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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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On the official Duggar Facebook site - there's a video that has Josie pictured on the left-hand side of the page - just scroll down a bit. She's sitting at the piano...


Hope that's enough for you to find it - I'm pretty bad at giving directions ;)

I found it and thank you. She does have a particular look in her eyes and I found it interesting that they have two pianos and yet she has had no piano lessons.  Sorry Josie, your birth mother checked out too long ago to worry about the miracle daughter that is now too big to carry around like a baby.  (Missing back muscle you know.)

  • Love 3

Oh, FFS, paper plates again. And those 'omelettes' look like egg beaters nuked without covers. Couldn't she have added a few tater tots? We know she couldn't have included some fresh fruit.

Personally I always enjoy a little permanent ink in my omelettes.  You can tell MEchelle made those horrid eggs.  Just her style.  We've seen Jessa and Ben make much better food for breakfast.  


AND AGAIN- yes I AM SCREAMING!  WTF do you need paper plates???? The wasteful crap and destroying the planet by this group makes me furious.  

  • Love 5

Personally I always enjoy a little permanent ink in my omelettes.  You can tell MEchelle made those horrid eggs.  Just her style.  We've seen Jessa and Ben make much better food for breakfast.  


AND AGAIN- yes I AM SCREAMING!  WTF do you need paper plates???? The wasteful crap and destroying the planet by this group makes me furious.  

First, I am in no way defending anything Duggar.  I don't use paper plates.  Use cloths instead of paper towels in 99% of cases.  Recycle everything I can. Sometimes it has to be a paper towel.  But rarely.  But, I was listening to a fellow talking about recycling and I'm just reporting what I remember him saying.  He wasn't taking a position as far as I could tell.  And the callers were really ugly to him for saying that sometimes it takes more energy and resources to wash a dish or a towel than using disposable.  Also that recycling has a cost associated with it which also takes up resources.  Anyway, I am still recycling and doing my part. And maybe this belongs in The Small Talk Section.  It is very confusing as to what is the best way to have a safe and clean environment in which to live.  Help me out!!

  • Love 7

There has to be something wrong with JB, among so many countless obvious things, to get turned on by a woman who speaks in a 3 year old voice. What real man wants their wife or sexual partner to speak in a child's voice?

I don't know, but it is way too widespread in general. Sometime when you have nothing better to do, listen to the way "housewives" speak in most commercials. Or toiletry commercials. There is a current one for some kind of moisturizer where the woman sounds cheerfully lobotomized. It seems like a lot of commercials that show woman being servant-like or girly feature those dopey voices. And then there is pop music, which frequently auto tunes women until they sound like little girls singing through their noses.

"Keeping Sweet" voices are the worst, though, since the content is so often vapid as well. I actually would like to find out that Michelle is a raving beast off camera.

  • Love 3

I wonder if she turns that voice on for the cameras.  

I think she turns it on for JB's preference and to take it to the next level of creepiness when Michelle explained the buddy system she said that she was JB's buddy.  Being that the buddy system is older children taking care of the younger children it's just all kinds of creepy.

  • Love 8

I think Michelle found that a kindergarten teacher type voice, a voice that is very clearly enunciated and high pitched, was particularly useful to get her younger kids to pay attention, and eventually that it was also useful to get anyone's attention. If 40 violinists played the same note at once, and a couple played sharper and a couple played flatter, you'd likely notice there were people playing sharp, and not notice there were people playing flat. High(er) pitch works.

She seems oblivious that the kindergarten voice sounds weird as hell to adults though.

  • Love 4

It's funny because I was just watching a Jackie Kennedy biopic on Reelz. They said that as a teen, Jackie's father instructed her to speak in a breathy, stilted, slow voice because it would make her more appealing to men. I can't help but see the parallels to Michelle's baby voice. I'll give Jackie a pass because she was raised in a different time, but as women we no longer have to play dumb so men won't get their fragile egos bruised. Speak normally, Michelle.

  • Love 10

"Keeping Sweet" voices are the worst, though, since the content is so often vapid as well. I actually would like to find out that Michelle is a raving beast off camera.


Parallel to this, I hope that JB and MEchelle both let loose with a string of expletives when discussing Joshie's activities!  Oh, to be the proverbial fly on the wall...

