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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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I wonder if Boob and J'Chelle feel like idiots about preaching about how evil the outside world is, but in reality their kids were probably safer in the outside world, then in their own home.


I don't think they'll ever feel like idiots.


Their blame-everybody-else reflex is way too strong. We are the idiots. They are the godly people that Satan is determined to destroy.

  • Love 9

It's a six month program of "labor and intense Bible study".

There are no licensed physicians at this 'treatment' center!

They aren't even allowed to talk about what led them there.  They work for RU.  It's like this place is purposely (I hate that word now) not taking any responsibility to help these people while they do labor for them full time. It's so sick.  If you have what they call 'post rape depression' you get to work for them!  That'll teach you to be happy about it next time.  It's beyond sick.  Josh has Zero chance of getting help here.

  • Love 5

They aren't even allowed to talk about what led them there.  They work for RU.  It's like this place is purposely (I hate that word now) not taking any responsibility to help these people while they do labor for them full time. It's so sick.  If you have what they call 'post rape depression' you get to work for them!  That'll teach you to be happy about it next time.  It's beyond sick.  Josh has Zero chance of getting help here.


So essentially they've sent Josh to stay sweet camp?

  • Love 8

All of Boob and Michelle's talk about 'character qualities' has really bit them in the ass. I take much satisfaction in knowing that when Boob wakes up everyday, that yuk-yuk smirk is wiped off his face. I have satisfaction that everyone knows their dirty little secrets. I also take satisfaction in knowing that Boob and Mullet will always feel slightly uncomfortable when they go out in public now ; always waiting for the next shoe to drop. They will always wonder 'Is that person going to sell me out to the tabloids?' or 'Did Josh sleep with that young lady?'

For anyone else, I would have some pity but not for these two. They've been living in their perfect little Gothard bubble for so long. Now the tide has turned and they're getting a dose of what they've dished out to others, including their children. They've made their children confess every thought and emotion including sexual thoughts. Now the public knows their sexual and religious views and I hope it makes them squirm.

As a parent who thought she raised her child correctly, and then that child ended up doing unbelievable things, I respectfully disagree.  I feel sorry for them.  Whether you agree with them or not (and I do not), they thought they were doing right by their child.  I am sure they are heartsick over all this.  My problem comes with the fact that they still have not gotten him the professional help he needs.  There are qualified, certified, professional Christian counselors  to whom they could turn if they didn't want to use more secular services.  And, to my way of thinking, JB and Michelle should just stay out of this.  Josh is 27...an adult.  Unless he specifically asked for their help, he and Anna should deal with this by themselves (difficult due to the publicity, but not impossible).  JB and Michelle should certainly give support to Anna, but that's it.  Just my opinion as someone who has been there.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
  • Love 19

Reading all of these comments on how Jim Boob and Michelle will double down on their Gothard ways and tighten the reins even more makes me wonder if they realized Josh's problems started before he went out into the big, bad world? I don't follow them closely, but didn't Josh molest his sisters before the hoopla started with reality tv (or right when it was beginning)? Wouldn't that mean those problems were already starting way before the outside world was opened up to those kids?

  • Love 3

As a parent who thought they raised their child correctly, and then that child ended up doing unbelievable things, I respectfully disagree.  I feel sorry for them.  Whether you agree with them or not (and I do not), they thought they were doing right by their child.  I am sure they are heartsick over all this.  My problem comes with the fact that they still have not gotten him the professional help he needs.  There are qualified, certified, professional Christian counselors  to whom they could turn if they didn't want to use more secular services.  And, to my way of thinking, JB and Michelle should just stay out of this.  Josh is 27...an adult.  Unless he specifically asked for their help, he and Anna should deal with this by themselves (difficult due to the publicity, but not impossible).  JB and Michelle should certainly give support to Anna, but that's it.  Just my opinion as someone who has been there.

Parenting can be a crapshoot for sure. And I agree the Duggar parents are probably heartsick. Yet I believe they are probably equally as distressed over this ruining their brand as well, and that bugs me.


