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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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Her adolescence, from what I know of it, seemed quite normal.  I always wondered at how she could be so twisted around to deny her own kids a little of the same life.  Her spirit seemed so light then, so heavy and oppressive now.

I remember Jim Bob's dad worrying about Michele constantly being pregnant and nursing.  They just treated him like a rather dear old fuddy duddy.

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Well folks, Boob is the proud owner of Duggar Aviation, LLC. Looks like he bought JD a plane last spring. Someone actually called the phone number listed on the corporate posting, and Boob's voice greets you on the VM. Geez Boob, it's your son running to ALERT a couple times a week (earlier today - the 31st - and on Josiah's birthday, the 28th),  as well as Little Rock to tote Smuggar and his brood to the TTH for the weekend. Let JD put his voice on the message for crying out loud. Also, I discovered that private pilots (which JD would be) cannot charge passengers a fee, aside from sharing fuel costs. Good luck marketing that one, Boob!


FAA registry: http://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N68SY


Corporation registration: http://instagram.com/p/sY2X_8GAKd/?modal=true


Recent flight data for the plane (note trips to ALERT camp and Little Rock on Friday when Smuggar was there for a pro-life protest): http://flightaware.com/live/flight/N68SY/history

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I agree with GEML.  Menopause is tough.  I was on hormone replacement therapy for a few years until the the night sweats stopped.  I didn't care about the hot flashes so much but I couldn't get a decent night's sleep.  When my doctor took me off the hormones I adjusted quite well.  I can't imagine what Michelle may go through given her history.  Religion aside, woman to woman, it can be difficult.

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It looks like that Boob by starting Duggar Aviation has found a way to keep JD chained to his franchise. Those kids can not have anything of their own. Run JD. run.

So far, none of them seem to want to run anywhere. I have hope for Joyanna. I used to for Josiah, but he seems to be drinking the Koolaid lately.

What boggles my mind is the fact JimBoob and Mullet do not hug their own children because they may have impure thoughts or feelings, or JimBoob pretends to dry hump his wife in front of the cameras and his daughter, but they judge transgender people or gay or lesbians. I am sure someone would find it inappropriate to dry hump your wife in front of others.





I try not to judge people on TV...much... *shifty eyes* But this couple I loathe. And I rarely bother to loathe people I don't really know in my every day life and who annoy the shit out of me on a regular basis, but everything I know about this cult android and his brainless wife makes my blood boil.


That she would attempt to group transgender individuals in with pedophile predators, without bothering to expand upon her own willful ignorance about, well, anything in the real world that applies to real people with real feelings and thoughts and actual identities that they struggle to shape and form in a world that often rejects and belittles and demeans them already...? I think I had a rage blackout. I even made the mistake of listening to her hatefully bigoted message and had another rage blackout.


And now on top of it all they keep playing the new season's promo over and over again with their emotionless android voices just reminding me that these people do in fact exist and aren't just manifestations of Glenn Beck's mind...it's too upsetting.

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I have to say....aside from all of the plane, wedding stuff (still not a fan) but having watched the episodes over the past week leading up to tonights premiere....I clearly see that JB loves those kids much more than Michelle...he truly comes across as emotional and even cries and hugs and tells them he loves them...while Michelle side hugs them and tells them how precious they are....it is very odd to watch as a mother.

Edited by autumnh
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I have to say....aside from all of the plane, wedding stuff (still not a fan) but having watched the episodes over the past week leading up to tonights premiere....I clearly see that JB loves those kids much more than Michelle...he truly comes across as emotional and even cries and hugs and tells them he loves them...while Michelle side hugs them and tells them how precious they are....it is very odd to watch as a mother.

Totally agree--for someone as obsessed as she is with having children you would think she could feign interest in acting like she cares about them. She's a lunatic.

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I agree, Lottie :) i've been binge watching since the premiere is tonight....I cannot take that baby voice of hers where everything is special and precious. Jim Bob might be not what most of us would choose...but it s SO clear he really loves all of those kids...so sometimes when I see people go on about him being in control....I often wonder....I think Michelle was addicted to be pregnant...


JB has somehow....endeared himself....in a weird way of course....but I do think he is clearly the more available, loving parent.

