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S01.E16: Rogue Time

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The "lightning psychosis" was great. I can't believe they bought it. But I suppose them thinking that Barry has mental issues related to his injury they can ignore his strangeness at least until the finale.

This was funny in the moment. However, upon reflection it really does make Iris and Eddie come off as not very bright, especially Iris. She's been spending an enormous amount of time with Barry since he came out of the coma and not once has she experienced this kind of extreme behavior. I'd think she would've questioned this explanation more and maybe she did and we just didn't see it on screen. Or maybe she does suspect it's BS but went with it. Barry's behavior being the result of a psychosis certainly makes her life a lot less complicated.

Should? She is. Barry cornering her about their relationship clearly made Iris realize how much of a misstep the double date was, hence her coming clean to Eddie. She's obviously committed to Eddie and not about to mack on Barry anytime soon, so no harm done in the real timeline. Though I'm sure Barry and Iris will pick up again after Iris and Eddie's relationship runs its course as this is a TV show.

Did she really tell Eddie the whole story though? It's obvious that she at least told him about what happened at Jitters. But did she tell him about Barry's confession at Christmas? And if so, based on Eddie's reaction to Caitlyn's explanation, he probably thinks that confession was apart of Barry's psychosis. Which I don't think Iris believes, but she would allow Eddie to believe to keep things simple. Even if she didn't tell him about Barry's Christmas confession any act of "coming clean" would be negated due to the fact that she left out some critical details. Edited by Enero
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Mason Bridge is dead, his evidence is erased, and Barry has it in his mind that he can go back in time.  So there are consequences for what Barry did.

How did Barry cause Mason Bridge's death? He doesn't bring up Bridge with Wells until the news story of Bridge's death is breaking.


Wells just knew apparently, and acted, which it seems he would have done anyway. 


Barry already knew about time travel; he sort of knows the recipe now (surprise, surprise, run really fast).

Barry put Linda in the friend zone too impulsively, where did the guy who first started dating Linda go? I liked him being in a relationship where the affection was reciprocated. Too bad Cisco and Linda have not hooked up, a lot of the things she is attracted to in Barry is possessed by Cisco.

Why does Barry think that Captain Cold will keep his identity secret? I wish Barry had contacted Felicity to verify Captain Colds threat.

  • Love 3

Even assuming that the microwave uplink is a real thing rather than a bluff, it's not like the Flash Mob could not figure a way to shut it down.


Also, Barry, ix-nay on the agging-bray about the ipeline-pay!


The last thing you want to do is hip people to the fact that you have your own private prison of metahumans. Especially people who know about your connection to STAR Labs and who will therefore need only one guess to figure out where it is. 

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 4

Did she really tell Eddie the whole story though? It's obvious that she at least told him about what happened at Jitters. But did she tell him about Barry's confession at Christmas? And if so, based on Eddie's reaction to Caitlyn's explanation, he probably thinks that confession was apart of Barry's psychosis. Which I don't think Iris believes, but she would allow Eddie to believe to keep things simple. Even if she didn't tell him about Barry's Christmas confession any act of "coming clean" would be negated due to the fact that she left out some critical details.


Iris doesn't need to come clean about every detail of what's between her and Barry or otherwise she's being deceptive. That's an impossible standard IMO, as every relationship is allowed a little bit of privacy.


Why do you think Iris didn't believe Caitlin's explanation? It's pretty silly and unbelievable, but I expect we're supposed to assume Iris and Eddie fully bought into it for plot purposes. Iris even looked a little sad at the end, like she thought everything including his Christmas confession was a symptom. 

Edited by driedfruit
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Is Linda gone already? I guess it was to hopeful to think that they would give Iris a friend. Wells killing Mason would also put the people that knew about his investigation on high alert. They would know he must've been onto something to get killed for. I really don't understand his game plan. 


Yeah, the Lightening Psychosis thing makes Eddie and Iris seem kind of dumb. I suppose they know Caitlin is a prodigy medical doctor and she used a bunch of medical jargon that they wouldn't understand to get them to believe her. And I suppose getting struck by lightening and being in coma for nine months, they would think that there could be some side effects. 

Edited by Sakura12
So to all those people who were mad at Iris for finally being honest with herself, confessing her feelings for Barry, and being "disloyal" to Eddie, are you happy now that she rejected Barry and is choosing to stay faithful to a relationship that her heart is not truly in? Do you love her now?



