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Season 10 Chat

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Nice of Kim to tell the employee that they better be more diligent, how about hiring a security guard ? The piddling amount of money they make off Dash compared to one of her appearances? Does she think those salesgirls don't know? She really thinks she's some big business executive sitting in her "sprinter" van with her hanger on Jonathan and a Bruce Willis wannabe straight from central casting? I guess they are trying to fool us into thinking she isn't the shallow moron she really is. Or she and Jonathan are planning a spin off series "Tits and Asshole, Private Investigators"



Here's the thing, a huge chunk of retail theft is internal. Those store security guards? They are really just there to catch the EMPLOYEES stealing and if they manage to catch a customer? Well, that's just a bonus. When I was a manager at a store with a security guard, they had to see a customer take the item, keep them in their eyesight the entire time after that, let them leave the store, and then get them to come back in. And honestly, they have NO legal right to ask you to come back in or check your bag and it's only because people are too stupid to know the the store security in a generic uniform has no LEGAL power that it works. Yeah, that guard in a uniform? Has to call the cops and get them to come deal with shoplifters after that. And then most chains have to put a chunk of money aside for when the person sues or just to pay a lawyer to follow up. Meanwhile, employees will completely rat out their coworkers when caught or admit to it and then they are fired, case closed. Of course then the entire store hears from everyone else that so and so was fired for theft and THAT will cut down on some of the employee theft. Kim's employees didn't care if a random customer steals something, they are stealing way more themselves. 

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2. Scott looks really depressed. He has that mask of depression (anybody who has been there knows what I'm talking about). It's in the eyes. Note to Kourtney, it's not helpful to mock your mate's employment "Oh, you didn't want to tell me you're a car salesman?? HAHA!" If you don't want to be like Kris, don't de-ball your man.


What is with the snottiness? Didn't the Kardashian family make their fortune from meat-packing? I mean someone in that family, at some point in the 20th century, had some work ethic that didn't involve lounging around in a reality show. Is it somehow less icky to make your fortune from legitimate business than it is to lounge around, eating salad, while over-sharing about your itchy vagina? 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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What is with the snottiness? Didn't the Kardashian family make their fortune from meat-packing? I mean someone in that family, at some point in the 20th century had some work ethic that didn't involve lounging around in a reality show. Is it somehow less icky to make your fortune from legitimate business than it is to lounge around eating salad while over-sharing about your itchy vagina?

I was glad to see Scott go back at her and tell her not to talk to him like that. He also calls out the girls and Kris when they're full of shit. When Kris wanted to back out of the Birthday in Vegas, he said if one of the girls did it, Kris would forget their phone number. And whe Khloe and Kim were nagging Kourt over Scotts his business dealings, he said I don't ask them about their deals, mine are none of their business. He's far from perfect, but he admits to his faults way quicker than any of the K family does.

  • Love 1

Scott is just ridiculous, why does Kourtney keep having his babies? How can she say he's a good father when he's either drunk or not home (and drunk)? A good father is a responsible adult, Scott isn't even close. They keep talking about Scott having had such a tough year, & I understand his parents died, but what else happened? Even he said he couldn’t keep blaming it on his parents dying forever, but that seems like that's going to be his drinking excuse for years. And of course. there’s Khloe taking care of & enabling him (and apparently Rob & his parties too). Bruce was right, she shouldn't let Scott stay there when he's like that, & she should tell Rob to get his own damn house.


Khloe has never heard the phrase “the life of Riley”? Ironic since the whole family is living it.


I noticed that Bruce’s left eye was strange just like it was during the interview, so I don’t think it’s just bad botox, something else is going on there.


So, Kanye didn’t speak during the episode, we were only allowed to hear his singing voice. Should we all genuflect?


I wish I could have afforded my own house when I was 17.

  • Love 2

What a mess Scott is, I know the whole show is scripted but sure hope the producers had nothing to do with his drunken condition. I'm not really believing the timeline, so not quite sure what to think about when exactly he was banned from his home, was it really after the new baby was born? Why is he at Khloes when he needs to be in rehab.

