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RW: Los Angeles (1993)

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The Real World: California (retrospectively referred to as The Real World: Los Angeles, to distinguish it from subsequent installments of the series) is the second season of MTV's reality television series The Real World, which focuses on a group of diverse strangers living together for several months, as the cameras follow their lives and interpersonal relationships. It is the first season of The Real World to be filmed in the Pacific States region of the United States, specifically in California.



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My favorite. I recently rewatched the pilot of this on Youtube. The way reality TV was filmed then was so different...it actually felt a lot more candid and less scripted (I guess because it was!).

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This was also the test run for the original "Road Rules",  which was also an awesome the first few seasons (up to semester at sea or so).  The drive to LA was fun.


Dominic and Aaron were such an odd couple, Jon in his Hulk Hogan shirts and of course "It wasn't not funny!"   made it totally a hoot. . 

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One random moment I love is Tami using the CB radio, knowing the lingo (probably from TV/movies) but not understanding it, and thus saying "Breaker 1-9" even though she was on a different channel.  I loved Dom explaining, "Um, you only use 1-9 if you're actually on channel 19."


This season felt like a bit of a letdown at the time, since I had enjoyed the first one so much, but I enjoyed it and still look back on it fondly.   


"I'm a slave, I'm a slave, I'm a slave to your lovin' ..."

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Curse Beth S. for her role in getting David kicked out.  Even then it didn't seem that bad, but now it probably would end up on the cutting room floor and none of the roommates would bat an eye.  But the real crime is that David and Irene leaving stuck us with the horrible Glen and boring old Beth A.

Edited by Starscream
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I remember really liking Beth back when the show was first airing and thinking she seemed cool (but then I was like 10 when it was first on, so probably a poor judge of character). After watching her for years on The Challenge and then going back to watch that episode again where they kick David out, I can see what a shit-stirrer she was even back then in that situation.

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I'm amazed at no reference to John's "Truuue stor-EEEEE!" from the opening credits lol. It may be my overall favorite thing from this season. "It wasn't not funny!" is a very close second 

I always wondered why Irene even appeared on the show when she was going to be getting married so early on in the season

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This is going to be marathoned on Saturday 8/20 on the new MTV Classic channel. They have it listed as Venice Beach when I searched "Real World" but we all know it's LA! 

It wasn't not funny!

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Caught the second half of the marathon today. Beth S was less annoying than I remembered, and Glen was more so. Funny what 20 years can do to one's perception.

The production value and story writing went up a bit from season 1 to 2, but it's nothing compared to what reality TV has become since then. The crazy MTV decor at this point was a few colorful murals and a Sherwin-Williams logo in a relatively modest-size house. And they more or less let the cast do as they wanted, with a trip to Mexico in the mix.

It's almost like a museum piece.

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I think the decor stays relatively normal until either Boston or Seattle...then it becomes a bit more "colorful".

Beth S was annoying, but Glen was the worst. I thought he was a smug ass when I saw the show during it's first run.

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I watched some of the marathon today, I watched from the first episode up until the conclusion of the David incident and then I caught the last episode.  I never saw this when it first aired (The first season I saw all the way through was Chicago, though I did see some episodes of Hawaii) so I decided to check it out.  I liked it a lot more than the first season (Which I saw when they were showing that season's marathon).  Having been an avid Challenge viewer (I realized today that I have been watching that damn show since 2003) I wanted to see Beth S. in her original season.  I have to say she was a lot more attractive during her Real World season.  I wonder if she went under the knife because she had more of the girl-next-door look to her during this season (She looked like every girl I went to high school with).  What I saw of this season I enjoyed and I am looking forward to seeing the Pedro and Puck season next.

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On 6/14/2016 at 7:31 PM, Decider said:

I remember reading somewhere that Irene was specifically cast in that season because the producers wanted someone on the show who was getting married.

Irene was chosen because they specifically put a casting call out for a law enforcement officer. That is what Irene is quoted as saying in a Real World book I have. 

