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Small Talk: Viewers Like You


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When did car seats get to be so expensive? Target has one on their Black Friday sale for $189 (regular price is $250!)

They need to be affordable so that all parents use them!


Glad I had my kids decades ago (27 and 23) expensive then but not like today!

Hopefully they aren't in a rush to have children of their own! (can't afford one!)

Edited by springtime

Well, this is bizarre but at midday today DISH restored the channels, so contract must have been agreed upon between them and Turner. Venting on this board this morning created some good karma, I guess. Wierd timing, but glad to have CNN on my TV again!

Apparently the Dish/Turner deal is only a temporary extension while they continue negotiating. You could still lose your Turner stations again.


I happened to catch a show on the CW last week and they were running a chiron across the bottom warning that Dish customers could lose that station in the near future.

I got into it with a woman online who's older then my Mom about Bill Cosby which means this woman is in her mid to late 60's who called all of his victims bimbos because they didn't come forward back then. She was going on about how they could have stopped him if they did, which in her mind would have prevented it from going on all these years and they could have helped other victims of rape and etc. in court. I thought this woman was smart and a friend at least online but after reading her thoughts on all of this it's making me look at her in a completely different way.

I shared how my my Mom was raped in the 70's and why she didn't come forward, how she couldn't go to the rape crisis center either because a family member worked there and some other details of why she didn't go to the police. She then kinda brushed me off saying my Mom's situation was different and talked about how a woman she knew had a baby as a result of rape and seemed to be offended that the said child didn't know.


I kept thinking this lady might send me an apology after reading how her comments offended me personally after seeing my reply to her. That of course hasn't happened as of yet. Sometimes I really don't understand people and their logic. This is more of a personal post so I put it in this thread instead of the show one. Hope that's ok.

Edited by Jaded
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She was going on about how they could have stopped him if they did, which in her mind would have prevented it from going on all these years and they could have helped other victims of rape and etc. in court.

Saying this kind of thing transfers the blame from the rapist to the victim. Suddenly, all subsequent victims are the fault of the previous one. It is a very insidious remark to make. I told my mother when I was 13 about her brother molesting me. She yelled at me to never say those things. Needless to say I had to protect myself from then on. A few years later, a cousin confided in me about the same thing. Several of us banded together to protect each other. This was in the late 60's and there wasn't any other help available. In the early 2000's, one of my cousins brought it up to my mother again. The above quoted line is exactly what my mother said about me. I tell this story because I know the pain of being blamed for anothers bad conduct.

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Dissy & Jaded, I'm so very sorry.  I wish there was more I could do.  Again, I'm sorry this happened to you.

Yes, add me to that sentiment.   

The thing is the discussion on this and other forums is the discussion that should be happening on The View.   

An honest discussion of what life was like for women over the decades, how sexual assault was viewed as something that women had to just put up with and keep quiet about.   and how victims of sexual assault did NOT come forward, because they were not believed, or were told they invited the assault. 

  • Love 7

Hugs Dissy and Jaded, I too am a member of this shitty club like so many of us are - I had a first cousin that repeatedly molested me that nobody believed me about for a long time.  My parents tried to say I was having nightmares because I had previously been molested by the father of my daycare provider.  I guess at least that time, my parents believed me.


It's hard to see how triggered RO is right now, I completely get it, having chronic PTSD from all the shenanigans in my childhood.


ETA: what I don't understand is how the general public doesn't get it, all one has to do is watch Mad Men to understand rape culture, misogyny and the patriarchy.  We've come quite a ways, but rape culture and slut shaming is still awful.

Edited by NextIteration
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I just bit into an egg shell in my scrambled eggs. This made me think about the time I made some hard boiled eggs and forgot about them. The water evaporated and the egg shells started burning.... the whole house smelled like burned feathers..... until that moment I never though about where chicken feathers come from.... I still dont.... but I think about it now and again... why would burning egg shells smell like burning feathers??

If you need a pick me up laugh, I found this posted on another site (a signature on a comment in an article about Whoopi cross examining Beverly Johnson) and I guess I really needed a laugh because it really cracked me up.  Doesn't hurt that I'm nursing a martini after a long long day either.   I hope you like it as much as I did.  If not, pour yourself a big drink and look at it again.  ;-) 



  • Love 6

I thought I would love it until I did it.  Of course, this was more than 30 years ago when they only gave you a dollar.  I'm sure it has changed a lot with the new technology.  It was laborious with the logs.

I did it a couple of years ago. So much paper work. We have 5 televisions. You had to log in 15 minute segments what anybody was watching and on which tv. Nowadays I stream a lot, but not much then. And I go from kitchen tv (making breakfast) to bedroom tv (making bed) to sunroom tv (on facebook). Each time I had to enter the tv by #. And that didn't include what my DH was watching or the grandchildren when they visited. 

I did it a couple of years ago. So much paper work. We have 5 televisions. You had to log in 15 minute segments what anybody was watching and on which tv. Nowadays I stream a lot, but not much then. And I go from kitchen tv (making breakfast) to bedroom tv (making bed) to sunroom tv (on facebook). Each time I had to enter the tv by #. And that didn't include what my DH was watching or the grandchildren when they visited. 

All of that for $2.00 ? LOL I hardly watch anything "live". They may not want me !!

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My most recent Nielson adventure was easier than the old log- A quick questionnaire that could be completed online- As its just me (and I only have Basic Cable)  I didn't have much to share.- and I instructed them to remove me from their list!