When Bruce just happened to stop by Khloes having no idea about Scott's situation (how convenient) i was distracted by Khloes lipstick-- would love to know the brand/shade.

If Kylie is allowed to have her own house shouldn't she be allowed to choose what color to paint the walls? Come on Kris, all white walls are your taste stop imposing it on others.

Sure hope little North didn't catch a cold after filming an entire video outside in the rain with no hat and her hood hanging down her back. Did her parents think a hat or hood might make her less cute, compromising the artistic value of her dads dumb video?

Edited by JasminePhyllisia

What Kendall was saying about Kylie buying a family home in Callabasas and not one more central in the city was smart. She has no pool and yard maintenance, doesn't have to deal with 75% of the things Kylie has too. Saying what is there to do at their age in Calabassas, shows Kendall  is more smart for her age.


Kim and Khloe were also smart trying to tell her about all she'd have to deal with.  when Kylie has no idea how to do her own laundry and after that realizing buying the house "it's like a big deal." Well duh 2.7 million dollar home and remodel is a big deal. And there's no way Kris allowed her to buy that house without knowing the HOA fees first. I wouldn't be surprised if Kylie doesn't stay long in that house. 


So Kanye only appears on an episode to promote his own single/music video. That's not obvious for his self serving reasons at all. LOL at Kim saying if North sees her she'd run to her, yeah ok Kim. Then when she walks up to North, North has no reaction. lol


Rob won't see his family, but will throw parties with whores at Khloe's house? Then drunk Scott's dropped off also. Like Khloe's running a party house, the opposite of rehab. 


Khloe's black/dark plum lipstick was awesome!


When Bruce was driving to the dune course with Khloe with the dune buggy behind, it reminded me of the car accident. Same car and towing. I like Bruce giving Scott talks and Scott listening. I think Bruce is all he's got left to give him steady advice at this point.

Edited by Artsda

If she wants independence why live in Calabasas?

Even Kendall says there's nothing to do there.

The girls are on a mission to get Kendall a boyfriend " so she knows how to do it" Why would she want a boyfriend at this stage in her life? No one in the family has a decent relationship, I guess misery loves company.

Nice of Kanye to wear a hoodie while his daughter is bareheaded in the rain. And Kim, the kid will not have a memory of this. Only a video of her trekking thru the mud and rain to satisfy her parents egos.

  • Love 3

I think a good portion of Scott's weirdness and Khloe's inappropriate coddling is because they're in love with each other.  


Take them out of the Kardashian machine(Yes, I know) and they have the relationship dozens of rom-coms were built on.  Best friends who are unwittingly made for each other.



More importantly though, now I want to ride a dune buggy.

  • Love 4

How compassionate of Kim to want to do anything she can to help the perpetually drunk Scott. What happened to tough-love Kim? I'm sure Rob would love to know the answer to that question.

In the scene where Kylie is talking with Kris about buying a house, it is plainly evident that she has had her lips done. She can attribute her exaggerated pout to lip liner and other make-up tricks, but in that scene her lips are not made up. And her top lip definitely has that fake, unnatural (injected) look.

  • Love 2

I think it's horrible that when Kylie was having doubts about buying the house, Kris encouraged her to go through with it.  Does she really want to get rid of her 17-year old that bad?  I can understand a parent accepting a child going off to college at that age or even renting an apartment, but buying a mansion?  Because it's a good investment?  Is Kris not worried about Kylie's safety from obsessed fans, etc. jumping over the fence? Is she not worried about the probable wild parties that will take place there?  

Edited by Gemma Violet
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Kris wanted the house for an investment. Even if Kylie didn't ever live on it. It's all about the money with Kris.

I forgot about Norths strong fashion sense!!! No hats for her. North looked so uncomfortable with Kanye, but then Kanye looked kind of awkward with her too.

I think most of Scotts drunk scenes were faked for the camera. He may well get plastered when in a club but those scenes at Khloe' s were fake.

