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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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OMG, she has a cosmetology license?!!! I thought you all were joking when you mentioned that. Her makeup looks clownish. I'm very into makeup. It's my one hobby and I swear I could do a better job at makeup application than Jill. Not to brag, but I use professional makeup brushes and palettes and get a lot of compliments on my look. Jill's makeup is bargain bin crap and she it looks garish. Don't even get me started on the 90's hair she's sporting.

Jill and her husband give me batshit crazy vibes. Jill more so than her husband. Cray,cray!

I've told you over and over that she was a hairdresser!!!! I do not lie!!!

  • Love 1

Or how many little girls came dressed as demons either unless you call Ariel a demon because she has a fish tail instead of legs. 

I know right.  Little children dressed up as their favorite disney character or a superhero just don't think of themselves as 'dressing up like demons'.


Note to David: Lying to try to bring other's to Christ is not what Jesus would want.  No excuses for lying David!  You're only doing the work of demons when you lie. Same for Jill Rod.  You're a liar just like Satan likes.  If there were a Satan that's what he would like and since you believe there is apparently, unless that's another lie, than you're actually working for him.  Just letting you know. 

  • Love 5
I stopped reading after a 2nd man asked her about her television bill.  WTF?


Hate to actually stand up for Jill, but my sister and I were in Walmart this past weekend and yes, as soon as we come in through the doors, a man did ask us what we paid for TV. It was Verizon wanting us to switch. We didn't, but, they were doing the hard sell. So it could have been someone trying to get more subscribers for their particular service.


That's the only point I can disagree about.

  • Love 6

I'm just spitballing here and don't have the time to do the research right now, but I think Tennessee has fairly lenient midwife/home birth laws--at least compared to Alabama, where I live.

I'm guessing this is a factor -- Jill mentioned her sister was/is very into health food and holistic medicine. In one of the exploitative videos, her husband was rubbing essential oils on her paralyzed legs and feet in the hopes that it would help. Again, I don't want to snark about such a sensitive topic, but yikes.


In one of Jill's blogs she mentions that Amy is homeschooling again. She also mentions that her BIL's "Winter job" is plowing. I'm assuming that Amy's husband is home a lot. I'm not sure how old the oldest child is.

It does sound like he, along with many men in the Gothard lifestyle, has some kind of business and is home fairly often. It was also indicated that friends/church members are helping a lot. The oldest is no older than 9. I was homeschooled with a disabled mom myself, so I know what I'm talking about. Basically, I not only taught myself, and thank goodness I was smart enough to do so, but I also had to grow up at a very young age and take over cooking, cleaning, laundry, etc. plus taking care of my mom. I feel for those poor kids.


Her blog is such Bullshit.  I stopped reading after a 2nd man asked her about her television bill.  WTF?  I've been to Walmart and have never been stopped by unknown men asking me where I put my child in daycare or what I pay for my TV service.  Fairy tales so she can say that she told someone anonymous guy in Walmart that SHE doesn't use daycare and some other anonymous guy about her TV service.  Lying liars who lie.  I couldn't even read it further. Whatever guns they claim to have I wouldn't be surprised if they threatened their children with them.  Ew I hate these people.

That DID strike me as quite unlikely -- and even more unlikely that a stranger would approach and ask you what daycare you use. It was obviously a platform for Jill to make her preachy, judgmental point that she would NEVER subject her children to such a horrible environment. Hate to break it to you, Jill, but daycare would probably seem like paradise compared to endless weeks rehearsing ear-shattering, sour music in a tiny stink bus reeking of hairspray.

  • Love 5

If memory serves me correctly, Jill's brother in law had a business called "Christ centered lawncare".

ETA: Fucking autocorrect. And fuck Apple's "Australian English" language setting.

I type Centre and it capitalizes it, and misspells "capitalises" too.

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3

Her blog is such Bullshit. I stopped reading after a 2nd man asked her about her television bill. WTF? I've been to Walmart and have never been stopped by unknown men asking me where I put my child in daycare or what I pay for my TV service. Fairy tales so she can say that she told someone anonymous guy in Walmart that SHE doesn't use daycare and some other anonymous guy about her TV service. Lying liars who lie. I couldn't even read it further. Whatever guns they claim to have I wouldn't be surprised if they threatened their children with them. Ew I hate these people.

Gah, people stop me every time in Wal-Mart and ask me about my cable every time I (have no choice) to go in there. They're trying to sell Dish Network. It's so annoying.

  • Love 4

Gah, people stop me every time in Wal-Mart and ask me about my cable every time I (have no choice) to go in there. They're trying to sell Dish Network. It's so annoying.

I'm dying laughing picturing the poor Dish Network guy getting a psychotic Jesus lecture from Jill Rodriguez when he asks her about her TV service.

  • Love 9

are we sure it's law care and not lawn care?

Yes, it's lawn care.

Has anyone else read Jill's screed about her supposed encounter with a transgender woman in a public restroom? I think it was on her FB, maybe a year ago? I'll hunt for it when I get on my laptop later today. It's a doozie and one of the biggest lies she's ever told.

