she was crazy, but she wasn't a call girl.  Teddy never would have gotten mixed up with the call girl had Peggy still been around.)


Luke and Sadie, I can live with that.  I never got all of the Luke hate.  He never pretended to be anything he wasn't with Rayna.  


Scarlett and the doctor, I like the two of you together.  Scarlett needs someone steady.  Gunnar, ask Avery for Emily's number.


Deacon, I think a liver just became available.  I hope you have your beeper with you.

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Man, first the slap, and now the guitar.  I get this is true love and everything, but you have to be prepared to make sacrifices, if you are going to get involved with Rayna.  At least they are finally "together" (Swear to God, if he gets a miracle cure and the show still finds some way to break them up again...), and opened up to Maddie and Daphne.  Now, it's time for them to find a liver!  Who's it going to be?!!  It has to be someone we know.


Totally knew Pete was going to show up at the end.  And, Sadie caps his ass, while Luke stumbles on it.  I can't remember if the gun is unregistered or not, because it seems like basic self-defense to me, so I don't know where the drama will come from, unless they are planning on hiding this for some reason.  Either way, they are totally going there with Luke/Sadie, I see.


Avery was the only reason I enjoyed the Triple XXX stuff (well, the song was good too.)  Scarlett's off starting Twitter wars, Gunnar is pining for her like a moron, etc.  Boring!  More of Avery being goofy with them and having awesome phone calls with Juliette.


I have no idea where they are going with Jeff and Layla.


Ted is this close to actually becoming Lamar now, which I find highly amusing.  They even got shots of him drinking scotch, in a sinister fashion.  Ah, Nashville.  No cliche left unturned.

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Ah man. Why couldn't Teddy have been in that parking garage when that bullet went through the evil ex? I'm so over this clown stumbling and bullying his way through another mess he's gotten himself into. I'm pretty sure this dude is over compensating for a very small penis. He wants everyone to think his tool is the biggest in town, but he lost his balls to Rayna a long time ago, had a wife who thought pig blood really brought out the blue in her eyes, then climbed into bed with the likes of Jeff and resorted to screwing a prostitute. Repeatedly. For his grand finale he is going to try his hand at blackmailing some government schmo and embezzling from the City. All to cover up his lack of a lady pleaser. Maybe he'll just do us all a favor and walk in front of a bus. If Sadie's ex isn't a match for Deacon, there's still a chance for Teddy to do the right thing and take one for the team.


I really liked Luke and Sadie's song. I don't like either character thus far, but I think they could be interesting together. I hope they don't cover up Sadie's crime. It was pretty clearly self defense. Get that corpse to the organ transplant team STAT. If Teddy isn't going to play ball by being in the right place at the right time, then Deacon needs Pete's liver!


I can't help that I'm enjoying Jeff right now! I want him to be happy. With his shirt off. As much as possible. What? The man is sexy as hell. I'm shallow. Sue me.


I have no desire to see Scarlet + Gunnar redux. For the how many-th time? Enough already. She's kind of cute with the Dorktor, let's just keep her on that path for awhile and see where it goes. A healthy relationship where one of the partners is outside the business could be interesting for them to explore. I thought the Twitter thing was stupid. If you really think it's a good idea to get into it with assholes who post mean stuff on the internet you probably don't have the smarts to deal with fame. Ignore it and do your thing. I did like their response song. When the guys came in on harmony I got chills.


I am so glad that Deacon finally let Rayna have it and said all the stuff I wish he'd said months ago. I really hope they can move forward in a healthy way now, even though I still think Rayna is an entitled witch. I'm nervous for how Maddie is going to take the news of his illness. Did anyone else feel sorry for Daphne during that family hug? I thought she kind of hesitated before joining in.


I loved Avery. I always love Avery. Remember that time he was sleeping with his Crypt Keeper manager and he was so yucky and sleazy? Thank God that guy is long gone. That song for the baby was so beautiful!


At least Will wasn't making out with randos this episode. This show has a chance to show an out country singer and his struggles, and I wish they'd go for it.


