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Sweet Fellowship: Duggars and Friends (aka the Bates Family and Other Featured Families Thread)

Message added by Scarlett45

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39 minutes ago, Triple P said:

I have noticed that too and I think Jill thinks she is tricking people into thinking the kids really write these posts. I am shocked we haven't seen a post from Jill yet, expressing her shock that kids got on FB and Instagram to write the birthday tribute.

Maybe she can fool her gullible fundie friends but not us savvy sinners! 

Edited by libgirl2
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46 minutes ago, Triple P said:

I have noticed that too and I think Jill thinks she is tricking people into thinking the kids really write these posts. I am shocked we haven't seen a post from Jill yet, expressing her shock that kids got on FB and Instagram to write the birthday tribute.

Could be, but why would her kids spell it differently than she does?

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4 hours ago, LavendarRose said:

GWE’s face is starting to look thinner and drawn.  But the gut remains the same.  And the dark circles under his eyes are more pronounced than before.  Perhaps him looking after himself while JIllpm was in Florida shows that he is useless without her cooking.  Sad really when we know what her ideas of a family feast is.  Or perhaps she didn’t leave enough Plexus for him to stay healthy.

Perhaps the not Nuries who stayed home can’t cook. HUNK certainly isn’t going to cook that’s women’s work. 



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24 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

Perhaps the not Nuries who stayed home can’t cook. HUNK certainly isn’t going to cook that’s women’s work. 



Timmy Pooh can make runs to pick up fried chicken and burgers. Hunk isn't going to starve. He's probably happier eating  fast food than the beige slop Jill serves. 

What if Hunk ends up in the hospital? How would Jill explain why he isn't hanging on her all the time?  

She could pretend nothing is wrong, or she could make up a dramatic story.

My vote is for a SEVERE dramatic story. 

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I am hoping for a DRAMATIC re enactment of the fall down the most beautiful, amish built stairs. Or, since you know she was filming if/when she fell or some child was filming her dramatically descending the new staircase, the actual video of the TRAGEDY

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Remember when Kaylee always had such a pained expression on her face when she was “smiling” in photos? Well, Renee has it now.

Kaylee found a genuine smile when she was getting close with her beau (forget his name). I suppose because she knew the time was coming when she could be free of Jill.

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Those dark circles around those younger girl's eyes are horrible. Is that Sophia in the grayish dress? The one with the thinning hair? I swear that is the only dress she wears. I wish some of these "wonderful" people would tell Jill to feed her damn kids!

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46 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

Aside from the drab gray dress, she is also wearing tights that are covered in stains and dirt.  Meanwhile, her other sisters aren't wearing socks or tights at all, just bare feet in dress shoes.  They look like extra orphans in a traveling production of 'Annie'.  It would've cost less than 10 bucks to buy them all some decent socks to wear.

I realize I was born in a different century, but my mother who was hardly a stickler for appearance, wouldn't have let me out of the house in filthy tights.  Actually, she would've thrown them out when they came into the wash rather than risk having one of us wear something so awful.  We all got inspected prior to church on Sunday and sent to our rooms to change or comb our hair or whatever if we didn't meet the standard.

And at least the other two have dresses that are somewhat festive and dressy... meanwhile she has a gray sack on with dirty nylons. Jill is really a bad mother, she should be ashamed of herself--- but she isn't. 

Edited by libgirl2
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15 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

Remember when Kaylee always had such a pained expression on her face when she was “smiling” in photos? Well, Renee has it now.

Kaylee found a genuine smile when she was getting close with her beau (forget his name). I suppose because she knew the time was coming when she could be free of Jill.

And regular meals !

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I think that’s the Amish-made dress she got for her. Jill will just claim that Sophia dressed herself in those filthy tights. Just like she allegedly dressed herself in those raggedy tights with holes in them before. No way a child that age can put on a pair of tights by themselves. I have to sit down just to get to get them on without falling over. Although I don’t think Jill dresses her either. I think she just orders the older kids to dress the younger ones in whatever rags are available and the older kids are just trying their best. We saw one of the boys combing one of the little girls’ hair. And is she wearing heels?

