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S07.E18: Housewife Interrupted

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Also fake was the FaceTime conversation with Claudia and the suggestion they take a trip. I know each woman has to come up with some type of group event and I guess it was Claudia's turn. But....the Philippenes?


That was so beyond ridiculous!  Come on Bravo, do they think we're that stupid?

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Was Claudia really drinking white wine/champagne during a therapy session?!?  When did that become an okay thing to do?


Also, I know this is mostly from last week, but when Dr. Jeff chased Nene out to her car, did he really think that saying her name ten thousand times was an effective communication technique?  "NeNe! NeNe! NeNe! NeNe! NeNe!"  He totally reminded me of this guy: 



He also once again reinforced my opinion of shrinks who agree to do their business on reality shows by letting himself be used by production to "urge the girls to go on a trip and settle their issues."  Bravo is running thin on pretexts for these forced excursions, apparently.

Ha! It reminded me of the 'mine' seagulls from Finding Nemo. eLsewu6.jpg

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Ends up happening a lot in church circles if you're someone of "import", like, choir director, pastor's daughter, etc etc etc.


I just thought this was more of the typical Bravo "friendship" manipulations in which the daughter is already on a Bravo show or someone who is about to get on a show.   

Ends up happening a lot in church circles if you're someone of "import", like, choir director, pastor's daughter, etc etc etc.


I just thought this was more of the typical Bravo "friendship" manipulations in which the daughter is already on a Bravo show or someone who is about to get on a show.   

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I think the fact Kandi thinks group therapy is stupid means she'll never go in for anything involving Todd and her mother.


That's exactly what I was thinking.  Kandi is one of those people who doesn't believe in therapy; she probably thinks it's corny and if you have issues you just deal with them or you don't.  


Phaedra is more worried about what people think of her, than she is about how her children must feel.  Later for the church folk, she needs to take care of those little boys.  


I am royally pissed at Dr. Jeff.  Years ago I saw him on Star Jones' talk show, when Court TV existed, and he made a point that I'll never forget.  It was a case where a teacher ran away with her fifteen year old student, naturally the teacher was arrested.  Her defense lawyer called Star's show and blamed the fifteen year old for the entire thing, he called him a "Latino Machismo" (the student was Mexican, the teacher was white).  Star basically hung up on the lawyer and the next day had Dr. Jeff on the show.  He said that too many people do not consider black or brown children innocent, that they don't see them the same as they see white children.  That statement floored me.  Look how far the man has fallen, I think he got a taste of fame and it went to his head, kind of like Dr. Drew.

Edited by Neurochick
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First, I want to go to therapy that offers champagne and chicken strips. Just sayin and couldn't everyone benefit from a little bit of therapy? 

Phaedra can just stop. She procreated with a known felon and then is shocked, just shocked I tell you, that he went back to his felonious ways. Then she wants to avoid having her precious procreations ever have a relationship with their felonious father. (see what I did here?). Now I can't stand Apollo but those kids need a father in their lives no matter how many murderers sit next to them on family visiting day. You started it Phaedra now work with it. Dumb woman.

Now I want chicken strips dammit.

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I'm just glad it wasn't Randy Kessler! He must be so pissed he can't represent them both. You know he goes to bed whining. "But *I'm* only divorce attorney in Atlanta. Bravo SAID SO."

ETA: I'm fairly certain this is evil but I love that the one thing Phaedra can't sell is that she had no idea about Apollo's true character. She's just smart enough where everyone is like no really he's a professional fraud repeat offender, you knew this was never gonna end well.


Well, if you're evil, then I have a seat in hell right next to you!  


Frankly, I was relieved that somebody--anybody--finally said to Phaedra's face on camera what they've all been saying behind her back and in TH's.  What the fuck did you really expect, Boo-boo?  Out of all the smart men Phaedra could have married, why did she pick that barely literate bum with no real work ethic and an over-inflated sense of entitlement?  And, I'm sorry, but she will never convince me that she thought Apollo had changed and that she had no idea of who and what he was.  Nope.  Not buying it!  I don't know now much credence to give Apollo's version of their air-mattress romance, but I seriously doubt he actually courted her the way she is used to being courted.  I wholeheartedly agree though that she is more bugged by what people are saying and thinking than anything Apollo did.  She paraded herself and this clown on national television as something they clearly weren't and it's come back to bite her on the butt in spades.  


