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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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So I don't know that they personally blamed the girls at all.


I thought in their last episode Michelle was pretty much blaming the girls. The way she talked about the bikini story again. Going on and on how she didn't know her own power, modesty, that was their responsibility to cover up and etc while looking directly at her daughters. To me it sounded like she was blamed them.

  • Love 6

I thought in their last episode Michelle was pretty much blaming the girls. The way she talked about the bikini story again. Going on and on how she didn't know her own power, modesty, that was their responsibility to cover up and etc while looking directly at her daughters. To me it sounded like she was blamed them.

Precisely. I think we've heard "we blame our daughters" in so many words over and over and over again since this whole thing began. They didn't force Josh to sleep surrounded by siblings in a locked room. They didn't try to bend the laws to protect their daughters. They allowed Josh to carry on living there, to carry on in a supervisory role with the younger kids (saw plenty of this on the show), they tried to portray Josh as their shining example of eldest-son Godly perfection knowing full well what he did to his sisters. The girls were forced (yes, forced--I don't think forced is too strong a word) to stand up in front of a congregation (i.e. their whole world) and announce that they've forgiven Josh. I know that Josh 'confessed' to the church or whatever the hell but I'd be willing to bet that did not involve standing before an entire congregation and apologizing to his sisters specifically, the way they had to specifically 'forgive' him. (For the record, none of the kids in that situation should have been forced to stand before anyone and do anything, ffs.)  The Megyn Kelly bullshit was an extension of that. Even now they're trotting the daughters out to go on and on about forgiveness instead of Josh having to answer for himself. Boob and MEchelle will go to any and all extreme lengths to protect Josh both legally and financially. They'll go on national TV and tell lies so bold and blatant that all you have to do is skim the redacted police report and their whole narrative falls apart. That was for Josh, and for their brand. They have not, are not, and never will lift a finger in the name of their victimized daughters.

Edited by Aja
  • Love 17

Michelle ignores Josie pulling on her, until the wedding dress lady acknowledges Josie and then Michelle is like...oh yeah loving mom mode...i thought that was worse than the reaction to not having the jacket.  Although Michelle did seem to be awkward about covering up Josie's shoulder.

Edited by Boilergal
  • Love 2

It wasn't awful, but it certainly does signify what they believe, that they think a 5-year old is even capable of being immodest.


I've had this argument with my own family, though. I bought my 5-year old niece a cute little pair of green shorts with a sparkly purple belt, and my mom's best friend scoffed that they were too short. (I bought them anyway; they're her favorite shorts, so there!). Or another time, my 3-year old niece wanted to play in the fountains at a local mall, but the rest of the kids there were in swimsuits, and she had a shirt and shorts on. She casually stripped the shirt off and went running gleefully into the water, and my younger sister went screeching after her, pulled her back, and put the shirt back on her. I understand the reasons; no one wants their kid to be sexualized or targeted by a pedophile. But I hate the result...kids learn that their bodies are something that need to be covered up and hidden, as if there's something bad about them. 


I think it's a fairly common thing...it's just that the Duggars take it a step farther and flip it around. Normal people would be worried about someone sexualizing their child. The Duggars are concerned that their child is going to defraud someone and "invite" the sexualization. 


I also noticed that Michelle was completely oblivious to Josie's presence until the interviewer turned to acknowledge her.

Edited by AnJen
  • Love 6

So I just saw the interview about the dress for the first time.Thoughts:

1)Anyone who read the Gawker piece knows TLC has tried to keep the Duggars culturally pure and living in the nineteenth century. I wonder who defrauded the Michelle into using the word bling. 

2) I am sure the door opens all the time at casa Duggar. I didn't notice Michelle ignoring Josie until Josie start calling her. 

3) I was expecting worse, but Michelle does say something about modesty in regards to lost jacket. I thought Josie looked fine and not immodest just a four year old with bare arms. 

