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S11.E14: The Distance

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Amelia and Stephanie begin operating on Dr. Herman as a crowd of doctors looks on, but Amelia soon realizes things are more difficult than she expected; Arizona takes on one of Dr. Herman's cases.





Remind you of anything? Seems awfully similar to when Derek lost it during surgery, complete with the COS telling another to step in, etc. 

LMAO, of course it will be Meredith. 

Edited by windsprints
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Sneak  peek  - Owen yelling his lungs out and Miss Know-It-All is not listening at all. How many times have we seen this scene with Cristina?

These writers are hilarious, they find him a bad replica of Cristina and here we go....  

If they wanted a new woman for Hunt that would really be a credible storyline they should have pulled up their sleeves and do some hard work, instead they choose the easiest way possible.


I hope  Meredith is the voice of reason in this mess and tells Amelia to back off finally.


How funny, such an out-of-this world operation and how many people are sitting in the gallery there now - 3 or 4?

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Sneak Peek:



Amelia putting herself at risk while trying to save a patient is in line with what we've seen throughout the series.  Meredith putting her hand in a body with a bomb, Derek refusing to leave the OR when there's a bomb next door, Cristina & Jackson continuing to operate with a gun pointed at their head, going in the OR with the toxic blood woman, etc. Its dumb but it fits with the show. I'd rather something like this than to have a doctor losing it in surgery (been there done that with a Shepherd already). I hope its just a risk and not that Amelia develops some illness from it. Hopefully she'll save Dr. Herman who will ride off into the sunset to enjoy life.  Hahaha, not likely on Grey's though is it? She'll probably live through surgery than fall out of bed, hit her head and die.


No one ever listens to Owen.  They never listened to Richard either.  The COS says no and all of them (throughout the series) do what they want anyway.


how many people are sitting in the gallery there now - 3 or 4?


Didn't they say it was an 18 hour surgery? I'd expect other doctors to pop in and out when they have time. I'm sure they all have their own patients. Also, wouldn't a ground breaking surgery such as this be recorded and the other doctors can review when they have time? Do hospitals even have galleries anymore? 

Edited by windsprints
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I hope its just a risk and not that Amelia develops some illness from it.

If I didn't know better, I would bet my cash she'd become The Hulk. Let's hope not. I can only take one illness story per character. 


they find him a bad replica of Cristina and here we go....

I truly find it hard to believe that Amelia is a bad replica of Cristina. I can't find any sort of similarities between them. 


No one ever listens to Owen.  They never listened to Richard either.  The COS says no and all of them (throughout the series) do what they want anyway.

These doctors live in anarchy. Besides, Owen has always been a weak CoS. Even Richard got more under their skin than Owen ever has. I still don't know why he's CoS, but I assume now that Owen's purpose on the show (being Cristina's love interest) is gone, his presence is also a bit extra. 

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How funny, such an out-of-this world operation and how many people are sitting in the gallery there now - 3 or 4?

In the Canada promo the gallery was crowded at the start. The clock showed they were 13 hours in when there was just a few people. Its plausible to me that people had to leave after hours and hours of watching. Doctors have patients and some even go home to their kids.

  • Love 1

In the Canada promo the gallery was crowded at the start. The clock showed they were 13 hours in when there was just a few people. Its plausible to me that people had to leave after hours and hours of watching. Doctors have patients and some even go home to their kids.


I think they all slowly went away,because Amelia does not know what she is doing.


These doctors live in anarchy. Besides, Owen has always been a weak CoS. Even Richard got more under their skin than Owen ever has. I still don't know why he's CoS, but I assume now that Owen's purpose on the show (being Cristina's love interest) is gone, his presence is also a bit extra. 


I do agree, Richard was a better Chief.Owen was only good as Chief at the beginning in S8 then he sort of faded in this position.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

Good on her for recognizing the position her arrogance has got her in, but way to wait until the patient is open on your table to come around.


A good doctor/surgeon never risks a patient´s life just to show off his arrogance, let this be a life lesson to her, but Herman shouldn´t have paid for it, no patient should pay for a doctor´s arrogance.