Why is Juliette having a classic Juliette meltdown? Hasn't she evolved past this sort of thing, writers? Although, seeing her drop kick whatever baby paraphernalia that was that went flying was pretty amusing. I hope she doesn't ruin whatever nice thing Rayna is trying to do for her. Unless Rayna deserves it. Then whatever. Let the stuffed giraffes and Diaper Genies fly, girlfriend.

Edited by ReadingZombie
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Well that was pretty frakkin fantastic.

New prediction: Teddy gets shanked in prison and dies just in time to donate his liver to Deacon (who languishes hotly in ICU while Scarlett cries over his near-death bed). This saves Maddie from a risky live-donor situation, and she is wheeled on a gurney into her teary mother's waiting arms. The kids mourn for half an episode, no one cares how Daphne feels, and then the Jaymes/Claybourne Family Singers stage a reunion/comeback tour with the Exes as the opening band.

Now I want this to happen, except I want Daphne, suddenly realizing that she's the last one in the way of "the way it should have been" to become increasingly paranoid that she's next. The show can suddenly jump genres, into a psychological thriller a la The Glass House.

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Teddy is finally becoming the mayor Lamar set him up to be. Full of strong arm tactics, embezzlement schemes and cover-ups. He's going to fall hard and fast. Poor Teddy, never chooses well.

Loved Avery's goodnight song. So soothing and sweet.

Glad to see Layla is opening her eyes to Jeff. No use having all these bad life experiences if you aren't going to learn something.

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I am still amazed at how much Lennon Stella looks like she could be the real-life daughter of Charles Esten and Connie Britton. It wasn't as noticeable when she was younger, so just a lucky bonus in casting.

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Maybe Teddy can sell his liver to Deacon? Beats blackmailing random city employees for hush money.

Javery continues to be my favorite part of the shows. Glad Hayden's off maternity leave. I've missed feisty Juliette.

Scarlett should not dance. Ever. Except away from Gunnar, and into nice doctor's arms.

I like Luke and Sadie together. But if they get engaged, she needs an iron clad pre-nup that he pays for the wedding.

Who the hell is watching Daphne and Maddie while Rayna's out smashing guitars and having sexy times at the lake?

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I am still amazed at how much Lennon Stella looks like she could be the real-life daughter of Charles Esten and Connie Britton. It wasn't as noticeable when she was younger, so just a lucky bonus in casting.

Lennon is growing into a stunning young lady. She's just gorgeous. And so, so talented. She and her sister will have careers in music and acting long after Nashville is over, if that is what they choose.

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Who the hell is watching Daphne and Maddie while Rayna's out smashing guitars and having sexy times at the lake?

Didn't Rayna say Maddie (and therefore Daphne) would be getting a nanny after that whole party fiasco at her house?


Gunnar annoys me so much. Please leave Scarlett alone. Her and the doc are super cute. 

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The stupid was strong in the first half.  Layla stomping out on a valuable interview in a jealous little hissy fit.  Will's exaggerated man-swagger as he walked away from the songwriter.  Scarlett getting Twitter OCD.   I couldn't even follow Deacon's reasoning for rejecting Rayna--a shorter distance to fall when he dies if no one gets happy first?


But then Scarlett rocked that catchy little tune and everything turned around.  Yay!


Oh, except Teddy--what in the world, show?--and Gunnar's mopey disappointed face, version infinity.

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Um, timeline shenanigans. Scarlett said Chicago was almost a year ago to the day? So....Juliette has officially been pregnant for a year then. More than, actually.


I laughed so hard when Gunner opened the door to Scarlett's room to find it empty. I don't dislike the dude, but come on, man. Let her go. I am happy for Scarlett for facing her demons, although her arguing with folks on Twitter is beyond stupid. 


The thing about Teddy is that he's NOT Lamarr. I mean, Lamarr was a corrupt businessman for decades before he got investigated. Teddy is quite pathetic in comparison. No way can he pull this off. I have no idea where this is going or what his purpose is now in the show. If he's not watching the kids, why are we bothering with him?


Edited to add that I love Mr. & Mrs. Barkley.


Also, that guitar that Rayna almost smashed was gorgeous. I yelled at my screen when she picked it up. A show of dramatics is one thing, but destroying beautiful things like that is just absurd.