  • Love 3

My phone keeps ringing with people wanting to donate to my dysfunctional family in support of my starving children.  Skinny malnourished children always bring more donors. Making them sing and try to play music for food helps too.  Someone randomly called for a catering delivery but they had the wrong number.  

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 5

Oh and did I tell you about the time I was at Walmart and some man came up to me and asked me what I fed my children for dinner and I explained, nothing, because they are to learn to do without.  It's what God would want - discipline of the appetites.  Walking along some more through the store another man came up to me and asked me who did my hair and I proudly said - well I did!  I save money by looking this way and my husband appreciates my modesty in not attracting other men to me. 


I'm in a mood today. 

  • Love 11

Oh and did I tell you about the time I was at Walmart and some man came up to me and asked me what I fed my children for dinner and I explained, nothing, because they are to learn to do without.  It's what God would want - discipline of the appetites.  Walking along some more through the store another man came up to me and asked me who did my hair and I proudly said - well I did!  I save money by looking this way and my husband appreciates my modesty in not attracting other men to me. 


I'm in a mood today. 

I was at the customer service booth at Walmart returning used hair products. The cashier asked me if my kids were mine. I replied of course they're mine God doesn't believe in birth control. And when I noticed the intercom was picking up my voice, I repeated myself and added - only women should listen to me.


Same mood.

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 13

My phone keeps ringing with people wanting to donate to my dysfunctional family in support of my starving children.  Skinny malnourished children always bring more donors. Making them sing and try to play music for food helps too.  Someone randomly called for a catering delivery but they had the wrong number.  

We joke but this is precisely the strategy all the Romanian gypsies employed on the trains when begging. You could see them sometimes smearing dirt on their kids' faces and then sending them out to beg. Just a more blatant version of what these families, including the Duggars, do.

  • Love 5

I was at the customer service booth at Walmart returning used hair products. The cashier asked me if my kids were mine. I replied of course they're mine God doesn't believe in birth control. And when I noticed the intercom was picking up my voice, I repeated myself and added - only women should listen to me.


Same mood.

Used hair products, lol.  Yes, sometimes I make my kids wear clothes with the labels still attached so after they're worn I can return them.  It's being thrifty.  My husband appreciates my returning used to save the difference.  

  • Love 4

The Duggars should be paid to return unwashed used clothing, etc. Having been worn by such devout and perfect people, the clothes would be imbued with holiness and goodness, increasing its spiritual value for the next buyer.


Edit: not paid, sorry, but they should get love offerings for each item returned.

Edited by Obsidian
  • Love 4

Yes, it's lawn care.

Has anyone else read Jill's screed about her supposed encounter with a transgender woman in a public restroom? I think it was on her FB, maybe a year ago? I'll hunt for it when I get on my laptop later today. It's a doozie and one of the biggest lies she's ever told.

Unstable people always have these "experiences" that other people never seem to have. I don't know if they are delusional or liars or what?

  • Love 6

Yes, it's lawn care.

Has anyone else read Jill's screed about her supposed encounter with a transgender woman in a public restroom? I think it was on her FB, maybe a year ago? I'll hunt for it when I get on my laptop later today. It's a doozie and one of the biggest lies she's ever told.

I never understand what sort of encounters women might have. Being a woman, I know for a fact everyone goes into a little stall, comes out and simply washes hands. If someone should happen to have a penis, how would the other women know? 

  • Love 15
Has anyone else read Jill's screed about her supposed encounter with a transgender woman in a public restroom? I think it was on her FB, maybe a year ago? I'll hunt for it when I get on my laptop later today. It's a doozie and one of the biggest lies she's ever told.



I honestly don't understand this woman's hysterics about a MAN in the BATHROOM! Is the concept of unisex loos so foreign to her? As long as there are stalls, what is the issue? Is watching a man wash his hands cause for the vapours? Is she a time-travelller from 1872?


This whole story sounds like a made-up excuse to harass transexual women. They are nasty bigoted people using every excuse they can come up with to hate on persons different from themselves.

  • Love 9

Yes, it's lawn care.

Has anyone else read Jill's screed about her supposed encounter with a transgender woman in a public restroom? I think it was on her FB, maybe a year ago? I'll hunt for it when I get on my laptop later today. It's a doozie and one of the biggest lies she's ever told.


I never understand what sort of encounters women might have. Being a woman, I know for a fact everyone goes into a little stall, comes out and simply washes hands. If someone should happen to have a penis, how would the other women know? 


I honestly don't understand this woman's hysterics about a MAN in the BATHROOM! Is the concept of unisex loos so foreign to her? As long as there are stalls, what is the issue? Is watching a man wash his hands cause for the vapours? Is she a time-travelller from 1872?


This whole story sounds like a made-up excuse to harass transexual women. They are nasty bigoted people using every excuse they can come up with to hate on persons different from themselves.

