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S30.E06: Odd Woman Out

Tara Ariano
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Rodney looked straight up confused. Like he's never seen a #blindside. Watching his head bob from side to side is cracking me up!

I really didn't want to fall into this camp, because it's so cliche and I wanted to resist, but Joe is so pretty. So so so so so so pretty and so beautiful.

Yup. I can't resist a man bun. Edited by Lakewood27
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I'm so happy that Rodney throwing the challenge bit him in the ass, and though I am by no means a fan of his, I was just as ready for Joaquin to go when he confessionalized that "Sierra owes me." Nobody owes one another a damn thing in Survivor!


I know Sierra herself admits that she plays the game partly with her heart, but I am still rooting for her, as I thought she was spot on when she said at tribal that she couldn't trust people who attacked her personally for no reason.


I'm surprised that we didn't see any hint of Joe wondering if Mike threw the challenge, because it seemed pretty clear that he and Kelly were talking during their second and third rounds.

Edited by jsm1125
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Yes! Buh-bye Keen! Loved the confused, stupid look on Boston Rod's face! Looks like he'll have to 'potty' all by himself. Haven't these people watched past Survivors? It's never, ever a good idea to grow a challenge.

I am surprised Sierra decided to side with Joe, Mike and Dan. Glad she did though.

Edited by Straycat80
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I don't like him, but I will give Mike credit for orchestrating a good move.  He didn't feel that he could get Rodney, apparently, so he took out his bro and one of the white collar players as well.

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Oh man, that was so sweet.


Just that look  on Rodney's face was so glorious.  He had no idea he flaunted his bromance too much.


And thankfully Joaquin left.  That was one douche too many with him and Rodney.  I couldn't take much more of them.

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Never Throw A Challenge.


Some people just don't learn. Bye, Bromance or whatever weirdness Joaquin and Rodney were doing.


Do fellas really behave that way? I'm a fella and have never done that with any of my pals...

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Only thing that would have been more priceless than Rodney's facial expression was Rodney himself getting booted.  I loved how even at the end he was still looking around like 'what happened'.  Sierra had every right to go against Mike/Dan, but I'm so glad she didn't side with the bros (seriously, how many times did we hear that in this episode?).  Throwing challenges has always led to the throwers downfall.  Rodney apparently didn't talk a crash course in Survivor before going out there.  Let him keep flapping his gums next week.  I don't see what she owed Joaquin.  She couldn't stand Rodney.  I guess they're too much alike to understand why.  Maybe you would have been better off striking up a bromance with Joe and bringing her over to yours and Tyler's side.  


I have to say Mike slightly redeemed himself this episode with his talk on throwing challenges and Rodney's ego.  Is he the only one on that tribe who gets this game?


Pretty boring episode overall.  Odd woman out?  We barely saw anything over at Nagarote, which made it pretty obvious Esecmeca was losing.  And with all the focus on Joaquin/Rodney, I prayed to the Survivor gods that it wasn't a red herring and that one of them was leaving.  I liked Joaquin better than Rodney, but eh.  Who is Tyler again?  From what little we did see at Nagarote, Carolyn might want to be careful, because with the merge coming up, Shirin could be a wild card.  Didn't think I could love Jenn anymore, though the episode description this week was way off.


Loved the come from behind from Nagarote at the RC.  Though Stevie Wonder could have seen what Mike and Rodney were doing at that challenge.


Happy Joe and his locks are safe for another week.  So ready for the merge next week!  Now Mike has to do damage control on Rodney, and there's no guarantee Sierra won't flip so someone else.  I think this season might finally be getting interesting.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Wish it had been Rodney voted out but his confused expression was almost as good. What a dumbass. I'm so glad Sierra thinks so too.

That immunity challenge was pathetic. Could it have been any more obvious that the guys were throwing it? I thought Mike was going to have to arrange the items for Kelly. What a joke!

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Usually Jeff likes to get angry at people for throwing challenges -- Mike and Kelly were talking in full view of him -- and yet he let this one go...   Does he really think Mike's that stupid?  (Kelly is.)


