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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Yes, the kids are a profit center! Also, Michelle's ADDICTED to having more babies. Even though she told us she didn't have a heart for children. Whenever she would begin a new labor, she'd always talk about "What have I got myself into AGAIN"! SHE admitted the prize was that precious, brand new tiny baby. She became quite " famous" just for wash, rinse and repeat!

  • Love 1

They don't actually listen to "the Lord". They make up their minds how things will go and do what they want. After all, if they actually read and comprehended what the Bible says on a variety of issues, they'd live differently. See "their show got cancelled because their eldest son molested four of his sisters" for starters, among other issues. It's been shown to anyone with the brains of a duck that they make poor decisions in life and claim God is "blessing" them.


Only an idiot would continue to get pregnant (or impregnate someone else) when she can't deal with what's already on her plate without (free) help. They're not children to the Duggars. They're a profit center. Always have been, always will be. One has to ask how they would have managed to care for 19 children without TLC; the local church most likely was not able to underwrite an annual income sufficient to feed, clothe and house such a large family. Good thing they managed to get on reality TV!

That is such a good question. JB seems like the kind of guy that would go to each work-for-yourself seminar that rolled into town, and only succeed with false starts until the next one rolled in. The standard Fundy start your own printing business must be less successful in the era of the internet. I see working class folks in my area barely surviving on their income. It's a wonder how the Duggars would have managed without their TLC income.

  • Love 6

Regarding the piano teacher "volunteering" to help with the laundry - 12 YEARS??? TWICE A WEEK???  What did Michelle say and how many times to guilt the poor lady into "offering" her help???

My friends and I have helped friends who have been overwhelmed by crisis, work, family emergency but NOT for more than a couple of weekends.  

12 YEARS???!!!  Just no.

  • Love 15

I don't know, but it's lucky she came that early. She obviously was in time to see the piano teacher burying a body in the garden, because that's the only level of blackmail I can imagine that would get somebody to come to your house to do laundry for 12 years.

Lmfaoooo!!! Seriosuly, who would do someone's laundry for twelve years?! Michelle is one slick hustler, I'll give her that.

  • Love 10

Yeah, I call bullshit on that. They've said time and time again that they're not early risers.

Perhaps this is the real reason why their kids were homeskooled. It's difficult to get many, many children up, dressed, fed and on the bus when one is up until all hours conducting "sweet fellowship" with Jim Boob.

  • Love 5

I'm the only night owl in my family; isn't it a little odd that a group of twenty have not got more larks?

I would guess that the kids were all trained to be night owls so that their habits wouldn't conflict with Jim Bob and Michelle's convenience. The J'Slaves were probably charged with keeping the little kids/babies absolutely quiet in the morning until their parents were ready to get up.

  • Love 10

I would guess that the kids were all trained to be night owls so that their habits wouldn't conflict with Jim Bob and Michelle's convenience. The J'Slaves were probably charged with keeping the little kids/babies absolutely quiet in the morning until their parents were ready to get up.

I was thinking the same thing. I can see the J'slaves having to get everyone up, dressed & fed, and then JB &M appear around 10-11'sh so M can whip up her famous scrambled eggs for JB. I wonder what time school starts?

  • Love 6

Let's see if you can't handle the ones you have maybe stop having kids. And one of the reasons why the Duggars have so much laundry is because they wear three outfits in one. Especially for the girls. It's skirt leggings,shirt,undershirt,bra,more clothes to cover skin and not make men lust

Perhaps this is the real reason why their kids were homeskooled. It's difficult to get many, many children up, dressed, fed and on the bus when one is up until all hours conducting "sweet fellowship" with Jim Boob.

Imgaine. The school day starts at 7:45am well Duggars work on Duggar time. So they'll be there at 10am

  • Love 8

Perhaps this is the real reason why their kids were homeskooled. It's difficult to get many, many children up, dressed, fed and on the bus when one is up until all hours conducting "sweet fellowship" with Jim Boob.

Michelle has actually admitted to just that. Well the kid part not the sweet fellowship part.

Regarding the piano teacher "volunteering" to help with the laundry - 12 YEARS??? TWICE A WEEK???  What did Michelle say and how many times to guilt the poor lady into "offering" her help???

My friends and I have helped friends who have been overwhelmed by crisis, work, family emergency but NOT for more than a couple of weekends.  

12 YEARS???!!!  Just no.

Dobby the house elf/aka the piano teacher must have won her freedom when mechelle handed her some clothes. Since we all know mechelle doesn't actually do or help with her own family's laundry, that's why it took 12 years.