She cheated on Eddie in the last episode, this episode has done a lot to redeem Iris in my eye.


And as for me I was more disappointed than mad at Iris, more angry with Barry then and this episode. He is such an enabler and lack boundaries. 


I think she may be lying to herself about her feelings now and the show took this opportunity to reset the whole thing and drag it out.


Or maybe she doesnt know or understand what she is feeling (yet), she needs time to figure things out with being rushed.

Edited by Conell
  • Love 1


Yeah, the Lightening Psychosis thing makes Eddie and Iris seem kind of dumb. I suppose they know Caitlin is a prodigy medical doctor and she used a bunch of medical jargon that they wouldn't understand to get them to believe her. And I suppose getting struck by lightening and being in coma for nine months, they would think that there could be some side effects.

It's ridiculous, but I'm okay with them believing it since this is a world where they know of people somehow getting superhuman powers like speed and bursting into flames.

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I'm a bit sad that Iris' potential mentor is killed off but if it pushes her into investigating Wells herself then all's forgiven. 


Caitlin's interference smooths things over but it also means Barry's right back to pretending to have nothing more than platonic feelings towards Iris. As badly timed as his confession was at least his feeling were out in the open, he didn't have to act like he was okay with some things when he wasn't.


Linda's "your heart should ache for me" bit felt like a way to make Barry break up with her. They'd only been dating a few weeks and she knew he was getting over someone else. With her talk about girl's and their games last week this makes me think she judges all other women by her own manipulative behaviour. 

Really love Tom Cavanagh as Wells, he is not a one dimensional villain, actually I am not so sure he is the villian at all. His agenda maybe at cross purposes, but I think that he will be redeemed at some point and kept around.  Like an Angel or Spike.  Loved seeing Wentworth Miller and Dominic Purcell back on my screen.  Barry getting a clue about Wells ( finally). Good episode all the way around, and looking forward to how they wrap season1. Eddie dies, Wells stays IMHO. 

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On "lightning psychosis":



This was funny in the moment. However, upon reflection it really does make Iris and Eddie come off as not very bright, especially Iris. She's been spending an enormous amount of time with Barry since he came out of the coma and not once has she experienced this kind of extreme behavior.


I was OK with it, because's run out on them both a lot (that we've seen), and Caitlyn is his doctor.  She could have also explained that it comes on suddenly sometimes, even months or years after an accident...and she's giving them enough that they WANT to believe her (add in that it's rare, and lighting strikes are pretty rare to begin with, and I'm in).  People are often in denial, and giving a plausible but false explanation can be powerful.  It's certainly as good a cover as the mask.


Also, as cynic noted, strange things have been happening in their city since the storm. 


Also, it took me longer than it should that the secrets of Reverse Flash were stored on a FLASH drive.  They could have called it a thumb drive or USB drive, but it was a nice "what can we do?  That's what they're called" moment.  I wonder if the paper has security footage. 

  • Love 3

Fun episode. I liked that, as I had hoped, there wasn't a total reset; there were enough echoes to make it poignant but also enough changes to make time travel seem dangerous.

Poor Cisco. I just love his relationship with Caitlin. They're both at their best when they're together. Funny, cute, sweet, smart. Aw. The kidnapping of his brother was a solid way to give Captain Cold and Co back their weapons so they could stay and feature prominently in the (not so subtly name-dropped) "Rogues Gallery". And personally I thought Wentworth Miller was fabulous yet again. Good to see him being funny, too. When he was all "there's a new godfather in town and his name is..." I legitimately thought he was gonna say "Snart", but thankfully he went with Cold. Good choice. And I just love his enunciation. Not gonna lie, I will totally watch the spinoff for him and Victor Garber.

So, of course Harrison figured it all out, probably because at some point he had lived something like this himself. It was cool that Barry had to do it all again, cool writing-wise but truly harsh for him. Which I suppose is why he didn't do it, lol.

I was truly glad to see Linda giving Barry an out (because let's face it, she totally knew). And I was glad he didn't lie to her face. This was a great way to have Linda be mature yet again; no tantrum, no one was dumped. Just a conversation between people who hadn't even been dating that long, had potential, but also bad timing. And "no one did anything wrong" did sting, right? Good. Because Barry did do something wrong.