That immunity challenge was pathetic. Could it have been any more obvious that the guys were throwing it? I thought Mike was going to have to arrange the items for Kelly. What a joke!


He practically did, right?  I think he finally told her he would arrange all of the items with one pair switched to tip her off.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Sorry, Joaquim, but Rodney has an easier path to victory within him. I mean, Rodney isn't Russell or anybody of that ilk, but he would be a non-factor on Day 39. Joaquim is a sharper knife, so he had to go. Bonus: we get to see Rodney rage in the episodes to come, and he had a Top 5 expression on his kisser after the blindside.


I'm feeling closer to hoping Shirin wins. I know, she's probably a pain in the ass, but she seems to enjoy the game, or at least tries to enjoy it.


The immunity challenge was a bit confusing for me. If the game is best of five, wouldn't Dan and Kelly need to be switched out after failing? Weren't there six to a side during that challenge? Or am I missing something? Also, throwing challenges is bad juju. It'll probably bite Mike in the ass after it's done with Boston Rod. Thanks for the nickname, Straycat80!

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Forgot to add, Jeff seems to be really trying to sway the votes this season.  I thought that little pep talk to Sierra about sticking together was 'even though they disrespected you, we want an epic moment so vote with them anyway'.

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Seems Sierra just couldn't bring herself to align with Rodney, hope she enjoyed the confused look on his face and head bobbing while attempting to count to 3.

I'm a bit annoyed they showed the merge in the previews and feel it is too early.

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Ms.Blue Jay:


Turtles seem to possess an enviable and god-like resistance to aging, and so they came to symbolize longevity. Their link to heaven and earth made them a natural for use in divination. Turtles are also symbols of immortality and are considered temporary dwelling places for souls making their way through a series of lives on the path to Nirvana. The turtle is considered to be the second incarnation of the powerful god Vishnu in the Hindu religion. After a great flood, which occurs every four billion years and dissolves the earth, Vishnu transforms himself into a great turtle. On his back, he carries a vessel in which the gods and demons mix the elements necessary to re-create the globe. After a thousand years, when the earth has been reborn, the turtle remains in place, and on his back stands a large elephant, which support the planet.


Turtles represent longevity, of course.  A female turtle laying 120 eggs, of which only one survives, narrated by Jenn, seems to point to a very obvious clue.

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I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! I will be honest, I did suspect the blindside was coming when the editors showed so much of Joaquin and Rodney's douchebaggery but there was enough of Sierra hating Dan to put doubt. So well played editors - I actually didn't know for sure which way the vote would go.

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Yes, that was just a satisfying ending, watching the expression on Rodney's face when Joaquin was eliminated. His plan blew up in his face. That's why you never ever throw challenges because it rarely works on what you're trying to accomplish. Rodney he talked such a big game and how he's gonna rule and own the game. Doesn't look that way to me, he's burned a little too many bridges and quite frankly can't get upset with Mike for going behind his back. It's how you play the game. So I'm thinking Rodney will have to follow instead of leading cause he virtually has nobody unless he and Tyler can pull people in when they merge.


I thought Sierra was gonna vote with Rodney because Dan once again was being stupid in the water, telling her to keep her mouth closed and her ears opened. Dude should just STFU and let Mike do all the talking and planning because Dan would just scare all the people Mike trying to pull in to go to the other side.


When they merge I know Mike has Kelly, Dan, and possibly Joe and Joe has Jen and Hali and maybe Will so they can be 6 if they all work together. Shirin is trying to get in good graces but she may end up going over to Tyler since he was part of white collar. Sierra might end up still being a flip flopper because I think she still doesn't like Dan or Rodney. Who knows what will go down.


I'm so happy that cutie Joe gets to stay for another episode.

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I was so happy with that reward challenge. I don't know why I was expecting turtles like the itty-bitty ones around here, but I was so I absolutely loved seeing a real big tortoise.

I feel badly for Tyler but maybe next week he can work his way in somewhere.

But that look on Rodney's face while he tried to do math was my everything. And I noticed how we had eleventy billion confessionals about his new love Joaquin but nothing about how Joaquin felt about Rodney.

