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SoCharmers in the Media: The Post & Courier

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I know Landon is probably on the bottom of the totem pole on most people's list, but this podcast sounds fun. I haven't heard it yet but the gist sounds good. No pulling of any punches. At this point, why even bother, right?! 


While some may have been surprised by Shepard "Shep" Rose's party boy behavior this season, Landon says that this has been our Shep all along. "We finally got to see the real Shep," she said. "They’ve been sugarcoating him for a while now." And what is that "real Shep," exactly? "WhenCameran Eubanks found him in his bed, full clothes at 1 PM, that is Shep," Landon explained.  

But what about her relationship with Mr. Rose? Landon did tell him she loved him last season after all. "Did you miss two minutes ago that he’s going to be on a dating show? I'm so good," she said. "I love him very much, but you see a grown man in his clothes at 1 PM on a Tuesday and I don’t love that." So safe to say we might not be seeing Landon dating on the upcoming Relationshep. "The Rose train has left the station."

However, when pressed, Landon did admit to never saying never when it comes to Shep. "Eventually we'll be so old and we won't be bothered to date anyone. And there we are still on this little island so, who knows?" 


It's funny Landon is now saying the producers have been sugarcoating Shep for awhile, when Shep claims the exact same thing the producers are doing about Craig.

Edited by slowpoked
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Oh my word, Thomas was going apeshit on his Instagram earlier this morning. I think it's a combo of severe drunkenness and a certain blog supposedly being fed what he says is total bullshit about him being "an evil abortionist"---he said in the comments earlier that Pat knew who it was who leaked the info but wouldn't tell him who it was. I'd bet money it's Craig/Naomi.

Yeah, there's a reason we didn't see Kathryn offhandedly mention him supposedly telling her to get an abortion/s on air after it was on Bravo.com---according to one of his comments in reply to folks on his IG, he apparently threatened Bravo if they dared air that footage.

Here's the screenshot of some of the madness, in case he deletes it all as soon as he sobers up. Hilarious that he refers to some of his cast mates as Yankee assholes "not even from Charleston" and mentions that their salary from the show "wouldn't even cover the feed bill for my polo hobby." He's such a snobby elitist at heart, probably more so than even Whitney.



Edited by Sun-Bun
Had to fix this pic!
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"I don't want to be a celebrity" -- LOL! Then stop signing up for the damn show, Thomas, and quit for good like you've threatened to do after every season! 

If he wants anonymity then why does he expect every woman under 35 in Charleston bars to recognize him? What an ass. He embarrasses himself more every year.

Thanks, Sun-Bun for the capture!

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Admittedly, I can't imagine this show being nearly as good and watchable without Thomas in the cast. His and Kathryn's ongoing issues have always been the main draw storylinewise and otherwise. He brings that old Charleston family lineage and wealth/real estate porn to the fold and offers a wider age range to an otherwise youthful cast; I just don't think Shep and Patricia alone could easily carry that burden if he were gone, especially if Shep's other show takes off and he's focusing more on that. And now that Thomas is supposedly not even living in downtown Charleston anymore or seeing the rest of the cast regularly, it might already have an adverse effect on future filming. 

If Thomas is indeed finally fed up enough to quit this show for good((and @RedHawk you're so right: it's like Groundhog Day every season with T-Rav's constant threats of quitting)), hopefully "Southern Charm New Orleans" will save face for this series if it starts sputtering on life support with a boring new Thomas-free cast.

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None are from Charleston? I mean, only Shep is really from Charleston. Or if you want to be really technical about it, not even, since he's from Hilton Head. That's the freaking entire cast. LOL. 

I wonder who the blogger he's referring to. TT? Inquistr?

God, even Landon doesn't deserve this himbo. If I don't ever see him on TV again, not a huge loss. 

Thanks for the capture, Sun-Bun. His IG has been set to private so I can't see the post. Not sure if he had a similar rant on Twitter?

Edited by slowpoked
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So it looks like Thomas' ire is mostly directed towards Craig. Apparently, Craig and Naomie recently did a podcast where they discussed the "abortion" comment by Kathryn. Haven't listened to the podcast yet. 


