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S26.E02: I Got The Smartest Dude

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I loved the puzzle box challenge.  I have one of those, I love giving it to new people to figure out.


I like the lawyer team, they seem to be a good fit for each other (which isn't always true of lawyers).  A bit surprised that team "truck stop" isn't tougher.  I see them getting eliminated in the next week or two.


I was kindof hoping that one of the blind date couples would win the "date night" ticket, just so that they'd have a chance to slow down and really talk during the race.


The sleeping arrangements, internet cafe?, was a real wtf?


Free groceries for a year, plus the gym membership is pretty cool prize.

  • Love 1

I hate to say this but something about this season of TAR just feels so ... cheap to me.  Like budgets have been slashed.  The whole feel of the first 2 episodes has just been The Amazing Race: Low Rent. 


As others have already said, the whole dating thing makes it really difficult to tell the couples apart.  And the selfie gimmick was annoying from minute one, and hasn't gotten any better. Esp. since I learned that they're not really 'selfies' at all, that the cameramen are holding the phones for the "selfies."  So what's the #%$^#&!#$ point!?  Find another way to pimp the sponsor's product, dammit!


And as long as I'm complaining ... the editing has gotten way out of control.  Are ANY shots more than 1.5 seconds long?  Usually, that kind of editing is used to hide the fact that nothing is happening, or to add tension to slack scenes.  Has TAR production lost faith in itself, and started using Bay-style seizure-inducing editing to cover up deficiencies in production?


So far the season is better than TAR: Family Edition, but then again, so is a visit to the dentist.  Here's hoping things pick up as the season progresses....

  • Love 7

If they do the "dating" angle, or any type of matching up unknown people as teams, I think they need to introduce the "bump" card.  It would be awarded from an individual challenge (not team) in the first leg, and the person who wins it would have the ability to bump (switch places with) someone from another team at any point in the game.  Heading to the mat with the last place dread looming?  Play the bump, and switch places with the player of your choice on the first place team.  (Has to be played before final 3, of course.)

WAAAY too complicated.  And I think it wouldn't ever work out, because if a team was doing well they wouldn't dare switch partners, and if they're not then the one who wins it would head right into a new partnership where the person they join would probably resent them.

  • Love 1

I was a huge doubter before the show aired - I greatly feared the "big brotherization" of The Amazing Race - my all time favorite 'reality ' tv show.


I stand corrected.


Last year had the greatest cast in awhile (no ex BB contestants)...and this year seems on the same track in terms of decent, likeable people with a variety of skill sets and experiences.


I am finding the drama to be - what happens when the "new" couples get to know one another better and the pressure builds - what happens then....


While I find some teams less interesting than others, I find all teams interesting in their approaches to the challenges and the interpersonal.


While I laughed out loud at the couple who were filming while their train left - I felt bad for them a bit later - they were so thrilled to be there and getting ready to go on a bullet train.  They seemed really nice but totally out of their depth and I felt a bit bad for laughing, but, man it does rank up there with "My ox is broken" - -- -except I liked this team!

  • Love 3

I was a huge doubter before the show aired - I greatly feared the "big brotherization" of The Amazing Race - my all time favorite 'reality ' tv show.


I stand corrected.


Last year had the greatest cast in awhile (no ex BB contestants)...and this year seems on the same track in terms of decent, likeable people with a variety of skill sets and experiences.


I am finding the drama to be - what happens when the "new" couples get to know one another better and the pressure builds - what happens then....


While I find some teams less interesting than others, I find all teams interesting in their approaches to the challenges and the interpersonal.


While I laughed out loud at the couple who were filming while their train left - I felt bad for them a bit later - they were so thrilled to be there and getting ready to go on a bullet train.  They seemed really nice but totally out of their depth and I felt a bit bad for laughing, but, man it does rank up there with "My ox is broken" - -- -except I liked this team!

I'm coming to think there are a few keys to a good season now.


1.) As few returnees as possible (well, none), short of a DEDICATED all-All-Star season.

2.) As few "celeb" contestants as possible, but if they insist on them then low key celebs (so this season isn't too bad, despite TWO celeb teams, because they both fit that low-key bill). 

3.) At least one strong ass-kicky all-female team (one they failed at this season).