Or Juaquin. Or Joaquine.

I love that Mike was throwing the challenge and Rodney knew it, but Mike was doing it for a completely different reason.

Hali has so much hair.

Edited by mojoween
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Never Throw A Challenge.


Some people just don't learn. Bye, Bromance or whatever weirdness Joaquin and Rodney were doing.


Do fellas really behave that way? I'm a fella and have never done that with any of my pals...

All of this plus, what the hell was up with the body language between Rodney and Joaquim while they were talking alone. Each with all this excess energy, swinging their arms and clapping and grinning?!?!? Haven't seen that type of behavior since Jr. High School. Bromance indeed.

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I hated how the camerapeople showed us Sierra's vote as she was writing it.


"J - O - (a huge space left to write multiple letters)"  Do they think we're stupid :(  Spoiler alert.  :(


It was still amazing, and I screamed, but come on.  I started thinking, are they trying to fuck with me and she's going to write Joseph?  Nah, I'm overthinking it - dammit!

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! I will be honest, I did suspect the blindside was coming when the editors showed so much of Joaquin and Rodney's douchebaggery but there was enough of Sierra hating Dan to put doubt. So well played editors - I actually didn't know for sure which way the vote would go.


I figured Joaquin was a goner until I remembered Sierra was the swing vote.  I thought it could go a number of ways: the producers were setting it up for a Joaquin blindside, only to see Joe go home.  Sierra got too confident in her swing vote position and ended up going the way of Dolly/Christy/Sarah (and others).  Or she threw a random vote at someone, causing a tie between Joaquin and Joe and a re-vote.  I am so happy she went with Mike/Dan/Joe and voted Joaquin off.  Joe's the only guy I'm rooting for in this game.  Otherwise I'm all about the ladies, and even ahead of Joe I'd love to see Jenn pull off a win.


I really hope that Kelly doesn't run back to Mike and follow him around like a puppy next week, even if he did spare her this week.  Tyler's only got Carolyn, Sierra and Rodney will probably jump ship, there's Mike/Dan/Kelly, and who knows where the no collars or Shirin will go.  Next week should be good!

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All of this plus, what the hell was up with the body language between Rodney and Joaquim while they were talking alone. Each with all this excess energy, swinging their arms and clapping and grinning?!?!? Haven't seen that type of behavior since Jr. High School. Bromance indeed.

That was so funny. Bonehead mating dance.

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After a thousand years, when the earth has been reborn, the turtle remains in place, and on his back stands a large elephant, which support the planet.

Now that you mention it, Sir Terry Pratchett, author of the Discworld series, died quite recently, so seeing a bit of imagery about giant turtles continuing on anyway kind of hits the spot for me. Not that I think the producers are actually familiar with Pratchett. Or with the Hindu origins behind his mythos. Or... with books...

Edited by CletusMusashi
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What’s the point of Tyler? He was one of my dark horses, but not so much now. I think he thinks he’s smarter than he really is.


I’m worried for Joe. His edit is getting murkier. I really like him, but he came across as being in a position of weakness – which he is. He has to be shrewd and proactive in the merge.


I can’t decide about Mike. I think he might be building a strong case, if he were to get to the final 3. I think he’s playing a lot of people really well, but it might bury him really soon. I’m not sure I like him, not that that’s relevant.


At least we saw Jenn thinks Rodney is an ass too. That bodes good things for the merge.


I was expecting several turtles. Did the production crew do something to ensure there’d be at least one at that time? If there were even two, I’d be less skeptical of that whole thing. It was cool to see, but it seemed massively staged, which is weird for nature.

Edited by Dust Bunny
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I really hope that Kelly doesn't run back to Mike and follow him around like a puppy next week


I'm sorry, but I had no good opinion of her before this episode, and now my confidence in this woman's intelligence is less than zero.


How many times did it take Kelly to even realize that Mike was throwing it?  3?


