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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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Mullet had baby Josie watching an educational video on the computer when she was less than six months old.

J'Chelle can let her watch all the ATI approved videos. Won't help much. Children learn the most through interaction with other adults, preferably their parents. It's so important that the parents talk a lot to and with their children. You can start that before they can even talk. I always do this when I'm looking after my cousins two young sons. Even when they couldn't talk themselves, I always spoke to them, explained what I was doing, showed them things, asked them questions, played with them, went through countless picture books with them and so on. So did their parents and everyone else in our family. And it paid off. Of course they had and have a lot of friends their age to play with, but that doesn't replace parental or adult attention and care. And I think the Duggar kids (especially the younger ones) heavily lack in that department.

One thing Michelle does do well is talk to her babies when they are babies. But after that little six month babymoon, she's so over them.

I watched the episode today when she came home from Little Rock- not one hug or kiss to any of the children she had been away from for so long. But it looked like they didn't expect her to hug them either, they just stood and looked at her before looking at Josie.

I need to stop watching the older shows because her lack of affection towards her kids makes me sad.

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One thing Michelle does do well is talk to her babies when they are babies. But after that little six month babymoon, she's so over them.

I watched the episode today when she came home from Little Rock- not one hug or kiss to any of the children she had been away from for so long. But it looked like they didn't expect her to hug them either, they just stood and looked at her before looking at Josie.

I need to stop watching the older shows because her lack of affection towards her kids makes me sad.

Yeah, well, that's the problem. J'Chelle and Boob should talk to them and frequently interact with them individually from when they are small babies until they are adults. But they don't. And it shows with the little ones imo.

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I've been reading a thread on FJ about which Duggar kid will be the first to rebel. It got me thinking, and then it occurred to me that it might not be one of the kids at all, it might be J'chelle. I realize that it sounds far-fetched, but I think it's a real possibility.


Like many posters here, I think it is J'chelle, rather than JB, who is the fanatic. I think most of this dog and pony show is hers -- all the kids, the "modest" clothes, courting, etc. I think it's the fanatic devotion to the cause, rather than the cause itself that is more defining of her personality. I have a couple of friends who are like this. Their world revolves around something for a while, then it doesn't. It has been replaced by something new that is just as earth-shatteringly important to them, and the other thing is forgotten. They aren't religious, or New Age adherents, or vegans -- they're just obsessive fanatics.


J'chelle is approaching 50 and can no longer have children. We're getting a very awkward and unpleasant front row seat to how difficult this has been for her to process. It's not uncommon for middle-aged people to have a "mid-life crisis" and go a completely different direction in their lives. Gothardism / Quiverfull were perfect for J'chelle when she was popping out babies. She was doing "God's work" and doing it better than almost anyone else. Now -- in the world she has chosen to live in -- she has no value. I think she is too self-centered to stand for that. I don't forsee her settling into her "new season of life" and enjoying her grandbabies. 


It will be interesting to see how this all plays out, but I really don't think that 20 years from now JB and J;chelle will be a happily married couple with 19 kids who are all living as fundies and raising their own brood of 12+ kids . . .

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It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that in the years to come, Jim Bob AND Michelle will age and slow down just like the rest of us sinners. God's favor doesn't keep you eternally youthful and energetic. They, too, will have difficulty keeping up this multiple kid at home lifestyle and won't have the energy to micromanage every breath their blessings draw. I doubt that they will care much when the younger girls are old enough to be "courted" if they still think this archaic, inane idea is still a good one.


Michelle and Jim Bob, IMO, didn't really do any thinking about the future. These two need to be sat down by Mary Duggar and have a good talking to about what the future will bring in terms of their own health and energy level. Jim Bob needs to quit "leaving it up to Michelle" about the number of babies they call into this world with every "encounter" they share. At some point, it's just not a good idea and is nature for all of us.He needs to "be the husband here" and take the bull by the horns and use some precautions, maybe NFP, at least that's nothing artificial. The noise level alone, will be harder for them to tolerate as they age.


As far as flip flops go, it seems to be part of their "uniform". Nice leather flip flops look nice with casual summer dresses and shorts, but those rubber "beach shoes" as they used to be called are the worst. My opinion is that it keeps the girls from running away. They certainly are hardly ever properly dressed for their activities..starting from construction work on their house clothed in flowing skirts, improper footwear, long, unrestrained hair on up to mountain climbing in rubber beach sandals. I blame their parents for these inappropriate clothing choices from when they were young.

