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Michelle and JimBob aka J'Chelle and Boob

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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I think he's obsessed with sex in general. It's all part of being developmentally stunted and really never proceeding beyond the emotional maturity of a teenager. It's all 'look- look - kissing' or 'we have sex... giggle, giggle'. That kind of behavior is pathetic enough but when he turns all that immaturity to the subject of his children it becomes super creepy even if his intentions are not.


Agree. For me, the whole vibe with Boob is that he somehow "got stuck" developmentally at the age of 14 or 15. He's just shy of snickering or giggling when he discusses certain things that he shouldn't be filmed discussing with his kids [or frankly, shouldn't discuss with them at all, camera or not]. His sense of humor seems very immature. He is clearly very competitive with his own sons - just about any male actually. Very high school boy-ish.

  • Love 13

One child kisses before engagement - the whole mystique is lost. You start seeing your sibling kissing her fiancé good night and realizing, wait, they aren't tearing off each other's clothes and rutting like animals on the floor of the living room! Maybe it doesn't have to be like Mom and Dad said! It's a kiss, and they look happy!

(Wink) then the next kid is pregnant and the whole program is shot.

Just imagine Jessa and Ben coming to Mechelle and confessing that they'd kissed before marriage like Zach and Whitney Bates. I don't think she would have handled it as gracefully as Gil and Kelly did. Of course, the Bateses actually allow the kids to set their OWN rules for courtship/engagement, unlike the Duggars, who make that claim, yet every couple has conveniently had the exact set of rules. 


That old saw about loving someone, them setting them free comes to mind. JB and M are all about the control, and we are now seeing how that manifests in their adult children. The similarly-aged Bates kids are far more mature, and their personalities easily defined. 

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I feel the need to sort of stick up for Michelle regarding her feelings for Ben and Derick.  First of all, I don't think Michelle has the easiest time speaking to people.  I think besides a physical attraction to Ben, Michelle may feel a little intimidated by Derick.  Derick is older whereas Ben is pretty much still a kid.  Ben comes from a large religious family that is run much like Michelle's.  Derick comes from a small family where both parents worked outside the home.  Derick graduated college and has a regular job.

I just feel Michelle is a little scared of Derick and his family.

I feel the need to sort of stick up for Michelle regarding her feelings for Ben and Derick.  First of all, I don't think Michelle has the easiest time speaking to people.  I think besides a physical attraction to Ben, Michelle may feel a little intimidated by Derick.  Derick is older whereas Ben is pretty much still a kid.  Ben comes from a large religious family that is run much like Michelle's.  Derick comes from a small family where both parents worked outside the home.  Derick graduated college and has a regular job.

I just feel Michelle is a little scared of Derick and his family.


Agree - I think both Boob and Me-chelle are intimidated by the DIllards.

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I don't know if it's intimidated so much as it is unfamiliar. The Duggars are so used to being in their bubble. Few of us do well outside of it.

For instance, at the rehearsal dinner for Jessa, Jim Bob talked about two families coming together. Even if Cathy had been completely healthy, and even as theologically conservative as she is, culturally those families are worlds apart.

But Derick still seems drawn to Jill's family than Jill does to his. Whereas I think Jessa likes not just Ben but his parents. There isn't any "Miss Guinn" from her.

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Does Michelle ever carry a purse? I saw a recent picture of her - with her iphone tucked into her armpit. Classy. I don't remember ever seeing her with one. What mother doesn't carry a purse packed full of stuff for the kids? (I know, I know)

In the older episodes, she used to have a green and blue material type purse. Think it had fancier handles which caught my eye. Not the size to carry all the Mommy & kids stuff like you referenced. But why would she need a Mom purse? The J'slaves were the ones that hauled around the diaper bags.

Thinking about my Mom purse which always had batteries in it for my son's Gameboy. Yes, I was a prepared mom. Lol.

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I noticed that Hallmark channel is rebroadcasting an Easter reunion with the Waltons ( not sure of the exact title) and it made me think of Jim Bobs.  Does anyone know if perhaps his nickname was chosen because of that show which started in 1971 when he was about 6--just thought maybe he was called Jim and his parents thought it would be cute to add Bob.  I think he grew up watching tv so he would have known who Jim Bob Walton was.