Not surprising. Thomas has always seen Craig as an outsider to their "class". And he's already ripped Craig earlier this season regarding his parenting skills.

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Just like his buddy Trump, Thomas really needs to completely step away from social media since he regularly makes such a bigger ass of himself than usual on there.

To his very slight credit, at least he usually acknowledges and apologizes, but it's just so hilariously awkward and sad that he has such a glaring lack of online decorum, especially when he's obviously drunk and goofing off online.

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This man is such a douche and is no better than Kathryn! In his previous post on instagram, he said he was at a restaurant with his friend that he likes to call "Tall Taliban" and they were getting ready to "blow this place up". The dude doesn't think and his drunkenness is obvious! It pisses me off that he would say that especially since he was previously a government official! It pisses me off that he would say that when my husband can't even drive down a highway without getting anxiety because there is trash on the side of the road and thinks there are IEDs hidden in that trash just waiting to go off. Screw him! Screw his friends too that stick up for this idiot and quietly sit and support him as he lures in teenage girls and college students. Any bit of respect I have for that man is gone! 

  • Love 5
On 7/17/2017 at 8:36 AM, Sun-Bun said:

Oh my word, Thomas was going apeshit on his Instagram earlier this morning. I think it's a combo of severe drunkenness and a certain blog supposedly being fed what he says is total bullshit about him being "an evil abortionist"---he said in the comments earlier that Pat knew who it was who leaked the info but wouldn't tell him who it was. I'd bet money it's Craig/Naomi.

Yeah, there's a reason we didn't see Kathryn offhandedly mention him supposedly telling her to get an abortion/s on air after it was on Bravo.com---according to one of his comments in reply to folks on his IG, he apparently threatened Bravo if they dared air that footage.

Here's the screenshot of some of the madness, in case he deletes it all as soon as he sobers up. Hilarious that he refers to some of his cast mates as Yankee assholes "not even from Charleston" and mentions that their salary from the show "wouldn't even cover the feed bill for my polo hobby." He's such a snobby elitist at heart, probably more so than even Whitney.



Thomas is the absolute worst. Unless Craig was present when you asked Kathryn to get an abortion, at best Craig could only confirm what Kathryn whispered at the reunion. I didn't listen to the podcast, but what more could Craig possibly have to add. Furthermore said whispered comment was captured by Bravo and aired as a teaser. What was there to freaking leak? Literally thousands of people saw the footage. So for some reason it's Craig's fault that Kathryn said it and Bravo aired it as a teaser and Craig confirmed that it was said. Airtight logic there Gentleman Ravenel.

Also Patricia is just as fucking messy as her castmates 20, 40, and 50 years younger than her.

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Landon gives us a rundown of how Relationshep is going to be. It's not going to be The Bachelor, you guys!!!


“It's not just Shep and random girls,” she teases. “He's being set up by all of us with our friends … you know, they keep comparing it to The Bachelor, or whatever. This isn't a cattle call of women. This is people, like, ‘I seriously think you might have some sparks with this girl.’

Jesus Christ. If my friends set me up with Shep (not that they would, I'm happily married), I would seriously question our friendship.


Here’s the setup: Shep’s friends, including his Southern Charm co-stars, set him up on dates with women they know across the country. Shep travels from state to state to meet the ladies, and the ones he really connects with get a second date in Charleston, South Carolina.

“I set him up with some girls here in L.A.,” Landon reveals. “I know some of his other friends did, as well. Then, he was going to Austin and Dallas and New York, so we've got girls sort of sprinkled all across the country for him!”

“Whoever he picks from this thing, I think she's going to move to Charleston,” she continues. “I selfishly want my girlfriends [from Los Angeles] to come move to Charleston. So, it's a win-win for me!”

What a prize. A second date in Charleston! In one of Shep's bars, probably! And of course, the other prize is Shep's divided, drunken attention.


As for what Shep needs in a lady, Landon says she has a pretty good idea.

She's going to have to be pretty dynamic,” Landon shares. “I mean, he does not stop moving … Being in a car with him is a nightmare. The whole thing shakes … he needs someone who can handle that much energy all day, every day.