Speaking of Barry, damn. What a weirdo. Caitlin's explanation (which, what? The writers bothered to create a reasonable-ish explanation for everything? I couldn't believe my ears. Go Caitlin!) actually made sense because he really was acting like he had some type of brain damage. ESP? And did Barry say "stop thinking and start doing (me)"? Like. Dude.

I'm really happy Iris was sensible this time around (without impending doom) but Barry was even worse than before, actively encouraging whatever this was. Notice that he didn't once ask her to leave Eddie, he never mentioned him by name or otherwise, he just asked Iris to be with him like she was single. It's like Eddie doesn't even exist to Barry, while Iris is living with him and is obviously conflicted because she doesn't want to hurt him. And Barry trying to use the knowledge he had on Iris? Was he too excited to think it through or just too dumb? "We like each other"? What made him think it was his place to speak for her? Sigh.

I liked that Iris didn't go for it. Maybe she needs more time. Maybe she remembered what a huge dork Barry is. Maybe it was the lack of a tsunami, like Wells said. But her rejection was a little too harsh; it would be perfectly appropriate, a total "hell yeah" moment, if she truly didn't have feelings for him (a clear, explicit, direct statement outlining why he's being inconsiderate and inappropriate) but if she's confused then I don't know. You can't easily come back from "I love another man, please stop". She may have been too upset and she just spoke out? I even thought the temporal shift changed her feelings (and so did Barry). Is that possible? Oh and she seemingly told Eddie about Barry's confession? Go Iris!

And go Eddie, for that matter. The punch wasn't because Barry went in on his woman, but because he betrayed their friendship (that might seem farfetched but Eddie comes off as as a total sweetheart and he always seemed to genuinely like Barry in my opinion, so I believe it). Speaking of Eddie, man, why aren't we seeing more of Rick Cosnett? He's hilarious! That last scene was amazing. The way he kept trying to gently touch Barry to apologise/reassure him? Comedy gold. But "it's not like me to punch a guy"? Was that just foreshadowing or a hint something is already going on with him? Hm.

Also, I thought it was strange how in this episode Iris really seemed to treat Barry more like a brother (rolling her eyes at his awkwardness with Mason, sternly setting boundaries when he overstepped, fondly going "omg you poor thing" when she thought he was hurt). The only vaguely romantic tidbits were her being uncomfortable with Barry/Linda PDA, her being fake-sad when they broke up, and a look of possible sadness (mixed with, like, mild relief? Dammit, writers, don't just rely on Candice Patton, give us something concrete) when she realised Barry's confession may have been because of his injury. Hm again.

Oh and I'm sure Iris saying "omg what a surprise!!!" was about Joe visiting her at work, but I took it too mean "omg Dad we're actually in a scene together, this is so weird!". More of that, please.

Lastly, Harrison Wells. I LOVED the Barry/Wells conversation. Barry is in a really tough spot. He could theoretically save his mother but that would change literally everything. His entire life. He'd never be raised by Joe, live with Iris, get to know her as well, and maybe he'd never become the Flash, he wouldn't save all those people. But then, maybe there wouldn't be metahumans either. That's a lot to consider. Not to mention, her loss would be balanced out by another. And It was also interesting that Wells sort of opened up about his own experience. He didn't accidentally travel back centuries (I assume) but he did get stuck in the past, messing with timelines, worrying how his actions might affect the future.

And Wells/Cisco? In the same location? "We love you too"? Saying, again, that Cisco was like a son to him? Cisco sharply looking up at that, realising that his own parents didn't appreciate him but he had a father figure who did? Adorable. By the way, I choose to believe that Harrison actually wanted Cisco to stay because he would miss him, and not because he was trying to preserve the timeline. So there.

One more thing; I'm not sure Barry's newfound suspicions of Wells were set up that well. He did receive some information before the temporal shift but still. Like, plot wise it made perfect sense (why else would Mason go missing?), but emotionally it was a hard left. From "Dr. Wells I need someone to talk to, please be there for me" to "Dr. Wells killed my mom" in, like, a few hours? Eh.

Still. This episode did a lot; Captain Cold and Co have their weapons back but aren't major threats for the time being, Iris/Barry seems to have stalled, Iris wants to try to work on her relationship with Eddie, Barry is doubting Wells and has told Joe about it, Wells thinks he covered his ass. Good stuff. Onto the Tricksters.

  • Love 5

Did anyone watch Eddie throughout that whole "Lightning Hypnosis" scene? The actor was on point and his facial expressions were cracking me up! He was so concerned for Barry and slightly confused. Made the whole episode.