Much larger Bruce presence than in the last few yesrs. Khloe was very rude on the car trip with him,. She's 30, put the phone down and have a conversation. Unless she was avoiding a talk about "her". I think Scitt gets annoyed when Bruce lectures him on how to be a great dad. And when he mentions Bruce's failings, Bruce just brushes them off.

Kim is only on this season I think to stir shit, and look condesendingly at everyone else. With all her advice to people she must think she's the Armenian Oprah.

  • Love 2

Scott is just ridiculous, why does Kourtney keep having his babies? How can she say he's a good father when he's either drunk or not home (and drunk)? A good father is a responsible adult, Scott isn't even close. They keep talking about Scott having had such a tough year, & I understand his parents died, but what else happened? Even he said he couldn’t keep blaming it on his parents dying forever, but that seems like that's going to be his drinking excuse for years. And of course. there’s Khloe taking care of & enabling him (and apparently Rob & his parties too). Bruce was right, she shouldn't let Scott stay there when he's like that, & she should tell Rob to get his own damn house.

Because he (like the rest of them) are all getting paid lots of money for playing characters - and the whole show is scripted.  Oh, I believe he has some issues, but I don't believe it's to the point where it's been so overly dramatized.


Besides, this family will never go into depth with their real demons (i.e., Rob's issues, Lamar's issues).

Edited by escape

Khloe - enabler, needs therapy

Scott - addict, needs therapy

Kourtney - codependent, needs therapy

Rob - lost soul, needs therapy

Kylie - on her way to being lost, needs therapy

Kris & Kimye - narcissists, need therapy

Bruce - transitioning - already in therapy

Kendall - the only one who doesn't obviously need therapy

Mason, P, North, Reign - heaven help them!

Edited by nexxie
  • Love 4

Watching Kris steam roll over Kylie and force her into buying a house -- with the delusion that this will make Kylie a real estate tycoon -- was very disturbing.


It's almost as if she realized Kylie is not going to be an actress (there was once talk of that), she certainly isn't going to be a model like Kendall -- and she's not interesting enough to even 'star' in her own reality show. Kris already pretends Rob runs his own sock line. So I guess now she's decided that Kylie will be the next Donald Trump.

I don't understand why Kylie couldn't buy a condo or townhouse to ease herself into homeownership and then buy a bigger house some years later if and when she's ready. At the beginning of the show, all Kardashian girls lived in townhouses (IIRC, Khloe and Kourtney even shared one). Kourtney only bought a house after she had Mason, Khloe bought a house with Lamar, and Kim bought a house when she was several years into her "career". All three girls had at least 10 years on Kylie when they bought their houses. 


Regarding Scott: everyone made it out like the drinking was due to losing both his parents last year, but Scott has always had an alcohol problem. When Mason was born, it seemed like Kourtney was actively pushing Scott to make a change, making him go to rehab and do addiction counseling. Now she's just apathetic and doesn't care what he does as long as he's not drunk around the children. It's so messed up that she keeps having children with someone she knows she can't rely on. I guess she thinks that as long as she's a good mom (which, credit where credit's due, she seems to be), the kids don't need a stable father figure in their lives. 

  • Love 2

I don't understand why Kylie couldn't buy a condo or townhouse to ease herself into homeownership and then buy a bigger house some years later if and when she's ready. At the beginning of the show, all Kardashian girls lived in townhouses (IIRC, Khloe and Kourtney even shared one). Kourtney only bought a house after she had Mason, Khloe bought a house with Lamar, and Kim bought a house when she was several years into her "career". All three girls had at least 10 years on Kylie when they bought their houses. 


Regarding Scott: everyone made it out like the drinking was due to losing both his parents last year, but Scott has always had an alcohol problem. When Mason was born, it seemed like Kourtney was actively pushing Scott to make a change, making him go to rehab and do addiction counseling. Now she's just apathetic and doesn't care what he does as long as he's not drunk around the children. It's so messed up that she keeps having children with someone she knows she can't rely on. I guess she thinks that as long as she's a good mom (which, credit where credit's due, she seems to be), the kids don't need a stable father figure in their lives. 