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Does anybody know where and how soon I can find the new episodes to watch on-line.  The hotel where I be for a LONG time doesn't have many channels, TLC among those missing.  I have almost none of the shows I used to watch, like on PBS, Nat Geo Wild, A&E, Spike, Home and Gardens, AMC etc etc.  It really sucks so I would like to view on line.

"And I delivered every one of them!"

Every time I hear that in the opening credits of the show...I want to punch her!

I've always had the impression that Michelle just loves attention, which is why she says that stupid statement in their intro. It all points to HER. Having 19 kids has brought her the ultimate attention. She always has something to say and advice to give because SHE has had 19 kids.
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A little more background on Michelle's breakdown.

You have to read all the books to get the full picture and timeline.

Here's how I've patched it together. Basically, she had six under seven and was pregnant. Jim Bob was considering a run for local office. The real estate market wasn't great in their area (for commercial real estate). The car business wasn't turning over much inventory. Jinger was particularly collicky and required a lot of attention (like many babies). She'd just started homeschooling Josn, Jana, and John David. And, as if all that weren't enough, Jim Bob was attending Jim sammon's financial freedom seminars advocating no debt and living within your means. According to the first book, it was in this time period that Josh was exerting his autonomy and testing limits and something he did set her off. She, allegedly, screamed so loud and scared her kids into silence. She felt like carp for not controlling herself. They'd also been dealing with the emotional trauma of a home invasion. So, she was up doing laundry one night at 3am and felt trapped. She prayed for mercy.

Allegedly, the next day at piano lessons, she fell asleep and the woman giving the lesson asked her what was up. Michelle vented and the lady volunteered to help do laundry. Thus, Michelle was relieved of that burden. She went to someone who counselled her to whisper rather than yell and read the Pearls book.

I think that's the "breakdown".

What's always struck me about that is that every single issue boiled down to Michelle being unable to lie in the bed she had made for herself and, as a result, started looking for help. I have a very strong feeling that, had no one intervened to help teach the kids and do laundry, Michelle would have stopped having kids. But, the generosity of others allowed her to use the "large family" excuse to recruit help. I believe that she felt she had to keep having kids so she could use pregnancy as a reason to keep help around and gain sympathy from helpers.

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IIRC, they were held up at the car lot, not their home. By that time, they were at the Johnson Rd. house.


At any rate, her little bon mots tonight made me want to retch. Has she REALLY been praying for this "season of life" when all of her blessings leave her? Although, let's face it, what with plane-buying, and house-loaning, and fiancee working for Daddy, there ain't much leaving and cleaving going on. They even had to film Smuggar, whose family stays in the LEGIT guest house on their premesis.


One of BinBob's new jobs likely consists of helping JD build the second such structure on the Duggar Back 20. I wonder if Bin gets a real check and has to pay real taxes. He's outed now, but I bet he was payed under the table for MONTHS; these scenes were all filmed last May.

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Sew Sumi, on 02 Sept 2014 - 10:22 PM, said:

One of BinBob's new jobs likely consists of helping JD build the second such structure on the Duggar Back 20. I wonder if Bin gets a real check and has to pay real taxes. He's outed now, but I bet he was payed under the table for MONTHS; these scenes were all filmed last May.


I'm curious to know the payment arrangement between Boob and Bin. I actually wonder if Boob pays him at all, aside from room and board. Boob doesn't seem to like Bin all that much, and seem to enjoy controlling him and making him squirm. Bin seems somewhat annoyed by Boob (and some of the older Duggar kids) bossing him around, but he seems too scared/young/wimpy to stand up for himself, so I wouldn't be the least but surprised if Bin found out after he accepted the offer to move in and work for Boob, that he was trapped into a "volunteer opportunity".

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I saw the Jubilee funeral episode this morning...very sad....as a mother? I felt for Michelle...I have lost a child....but it made me like Jim Bob a hair bit more...not a bunch...just a hair bit...watching him trying to deal with it and crying almost....."almost" made him seem human.....I was puzzled by the wooden box packed into a metal artillery box( My husband is a civilian marksman so we have tons of these "ammo cans" around.....I thought a "casket" had to be in a vault....