I kind of like Mike.  That was one of the most interesting things I've ever seen on this show, how badly he wanted to give her that challenge, how badly he wanted to set aside his ego and look stupid to sacrifice himself for her.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Yeah, I thought that RC was going to be a little more epic than it was.  Maybe they were expecting a bunch and only got one?  When Jeff announced the reward, it didn't seem like a huge deal, though I'm glad they got a chance to eat some real food.  It had to have been a morale booster.


I suppose next week if we see the former BC tribe getting all cocky and confident, one of them is going home.  I still think Mike is getting the winner's edit.  Dan's apology seemed better than last week, but it seemed like he was a little kid being held by the back of his neck by one of his parents for doing something bad.  I guess he wasn't in on the plan to throw the challenge?


In seeing extra vids of Joe on CBS, I think/hope he's got a better concept on this game.  It'll be game on next week!

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The other reason I wasn't sure Sierra would vote with Mike and company is because they were going after Joaquin and we had seen her talking about how much she trusted Joaquin (of course again, well played editors, because I should have realized that was there to hide the blindside coming). I felt like if they'd gone after Rodney I could believe she'd be on board in a heartbeat because she couldn't stand Rodney either.


But it's enough to have to put up with that tool a little longer just for the dumb, doh! expression on his face when his "amazing" plan wilted away. I also now realize that the editors really played with that scene of Sierra, Mike and Dan in the water because the promo shown last week showed her talking a lot with them about how Rodney couldn't be trusted with Joaquin but tonight they had her like she was just sitting and listening to Mike and Dan, not saying anything. The editors really did a good job of not making it clear Joaquin was going. I'm glad because they've been really sloppy in recent seasons with some of the boots.


It's amazing Joaquin was so cocky when you would think he'd remember how his plans with So worked out. It'll be interesting to see how Tyler regroups. I have to say, pretty as Joe is, he wasn't impressing me too much with his fight. Dude seemed to just be like "oh they're coming for me, well okay." The only thing I will say is that maybe there was more of a connection/loose alliance built with him and Sierra that wasn't shown and that's why she sided with Mike and Dan because Joaquin, Tyler and Rodney wanted to vote Joe out. I may be wrong but it's just a feeling I got, that editing hid some stuff between them.


Looking forward to merge next week - old Blue Collar have the numbers with Mike, Kelly, Dan, Sierra and Rodney but Rodney's all pissy now about the Joaquin blindside and I feel certain Sierra still very much hates Dan even if she voted with him and old No Collar has Will, Joe, Jenn and Hali who if they stick together just need to pull over one or two people. If Joe really did bond with Sierra, he can pull her over and Jenn and Carolyn seemed to genuinely like each other so they might stick together for a bit. Right now the person looking the worse is sadly Shirin again and possibly Tyler, unless he can fit himself somewhere where people will trust him and not see him as a threat. 


Finally, while I appreciated the blindside, Mike's throwing that challenge was kind of unnecessary if he was throwing it to protect Kelly because Kelly was not in danger of going home. And man that woman's not too bright in memorization challenges - like how many ways could Mike have blatantly kept throwing that challenge for her before she got it? However, I guess throwing the challenge was good in breaking up very quickly what could have potentially being a very, very annoying and obnoxious and formidable alliance of Rodney and Joaquin.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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OK, first of all, that result was glorious.  And hilarious.  Foiling Rodney and ridding us of a douche!  Good times.


That said, holy shit are these people stupid.  Let us revel in the ways:


First of all, throwing a challenge is dumb.  Mike's rationale ALMOST makes sense so we'll neg him a little less.  But only if you're 100% sure you can get rid of Joe specifically (since he's a singleton and an immunity threat) AND you have a non-fractious group (which obviously no).  Second, no one noticed he threw the challenge, blatantly.  Third, Kelly, oof.  I'll give you some benefit of the doubt for your head wound, but man.  Fourth, why the hell is DAN leading your pitch to Sierra?  Could have used Mike who she still has some respect for, or ideally, Joe.  Fifth, if you're making her ally with people she hates, let her vote out the other person she hates.  I bet it's an easy decision for her if you vote out Rodney.  Who is, coincidentally, the most likely to take your game decision personally after the merge.  Which is presumably at 12.  Sixth, Tyler, way to be missing in action.