But I don´t think Amelia will come wiser out of this,sadly, in a few episodes I expect her to be back in her old ways. I think it was a huge mistake to bring her on Greys. 

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
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Oh god. 60 seconds in and the eye rolling has commenced. Cry baby Cry. So last week I said I couldn't understand why the unbelievable tumor story bugged me so much when all the other unbelieveable story lines haven't. I've decided it's becomes the actress playing Amelia sucks. Bad. Maybe not in other roles, but in this one - bad. I just can't buy her as a nuerosurgeon let alone a world reknown one. I can totally buy her as the little girl that cries in the bathroom though. Please make her go away Shonda!

  • Love 8

The first eight or nine episodes of this season were spectacular. Since then, the writing, the acting, the story arcs have all been second rate and are just not holding my attention. Amelia is the most smug, self-aggrandizing character to ever appear on this show, and THAT'S saying something.


Richard had the nerve to talk about Derek and Isaac's tumor when he did everything in his power to stop Derek in his track. Ass.


The only bright spot for me was Arizona, and I usually can't stand her. Sorry Nicole is blind, because I'd love to keep her and send Amelia back to California.

  • Love 4

I've stuck with Grey's through thick and thin, through ghost sex, through post it notes, through poor, mangled George and yet I stayed.  I stayed through back and forth, up and down, singing and 30 second dance parties.  But Amelia using her deep voice registers raving about cheating death and all his friends has sent me running from the room.  For good.  SMH.

  • Love 13

Superhero? And the superhero music to go with it? I started laughing. They try so hard sometimes.


Richard, stay quiet. When Derek was lost during surgery, you were ready to destroy that surgery and later fire him. And yes, the patient would be dead because Amelia was over her head. 


I FF'd the rest, so have no clue. 


Amelia, oh Amy. You may have the same surgical skills as your brother (he's still better though), but your attitude needs some work. The speeches! Superhero! Fight! Blah! Blah! Blah! I roll my eyes. 


You weren't moved by the Shakesperian lyricism of "Make Death run like a little bitch?"

It made me cry...of laughter but they're still tears. They count, right?

  • Love 3

Where's Meredith??? Why does Alex get about three lines per episode??? I'm glad Arizona had a nice storyline lately but what's Callie doing besides complaining about not having sex? Who takes care of any of their children!? Why hasn't derek even visited his children since he's been gone for months and months??

And the most important question: why can't I quit this shit show?

Here I thought Maggie would be the new character I hated for sucking up screen time, but no, it's Mega Megalomaniac Monotone Amelia. I wish Geena Davis would stay--even blind they could have her doing something in the hospital couldn't they? Research or something and then she'd be there to be interesting while everyone else hangs out in Dullsville.

  • Love 1
You weren't moved by the Shakesperian lyricism of "Make Death run like a little bitch?"


LOL! The dialog on this show is often pretty laughable but tonight had some real gems for sure.


I thought Derek would be called back and am so happy I was completely wrong. I like Amelia and I am glad that she succeeded. I'm hoping now the "other Shepherd" stuff can be done with, she needs to move on from that like yesterday. I was also glad that Dr. Herman didn't die. I kept waiting for her to die from some complication after she opened her eyes.


I really liked Arizona in this episode. Its about time someone finally told Bailey to shut up when she starts her screaming. Alex got his usual treatment but at least he got to be a doctor and his 5 lines weren't about Meredith. Progress.


This season along with season 4 are my least favorites. I miss Cristina.

  • Love 2

Initial thoughts:

Bailey and Owen are completely insufferable during surgeries.

- Bailey's concerns were clearly valid, in that Alex agreed and Arizona told him that six months ago, she'd have said the same thing, but when she was trying to stop and take control of the fetal surgery she knew little about from the get-go, she doesn't have the credibility to step in if things are actually going too far. At a certain point you're just hurting the patient by slowing things down and distracting the surgeon. Alex agreed with her but wasn't a huge disruption to Arizona's concentration. And he apologized after surgery to make it clear it wasn't personal (though he was respectful and not a pain in the ass, so I don't think he needed to apologize, but it was a nice professional gesture). Bailey's just all, "nice work," with no backtracking at all, as though Arizona was her student vs Bailey being a huge fail as second surgeon. Gaaaah. I miss Old Bailey.