Venice Beach was the location of the house although various scenes were filmed in and around Los Angeles and Hollywood. People who live in Venice Beach would generally say they live in VB.

Edited by GreatKazu
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I have a real fondness for RW season 2. I was about their ages when it showed and I had such a crush on Dominic back then. Course now I can only hope he and his liver have survived the past 20 plus years.  Aaron was a know it all snob, Beth A and Glen were insufferable. I can only hope that we'll get to see the early seasons of RW/RR challenges. I remember that Beth S. was pretty annoying on those too and I'd like to revisit them for nostalgia's sake.

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Watched the RW2 marathon over the weekend.  Why did I remember Mark Long being one of the roommate interviews?  Or did he interview to replace Puck in RW3?  Once again, I yelled at the TV that she should pick anyone but Glen.  Glen was a major tool.  I always wondered why they weren't given an option for Irene's replacement.

A couple things that struck me:  being of similar age to the roommates, I did enjoy how they would shake hands when meeting.  No big hugs or I love yous on the first night.  So different that recent seasons.  When did that change?  I also forgot how the vast majority of the cast would already be living in the city.  Both seasons 1 & 2 had only one roommate imported in.  No wonder Jon felt so isolated, he knew no one outside of the house, while they all had established lives in LA.

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10 minutes ago, snarts said:

Watched the RW2 marathon over the weekend.  Why did I remember Mark Long being one of the roommate interviews?  Or did he interview to replace Puck in RW3?

Yes, he's one of the people interviewed to replace Puck. Which means he's the one true Bunim-Murray godfather, if you will. Appeared on Real World in an organic way, inaugural Road Ruler, appeared on the first true RW/RR Challenge, hosted a Challenge, hosted the after-shows. He's done everything.

The only person comparable is Eric Nies -- inaugural Real Worlder, competed on a Road Rules season (which is retroactively acknowledged as the first Challenge season), hosted a Challenge, competed in and won a Challenge season, co-hosted the 10th Anniversary Special.

Edited by Bob Sambob
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I finally finished watching the season. I'd forgotten so much about it. I enjoyed it more this time around than I did when it originally aired. (It helped to have more seasons to compare it to than just the first one.) I forgot just how annoying Glen was. (They really should have picked Ed the track guy.)

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On 8/22/2016 at 6:44 PM, Bob Sambob said:

Yes, he's one of the people interviewed to replace Puck. Which means he's the one true Bunim-Murray godfather, if you will. Appeared on Real World in an organic way, inaugural Road Ruler, appeared on the first true RW/RR Challenge, hosted a Challenge, hosted the after-shows. He's done everything.

The only person comparable is Eric Nies -- inaugural Real Worlder, competed on a Road Rules season (which is retroactively acknowledged as the first Challenge season), hosted a Challenge, competed in and won a Challenge season, co-hosted the 10th Anniversary Special.

I remember Mark and Rachel bonding over their respective fraternity/sorority during his interview.

A guy named Ed was interviewed as a replacement for either Irene or David. I think it was Irene. Ed ran track and he was hot as hell. I remember my little 15 year old hormones wishing Tami would advocate for him, but then being kind of glad he didn't make it because Tami had the hots for him too. I was very territorial over my crushes back then. 

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On 8/22/2016 at 3:35 PM, snarts said:

Watched the RW2 marathon over the weekend.  Why did I remember Mark Long being one of the roommate interviews?  Or did he interview to replace Puck in RW3? 

Yes, he was one of the people that the San Francisco roommates interviewed to replace Puck. I specifically remember that Rachel pointed out that Mark and one of the blonde female candidates looked like Barbie and Ken. Even then I remember thinking what a stealthy insecure bitch Rachel was at that moment because she clearly did not want a hot girl moving into the house (no offense to Jo, who is not unattractive or anything, but she certainly was less threatening to Rachel).

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I’m currently watching this on MTV Hits app (it’s also on Pluto if anyone has that) and it’s so bizarre seeing it all again as an adult with some life experience. 