Burial requirements vary from cemetery to cemetery and are at the discretion of the board.  In some, even cremains in a stone urn are required to have a vault (with an "opening and closing fee" attached), while in others, you can put the deceased directly into the ground.  A vault is largely to prevent the ground from settling and making mowing difficult.  The "ammo can" I'm sure serves the same purpose as a metal vault, so why not use it if the size works?  I felt for both parents; very sad.  I, too, believe JB feels deeply and truly loves his children.  I confess I wondered if her deviation from routine with her previous, mostly successful, pregnancies (apparently she was taking advice from midwife-in-training Jill along with a bucketful of vitamins every day, as well as exercising what looked like an excessive amount to me).  Of course, at 46 or whatever she was at the time, the odds were against them anyway.  Was the adoption idea (I figured on one of the older girls they mentioned in their mission trips to El Salvador; that would make number 20 and also lend a hand around the house) shelved? 

Edited by joanofarch4
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Oh my God. That a 22 year old would think it's perfectly acceptable to say that about his 14 year old sister. That it's his 14 year old sister's job to keep him in line and keep from sinning AND TO KEEP HIM FROM EVEN HAVING TO THINK. I can't even.

I completely agree with you... It disgusts me that someone can think about a sibling like that, maybe I'm sheltered or maybe it's because I'm a girl, but I have never even kind of thought of my little brother (4yrs younger) on any remotely romantic or lustful way... In fact I'd like to just assume he has never had a thought about sex at all. I don't really think of him as a boy, but some subcategory that is not even a remote option.

I also hate the assumption that girls need to dress so not to cause another to stumble. While I do think that it's important to be ladylike and not give away the whole cow per se, I don't think all of the responsibilty is the girls. I grew up relatively conservative Christian, and I remember once being warned not to wear spaghetti straps because guys can imagine just stopping it off and picturing you naked or something like that... I'm sorry but a guy can also imagine removing a burka, I can't bear all of the responsibility of causing an impure thought. That being said, my dance team had a lady come in and talk about being lady like, and she stressed the importance of being mindful that you don't control who is looking at you, so while you think your short shorts are attracting the cute boy who is roughly your age...he's not the only one who can see it... You can't stop the sketchy 50 yr old from also taking a gander. All of that to say, there is a middle ground and it's not fair to expect girls to wear turtlenecks to keep guys from stumbling.

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I've never understood why people can't 1) find some middle ground on this. 2) acknowledge that often it isn't the piece of clothing per se that is the issue but wearing it on a certain body type, or in a certain venue or with another piece of clothing etc that can take something from attractive to trashy.

And all that said, men are still responsible for their own actions!

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I'm of the theory that the Duggar women (actually all women) should 1, dress in a style that makes them comfortable, 2 - dress in a style that shows they have some self-respect, 3 - dress in a style that they are willing to be seen in by the people that see them, 4 - dress in a style appropriate for the occasion .  For example, don't wear dance club attire to the office, church, a funeral, or to the neighbors home.  However, the Duggars and their friends don't do any of these suggestions in moderation.  


Michelle can't seem to do anything in moderation because that involves thought.  I really think that she decided to go to the extreme so that she didn't have to decide if an outfit was appropriate. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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There was a show on Oprah I saw a preview for, about a woman who is a life counselor (Ivanla) talking to a man who has 34 kids by 17 different woman, ranging in age from 26 down to 3 years old. One thing she had him do was hold as many dolls as he could, representing the kids..he could only hold 14 of them, and then wanted to put them down. She told him that in real life, we can't put our kids down whenever we want to, we have to take care of their needs. Reminded me so much of the Duggars. She even asked him why he didn't get a vasectomy. But I guess with the Duggars, since they have their own built-in servants, they don't consider it to be a problem at all . 

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Boob and Mullet took the ice bucket challenge.  lmao, Grandma Duggar dumped the water over Mullet's head.




For a minute there it looked like Michelle was actually wearing (GASP!) pants!! But then when she moved I realized it was leggings underneath a skirt.  Still, I don't think I've seen her in leggings before.

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Oh I hope so.   So someone can tell them that ALS Organization that most donations are going to uses embyronic stem cells in its research.   Their heads will explode.   You know they only did this for the attention.   To find out their fame strumpeting went to research like that will blow their minds.


(the Catholic Church sent out a message about this and suggested other ALS organizations to donate to that help ALS patients but do not do research with embryonic stem cells).