The real reason for marrying Apollo, I suspect, had more to do with the fact that Phaedra had a little Ayden in the oven and didn't want to embarrass herself or her parents by having a baby out of wedlock.  Oh, and it didn't hurt either that he was quite attractive to look at.

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How is it that RHoBH started after RHoA and they're winding down, meanwhile the ATL hasn't even done their "class trip"?? It's going to be another 6-month season.

BH has had 18 episodes thus far, matching the same number of ATL, but ATL was off the air on two different weekends due to awards shows.

The number of shows per season varies. What little I could find about this season is that it will end with the trip. Then reunion shows will start. 20-22 episodes is the norm for this show.

Back to your regular episode discussion....

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Is it bad I find the most compelling creature on this show Shelley Claudia's cat? Reminds me of my own cat Libby.

This show has become so boring. I watched it but nothing sticks out. Its just background noise. Claudia and Porsches come to terms with a non issue. Porsha and Kenya re hash thing and make peace. Ne Ne is a diva and a total classless spineless wimp. Kandi wrings her hands and grimaces. Fame whore therapist. A planned trip. The same old. I thought after the Claudia /NeNe blow up there would be some excitement. No.

Phaedra I do sympathize with you and your children. What I can not get on board with is the babe in the woods routine. You are a savvy lawyer who has been around criminals, strippers, sex workers, drug addicts. You know how they operate and if you dont you should have failed Law 101. Just admit it. It goes back to even the lie of when Ayden was conceived. Apollo the thug scratched your itch the way you like, you got knocked up and to save face for your momma you got married. Maybe your clock was ticking. You should not have tried to domesticate a felon. Yes I believe he was abusive and is a sociopath. You shouldn't have bred with him. Twice. Oh and when you say he changed after marriage that was the mask slipping. Been there with a sociopath. I also don't think those kids need to see him. Sorry, I think it is bullshit when people say kids need a father (or on the other hand a mother) just because. Apollo will play his kids like he does everyone else. They don't need to be going to a prison.

Edited by jenny2682
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If Kandi talks to Phaedra about Todd the way she discusses him with Don Juan & Carmon.....c'mon Phaedra.  This lady can't even stand up for her own husband.  She's not going to stand up for you.


Look, Kandi reads the blogs just like we do.  IMO Kandi didn't want to be associated with the filth radiating from Phaedra & Apollo.  She's using the "well you BFFs with Nene now and I don't trust Nene" excuse but Kandi was not trying to get associated with the fraudulent activities of Phaedra & Apollo, so she distanced herself.


Phaedra knows this is the real reason Kandi hasn't been calling and is hurt. 


I think the cancelling session went well without Nene's presence, and let's keep it real: the only reason people are kissing Nene's ass is to stay on the show.  The only person who doesn't need to kiss Nene's ass for relevance is Kandi.


I don't think there's any amount of cancelling or intervention that could be done to repair Kandi & Phaedra's friendship.  The only people Kandi will support are her mom, her daughter & mom's side of the family.  Everyone else can kick rocks.  For all we know Phaedra could've tried to bring this up with Kandi, only to be dismissed (like Todd's issues with Kandi are dismissed).

Edited by drivethroo
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[...] Look, Kandi reads the blogs just like we do.  IMO Kandi didn't want to be associated with the filth radiating from Phaedra & Apollo.  She's using the "well you BFFs with Nene now and I don't trust Nene" excuse but Kandi was not trying to get associated with the fraudulent activities of Phaedra & Apollo, so she distanced herself.


Phaedra knows this is the real reason Kandi hasn't been calling and is hurt.


Never thought about it, but that makes sense. I'd like to think my friends would stand by me if I were in Phaedra's situation. I know my co-workers would (rightfully) want to distance themselves, lest any dirt get on them. Perhaps Phae Phae and Kandi are more co-workers than actual friends?

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Last night's episode was pretty boring, and I was floored by how desperate Dr. Jeff seemed to get Nene back in the room. He should have never put his hand on her, especially given the tendency of this group to act negatively towards that kind of contact. It occurred to me after watching this episode, that Porsha has received more screen time than Nene, and possibly even Kenya.  She is not being treated as merely a "friend" of the Housewives.  I hope her agent has pointed out as much, because I suspect her downgrade also probably meant less money.  I believe it was their intention to downgrade her role, but after they saw how boring the other footage was, Porsha remained a bigger part of the show than anticipated. 