Edited by Temperance

Honestly, from that clip, it just looked to me like Michelle was giving that same old modesty speech that we've heard 100000 times, and that speech includes covering from neck to knee, and sleeves. Then, here comes Josie without sleeves, and Michelle knew that was going to get some raised brows and smirks, because she just talked about purity/modesty/cover up etc, and then here comes a kid with no sleeves. I'd love to learn that a camera person or someone nudged Josie and her bare arms over there just to make Michelle look stupid.


I think Michelle has very warped ideas about defrauding, modesty, stirring unrighteously fulfilled desires, etc., but this time, I think she was damned if she does, damned if she doesn't make a comment on Josie's sleeves. Josie was still wearing, IMO, a very modestly cut little girl dress, and she wasn't tarted up like some Toddlers and Tiaras prostitot monstrosity. If Michelle had ignored no sleeves after saying SLEEVES are mandatory, she'd look foolish, if she told Josie to put on her jacket, she'd look foolish. The rules are foolish, so no matter what she did, she looked foolish.

  • Love 4

I think people are reading too much into that video.  Josie had obviously changed outfits and then was returning with the wedding outfit.  It's a conversation with someone about wedding outfits and modesty and Josie comes up having changed clothes and then put back on her wedding outfit and it was a half a second comment Michelle made and then she stood there and continued talking while holding Josie who had bare shoulders freely displayed.  No comment or move was made outside of a single moment that was a simple extension of the conversation she was having with that lady.  Totally agree with everyone that she was looking very creepily at the wedding dress lady.  Plus the weird touching.  Gross.


The Duggars definitely indoctrinate their children from a very young age.  All the young girls are aware of modesty standards and they are hearing and internalizing these modesty and defrauding and bikini stories.  This video, though, happens to be a moment when one of the kids is just sort of acting like a typical kid.  

  • Love 3

I don't know that the Duggar daughters make any personal connections between the "stirring up desires that cannot be righteously fulfilled" or their mother's bikini story and themselves. First, because these are almost mantra like to them. They aren't meaningful, they're catch-phrases. And second, I think the Daughters feel that they aren't doing that. They aren't wearing bikinis. They ARE dressing modestly. They are not flirting etc. I think they (and their parents) would feel they are doing everything right.

I really don't think M and JB blamed their daughters, and I'm not sure that the daughters blamed themselves. Now, this is a story with a lot of people and parts, but given what we have so far, the Fundy prattle doesn't make it a given for me - especially given M & JB's egos as parents.

  • Love 2

So I just saw the interview about the dress for the first time.Thoughts:

1)Anyone who read the Gawker piece knows TLC has tried to keep the Duggars culturally pure and living in the nineteenth century. I wonder who defrauded the Michelle into using the word bling. 

2) I am the door opens all the time at casa Duggar. I didn't notice Michelle ignoring Josie until Josie start calling her. 

3) I was expecting worse, but Michelle does say something about modesty in regards to lost jacket. I thought Josie looked fine and not immodest just a four year old with bare arms. 

What I found interesting is that Mechelle acted as if she'd just heard the word "bling" for the first time that day. BUT, IIRC, when they went dress shopping for Jill, I recall Mechelle saying that she was "all about the bling" like a seasoned pro from about 15 years ago. Not that SHE had been saying it for 15 years, but she was obviously well-acquainted with the word before that interview with the bridal shop woman. Ava Laurenne Bridal sponsored that video; more proof that Jill's dress was DEFINITELY comped. Jill and Ava Laurenne also live-tweeted the wedding (as did Anna), always tagging the bridal shop. JB amd M were probably so proud of their daughter, although it had to be the bridal shot that contacted either Jill or production about having Jill visit the shop. It was too far outside of DC for Anna to know of it on her own. 


At minimum, it's one less check JB had to write. Of course, that's negatively offset by the horror that was Mechelle's dress. Yikes! 

  • Love 3

What I found interesting is that Mechelle acted as if she'd just heard the word "bling" for the first time that day. BUT, IIRC, when they went dress shopping for Jill, I recall Mechelle saying that she was "all about the bling" like a seasoned pro from about 15 years ago. Not that SHE had been saying it for 15 years, but she was obviously well-acquainted with the word before that interview with the bridal shop woman.