“Shep is very smart and very quick-witted,” she notes. “He needs someone who's gonna be able to stand up to that and go toe-to-toe with him a little bit. But also, someone who's, like, sweet and fun. That's kind of why we all got involved with setting him up from the show, because whoever Shep dates is, inevitably, dating all of us, too.

Implication being, she has to be able to drink 12+ beers/shots/cocktails/wine with Shep (and his drinking friends), and maybe later on, clean the mess of his vomit on his bed or on the floor.

This sounds like so much fun. Not.


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19 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

Ate here last night, food was awesome.


JD has another restaurant? I had no idea!! As I've mentioned here before, I really dug Sermet's on King Street; great food, nice vibe, excellent cocktails. Looking forward to trying its new iteration when I'm back in Charleston this October. I'll have to add this one to the list!

6 hours ago, Pickles said:

Danni and her fiancé just called off their wedding. Was supposed to happen in two weeks. 

Oh that's so awful!!!! I feel terrible for her...wonder what happened? They seemed so blissfully happy and Danni had been doing all the happy bridal stuff...hope he wasn't cheating on her, or vise versa....

Maybe she can go join her buddy Stassi from VR in Mexico right now---she and her bestie are having a breakup breakdown a'la Carrie from the first "Sex in the City" movie right now. She can go have a "Mexi-coma" too.

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Well, according to the Daily Mail, Danni is now in Mexico with  Stassi.

 I get it. If you don't want publicity during an emotional time, hang out with the Pump  Rules cast  who will post your every bikini-clad move on each and  every social media outlet. Also, leak your story to the Daily Mail, who will respect your privacy by running an online article with pictures.

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Danni tweeted that it has ended about a month ago:


On 8/18/2017 at 4:45 AM, Babyfoot said:

Well, according to the Daily Mail, Danni is now in Mexico with  Stassi.

 I get it. If you don't want publicity during an emotional time, hang out with the Pump  Rules cast  who will post your every bikini-clad move on each and  every social media outlet. Also, leak your story to the Daily Mail, who will respect your privacy by running an online article with pictures.

Well, I don't know about the extent of her friendship with the Vanderpump people, but I really don't see anything wrong with Danni hanging out with them if they're all genuine friends with each other. Maybe she would like to commiserate with someone who had just undergone a similar situation, and she just happened to be a famous person. People have different ways of coping with grief. If Danni thinks going away with friends on a Mexican vacation will make her feel better vs. moping on her own in her home, then so be it.

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I always thought this guy was kind of a dud. But Danni could be wanting to get out and slum it with the vanderpump girls. Or at least not be tied down At the moment with this old guy.  They cancelled a month ago but didn't announce it until today on SM.

Would love to know the real reason. When you leave it at he's a real nice guy it usually means there is a whole lot of story behind it. I don't think she felt enough chemistry with him though she felt as if she should. 

I'd settle for a cast that is at least from the south, let alone charleston. 

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7 hours ago, Juliegirlj said:

There's a blind item floating around that some think is JD and his wife splitting up. Heavy drinking, cheating, nose candy and not coming home at night are the reasons the wife in the situation filed for divorce. Has affected his ability to obtain business financing. Kinda fits. 

It seems like Season 5 is writing itself. Why even get producers to do this show? LOL

1. Thomas and his new GF becomes JD's wingman as he navigates the newly single life once again...

2. Now that Thomas' new GF has moved to Charleston, will there be catfights and showdowns with Kathryn?

3. Now that Danni is a single lady again, will Shep realize what he previously lost on and rekindle their romance?

4. Will Austen find himself in a new love triangle? 

5. Whatever is happening to Landon's website?

Seriously though, Thomas posted a video of JD on his IG maybe a couple of days ago, or last week. JD looked rough. Maybe the rumor does have some bit of truth to it...



On 8/24/2017 at 2:08 PM, b2H said:

Was wondering if it was nearby any of the homes or businesses of any of the cast, friends or family.

The cast seem all safe. There was a surfing event at Folly Beach where some cast members participated, so they were away from downtown. I read the chef was the lone casualty. RIP.

EDIT: It seems like it may be true. Elizabeth just posted that she will be deleting her social media accounts. 