The story does sound made up, as a way to hammer home Michelle Duggar's robo-call hysterics that male predators can now use women's bathrooms. Um, hello. When has there EVER been some kind of bathroom police trying to weed out transgendered women? Never. What does she suggest, a mandatory strip search to see who has a penis and who doesn't? I assume, if it really happened, that this person had obvious enough male facial features, but I fail to understand what the big deal is. You'd think Michelle leg humpers like Jill, of all people, would understand that sexual abuse happens most among friends and family, and in a public restroom would be very, very unlikely and risky.

Edited by becca3891
  • Love 4

I can't help wondering how all these proudly unemployed fundies have enough $ to dine out so often.

I'd like to know why many of these women don't seem to cook very well and many of their kids appear messy/dirty. Certainly not ALL but many of them really struggle with basic homemaking skills...especially when they make such a huge fuss about "keepers of the home."

Maybe stop blogging, posting, going to IHOP, Starbucks etc. and actually KEEP YOUR HOME.

  • Love 7

Evidently Jill R was so abominated that she couldn't edit her writing! That was atrocious and so difficult to read/decipher.  What a nutter.  Those poor kids have no hope.  

They were probably starving at home sharing 1 piece of bread between the lot of them while their parents dined out. 

  • Love 6

Unstable people always have these "experiences" that other people never seem to have. I don't know if they are delusional or liars or what?

They are hateful liars with so much extreme hatred inside of them they feel compelled to make up stories about their experiences with others who are going to hell.  I am sure they fantasize about all of the tortures these terrible people they meet in their daily lives are going to have to go through. There is no hatred greater than that.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 7

WTH can possibly be 'Christ Centered" about lawn care??????

Yes, these are some seriously bat shit crazy people.

I think it just means lawn care by Christians, so that other Christians don't have to give their money to heathens when they need their grass mowed. They seem to have no trouble accepting money from heathens, though (see: Duggars).

  • Love 5

I think it just means lawn care by Christians, so that other Christians don't have to give their money to heathens when they need their grass mowed. They seem to have no trouble accepting money from heathens, though (see: Duggars).

I wonder if they realize that thinking also works in reverse.

Is I see an Ichthys on a business card or in an ad I pass right on to the next listing. I've found that many who need to openly proclaim their religious beliefs talk the talk but don't always walk the walk.

That blog post...! It would fit right in with the, very funny, upthread musings.

Maybe we should start a religion! I hear there can be very good money made.

  • Love 7

So she skipped washing her hands and purposed to walk out behind "him" so she would know for sure it was a man! What did she expect to see from behind? 

As a devout believer in the germ theory, I'm righteously shocked and offended that she did not wash her hands after using the toilet and then touched surfaces in a place that serves food. 

  • Love 8

What did Jill R think would happen if she stood next to this person and washed her hands? The she would be hit on? She would catch transgender-ism? That a lightening bolt was on its way down?

I'm surprised she didn't give him a few of their Jesus tracts & try to "save" him as well as asking for a handout. I think that would have made a better story than running from the person. "How I Saved a Confused Soul in the Rest Room."

  • Love 3

As a devout believer in the germ theory, I'm righteously shocked and offended that she did not wash her hands after using the toilet and then touched surfaces in a place that serves food.

Yeah, it's the second time I've read that post and I just fixate on her not washing her hands. All through the description of their ridiculous over-reaction, I'm thinking, her hands! She needs to wash her hands!

  • Love 4

What did Jill R think would happen if she stood next to this person and washed her hands? The she would be hit on? She would catch transgender-ism? That a lightening bolt was on its way down?

Probably afraid the hand washing buddy had better hair and makeup.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
  • Love 4

The Duggar family, Smuggar family, Kellers, Wallers, Maxwells, and Rodrigues' each have their own Speshul brand of Batshit Crazy....

These are the Fundy families we get to see because they either have or are part of a TeeVee show...and they are better off than many of the ones we don't get to see....and may heaven help their poor children who are forced to participate in this craziness, and in turn not be properly fed or educated, 14 or more forced to share one bathroom and not even have a bed or anything to call their own...because Bible..

  • Love 9

In which case, she should have done the truly Christian thing and directed this poor soul to her hair and makeup tutorial videos.

Sumi, I nearly peed my pants when I read your comment.

What would have been awesome had the turnabout come into play, would be the transgender person offering Mrs R hair, makeup, and fashion lessons! I'm of the mind that most transgender people have way more beauty tips and fashion sense than the Fundie Cosmetology Wannabe

I'm a huge fan of RuPaul's drag race and they have one show called Drag U where drag queens make frumpy women glamorous...even if the queens did tasteful hair makeup and modest clothing for these frumpettes they would be transformed beyond anything the pretend beautician could do.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

If a person/family was never featured on any of the Duggar shows, and is not related to the Duggar family by blood or marriage, they do not need to be discussed here..

We may all agree that David Rodriques is quite unfortunate looking, but let's refrain from comparing human beings to apes, its got way too much of a loaded history- please review the new Inclusion Policy updated May 1, 2022 , which details guidelines around discussing body type, capabilities, physical appearance etc. Additionally, using body size as an insult is not allowed.


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