  • Love 3

I mentioned this in the Small Talk thread - 


In the book I fired God the author shows how connected the IFB culture is across the United States. It seems even with each little sect thinking they're doing it right and the best, when push comes to shove they fly all over to support each other. I'm wondering if anyone, like Gil for instance, rallied behind the scenes to help and support the Duggars during either of these scandals. Or are the Duggars their own empire and too removed from the sect? Or maybe publicly too toxic?

I wrote a post on another thread about how the older kids grew up in poverty and it got me thinking again about what irresponsible people and just genuinely awful parents JB and J'chelle are.


All those kids in that tiny, tiny house; eating "Love Offerings", wearing only homemade or thrift-store clothing while JB had $250,000 to throw away on a vanity Senate campaign. You know one of the things you can pay for when you have $250,000 to spend on a Senate campaign -- polls! He could easily have found out that he didn't have the support necessary to win that primary long before he had run through his family's savings. He didn't come home from the campaign trail one day and discover -- to his great surprise -- that he had 14/15 kids at home who needed food and clothing and shelter.


Although TLC finished the TTH, JB bought it long before they came along. Once again, instead of taking care of his family, he saved his money to buy 2 house "kits" so that he could build a house with the help of his children -- and more "Love Offerings" from the church. I may have the exact dates wrong, but I think that Josh said in one of the early specials that they had been working on the house for three years. If Josh was 15 at the time, that means that JB expected that his children -- who were ALL under 13 at the time -- would pitch in and build that house.


Someone posted a link to an unedited clip of J'chelle being interviewed while holding one kid, and having another standing nearby. The point of the unedited clip was to show how poorly behaved the Duggar kids are (and they are). What I saw, though, was a completely staged event where someone dropped one of her kids on her lap and dragged another over to stand by her chiar while she gave pre-natal advice to her idiot fans. She clearly had no relationship with either kid, and could barely contain her irritation at having them nearby. At one point, she instructed the girl to say something to "brother." It's possible that that is just a convention that they use that seems odd to me, but it looked more like she could not be bothered to even try to figure out which one of her kids was standing next to her.


My point is that J'chelle clearly has no "heart for children" -- and she has said so herself. When she and JB joined this cult, they were adults. J'chelle worked and had a real-estate license. She wasn't a child. Why didn't she say no? It is beyond irresponsible -- it's reprehensible -- to keep having child after child after child when you don't like children!


The fact that they have a television show, and fans, is mind boggling. They shouldn't even have a show about being the worst parents in the world -- their behavior is so ridiculous and so beyond reason, that it would not even be instructional in a "what not to do" sense.

  • Love 24

From the Jill/Derick discussion. Since it's about JB I moved it here.


Independent Fundamental Baptists, and Baptists in general, are not charismatic, so no. Although actually, after watching this clip of Boob, I'm not sure. This is pure comedy gold!





That was hilarious!  Michelle always said that Jim Bob had learning disabilities.  That video substantiates.

I know. Someone quicker on his feet would simply have referred to the "opponent" without naming him, and kept going, but JB had to go the harder route. He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he has enough smarts to operate businesses and hang around in political circles and keep the TLC cash cow from kicking over the fences and leaving the TTH compound.

I'd believe he has some learning disabilities and isn't great at public speaking. AND I hope we're all clear here that "learning disabilities" does not equal "low intelligence." Just a little touchy issue for me. A few of my relatives have learning disabilities, which meant they had to work hard at a lot of things in school. They are all smart, caring, very productive, non-grifting adults. /stepplng off my soapbox now.

  • Love 4

Why is JimBob even talking about state politicians from Virginia??

I expect there's a very heavy Duggar leghumper crowd in VA. It's got a highly active, very very fundie homeschooling association, to whom the Duggars have been heroes, at least in the past, and it's the seat of Mike Farris, who helps keep that group on the boil. I expect that Jim Bob has great appeal to a lot of those people. At the same time, Virginia is a completely purple state and as generations change and pretty Democratic Northern Virginia continues to grow more populous, conservatives are in great danger of losing their influence in the state. So getting out the vote among the fundies has to be very important to the Virginia GOP.

  • Love 4

I'd believe he has some learning disabilities and isn't great at public speaking. AND I hope we're all clear here that "learning disabilities" does not equal "low intelligence." Just a little touchy issue for me. A few of my relatives have learning disabilities, which meant they had to work hard at a lot of things in school. They are all smart, caring, very productive, non-grifting adults. /stepplng off my soapbox now.

Here's what Michelle said about Jim Bob:


"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.