I was dying for Cisco to tell Cold, "Well... actually my brother and I don't get along so... I guess we're at an impasse." If for nothing else than to see the look on Cold's face.


Tom Cavanaugh is too much in this show. I love him so much. He's just perfect. 


I also really loved the Iris/Joe scene at the newspaper. Absolutely perfect acting and such a great relationship. I hope we see more of that. 


Andplusalso, Eddie should punch more people. I'm just saying. *fans self*

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I don't think Barry or Joe (well maybe Joe)





And go Eddie, for that matter. The punch wasn't because Barry went in on his woman, but because he betrayed their friendship (that might seem farfetched but Eddie comes off as as a total sweetheart and he always seemed to genuinely like Barry in my opinion, so I believe it). Speaking of Eddie, man, why aren't we seeing more of Rick Cosnett? He's hilarious! That last scene was amazing. The way he kept trying to gently touch Barry to apologise/reassure him? Comedy gold. But "it's not like me to punch a guy"? Was that just foreshadowing or a hint something is already going on with him? Hm.

One more thing; I'm not sure Barry's newfound suspicions of Wells were set up that well. He did receive some information before the temporal shift but still. Like, plot wise it made perfect sense (why else would Mason go missing?), but emotionally it was a hard left. From "Dr. Wells I need someone to talk to, please be there for me" to "Dr. Wells killed my mom" in, like, a few hours? Eh.

I wanted to quote the whole  thing but just on these two points.


I hope that Eddie isn't being messed with by some outside interference. If he goes bad I want it to be done organically and because ....well he goes bad. He can be a sympathetic villain, but let him choose to bad of his own accord.


As for Barry I don't think he thinks Wells killed his mother. Probably only Joe thinks that (or maybe not) but he is starting to consider whether or not Well did have some thing to do with it

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Here's something to consider -- Barry goes back in time one day, and as he's running parallel to the one-day older version of himself that older version vanishes.  Because I'm still thinking that there should have been two of him at this point.


So, if Barry goes back in time to save his mom, won't that mean that the much younger version of himself will also vanish ?  In which case he will never grow up to become the Flash.  Owww, owww, my head is starting to hurt.  Damn these time-travel paradoxes.

Edited by ottoDbusdriver
  • Love 3

Yeah, I expected two Flashes to exist for a day.

 If this show's version of time travel is like turning back the clock - so that all events roll back to a point in time - that would explain why there's only one Barry  - - and why he was at the same location from a day ago.

And presumably if  Barry goes further back in time, he would start getting younger, since everything is reversing.


But future Barry still has future memories, so time is not actually rolling backwards - - he is stepping out of one time period and entering another. 


The other WtF for me was Barry's deal with Freezer Guy : "I'm cool with you carrying on with your crime spree in my ...um.. your  city as long as people don't get killed from now on. No worries about people you've already killed  ... or the people and police officers that will inevitably get hurt during your future crimes."

Edited by shrewd.buddha
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I've always had a problem with Cisco creating the cold gun, the heat gun and any number of other guns because it required incompetence on his and Wells' part that didn't seem plausible (for a janitor to be able to steal them without tripping any security). It also takes away from the villains themselves, because if anything happens to their guns, what are they supposed to do?


It's compounded in this episode exponentially. 


Cisco not only rearms Cold and Heat Wave, but creates a third gun for Lisa. He now knows that these are going to go in the hands of killers. Why would he do this?


Also, how did Cold and Heat Wave get all the parts for their guns? I assume you can't just pick that stuff up at a Home Depot. 


And if we're to believe that Cold put together and took apart his gun a gazillion times, and Heat Wave did the same, why do they need Cisco to rebuild them? Can't they do it themselves?


In any case, at some point, one of these characters should at least say, "Man, it was a tough dilemma you were in, but it kind of sucks for us all that you chose your life and your brother's over Barry's and the rest of Central City" if not "You absolutely chose the wrong course. You thought that Cold and the rest were going to kill you anyway (and by all rights, they probably should), and yet you gave them weapons of mass destruction to kill untold innocents."

Edited by Chicago Redshirt
  • Love 5

I'm loving Wentworth Miller. I hope Cold stays around for a long, long time. He's fantastic and his lines crack me up. I didn't realize how much I missed him on my teevee. I'd watch his spinoff show.