I had to laugh at the way she said it too. "what do they call it? blin-g?" (with a hard g).  Fake, fake, fake IMO.  But it was funny.

  • Love 1
I get such a Jerkmaster vibe from JB that I figure he's not generally beloved by the locals. In my experience, people in a small community have fewer "secrets" than they may think they do. But most people are too busy with their own lives and have too much of a "live and let live" or MYOB attitude, to stir up a shitstorm about their neighbors' business. Until said neighbor does something extra-jerky, or offensive beyond the norm - and then, as noted, somebody from the media shows up and asks.


Well, I knew that was the case when we learned that he takes the family out to eat on days that the "kids eat free."  I know that's the policy but still.  Something about that just really rubs me the wrong way, and I bet he doesn't even tip enough for all the kids, but only for the check.  I can't stand holier than thou people who try to get over on people like that.  He's always such a braggart when it comes to him trying to get a great deal, but he's so creepy about it.  I think this says a lot about him.  He's a sneaky one, and he'll try to get over on you. 

  • Love 13

What I found interesting is that Mechelle acted as if she'd just heard the word "bling" for the first time that day. BUT, IIRC, when they went dress shopping for Jill, I recall Mechelle saying that she was "all about the bling" like a seasoned pro from about 15 years ago. Not that SHE had been saying it for 15 years, but she was obviously well-acquainted with the word before that interview with the bridal shop woman. Ava Laurenne Bridal sponsored that video; more proof that Jill's dress was DEFINITELY comped. Jill and Ava Laurenne also live-tweeted the wedding (as did Anna), always tagging the bridal shop. JB amd M were probably so proud of their daughter, although it had to be the bridal shot that contacted either Jill or production about having Jill visit the shop. It was too far outside of DC for Anna to know of it on her own. 


At minimum, it's one less check JB had to write. Of course, that's negatively offset by the horror that was Mechelle's dress. Yikes! 

She was all about the BLING when they went to that nail place and she was so greedy and tacky with all the samples - kept saying she liked the bling, chose a different sparkle for each nail, etc., So much for modesty. From my experience with overly modest conservative people (holiness pentecostal, Wesleyan Methodist and a few Amish), "bling" is as immodest, rude and offensive as showing cleavage - stemming from the Bible verse 1 Timothy 2:9 that says "9Likewise, I want women to adorn themselves with proper clothing, modestly and discreetly, not with braided hair and gold or pearls or costly garments, 10but rather by means of good works, as is proper for women making a claim to godliness.…"


Of course a lot of that went out the window with the Tammy Faye Bakers of the 80s through the Creflo Dollars and Osteens of today - prosperity Gospel means pile on the the bling. Michelle totally - yes, I said totally - knew exactly what the word Bling means and it sounded like it was a part of her normal vocabulary when they were in the nail salon. I she likes bling, ok, whatever, I don't care, just don't pretend you're so innocent and holy that you don't know what it means, or that it could be bad. There's a difference in a blinged out rhinestone thong poking out of the top of your skirt and some sparkles on a wedding dress.

  • Love 5




I apologize if this article about Jessa's father-in-law has been posted; I don't recall it, but i have read so many posts on here recently that I could have missed it.  It made me think that Michelle and JimBob are probably scared to death that another child may be abused and I think a lot of us figured the "nike" and "defraud" stuff arose out of what Josh did. (I don't see the Bates family doing "nike,") I just thought it was one of Gothard's rules but now I think it is peculiar to the Duggars.  And if Ben's dad seems to think almost anyone is a potential molester, then maybe that's JimBob's thought,too.  That and JimBob's remark that seemed to imply that many other families he talked to had the same or similar problems is very scary. I am so sorry Megyn Kelly didn't mention the Gothard connection. She had a Thursday show (between the two interviews) that was all Duggars and she had a wonderful opportunity to mention his influence.