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I believe it was their intention to downgrade her role, but after they saw how boring the other footage was, Porsha remained a bigger part of the show than anticipated.

If that were the case, they'd have had her out front holding a peach in the promos. Once they saw all the footage. Which is why Claudia earned a peach and Demetria didn't.

Porsha is still being punished for dragging Kenya to the floor.

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Bravo optioned Millionaire Matchmaker and Newlyweds The First Year......

Speaking of which, I noticed Kenya appeared on the former last night. Which housewife is next?


I know Bravo makes ridiculous offers to these "professionals" to appear, but what price is worth your reputation?

Fame, I reckon.


Is it bad I find the most compelling creature on this show Shelley Claudia's cat? Reminds me of my own cat Libby.

Was I the only one who initially thought Claudia was calling Dr Jeff on her laptop to help with her cat?

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No, I thought we were about to get a cameo of that cute little Ceasar guy who whispers to dogs or something. I like that Claudia figures she needs individual therapy - good for her. She is getting her feet done and her mind fixed. She'll be perfect. I already think, flame away, she has good insides. I actually like her.

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Nene sitting on the couch in her near empty house, having a hard time rehearsing her Cinderella wicked stepmother lines. Please. Then Mr. voice of reason Gregg Leakes comes along stroking and petting his meal ticket.   Totally unnecessary scene. I'm sure more footage was left on the cutting room floor that was better than that.  Really, producers, is this all ya got? If it is, you can cut this season short right now! 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Speaking of which, I noticed Kenya appeared on the former last night. Which housewife is next?


Fame, I reckon.


Was I the only one who initially thought Claudia was calling Dr Jeff on her laptop to help with her cat?

I would like to think Shelley is smarter than that.  She would show her displeasure to Claudia in some way while this would be going on. Yes, a damn cat is smart enough to know to keep her Skype therapy off national television. I appreciate that they did some group therapy/mediation. If this goes the way of a ton of personal or individual therapy shown such like they did with Bethaney Frankel on her shows I am out. Privacy at times is a virtue. This is how I picture Shelly whenever Claudia is around.image.png

Edited by jenny2682
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So, last night Kandi said this on Twitter:


She just does NOT get it. And last night I realized she can be very, very negative. People like that are such energy vampires.

She really doesn't get it. And then she's so smug, like we're all the dumb ones and WE just don't get it. Because no can ever check their mommy, even well into middle age, duh (and you know she was rolling her eyes when she tweeted that).

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I have been in my office since 7:30, it's now about 2:15. This is the first time I've lookEd at this forum today. That's how boring last night's show was. I'm a little perturbed at my boss. Think I'll go ask him if he wants to go on vacation together.

Edited by Bronzedog
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Now I can't stand Apollo but those kids need a father in their lives no matter how many murderers sit next to them on family visiting day.



I think all Phaedra's  talk about not wanting the boys visiting Apollo has less to do with how harmful the environment is but has more to do with her embarrassment over having to co-parent in the penitentiary.  


She could not get the pastor she talked to or her own divorce lawyer to back her up on that.

Edited by SpringTulips
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I think all Phaedra's  talk about not wanting the boys visiting Apollo has less to do with how harmful the environment is and more to do with her embarrassment over having to co-parent in the penitentiary. 

She could not get the pastor she talked to or her own divorce lawyer to back her up on that.

That may be but she should have thought about this before her liasons with the blow up mattress felon. She was an adult, she was a freaking lawyer so yes she should have thought about this beforehand. And tried birth control at the least.

I get being lonely, I get hearing your clock tick but holy hell Phaedra having unprotected sex with that man was a bad bad decision even if you got the cute kids. Now they have this awful father who isn't part of their lives and that will haunt them and her for decades.


I have no sympathy at all for her.

Edited by Chicklet
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I think it's boring because we know they never resolve anything. Kenya has been saying she's moved on from the Apollo drama every time she's been on camera. Only to bring it up again and again and again. Next week, her and Phaedra are going to hug. The week after that they'll be fighting again.


Hell, the season is over and they're all dragging each other on Twitter.