I don't get Wells saying if Barry changes XYZ back in time, ABC will happen now. Don't bad/good things happen every day anyway? So why not change the bad of the past since new bad things are going to happen whether the past was rearranged or not. It's not like all of a sudden, because Barry doesn't change yesterday, roses and butterflies will pop out today.


Linda's "your heart should ache for me" bit felt like a way to make Barry break up with her.

That cracked me up.  I was like umm, after dating for a couple of weeks, no it shouldn't.  You should be gald he's returning your calls at this point. So maybe she did go a little creeper just to push him. Wish they had made Iris and Linda friends and then the four of them hanging out had just started happening naturally.


Didn't like PL on Tomorrow People,  didn't like her on here.

Edited by miracole
  • Love 1

I don't get Wells saying if Barry changes XYZ back in time, ABC will happen now. Don't bad/good things happen every day anyway? So why not change the bad of the past since new bad things are going to happen whether the past was rearranged or not. It's not like all of a sudden, because Barry doesn't change yesterday, roses and butterflies will pop out today.

I am not sure Wells believes a single thing he said about time travel.


Wells has at least once messed with time travel in going back to kill Barry, but ended up killing Nora instead. He knows what happened to him -- for some reason, he was not able to return to his own time, and he is speculating that Barry getting up to speed could help him return. He doesn't seem to have suffered from any sort of major karmic time backlash. But then again, maybe he has, at least from his perspective -- he apparently can only Reverse-Flash for limited periods of time and he can't return to the 25th Century. 

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Also, how did Cold and Heat Wave get all the parts for their guns? I assume you can't just pick that stuff up at a Home Depot.


 How did Cisco know the parts he'd need to build a gold gun?


Another thing that bothers me is that Heatwave was built up to be insane and impossible to work with. Yet other then an obsession with fire, he's a typical henchman.


Also, why bother wearing a wig to kidnap Cisco if you're going to use your real name?


Barry is the worst negotiator! 'Feel free to steal anything you like as long as you don't kill anyone and stay away from my friends'. Great deal Barry!


Meanwhile, back at the labs,  Peekaboo is pissed at the blatant sexism that puts her in that jail cell when he's making such deals. :)

Edited by Oscirus
  • Love 2

Wells' speech about how how if you try to improve the timeline, "time" will find a way to do something even worse was annoying and unscientific. "Time" is not a thinking being that cares about good or bad. And there were no negative consequences from what Barry changed. The Rogues were still going to do their thing. Cisco being dead would have been a problem for them, but it's not as if Barry would prefer that outcome. The only thing Barry screwed up was the relationship thing, and that was easily fixed with LP, so no, "Time" did not really care about what Barry did. 


I thought it was great when Well's said that the day will get "worse" and "worse" if Barry affected the timeline.  And it did. 



Time travel gives the writers of this show a big "out".  In effect, you can kill everyone in the cast, then change it the next week.

I knew that Barry traveling back in time would mean Cisco is alive and the kiss never happened.

Poor Cisco, his brother was a really douche for telling the girl he liked in high school he wanted to be a priest. I would have let his fingers be broken off from frostbite!

I guess Barry really is like his brother, the way Wells was a father.

Cool to see them parallel the scene between Cisco and Wells from last episode, but with a very positive outcome(although I was still white knuckling grabbing the armrests and tense throughout it)

Wells was right though. A life for a life, Cisco for Iris' boss(Todd Manning from OLTL)

Damn Iris, you had to go and tell Eddie about Barry? WTF? And you're surprised he punched him?

Great to see Captain Cold as always and his sister. Their interplay was great. Now that he knows his secret identity is a nice way to set up Flash' dynamic with Cold and the rest of the "Rogue's Gallery" in the comics.

Can't wait to see Mark Hamill as the "Trickster" from the old show next week!

How did Barry cause Mason Bridge's death? He doesn't bring up Bridge with Wells until the news story of Bridge's death is breaking.


Wells just knew apparently, and acted, which it seems he would have done anyway. 


Barry already knew about time travel; he sort of knows the recipe now (surprise, surprise, run really fast).

My take was that Wells wouldn't have had to kill Bridge in the last timeline, since events conspired to force him to reveal himself as Reverse Flash. With the reset, things unfolded in a different way, so Bridge's death took the place of Cisco's. I think the writers thought carefully about how time would push back against any changes (as Wells predicted), which I think elevated the episode quite a bit.

  • Love 1

Yay, this thread is not gone after all.