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Michelle hasn't ever had a jurisdiction of her own. She carried the kids, spit them out and breast fed her little buddy, then passed the baby on at 6 months. Now that the baby train has left the station, she has NO buddies, no jurisdictions. She really should step up to the mommy plate and take on the 5 little kids as HER own like she should have done from the get go and free the older girls once and for all. Also, MIchelle doesn't realize or maybe even care at all, if she does, that she has done a lot of emotional harm to her children in allowing them to bond with their sisters as their mothers and caregivers, and not with her. These young women are beginning to marry and leave. The younger kids are having a hard time with this. They are now left with the stranger Michelle to interact with them, whom they hardly know.

If Michelle continues to pass off the kids to now Joyless Anna, she really has problems and JIm Bob is still too "drunk in love" with her VJJ to notice that his wife is an ill woman and his kids have not relationship with her. I would think that with the "bad relationship" that he professes existed with his own father, (in his mind) he would be watchful that his kids have a healthy relationship with both of their parents...

Also, I was disappointed to see that Grandma Duggar didn't interfere one bit when Jim Bob inappropriately tried to remove that splinter from his son's finger, no water, no antibiotic disinfectant. She completely stayed out of it. As a grandma, I would haven't done that. Is Jim Bob now her superior that she is widowed and has to answer to him? If not, why does she take all that crap and stand all day in the laundry room washing her own daughter in law's stained underwear? You know it has to be with all that "activity" going on...Yuck, I know off to the prayer closet for me..

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I think JimBob's attempts to remove the splinter are just how most guys do things, especially the ones who didn't grow up in the era of hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial soap. I remember as a kid my father's method of applying bug spray was telling me to hold my breath, shut my eyes tight and spin in circles as he doused me with Off. If I skinned my knee, he dabbed a tissue with saliva, cleaned it off and sent me on my way. I don't think Boob was deliberately careless, he just doesn't know any better.

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I think JB thinks of Michelle as the mother she was 15-20 years ago. Now, we may look back and think jurisdictions and blanket training and crisis in the laundry room, but I think they remember a well run home, quiet children being taught by Michelle at the kitchen table and Jim Bob taking the kids to the housing site to learn how to pour cement and cut tile. (Even the girls worked on the house.)

Who they are now, I don't think, is what they are thinking when they talk about each other.

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I think JB thinks of Michelle as the mother she was 15-20 years ago. Now, we may look back and think jurisdictions and blanket training and crisis in the laundry room, but I think they remember a well run home, quiet children being taught by Michelle at the kitchen table and Jim Bob taking the kids to the housing site to learn how to pour cement and cut tile. (Even the girls worked on the house.)

Who they are now, I don't think, is what they are thinking when they talk about each other.

I totally see this. He may be one of those parents who thinks the first ones turned out ok, so the younger ones automatically will, but doesn't put the effort into the next ones down the line. The younger ones won't raise themselves, Jim Bob. 

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I just get the feeling that Michelle is going to self implode soon...a headline waiting to happen.

Think about it, her "job" was to keep populating and now her "job" is gone. Anyone that has lost a job will understand the depression and shame that goes along with that experience (with cause or not).

I wonder if Michelle "the little Hottie McHot cheerleader" married dork boy Dim Bulb because of some scandal(pregnancy, slutty behavior, some other incident that became small time gossip)?

He has said many times that he was so lucky to get her.

It is apparent to me that this gig is about up (or is going to blow-up).

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I spend a lot of time reading about American Protestant religions, and I was reading a piece about a group that held similar beliefs but was before the current quiverful/Gothard/vision forum movement. The person talked about how ministers talked about the number of children you had as a sign of how spiritually superior you and your family must be and mentioned a name that was always mentioned as someone who had 18 or so children. I'd never heard of the family, just as we've barely scratched the surface of the families out there like the Duggars.

My point is that even within their own world there will be someone else that comes along and displaces them. That's just the nature of Protestantism, especially in the United States where churches have been changing themselves and breaking into this and that since the Pilgrims landed.

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I think that if Jana and Jinger get married in the next two years then Mullet will have a complete breakdown. She is hardly functioning now let alone when her slaves are gone it will only get worse. I'm betting Grandma is there for a reason because Mullet stopped functioning years ago and Grandma it there to hold everything together.

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Very interesting to read this thing. Still... I think (but not sure lol) I would rather have the Duggar craziness than the Kardashin craziness any day!

They're polar opposites, but just as extreme. I don't think you automatically have to agree 100% with one family just because you dislike the other.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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