I wouldn't be surprised if she agreed to  pay a chunk of it for Kylie as long as it was near her.She lost out with Kendall who went off and bought a condo in Westwood (which like her modelling I guess she ain't having the cameras anywhere near it) and for all intent and purposes (as she not her agent now either at least for the modelling ) lost control .Kylie she gets to keep in Calabasas ,living on jobs Kris gets her with the rest of them as the house is only three blocks from her sisters

The fact that a 17 yr old doesn't know how to do her own laundry or iron is pathetic. Where's that work ethic Kris brags about. On the E story Kris bragged about how the older girls had to earn money to have extras and learn to appreciate their privileged upbringing. It looks like Kylie didn't get that memo and was allowed to just buy new when her wardrobe got soiled or wrinkled. Whatever values Bruce instilled in them as youngsters, were quickly forgotten at least by Kylie once fame and money started happening and Kris lost her mind.

Isn't Kim, Kanye, and North still living with Kris? Maybe she pushed Kylie just so she has hopes of the kid actually moving before she's 25. Kim certainly doesn't seem in any hurry with her house.

Kris might want her out so she can enjoy her new boyfriend without Kylies stank attitude around. That girl needs a major attitude adjustment. She needs to be told to stop posting provocative pics of her underage self on the Internet. Maybe that's why sickos are sending marriage proposals via Dominos. ( the pizza proposal is probably totally scripted but there's lots of nuts out there)

  • Love 2

Stand in the laundry area of any college dorm, there's tons of kids standing there staring at washers their first weeks trying to figure it out.

We know Kylie won't be one of them. I was trying to point out that Kris was always stressing how she raised her girls to be so responsible, to appreciate what they have. which is closets full of expensive clothing and accessories. It seems that how to take care of that bounty would be an important lesson for a teenager. The fact that Kris is encouraging her to buy a house when she doesn't know how to do her own laundry or even iron her clothing is ridiculous.

Kylie always seems so disinterested in everything to me. She has conversations with her family and she seems so bored with everything and everyone. The family and Kendall say that Kendall is shy and reserved and I think it was a lame plot point of an episode in a past season, but at least I see personality in her. Hell, Kendall had more personality eating those blueberry muffins than I have ever seen in Kylie.


I too laughed at Kim saying during the video shoot that if North saw her she would run toward her. Kim, North would only run toward you if her nanny was standing behind you. I might think Kanye's song was nice, but the autotune kills it for me. 

  • Love 2

Why is Bruce and Kris letting Kylie move out at 17?   This kid is too dumb to take care of her own drawers, so I assume there will be assistants, which means she's hardly living on her own. 


Poor little North, having to stomp around in the mud, and what I assume was chilly rain bareheaded.   That child never looks happy.   Don't worry Kim, if she sees you, she won't come running.   Keep the nanny behind the bush, though.


Whatever Bruce did to make his hair fuller is working, and looks good.   Loving how they have to shift gears and kiss his ass now, because he's the one with the big story.   Damn parasites. 

  • Love 1

Why is Bruce and Kris letting Kylie move out at 17?   This kid is too dumb to take care of her own drawers, so I assume there will be assistants, which means she's hardly living on her own. 


Poor little North, having to stomp around in the mud, and what I assume was chilly rain bareheaded.   That child never looks happy.   Don't worry Kim, if she sees you, she won't come running.   Keep the nanny behind the bush, though.


Whatever Bruce did to make his hair fuller is working, and looks good.   Loving how they have to shift gears and kiss his ass now, because he's the one with the big story.   Damn parasites. 

She is still in Kris' house at the minute .She is supposed to be be moving in to her own house when she turns 18 in 3 months

Kylie always seems so disinterested in everything to me. She has conversations with her family and she seems so bored with everything and everyone. 

I actually think that's just because she's 17 & probably one of the few normal things she does for someone that age. Everyone feels too cool for their families at 17, even if the family is a bunch of famewhores.