I loved this second part of the two-parter much better,  a  great episode from start to finish.


The KillerVibe (Caitlin/Cisco) really took off in this  episode, Snowbarry had some good moments too and WestAllen was so much better served in this episode. At least Iris was, so proud of her, she told Barry exactly what I have been thinking last episode and in this. I like Linda, I hope she will be recurring in the show, the outcome for her was much better in this episode thankfully. The Snart Siblings were awesome, Peyton List was great as Lisa, good to see she has been given a better role since Tomorrow People. Now just needs  a reunion with Robbie. The guy from Sleepy Hollow is Cisco's brother!, nice surprise. I like that they are giving Rick/Eddie more to do, he really brought it in these two episodes. Some really good moments with the treadmill, Barry experiencing a de javu, and then finding out about Wells.


Yep, he's the third actor to cross over.


Who is the third? There was Clancy Brown, now Nicholas Gonzales and?


Rogues. You have a gun that can transform anything into gold. Exactly why are you bothering to rob things anymore?




Edited by Conell

My take was that Wells wouldn't have had to kill Bridge in the last timeline, since events conspired to force him to reveal himself as Reverse Flash. With the reset, things unfolded in a different way, so Bridge's death took the place of Cisco's. I think the writers thought carefully about how time would push back against any changes (as Wells predicted), which I think elevated the episode quite a bit.

Did Wells reveal himself as Reverse Flash? I thought he killed Cisco to maintain that secret. True his disappearance from the coffee shop would have been hard to explain, but he could have found a way. Bridge's stuff was about Simon Stagg and other of his secrets, but not Reverse Flash, IIRC. I don't see the connection. If Bridge's death had occurred at the end of any other episode, it would have seemed the same as Stagg's death, or the threat to Joe. RF just doing what he does to remove a threat to Wells' plans.


I'm glad you enjoyed the episode but I don't share your admiration of the writers on this one. There's a long history of time travel stories that do a better job of going back to change things having unintended consequences. Barry effortlessly saved Central City  which was a big net positive and everything else that happened was on track to happen anyway except Cisco being a prisoner instead of dead and the Barry lovelife stuff.

  • Love 2
It's going to take more then just asking her out for coffee and being all "Come on, baby!  You know you love me!"  Get it together, Barry.




Wells' speech about how how if you try to improve the timeline, "time" will find a way to do something even worse was annoying and unscientific. "Time" is not a thinking being that cares about good or bad. And there were no negative consequences from what Barry changed.


There was for him: Wells

And someone mentioned Mason, Barry's secret is out  and Cisco's brother could have died of frostbite.


Too bad Cisco and Linda have not hooked up, a lot of the things she is attracted to in Barry is possessed by Cisco.


I could get behind that.


As for Barry I don't think he thinks Wells killed his mother. Probably only Joe thinks that (or maybe not) but he is starting to consider whether or not Well did have some thing to do with it


He said "All of it" I think he now believes he killed his mother. 

Edited by Conell
  • Love 2



Letting Cold go is pretty much like Arrow letting a man that murdered over 500 people including brainwashing his sister to murder his ex girlfriend run around free because of reasons. Why am I considering these people heroes?

Peek-a-boo didn't kill anyone, why is she still locked up?

I don't know if its quite that bad yet. The Malcolm stuff over on Arrow is, my opinion, WAY more messed up than this. But lets hope they don't move further in that direction. 


They really should let Peek-a-boo out, or do something else with her. She didn't seem as murderous as some of the other rouges they have tangled with. She just seemed like she wanted to steal stuff. Why not make a deal with her too?  

  • Love 1

 How did Cisco know the parts he'd need to build a gold gun?


Another thing that bothers me is that Heatwave was built up to be insane and impossible to work with. Yet other then an obsession with fire, he's a typical henchman.


Also, why bother wearing a wig to kidnap Cisco if you're going to use your real name?


Meanwhile, back at the labs,  Peekaboo is pissed at the blatant sexism that puts her in that jail cell when he's making such deals. :)


Cisco is a genius, so we're supposed to buy that he can whip together whatever pretty much whenever. "Cisco, my second cousin needs a gun that fires lethal jello shots!" "Cisco, my old cellmate wants a gun that can shoot self-sealing stem bolts!"


Heat Wave didn't get much screen time, but he was portrayed as out of control enough. When Cisco and CisBro tried escaping, Cold couldn't calm him down. It took Lisa's feminine wiles and dinner to do it.


