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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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For someone that claims to love the domestic life, Michelle is clueless. Try not to get any marker residue in your eggs, Jessa. Gross.

Michelle has the cooking skills of someone in their teens or early 20s. So right around the time she hooked up with Jim Bob. From then on, it was canned this, frozen that. Then she passed on her culinary skillz to her daughters.

No wonder Jessa can't cook because she had no one to teach her except an emotionally stunted mother.

  • Love 2

Oh yes, Gordon Ramsey would have a lot to say, and I think I can anticipate his language.  Hey, I can't cook either.  Despite watching Gordon all the time.  I think you just put a little bit of food on a big plate, make it look nice, and call it a day.  

Michelle is a queen compared to crazy Jill Rodrigues.  That woman should be taken away and put someplace in lockup.

  • Love 5

That would be great if Gordon Ramsey visited the Duggars while cooking, and I'd love to see Jeff Lewis and Jenny Pulos visit for a decorating consultation.

Okay - now that would be must see TV. Can you imagine Jeff - openly gay -and Jenni - married for the second time - walking in and watching the Duggar's reaction?

  • Love 6

They haven't spoken about Josh in three months.  I wonder how long they are going to ignore his existence.

He's shunned for the time being.  If it wasn't for him and the truth coming out JB and Michelle could still be walking around like the saintly best parents in the world they think they are.

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 8

He's shunned for the time being.  If it wasn't for him and the truth coming out JB and Michelle could still be walking around like the saintly best parents in the world they think they are.

Of course this begs the question: How many people knew about what was really going on at the Duggars' house and remained silent over the years?

  • Love 4

Their "congregation" knew because Josh was made to confess before them. Though they were most likely told that it was all over by the time of the confession and since this lot seem to have zero understanding of how the human psyche works they accepted his confession and "forgave" him. And once you've forgiven someone it's apparently considered a bit gauche to ever bring it up again... clean slate and whatnot.

  • Love 3

Back to Page 6 [i've only recently discovered the Duggars and this forum; sorry to rehash old topics.]- J'Chelle was teaching anatomy??? I'd like to see that lesson. Are the boys told to Nike through the whole thing? "Now, kiddos, at the top of a body there's a head. You can see that a girl has a countenance on the front! Coun - ten - ance! Isn't it sweet! At the bottom there are feet! These are purposed for walking through experiences. These feet are wearing flip-flops! They are per-pen-dic-u-lar to the floor! [Linking to Maths.] Let's sing an educational song now, to help us remember our anatomy. Head, shoulders, below-the-knees and toes, below-the-knees and toes..."

  • Love 23

Back to Page 6 [i've only recently discovered the Duggars and this forum; sorry to rehash old topics.]- J'Chelle was teaching anatomy??? I'd like to see that lesson. Are the boys told to Nike through the whole thing? "Now, kiddos, at the top of a body there's a head. You can see that a girl has a countenance on the front! Coun - ten - ance! Isn't it sweet! At the bottom there are feet! These are purposed for walking through experiences. These feet are wearing flip-flops! They are per-pen-dic-u-lar to the floor! [Linking to Maths.] Let's sing an educational song now, to help us remember our anatomy. Head, shoulders, below-the-knees and toes, below-the-knees and toes..."

Hee, I don't think Michelle puts as much effort into as you did. ;^)
  • Love 10

I wonder if Dim Bulb and Meeeeechelle are finding it hard to talk and be together. This "new season of life" for Meeeeeeeeechelle must be difficult to adjust, slowly entering menopause, middle age and all that.

She hasn't been pregnant for over 5 years and even she and DB must realise that this is it. That leaves very little else.


There's only 5 more kids under 13, as per a poster on Facebook and that made me think. Granted, the youngest is 5 and technically, they will have plenty of opportunity to be parents and bring them up, but her babymaking days are forever gone.


So what's left for them as a couple? Sex? I believe that will be less of an issue, even given Dim Bulb's obvious need for it. Even he is getting older after all. Do they talk? Doubt it. There's only so much pseudo religious crap you can talk.


I do wonder if they are growing apart somewhat. It feels like the family is kind of falling apart at the seams, where everyone does whatever really. Something about the video with Josie touched me. Normally, I can't stand that child, but this time, I don't know. There was something, she wasn't being her usual disturbed self, seemed a little more "mature" and the way she said "nobody" seemed to speak to me of neglect and uncaring surroundings.

  • Love 6

I'm reading a book right now called The Social Conquest of Earth, and the chapter I'm on now is talking about Chiefdoms, ruled by "big men" who are only replaced upon debility or death. It includes this: "It is to the advantage of chiefs to micromanage the affairs of their domain, delegating as little authority as possible in order to reduce the chance of insurrection or fission. Common tactics include the suppression of underlings and the formenting of fear of rival chiefdoms."