- Owen. STFU. Pretty sure Amelia is fully informed about the radiation risks, she's clearly consenting, and there's zero chance that this is harming the patient, only herself. So stop slowing things down by nagging throughout. I can't stand it when they only give him something to do in the form of hovering and nagging, over his doctors or his romantic interests.

The real chief knows how and when to step in without giving his surgeons even more problems.

Thanks to the promo monkeys, we knew Herman wouldn't die on the table, but who else figured she was a gonner when Arizona flashed back to give her a healthy memory send-off scene? I ended up liking her character, so am glad she lived, and making it with no deficits would have been (more) unrealistic. Just a bummer that she could have been fine if she'd consented ever so slightly sooner.

(Though I think Amelia told her that once it invaded the optic nerve, it would be too late, and I assume that it did start to since she was having vision problems when she asked for the scan. Do we know how long she ignored the onset, pushing to feel Arizona was ready?)

I do hope they keep her on in a consulting role - Arizona's progression as a fetal surgeon will be much smoother (and more realistic) if she can still learn from her mentor.

Unfortunately, the whole surgery was so successful that they've finalized a second Shepard's God-complex, and we should seemingly agree. But since she doesn't come with Derek's insufferable angry/stubborn face, maybe it will be a preferable trade-off for (hopefully) ending her inferiority complex with her brother, and his encouraging it.

Nice to see April back, and glad that Sarah Drew had a light load while using maternity leave. Very sorry her baby was born a bit prematurely, but baby's done well, right? It did work out nicely that it fit with the shooting schedule/plot to give the the actress as much time off as her family needed, without even needing to awkwardly write around her.

ETA: So Stephanie must have spoken to Herman while initially extubating her (which would be natural), before Amelia and Arizona ran in, because Stephanie otherwise hadn't spoken, or been addressed/referenced, before Herman asked her if Amelia got the entire tumor.

Edited by WalrusGirl


Thank goodness for fast forward.


Amen to that!  There was a decent episode there if one was to quickly zip through the Amelia nonsense.  Just like last week, they've got freaking Geena Davis and Capshaw who've done really nice work recently on the backburner. 


The actress playing Amelia is simply not believable in this role.  It doesn't help that they gave her such nonsense dialogue, but boy howdy, that was awful.

  • Love 8

Sad to see Herman lost her sight. A part of me wonders if that's not a fate worse than death for someone like her.


Herman didn't seem to think so when she was talking to Arizona.  She told her that Arizona wasn't seeing how wonderful it was that she was still alive and still had a mind with which to figure out what was next for her. 


I think we only saw Meredith up in the gallery answering that doctor's questions about the brain, and then when she stepped into Amelia's surgery after Stephanie passed out. 

  • Love 1

Yet again Geena Davis does an extraordinary job while swimming in a pool of crap.  That was just terrible.  45 cringe-worthy minutes of overdone garbage.  Then finally an excellent scene with Dr. Hermann. 


First we have Amelia’s crying jag.  All I could think was now she’ll go into surgery with makeup dripping into her eyes.  Then we have the ridiculous glow little glowworm tumor scene.  Yes, the dye can make the tumor glow.  That doesn’t mean it’s going to produce enough light to illuminate a city.  Yes, it’s a large tumor.  It’s not Neptune somehow located in her skull.


Of course we follow with Amelia’s freak out, just staring at the brain.  How long does she think she can safely keep someone open on the table? 


Then the joy of yet another Bailey screaming jag.  In what world does a surgeon stand in an operating room screaming at another surgeon?  If Arizona had decked her, I wouldn’t have minded.  She should have kicked her out of the OR.  What would create a greater risk to the patient, letting Arizona operate or making her upset and distracted, ensuring she cannot concentrate on her patient? 


And then wrapping it up with Amelia’s big speech.  Can she get a brain tumor that takes away her power of speech?  We would still have to see her overdone faces but at least we would be saved from her pontificating.  While making death run like a little bitch, she made many viewers laugh, scoff, and throw things at the TV.  Shut up Amelia.  Just.shut.up.