4.) Conflict inside a team is fine, as long as it doesn't seem pre-planned/casted for.  The teams we want to throttle are the ones where it's clear they were cast more for being at each other's throats rather than ones where we see a natural organic breakdown (where that process can actually be interesting).

  • Love 5

The noodles task and the skating task were so unbalanced.  There didn't seem to be enough challenges in this episode.


CJ and his partner seemed like really nice people.  I liked watching them, so was sad to see them go, though it helped that they just seemed so mellow about the whole Race.  


I'm glad the Bearded guy convinced Rochelle to switch tasks.  Though it was certainly surprising they could mess up eating needles by trying to shovel the entire bowlful into his mouth.  I wouldn't mind if this team went home next, though I like the guy.


I find Doctor and Hayley to be entertaining due to their awkwardness.  He stays surprisingly calm and even laughs while at the back of the pack.  Maybe it's his naval training.  Though I can't say his cheerleading is that encouraging... "The sooner you finish, the sooner we get out of here."  Or his lacklustre "Go Hayley" Maybe silence would have been better.


The gay blind date doesn't seem to be going well at all.  If he was going to gag, it's not going to help to get him to hurry up, even though the partner was a tad whiny about it.


I still like the lawyers and their attitudes, so I'm glad they are still doing well.  


I still don't dislike any of the teams.  This is generally a nice group of people to watch.

Edited by Camera One
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sinycalone . . . I kept track of the departing times. Lebya (not Libby, my bad) & CJ started 44 minutes behind the nearest team, Matt & Ashley. ...


Ok, so why is she Lebya here and Libby on the tv show?  


It's been mentioned, but figuring out how to split a trip for a friends/ parent-child/ sibling teams has always been inherently problematic.  For teams of strangers who may never want to see each other again?  Awk-ward!  Besides, this particular first place prize probably has a valuation higher than many of the Travelocity trips in the past.


I think they give each pair a Travelocity credit for half the amount of the prize.  They don't have to go where the ad is for or go together at all.  

As others have already said, the whole dating thing makes it really difficult to tell the couples apart.  And the selfie gimmick was annoying from minute one, and hasn't gotten any better. Esp. since I learned that they're not really 'selfies' at all, that the cameramen are holding the phones for the "selfies."  So what's the #%$^#&!#$ point!?  Find another way to pimp the sponsor's product, dammit!

The worst part? They aren't sponsored - notice they're not mentioning the brand the way they do with the gnomes or the cars.

And as long as I'm complaining ... the editing has gotten way out of control.  Are ANY shots more than 1.5 seconds long?  Usually, that kind of editing is used to hide the fact that nothing is happening, or to add tension to slack scenes.  Has TAR production lost faith in itself, and started using Bay-style seizure-inducing editing to cover up deficiencies in production?

Bay actually worked on season one.


I don't understand the idea of a balanced detour. Doesn't each have it's own pros and cons? 
If you are athletic, you can probably kick out the ice skating faster. If you aren't- there is another option.

Even from season 1, there was NOTHING balanced about the detours. Like "bungee jump or walk down this really really really long mountain".  (Scary but fast, or not-scary but slow- obviously the producers wanted you to pick choice one).   They aren't really meant to be equal options. 

Edited by Skittl1321
  • Love 5

I don't see the Olympians as a celebrity couple. They were both in the Olympics, cool. The man won two bronze medals. Cool. I would not have the slightest clue as to who they are on if I saw them on the street. I would not recognize their names if some one said them. Are they a stunt couple? Sure, I guess. They have a different angle that is cool and fun. Are they celebrities? Not really. Seriously, how many people would know who they are or what they had done without a description?


The Globetrotters are celebrities, all minor ones. They would stand out because of their size, you would guess that there was a good chance they played a professional sport in the US. Unless you follow the Globetrotters, you probably wouldn't have a clue who they were and you wouldn't be jumping in to help them out. I would guess that Rob and Amber got far more help when they were on the race then the Globetrotters did because more people pay attention to Survivor globally then semi-pro/stunt basketball.


Bethany was more of a celeb. She was in the news after the shark attack, has a movie, and has a line of clothes. She is a professional surfer and is probably known by a good number of folks for all of those reasons. we saw that she was recognized on the show but it wasn't onerous and she wasn't over the top asking for help because of who she was.