I had forgotten so much! Tami’s work at the clinic, how heavily it weighs on her to see the patients decline. HIV and AIDS treatment has come so far! 


Edited by LemonSoda
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This season is on CBS All Access.

I was about 12 or 13 when this season aired, and I remembered a lot from it. I remember thinking the blanket incident wasn't a big deal back then, but watching it now, I was horrified. So gross. Glad David got kicked out over it.

Glen was the worst.

I loved the fact that they discussed Tami's abortion, and that the housemates supported her (even the ones who didn't agree with abortion). Tami was so open about her decision, and I thought that was great. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Flash forward to Real World Explosion, where Cory's ex had an abortion but refused to even say the word on TV.  That is so sad to me, and shows how backwards society is moving when it comes to attitudes about women's reproductive rights. 


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On 11/9/2020 at 7:46 PM, Zima said:


I loved the fact that they discussed Tami's abortion, and that the housemates supported her (even the ones who didn't agree with abortion). Tami was so open about her decision, and I thought that was great. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Flash forward to Real World Explosion, where Cory's ex had an abortion but refused to even say the word on TV.  That is so sad to me, and shows how backwards society is moving when it comes to attitudes about women's reproductive rights. 


Me too. It’s sad and scary how backwards it’s become. 

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On 5/19/2017 at 4:11 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Yes, he was one of the people that the San Francisco roommates interviewed to replace Puck. I specifically remember that Rachel pointed out that Mark and one of the blonde female candidates looked like Barbie and Ken. Even then I remember thinking what a stealthy insecure bitch Rachel was at that moment because she clearly did not want a hot girl moving into the house (no offense to Jo, who is not unattractive or anything, but she certainly was less threatening to Rachel).

I don't know, that Barbie girl they interviewed was a big nothing in the personality department. Even Judd, who seemed to be interested in her for looks only couldn't find a reason to vote for her. But I'm a little surprised Mark didn't get in, he certainly had personality. Guess it's all for the best, since he and Kit were so great for the inaugural Road Rules. (having watched some of the challenges Mark was on during the Robin/Jodi era, the shine has majorly come off his star, but I enjoyed him back in the earlier days).

But given that the LA season replacements were the obnoxious Glenn and the often sanctimonious and boring Beth A, both Jo and Mark were better options for the SF crew.


I remember really liking Beth back when the show was first airing and thinking she seemed cool (but then I was like 10 when it was first on, so probably a poor judge of character). After watching her for years on The Challenge and then going back to watch that episode again where they kick David out, I can see what a shit-stirrer she was even back then in that situation.

LOL, I was probably all of 12 or 13 when this aired and even then, I felt the bad vibes emanating from Beth. Having binged some of the challenges that are now on Netflix, it's sad to say that she has not changed or evolved AT ALL from her RW LA days. 

The David situation did seem to be egged on by Beth, and later Irene, who I believe was influenced by Beth. I truly don't think he had ill intentions, he really seemed to think they were messing around because she was still laughing. And honestly, had that happened in a private party or private house situation, it probably would have been a joke, but she got embarrassed after the fact thinking about the cameras and all the people who'd be watching. It's really hard to say that David should have 100% known that she was uncomfortable because there really weren't signs that she was until after the fact. I can see being upset, but I do think it was unfair the way he was vilified as nearly a rapist for that. And again, mostly due to Beth S riling everyone up.


A guy named Ed was interviewed as a replacement for either Irene or David. I think it was Irene. Ed ran track and he was hot as hell. I remember my little 15 year old hormones wishing Tami would advocate for him, but then being kind of glad he didn't make it because Tami had the hots for him too. I was very territorial over my crushes back then. 

I totally don't remember this guy, but I'm retroactively sad that they had an option for someone other than Glenn and made the wrong choice. Glenn just added to the bad vibes in this house and it was already loaded to the gills with bad vibes. This is one of the seasons that I can't really rewatch because it was just so awkward. They had some important moments, like Tami's work at the HIV clinic, abortion, and most important of all, her appearance on STUDS 😜, but the overall house vibe was just painful. Dom and Aaron were the only relationship that formed and that was mainly borne of loathing everyone else, I don't think those 2 would have found each other so relatable if there had been other people available to them, but given the rest of the crew, there weren't any other options. 