Edited by charmed1
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23 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

I think that’s the Amish-made dress she got for her. Jill will just claim that Sophia dressed herself in those filthy tights. Just like she allegedly dressed herself in those raggedy tights with holes in them before. No way a child that age can put on a pair of tights by themselves. I have to sit down just to get to get them on without falling over. Although I don’t think Jill dresses her either. I think she just orders the older kids to dress the younger ones in whatever rags are available and the older kids are just trying their best. We saw one of the boys combing one of the little girls’ hair. And is she wearing heels?

I think she is standing on tippy toes. 

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16 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

I'm embarrassed to admit it, but I'm eagerly awaiting a tour of JillR's new room.

Prepare for every inch of it filled with twig hearts, plastic trees and flora, straw hanging weird things, LOTS of Jill photos and, of course, Hobby Lobby plastic plaques saying Blessed, Love, Family, Jesus and Gather!

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:

The church they were at refers to COVID as a “scare”.





It's so nice to see Sadie wearing a dress that actually fits her. But poor Sofia!  Why is she wearing that hideous prison/amish attire?  No little girl should have to wear such ugly clothes.

Renee has damaged her hair beyond repair.  It is fried to the max.

Jill's black blazer is so tight on her arms that it must be cutting off her circulation.

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18 minutes ago, louannems said:

It's so nice to see Sadie wearing a dress that actually fits her. But poor Sofia!  Why is she wearing that hideous prison/amish attire?  No little girl should have to wear such ugly clothes.

Renee has damaged her hair beyond repair.  It is fried to the max.

Jill's black blazer is so tight on her arms that it must be cutting off her circulation.

when I look at her arms, mine hurt. 

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There’s a photo of Jill in a pair of pajamas on her national holiday, Jillday. She’s not wearing make up, her hair looks freshly washed, she’s got a natural smile and she looks dare I say…nice? She actually looks like an attractive relatively normal 43-year-old woman and not a hateful Tammy Faye knock-off.

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I swear Jill keeps them looking like that on purpose. My first thought when I saw those poor girls was I want to feed them and take them shopping. I imagine that's the reaction of the church members as well, and that's how Jill keeps the grift going. If they look this sickly in pictures, imagine how much worse they appear in person?

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11 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I swear Jill keeps them looking like that on purpose. My first thought when I saw those poor girls was I want to feed them and take them shopping. I imagine that's the reaction of the church members as well, and that's how Jill keeps the grift going. If they look this sickly in pictures, imagine how much worse they appear in person?

I think so too. 

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On 11/3/2021 at 1:40 PM, iwantcookies said:

To my dearest Jillzilla I love doing life with you! I am SEVERELY trying to impregnate you. I will wear my sexy leggings tonight to get you in the mood for your birthday sex… I know how SEVERELY you want another baby son.


Love you more than cake, your HUNK David Rodrigues ! 

(Sadly I don’t have the leggings picture).




Can you even imagine waking up to that boob?  PUKE

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2 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

That shirt Jill has on is a bit immodest and quite frankly BRAZEN! Where is her clashing color t-shirt under that. I feel defrauded! 

She has SEVERELY let us down. 

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2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

. And is she wearing heels?

We've seen one or more of the little girls stomping around in dress shoes that appear to have a stacked heel, so yeah, she might.  I cannot imagine why any parent would put a preschooler in heels.  Maybe they are some sort of dance shoe that Jill got cheap?

Or these, which look like a toddler accident waiting to happen.  Nearly 2 inch heels for a preschooler?  Really?


If Jill is going to dress her kids in Amish castoffs, then she needs to get them starched aprons and bonnets, too.  Amish mothers also make sure their kids have their hair properly styled and that their socks and shoes are clean and appropriate too.

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3 minutes ago, Rootbeer said:

If Jill is going to dress her kids in Amish castoffs, then she needs to get them starched aprons and bonnets, too.  Amish mothers also make sure their kids have their hair properly styled and that their socks and shoes are clean and appropriate too.

And well fed too. 

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It looks like Jill is still milking her "knee injury". Look at her right leg (to our left), it looks thicker and her boot is lower. Yet, she appears to be putting all her weight on it. I guess its hard to sing, play the banjo and remember the fake injury.

