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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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Is it me - or has the past half year added some gray for these two? Certainly looks that way to me.

If that's the case...that's one thing I can't snark on. I'm around their age and am about 50% gray, though I'm coloring it for now. (I do purpose to maintain a cute, age-appropriate hairstyle.) I'm surprised neither of them has much much visible gray yet.
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I don't understand why anyone would mow the lawn in a bikini anyway. That sounds so uncomfortable. Grass clippings and bugs flying, worrying about body parts falling out or ties coming undone while you wrangle a machine. Please tell me she at least had on real shoes and not flip flops.



That's probably one of the more normal things she used to do - general teenaged dumbness, geared to putting on a show, and indifferent to practicality.


Or, yes, I would have mowed the lawn in a bikini if a) my father would have permitted it (and his kids didn't get to run gas lawnmowers) and b) I had the figure for it (which I Oh My Heck did not).  But putting on a show to passively impress?  I was all over that.

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Jim Bob & Michelle Duggar: Their Explosive Fight Over Josh That Nearly Destroyed Marriage



Is the Duggar empire crumbling right before our eyes? A new report claims that Jim Bob and Michelle’s darkest secret are about to be revealed in a court case — all thanks to their disgusting son, Josh. A porn star who is currently suing the pervert, claims he physically assaulted her during their sex sessions, so the court is pulling out the stops to dig up all the Duggar info. possible — according to InTouch. These records will come from therapists who have treated not only Josh, but also any member of the Duggar family. “This lawsuit is Jim Bob and Michelle’s worst nightmare,” an insider revealed to the outlet.

Why you may ask? Well, Jim reportedly was all about punishing Josh for all of his horrendous actions. But not Michelle. The insider stated that “Michelle thought it was so harsh, she was willing to defy her husband and take Josh away from the area. She spoke at length with family and friends and said she was willing to DEFY Jim Bob if it meant protecting her son. It caused a great deal of friction between Jim Bob and Michelle and could well have destroyed their marriage if Michelle had taken Josh away.” The source went on to add, “In the end, Jim Bob was able to convince Michelle it was for the best and she allowed the punishment to be carried out.”


I guess Michelle was praising her child ten times more than punishing him.

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Hmm. Trying to decipher how much truth is in that article. If one child molesting five others won't cause tension and divide a marriage, I don't know what will. I also believe that Michelle would act like it isn't a big deal and it happens all the time. She has such odd views of sex that I seriously wonder what kind of things have ahappened in her life, or if she's just a honest to goodness NUTCASE. 


I can also see Jim Bob feeling like he needed to get Josh out of the house to protect the other kids. I can see Michelle threatening to leave, and you know she'd leave all those kids with JimBob. Her attachment to them ends at 6 months or so. JimBob wouldn't have to be out of the picture for five seconds before Michelle would think the lord laid it upon her heart to land her next husband, and I seriously think she'd leave Gothardland really quickly if that's what stood between her and her next husband, if anything happens to JimBob. Anyway...................


JimBob was still in the throes of his political career when Joshgate 1 happened, and if he was afraid of exposing all that, losing Michelle and being stuck with all those kids, I totally believe he would cave and let Josh stay, even after some BS therapy.

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Was Josh's harsh punishment being sent away to remodel Hobby Lobby, or was it the rod beatings. The kids told the police that all the kids got the rod, even though some of them were TEENS!


Good question. My vote is for the remodeling, though, since it appears that Michelle had no problems with the infamous blanket training back in the day. So if you'll hit a baby with objects, you probably don't have a lot of qualms about hitting older kids as well, I'd guess. Even if one of them is precious Joshy.

I'm not sure how they got the information or how solid it is, but I have no problem believing that Michelle tried to protect and defend Josh at the expense of her daughters.


He was her first-born and likely the one she bonded with the most. After Josh there were twins and then one unrelenting baby after another. She had her laundry room break-down and then she started handing over her new kids to her other kids as soon as they were six months old (which wtf, I will never be able to understand that). I believe Josh is the only child and baby of Michelle's where she experienced pure, unadultered joy without any stress or guilt. Of course she'd want to protect him.

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JB's big Senate run was in 2002. Josh molested his sisters in a period between 2003-4. JB did, however, run for a state senate seat in 2006 when Smuggar would have been 18. I didn't know about this particular campaign, but according to Wikipedia, he lost by just 200 votes. I guess this would have been the only run that would have been affected if Joshgate had broken at the time it happened, rather than 12 years after the fact. Had Boob actually been elected to the Senate in 2002 (insert belly laugh here), the worst that would have happened would have been more public censure of Josh and a one-term career on the Hill for the Boobster. 

Therapists can't be made to divulge patient records, can they?? How can they testify??


Very unlikely that a legit therapist could be compelled to testify... unless, of course, the people in question aren't legit therapists.


Think Josh's "Christian mentor" with whom he built houses in Little Rock in place of real counseling. In theory, Danica's attorneys could compel this random dude with zero professional credentials to testify in order to establish that Josh never received proper counseling for his sexual problems that began in childhood. 