Edited by Soup333
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I couldn't even follow Deacon's reasoning for rejecting Rayna--a shorter distance to fall when he dies if no one gets happy first?

I think Deacon's reasoning came from a few places: he wasn't fully over the various things Rayna had done to them, he's scared about being so sick, and he didn't want to have to watch her and Maddie watch him die. He's done so many hurtful things to Rayna and he feels so guilty about them that having to face doing the ultimate hurtful thing--killing himself with booze like she always feared and being (he feels) totally responsible--was something the cowardly, self-destructive part of him was battling not to confront. Of course, that's not knowing "how to love you now," so good on him for changing his mind. And good on Rayna for rediscovering her balls, though I felt sorry for the guitar.

Edited by madam magpie
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Really Gunnar, you just open the door without knocking and waiting for a response?  (And, hint, if there's ever a next time and you follow this advice, if there isn't a response, you go away.)  Her boyfriend came to visit, remember?  Idiot.


Rayna's hair looked terrible in that lighting.  At first I thought she'd actually dyed a bunch of it white from about halfway down.


Hey high schooler Layla, do you really think Jeff didn't have any relationships before you two hooked up in your sleazy, inappropriate way?

Edited by Brookside
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I wanted them to have some confrontation, (loved fiesty Rayna from season 1) argue, get pissed at each other get the problem out there, deal with it then work on solving it. They did all those things making this episode long overdue and almost perfect. Glad Deacon came around realizing he has the family he's always wanted, now he going to fight for his life.  They both needed to get whats been building up between them for a long time out on the table. They both know how much they need and love each other and we as fans finally got to see it tonight. Make up sex is suppose to be the best, we saw a little but would have liked to see a smidgen more.


I knew when Sadie bought that gun she was going to shoot her ex, now lets hope she didn't hit his liver because Deacon has a donor.


I want Scarlett to be happy and someone who's not in the business could be perfect.


Teddy is now becoming a corrupt Mayor just like the man he didn't like and watched die and didn't lift a finger to save.


Juliette/Avery I hope they stay happy, loved the song.

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I almost cried when Rayna and Deacon walked into the house.  Maddie was so happy.



I like how the show ignores the fact that Daphne is Teddy's child & may not be spending her time hoping that Deacon & Rayna get together. Somehow Maddie's wants are considered greater than Daphne's.

Teddy is finally becoming the mayor Lamar set him up to be. Full of strong arm tactics, embezzlement schemes and cover-ups. He's going to fall hard and fast. Poor Teddy, never chooses well.


He's such a moron, how does anyone make as many bad decision as he does? He's the mayor, he should have at least one clue.

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Dear Show,


It's super easy to set up a Twitter account. It seriously takes like a minute. If you can show Gunnar doing it on the tour bus and then you specifically show the band's Twitter account on the screen, can't you be bothered to post like ONE thing on said Twitter account in real life? Other shows set up entire websites that are barely mentioned on their shows but you can't get one of your interns to post a few things from the Triple Xs? Like not even a link to buy their newest song? Nothing? You guys are just THAT busy?



A person who watches a lot of tv and is used to production giving enough of a rat's ass to post stuff on websites and social media accounts shown on said shows


Deacon is being a stubborn idiot. If he does die (and come on, the show is not going to kill him off), how does he think it would be better for Maddie if he just dies out of the blue as opposed to telling her that he is sick now so that she can spend some time with him before he dies? She will be hurt no matter how old she is when he dies whether that's tomorrow or fifty years from now. Losing a parent is always devastating and you can't protect your child from that. The best thing he can do is take advantage of the time he has left. At the very least he can stop avoiding her.


Although Scarlett's storyline this week was totally cliche, I loved how proud both Avery and Gunnar were of her during their performance. But I am not crazy about this jealous Gunnar business. So now that Zoe is out of the picture he is automatically turning his sights back to Scarlett? I mean, don't get me wrong - I love Scarlett and Gunnar singing together and I get how easy it is to fall back into old patterns with old relationships, but that doesn't mean I like watching Gunnar get unnecessarily jealous. How did Caleb manage to sneak backstage if Scarlett didn't know he was coming? Man, security is lax!