Why is Bruce and Kris letting Kylie move out at 17?   This kid is too dumb to take care of her own drawers, so I assume there will be assistants, which means she's hardly living on her own. 


I don't know why anyone wants to live in a big mansion while living on their own. I get freaked out in my one bedroom condo when I am at home by myself. Do they have live in help? I guess that would be a less intimidating proposition. 


What I don't understand is her eagerness to have Kylie out when she threw such a fit about Kendall. 

  • Love 2

Has anyone ever seen North smile, let alone laugh?? I get it that she wouldn't be smiling in public when there are lots of camera flashes going off in her face or when she's bored silly at a fashion show (how ridiculous is that that she attends fashion shows?!), but even when they show her with just family at home she's so flat.

Maybe the poor child has no personality. Just like her Daddy.

So I guess if Rob is having mad parties with whores all up in Khloe's house, he's not such a reclusive, depressed, sad sack after all....he's doing exactly what he wants, when he wants. 

  • Love 1

What "projects" did Kylie have that made her the money to buy the house (Kris mentioned)?  I feel like I remember a fashion line, was it something else too?


I also thought Kris wanted her to buy the house so they could do the reno/decorating together and she would have a reason to spend time with Kyle/feel needed by Kylie.

She wrote a book with Kendall. She hasn't read one in years, but she wrote one!!. She has her hair extensions line out. Kris has her making appearances and the dough from the show,

You don't decorate WITH Kris... she steamrolls you into doing what she wants.   

  • Love 2

What "projects" did Kylie have that made her the money to buy the house (Kris mentioned)?  I feel like I remember a fashion line, was it something else too?


I also thought Kris wanted her to buy the house so they could do the reno/decorating together and she would have a reason to spend time with Kyle/feel needed by Kylie.

Here's a thought, Kris: stop selling your daughter and be the parent she so desperately needs.

Not BFF. Not pimp. Not business manager. Parent.

  • Love 1

Here's a thought, Kris: stop selling your daughter and be the parent she so desperately needs.

Not BFF. Not pimp. Not business manager. Parent.

Kris is now too busy being center stage in the Bruce drama.  I'm thinking Bruce's move out to Malibu was probably the start of this transition. It seems once he moved there he really "let his hair down" and started visibly changing. I wonder when in fact he had some of these discussions with the family.

I have not been able to see the whole episode yet..where did khloe get that car she & Molina were driving?


This is an awesome spell-check error, because as soon as I saw this, I pictured Yadi (Molina, if you're not a baseball fan) in a pink car, trying to get through a conversation with Khloe and that baby-voice thing she does. I can only imagine the look of sheer-wtf on his face listening to her.



Why was Scott in the back seat? I thought he drove there by himself.


Was this episode possibly filmed around the time Bruce had that accident where a woman was killed? He was pulling a trailer when it happened.

The fact that a 17 yr old doesn't know how to do her own laundry or iron is pathetic.



Eh, I don't know.  Ever been in a college dorm the first week or two after the first year students move in?  There's plenty of "this is how you wash your laundry" going on.  Same with ironing.  And pumping gas, for the kids who come from NJ.  There's a lot of stuff wrong with Kylie moving out at age 18 and buying a whole house in Calabassas, but ironing is probably the least of it.  Especially considering she will no doubt have house staff.  Kourtney, Kim, Khloe all moved out before the Kardashian show.  They probably had to learn how to do laundry and iron because yes, there were times when no one would do it.  I doubt that will be the same for Kylie.


Kourtney sure has gotten herself onto a toxic pendulum with Scott.  When he's off the wagon, she "doesn't want to kick him when he's down" and when he's doing better, she's optimistic that he's taking care of himself and things will get better.  If she keeps up with both of those mindsets, nothing will change.  And if she doesn't want to kick him when he's down, then take necessary steps when he's doing better to keep him doing better.  In other words, get him in to see a shrink when all is fine.  Don't wait for him to self-destruct.

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