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S26.E12: The Greatest Love Of All

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Well, this was a boring finale.  They tried hard to make it exciting, but it didn't really work.  I guess it works that a pretty unimpressive season would have a dull final challenge.


Loved that they resorted to showing more of TJ lecturing quitters.  I do feel a bit bad for Jay, though.  Jenna probably would have just quit on him later.

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I wanted to like Theresa tonight, but she annoyed the snot out of me when she told Jenna, as she was passing her, "know your place." However, I did appreciate her slamming Leroy for inexplicably trusting Johnny so much.


Sarah had the million dollar quote when she had a confessional along the lines of "I used to be 200 pounds and Jordan was born with one hand. We have a lot to prove." So glad to see her finally get a win!

Edited by jsm1125
  • Love 7

It was kind of boring as a finale, but the best team one. Sarah and Jordan played a real solid game all season and that includes their politics. I don't think I could've stomached Theresa and Leroy winning. I'm glad to see that she was humbled by her elimination. There was no reason to be nasty to Jenna. Stay in your lane. She's always ready to cry at the drop of a dime and it's really annoying. At the least, she pointed out to Leroy that Johnny doesn't actually have his back. Johnny had Jordan and Sarah vote him in! He's blind loyalty to Johnny is so confusing. I get that he wants to play a straight forward game without deception, but that only works if you're a really well-rounded player that's equally liked, like Landon and Darrell. Brad and Derrick eventually went to the dark side and found a way to win with shady politics and even shadier alliances.


Jay and Jenna. What else to say. It wasn't unexpected, but I wish they had at least finished. 

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I had fun. The good guys wound up winning. How often does that happen on this show? Sure, Sarah is an acquired taste, and Jordan is a bit of a meathead . . . but compared to the rest of the field, they're practically saints. Johnny and Nia can eat shit as far as I'm concerned.


Oh, Jay & Jenna. You know what would've been a baller move from Teege? If he had drank one glass of the noxious drink, not recoil or throw up, then drop the glass at Jay's feet. Yeah, Jay's manhood (or at least his stomach) deserved to be challenged, but I thought TJ was trying to be like Jeff Probst, and nobody is supposed to be like Probst. In other news, Jay is currently blocking people on his Twitter feed.


Seriously, this was the right ending. Jay & Jenna winning would've been too much like Amy & Maya winning TAR25, and it wouldn't have been fair for Leroy & Theresa to be have been victorious. And Johnny got shut out before the big finale. Great ending to a decent season.


ETA: Putting up Jay and Jenna's Twitter feeds? I'm still undecided whether that was genius or plain sadistic.

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Wow, Jay and Jenna really really sucked, didn't they? I'm surprised it was Jay that threw in the towel first. Good job keeping them around, Sarah. That plan actually worked.


Good for Theresa for telling Leroy some harsh truths. He was standing there trying to blame everything on Wes for being sneaky and she pointed out it was his best buddy Johnny that got him thrown in that elimination. Leroy bragging that Wes went home in a neck brace was ugly and stupid.


Finally Sarah finishes and wins a challenge with a partner. I'm actually happy for her.

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I'm only a few minutes in but had to comment and say fuck you Theresa. Her telling Jenna to get in her place pissed me off. Theresa was eliminated, she's lucky she's even there.

Damn Jay's a big whiny baby. I don't have twitter but I'd love to see what people are saying about him.

Edited by Maharincess
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I hate what the challenge has become. Fail at a logic mission, dah well, 30 minute time limit.  Fail at skill (throwing the rocks in the bucket) hey that's ok too, 30 minute time limit. Suck at drinking disgusting, probably rotting liquid? OH NO! You have quit the game!


It's bullshit.  If you can get out of the other challenges by time limit, you should be able to get out of that one too.

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I'm so happy for Sarah! *mumbles* and Jordan.


I can't be mad at Jay and Jenna for quitting because I would quit too. No way I could ever do any of that. When they came to the cows and goats (I don't think Jay and Jenna made it that far) I would've stopped to pet each and every one. I couldn't make it up that mountain in a million years. If they come back to do another challenge TJ is going to be an even bigger dickwad to them. I seriously laughed out loud when they put up their twitter handles right when Jay said they're going to get so much shit on there. These editors are our friends. They should've looked at the answer that Theresa and Leroy left at the puzzle. If there isn't a privacy wall around it I think it's fair game.