I was super annoyed when Gunnar knocked on the adjoining door into Scarlett's room and then opened it when she didn't answer. I mean, it was hilarious because she was off having sexy times with the doctor, but when you knock on a person's door and they don't answer that doesn't mean you should barge in, Gunnar.


On a shallow note, Scarlett in a black strapless dress? She didn't look like a grandma covered in rags and shawls for once!


I also really do not like this Luke/Sadie thing. It's obvious that they are going to pair up and then it will cause all kinds of problems. Despite that, I thought she should have let him walk her to her car. Restraining order or not, her crazy ex is still crazy and I knew he was not going to just sit back after what she said in that interview.


Hasn't Teddy already learned his lesson about lying and keeping secrets and coverups and illegal stuff? How did he think that stealing money from a discretionary fund to get his escort out of town was a good idea?


I loved Avery's song for the baby! What a beautiful melody. I prefer the acoustic versions so I hope they don't put an overproduced version on itunes.


Poor Daphne. She is the lowest one on the totem pole of that family. Everything is about Maddie Maddie Maddie. Daphne clearly adored Deacon from the very first episode so it is really sad to me that Maddie is the only one that Deacon and Rayna think their relationship and his illness will affect.


I'm glad Layla realized the similarities between Will and Jeff and ended things with Jeff. I agree with her - you should ever have to try to love someone. You can try to be a better person, a nicer person, a better boyfriend, but either you love someone or you don't. I am glad she kept him as her manager though instead of totally kicking him to the curb. She needs him, and I don't mean because he has all these connections. Someone needs to tell her to quit acting like an eighth grader and that five minutes late is still late. Jeff has been a dick in the past, but he wasn't wrong about those two things. Letting her petty jealousy get to her in the middle of an interview was just plain stupid. She needs all the positive publicity she can get and walking out because Jeff slept with someone before he even knew her is just ridiculous. She has a great voice so I want her to succeed but she can't if she keeps acting like a pouty little kid.

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I like how the show ignores the fact that Daphne is Teddy's child & may not be spending her time hoping that Deacon & Rayna get together. Somehow Maddie's wants are considered greater than Daphne's.

He's such a moron, how does anyone make as many bad decision as he does? He's the mayor, he should have at least one clue.

I feel the most for poor Daphne. They're lucky she's so young and is a generally agreeable person. Still though, being told everyday that your mom's true love is not your dad and that your original family unit is a lie has got to hurt. Anyone care that she hasn't seen her father? Nope. Just all about Maddie's needs and wants. Which speaking of, does Maddie care about Teddy at all anymore? I know it's not Deacon's fault that he didn't know about his child and he is her bio dad but damn. Teddy willingly agreed to raise her as his own. He's The one who raised her during her entire childhood. Who did Eric Close piss off? He used to have the best parent on the show thing going on but now he doesn't even have that. Now he's just too dumb to live. Which I don't think he will very long. The grim reaper seems to be coming for him. I doubt anyone notices or cares. Poor dude. Edited by t7686
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I thought for sure when Juliette said that she had Mexican food that baby was coming. My sister ate Chipotle the night my nephew was born. She even joked to the woman that was making it that it would be funny if the baby came that night. A few hours later....POP.  


There was a time where I really shipped Gunner and Scarlet but I'm fully Team Caleb now.


Teddy must be tired from running from one problem to another.

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This can't end good for poor Teddy.  Now he's looking to embezzle money.

again.  Wasn't that one of the plotlines from the first season?


And I agree with all of the comments about Daphne getting the short end of the stick.

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Tonight the editing on the show was really weird, especially with the Deacon and Rayna scenes.  I really wish they would have just let the first few scenes just play out with no interruptions. The way they were edited, each scene just ended so abruptly.  I've been waiting for ages for them to finally get their act together. When they finally do, the editing just took me out of it for some reason, especially that 10 second make-up scene we got. I don't need it to be Cinemax worthy or anything but, for their reunion to be years in the making, it all just fell a bit flat, for me anyway. 


Either way, I am so happy they are finally together and I just hope they stay that way.  My prediction is that Maddie will want to see if she's a match, this will cause HUGE issues since neither Rayna nor Deacon will want her to donate her liver. Eventually, it will be literally the only way to keep Deacon alive so they will cave and allow it.    I can see it being someone other than Maddie but, for drama's sake, Maddie makes the most sense. 