He'd certainly know The Waltons. I'm of his generation, and we grew up on that stuff from an early age. 


Taking from the Kids' thread, GEML posited that Boob/Mechelle spend a lot of time these days essentially plotting future episodes with TLC. 


I agree. In an episode that aired during the afternoon today (hey, I'm on spring break from the library!), Mechelle called herself the "scheduler." LMAO More like the "talking to the PR and People magazine reps" person. I seriously doubt that she's scheduling her kids' days, aside from knowing when JD and Josiah would be available for family filming. 

Anyone else wonder how Steve Corelll errrr Micahel Seewald feels when the Duggars are hanging out with that *gasp* Cathoic Santorum?

In my experience, fundamentalists are pretty good at overlooking a candidate's religious "shortcomings" if that person's politics are right. A lot of people at my church were so enamored of Mitt Romney, they miraculously forgot all their previous vehement declarations that Mormonism is a cult.
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Can they please, please, please stop showing the Michelle and Boob kiss in the commercials for the next episode?  I wasn't even watching 19 Kids, was watching a wedding dress show, but that commercial was on every single break at least once. YUCK! I finally had to change the channel.


Agree. And while we're at it TLC, how the hell many wedding dress shows do you think we need? Quote from my best friend's husband who was passing through the room when we were watching "The Little Couple" a few months back. "What are you guys watching? Oh, TLC? You mean, The Wedding Dress Channel?"

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Agree. And while we're at it TLC, how the hell many wedding dress shows do you think we need? Quote from my best friend's husband who was passing through the room when we were watching "The Little Couple" a few months back. "What are you guys watching? Oh, TLC? You mean, The Wedding Dress Channel?"

Oh my gosh YES. I'm one of those girls that has been actively planning her wedding for 20 years, and even I have to say enough is enough. We've had SYTTD, as well as the spin offs Atlanta, Bridesmaids and Big Bliss, I found the gown, 4 weddings, Bride by Design...I'm sure I'm forgetting plenty. Plus, My Big Fat American Gypsy Wedding. And I think most of their reality show families have had weddings or vow renewals, the Duggars have had 3 weddings (not including Prissy and The Fabulous David Waller) and Jchelle and Boob's vow renewal.

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It's creepy a father would think like this.

It was one if the boys. Michelle said there was nothing else to do since she's not pregnant. So for 15 years you didn't do shit with thus child now you want to try to do something with him because you're bored.

Get her to a fertility specialist stat. I  was shocked to read this on my FB feed this morning. I know she would have to get medical intervention but hey how else is she going to birth out another kid to compete with her daughters.



Maybe she is demented.  Really, to get pregnant with quadruplets at age 65, and to have none of them be related to you in any way, is not rational.  Of course, we don't know how many, if any, survive.   But wouldn't they be great with an 80 year old mother when they are just 15 years old.  There comes a point where nature is nurture.

Edited by Micks Picks
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Get her to a fertility specialist stat. I was shocked to read this on my FB feed this morning. I know she would have to get medical intervention but hey how else is she going to birth out another kid to compete with her daughters.


I really do try to respect other people's reproductive choices, but I just have to wonder why any woman would think it's a good idea to have a baby (or 4) at 65. The article said she has 13 children between 10 and 44, so hopefully she has a CinderJana of her own in there somewhere, in case something happens before the babies reach adulthood.

Agree. And while we're at it TLC, how the hell many wedding dress shows do you think we need? Quote from my best friend's husband who was passing through the room when we were watching "The Little Couple" a few months back. "What are you guys watching? Oh, TLC? You mean, The Wedding Dress Channel?"

My son calls it Tubbies/Littles/Christian Creeps
  • Love 8

I couldn't help but when I saw the internet article on the 65 year old woman pregnant with quadruplets, I said to myself: "well, Michelle Duggar, I guess you're banking on this, there may be hope for you yet..." Meechelle will never give up on another baby(ies). Such a loss for her regarding all the kids she already has and just doesn't seem to enjoy or appreciate them much.

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Get her to a fertility specialist stat. I was shocked to read this on my FB feed this morning. I know she would have to get medical intervention but hey how else is she going to birth out another kid to compete with her daughters.