I hope your child is doing better now. And one thing I tell the folks I work with is: Parents can't take every credit for all their children's accomplishments, nor should they always take the blame for their mistakes.

  • Love 16

Parenting can be a crapshoot for sure. And I agree the Duggar parents are probably heartsick. Yet I believe they are probably equally as distressed over this ruining their brand as well, and that bugs me.


I hope your child is doing better now. And one thing I tell the folks I work with is: Parents can't take every credit for all their children's accomplishments, nor should they always take the blame for their mistakes.

Well, he's doing better, but not great by my standards.  And he is an adult now, so he's on his own.  He married a woman who seems to be good to and for him.  I'm grateful for that.  And as Jim Gaffigan says when he introduces himself to his audience, "My wife and I have two wonderful kids (applause and whistles from the audience)...and another kid."  It's a crap shoot.

Edited by Ilovemylabs
  • Love 3

Michelle on the Duggar Family Official FB page on Josiah's birthday, following a generic family "happy birthday" post:


"Michelle here--I've thought all day about our Josiah and wanted to add a few thoughts to the family post we put up for his birthday this morning!

We love you so much!
You are an encourager and can brighten up any room you walk into!
You have made a big impact in all of our lives.
Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!
We are so blessed to have you in our family!
Mom (dad and family agree too!)"


She "thought all day" and this is all she could come up with? It's so pathetic because it's not any more meaningful or specific to who Josiah is as an individual than the original post. You could substitute the name of any of the others here and still have the description fit. I don't doubt that Michelle has no idea about who her children really are as individuals, but these kids were also intentionally raised in a way that discourages or to a large extent eliminates individuality. And both these facts are equally sad.

  • Love 13

She posted a picture of Josiah being held as a baby with one of the kids,she probably does not own a picture holding him herself!

A good PR person could have dissuaded them from posting that particular photo ;) But I think most of the time, it's not either JB or Michelle posting at all but one of the kids (most likely Jessa or Jinger).

  • Love 2

Michelle on the Duggar Family Official FB page on Josiah's birthday, following a generic family "happy birthday" post:

"Michelle here--I've thought all day about our Josiah and wanted to add a few thoughts to the family post we put up for his birthday this morning!


We love you so much!

You are an encourager and can brighten up any room you walk into!

You have made a big impact in all of our lives.

Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!

We are so blessed to have you in our family!


Mom (dad and family agree too!)"

She "thought all day" and this is all she could come up with? It's so pathetic because it's not any more meaningful or specific to who Josiah is as an individual than the original post. You could substitute the name of any of the others here and still have the description fit. I don't doubt that Michelle has no idea about who her children really are as individuals, but these kids were also intentionally raised in a way that discourages or to a large extent eliminates individuality. And both these facts are equally sad.

"Has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord" -- what was challenging? You sent him away to ALERT instead of working through the challenge with him.

BTW, what a shitty thing to say during a birthday message. That's the "keep it sweet" version too.

  • Love 15
Michelle on the Duggar Family Official FB page on Josiah's birthday, following a generic family "happy birthday" post:

"Michelle here--I've thought all day about our Josiah and wanted to add a few thoughts to the family post we put up for his birthday this morning!


We love you so much!

You are an encourager and can brighten up any room you walk into!

You have made a big impact in all of our lives.

Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!

We are so blessed to have you in our family!


Mom (dad and family agree too!)"

She "thought all day" and this is all she could come up with? It's so pathetic because it's not any more meaningful or specific to who Josiah is as an individual than the original post. You could substitute the name of any of the others here and still have the description fit. I don't doubt that Michelle has no idea about who her children really are as individuals, but these kids were also intentionally raised in a way that discourages or to a large extent eliminates individuality. And both these facts are equally sad.




Is "encourager" even a real word ?! I mean outside of DuggarLand ? Sounds like something out of George Orwell's "1984". Double Plus Encourage. 