I just bought the "Heart on Fire" single and have been playing it on repeat for days.  I didn't care for it at first but I love it now. I just really love their voices so much and, I agree with a earlier poster, Lennon is truly a stunning young lady.  I need them to record an album now!

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I'm failing to see how Daphne is getting the short end of the stick.

I mean theoretically, one of the girls is going to if we look at it from a perspective of whose daddy gets to be the man of the house. Rayna can't be with both of their fathers.

That said, I don't think Daphne's family unit was a lie and I don't think they've made it seem to her that it was. Rayna said herself that she did ultimately come to love Teddy and that Daphne was not some product of a "shell of a marriage."

All in all, Rayna and Teddy failed. It happens a lot. Deacon is her love and it is what it is so if they end up together I can't understand why that would be the end of Daphne's world. Daphne has always loved Deacon.

Yes, the ordeal has been a mess for the girls and while we haven't seen much on-screen, I do firmly believe that Daphne has been spoken to and asked about her feelings. (Minus when Rayna was engaged to Luke and became a pod, but that's a whole other conversation.)

Frankly, at this point I think the most detrimental thing to Daphne (and Maddie as well) is not that Deacon is with her mother, but that her father is completely unraveling and will likely end up in prison or dead by season's end because he is seriously the biggest dumbass to ever walk the face of the earth.

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I agree that I think we have to assume Daphne has had several conversations with her parents about what's going on, or else her behavior makes no sense. Either the writers don't see Daphne as a real person, just as a bit of plot filler, or we're supposed to assume that both Rayna and Teddy, but Rayna especially, have done a lot of talking with her, both girls really. But I really don't like having to make the assumption and think it's a poor storytelling choice. Plus, the dynamics of a family, how you put that together, keep it together, and create an environment where everyone isn't totally screwed up is just a lot more interested to me than soapiness, so I wish we actually had seen Rayna talking to the kids over the last year and a half. (I can make assumptions about Teddy; he's not the protagonist, but Rayna is.)


I think that, from a writing standpoint, Rayna and Deacon have to be in this for the long haul now. All of the organic barriers are gone and the artifical ones aren't even very strong anymore. If the writers break them up, only to drag out the "will they/won't they" AGAIN, viewers are going to get bored fast...at least, I will. They're both still total emotional messes too, so there should be a wealth of drama and fighting there. I have to admit...I love the fighting, much more than the making up. The fighting tells me a lot more about the story.


I do think my favorite moment was when Rayna said she wanted her kids to see what love looks like and didn't want to protect them from it even if it ends. I kind of wanted to cheer, because #1) exactly! But #2) it seemed like a real change in thinking for Rayna who was never willing to let anyone see it really, often herself included, because she was too afraid of the outcome. She's a lot braver now. I prefer that. Actually, this whole episode was kind of a bravery turning point for Rayna, Will, Scarlett, and Layla...even Sadie on some level. Finally.

Edited by madam magpie
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Can we please just get rid of Teddy and Jeff already?

I prefer them a 100% to Rayna and Deacon. Ugh, this couple is so annoying and has way too much screen time. I would love it if they were gone.


The total opposite: Juliette and Avery. I love and miss them. Avery singing to their daughter and being teary-eyed was beautiful and Juliette sitting in every scene was cute.

Edited by Dirndl
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So Rayna has cried all her makeup off during her argument with Deacon and then suddenly has a full makeup face on post coitus? Wow, Deacon really is that good!

The toothpick in the Luke-Sadie coffee scene seemed to have a mind of its own. It was very distracting and totally lacked continuity. They need to hire a better toothpick that knows how to stay on the same side of the actor's mouth during all the takes.

We will need to come up with a new name for the band if Gunnar and Scarlett give a their relationship another go.

If I were Daphne, I'd feel like the red-headed stepchild. The whole "loving family except not" hug was offensive and disrespectful to her in my opinion.

Jeff looked like some alien from Mars with that hoodie on his head. Not a good look.

Now back to our less shallow thoughts........