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I saw the Jubilee funeral episode this morning...very sad....as a mother? I felt for Michelle...I have lost a child....but it made me like Jim Bob a hair bit more...not a bunch...just a hair bit...watching him trying to deal with it and crying almost....."almost" made him seem human.....I was puzzled by the wooden box packed into a metal artillery box( My husband is a civilian marksman so we have tons of these "ammo cans" around.....I thought a "casket" had to be in a vault....

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@floridamom -- I do agree that they are all over courtships right now because it's their first few kids getting married. Once they're on kid number 15, they will be so over the process of looking for a suitor who is a Godly young man with mission experience etc. and frankly it'll be harder for them to set up businesses etc. because how many used car lots, towing companies etc. does their small town need. The younger kids may get to de facto date with the girls being warned that Daddy will only give a hand in marriage to a guy who can provide. As with everything in this family, the younger kids may have it easier because they may actually be able to meet guys who are compatible, college grads -- and be able to hang with them without mom and dad chaperoning every conversation. The older kids in that family have gotten the short end of the stick as the parents are young and zealous enough to enforce their views right now -- which will cause some of the older girls to get stuck with guys like Ben.

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I don't think Michelle or Jim Bob will ever truly leave the Gothard religion. Even if they calm down in some of their extreme beliefs, it's too much of a part of their identify for either of them to give it up. MIchelle got into this with Jim Bob when she was all of 15, right? That's more than her entire adult life so I don't see much changing for these two, even in 20 years. The only thing that will be different is that they may well have a lot of adult children living in their house by then, from their mid twenties to their late 40's. That won't be easy for any of them...can you imagine even if they have say, 4 girls and 4 boys home, sharing a bedroom at that age??

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I don't think Michelle or Jim Bob will ever truly leave the Gothard religion. Even if they calm down in some of their extreme beliefs, it's too much of a part of their identify for either of them to give it up. 

That and their egos are entirely too big to let go of their places as the Beyonce and Jay Z of the Fundy world. 

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I also don't think that J'Chelle and Boob will ever truly leave the ATI cult. If more scandals about Gothard will become public, I can see them slightly distance themselves from him (along with other famous ATI people like the Bates), but that's about it. I can imagine that they will become a bit more liberal and tired of controlling the lives of their younger children as much as they did with the older ones. But other than that, I don't see them ever leaving the ATI variety of fundie land. Because for them, leaving their cult would entail realizing and admitting (even if only to themselves) that they spend all their adult life following rules and convictions that were harmful to their children and (gasp) might not even be as biblical as Gothard claims. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.

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There was conjecture on another Duggar thread that JimBob had "thugs" that confront people. It may have been a joke, but I wasn't certain. Is there some thought that JimBob strong arms people and especially uses others to do so? I'm not a fan of their philosophy nor life style, but I hadn't seen anything that suggested this before. Any thoughts? 

mbutterfly, if you are referring to my post in the Benessa thread, I meant JimBob or the TLC goons talking to Ben (or strongly warning him) about appropriate online behavior if he is to remain as part of the courtship and/or show. Both Boob and TLC seem to want protect the Duggar image, most likely for financial reasons, so I can see that happening.  Sorry, I didn't mean that JimBob had gangsters threatening Ben's life or anything! LOL!

Thanks, starfire for replying. I didn't want to make it a comment about JimBob on the Benessa thread. I do see what you meant about TLC. JimBob is a doofus and pretty controlling. And I can easily imagine his trying to personally intimidate people (heck, we pretty nearly saw it with Ben), but I didn't see him as enlisting others in this way. But you had me wondering. 

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I also don't think that J'Chelle and Boob will ever truly leave the ATI cult. If more scandals about Gothard will become public, I can see them slightly distance themselves from him (along with other famous ATI people like the Bates), but that's about it. I can imagine that they will become a bit more liberal and tired of controlling the lives of their younger children as much as they did with the older ones. But other than that, I don't see them ever leaving the ATI variety of fundie land. Because for them, leaving their cult would entail realizing and admitting (even if only to themselves) that they spend all their adult life following rules and convictions that were harmful to their children and (gasp) might not even be as biblical as Gothard claims. I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.

I agree. They have showed no signs of leaving Gothardism. They have not made any public statements about the scandals that I know of, but rather, have continued to be involved in gothard events such ad Big Sandy and iblp/ati conferences, etc. This really bothers me. I think if they are going to publicly promote gothard's ideas and lifestyles, then they should also publicly address these scandals. That would be responsible thing to do. I won't hold my breath. Edited by googlybear
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So to marry a Duggar, JimBoob requires the person join his church or it's a no-go? Or do they normally do this willingly while they are being brainwashed during the pre-courting and courting process? So, Jill would not be allowed to join whatever church Derick was affiliated with, Ben has to quit his church, and so on?