I do think it was dumb that there wasn't a time limit on the drinking mission. I think it's a smarter move sometimes to wait the time out like when they had to throw the rocks. Once they see how hard it is what's the point in wasting energy running back and forth with the rocks when you can sit and rest for a half an hour? TJ would definitely hate me on a challenge.


Amen for Theresa telling Leroy that Bananas sucks. Leroy really needs to take swimming lessons. Don't just watch how to do it on YouTube, pay someone to help you learn.

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I hate what the challenge has become. Fail at a logic mission, dah well, 30 minute time limit.  Fail at skill (throwing the rocks in the bucket) hey that's ok too, 30 minute time limit. Suck at drinking disgusting, probably rotting liquid? OH NO! You have quit the game!


That's a really good point. Although even if they had been able to wait it out, I think Jenna would have quit eventually, considering she was petering out pretty early and Jay had to revise his goal from  "winning" to "finishing".


When Sarah was yacking up the caviar, I was thinking they should have just sat and waited their time out. Even if Leroy and Theresa had come in and sunk all their rocks immediately, I don't think they would have gotten more than a 10 min head start on the next leg, and Sarah may have been able to bike and run faster if she weren't dealing with an upset stomach and constant vomiting. 


Were these players not allowed water? Why did everyone reference having crusted vomit stuck to their faces?


I was just waiting for Jay and Jenna, after choking down the obligatory first drinks, to actually flip all the lids and not have to drink the remaining cups. So disappointed they weren't able to finish. I wonder though if Jenna wasn't secretly relieved that they could quit and blame Jay.

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This final spent WAY too much time on the gross food leg of the challenge, I'm glad Sarah finally got her win but I'm going to pull a Teej here and say that I'm super disappointed in Jay and Jenna. Rookie/Veteran rivalries aside, all they had to do was finish the damn thing and they each take home $15K. I was totally rooting for them but they basically just proved that they coasted by as the sacrificial lambs. It almost makes me wish Sarah had thrown them into elimination instead of Bananys, almost.

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I remain convinced that the producers are trying to kill these people. Watching Sarah, who had been puking non-stop on day one, and Jordan, with one hand, climbing that mountain, with no safety equipment, made me a little woozy.  They didn't even have TJ hanging out up there waiting for them this time.  And then I kept thinking "and now, to collect your winnings, you need to get back down.  Good luck!"  


TJ's "have you ever watched this show?" cracked me up.  


While Leroy has annoyed me in the late weeks of this season, and I was genuinely happy to see Sarah win, a part of me wanted to see Theresa win, just so she could lord it over Nany.  

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Were these players not allowed water? Why did everyone reference having crusted vomit stuck to their faces?


That's what was in their backpacks.


Did they have to climb back down the mountain? I would've used my winnings to build a house up there because I wouldn't be able to get back down.


I thought the shot of Leroy at the end sitting so casually while eating an apple was hilarious.

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awww I was SOO Happy Jordan and Sarah won. yay for nice underdogs. Jordans a hot head but I think hes allright. Then again I started to like Bananas and Nany for whatever reason (*it faded fast lol). I did tear up a bit when they had their montage at the end lol. AND How sweet was Jordan to Sarah by the fire. Good for them! Thank you MTV for letting decent people win.


Im glad she came out of top and LOLED when Jay and Jenna quit because you know Bananas and Nany would have atleast finished, so sucks to be them hahaha. Its like one final burn.


Leory better thank Sarah for keeping the 'layups'; in- he very well could have gotten only 15 grand had nany and bananas been in the final and finished. He should be kissing Sarah and Jordans ass for that move. Good on Theresa for pointing out that Bananas had nobody's back.


I thought everything happened perfectly. Leroy got some money, Jordan and Sarah won, I wish Jay and Jenna would have finished but oh well.

Edited by yogi2014L
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I'm surprised they didn't tell us in gruesome detail what was in those cups.  I would never have guessed it had anything to do with fish if some of the players hadn't referred to it.

I don't know how often they got to refill those water backpacks, but if you are barfing, sweating, and have eaten something as salty and therefore dehydrating as caviar, you'd better save every drop for drinking and not washing your face.  

I have never liked gross eating challenges, on TAR, Survivor, wherever, and to have those things designed to make you puke and therefore dehydrate yourself when you have to run up a giant mountain are just downright dangerous.  I want to a see people overcome a challenge, not almost die.