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 9

Superheroes? Have they been letting middle schoolers write the episodes again? Memo to Shonda: It's not deeply moving and powerful. It's just stupid.


Sad to see Herman lost her sight. A part of me wonders if that's not a fate worse than death for someone like her.


Pure Shonda.

   Superheroes = Gladiators

And this episode was followed by Scandal's fable ending (the video and the photos of the trunk), complete with usual overkill monologue at the climax of it (angry white cop).

Re the eyes.  I wonder if it's possible that the loss of Herman's eyesight might be temporary, since she had said she'd stayed clear of that area and they thought she'd be ok there.  RIght now they're attributing it to the tumor killing her sight but maybe, as with other operations, loss of eyesight is not permanent.  ?  


Edited by pitchy
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If I didn't know better, I would bet my cash she'd become The Hulk. Let's hope not. I can only take one illness story per character.

Is The Hulk a superhero? I think you were unfortunately spot-on.

Though I suppose kudos to Stephanie for sucking it up and sucking up to her mentor immediately prior to the big surgery by joining in the superhero pose. Though she probably wasn't just sucking it up, it was still a strategic enough move. Glad to see Stephanie have something to do.

It doesn't help that they gave [Amelia] such nonsense dialogue, but boy howdy, that was awful.

Seriously awful. I liked the character on PP, and because I never rewatched episodes or the series I'm not sure if it was the way her character was written or that she was never in a position to be competing with or teaching other doctors. She just had a different vibe, sort of underdog and insecure, but Derek wasn't around to be a primary foil. Plus, a certain other character or two were much more insufferable (to me) and were generally more primary characters, so Amelia had less time to bug those viewers she did annoy.

  • Love 1

Well, well, anything new? No.


Amelia has a new drug. She is addicted again. A tumour junkie. I guess she always needs to feel high. 


Poor Herman, if I were her,I´d want to be dead, rather than blind.But they needed her to stay alive so that Amelia can be high again. 


The last scene between Arizona and Herman was some fine acting.


All that superhero nonsense,those are some very "mature" writers in that writers´ room. And the scene where they did the pose, ouch.... (and the episode writer did the pose wearing a cat motive T-shirt,posted  on twitter) How old is he?!

And Amelia beat death, really?


I took a deep breath after the closing credits,no more Amelia, boom, then promo for 1115 and  who do I see after like two seconds? Give me a break. Neverending story.

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan

I was ready to quit watching this episode after the first two minutes. I have been stuck watching the arrogant "I'm a neuro god(dess) and I can fix anything!" version of Amelia all week and now I have to watch insecure crying Amelia and superhero in the scrub room Amelia? Good lord.


The one good thing that happened was Arizona finally telling Bailey to STFU. While I totally understand Bailey advocating for her patient, there is trying to do what is best for your patient and then there is browbeating the surgeon while she is in the middle of surgery.


I also loved Weber's pep talk, which was both encouraging and damning. This is YOUR surgery and if Derek makes it out here, he will kill her!


I can't believe Meredith let that kid keep asking questions. When she finally told him to crack a book, I was with her.


I'm glad I wasn't the only one annoyed by Amelia using her deep serious scraping gravel voice.


Why did Owen wait so long to get on the intercom to yell at Amelia about her gloves? Meredith said it had been 15 minutes since Amelia removed her gloves and that she had 20 minutes. Owen said that without the gloves she was cutting her exposure time in half and was already over the limit. Did it really take him 15 minutes to do that math?


I was kind of cracking up at Meredith of all people trying to tell someone not to do something during surgery. This is the girl who had her hand on a bomb during surgery.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Hinton was right that this episode was like early GREY'S... I felt like I'd seen everything before, only this time there was a less likable character (Amelia) at the helm. 


The episode itself was fine, but there were plenty of eye-rolling moments, most of which came from the ridiculously self-important dialogue. That, more than anything else, made me think of middle seasons GREY'S, when every single character sounded the same. (They've gotten a tiny bit more differentiable -- especially since Vernoff left.) 