Well, I knew that was the case when we learned that he takes the family out to eat on days that the "kids eat free." I know that's the policy but still. Something about that just really rubs me the wrong way, and I bet he doesn't even tip enough for all the kids, but only for the check. I can't stand holier than thou people who try to get over on people like that. He's always such a braggart when it comes to him trying to get a great deal, but he's so creepy about it. I think this says a lot about him. He's a sneaky one, and he'll try to get over on you.

Jimbob thinks everyone should bend over backwards for him and his family. There was a situation about the roller skating ring being free that the Duggars use to go to, but then they started charging five dollars. Jimbob was trying to argue about the price and refused to pay. So they never went back.

  • Love 4

Jimbob thinks everyone should bend over backwards for him and his family. There was a situation about the roller skating ring being free that the Duggars use to go to, but then they started charging five dollars. Jimbob was trying to argue about the price and refused to pay. So they never went back.

I didn't blame him there. They knew he had seventy million kids. How about a family rate of buy 4 or more  for $15?  I would accept that. I wouldn't pay $100 on something I used to get for free, either. 


 But I do see what people mean about him taking too much advantage. I tip 20-50% as I grew up depending on tips. I don't get the vibe that he does that.

I didn't blame him there. They knew he had seventy million kids. How about a family rate of buy 4 or more  for $15?  I would accept that. I wouldn't pay $100 on something I used to get for free, either. 

I'm guessing they had a pretty shrewd idea that the family of seventy million were unlikely to come by if they had to pay. If they're ungracious customers, they don't spend money and they don't tip, why would a business want them back?

  • Love 13




I apologize if this article about Jessa's father-in-law has been posted; I don't recall it, but i have read so many posts on here recently that I could have missed it.  It made me think that Michelle and JimBob are probably scared to death that another child may be abused and I think a lot of us figured the "nike" and "defraud" stuff arose out of what Josh did. (I don't see the Bates family doing "nike,") I just thought it was one of Gothard's rules but now I think it is peculiar to the Duggars.  And if Ben's dad seems to think almost anyone is a potential molester, then maybe that's JimBob's thought,too.  That and JimBob's remark that seemed to imply that many other families he talked to had the same or similar problems is very scary. I am so sorry Megyn Kelly didn't mention the Gothard connection. She had a Thursday show (between the two interviews) that was all Duggars and she had a wonderful opportunity to mention his influence.


Well, Kelly would have mentioned Gothard if Fox's interest had been in imparting information. But... clearly not.

  • Love 7

i never realized how much "stuff" that JB tries (or should it be 'tried'?) to get for a discount rate or free.  I just can't believe it - I have never had to work as a waitress but I have always noticed that the majority of them (waiters and waitresses)  work hard for what they earn and I have always known that they do rely on tips that they receive. When we have gone out with family as a group of anywhere from 12 - 25 (not brothers and sisters but cousins and younger aunts and uncles - honest we're Catholic but not unaware of b.c.)  We would leave a tip of at least 25% or more for all the trouble we were with the different orders.  I can't believe someone would expect to be treated as "special" just because they have so many children!  Plus take advantage of any workers that come to my house to do a job.  So disrespectful to OTHER people's time and skills.

  • Love 14

I looked up the tax records for the counties biggest and closest to the Duggars, and they don't appear to have spent anything near $10 million on real estate. Their most valuable asset appears to be the parcel of land they live on, 20 acres with an estimated value of $820,000 including the structures. Besides their home, it has a 31,000 square foot warehouse that fronts the road. The 20 acres of land excluding the structures is estimated at $40,000. Across the road is a public landfill, so it's probably not the most desirable addresses in town, but I'm not an expert on these things. They also appear to own half a dozen small houses similar to grandma's house, and a few commercial properties, the most notable being a building leased to a rental car company.

I could be wrong about all of this, I am not American and I found the system of "assessed" tax values, and property sales conducted by warrantee deeds with consideration being "$10 and other goods and valuable" very confusing.