The other tribe we didn't get to see much of, so I don't hate them as much this week.  Way to be off camera.  I do have one comment about them, but that'll be in likability/winnability:


Genuinely Cool People

(Still MIA; Kelly, Carolyn, and Sierra are on the waitlist)


People Who Hate the People I Hate

1. Sierra - For foiling Rodney, you get a bump up to #1 this week.  Way to go!

2. Carolyn - Basically a non-entity this week, which is fine.  Still hate people I don't like and that makes you cool.


I Wish Your Memory Didn't Suck

3. Kelly - Not a great challenge performance, but you're not obnoxious at all, besides your choice of initial allies.  So maybe that's cool.


Still Sometimes Funny

4. Will - Was not in this episode, basically.


Potentially Cool

5. Joe - Still kind of an asshole to Nina (and she wasn't great so I don't care that much), but foiled Rodney.  Which is good work for anyone.  Wasn't as proactive as I'd like in saving himself, but whatever.  I suspect he had a fair amount to do with convincing Sierra in actuality.


Has An Obnoxious Voice, But Otherwise is Fine

6. Hali - I'm sure she can't help her vocal qualities.  But they're really obnoxious.


Katie From Palau 2.0

7. Jenn - But possibly more athletic!


Less Offensive Than Previously Believed

8. Mike - I thought he was kind of cool in this episode?  I mean, he still threw a challenge, but he gave a close to rational reason for it.  I think the game situation wasn't quite good enough to risk it, but saving your main ally and pulling off a fairly major move while repairing a fractured relationship is pretty nice work.  And he wasn't a sexist dick once!  Granted, only one woman around and he desperately needed her help, but still!


No, Seriously, Who Is This Person

9. Tyler - Are you there?  :poke:


Not Forgiven, But Self-Awareness Indicates the Possibility of Redemption

10. Shirin - Noticing you're annoying everyone and attempting to change is better than the truly awful Survivor players.  So kudos for that.  You're still socially awkward in ways that are noticeable to a super introverted nerd like me though.  Find a filter!


Still Obnoxious

11. Dan - Your apology seems less than sincere.  AND WHY ARE YOU LEADING THE PITCH TO SIERRA WHO HATES YOU.  That this works shows how truly obnoxious


HAHAHAHAHA (Still Worst Since Colton)

12. Rodney is.  Man, what a douche.  And a moron.  But he was foiled, which is hilarious.  HAHAHAHAHAHA




Strong Position

1. Joe!  Somehow on the verge from being voted out to arguably being in the best position of anyone.  I'd say he is.  Only issue is people will perceive him as a potential immunity monster and be gunning for him.  But there's no obvious strategist available and I think the breakdown come merge time is: Joe brings in Jenn and Hali, Mike brings back Kelly, and Dan and Sierra join them to form the majority.  Sierra still hates Dan and joins Joe, Jenn, and Hali to vote him out at 7, followed my Mike and Kelly.  Then Sierra's given the boot.  Joe's easily the most likable of those three, so he gets the #1 spot.

2. Jenn - She seems the most likely to backstab Joe and try to get herself the win in that scenario.  Also she has an idol, so that's nice for her.  Maybe...

3. Hali, but I don't see it in her.


Probably in the Final Immunity Challenge (Assuming F3)

4. Sierra - I think she'll have to win it, but I think she'll get there.


If They Can Pull Off Some Tricky Maneuvers

5. Kelly - More likable than

6. Mike, but either way they'll have to flip on lots of people, and like pull in like Will and Shirin at 9.


Along for the Ride

7. Dan - Might be the smartest strategically of those three, but the least able to pull off the moves required and the most likely to generate hatred among the jurors.


In Trouble

8. Carolyn - Best chance to win if the bonding experience of being prohibitive underdogs for like five days outweighs the time Hali and Jenn spent with Joe.  I don't think it does so she is probably out relatively soon.  Still has an idol!