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The finale was kind of boring, but I thought it was a great season overall (primarily because the insufferable Bananas and Nany weren't in the final). The right team won. Jordan and Sarah dealt with so much shit during the season from the other contestants that it's sweet justice that they-the underdogs-won this challenge. I mean, Sarah was ridiculed for her decision to throw Bananany in and Jordan got sexual harassed by the disgusting Nia. So congratulations to them for playing a great game and winning the $125 K and for not being as vile as the other contestants.


Theresa sucks. She's strong physically, but she's so vile that it makes her impossible to root for. She's lucky she hooked up with Leroy and that Nia is such a deplorable human being or else she wouldn't have gotten anything. $35 K isn't a bad pay day for someone who was already eliminated. I thought her attitude would've been better and that she'd be more grateful for the opportunity to participate in a finale, but she was as nasty as usual in this episode. Her comment to Jenna when they past them was such low class and uncalled for. Jenna is an airhead, but I don't recall her being nasty to anyone during this season. I was afraid that since Jordan and Sarah only got a 5-minute head start on Day 2 that Leroy and Theresa would definitely come back and win. I was delighted when they got gassed and lost. Why did Jordan and Sarah only get a 5-minute head start anyway? It seemed like they beat Leroy and Theresa to the Rest Stop by more than that. If Leroy doesn't get serious about aquatic activities and politicking, he's never going to win one of these. I think he and Theresa would've won this easily had it not been for the horrible first leg of swimming and kayaking.


I don't agree with Jay and Jenna quitting. $15 K is still a substantial sum of money and totally worth subjecting yourself to a couple days of challenge hell. I just wonder why there wasn't a time limit on the drinking task like there were on the others. Yeah, Jay made the decision to quit, but Jenna didn't put up too much of a fight. I think she was more than happy to let Jay take the heat for that decision so she didn't have to drink any of that vile liquid. I wish Teege would've slammed down a glass in front of them. It's so easy to criticize quitters when you don't have to do it yourself. Just once I'd like to see Teege participate in a Challenge.


I wonder if the challengers know going in which tasks have 30-minute time limits and which don't. If they do, it could be a viable strategy to just wait it out. That seems like something Wes might do. That caviar sure did wreak havoc on Sarah's stomach and since they didn't complete that task in the allotted time anyway, it would've smarter to just wait out the 30 minutes and not have that caviar (and that other gross liquid from the previous task) swimming in their stomachs while doing the biking. Of course they don't know which tasks are difficult to complete until they're well into them and they don't want to waste any time and give another team an opportunity to catch up. I just don't see the point of having the challengers do a bunch of tasks that don't even have to be completed in the finale. They should have to complete each task to win the money.


Anyway, I look forward to next season. I would hope the vileness and misogyny go away, but this cast set the bar really low for behavior this season. I gotta believe that Sarah won't be returning, but I'm sure Jordan will be back along with Bananas and Nany. I just hope I never have to see Nia again. She's a liability to MTV at this point and her appearance on the show doesn't provide enough ratings to justify casting her.

Edited by jmonkey
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There was WAY too much vomiting on this episode for me to enjoy it. It got to the point where I just had to FF through it because it was just too gross.  



I remain convinced that the producers are trying to kill these people. Watching Sarah, who had been puking non-stop on day one, and Jordan, with one hand, climbing that mountain, with no safety equipment, made me a little woozy.  They didn't even have TJ hanging out up there waiting for them this time.  And then I kept thinking "and now, to collect your winnings, you need to get back down.  Good luck!"  


TJ's "have you ever watched this show?" cracked me up.  

I thought the same thing! How can they climb that mountain with nothing to protect them from falling?! I was stunned. I was also surprised TPTB didn't give them any sort of shelter. I know in the last 2 day challenge I watched (which admittedly has been awhile I think) they gave them tents and sleeping bags so at least they had SOMETHING to protect them. I think they also got food that night. It was ridiculous that the three teams got nothing to protect them from the elements. Tents would have helped them feel less cold. I want to see a hard challenge but not one where people end up losing body parts to frostbite or something equally ridiculous. 


I loved that Sarah was smart enough to take apart their completed puzzle so nobody else could use it. 

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TJ is making more than the individual share of the first-place prize.


So why would he drink that?  Haven't seen the reunion yet but maybe they explain what it is?