  • Love 8

I went to a casual breakfast place with my SIL and her 3 boys (all under age 5) once, and I think our total bill was under $20 - but she left the waitress a $10 bill, because in the 45 minutes we were there, those boys made what we thought was a huge mess  - syrup drips, milk drips, paper napkins all over the place, several dropped forks, and these are well-behaved little boys (aside from one 2 yearold melt down because his pancake was upside down?). I have loads of sympathy for any waitress who has to deal with all those Howlers and Lost girls, who think walking on counters with bare feet and licking everything is acceptable table manners. Small kids are messy, but unsupervised scads of kids whose parents have already checked out...........poor Duggars. 

  • Love 17

I know what it's like to work a shitty minimum wage job. So I always tip a reasonable amount. Even the delivery food person. Jimbob is very rude and obnoxious. Just because you decided to have 19kids doesn't mean others have to provide or bow down to you. I wonder if he realizes his family causes more of a problem and commotion. He reminds me of that guy on extreme cheapsakes who was trying to get everything for free including a damn donut. Business owners have to get paid too. They have bills as well. If Jimbob is so cheap he expects everything to be free or accommodating then stay home!

  • Love 13

I looked up the tax records for the counties biggest and closest to the Duggars, and they don't appear to have spent anything near $10 million on real estate. Their most valuable asset appears to be the parcel of land they live on, 20 acres with an estimated value of $820,000 including the structures. Besides their home, it has a 31,000 square foot warehouse that fronts the road. The 20 acres of land excluding the structures is estimated at $40,000. Across the road is a public landfill, so it's probably not the most desirable addresses in town, but I'm not an expert on these things. They also appear to own half a dozen small houses similar to grandma's house, and a few commercial properties, the most notable being a building leased to a rental car company.

I could be wrong about all of this, I am not American and I found the system of "assessed" tax values, and property sales conducted by warrantee deeds with consideration being "$10 and other goods and valuable" very confusing.

The 31,000 sq ft warehouse, don't you mean Ben's old guesthouse! I believe that warehouse is divided in storage units that Jim Bob rents out. I think he said there were about 15, but he uses a few for himself.


The cheap $10 sales are to get around taxes usually. I wouldn't ever do this but lets say my mom wanted to give me her car, she would put down a small value on the car so I would not have to pay tax when I registered it in my name. I'm sure Jim Bob has special friends at the tax assessors office. I looked at the assessed value of my home, seems about right, then I have a judge living next door in a much nicer, bigger home and newer home and it is assessed at half the value of mine? same low taxes for other city officials in my area.


I think either the Duggar's have been buying and selling real estate or just have gotten lazy due to the easy money they have been making from the show. In early years Jim Bob talked about collecting rent and it was income they needed to live on. Now the work of maintaining a property and collecting rent is too hard for Jim Bob when he can collect 40k for kissing Michelle, waving his hands around imparting wisdom, and bragging about his many offspring on any givem episode.

Edited by silverspoons
  • Love 5

I think the '$10 and other good and valuable' is just arcane legal terminology, the amount of stamp duty that's paid reflects the real price, and that's shown on the deeds anyway. It just seems needlessly opaque.

Washington County info was via actdatascout.com, Benton County info was via arcountydata.com. A lot of the Benton County properties were purchased in 2014 and most of those seem to have been liquidated assets of 'Allens Canning', so maybe JimBob is less of a landlord and more of a property speculator.

  • Love 1

...and worst of all - DO NOT try to get skilled, professional tradesmen (carpenters, electricians, florists) who earn their living from a specific trade to teach your children how to do these trades. If you kid wants to be an electrician, send them to vocational school, let them learn in an apprenticeship and be licensed. Don't steal from the people who went through proper channels.

It's not just the cheapness of this that gets me, it's the sheer arrogance and lack of respect. "Just show us how you do that one time, I'm sure we'll pick it right up." Never mind all the years of education, training, and experience the professional/tradesperson has attained. "We'll just learn it instantly. Cause we're Duggars."