How much does that sound like the way JB operates.

  • Love 16

I do wonder if they are growing apart somewhat. It feels like the family is kind of falling apart at the seams, where everyone does whatever really. Something about the video with Josie touched me. Normally, I can't stand that child, but this time, I don't know. There was something, she wasn't being her usual disturbed self, seemed a little more "mature" and the way she said "nobody" seemed to speak to me of neglect and uncaring surroundings.

Wow, did you NAIL that, MunichNark ! Watching Josie on the piano in that video gave me chills up my spine. She has a look, can really describe it, but a certain knowing look, that reminds me of Jodie Foster as a child. She seemed distant, disconnected, and very far away despite boring holes into the camera with her eyes.


It also bothered me that she was flat-palming the piano keys cross-handed, banging out something that sounded somewhat melodic but was obviously not a real tune produced by any real lessons, while someone in the background was droning on cheerfully on how good it was, and then asked who has been teaching her. 


The voice sounded very much like Jessa's. I'd bet my life savings it was her - her voice was as flat and sad as the look on Josie's face. I think the Littles are all so depressed and despondent that two SisterMoms have left, and the remaining SisterMoms are so exhausted and put-upon that they don't have the time to give anyone any attention whatsoever. So goes the SOTDRT and the music lessons...


Of course, their "real" mother has been there occasionally, in between going to a dozen out-of-state conferences, giving interviews on how she trusted in the Lord to forgive her son the child molester, and running to Starbucks, even with those ungodly, heathen red cups !


Oh, JimBob and Michelle - what have you done ? What have you done ?

  • Love 10

Where is this video you're talking about? I must have missed it.

On the official Duggar Facebook site - there's a video that has Josie pictured on the left-hand side of the page - just scroll down a bit. She's sitting at the piano...


Hope that's enough for you to find it - I'm pretty bad at giving directions ;)

  • Love 2

I love Josie.  That child had to fight so hard to survive when the idiots who were so obsessed with having 20 children that they risked her health conceiving her.  Watching her when she had her seizure, knowing that wasn't the first time, and not one of her family members had a clue about how to take care of her.  Jim Bob and Michelle are horrible people and really did their beautiful children a disservice in the way they've neglected them in every area of their lives.

  • Love 12

I'm only sorry we probably won't see any news organization brave enough to go after Jim Boob and J-Chelle re: the fact their kids are a profit center instead of a family, especially since the publicity machine seems to be firing up for the "special" (which is a thinly veiled trial balloon to get 19KAC back on the air).

  • Love 6

You have to wonder about Michelle - after 19 children (plus Jubilee) where Michelle was the star for each birth and the Wonderful Mother of the Year - and then it all stops.  Her daughters start taking center stage, and Michelle after 20 years of pregnancy - everything stops for her.  Just joking of course but I can picture her being desperate enough for the pregnancy/delivery/mother of the year wonderful woman attention fix, to make up some story on some board somewhere to get that  attention fix. 

  • Love 6

On the official Duggar Facebook site - there's a video that has Josie pictured on the left-hand side of the page - just scroll down a bit. She's sitting at the piano...


Hope that's enough for you to find it - I'm pretty bad at giving directions ;)


There it is! Thank you, your directions were perfect. ;)


She looks like she hasn't slept well in a while or has been ill; kids don't usually have dark circles around their eyes like that, do they? Or maybe it's just her natural paleness that makes it look like she's got dark circles idk.

  • Love 1

There it is! Thank you, your directions were perfect. ;)


She looks like she hasn't slept well in a while or has been ill; kids don't usually have dark circles around their eyes like that, do they? Or maybe it's just her natural paleness that makes it look like she's got dark circles idk.

That's a really sad video.  It looks like no one has brushed that child's hair in a week.  Plus, she says that nobody is helping her play the piano.  She looks sad and neglected.  Why would they post that video?

  • Love 4

That's a really sad video.  It looks like no one has brushed that child's hair in a week.  Plus, she says that nobody is helping her play the piano.  She looks sad and neglected.  Why would they post that video?

Because they are that clueless and blind. The unkempt look is so normal for them that nobody sees it. And they have no idea how neglected the kids are, so Josie saying "nobody" is heard by them as a kid who amazingly can play a tune without a lesson.

  • Love 7

That's a really sad video.  It looks like no one has brushed that child's hair in a week.  Plus, she says that nobody is helping her play the piano.  She looks sad and neglected.  Why would they post that video?


My guess is that they pay so little attention to children -- or anyone, other than their own damn selves -- that JB and M wouldn't recognize a sad and neglected-looking person if there was a sign saying as much hanging around the person's neck. They probably just think it's a cute video showing off Miracle Josie's musical talents (which she could use on your upcoming renewed Duggar reality show, TLC!)

  • Love 6
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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