I wonder how long she's going to be limping along?

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12 hours ago, louannems said:

It's so nice to see Sadie wearing a dress that actually fits her. But poor Sofia!  Why is she wearing that hideous prison/amish attire?  No little girl should have to wear such ugly clothes.

Renee has damaged her hair beyond repair.  It is fried to the max.

Jill's black blazer is so tight on her arms that it must be cutting off her circulation.

It also looks like one of the not-Nuries used an entire tube of mascara for one performance. 

Edited by Tdoc72
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I wonder if Jill has decided Sofia is old enough to start 'acting' like a godly, happy child and the ugly clothes are a punishment for acting her age instead. She looks like the family scapegoat in those clothes. 

I also think the only reason churches have them back is to try and help the children. The mothers and grandmothers in any church I've been to would be offering appropriate hand-me-downs and snacks after the surface. 




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19 hours ago, ginger90 said:

The church they were at refers to COVID as a “scare”.





From this church's page:🙄

"Please Note The Following Video We Made Banned By Google...
  Please share this video with others.  Jesus said marvel not if the world hates you.  You can watch the video below and to share it...   Just click on the link and share the page link with others. "

  I'm not sharing the video link..it really pissed me off when I watched it....because it says over and over that Jesus will save you from the virus. 🐂 💩

I'm agnostic myself , but my 51yo nephew who died of Covid  was a devout Christian ...and our entire family (zoom) prayed for him to get well every single night he was in the hospital, until he died...and then they (some Catholic, but most Evangelical) prayed for him AFTER he died. It just broke my heart.😭

  Ugh, sorry...that video upset me...

To get back to JRod....I looked up that church on Google maps..and boy howdy it's really in the country...Jill must have worn out her welcome at all the churches nearer to populated places.  How do they afford the gas to drive that far?!

PS..I purposely did not show their address...I think that's against the rules.



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5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:







Really dissing the Duggar and Bates families.  Jill is pushing for a TLC show on the REAL Christians of TV.  She looks good in the picture above, guess the raccoon eyes melted off during the ‘recording sesh’.

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The one on the left is wearing a crop top with a shirt underneath haha. 

2 days of recording a CD must be exhausting since NONE of them can sing ! 


If people stop giving Rods $ and feeding them they would stop coming to your church. Freeloaders extraordinaire!

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1 minute ago, iwantcookies said:

The one on the left is wearing a crop top with a shirt underneath haha. 

2 days of recording a CD must be exhausting since NONE of them can sing ! 


That lady has a very pained look on her face. I wonder why? 

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Just now, libgirl2 said:

That lady has a very pained look on her face. I wonder why? 

She had to listen to Jill about her SEVERELY injured knee for 2 hours? Or she saw the restaurant bill that the Rods racked up. Surely HUNK ordered several portions since he isn’t paying...

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2 minutes ago, libgirl2 said:

That lady has a very pained look on her face. I wonder why? 

She just spent her monthly food budget on food for the grifters?  She didn’t get to eat but had to rush home to cook?  I took my family and their S/Os out for Chinese food because we love it and it’s reasonable.  Seven people, no alcohol and it was around $140 plus tip.  No, not tracts, 20% plus my son put down another $20.  

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27 minutes ago, iwantcookies said:

The one on the left is wearing a crop top with a shirt underneath haha. 

2 days of recording a CD must be exhausting since NONE of them can sing ! 


If people stop giving Rods $ and feeding them they would stop coming to your church. Freeloaders extraordinaire!

1. Only men wear shirts. Women wear blouses. Jill said so, and she's the Bible expert.

2. Think of the people making the recording. They not only had to listen, they had to figure out how to make the screechers sound better while still letting Jill's voice dominate. Who's paying for the two days of studio time? 

3. Jill loves to grift because she loves to have people give her stuff. She'll use guilt on the church people to keep the tours going. Anyway, it's not like Hunk is going to go out and get a job or anything. 

I wouldn't be the one to volunteer to take 13 Rods (14 since Hunk counts as two) out to eat. The church could have organized a Cheese and Covid casserole potluck instead and saved a lot of money while letting Jill sit and nurse her badly injured knee. 