It's silly for the producers to try and keep these conflicts going. They've run this show into the ground and it used to be my favorite.

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That may be but she should have thought about this before her liasons with the blow up mattress felon. She was an adult, she was a freaking lawyer so yes she should have thought about this beforehand. And tried birth control at the least.

I get being lonely, I get hearing your clock tick but holy hell Phaedra having unprotected sex with that man was a bad bad decision even if you got the cute kids. Now they have this awful father who isn't part of their lives and that will haunt them and her for decades.


I have no sympathy at all for her.


Phae got dictimized, but you know what? She thought she put it on him that good too! Phae thought her cookie was so damn good that it could rehab a felon and make Apollo an exception to those recidivism stats. 


Why did Bravo subject me to flashbacks of that gross scene of Apollo and Phae tonguing each other down? It was fast but damn, it is still burned in my brain!


I think it's boring because we know they never resolve anything. Kenya has been saying she's moved on from the Apollo drama every time she's been on camera. Only to bring it up again and again and again. Next week, her and Phaedra are going to hug. The week after that they'll be fighting again.


Hell, the season is over and they're all dragging each other on Twitter.


It's silly for the producers to try and keep these conflicts going. They've run this show into the ground and it used to be my favorite.


Which is why for all her stupidity, Porsha was spitting some real truth bombs at the "counselling" session.  No one ever moves forward. Ever. 


That table read was cringe inducing. Cynthia Ja-faking accent? Gurlll.

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Is it bad I find the most compelling creature on this show Shelley Claudia's cat? Reminds me of my own cat Libby.

No, not at all. Shelley rules. I liked when Claudia asked her to come over and Shelley left the room.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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Is it bad I find the most compelling creature on this show Shelley Claudia's cat? Reminds me of my own cat Libby.

This show has become so boring. I watched it but nothing sticks out. Its just background noise. Claudia and Porsches come to terms with a non issue. Porsha and Kenya re hash thing and make peace. Ne Ne is a diva and a total classless spineless wimp. Kandi wrings her hands and grimaces. Fame whore therapist. A planned trip. The same old. I thought after the Claudia /NeNe blow up there would be some excitement. No.

Phaedra I do sympathize with you and your children. What I can not get on board with is the babe in the woods routine. You are a savvy lawyer who has been around criminals, strippers, sex workers, drug addicts. You know how they operate and if you dont you should have failed Law 101. Just admit it. It goes back to even the lie of when Ayden was conceived. Apollo the thug scratched your itch the way you like, you got knocked up and to save face for your momma you got married. Maybe your clock was ticking. You should not have tried to domesticate a felon. Yes I believe he was abusive and is a sociopath. You shouldn't have bred with him. Twice. Oh and when you say he changed after marriage that was the mask slipping. Been there with a sociopath. I also don't think those kids need to see him. Sorry, I think it is bullshit when people say kids need a father (or on the other hand a mother) just because. Apollo will play his kids like he does everyone else. They don't need to be going to a prison.

Almost died laughing over this: Apollo the thug scratched your itch the way you like, you got knocked up and to save face for your momma you got married. Maybe your clock was ticking. You should not have tried to domesticate a felon.


Also, I agree about taking the children to a prison. They can talk to him on the phone for now. Plus, he probably needs a cooling off period so that he doesn't say some crazy shit to Ayden when he eventually gets to see the children, especially when he finds out he's not getting a dime. Didn't Phaedra say that the night or two before he left Apollo said some things that seriously distressed Ayden? 

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Nene on her blog apologized for everything wrong with every single person on the show; even every single conflict between any of the other cast members. She even apologized for her part in causing Todd and Kandi's sex problems.

Edited by Aging Goth
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I don't know why but I totally ship Cynthia and Leon. I don't even dislike Peter. They're just so damn cute -- this is at Noelle's 14th birthday party, so very recent. I'm glad for Noelle's sake they have a good co-parenting relationship, but that whole table read I wanted to make them kiss. I know...#creeper. Sorry.


Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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She really doesn't get it. And then she's so smug, like we're all the dumb ones and WE just don't get it. Because no can ever check their mommy, even well into middle age, duh (and you know she was rolling her eyes when she tweeted that).

Imagine how frustrating it must be for Todd. Poor guy.

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Was Claudia really drinking white wine/champagne during a therapy session?!? When did that become an okay thing to do?