Cheese on toast, it took her ALL day to come up with this applies-to-all claptrap ? Needed to be said again, Graefin ! Loved your post, but I think I mucked up the quoting box, so my apologies if I didn't give you proper credit :)

Her message is like buying a picture frame at Hobby Lobby or a wallet at Macy's and keeping the comes-with-it photo of a cute kid catching a fish on Whatever Beach or a generically attractive couple at their wedding and then just keeping it "as is" to be displayed or whipped out of your purse like a trophy. 

When I was 13 going on 14 I was a total late 60's - 70's music junkie (still am, and proudly so !) and I was OBSESSED with The Doors, Rush, the Rolling Stones, The Who, and on and on. For my birthday party (at home, friends and family, cake, soda pop, balloons and streamers - no frills but it was awesome !) I received nothing but record albums of the bands I loved, t-shirts with the band logos on them, and my dad had the very nice lady at the bakery make a cake with the Doors logo on it ! I was in Heaven !

My family and friends knew me. They "got" me, and it showed in their kind, well-thought, personal gifts. I still have most of them  :)

Michelle Duggar - you do not "get" your kids. You don't "know" your children. For shame, woman. For SHAME.

Even if the J-Crew are almost too many to keep track of, I'm positive that a normal human being (and parent !) would have picked up on SOME clue as to personality, likes/dislikes, and character of her own children after more than two decades, and been able to differentiate one J-Kid from another. But, alas, no. I think we here, at this site and many others, seem to actually "know" the kids better than Michelle does !

The part where she recognizes one of her "blessings" as an individual, a flesh and blood human, original to and of itself, and not just part of the DuggarBorg, isn't ever going to happen, is it ?


It's bleak, I tell ya. Effing bleak.

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 21

Exactly. And, worse, this is the exact same thing they same about every kid. This is why I don't believe for a second that JB and M are truly "heartsick" over what's happened with Josh or parents "who try to do the best they can for their children," etc. etc. These two narcissistic, terminally selfish control freaks don't have the slightest idea who their kids are as individuals; neither do they care. They care only about their disgusting family brand and their reputations, money and TeeVee show.


I'm going to have to stop talking and reading about the Duggars, I think, because it's reminding me way too much of how things were and are in my own family. The perpetrators of these crimes against the next generation are not just like you and me, but a little more messed up, as most assume. They're both mentally sick and just plain bad. They're serial killers of children's souls because they have no empathy. Wouldn't surprise me if they're lacking activity in the exact same brain-regions-connected-with-empathy that actual serial killers exhibit, just to a different degree.


They ignored the sexual molestation of their own young daughters, whose "innocence" they supposedly are wild to protect. JB spent a quarter of a million dollars on an idiotic, astronomically egotistical, completely-without-merit-or-tinker's-chance run for the Senate when his dozen-plus kids were crammed into two bedrooms that had less walking room or privacy than a railroad sleeper car. Michelle passed off each of her babies to be raised by another child at age six months so she could get busy on producing a new, nameless, faceless infant to be her badge of honor as MOTY.  Etc. Etc. Etc..... And yet, despite all this, we persist in viewing them as misguided but ultimately loving parents who, if they only truly understood how they were harming their children, would, down deep, feel bad about harms their children have suffered and try to do the right thing. Great steaming mounds of bullshit. They couldn't care less about those kids. Nor ever did. They're the horrifying picture of extreme narcissism, times two. They don't have the same feelings as ordinary people at all. 



Absolutely humbled to be on the same board as you. Humbled

  • Love 7

How about: Si, you have kept us laughing from before you could even talk, and when you starting talking you never stopped. It was amazing to see how you kept up with your older brothers, yet became your own man. You started a trend in the family with bow-ties that has continued with your little brothers who look up to you. I hope as you explore your creativity with film making & graphic arts, you find a career that you love. Love, Mom

Dear GeeGolly,

Would you please adopt me?