  • Love 4

It's funny because I was just watching a Jackie Kennedy biopic on Reelz. They said that as a teen, Jackie's father instructed her to speak in a breathy, stilted, slow voice because it would make her more appealing to men. I can't help but see the parallels to Michelle's baby voice. I'll give Jackie a pass because she was raised in a different time, but as women we no longer have to play dumb so men won't get their fragile egos bruised. Speak normally, Michelle.

There is a difference though - there is nothing sexy in Michelle's baby voice.  It's a child's voice, not that of a soft spoken woman in any way, but truly of a small child.

  • Love 6

There is a difference though - there is nothing sexy in Michelle's baby voice.  It's a child's voice, not that of a soft spoken woman in any way, but truly of a small child.

I thought Jackie Kennedy sounded more developmentally disabled than sexy. Not unlike Mechelle.

Edited by Purpose to defraud
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Jim Bob says to let Jesus take the wheel. Also remove sensual material from the house. There goes my candy stash.

Wow, the Duggars never cease to amaze me. The first born son is at cult camp for cheating on his wife with porn & prostitutes, and JB is giving advice on how to spiritually lead his family. Next up, Mama Kardashian is going to give advice for how not to sexualize women.

  • Love 20



Jim Bob says to let Jesus take the wheel. Also remove sensual material from the house. There goes my candy stash.


JB is raising a litter of 18 socially and emotionally-stunted, codependent, uneducated, and unemployable "kidults"... Oh, and 1 porn-addicted, cheating pedophile.


I wouldn't use JB's parenting advice on my cat. (And yet, my cat still walks on the kitchen counters way less than his children. The Duggars really need to get a spray bottle for Josie!)

Edited by Guest



Jim Bob says to let Jesus take the wheel. Also remove sensual material from the house. There goes my candy stash.

That article from Jim Bob was published a long time ago, before the molestation reports were published in May.  I wonder why People magazine is bringing that up now?

Wow, the Duggars never cease to amaze me. The first born son is at cult camp for cheating on his wife with porn & prostitutes, and JB is giving advice on how to spiritually lead his family. Next up, Mama Kardashian is going to give advice for how not to sexualize women.


Why the hell are people publishing advice from these people??!!! Anna. JB. Jessa and Ben. Oh, yeah. They know stuff that we all ought to listen to. It's publishing malpractice, even if it is on the freaking internet.

  • Love 7

That article from Jim Bob was published a long time ago, before the molestation reports were published in May.  I wonder why People magazine is bringing that up now?



Because the Duggars reposted it on their FB page this morning as if it were new material. 


It's almost like People magazine wants to point out their insanity. Sometimes you wonder if TLC/People go along with a lot of stuff and hope viewers pick up on some underlying messages.

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Jim Bob says to let Jesus take the wheel. Also remove sensual material from the house.


And the comments in People are brutal (with the exception of one lone leghumper). What the hell is wrong with this guy? That's a rhetorical question; we all know what's wrong with him. He's arrogant, stupid and completely tone-deaf when it comes to gauging how he sounds to other people. After all that's happened, how could he have possibly thought it would be a good move to re-publish an open letter lecturing other fathers on how to raise their children? And that's what it was, a pompous, self-righteous lecture. If he had revised the letter to display even a trace of humility, admitting that he screwed up and cautioning other fathers to avoid his mistakes, this might have helped to restore his tarnished image in some small way. But no, he still thinks he's the world's best father and that dads everywhere are panting to receive his godly wisdom. According to him, the only mistake he and Michelle ever made was using birth control, which caused her to have a miscarriage. Oh, yes, he trotted that one out again.

Edited by Albanyguy
  • Love 6

Your comment leads me to an interesting question - one that I don't think the Duggars have ever addressed, nor has Gothard, and, because of the implications, will probably never be answered...


If Michelle is really done with the "season of life" where she's fertile, and menopause has finally put an end to her days of popping out blessings, does that mean that sex is no longer on the table ? Because sex is for procreation only, or however they say it ? 