Can we please get back to better scripts that feature characters who are actually multi-dimensional, and not falsely complex (which, in Shondaland means arrogance one minute and tears the next)? We've had a little too much of that. 


However, despite my appreciation for good juicy drama, I was satisfied to see Herman live. 

Edited by upperco
Can we please get back to better scripts that feature characters who are actually multi-dimensional, and not falsely complex (which, in Shondaland means arrogance one minute and tears the next)?


That would mean characters who are adult: able to embrace ambiguity, and tolerate their own ambivalence.  Where's the drama in that?  What do grown-ups have to say to one another?   Shondaland either turns away such people at the border, or kills them off before they reach maturity.   

  • Love 2

Yet again Geena Davis does an extraordinary job while swimming in a pool of crap.  That was just terrible.  45 cringe-worthy minutes of overdone garbage.  Then finally an excellent scene with Dr. Hermann. 


First we have Amelia’s crying jag.  All I could think was now she’ll go into surgery with makeup dripping into her eyes.  Then we have the ridiculous glow little glowworm tumor scene.  Yes, the dye can make the tumor glow.  That doesn’t mean it’s going to produce enough light to illuminate a city.  Yes, it’s a large tumor.  It’s not Neptune somehow located in her skull.


Of course we follow with Amelia’s freak out, just staring at the brain.  How long does she think she can safely keep someone open on the table? 


Then the joy of yet another Bailey screaming jag.  In what world does a surgeon stand in an operating room screaming at another surgeon?  If Arizona had decked her, I wouldn’t have minded.  She should have kicked her out of the OR.  What would create a greater risk to the patient, letting Arizona operate or making her upset and distracted, ensuring she cannot concentrate on her patient? 


And then wrapping it up with Amelia’s big speech.  Can she get a brain tumor that takes away her power of speech?  We would still have to see her overdone faces but at least we would be saved from her pontificating.  While making death run like a little bitch, she made many viewers laugh, scoff, and throw things at the TV.  Shut up Amelia.  Just.shut.up.


What was that before the surgery? I rewatched the toilet scene - her crying there,and those grimaces she made. It looked like she was having a nervous breakdown and then the pose thing?  Is she all right mentally?


And showing no sign of feeling sorry for Herman losing sight, she went on and verbally attacked Stephanie who despite the surgery´s success felt sorry for Herman and  was indeed human. And Amelia saying she is not a mere mortal, but a superhero, legendary....... I think this is really too much. They should really calm down in the writer´s room. 


I find these Amelia worshipping episodes very annoying and it gives off this strange message of resembling a doctor  to a superhero defeating death.  I´ve always thought a doctor´s mission is to save lives, not defeat bitch death and be a legendary superhero.


What makes a great surgeon is modesty and being a down-to-earth person despite saving lives often in miraculous ways. Then it´s somebody you can admire and look up to,not this arrogant superhero attitude. I really dislike the message the show sends to the profession of a doctor through Amelia´s storyline. 


Also, did I get it right? After how many days have passed, Amelia did not find out on the scans from the surgery that Herman had a stroke??? And she is a superhero,right?

Edited by Season5OwenHuntfan
  • Love 3

Kudos to the poster in the previous week's episode thread who predicted that Herman would survive but be blind.


The actress playing Amelia is terribly miscast in a role where the character is supposed to be a world-class neurosurgeon. She looks like a kid playing dress up. No gravitas at all. When Cristina went into a one of a kind surgery, she had an aura around her of greatness. Not so in this case. Completely unbelievable that many other top surgeons turned down Herman's case and that Little Amelia had the ability to save her life.


Question for the doctors among us: would Herman have been blind but for the stroke?


I was completely invested in the Herman/Robbins storyline and thought that both actresses did a terrific job. I hope that TPTB keep Geena Davis around to mentor Robbins because she brings the kind of gravitas to the position that Amelia was lacking.


As a non-medical person, it seems completely unbelievable to me that they would only have one major neurosurgeon working on an 18 hour surgery. Isn't there usually a similarly qualified backup to handle part of the load? What if Amelia collapsed midway? Who else - besides Derek - had the knowledge and advanced skill to continue? Ridiculous.