I remember liking Aaron when I first watched the season back when it aired, but when I finally watched it again as an adult, holy shit was he a sanctimonious, know-it-all 22 year old! 



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On 1/4/2021 at 9:54 PM, ljenkins782 said:


The David situation did seem to be egged on by Beth, and later Irene, who I believe was influenced by Beth. I truly don't think he had ill intentions, he really seemed to think they were messing around because she was still laughing. And honestly, had that happened in a private party or private house situation, it probably would have been a joke, but she got embarrassed after the fact thinking about the cameras and all the people who'd be watching. It's really hard to say that David should have 100% known that she was uncomfortable because there really weren't signs that she was until after the fact. I can see being upset, but I do think it was unfair the way he was vilified as nearly a rapist for that. And again, mostly due to Beth S riling everyone up.




When a woman is SCREAMING NO and STOP,  that's a pretty good indication that the situation needs to stop. 

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8 hours ago, Zima said:

When a woman is SCREAMING NO and STOP,  that's a pretty good indication that the situation needs to stop. 

That sounds quite clear cut when you phrase it that way, but it does not in any way tell the entire story. There were more shades of gray to it and while David made a mistake, it's a far cry from the things that Beth and Irene accused him of after the fact. 

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On 1/4/2021 at 8:54 PM, ljenkins782 said:


The David situation did seem to be egged on by Beth, and later Irene, who I believe was influenced by Beth. I truly don't think he had ill intentions, he really seemed to think they were messing around because she was still laughing. And honestly, had that happened in a private party or private house situation, it probably would have been a joke, but she got embarrassed after the fact thinking about the cameras and all the people who'd be watching. It's really hard to say that David should have 100% known that she was uncomfortable because there really weren't signs that she was until after the fact. I can see being upset, but I do think it was unfair the way he was vilified as nearly a rapist for that. And again, mostly due to Beth S riling everyone up.




I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think there is any gray here.  It was not ok.  In a situation like that, women sometimes laugh because of how uncomfortable and embarrassed they are.  That is why it is more important to listen to what she was saying, which was "stop."

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1 hour ago, heatherchandler said:

I understand where you are coming from, but I don't think there is any gray here.  It was not ok.  In a situation like that, women sometimes laugh because of how uncomfortable and embarrassed they are.  That is why it is more important to listen to what she was saying, which was "stop."

Again, I am aware that David made a mistake in this situation and that listening to the words and ignoring all other aspects of the situation would have been the right move. I'd like to think that here in 2021, with all of the conversations that have taken place in the wake of the Me Too movement, that would have been easier for him to recognize. He did something wrong, no doubt about it.

But do I think it makes him a rapist? Absolutely not and that is a heavy mantle to place on a 22 year old black man's head on television. Without Beth and Irene there to pour gasoline on the fire, I think there was a chance that David and Tami could have had their argument, he would have apologized, and they could have moved on. 

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1 hour ago, ljenkins782 said:

Again, I am aware that David made a mistake in this situation and that listening to the words and ignoring all other aspects of the situation would have been the right move. I'd like to think that here in 2021, with all of the conversations that have taken place in the wake of the Me Too movement, that would have been easier for him to recognize. He did something wrong, no doubt about it.

But do I think it makes him a rapist? Absolutely not and that is a heavy mantle to place on a 22 year old black man's head on television. Without Beth and Irene there to pour gasoline on the fire, I think there was a chance that David and Tami could have had their argument, he would have apologized, and they could have moved on. 

I don't think he should be labeled a rapist.  I see what you are saying about looking at this with 2021 eyes, but I remember thinking that it was extremely messed up and not ok way back then. 

I remember watching the scene and I was so uncomfortable, and disgusted and horrified.  Maybe he was not taught to show respect to women.  I think that may be the issue.  I was really glad that the ladies stood up for Tami and didn't let it slide.  