Not that this is MY point of view, of course ! I'm all for the sexy time regardless of age or views on procreation ! I'm the one with the boyfriend that's 12 years younger than me, so...  ;)


But seriously...is the bump-and-grind over because there won't be any more babies ? 


I really can't see JimBoob ever, ever adhering to that kind of rule. I'm positive that there is some kind of special Gothard dispensation that allows the headship to "avail" himself of the helpmeet because, men. They have needs, y'all. Just like, uh...Jesus said. Or something.

I have wondered about this too. And what about sex with an already pregnant wife? Not for procreation. A waste of seed?

  • Love 2

Does Jim Bob have a problem with his family appearing in People, along with photos of persons with cleavage showing and whatnot?

I believe he thinks there is no such thing as imagination. If you remove external stimuli, the kids will NOT imagine anything sexual, apparently.

if Jesus is taking the wheel, does that mean JB should quit trying to control everyone? Or is he Jesus on earth now? Ugh.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 5

According to him, the only mistake he and Michelle ever made was using birth control, which caused her to have a miscarriage. Oh, yes, he trotted that one out again.

But the comment totally makes sense because miscarriages never happened before the hormonal birth control pills were invented.

<insert major eyeroll in case sarcasm does not come through>

  • Love 12

Duggars giving advice? Makes about as much sense as the marriage/life/love class a nun taught at the Catholic high school I went to.


Well, I don't know your nun personally, but, thinking of nuns in general, it's possible that she may at least have had an education, an IQ over 90 and some common sense and concern for others. Meanwhile, besides his complete lack of specific qualifications for giving parenting advice, Jim Bob has no general qualifications betokening any modicum of sense, either. I'm afraid I'd have to give the superior-advice tiebreak to the nun.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 12

And the comments in People are brutal (with the exception of one lone leghumper). What the hell is wrong with this guy? That's a rhetorical question; we all know what's wrong with him. He's arrogant, stupid and completely tone-deaf when it comes to gauging how he sounds to other people. After all that's happened, how could he have possibly thought it would be a good move to re-publish an open letter lecturing other fathers on how to raise their children? And that's what it was, a pompous, self-righteous lecture. If he had revised the letter to display even a trace of humility, admitting that he screwed up and cautioning other fathers to avoid his mistakes, this might have helped to restore his tarnished image in some small way. But no, he still thinks he's the world's best father and that dads everywhere are panting to receive his godly wisdom. According to him, the only mistake he and Michelle ever made was using birth control, which caused her to have a miscarriage. Oh, yes, he trotted that one out again.

a well known side effect of famewhoreitis is extreme delusions. It makes one believe that people still give a shit about what you think and that people will believe whatever revisionist history you start babbling. It's also passed along to the offspring of the famewhore. In some cases, the famewhoring of the offspring can be worse than the root famewhore. See jessa seewald, Jill Dillard, and Josh duggar. Sadly there is no known cure.

See bravo tv listings for more famewhore examples. TLC is another famewhore resource.

Edited by toodles
  • Love 16

It is painfully obvious that these misguided idiots want to believe they are role models. I suppose the only way they can cling to that delusion is by removing all worldly influences so they can't be reminded that they are actually the sludge at the bottom of the barrel when it comes to real ethics and morality.

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Anyone who takes JB or MeChelle's advise on parenting needs their heads examined and should be reported to the authorities.  I wish all the magazines would stop publishing anything and everything on all the Duggars.  They fail to realize their influence on most people is nil.  I agree with CH,  I went to Catholic school and all the nun were required to have college degrees, So, I would also give the edge on parenting advise to the nuns.

  • Love 6

Someone should try to explain to Jim Bob the difference between sensual and sexual. Or stop posting all those defrauding pictures of the family enjoying ice cream sundaes and Starbucks lattes.

There was a seen in Animal House where an older woman tells Tim Matheson character the difference between sexual and sensual in the produce aisle, a cucumber was used as a prop.

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Josh gives family advice, JB gives parenting advice, virgin daughters who have never dated give dating and relationship advice. They follow a religion where an old virgin gives procreating advice while encouraging jealous teen girls with foot massage. Advice for everyone. Why isn't People commenting on the Gothard statements about girls being jealous (include pic of Gothard), and his explanation for counselling footsie?

  • Love 15
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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