Also, I know this is mostly from last week, but when Dr. Jeff chased Nene out to her car, did he really think that saying her name ten thousand times was an effective communication technique? "NeNe! NeNe! NeNe! NeNe! NeNe!" He totally reminded me of this guy:


He also once again reinforced my opinion of shrinks who agree to do their business on reality shows by letting himself be used by production to "urge the girls to go on a trip and settle their issues." Bravo is running thin on pretexts for these forced excursions, apparently.

I thought he was going to throw himself on the floor crying.


Edited by ButterQueen
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I only half paid attention last night but do you legally have to bring minor children to jail to visit their incarcerated father? I couldn't imagine bringing my children any where near a prison!

I think it was Kandi that made me laugh last night when she was talking about the a's (uh's) Porsha, Phaedra, Cynthia, Kenya, Claudia, Lenithia. All with the same a sound at the end of their names. Oh, and Kandi doesn't eat Candy. Go figure.

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Nene on her blog apologized for everything wrong with every single person on the show; even every single conflict between any of the other cast members. She even apologized for her part in causing Todd and Kandi's sex problems.

Her sarcasm is as weak as her wigs.

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I don't know why but I totally ship Cynthia and Leon. I don't even dislike Peter. They're just so damn cute -- this is at Noelle's 14th birthday party, so very recent. I'm glad for Noelle's sake they have a good co-parenting relationship, but that whole table read I wanted to make them kiss. I know...#creeper. Sorry.


That is a gorgeous picture. Wow. Noelle is beautiful - not surprising because her parents are, but still. Wonder if she's still got that boyfriend she had a couple of seasons ago? Also Cynthia's hair looks SO MUCH BETTER here. I really hate the blonde on her.



I think visitation between divorcing parents will be up to a judge.

But do things change when a parent is incarcerated? I'm seriously asking. What recourse would the incarcerated parent have if the other parent simply refused to comply? I don't think an incarcerated person can contest divorce, for example. I've never been to a prison but I imagine it could indeed be traumatic for a child - particularly ones as young as Ayden and Dylan. Phaedra already said that Apollo had Ayden in tears when he was trying to explain where he was going and why.

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An incarcerated person cannot contest a divorce. I've had a friend who went through that, her husband had no say-so. The judge who presides over the divorce hearing will decide what is in the best interest of the children and go from there. If he thinks the children would benefit from having contact with their father, Phaedra will have to accept it or contest the decision.

Personally, I wouldn't take my child to a prison when they are that young. Maybe in a few years when they ae older and it's not so scary.

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Personally, I wouldn't take my child to a prison when they are that young. Maybe in a few years when they ae older and it's not so scary.


The thing is when you procreate with a felon it may not be your choice, or even the wisest choice. Who knows how scary it is for them to not have contact with their father.


Added. this is a very complicated situation and I do not claim any expertise.

Edited by SpringTulips
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I just have to say I fault both Phaedra and Kandi for the strain in their relationship. Even after they spoke in person and seemed to have resolved their issues, they haven't spoken since? Hmph.


I lean on Kandi's side.   Nene is not Kandi's friend so its shady for Phaedra to talk to Nene about issues with Kandi.  If she had an issue, she should have called Kandi.  If she couldn't get Kandi, she could have discussed the situation with Ms. Regina.  Kandi is not a perfect person, but I believe she has been a good friend to Phaedra up until this point and she deserves the benefit of doubt over Nene of all people.  I would be insulted if my friendship was compared to the friendship of some chick that referred to my friend as the head doctor.


I know Bravo makes ridiculous offers to these "professionals" to appear, but what price is worth your reputation? It looked like they were in a hotel, he probably held it there because that's what Bravo does. Rents out a hotel suite (pajama fiasco) or this room for the therapy session. They live in houses big enough to accomodate everyone, but that would look even less professional, I guess. I could tell a LOT was edited out as we were getting only snippets of what was said.


Dr. Jeff has been a paid for shrink for decades.  His appearance on this show is for producer driven entertainment.  Nene should not have been surprised.


How is it that RHoBH started after RHoA and they're winding down, meanwhile the ATL hasn't even done their "class trip"?? It's going to be another 6-month season.


Maybe one of the problems with RHOA is that the season is too long.  If the season was shorter, maybe the storylines would be better.

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