Only suckers need education, apparently.

  • Love 24

It's not just the cheapness of this that gets me, it's the sheer arrogance and lack of respect. "Just show us how you do that one time, I'm sure we'll pick it right up." Never mind all the years of education, training, and experience the professional/tradesperson has attained. "We'll just learn it instantly. Cause we're Duggars."

Only suckers need education, apparently.


It's awful. Makes me think about the extreme illogic of people in the late 20th into the 21st century embracing a "system" of "life principles" that calls for not enrolling in higher education, not working for or apprenticing yourself to people outside of this very small religious group and educating subsequent generations solely by in-group members who as the years go on will have less and less out-group education.


Not to mention throwing overboard thousands of years of culture, science and even theology to educate your children mainly using "wisdom books" consisting of top-of-mind silly connections that a few system leaders spied among biblical texts and random additional subjects, such as law and agriculture.


In this highly technological and complex age, how many brain cells do you have to be missing to think that these are workable ideas? And how many more do you have to be missing to think you can conduct your life in this way while also enjoying numerous fruits of our technological civilization, from advanced premature-infant care and easy international travel to frozen convenience food, the ego boost of a million posted selfies, and paychecks derived from mass communication.


The lack of thought in the whole thing is mind-blowing. And that includes thought about the ultimate consequences for oneself and one's offspring and descendants as well as thought about the lack of respect one is exhibiting toward others.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 21

I'm a big believer in the idea of learning through doing, and that higher education isn't for everyone, which isn't a bad thing, because we need builders and carpenters etc., just not the way the Duggars do it. If they took they're kids to a contractor and said "Can J apprentice with you for a few years?" that'd be a fine way for those kids to learn some marketable skills.

*Not suggesting all tradespeople are uneducated, I just know some people who have gotten good starts apprenticing with my BIL. Also I did all my learning on the job for my IT career.

  • Love 2

It's awful. Makes me think about the extreme illogic of people in the late 20th into the 21st century embracing a "system" of "life principles" that calls for not enrolling in higher education, not working for or apprenticing yourself to people outside of this very small religious group and educating subsequent generations solely by in-group members who as the years go on will have less and less out-group education.

Not to mention throwing overboard thousands of years of culture, science and even theology to educate your children mainly using "wisdom books" consisting of top-of-mind silly connections that a few system leaders spied among biblical texts and random additional subjects, such as law and agriculture.

In this highly technological and complex age, how many brain cells do you have to be missing to think that these are workable ideas? And how many more do you have to be missing to think you can conduct your life in this way while also enjoying numerous fruits of our technological civilization, from advanced premature-infant care and easy international travel to frozen convenience food, the ego boost of a million posted selfies, and paychecks derived from mass communication.

The lack of thought in the whole thing is mind-blowing. And that includes thought about the ultimate consequences for oneself and one's offspring and descendants as well as thought about the lack of respect one is exhibiting toward others.

And then on top of all this, they have no problem using those who DO educate themselves and have skills, services, etc. to offer society. I mean, if you really believe that education is a Bad Thing, and that one should not accept employment that involves acknowledging another human in authority, shouldn't you decline to accept services from, say, a NICU, and just trust God to heal your micro-premie? Just an example off the top of my head. Either they trust God or they don't. Either they believe that faithfully adhering to their tenets works, or it doesn't. You know: the way dressing and behaving with extreme repression will keep your brother from listing after and molesting you. Hey, Duggars, you're doing it wrong!

ETA: I just realized you pretty much said the same thing too :) I scanned your post too quickly and God laid it on my heart to rant a bit.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 15

And then on top of all this, they have no problem using those who DO educate themselves and have skills, services, etc. to offer society. I mean, if you really believe that education is a Bad Thing, and that one should not accept employment that involves acknowledging another human in authority, shouldn't you decline to accept services from, say, a NICU, and just trust God to heal your micro-premie? Just an example off the top of my head. Either they trust God or they don't. Either they believe that faithfully adhering to their tenets works, or it doesn't. You know: the way dressing and behaving with extreme repression will keep your brother from listing after and molesting you. Hey, Duggars, you're doing it wrong!