I ran into a woman that "dumpster dives' at a bottle recycling center-  She started talking with my by asking if I dumpster dive too! lol

She was instructing everyone to look for the large Nielson envelopes  (to get the $2 that people have tossed out)

She showed me another similar envelope (no idea what it was for) that includes cash too (so check those large cardboard mailings!) lol


I received a post card in the mail a few weeks ago. It was from the "Neilsen Group". I threw it away. Now it seems every time I return home I have a missed call from them. They never leave a message. Has anyone else ever been contacted?

Hopefully a dumpster diver didn't intercept your mail!

Edited by springtime
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There was mention of what to do with a shooter. IDK. I may freeze or I may want to rush the person with the weapon. But if I rushed the person it would help if others rushed with me. He cant get us all like sitting ducks .... unless we stand and  do nothing. Some of us wont make it, but at least we will have done something. IDK

Edited by ari333
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Maybe this question is better for the small talk thread and I will go there shortly, but what did the video say to do? TIA


It's tagline was to Run, Hide, or Fight.  It stressed that if you are going to Run, don't let anyone slow you down.  Try to save who you can but if they are indecisive LEAVE them.  Hide, block a door if you can, silence your phone.  If you decide to fight commit to it and follow through.  We also got a good tip that if a person you are hiding with is loud due to screaming or crying, punch them in the gut to silence them.   


The video was actually produced by a bodyguard company that specialized in protecting clergy members and churches so I don't understand Candace's idea of Christians being submissive in that regard.  

Edited by funkopop
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My most recent Nielson adventure was easier than the old log- A quick questionnaire that could be completed online- As its just me (and I only have Basic Cable)  I didn't have much to share.- and I instructed them to remove me from their list!



My son (middle-aged) received this questionnaire.  He completed it and was contacted by Nielsen.   He agreed to their putting equipment in his home and so his TV-watching is monitored and recorded.  It might be for as long as a year (I don't recall), but he receives a quarterly check from them.

  • Love 1

My son (middle-aged) received this questionnaire.  He completed it and was contacted by Nielsen.   He agreed to their putting equipment in his home and so his TV-watching is monitored and recorded.  It might be for as long as a year (I don't recall), but he receives a quarterly check from them.

Is it just him or are there others in the household?

Will it make him rich? Hopefully I didn't miss out on a good deal! lol

  • Love 1
Is it just him or are there others in the household?

Will it make him rich? Hopefully I didn't miss out on a good deal! lol



Just a man and his dog (who doesn't watch TV like his previous two did).  I think he got $90 for putting the stuff in his house--and maybe $50 a quarter.  I don't really remember.  He would have done it for nothing.  We'd heard about "Nielsen Families" all our lives and never expected any of us to be a CELEBRITY.  He's in talks with Kris Kardashian Jenner for management services.

  • Love 3

GHScorpiosRule, you mentioned in the other thread that you had insomnia. I was wondering what you have tried so far... if you want to say.


Hey ari. I've tried reading, counting numbers, sheep, watching television...and nothing has helped.  It's all due to stress, since I got laid off right before the insomnia started, and haven't had any luck landing any interviews thus far. I'm not sure what I can do to get my body back on track, because I seriously need to get some real sleep. I've managed to get some cat naps (about three) that last 2 hours, some 4.  Maybe if I have some brandy or wine, that might help? I'm at a loss. It's my mother who suffers from insomnia, not me. This has NEVER happened to me before.


Hey ari. I've tried reading, counting numbers, sheep, watching television...and nothing has helped.  It's all due to stress, since I got laid off right before the insomnia started, and haven't had any luck landing any interviews thus far. I'm not sure what I can do to get my body back on track, because I seriously need to get some real sleep. I've managed to get some cat naps (about three) that last 2 hours, some 4.  Maybe if I have some brandy or wine, that might help? I'm at a loss. It's my mother who suffers from insomnia, not me. This has NEVER happened to me before.

Try melatonin, which you can buy at any drug store or health supplement store - it's sold in the vitamin aisle.  It's naturally occurring hormone that is produced by your body to regulate sleep.  a lot of people find that taking it every day for some period of time regulates their sleep better, and then they can fall asleep without it.  You sound like you have a disrupted sleep cycle, where you cant sleep at night, so you nap during the day, and that results in not being able to sleep at night.  

Melatonin supplements are specifically for this.  generally, there are fewer side effects than the over the counter sleeping pills which have benadryl in them - those can make you pretty sleepy the next morning.  

Another thought is a meditation or mindfulness audio recording, I'm sure you can find a free app for your phone, that you listen to at bedtime.   

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Joining in on the Insomnia discussion. I can always fall asleep but can't stay asleep. Melatonin helps. If I take too much I am groggy in the daytime. Magnesium helps but not the oxide variety. And too much of the citrate variety can act like a laxative. I have some ambien and after many nights of lying awake, the next night I will fall asleep but when I wake up will take 2.5 mg of ambien. It lets me sleep about 5 hours. I don't have any side effects from it probably because I take it about 2-3 times a month and in small doses. I do what the sleep experts say like no tv in bed, no blue clock numbers, regular bedtime, etc. Not much luck. Benadry makes me dopey and gives me hallucinations and a feeling like I am dying. And Benadryl is what in most over the counter sleep aids. I don't nap in the daytime and exercise regularly. It is a real problem.

Wasn't sure where else to put it (since Joy isn't a former host and doesn't have her own thread), but Late Night Joy was better than I expected. I had low expectations because it was supposed to be in her house, plus guests like Sherri and Wendy Williams in the first episodes, but I thought it was good. Mostly fluff, but I thought Joy's humor worked better here than on The View. Her asking the cameramen to date her friend was hilarious. Sherri wasn't too bad, actually. She didn't lay it on as thick like she does on The View, and no Jeffrey stories. She looked nice in blue, too.

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