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I loved the way Rayna kept coming and going to make her case to Deacon, never giving up, and am so happy they're finally a unit. Need to watch again to see what everyone's talking about re: the group hug, but I don't think that Daphne is yearning for Rayna and Teddy to get back together. She loves Deacon, fully embraced Luke and in a few years will have spent as much time not living with Teddy as she spent under the same roof with him. I can, however, imagine her feeling a little left out sometimes because although Deacon loves her, they won't have as strong a bond as he does with Maddie, but that could change with time. But she might feel like Maddie's getting more than her fair share because Teddy clearly loves both girls equally.


How about a pairing of Gunnar and Layla? Or would they be too mopey together.

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I wish we actually had seen Rayna talking to the kids over the last year and a half. (I can make assumptions about Teddy; he's not the protagonist, but Rayna is.)

That would be ideal, but I blame this on the writers and not on the characters themselves.

How are they supposed to make time for Daphne talking about her feelings when we have to squeeze in a closeted cowboy storyline that has officially taken two and a half seasons, a maybe-romance between two (four?) characters that are so useless to the core of the show that I don't even have a good metaphor, and stunt casting Christina Aguilera?

Daphne will be fine with Deacon. Like I said, her real father is now the threat to her wellbeing. He's the reason I feel badly for her.

I don't think that Daphne is yearning for Rayna and Teddy to get back together. She loves Deacon, fully embraced Luke and in a few years will have spent as much time not living with Teddy as she spent under the same roof with him. I can, however, imagine her feeling a little left out sometimes because although Deacon loves her, they won't have as strong a bond as he does with Maddie, but that could change with time. But she might feel like Maddie's getting more than her fair share because Teddy clearly loves both girls equally.


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Boy what a surprise that ending was.............NOT!!  The only surprise is that Luke was there, although we all knew those 2 would get together.  I wonder where he got shot and if his liver will work for Deacon.


I'm glad Layla grew some balls.


Yes to all this. Though I think Deacon will get his liver from Madie. UNLESS Rayna goes dark and goes to Scarlett's mom and forces her to donate the liver already. I'd love to see that.


Avery and Juliette, awww . . . .  My reason for watching "Nashville" . . . .


I know right? I was thinking to myself throughout the episode how of all the couples on this show, these two are now the stable happy ones.

I just don't like how they've reduced Juliette's character this season to just her pregnancy. Though I guess it was difficult because she was actually pregnant and they couldn't have her work as much as usual. I can't wait until the baby is here and Juliette starts kicking ass with Rayna again!



Connie Britton's Hair! HOW I MISSED YOU!


Scarlet's Hair! You are a Universe of your own. I know her hair has a life of its' own but seriously that was just a whole other level. Like the hair in her got pregnant and had more baby hair. Are we supposed to dig this? Am I that behind on the hair trends? 

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Agreed, airwair. I blame the writers not the characters too.

I'm not even sure Daphne feels left out, honestly. I think the storytelling goal is the family Rayna and Deacon should have had, and Daphne is a part of that. For now, I'm assuming any fear or resentment of Maddie's two dads has also been covered. I wish we'd seen that as well, seen Rayna herself acknowledge that she has two children and this magical life they all wish for means Daphne doesn't exist so she can't totally wish for it, and maybe Maddie and Deacon should realize that too. But oh well. I'm still pretending the first half of this season didn't happen. Y'all should come visit my world!

ETA: Do we think it's loyalty to Rayna that was making Sadie hesitant with Luke?

Edited by madam magpie
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I was super annoyed when Gunnar knocked on the adjoining door into Scarlett's room and then opened it when she didn't answer. I mean, it was hilarious because she was off having sexy times with the doctor, but when you knock on a person's door and they don't answer that doesn't mean you should barge in, Gunnar.


I also really do not like this Luke/Sadie thing. It's obvious that they are going to pair up and then it will cause all kinds of problems. Despite that, I thought she should have let him walk her to her car. Restraining order or not, her crazy ex is still crazy and I knew he was not going to just sit back after what she said in that interview.


Yeah, the only reason it was funny was because she wasn't there. I have no idea why he would have just barged in, considering Dr. Boyfriend could have been spending the night in her room. It reminded me of when that asshole Noah barged in on Juliette and Avery in the hospital without knocking on the door. It was rude and inconsiderate. 