They did not. Mostly the reunion was a bunch of female bashing (both female on female and male on female) and Johnny Bananas indicating how "hurt" he was by Sarah. (With 2 minutes thrown in to remind us that 2 participants died)

The only reason I can come up with as to why Jay and Jenna weren't granted a pass after 30 minutes on the drinking challenge is because they didn't even try. They got a pass for the rock puzzle; the difference is that they were actually competing for the duration (same with the other two teams on the rock throw). Speaking of the "layups", yeah Jay embarrassed himself on national TV, but I'm not convinced Jenna would've made it through the rest of the final. She did seem more willing to consume whatever liquid was put in front of her, but she wasn't exactly hustling in the run leading up to it. I actually believe Jay would've probably finished (albeit still in 3rd) if he got past he food and drink portions.


It's hard for me to compare the difficulty in the recent Challenge finals. I do think the drink and the caviar was easier to handle than previous finals (Rivals II anyone?). On the other hand, I think this had by far the hardest mountain to scale. That thing was dangerously steep, even more so when you have tired, dehydrated players climbing up it.


Ultimately, I am happy with the winners. This was probably Sarah's last best chance, so she pretty much had to win this one. I've found Jordan a lot more tolerable on the Challenge than Real World, although he had a couple sketchy moments this season.


Almost forgot to add: Is this the first season where they ran the shitshow, final, and reunion all in the same night? I feel like that speaks to the belief that the producers wanted to bury this season and get through it as quick as possible.

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I hate what the challenge has become. Fail at a logic mission, dah well, 30 minute time limit.  Fail at skill (throwing the rocks in the bucket) hey that's ok too, 30 minute time limit. Suck at drinking disgusting, probably rotting liquid? OH NO! You have quit the game!


It's bullshit.  If you can get out of the other challenges by time limit, you should be able to get out of that one too.


That's a really good point. Although even if they had been able to wait it out, I think Jenna would have quit eventually, considering she was petering out pretty early and Jay had to revise his goal from  "winning" to "finishing".


When Sarah was yacking up the caviar, I was thinking they should have just sat and waited their time out. Even if Leroy and Theresa had come in and sunk all their rocks immediately, I don't think they would have gotten more than a 10 min head start on the next leg, and Sarah may have been able to bike and run faster if she weren't dealing with an upset stomach and constant vomiting. 



Jenna hit the lottery.  There is no way she finishes if Jay manages to down the swill.  (And at least one tube of caviar at the rocks.  I have to wonder if Jay had finished the mandatory glass that the 30 minute timer would have started.)  Instead she gets to lord it over Jay for his quitting.  (Schadenfreude department:  Wait until BotE:3, and the Zachole gets paired with Jenna.  It would almost be worth it to see them make it to the final, just for him to have to deal with it.  Then again, he'd probably just shove her forward, pick her up, and shove her forward again.  So. ... No.)


I was rooting for Sarah, and I was pissed when Teeg said they'd get a five minute head start.  They dominated day one, and didn't even get the equivalent of a time penalty.  If they are told which tasks have a time limit, and the Day One advantage is so minuscule, then game the freaking system!


And I didn't understand the overnight rule, either you had to stand in the circle all night, or lay in the bed?  You didn't have to do it together?  Was switching allowed?  Regardless, if the reason Leroy couldn't catch Sarah and Jordan was because he was too tired after staying up all night standing by the fire: then, damn brother, you cost yourself first place.

Edited by Way Wes Jr
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I was rooting for Sarah, and I was pissed when Teeg said they'd get a five minute head start.  They dominated day one, and didn't even get the equivalent of a time penalty.  If they are told which tasks have a time limit, and the Day One advantage is so minuscule, then game the freaking system!



I believe they didn't know it was a 2 day final.  I think Sarah said something to the effect of realizing it was going to be a 2 day event when they got to the camp site.  If they do know ahead of time it's a 2 day, it would definitely merit consideration of eating up those 30 minute time limits and avoiding something that will make you puke (more) or wear you out.  From what I remember of the 2 day finals they've had, the advantage to finishing first is fairly negligible.  You can completely smoke the competition and still get a 5 minute head start in the morning, rendering the first day's tasks almost pointless.  