Yes, her voice has become so affected and fake all the time.  It used to be that way only when speaking to the "little ones".  I have a feeling she thinks this makes her sound more "sweet", that and psychotropic medication may be involved.

Her voice was sort of normal because, if you follow the timeline she talks about in her book, she read something about whispering to get the kids' attention. On the very first website they had, they recommended some of the Pearls' books. She also copped to having some anger issues with the 14 under 16 she.had at that time. She read about speaking in a "still, small voice" to train the kids to listen and to train her not to flip out. The consequence of sounding like an FLDS sisterwife with a Valium prescription was just a bonus for Jim Bob.

I agree. They have showed no signs of leaving Gothardism. They have not made any public statements about the scandals that I know of, but rather, have continued to be involved in gothard events such ad Big Sandy and iblp/ati conferences, etc. This really bothers me. I think if they are going to publicly promote gothard's ideas and lifestyles, then they should also publicly address these scandals. That would be responsible thing to do. I won't hold my breath.

They will NEVER speak out against Got hard or AT I. These AT I families pump thousands, if not millions, into the hive pocketbook. A lot of these families are absolutely dependent on the business of Quiverful/patriarchy/fundamentalism. How many websites do these families run to pat each other on the back and "righteously encourage" each other? How many books have we heard about? How many camps, seminars, marriage/gender retreat, modest attire, text books, homeschooling resources, time management products, and other insular businesses do these people own? A lot of the AT I royalty have eschewed real employment to create cottage industries around their shared belief systems. Do you believe any of them want that tit to dry up?

Short of murder, I'm not sure there is anything that would make any of them leave Got hard behind (at least, publically).

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I am still under the impression that 17 year old Michelle stopped maturing at that age. I bet dollars to doughnuts that 17 year old Michelle when sitting in English 4 as a senior, was NOT paying attention to The Iliad and the Odyssey, but dreaming of her wedding to Jim Bob which was impending. All growth had stopped for her at that time, as did her education and her quest for ANY knowledge outside of the Bible and Gothardism. I really don't believe that she was qualified at any point to have instructed her children in any academic subjects whatsoever.

This real estate license that she obtained 30 years ago was merely a convenience for Jim Bob to be able to wheel and deal easier. I bet she did absolutely nothing with it, but sign her name on documents that her husband told her to sign.

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Michelle is participating in a robocall campaign to stop a nondiscrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, Arkansas. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/michelle-duggar-joins-smear-campaign-against-fayetteville-lgbt-nondiscrimination#sthash.dUwPQp1J.dpuf   


"I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls."




Unless she is referring to mr. gothard.

Edited by xls

Jim Bob has always struck me, as, I don't know...not the type person you would see living that "modest" Gothard lifestyle. I'm not sure what it is about him...but he enjoys ordering his kids around too much and he's always come off as a little bit of a know-it-all or something. Not trying to be rude, but does anyone else feel this way?

Edited by heckyeahheartland
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Michelle is participating in a robocall campaign to stop a nondiscrimination ordinance in Fayetteville, Arkansas. - See more at: http://www.rightwingwatch.org/content/michelle-duggar-joins-smear-campaign-against-fayetteville-lgbt-nondiscrimination#sthash.dUwPQp1J.dpuf   


"I don’t believe the citizens of Fayetteville would want males with past child predator convictions that claim they are female to have a legal right to enter private areas that are reserved for women and girls."




Unless she is referring to mr. gothard.


Wow.  I mean, isn't that illegal for ANYONE who has past child predator convictions, regardless of whether their sexuality matches up with the organs they were born with?  

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I actually talked to someone about this.   They don't believe that everyone who is transgender is a predator.   What they believe is that child molesters and rapists will claim to be transgender in order to get access to the girl's bathroom so they can rape women and little girls.   Honest.   


So because some people might misuse the right, the nice, honest law abiding transgender people can't have any rights.

Jim Bob has always struck me, as, I don't know...not the type person you would see living that "modest" Gothard lifestyle. I'm not sure what it is about him...but he enjoys ordering his kids around too much and he's always come off as a little bit of a know-it-all or something. Not trying to be rude, but does anyone else feel this way?


I think he's a control freak.  Everything must be his way and at his convenience.  I think Duggar time is Jim Bob time and the world must revolve around what he wants to do. 

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I was recently watching one of the really old Duggar episodes (I think from the very first season.) baby # 15 was on the way, and Michelle was talking about the buddy system. She said, "I'm the baby's buddy until they are weaned, and then from there, it goes to....another buddy, whoever's turn it is." -_- I think that pretty much epitomizes how much Michelle actually takes care of her children versus the older children taking care of them, even before fame had hit them really hard.