Yours in faith, Josiah Duggar

  • Love 23

Is "encourager" even a real word ?! I mean outside of DuggarLand ? Sounds like something out of George Orwell's "1984". Double Plus Encourage. 

Cheese on toast, it took her ALL day to come up with this applies-to-all claptrap ? Needed to be said again, Graefin ! Loved your post, but I think I mucked up the quoting box, so my apologies if I didn't give you proper credit :)

Her message is like buying a picture frame at Hobby Lobby or a wallet at Macy's and keeping the comes-with-it photo of a cute kid catching a fish on Whatever Beach or a generically attractive couple at their wedding and then just keeping it "as is" to be displayed or whipped out of your purse like a trophy. 

When I was 13 going on 14 I was a total late 60's - 70's music junkie (still am, and proudly so !) and I was OBSESSED with The Doors, Rush, the Rolling Stones, The Who, and on and on. For my birthday party (at home, friends and family, cake, soda pop, balloons and streamers - no frills but it was awesome !) I received nothing but record albums of the bands I loved, t-shirts with the band logos on them, and my dad had the very nice lady at the bakery make a cake with the Doors logo on it ! I was in Heaven !

My family and friends knew me. They "got" me, and it showed in their kind, well-thought, personal gifts. I still have most of them  :)

Michelle Duggar - you do not "get" your kids. You don't "know" your children. For shame, woman. For SHAME.

Even if the J-Crew are almost too many to keep track of, I'm positive that a normal human being (and parent !) would have picked up on SOME clue as to personality, likes/dislikes, and character of her own children after more than two decades, and been able to differentiate one J-Kid from another. But, alas, no. I think we here, at this site and many others, seem to actually "know" the kids better than Michelle does !

The part where she recognizes one of her "blessings" as an individual, a flesh and blood human, original to and of itself, and not just part of the DuggarBorg, isn't ever going to happen, is it ?


It's bleak, I tell ya. Effing bleak.

Me too!! My favorite band was and still is The Doors!!  I still have every album.  

Edited by Defrauder
  • Love 5

It's like the opening of 'kid farm' (youtube parody) they introduce the first couple of kids, then speed through to the end. Poor Josiah, not only a middle child, but sent away so often they forgot about you. Then you had that brief plotline, er courtship, that ended with the show.


JB is obsessed with the #'s. MIchelle pooped them out and then her job was done, so they went hand in hand to the creationist museum or polls. I bet he secretly went into his daughters room to look at his newest baby and counted them again. WTF would he do if he got to 21.He would have to start using his buddy's fingers to count.

Edited by sometimesy
  • Love 3

There was an article on the religious page in my hometown newspaper today about God calls us to support education. The article states Christians believe that God creates human beings with the ability to learn, teach and know that God is active in and through education. I am tempted on sending a copy of the article to JB and Michelle, but I do not think they would understand the meaning behind the article.

Is "encourager" even a real word ?! I mean outside of DuggarLand ? Sounds like something out of George Orwell's "1984". Double Plus Encourage. 

Cheese on toast, it took her ALL day to come up with this applies-to-all claptrap ? Needed to be said again, Graefin ! Loved your post, but I think I mucked up the quoting box, so my apologies if I didn't give you proper credit :)

Her message is like buying a picture frame at Hobby Lobby or a wallet at Macy's and keeping the comes-with-it photo of a cute kid catching a fish on Whatever Beach or a generically attractive couple at their wedding and then just keeping it "as is" to be displayed or whipped out of your purse like a trophy. 

When I was 13 going on 14 I was a total late 60's - 70's music junkie (still am, and proudly so !) and I was OBSESSED with The Doors, Rush, the Rolling Stones, The Who, and on and on. For my birthday party (at home, friends and family, cake, soda pop, balloons and streamers - no frills but it was awesome !) I received nothing but record albums of the bands I loved, t-shirts with the band logos on them, and my dad had the very nice lady at the bakery make a cake with the Doors logo on it ! I was in Heaven !