Wearing the wig was, I guess, so other people at the bar might not recognize her, as was icing over the license plate of the car. Once the Rogues had Cisco, they could monologue all they wanted. By rights, he was a dead man.

  • Love 2


Wells' speech about how how if you try to improve the timeline, "time" will find a way to do something even worse was annoying and unscientific. "Time" is not a thinking being that cares about good or bad. And there were no negative consequences from what Barry changed. The Rogues were still going to do their thing. Cisco being dead would have been a problem for them, but it's not as if Barry would prefer that outcome. The only thing Barry screwed up was the relationship thing, and that was easily fixed with LP, so no, "Time" did not really care about what Barry did. 


I think Wells was just feeding him a bunch of bunk to try to scare Barry out of changing anything so that it wouldn't mess up his (Wells') plans. 

  • Love 1

I think Wells was just feeding him a bunch of bunk to try to scare Barry out of changing anything so that it wouldn't mess up his (Wells') plans. 

It did seem to work out that way (thankfully), although Barry doesn't necessarily suspect that (he doesn't know that Cisco died in the other timeline IIRC).  I admit I'm a little nervous about this because Wells' explanation seemed in line with the (poorly justified, IMHO) results of Barry's actions in the Flashpoint story in the comics. I was not a fan of Flashpoint at all. 

How did Masons disappearance make Barry completely distrustful of Wells? I know seeds of doubt were sewn, and Barry retained information from the "previous day", but it's still a huge leap.

Did wells and bridge interact? Why on earth would Barry link Masons disappearance to Wells?

Re: wells maybe he is narcicistic and wants recognition whilst also deceiving everyone.

wells returning to collect Mason after tidying up killed me.

  • Love 1

Barry knew Mason claimed to have evidence incriminating Wells.  He works with the police, think about how they investigate a murder or disappearance.  If the police knew a reporter claimed to have evidence he was going to publish and the next day that reporter disappeared, I guarantee you the prime suspect would be the person the reporter claimed to have evidence on.  From the scene at the lab it looks like Barry went on to do further investigating which I assume we will learn about in future episodes. 


If Wells would have just destroyed Mason's evidence, Barry would probably dismiss Mason as a crackpot.  But his disappearance/murder indicates he may have been on to something, and Barry was smart to act on the assumption he was.

Edited by Cosmosgravitation
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I know it's kind of silly to apply real-world journalism principles to a comic-book show, but IIRC, Mason was saying that his big expose about Wells was scheduled to come out in Sunday's paper. For that to happen, at least Mason's direct editor at CCPN would have to have a pretty good idea what the story would have said, if not had a draft of the story in his/hands.

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But as far as he knows Harrison is still paralyzed- He didn't tell the other about Mason's suspicions either.....if anything I'd wonder if RF is holding a threat over Harrisons head not that he's directly involved.


Barry brought up Wells being in a wheelchair on day one, and Bridge said he had evidence against him that would explain everything. I'd be suspicious, especially since Barry is aware of the darker side of Wells.


I know it's kind of silly to apply real-world journalism principles to a comic-book show, but IIRC, Mason was saying that his big expose about Wells was scheduled to come out in Sunday's paper. For that to happen, at least Mason's direct editor at CCPN would have to have a pretty good idea what the story would have said, if not had a draft of the story in his/hand


I took that as "you'll have to read about it when it comes out" not as in actually coming out in the next edition. 

I didn't freeze frame stuff toward the end, but there were shots of pages that appeared to be a fairly developed spread about Wells, with photos and such. I would imagine that things would have had to be pretty deep in the process for the dummy copy to have gotten to that point. 


Maybe I just don't like thinking you could kill a story by killing the reporter at that point.

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I was out last night, and caught the episode on DVR today. Not much newness I can add, save for this thought: a parka with the hood up is not a good look for Wentworth Miller. I know he's trying to be a badass, and he's succeeding for the most part, but that damn hood takes away from the mystique. I think it's one of those things that doesn't translate from the page to the screen.


Poor Barry. And poor, poor Cisco. That boy can look so beaten down, between last episode and this one.


I'm a little annoyed by the "gold gun." Couldn't the writers skew closer to the comic? Then again, maybe "villainous figure skater" would look even dumber than that darn parka hood.


Isn't "Lightning Psychosis" the name of a glam metal band?

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