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Yes, to methodically hand over your last born to the "next one in line" is an awful practice. Michelle has had a baby factory/business going on in her own body. I don't see how this is respecting your own body nor has Jim Bob been either. It's not God's will, IMO, to have more children than the two parents can nurture and care for themselves. This family has taken the "helping out" system way over the top a long time ago. My opinion is that Michelle has some serious emotional issues that she has never dealt with "in the name of religion" and Jim Bob is too horny to notice. I don't mean to be nasty about them but that's just what it looks like to me.

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So because some people might misuse the right, the nice, honest law abiding transgender people can't have any rights.

God, Duggar logic exists on a different plane of reality, I swear.


Michelle Duggar and people who think like her realize that adult women can abuse female children, right? And that adult men can abuse boys? Does she think that there are no adults who abuse their right to enter bathrooms where same-gender children are present? Perhaps someone should tell her about Matthew Cecchi. Maybe it's time to disallow adults from being in public restrooms with children at all!  


OR maybe someone should point out to her that an adult bent on abusing an opposite-gender chlid in the bathroom probably isn't going to let ~his lack of rights~ to enter the bathroom stop him. Look at what happened to poor Sherrice Iverson. 


"I'm the baby's buddy until they are weaned, and then from there, it goes to....another buddy, whoever's turn it is."

I don't even get the appeal. Newborn babies are so boring! They're blobs with no personality. All they do is eat and sleep and poop. 

Edited by galax-arena
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What Michelle thrives on is the attention of being pregnant and having a young infant. During these times, she's the center of attention and is probably waited on by Jim Boob and the J'Slaves. In the past, she's weaned her infants young in an attempt to get pregnant again quickly. If she had a mental health evaluation done, I would not be surprised if significant mental illness was diagnosed.

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I actually talked to someone about this.   They don't believe that everyone who is transgender is a predator.   What they believe is that child molesters and rapists will claim to be transgender in order to get access to the girl's bathroom so they can rape women and little girls.   Honest.   


So because some people might misuse the right, the nice, honest law abiding transgender people can't have any rights.


That was my interpretation as well. As much as I hate Michelle's ignorance, I have to admit I can see her point. It doesn't mean I think transgender people should be denied their rights, just that I could see a predator doing something like that.

Edited by maraleia
The word is transgender not transgendered

That was my interpretation as well. As much as I hate Michelle's ignorance, I have to admit I can see her point. It doesn't mean I think transgender people should be denied their rights, just that I could see a predator doing something like that.

But as someone wisely mentioned above, adults can be predators for children of their own gender. 

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It is highly possible that Michele believes that transgender = child molester.    On the other hand, she could believe that it will just be misused by molesters to gain access.   Either way it is highly ignorant and ignores the real facts.   Transgender or gay does not mean you are a child molester.   Nor does denying LGBT rights protect kids from child molesters.   

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Am I missing something? Could not a predator bent on assaulting children of the opposite sex not just dress as someone of that gender to get into a public restroom? They could do that now, right? Except where people are screened before entering the restroom (I don't know where this happens, actually. Just postulating). I don't see how the anti-discrimination bill changes that or increases the likelihood of that happening.  Michelle and the people who hired her to do the robocall are just using that red herring to support their own fear and prejudice. I'm glad they failed.


How Michelle can even TALK about putting children in harm's way after happily sending her own daughters to spend time with a predator (suspicion existed before the scandal broke) baffles me. The fact that they haven't come out and condemned Gothard's behaviour and still use the possible predator "argument" disgusts me.

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You made some points I was thinking about also, Mimionthebeach. Unless there is some pretty invasive screening going on, who really knows for sure, at any time. whether the people one sees in a public rest room are of the appropriate gender? Granted, it's probably easier for a woman to dress as a boy (as long as she is not overly busty), and people don't seem to worry quite as much about a female invading the men's room in search of young boys, but still, unless a guy is really hairy & muscular, he could probably cross-dress and go unnoticed as long as he didn't go full-on drag queen. And who is going to monitor all the people using the space, and how will they determine whether an individual is truly just a rather large-framed woman with coarser than average features (they are not THAT uncommon) or whether they are trans? Especially if they have already had some reassignment surgery. And until/unless this person actually DID anything untoward, why would it really matter anyway? As has been pointed out, predators can just as easily be found preying on their own gender as the opposite, and the typical cross-dresser or transsexual is only in the rest room to take care of nature's call, not for nefarious purposes.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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