I thought the adjoining rooms were a bit strange anyway. Especially considering Gunnar's tendency to get overzealous about band stuff, he's likely to just walk in with song ideas when she's fresh out of the shower or right in the middle of Avery facetiming his wife.


Sadie absolutely should have let Luke walk her to her car. It was almost as if she completely forgot she'd gone to Goodmorning America the day before. She knows how Pete is, I'm surprised she didn't ask him to walk her out. I actually don't mind Sadie and Luke together. We're losing Sadie anyway, maybe this'll be a way to get rid of him too?


Also strange was Will showing up at Layla's to get advice on writing a love song about them. Considering the history, I was flabbergasted that he'd do that. Gotta give Layla some credit for not putting his ass out as I'd have done.


Once again, I have to pretend that Emily is holed away in one of the Barkley's guest rooms or something. I refuse to believe they would leave Juliette by herself for any considerable length of time with her factor 5 leiden. If she was home alone and had another blot clot and couldn't speak to get herself some help...Avery would never get over that. Hell, I would never get over it.


I hate to admit it, but I'm not really invested in Rayna/Deacon as a couple. I love both of them individually, especially since she has broken things off with Luke, but...I don't know. I have hope though, that Connie and Chip can make me fall in love with them again. 

Edited by Soup333
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Frankly, at this point I think the most detrimental thing to Daphne (and Maddie as well) is not that Deacon is with her mother, but that her father is completely unraveling and will likely end up in prison or dead by season's end because he is seriously the biggest dumbass to ever walk the face of the earth.

Yup.  Teddy trying to take a page or two from Lamarr's handbook is silly.  First of all, your name is Teddy.  Teddy's cannot expect to achieve success at devious deeds.


Everything is better with Avery.  I was loving the looks and comments he made to Gunnar and Scarlett and I will don't care for Scarlett at all.  And I hate Mopey Gunnnar.

ETA:  I really want JJ to shave.  I hate whatever stubble  - facial hair thing he has going on.

Edited by DeLurker
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ETA: Do we think it's loyalty to Rayna that was making Sadie hesitant with Luke?

I think she wants to think she's loyal but it's obvious her hesitance is going to come down like the Berlin Wall.

I give it two episodes before they're discovering just how "connected" they are by heartbreak and the earth shattering trauma of this shooting and blah blah blah.

(Also, they're two of the four people I referred to as being the most useless to the core of the show.)

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Looks like Teddy's gone down the "from bad to worse" road. Wish he'd get to the end of it already.  He's tiresome.  


Since happy people don't seem to stay happy very long on this show, I think that Layla's newfound clarity regarding Jeff will soon end in the discovery of an STD or a pregnancy or something else that will drag her back to exactly what she's trying to get away from.  


Speaking of getting away from something, um,  Sadie.  Now what should be a clear cut case of self-defense will most likely leave her wearing an ill-fitting orange jumpsuit.  


Advice to Gunnar:  Drill a new well.  Branch out.  Learn from the past.  Sheesh.


Juliette's constant "I'm fine, baby's fine, quit worrying" made me worry for them.  


Deacon and Rayna getting their shit together makes me worry for everyone.  Happy means tragedy/scandal/loss is right around the corner.

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It won't be a clear cut case of self defense in the eyes of whoever because Sadie purchased the gun illegally.

Yes, she bought it from a store, but she refused to give her identification and didn't do the whole finger print hoopla because she preferred to stay anonymous. And apparently for the clerk the black eye trumps the law.

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This is also a soap, though. I predict that there are legal troubles, but the combo of Luke/Rayna money and star power fixes everything. And then Luke/Sadie end up together...with Rayna's blessing. I have no problem with those two as a couple, and suspect Rayna wouldn't either.

If we're getting rid of characters, I'd like to start with Teddy and Jeff. I'll take their livers, as well. I like Sadie and her relationship with Rayna, and if she can make Luke tolerable, he may also stay.

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Yes to all this. Though I think Deacon will get his liver from Madie. UNLESS Rayna goes dark and goes to Scarlett's mom and forces her to donate the liver already. I'd love to see that.

Isn't there a law that children cannot donate organs?

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