My family and friends knew me. They "got" me, and it showed in their kind, well-thought, personal gifts. I still have most of them  :)

Michelle Duggar - you do not "get" your kids. You don't "know" your children. For shame, woman. For SHAME.

Even if the J-Crew are almost too many to keep track of, I'm positive that a normal human being (and parent !) would have picked up on SOME clue as to personality, likes/dislikes, and character of her own children after more than two decades, and been able to differentiate one J-Kid from another. But, alas, no. I think we here, at this site and many others, seem to actually "know" the kids better than Michelle does !

The part where she recognizes one of her "blessings" as an individual, a flesh and blood human, original to and of itself, and not just part of the DuggarBorg, isn't ever going to happen, is it ?


It's bleak, I tell ya. Effing bleak.

This is probably the best post Ive read on here.


The buying a frame and the default "posed for by models" idea is genius!

  • Love 2

Michelle on the Duggar Family Official FB page on Josiah's birthday, following a generic family "happy birthday" post:


"Michelle here--I've thought all day about our Josiah and wanted to add a few thoughts to the family post we put up for his birthday this morning!


We love you so much!

You are an encourager and can brighten up any room you walk into!

You have made a big impact in all of our lives.

Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!

We are so blessed to have you in our family!


Mom (dad and family agree too!)"


She "thought all day" and this is all she could come up with? It's so pathetic because it's not any more meaningful or specific to who Josiah is as an individual than the original post. You could substitute the name of any of the others here and still have the description fit. I don't doubt that Michelle has no idea about who her children really are as individuals, but these kids were also intentionally raised in a way that discourages or to a large extent eliminates individuality. And both these facts are equally sad.


First of all, why? She is his mother and they live in the same house -- why does she need to put up a FB post to wish her son a Happy Birthday?


So, just for the sake of argument, let's assume that they are just a super-modern tech-savvy family that communicates with each other via FB.


As so many others have pointed out, why could she not come up with ONE personal, meaningful thing to say about her own son and, if she can't, why did she feel the need to post anything? I would expect that most normal mothers would think a bit about their child in the days leading up to the birthday -- not just think about him "all day" -- perhaps while she was buying his present, or planning his party?


As ChurchHoney so aptly pointed out, she appears to be a narcissist without any empathy or normal human emotion. The problem that I have with that is that (it is my understanding that) most narcissists are aware of the norms of human interaction and make an effort to cover for their own lack of emotional connection by at least going through the motions and saying the right words. I think that she is just dead inside. I don't think she feels anything for her children, and she apparently isn't even capable of pretending that she does.


It's really sad that a child has to go through life with this level of emotional neglect -- it's tragic that 19 do. I've said this before, but if the Duggars hoarded and neglected cats or dogs the way they do human children, the civil authorities would have intervened a long time ago. They would have either been put in jail or forced to undergo intensive therapy, and they would have been enjoined from having cats or dogs in their home in the future.

  • Love 17

How about: Si, you have kept us laughing from before you could even talk, and when you starting talking you never stopped. It was amazing to see how you kept up with your older brothers, yet became your own man. You started a trend in the family with bow-ties that has continued with your little brothers who look up to you. I hope as you explore your creativity with film making & graphic arts, you find a career that you love. Love, Mom

Did Kelly Bates write that? j/k

  • Love 4

Did Kelly Bates write that? j/k

K.Bates: Josiah ya'll are still our little chatterbox. I just admire how Daddy can count on you to help with the tree cuttin' cuz I know it's not your favorite thing. You are so dependable, creative, and you put others first. I just love ya Josiah!!! (said with a TN accent)

Edited by GeeGolly
  • Love 6

"Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!"


That doesn't make any sense.  Why would his love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness,& giving spirit, CHALLENGE them in their relationship with the Lord?