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They must film in other countries because of their relative (to the US) lack of safety regulations. I don't think you'd be able to film a show in the US where you contestants climb a mountain as steep as that one and not have some sort of safety gear. That said, I don't think it was quite as bad as it looked on television, because the camera guys had to climb, too, and didn't seem to have problems. 


I was surprised that Leroy and Theresa didn't get some sort of advantage on the second day since they were the only ones to sink a rock in that challenge. Jordan and Sarah finished first but only because they got there first. 

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I was rooting for Sarah, and I was pissed when Teeg said they'd get a five minute head start.  They dominated day one, and didn't even get the equivalent of a time penalty.  If they are told which tasks have a time limit, and the Day One advantage is so minuscule, then game the freaking system!

The thing that really pissed me off, and I suspect partially led to Sarah's tears of frustration the morning of the mountain climb, was that they had way more than a 5 minute lead on Leroy & Theresa when they got to the overnight camp site.

Jordan and Sarah should have been given the exact same amount of time that they beat them on the bikes, as a head start up the mountain. Now, of course it didn't end up mattering but it could have.


I'm going to move over to the Reunion thread to talk about my deep loathing and digust for Bananas, Zach, and Nia. There's pretty much nothing any of them can do to redeem themselves.

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Congrats to Sarah and Jordan for winning the challenge! They deserved it after having to put up with so much crap especially towards the end. They proved their naysayers wrong and ultimately, played a very smart game.

Once again Theresa makes me dislike her even more with that comment she made to Jenna as she passed her. She should've kept her mouth shut and considered herself lucky that she was even able to compete in the final as she had already been eliminated.

I wish Jay and Jenna hadn't quit, but I can't blame them for doing so. I definitely wouldn't be able to drink that nasty stuff or eat that caviar.

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That was a somewhat boring but satisfying end to the season.  Hope Sarah and Jordan take the money and go out on a high note from this train wreck!


I was sorry they ended up quitting with no money but even if Jay managed to gag down the fish drink, I can't see any way that they would have completed the race.  I doubt he had the stomach for multiple tubes of caviar and Jenna was already tired during the first leg jogging.  I don't think she had it in her to scale a mountain.  They still seem like nice, normal people compared to the rest of the usual dysfunctional famewhores in the house.


Five minutes was definitely too short a head start to give Sarah and Jordan on day 2.   I guess they were trying to make it interesting and force a close finish but it was not fair and could have easily changed the outcome.

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Yay for Sarah! And Jordan. Just so glad to not see Wes, Bananas, or Zach (all three are up for the biggest douche in the universe competition) in the finale. And Sarah definitely played the political game well, Bananas is just bitter he wasn't the one screwing someone over. And Bananas, this was worse than what you did to Paula on The Island? Don't think so, so STFU.

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They definitely telegraphed the ending with the Sarah/Jordan "we'll show our doubters" footage and theme, but I'm still glad that they won. I loved Leroy's comment that whoever came up with the final should be punched in the face. It's one thing to have them eat/drink something gross, but twice? And with all of the puking? That was not pleasant to watch. Nor was it fun to watch them suffer in the 10 degree weather at night. That's not a challenge - that's torture and unsafe! And count me in as a view that thought the ending climb was dizzying and potentially unsafe, especially for people who were sleep deprived and weak from puking their guts out the day before.

Edited by The Evil One
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The way I look at it is they don't have to do these challenges. If they think they're suffering or they are too hard, they shouldn't do them.

I know that they have people complete these missions before they become missions for the show. If the other people and the camera crew can do them, I'd say they are ok.

I don't mind watching these people suffer a little. They are getting paid a lot of money, it shouldn't be a leisurely walk in the park.

And like I said, if the contestants think this is too hard, they can quit any time.

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The head start for Sarah and Jordan on the second day should've been the time it took Leroy and Theresa to catch up to them at the campsite. Isn't that how The Amazing Race does it?

That is exactly how they should have done it.  I'm glad they won because if they wouldn't have I bet Sarah and Jordan would been sooooooo pissed that they only got a 5 min head start when they were so much ahead. 


I think they were maybe only 15 min ahead but that's a pretty good lead time up a mountain.  


that head start was PURE CRAP!


I also don't think they know which tasks have a time limit and which ones don't and I also agree that maybe they didn't give them one because they didn't try.  If only they would have seen that when everyone else drank theirs, half of it didn't even go in their mouths i think they would have had a chance. But I was really shocked they got booted because of Jay.

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