Edited by Guest

He was her first-born and likely the one she bonded with the most. After Josh there were twins and then one unrelenting baby after another. She had her laundry room break-down and then she started handing over her new kids to her other kids as soon as they were six months old (which wtf, I will never be able to understand that). I believe Josh is the only child and baby of Michelle's where she experienced pure, unadultered joy without any stress or guilt. Of course she'd want to protect him.


I agree completely. If there is one child in the family that Michelle truly loves, it's Josh. I don't think she gives a rat's ass about any of the others. She seems to like Jessa and Josie, but I think that's because they feed her narcissism. She sees Jessa as a reflection of herself as a young girl. Jessa is the "pretty" one, the "spunky" one, the one who would be a cheerleader and be out mowing the lawn in a bikini if Gothard and Jesus allowed such things. And Josie is her prize trophy, the "precious miracle" who can be trotted out at right-to-life rallies so that Michelle can bask in the crowd's admiration.


I also think that Jim Bob has always been jealous and resentful of Michelle's bond with Josh and for that reason his dislike of Josh pre-dates their discovery of the molestation.

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Therapists can't be made to divulge patient records, can they?? How can they testify??

There are 2 things therapists tell their clients up front that are not by law confidential; a danger to self or others. Also when social services (DCF) are in an investigation stage of a case they have certain rights that no other entity has in regard to client records.

Edited by GeeGolly
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I'm not sure how they got the information or how solid it is, but I have no problem believing that Michelle tried to protect and defend Josh at the expense of her daughters.


He was her first-born and likely the one she bonded with the most. After Josh there were twins and then one unrelenting baby after another. She had her laundry room break-down and then she started handing over her new kids to her other kids as soon as they were six months old (which wtf, I will never be able to understand that). I believe Josh is the only child and baby of Michelle's where she experienced pure, unadultered joy without any stress or guilt. Of course she'd want to protect him.

I think the article is made up of conjecture. The average parent would wrestle with that situation. Josh was still young. First a parent has to wrap their head around the situation, then acknowledge in their heart and brain that their kid did something horrible, and then remove that kid from the home. A parent (even Michelle) still loves and worries about the offender. So while a parent knows the offender needs to be punished, they wrestle with the parental instinct to protect all their children.


I work with adults, many who have lived through trauma, and while I am in no way, shape or form, defending the Duggars, sadly, they handled the molestations better than a lot of families. 

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There are 2 things therapists tell their clients up front that are not by law confidential; a danger to self or others. Also when social services (DCF) are in an investigation stage of a case they have certain rights that no other entity has in regard to client records.

You're right, but I would think breaking confidentiality to get a patient help and testifying and sharing that patient's case in court are different things.

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You're right, but I would think breaking confidentiality to get a patient help and testifying and sharing that patient's case in court are different things.

Danica is claiming that Josh caused her physical and psychological damage by his sexual behaviour towards her; would that be enough to get around the confidentiality I wonder. If her lawyer can make a good enough case that Josh poses a threat to women and girls by pointing to his self-admitted history of sexual abuse of females, perhaps that would be enough?


Edited by Vaysh

Not sure if this post should be here or in the Fashion thread but I'm starting it here.

I've been thinking about what control Boob has, if any, over MEchelle's frumpy outfits . We know in their cult, it's all about what the man wants. Do you think Boob is happy with MEchelle's frumpiness? You would think since he adores her so much & is always shown pawing her, he would like her to look a little nicer. Showing the world that "Hey, my wife is still beautiful & has a good figure after giving birth to 19 children." (Along the same lines of him constantly proving to the world & people in his past how studley he is by them having sex & 19 kids.) I'm not talking about knee showing skirts & plunging necklines, but just something more modern than the long jean skirts & puffy sleeved blouses. Maybe Boob is still punishing her about her past (wearing the bikini top) & now wants her to look as frumpy as possible as not to stir up those desires in other men. You would think the girls would try to update her wardrobe some. We know they tried on the Makeover episode. Some of us thought the girls were playing a trick on her, letting her wear the Xmas tree dress at Jill's wedding. I'm a little older than MEchelle & in no way a fashionista, but when I go out, I still like to look nice & appropriate. Remember the Nurse uniform dress she wore at Famy's wedding?

In my opinion, I think Michelle dresses this way because she still think she is hot stuff and does not want another man to leave his wife or JB has a certain fetish when it comes to the way Michelle dresses. And now I will step away from this thread because I need to reach for the extra strong brain bleach.

I agree, the Christmas tree dress was horrific; the nurse wedding dress was so very weird! Michelle obviously sees a puffy sleeved blouse she likes, then buys one in every color and print. She must share her lucky finds with Mrs. Bates, too, since they wore matching blouses on "Girls Go Camping".

I'm not sure JB cares what she wears. My own husband rarely notices how I dress. I'm 8 years older than Michelle and just wear jeans, cords, tops, and sweaters.

I do think the frump look is to protect the Duggar's brand of extra- holiness, conservative-ness, and Gothard-ness. I wonder if Michelle doesn't lounge around in sweats when the camaras are off. After all, the boys seem to dress rather normally, except when on TV; then its buttoned up shirts/ Polos, and khakis, with tucked-in shirts.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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