Edited by slowpoked
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On 8/21/2017 at 1:52 PM, Kiss my mutt said:

I always thought this guy was kind of a dud. But Danni could be wanting to get out and slum it with the vanderpump girls. Or at least not be tied down At the moment with this old guy.  They cancelled a month ago but didn't announce it until today on SM.

Would love to know the real reason. When you leave it at he's a real nice guy it usually means there is a whole lot of story behind it. I don't think she felt enough chemistry with him though she felt as if she should. 


I just listened to a relatively old podcast of Danni because it spilled over from a Survivor podcast. It was done before Saint's birthday's episode. Apparently, the wedding was going to be in the Bahamas with just family of 8 people during Labor Day Weekend. And they were just going to do a big party in Charleston when they came back. So I guess cancelling the wedding wasn't too painful, money-wise, since it was only a small wedding with not too elaborate preparations, I suppose, assuming they haven't paid for the big party yet.

Other interesting stuff was that she did confirm she was asked to sign up so Kathryn can have a buddy, she only started filming during the last month of their filming schedule after she finalized her contract, and that the Kathryn scene in the first episde was cut and pasted. She also gave some insight to her relationship with Shep. It seems like she was the last woman he went exclusive with. Figured that would be the case, since he shot to celebrity status after the show aired.

Edited by slowpoked
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Geez, I wonder if they are currently filming?  So much action and no filming?

On ‎9‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 10:16 AM, Major Bigtime said:

JD's wife Elizabeth has also quietly filed for divorce.  http://tamaratattles.com/2017/09/27/southern-charms-jd-madison-was-evicted-from-gentry-bar-and-sued-for-163233-in-rent/

Wow four kids and apparently a lot of their fortune was hers.

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41 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Geez, I wonder if they are currently filming?  So much action and no filming?

JD's wife Elizabeth has also quietly filed for divorce.  http://tamaratattles.com/2017/09/27/southern-charms-jd-madison-was-evicted-from-gentry-bar-and-sued-for-163233-in-rent/

Wow four kids and apparently a lot of their fortune was hers.

Austen posted in his Instagram story a few days ago a short video of him being "miked up". It's not there now  (I don't know if there's a way to grab a story and save it - is there one? Asking for a friend.) so I took that to mean that filming started this week.

1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

Geez, I wonder if they are currently filming?  So much action and no filming?

JD's wife Elizabeth has also quietly filed for divorce.  http://tamaratattles.com/2017/09/27/southern-charms-jd-madison-was-evicted-from-gentry-bar-and-sued-for-163233-in-rent/

Wow four kids and apparently a lot of their fortune was hers.

Yes, hopefully they are filming. Real drama instead of manufactured drama. 

On 9/29/2017 at 1:48 PM, Babyfoot said:

Austen posted in his Instagram story a few days ago a short video of him being "miked up". It's not there now  (I don't know if there's a way to grab a story and save it - is there one? Asking for a friend.) so I took that to mean that filming started this week.

Yes, I saw it too. But from what I hear it was "test filming", probably to do intros and snippets of the day segments, but no actual storylines yet. Apparently, there are still no contracts handed out and the cast is still not finalized.

IMO, it's weird they would start filming, but then pass on some "important" events, like Cam's baby shower. Or Craig hosting a benefit fundraiser (similar to the Haiti one they did this past season) which Naomie also went to, and probably their first public event as newly single people. But there was no filming done on that event either. Also looks like Shep skipped his usual big birthday party shindig inviting the entire city of Charleston and opted for low-key drinking at one of his bars. If they're actually currently filming, sounds like they're filming some really boring stuff for starters.

Edited by slowpoked
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On 9/29/2017 at 4:03 PM, zoeysmom said:

Geez, I wonder if they are currently filming?  So much action and no filming?

JD's wife Elizabeth has also quietly filed for divorce.  http://tamaratattles.com/2017/09/27/southern-charms-jd-madison-was-evicted-from-gentry-bar-and-sued-for-163233-in-rent/

Wow four kids and apparently a lot of their fortune was hers.

Wow!  Lots of Southern Charm breakups!  

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