That doctor needs to be fired.

I really do try to respect other people's reproductive choices, but I just have to wonder why any woman would think it's a good idea to have a baby (or 4) at 65. The article said she has 13 children between 10 and 44, so hopefully she has a CinderJana of her own in there somewhere, in case something happens before the babies reach adulthood.

That's a long ass age gap.

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I saw on tv that the yougest kid wanted a younger brother or sister and that is why she did it. The doctors who agreed to this should have their license taken away. How selfish of her. She is as crazy as that octomom.  God help those babies.


IMO, this individual has definitely pulled out in front of Octomom in the Crazy/Stupid department. At least [the very least, needless to say] Octomom was young enough to think she'd actually see those 8 babies grow up.

I'd love to turn a psychiatrist loose on MEchelle. I find it incredible that no one has called her on the fact that her children cease to be interesting or relevant to her after she stops nursing them. My hunch is that in the Gothard cult, a woman's job is to birth as many children as possible to populate "God's army," and that Gothard actually advises turning babies over to the younger kids so Mom and Dad can start procreating again. But, seriously, what kind of person would go along with that bullshit? The Bateses are Gothard, but even they don't seem to have subscribed to the "buddy" theory in full force; Gil and Kelly really do seem to be raising their own kids.

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I'd love to turn a psychiatrist loose on MEchelle. I find it incredible that no one has called her on the fact that her children cease to be interesting or relevant to her after she stops nursing them. My hunch is that in the Gothard cult, a woman's job is to birth as many children as possible to populate "God's army," and that Gothard actually advises turning babies over to the younger kids so Mom and Dad can start procreating again. But, seriously, what kind of person would go along with that bullshit? The Bateses are Gothard, but even they don't seem to have subscribed to the "buddy" theory in full force; Gil and Kelly really do seem to be raising their own kids.

I would love to see the results of that! Really. I think she is held up as someone whose mothering skills are above everyone else's, and it shouldn't be. With that many children she shouldn't have the time to work out for an hour a day, or have time to go to conferences to give speeches about all the ways she's organized and cooked and cleaned and home schooled 19 children. She didn't! She made her poor children give up their childhoods to care for every baby she ever had. Maybe if she had gotten up every night until the last baby slept through the night and didn't depend upon her older daughters to do it I might feel differently. NO ONE in that girls dorm should have a double bed! if anyone needs to sleep with anyone, they need to sleep with their mother, and JB can sleep on the couch somewhere.

I would be bitter as hell if I had to do that.  All she does now is tour the country giving speeches on how she manages her family. She turned her children into free slaves and abandoned her children to their siblings at about 4 months old. That's not something to be proud of. So many people ask what she does all day! The answer is nothing! She accepts Mother of the year awards and gives speeches on how everyone else does everything she should be doing. 

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The thing about Jim Bob and Michelle to me is that even when they talk about their children's sex lives, it's still only as an extension of themselves. They want to talk about it to remind their children we, your parents, are still having sex. I don't think he's hung up on his children's/daughters' sexuality as much as he's desperate to tell people "I've still got it" and without a baby every 18 months he's afraid people won't believe him.

I think the whole problem, what started this whole mess (family) is that while he still might have it, he never had "much" to work with.  :)       

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I don't think it's Gothard, actually. It's just certain people. The Rodriquez family isn't Gothard, for instance, but she seems to be following the Michelle method, whereas Kelly Bates and the Kellers (both Gothard) clearly raised their own children.


Agree - Me-chelle is just lazy, narcissistic and entitled. I'm sure many Gothard mothers do things as Kelly Bates does - everyone has chores and helps out, but she is ultimately the Mother. The lazier ones do it Me-chelle's way.

From the People excerpt of the Jill article for today:

"Jill was amazing," Michelle says. "I don't normally use the word 'proud,' but as a parent watching her, I was proud, and she did an amazing job. She is a trouper, that girl. We are so grateful this little man arrived safe and healthy."

Never tells her children that she's proud of them? I hate this woman.

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"Jill was amazing," Michelle says. "I don't normally use the word 'proud,' but as a parent watching her, I was proud, and she did an amazing job. She is a trouper, that girl. We are so grateful this little man arrived safe and healthy."