Likable, But Doomed

9. Will - I see no path to a victory for him.


A Precipitous Fall

10. Tyler - You're going to have to do something before I respect your game again.


Could be an Agent of Chaos, Like Stacy from Fiji

11. Shirin - You won't win, but you could have fun fucking over people over spitefully.  And that could get you invited back, if you're nefarious enough!



12. Rodney - Doomed and a moron is no way to go through life, son.

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I still think Mike is getting the winner's edit.

I don't, @LadyChatts.  Given that his reception with fans still hasn't been terribly positive, I don't know how you think he could be.


Anyway, great episode!  Glad Joaquin hit the road, though I'd have preferred Rodney.  Such an ass.


Still rooting, for the most part, for nuNagarote.  Though after this episode, everyone on that tribe but Kelly.  Yeah, not as smart as I'd thought she was.

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Yeah, I thought that RC was going to be a little more epic than it was.  Maybe they were expecting a bunch and only got one?



My impression was that production had to go around up one.  I think it didn't match to how Jeff sold it.

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The look on Rodney's face is priceless!  Like a confused rodent that doesn't know where the cat is...


Adios Joaquin.  You may have had the shortest bromance on reality TV and were totally down with throwing the challenge.


Kelly's head injury may be worse than it appears.  Mike had to try hard to let her win.  My TV cut off the end item so I had a hard time with it.


Happy to see the Red Team win the reward on their own.  They need all the help they can get.


The turtle nesting was way cool.  I so much prefer cool rewards to dopey Redemption Island type gimmicks.


Shirin, stop whining.  When you try hard to make people like you, they don't like you. 


I'm sorry you grew up poor and awkward in the OC.  Whatever.


The editors tried to set her up to go tonight.


Again, no idol searching or new clues.


Fun episode.

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I'm sure we would have seen it but wouldn't it have been interesting if the other tribe was trying to throw the challenge too, which is why Kelly sucked so much? Maybe they reeeeally wanted to get rid of Shirin?

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I was rooting so hard for Team Beefcake to lose that reward challenge. All I could think of was "Who would appreciate sea turtles more? Shirin or Rodney?"


That was exactly what went through my mind!


I will give Joaquin credit for a graceful exit, "I'll accept my fate and leave with a smile on my face."  Like just about everyone else, I would much have preferred to see Rodney voted out, but I can see why they went with Joaquin instead.

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Does Jenn eat dairy products? I hope she could at least enjoy the macaroni and cheese. I did see her eating some dark bread, which was probably amazing for her after all that time under eating, but it would be nice if she could at least enjoy one of the hot meals.

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It was really fun to see 2 different players plotting to throw a challenge for opposing reasons.  Mike did it stealthily and sneakily--well played!-- and Roid did it stupidly.  First time I can remember a thrown challenge working out for the player who plotted it.  Of course, ramifications remain to be seen.

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Carolyn's coming across as an insecure bitch. "I can't trust you because you were always talking to other people!"

Well then, walk the hell over there and try joining the conversation, Nina Junior.


This was contrasted of course in the next scene where Hali was talking to Shirin and being honest with her why Max (and Shirin) were targeted.  She did the same thing with Will in the previous episode as well.  

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I don't, @LadyChatts.  Given that his reception with fans still hasn't been terribly positive, I don't know how you think he could be.


Anyway, great episode!  Glad Joaquin hit the road, though I'd have preferred Rodney.  Such an ass.


Still rooting, for the most part, for nuNagarote.  Though after this episode, everyone on that tribe but Kelly.  Yeah, not as smart as I'd thought she was.


I hope I'm wrong and you're right, but it's a feeling I have (which, for the record, usually fails me).  He wouldn't be the first winner unpopular with fans, but since there's still a long way to go and they can certainly redeem him (or try to).  He is playing the game, and has at least two people in his fold that wouldn't last two seconds without him.  