ETA: I just realized you pretty much said the same thing too :) I scanned your post too quickly and God laid it on my heart to rant a bit.


I enjoyed your rant!

  • Love 5

I looked up the tax records for the counties biggest and closest to the Duggars, and they don't appear to have spent anything near $10 million on real estate. Their most valuable asset appears to be the parcel of land they live on, 20 acres with an estimated value of $820,000 including the structures. Besides their home, it has a 31,000 square foot warehouse that fronts the road. The 20 acres of land excluding the structures is estimated at $40,000. Across the road is a public landfill, so it's probably not the most desirable addresses in town, but I'm not an expert on these things. They also appear to own half a dozen small houses similar to grandma's house, and a few commercial properties, the most notable being a building leased to a rental car company.

Wow.  I had now idea they were across the street from a landfill.  Actually, I think it is perfect.  They can dispose of all their paper plates, cups and pregnancy tests without going too far.

  • Love 8

And then on top of all this, they have no problem using those who DO educate themselves and have skills, services, etc. to offer society. I mean, if you really believe that education is a Bad Thing, and that one should not accept employment that involves acknowledging another human in authority, shouldn't you decline to accept services from, say, a NICU, and just trust God to heal your micro-premie? Just an example off the top of my head. Either they trust God or they don't. Either they believe that faithfully adhering to their tenets works, or it doesn't. You know: the way dressing and behaving with extreme repression will keep your brother from listing after and molesting you. Hey, Duggars, you're doing it wrong!

ETA: I just realized you pretty much said the same thing too :) I scanned your post too quickly and God laid it on my heart to rant a bit.


Just as they sell themselves on television, but don't watch it because it's all the work of Satan...

  • Love 10

It's not just the cheapness of this that gets me, it's the sheer arrogance and lack of respect. "Just show us how you do that one time, I'm sure we'll pick it right up." Never mind all the years of education, training, and experience the professional/tradesperson has attained. "We'll just learn it instantly. Cause we're Duggars."

Only suckers need education, apparently.


Agree. This whole practice of Boob's so clearly shows what a complete doofus he is. How in the world can someone - a child no less - learn how to lay carpet or tile - or anything else for that matter - in one session? When I first saw this on their show, I thought I was drastically misunderstanding something. But no....

  • Love 3

What is the reason they use paper plates?  Are they really cheaper than the cost of water and dish soap?  I'm guessing they don't care at all about environmental issues, so it likely comes down to a money or convenience factor.  I personally don't find paper plates convenient.  For me, I assume the cost of upkeep for washable plates would be cheaper, but perhaps it's not.  Anyone know?  

The thing with him going to the skating rink or the buffets is that he makes a big deal out of how he gets all this stuff for free.  He is gleeful about it.  This doesn't make the proprietor feel warm and fuzzy.  It makes the management out to be fools, taken, suckers.  And on TV yet, and an example to others with big families to hit them again.  I'd be really angry and it would cause me to change my policy right away.  Not because of the money primarily, but because of JB using me and laughing about it in front of a million people.

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What is the reason they use paper plates? Are they really cheaper than the cost of water and dish soap? I'm guessing they don't care at all about environmental issues, so it likely comes down to a money or convenience factor. I personally don't find paper plates convenient. For me, I assume the cost of upkeep for washable plates would be cheaper, but perhaps it's not. Anyone know?

The Duggars don't appear to eat anything that requires anything sturdier than a paper plate, most of their meals can be cut with a plastic fork. They have a large dishwasher, but they have a dumpster too. I'd say it's convenience, not cost, but it doesn't really cost much either. In one episode, Josie had a meltdown over an empty cardboard box someone else was playing with. It was a box for 1000 styrofoam cups, and those cups wouldn't have cost more than $20. So 2c a cup.
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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