This faint praise notwithstanding, MEchelle still seems oddly removed from Jill, even more than from the rest of the kids.

Edited by Literata
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    "Jill was amazing," Michelle says. "I don't normally use the word 'proud,' but as a parent watching her, I was proud, and she did an amazing job. She is a trouper, that girl. We are so grateful this little man arrived safe and healthy."


This faint praise notwithstanding, MEchelle still seems oddly removed from Jill, even more than from the rest of the kids.


She does use Jill's name at first, but the rest sounds like distancing language: "that girl" and "this little man" instead of the perhaps more natural wording of "my/our girl" and "our grandson/Israel". Could be it's just her way of expressing herself but it comes across as a little odd to me.

Edited by Vaysh
  • Love 4

She does use Jill's name at first, but the rest sounds like distancing language: "that girl" and "this little man" instead of the perhaps more natural wording of "my/our girl" and "our grandson/Israel". Could be it's just her way of expressing herself but it comes across as a little odd to me.


Why couldn't she say my grandson? It sounds like a neighbor or family friend, instead of a proud grandma! 


Maybe she's realizing she'll soon be Jilly Muffin's laundry lady....

  • Love 6

This faint praise notwithstanding, MEchelle still seems oddly removed from Jill, even more than from the rest of the kids.

I've thought about that before, and my theory is that Mechelle is jealous of Jilly Muffin. Jill is definitely one of Boob's favorites, she has a heart for children, her buddy team clearly loved her very much, and she really thrived in their Gothard lifestyle. I think Mechelle is jealous od how well Jill fit in with that lifestyle, while I think she still strugggles with it. Also, I don't think she feels like she can relate to Jill in the way she can relate to Jessa on their shared "popular girl" status. Mechelle thinks she's cooler than Jill, but is also jealous of her which I think frustrates her even more

Why couldn't she say my grandson? It sounds like a neighbor or family friend, instead of a proud grandma!

Maybe she's realizing she'll soon be Jilly Muffin's laundry lady....

It would really be my dearest wish (well, Duggar-themed wish anyway) to see Mechelle spending her golden years cleaning up after Israel, Nepal, Bethlehen, Carolina, Nazareth, Tontitown and the rest... Edited by truelovekiss
  • Love 12

I've thought about that before, and my theory is that Mechelle is jealous of Jilly Muffin. Jill is definitely one of Boob's favorites, she has a heart for children, her buddy team clearly loved her very much, and she really thrived in their Gothard lifestyle. I think Mechelle is jealous od how well Jill fit in with that lifestyle, while I think she still strugggles with it. Also, I don't think she feels like she can relate to Jill in the way she can relate to Jessa on their shared "popular girl" status. Mechelle thinks she's cooler than Jill, but is also jealous of her which I think frustrates her even more

That sounds right to me. I don't know what her problem is with Jana, though -- she really seems to hate the poor girl.

  • Love 2

I've thought about that before, and my theory is that Mechelle is jealous of Jilly Muffin. Jill is definitely one of Boob's favorites, she has a heart for children, her buddy team clearly loved her very much, and she really thrived in their Gothard lifestyle. I think Mechelle is jealous od how well Jill fit in with that lifestyle, while I think she still strugggles with it. Also, I don't think she feels like she can relate to Jill in the way she can relate to Jessa on their shared "popular girl" status. Mechelle thinks she's cooler than Jill, but is also jealous of her which I think frustrates her even more

It would really be my dearest wish (well, Duggar-themed wish anyway) to see Mechelle spending her golden years cleaning up after Israel, Nepal, Bethlehen, Carolina, Naxareth, Tontitown and the rest...


I'll be happy just to see Me-chelle stuck in the laundry room sorting piles of stinky clothes 5 days a week. Although I don't think even then she'll realize that this is what Grandma Mary did to help her.

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That sounds right to me. I don't know what her problem is with Jana, though -- she really seems to hate the poor girl.

I wish I knew what her problem with Jana was. Jana, while still a fundy dream, isn't as vocal about her beliefs as Jill. She's a beautiful girl, wonderful with the kids, successfully runs the household...Mechelle should be on her knees grateful to (and PROUD of) Jana for all she does.

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Message added by cm-soupsipper,

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