Now, the New Kid on the Bloke is a celebrity and there is a chance that people will recognize him and that he might get some extra help. They did tour with Backstreet Boys a while back and NKTB have a pretty devoted following. That said, he is not someone who is so recognizable that the celeb bothers me. I wouldn't know him from Adam, but I hated NKTB when they were popular and don't pay much attention to the music scene. I suspect that he will be recognized more then Bethany last season but not so much as too be annoying or give him an advantage. I don't think he is going to be running around asking for help because of his fame and he has said that the travel experience is very different then when he tours. He probably has pretty limited experience making flight arrangements and self navigating in foreign cities. I don't think he has much of an advantage.


So I don't care about the stunt casting this season. The two stunt cast teams are pretty cool so far. They don't seem to have a distinct edge in the race because of who they are and that is all that I really care about. Heck, the theme teams are decent so far. I have not been distracted by the theme or the stunt cast teams so I am happy.

  • Love 6

And Rochelle is a Roller Derby girl.  I would think that she's had worse spills in Roller Derby and not asked for a medic.

Yes and no. Roller Derby girls ARE tough. But in good, well-run leagues they're also very safety conscious. So if a skater thinks she may have actually broken a bone, they are absolutely encouraged to immediately see a medic. That way, worse/future injuries can be avoided and it can be immediately determined if you are still fit to skate. I would actually assume that Rochelle immediately asked for a medic not because she was a wimp, but because she wanted to very quickly take care of any problem that might slow them down later on.

Rochelle is also probably quite used to thinking of herself as physical and tough. Lots of derby teams practice 4-5 days per week and participate in fairly grueling tournaments on a regular basis. So, she would have gone in thinking that opting for the physical challenges was the right choice, and it would be especially frustrating to have a hard time with them. It's hard to change the way you think about yourself, especially in a high pressure situation.

Edited by kakiphony
  • Love 7

Memo to everyone who edits or produces a reality tv program, or any other sort of tv program, or movie, or music video --- the viewers never, and I mean never, need to see someone throw up.  If you deem it important to the story, then have it off camera and use sound effects or someone making a comment.  It doesn't ever have to be shown.  


Amen, Thank you, please!  It's bad enough having to deal with that in real life (having children and cats!). I don't want to watch vomit.

  • Love 2

That was just him spitting out a huge mouthful of noodles, not actual vomiting, I think.  Though I wouldn't be surprised if he was gagging on it and that's why he had to spit it out. 


I tend to agree with you on the TAR guy, but a few days before, I got to see someone throw up a scorpion on Survivor - the memory was still fresh.  

  • Love 1

You have a choice between the prize package or the cash value of the prize package. Yes, you have to pay taxes on them.


Is that an actual fact as in part of the contract the contestants sigh ?  Cause I never heard of that before.  I'd think people would take the cash every time if that is true because the game show prize winnings luxery tax or whatever they call it is what?  Around 45% of the total value? 


You could go broke winning those first place finish prizes unless you could transfer-sell a few off to other people.  So if they are allowed the cash equivalent that would be really great news.  But I remember Racers in the past posting about how they gave away one trip to their parents and took one etc etc so I've always wondered about that.


As far as the Fit Bit prize, I'd rather have the stupid Kodak digital cameras from Season 3 instead.  Why would I ever want to count my steps?  I get up and go somewhere.  However many steps I take, I take.  End of story.

Edited by green
  • Love 1

Also, it seems to me that once again we got very unequal detours.  While not as extreme a difference as last episode, the noodle task seemed FAR easier than the chair one--unless you are an Olympic speed skater, that is. Or conversely are massively incompetent at using chopsticks.

I was actually a little surprised more of them didn't have more trouble with the noodle task, because eating wet, slippery noodles with chopsticks is not the easiest thing in the world to do, let alone trying to feed each other in this manner. If you use them regularly, you figure it out, but I certainly remember the first time my now-husband took me out for pho. I had never figured out how to pick anything up with chopsticks as a kid, despite my parents' best efforts, and here I was confronted with a bowl full of hot, slippery noodles, and nothing to eat them with except some sticks? And I certainly know plenty of people whose food tastes don't extend very far, and certainly don't include anything that would require chopsticks. Perhaps the producers were hoping that their cast included less worldly eaters who didn't eat much (or any) Asian food, and would therefore probably find this task extremely challenging.