It sounds like all of his good qualities somehow made their relationship with 'the Lord' more difficult.  I don't get it.  Wouldn't it be - HELPED US in our relationship with 'the Lord'? Or gave us STRENGTH in our relationship with 'the Lord'?  Or maybe made us feel GLAD in your relationship with 'the Lord'?  

  • Love 12

"Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!"


That doesn't make any sense.  Why would his love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness,& giving spirit, CHALLENGE them in their relationship with the Lord?

It sounds like all of his good qualities somehow made their relationship with 'the Lord' more difficult.  I don't get it.  Wouldn't it be - HELPED US in our relationship with 'the Lord'? Or gave us STRENGTH in our relationship with 'the Lord'?  Or maybe made us feel GLAD in your relationship with 'the Lord'?  

Aside from the poor grammar, can't you just share your love for your kid on his birthday and leave God out of it? 

  • Love 11

"Your love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness, giving spirit, and so much more has challenged us in our relationship with the Lord!"


That doesn't make any sense.  Why would his love for God, humility, diligence, selflessness,& giving spirit, CHALLENGE them in their relationship with the Lord?

It sounds like all of his good qualities somehow made their relationship with 'the Lord' more difficult.  I don't get it.  Wouldn't it be - HELPED US in our relationship with 'the Lord'? Or gave us STRENGTH in our relationship with 'the Lord'?  Or maybe made us feel GLAD in your relationship with 'the Lord'?

THIS. The only other I way I could see through "Michelle's" poor wording is that those particular qualities Josiah exhibits have challenged them to rise to that level in their relationships with the Lord. And forgive ME for that weighty sentence, but it's happy hour. :-)

  • Love 6

I personally don't like long, over-the-top Facebook posts for birthdays, particularly when you live in the same house.  For my closest friends I might post some funny photos of them on their wall but anything personal will be written on a card or said in person. IMO, when someone does an OTT birthday post, it is more for them than the other person.  This is the perfect example of a message that is written more for the audience than the birthday boy/girl.  

But I think it's sad that Josiah's birthday message is basically just an "insert words here" greeting, there was nothing special or individual about it.  These messages always sound like they have dumped a bunch of Gothard words in a hat, pulled them out and put them into a prepared message.  Sweet, strong, blessing, brave, faithful, leader, caring, etc. etc. It's sad that Mechelle couldn't come up with a special memory of Josiah to post, "I still remember when you did XZY" or whatever.  Goes to show how little Mechelle knows about kids 6-18.  

  • Love 12

THIS. The only other I way I could see through "Michelle's" poor wording is that those particular qualities Josiah exhibits have challenged them to rise to that level in their relationships with the Lord. And forgive ME for that weighty sentence, but it's happy hour. :-)

Thanks, now i get it.  I guess Michelle feels that she and JB aren't as selfless, humble and giving as Josiah is.  OK, that makes sense now.  Thanks.

Challenge means that he's setting the bar high so they feel pressure to be better Christians.

Thanks, now I get it.

  • Love 3

If the Duggars' put this "Incident" (I use that term loosely), why are Jill and Jessa on the special about abuse tomorrow? According to them, J'Chelle and Boob, Smugs did nothing wrong. If they don't see themselves as victims of abuse, why are they on a special about it? This family will do anything for a quick buck. It's disgusting. I hope TLC is giving the profits of this show to charities that support abuse victims. That'd be the right thing to do.

  • Love 6

If the Duggars' put this "Incident" (I use that term loosely), why are Jill and Jessa on the special about abuse tomorrow? According to them, J'Chelle and Boob, Smugs did nothing wrong. If they don't see themselves as victims of abuse, why are they on a special about it? This family will do anything for a quick buck. It's disgusting. I hope TLC is giving the profits of this show to charities that support abuse victims. That'd be the right thing to do.


Quick pat over the clothes, they were asleep, didn't notice anything, needed to be told by Josh, don't feel like victims at all, the nasty media attention made them victims all over again (uh yeah they said they didn't notice anything).... So what are they going to do on that special?

  • Love 4
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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