  • Love 3

This is what I don't get. 


The tumour started to invade the optic nerve. but she could still see. therefore, how The Fake Doctor Shepherd presented it was that she was able to go in and save everything and everything would be fine


Everything is not fine because Doctor Geena Davis is now 100 percent completely blind. The Fake Doctor Shepherd did something (while admirably got the entire tumour, etc), cost Doctor Geena Davis her eyesight. At least show some remorse. (actually, I had no idea until Arizona said her line that she was blind because she knew about Richard and Hunt, but i have to watch it. but i was shocked that she was, as Vanessa Huxtable would say "blinded for life!"


This is why there needs to be a chief of staff at the hospital who doesn't actually do surgery. Who sees all the ... overseeing. Because there is no way  the Fake Doctor Shepherd should have opened up someone's brain, and panic for almost an hour before crying to Richard to please call Derek and have him look at a brain and tumour that he has no idea what to do and save the day because she had the unmitigated gall to believe that she didn't need him or anyone else to get at this tumour, and she as a result, (to me anyway) it cost someone her eyesight. Permanently. 

(or this is Shondaland. Derek will come back and go "I can cure the blindness!")


(also. in what world would people be allowed to basically handle radiation with a surgical glove. SOME people should have practice handling stuff like that instead of having symposiums of surgeries you haven't done yet). 


Good Job on Arizona for screaming at Bailey. this needs to be done more often. 

  • Love 3

Did she ever discuss the possibility of blindness with Nicole to see how she felt about it? Not that being blind is the worst thing in the world, better than death, but did Nicole get to choose? Say, "I'd rather be dead than blind" or "I'd rather be blind than dead"?


I will be honest, I don't remember. all I remember hearing was that Not Real Doctor Shepherd saying was that she could get it all, it will never come back, and she could live (oh i think she said she could be "you" )...?

I'm glad Doctor Herman lived, but I'm sad now that GD will leave the show. I've really enjoyed Arizona getting enjoyable screentime, and with most of it not being with Callie. I hope they can keep GD for a few more episodes so we can have interesting Arizona around more. Please don't let them put Arizona and Callie back together now, I just cannot with the two of them. I was done with them being a couple after the whole pregnancy thing with Mark, and the writers have already added a ton of crap to the relationship. Let it go die peacefully, then give the actresses something better to do.

I don't even want to comment on the Amelia parts of the episode. Do not care at all.

  • Love 2
The Fake Doctor Shepherd did something (while admirably got the entire tumour, etc), cost Doctor Geena Davis her eyesight. At least show some remorse.

She never showed much concern about Dr. Herman, the patient -not the tumor, before the surgery, so I didn't expect for her to have any after it, with whatever consequence. She will live on the high of superhero Amelia regardless of the tiny detail that now her patient is blind. 


Although to be fair, many doctors on this show show little remorse when they screw up. Probably Derek and Bailey have had it worse showing remorse, or Alex back in S2. I can't tell for anyone else. 


Is she all right mentally?


I didn't find her pre-breakdown in the bathroom all that horrible. That felt normal and human. She was scared to take on a tumor that was this big and that's fine. I started to lose her once she had her breakdown in middle surgery. I thought that her plan involved the detours, but I was wrong. 


Is The Hulk a superhero? I think you were unfortunately spot-on.


He's on The Avengers, so...yes?


Pure Shonda.

   Superheroes = Gladiators

Oh no. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no. Just no. Why. No.

Edited by AnitaM86
  • Love 3

Why did Owen wait so long to get on the intercom to yell at Amelia about her gloves? Meredith said it had been 15 minutes since Amelia removed her gloves and that she had 20 minutes. Owen said that without the gloves she was cutting her exposure time in half and was already over the limit. Did it really take him 15 minutes to do that math?

The 20 minutes represented the total amount of time they could be exposed to the radiation. Removing the glove reduced that amount of time.

(I focused on stuff like that, rather than the acting. 'Nuff said.)

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