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Who called him a rapist?  I haven't seen it in eons, but my recollection is that Beth responded to his she seemed into it excuse by saying something like, "Sounds like what a rapist says."  Not equating his actions to rape, but equating his defense of his actions to the rationalizations of a rapist.

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23 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Who called him a rapist?  I haven't seen it in eons, but my recollection is that Beth responded to his she seemed into it excuse by saying something like, "Sounds like what a rapist says."  Not equating his actions to rape, but equating his defense of his actions to the rationalizations of a rapist.

That's pretty much what happened. Beth was all "That's what a rapist says, too! You wanted it, baby". David had definitely been an ass prior to all this, but I honestly felt a little bad for him about this incident, because up until Beth said that, it was clear to me that he really thought they were joking around. He was in the wrong, for sure, but I agree that Beth and Irene escalated it.

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21 hours ago, heatherchandler said:

I don't think he should be labeled a rapist.  I see what you are saying about looking at this with 2021 eyes, but I remember thinking that it was extremely messed up and not ok way back then. 

I remember watching the scene and I was so uncomfortable, and disgusted and horrified.  Maybe he was not taught to show respect to women.  I think that may be the issue.  I was really glad that the ladies stood up for Tami and didn't let it slide.  

Not just looking at it through the lens of 2021, but also through the lens of 30 years of Beth S on various television shows and her determination to add fuel to any fire, any time.

I can believe that Irene felt sincerely that she was standing up for Tami, but IIRC, Irene wasn't even there when it happened, she came home to Beth's version of the story and reacted.

And Tami was no shrinking violet, she was more than capable of standing up for herself and she did so. Beth ratcheting the drama up to 1000 wasn't accomplishing anything except keeping Tami agitated and putting David on the defensive. Without her presence, I could see Tami explaining to David why it wasn't okay and him realizing that what he thought was a joke wasn't funny. Or wasn't not funny, as it were. 😉 


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On 1/25/2021 at 1:04 PM, ljenkins782 said:

Again, I am aware that David made a mistake in this situation and that listening to the words and ignoring all other aspects of the situation would have been the right move. I'd like to think that here in 2021, with all of the conversations that have taken place in the wake of the Me Too movement, that would have been easier for him to recognize. He did something wrong, no doubt about it.

But do I think it makes him a rapist? Absolutely not and that is a heavy mantle to place on a 22 year old black man's head on television. Without Beth and Irene there to pour gasoline on the fire, I think there was a chance that David and Tami could have had their argument, he would have apologized, and they could have moved on. 

I'm really glad Beth and Irene were there. Had the situation just been between Tami and David, I think you're correct; she would have forgiven him, they would have moved on (although I do think that Tami would have continued to feel unsafe around him, and would have adjusted her behavior accordingly), and he would have gone on thinking that what he did was Okay. Young men need to learn that when a woman says "no" and "stop, you stop.  End of.  Hopefully, he learned from this. 

Edited by Zima
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18 minutes ago, Giuseppe said:

I don't think Irene or Aaron had any 'artist' type ambitions, but when David left, they brought in Glenn and his rock band. I don't remember what Beth A did except telling the Beth S there's nothing wrong with being a lesbian, lol.

(From the thread about the NY Homecoming)

Other than the time she spent sculpting her curls, no, I don't think Irene engaged in any artistic endeavors.  Aaron was a business major.  And Beth A. - like Beth S. - was sporadically working behind the scenes jobs in the entertainment industry (craft services, PA, etc.).  I know she continued working in production assistance roles after the show, but have no idea if that continued long term.

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15 hours ago, Bastet said:

And Beth A. - like Beth S. - was sporadically working behind the scenes jobs in the entertainment industry (craft services, PA, etc.).  I know she continued working in production assistance roles after the show, but have no idea if that continued long term.

That's right. I remember the whole craft/production services thing now. She's another one from this cast that just kinda disappeared isn't she? 

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