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I'm looking forward to the day when several of the daughters who have married and left (I wish I could think they'd leave without waiting for marriage, but this is Jill) and start wearing pants, shorts, and whatever they want.  

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Its really telling when JillR calls digs at other families "encouraging". 

That holds true even if Jill is lying and actually wrote that herself.

And one more thing, if either the Duggars or the Bates came a calling, surely JillR would go a running right to them.

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9 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

From this church's page:🙄

"Please Note The Following Video We Made Banned By Google...
  Please share this video with others.  Jesus said marvel not if the world hates you.  You can watch the video below and to share it...   Just click on the link and share the page link with others. "

  I'm not sharing the video link..it really pissed me off when I watched it....because it says over and over that Jesus will save you from the virus. 🐂 💩

I'm agnostic myself , but my 51yo nephew who died of Covid  was a devout Christian ...and our entire family (zoom) prayed for him to get well every single night he was in the hospital, until he died...and then they (some Catholic, but most Evangelical) prayed for him AFTER he died. It just broke my heart.😭

  Ugh, sorry...that video upset me...

To get back to JRod....I looked up that church on Google maps..and boy howdy it's really in the country...Jill must have worn out her welcome at all the churches nearer to populated places.  How do they afford the gas to drive that far?!

PS..I purposely did not show their address...I think that's against the rules.



If the world hates you? They sure have a liberal definition of “hate.” Most people don’t “hate” them, we just don’t care and don’t want their views forced on us. Oh, and there is that pesky little deadly global pandemic still raging. 765,000* dead Americans so far . . .

9 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

From this church's page:🙄

"Please Note The Following Video We Made Banned By Google...
  Please share this video with others.  Jesus said marvel not if the world hates you.  You can watch the video below and to share it...   Just click on the link and share the page link with others. "

  I'm not sharing the video link..it really pissed me off when I watched it....because it says over and over that Jesus will save you from the virus. 🐂 💩

I'm agnostic myself , but my 51yo nephew who died of Covid  was a devout Christian ...and our entire family (zoom) prayed for him to get well every single night he was in the hospital, until he died...and then they (some Catholic, but most Evangelical) prayed for him AFTER he died. It just broke my heart.😭

  Ugh, sorry...that video upset me...

To get back to JRod....I looked up that church on Google maps..and boy howdy it's really in the country...Jill must have worn out her welcome at all the churches nearer to populated places.  How do they afford the gas to drive that far?!

PS..I purposely did not show their address...I think that's against the rules.



And I wonder why the video was banned by Google? It must be that Google wants to silence and bring them down! 😆

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9 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

From this church's page:🙄

"Please Note The Following Video We Made Banned By Google...
  Please share this video with others.  Jesus said marvel not if the world hates you.  You can watch the video below and to share it...   Just click on the link and share the page link with others. "

  I'm not sharing the video link..it really pissed me off when I watched it....because it says over and over that Jesus will save you from the virus. 🐂 💩

I'm agnostic myself , but my 51yo nephew who died of Covid  was a devout Christian ...and our entire family (zoom) prayed for him to get well every single night he was in the hospital, until he died...and then they (some Catholic, but most Evangelical) prayed for him AFTER he died. It just broke my heart.😭

  Ugh, sorry...that video upset me...

To get back to JRod....I looked up that church on Google maps..and boy howdy it's really in the country...Jill must have worn out her welcome at all the churches nearer to populated places.  How do they afford the gas to drive that far?!

PS..I purposely did not show their address...I think that's against the rules.



Just WHO do they thinking they’re “converting” when they only “preach” to a handfuls of already converted people in tiny churches ?

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3 hours ago, libgirl2 said:

Yes, dig at the TV families. Jill you aren't fooling us,  if a Bates or Duggar courted one of the girls you would be jumping out of your skin! 


Yep and if offered a chance at a television show like the Bates, Duggars, or Plaths, she would be camped out in front of TLC’s studio. I think this was also an FU to all who justifiably expressed shock and sorrow over how shabby her kids looked in those recent photos.

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