I am with you on loving nuNagarote, except Kelly, who hasn't done much for me.  I expected more from her, and I'm in agreement with those who are surprised a memory challenge would be so tough for a cop.  Considering she took a knock to the head last week, I'll sort of give her the benefit of the doubt that maybe she wasn't with it.  If Shirin/Carolyn/Hali/Jenn/Will, plus Joe and Sierra, could take out Tyler/Mike/Dan/Kelly/Rodney, it'd be a good season for me.  I'm really hoping Jenn goes the distance.  She sort of gave me the winner vibe tonight.  And with all the talk from Rodney and Mike (I think?) about numbers, I'm guessing that doesn't happen.  Actually, considering Mike went out of his way to save Kelly, I'd love to see her blindside him, though that ain't happening.


I too would have rather seen Rodney go, and I sort of wish Sierra insisted on it to prove they meant their apologies to her and loyalty.  Of course that could have backfired on her, but I'm just glad the bromance was a one episode show and Joaquin got the boot.  Didn't care much for him as it was. 

Edited by LadyChatts
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Just because the vote was telegraphed, doesn't mean it was any less gratifying to see Rodney's very confused face, followed by the shaking of his head as if it was an Etch-a-sketch to try to clear what happened, then get confused all over again.

Also, and randomly, Mike's teeth were so so pretty at tribal council. 

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CletusMusashi I've really been wondering whether I could bring a million Lactaid pills if I was able to go on this show.  Otherwise, just constant sickness.


I don't think Carolyn is a bitch though and I really (really) hate that word.  I think she's just playing the game.  She's going to tell Shirin whatever is necessary to get Shirin to leave her alone and not pester about the last vote.  Carolyn does not owe Shirin an explanation and I don't care if the explanation was a true one or not.   Shirin never explained any motivations to Carolyn, or not enough to soothe her.  She tried to tell her what to do.  So why should Carolyn soothe Shirin in the following 3 days?  It might be right for her game, but in the real world I would be even colder than Carolyn is being.  Who cares...  If she's thinking about the game, yeah kiss up to everyone around you I guess, but I don't think Carolyn is like that and that's now how she's going to play.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I wanted Rodney to go, but seeing his confused face is almost good enough.  Maybe even better cause we get to see him reacting more next week.  I will also say I don't remember Mike existing before this episode, but I like him now.  He admitted it could be a bad idea to throw the challenge, but then made it work for him.


I am really interested in how it's going to go after the merge.  There doesn't seem to be one clear majority alliance, and there are a lot of free agents.

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I don't think Carolyn is a bitch though and I really (really) hate that word.  I think she's just playing the game.  She's going to tell Shirin whatever is necessary to get Shirin to leave her alone and not pester about the last vote.  Carolyn does not owe Shirin an explanation and I don't care if the explanation was a true one or not.   Shirin never explained any motivations to Carolyn, or not enough to soothe her.  She tried to tell her what to do.  So why should Carolyn soothe Shirin in the next 3 days?

For the same reason Hali did? Because having a jury member remember that you tried to be friendly with them is financially useful. The problem isn't whether or not some guy on an internet forum thinks Carolyn is insecure and... socially unpleasant. It's whether or not Shirin does.

Being certain that you can just make her disappear before jury starts is hubris. If she becomes jury, you need some goodwill from her. And if she ends up flying under the radar or being kept around as a goat or just turns out to be an immunity monster at Survivor Trivia immunity competitions... good game play involves sometimes placating people you can't stand. You can't wear your hate on your sleeve in "Survivor."  (Unless maybe you're Sandra.)

Edited by CletusMusashi
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I'm a bit annoyed they showed the merge in the previews and feel it is too early.



How? They're down to 12 - so 9 people on the jury and a final 3. 


I’m worried for Joe. His edit is getting murkier. I really like him, but he came across as being in a position of weakness – which he is. He has to be shrewd and proactive in the merge.



Well he was in a position of weakness as you noted - he was in the situation Kelly was in at the new red tribe, the only person from another tribe. However, come merge, that's a completely different story and his surviving the vote suggests he may have some more ties with either Sierra or Mike or even Dan. I do think he seemed too passive when Mike made it clear to him Rodney was gunning for him. But that might just be his playing style but he's shrewder than he's letting on. 

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