"When we were first married, we would read the Scriptures together in the mornings, and I would read, and then he'd take a turn. He would literally flip words around and put different words in different places."


Edited by Mollie

Here's what Michelle said about Jim Bob:


"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.


Apparently it helped her not to have ANY expectations about how her kids would learn.

  • Love 13

Apparently it helped her not to have ANY expectations about how her kids would learn.



So Jim Bob and some of the kids may be dyslexic? That still didn't keep Michelle from dumping them off on Jessa after third grade. and I don't think Michelle even taught that much to begin with.



I don't know. Dyslexia sounds suspiciously like some sort of liberal, intellectual, made-up disease like postpartum depression, the kind ungodly psychologists use to further the gay and lesbian agenda. 



I'm going to file Jim Bob's "learning disability" away as just another one of Michelle's self-serving lies, like her "missing back muscle" and her "bulimia".

Tears are flowing down my legs.

  • Love 7

I'm going to file Jim Bob's "learning disability" away as just another one of Michelle's self-serving lies, like her "missing back muscle" and her "bulimia".

I actually do believe he's dyslexic. It would explain his massive insecurity and the need to keep his children from going to school and becoming smarter than Jim Bob. Not saying that people with dyslexia are not intelligent people (I have several relatives w/ dyslexia) but I could see this as being something Jim Bob is insecure about.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
  • Love 12

I actually do believe he's dyslexic. It would explain his massive insecurity and the need to keep his children from going to school and becoming smarter than Jim Bob. Not saying that people with dyslexia are not intelligent people (I have several relatives w/ dyslexia) but I could see this as being something Jim Bob is insecure about.


I agree with this, especially if he didn't get help for his dyslexia. 

  • Love 1

I agree with this, especially if he didn't get help for his dyslexia. 

And it makes total sense considering how fundies view things like depression and anxiety. (Pray more!) My 70 year-old father is a high-functioning autistic and in the 1950s everybody just thought he was a little weird and carried on. I think that's probably the Duggar approach to any kind of learning issue. It is a holy-rolling miracle (and BLESSING) that none of their kids were born with any severe difficulties, particularly their latest precious addition Josie. 

  • Love 5

Here's what Michelle said about Jim Bob:

"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.

"When we were first married, we would read the Scriptures together in the mornings, and I would read, and then he'd take a turn. He would literally flip words around and put different words in different places."


Well, heck, no wonder their theology is all bollixed up. Whatever Headship says, goes, even if it's word salad.

  • Love 4

Yeah, they're certainly nothing if not passive aggressive. The whole gang of them. Not surprising when you remember that their first principle is truth suppression, I guess.

You mowed the lawn in a bikini.

You have bad breath.

You had bulimia.

You can't read.


Let's check the calendar and try for another blessing.

  • Love 5

And it makes total sense considering how fundies view things like depression and anxiety. (Pray more!) My 70 year-old father is a high-functioning autistic and in the 1950s everybody just thought he was a little weird and carried on. I think that's probably the Duggar approach to any kind of learning issue. It is a holy-rolling miracle (and BLESSING) that none of their kids were born with any severe difficulties, particularly their latest precious addition Josie. 


So true.. and so sad. Unfortunately I'm not convinced none of the Duggar kids have learning issues. I suspect at least a few have learning disabilities and it's too soon still to know what issues Josie will have from her prematurity. What is almost certain is that none of the kids will get help if they need it. 


Actually, we know they did need help and didn't get it. None of the molested girls got therapy or even parental support. 

  • Love 4

Michelle has admitted that some kids have learning issues, but she's never elaborated on what those issues might be. But damn, James and Jackson with those flashcards YEARS below their supposed grade level is worrisome. I've suspected both of those boys have ADHD for years, but who knows? And we know that Boobchelle will never reveal actual details; being real isn't one of their strong suits. 

  • Love 4

Here's what Michelle said about Jim Bob:


"When my husband, Jim Bob, was a little boy he had a speech impediment, and he really struggled with reading. As a homeschool mom, understanding his perspective helped me to not have certain expectations about how my kids would all learn.

"So, basically I said fuck it and quit trying."

  • Love 8

Just throwing this one out here: If my husband decided he must have bacon and eggs cooked by me while I was in labor and before we left for the hospital, he'd need some significant medical attention of his own. There would be a frying pan wedged in his ass. I really detest J-chelle Duggar, but I have to ask what kind of brain-dead, selfish moron would consider his breakfast needs before his wife's attempting to pass a watermelon through an opening the size of a lemon.

  • Love 13
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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