I think it would be an interesting twist one season to have all of the teams made up of people who were strangers paired at the last minute -- you could come up with some very interesting results, such as two macho guys on the same team losing because they wouldn't yield to the other, or two people on the same team who were good followers who failed because neither one would take the lead.  If it's been done, was that what happened?

I also agree that I don't hate the idea of the stranger-pairing in and of itself, but the dating angle is a bit excessive. I think I'd actually be more inclined to try a season similar to this one, but without the dating component — as in, half the teams are regular, pre-existing relationship teams, and half are producer-matched stranger teams. I think it could be interesting because on one hand, teams who have pre-existing relationships know each other, but on the other hand, teams that have been hand-picked for each other could actually complement each other better than teams that just came together organically. I had that thought during the puzzle challenge when Kurt/Bergen was complaining that he wasn't getting the cheerleading from his partner, and Bergen/Kurt was observing that he didn't know how best to cheer on his partner. Hearing him consider the matter made me think that perhaps later, he could ask that question, and then they'd know. Teams that are already together probably wouldn't even think to ask this question, but not necessarily because they know the answer — lord knows we've seen plenty of teammates annoy the crap out of each other with the way they chose to attempt to support each other. I just think new teams might be more inclined to have really specific how-do-we-best-work-together-to-win-this-race conversations, which could produce some interesting dynamics.


But the dating thing? Definitely eyeroll-inducing. 

  • Love 1

I was actually a little surprised more of them didn't have more trouble with the noodle task, because eating wet, slippery noodles with chopsticks is not the easiest thing in the world to do, let alone trying to feed each other in this manner. 


At least one group was not using the chopsticks the way they were intended.  Maybe Rochelle and Mike?  She basically wound a bunch of noodles on the end of a single chopstick, like wire on a spool, and fed him by sticking one chopstick into his mouth.  Of course we know how that turned out.

At least one group was not using the chopsticks the way they were intended.  Maybe Rochelle and Mike?  She basically wound a bunch of noodles on the end of a single chopstick, like wire on a spool, and fed him by sticking one chopstick into his mouth.  Of course we know how that turned out.

Yeah, I noticed that, too. It doesn't seem like that would necessarily be any easier, but I guess it more or less worked.

Is that an actual fact as in part of the contract the contestants sigh ?  Cause I never heard of that before.  I'd think people would take the cash every time if that is true because the game show prize winnings luxery tax or whatever they call it is what?  Around 45% of the total value? 

Game show prizes are simply taxable income, so the tax is at your bracketed rate. For most shows, you have to pay the California state tax immediately, but since TAR doesn't take place entirely in CA, I don't know what rules apply in that respect.

As for cash equivalents, that is up to the particular show. I know the Price is Right not only doesn't offer cash equivalents, but they don't even allow you to transfer trip prizes. The last part, we know to be false for TAR.

Why would I ever want to count my steps?  I get up and go somewhere.  However many steps I take, I take.  End of story.

Taking 10'000 steps a day is one way to meet the current exercise recommendations.

I think with some shows (maybe all of them), you have the option to refuse the prize.  Wasn't that what Jay McCarroll did on the first season of Project Runway?  I thought he didn't like the "strings" attached to the prizes and turned them down. Or maybe it was just one or the prizes. Anyway, I'm sure if they didn't want to take the FitBit, they wouldn't be forced to.

I was actually a little surprised more of them didn't have more trouble with the noodle task, because eating wet, slippery noodles with chopsticks is not the easiest thing in the world to do, let alone trying to feed each other in this manner. If you use them regularly, you figure it out, but I certainly remember the first time my now-husband took me out for pho. I had never figured out how to pick anything up with chopsticks as a kid, despite my parents' best efforts, and here I was confronted with a bowl full of hot, slippery noodles, and nothing to eat them with except some sticks?  

That's picking them up individually, not en masse.  Larger amounts, it's far easier.  Also, those real Japanese noodles are far better in texture than the crappy ramen noodles we get out of packs--they're going to be both softer (so the eating implement will push into them), and also rougher on the outside (so there's texture to grab onto).


Also, just to address your specific example, Pho are rice noodles, which are very slipperly, and ramen are wheat noodles, which are not.  And actually those noodles looked thicker, so they maybe might have been something more like Soba or Udon--which would be even EASIER to pick up.


Finally, there's probably a generational thing.  I know I'm personally an exception to a rule in that I'm old, but grew up using chopsticks at least once a week (and I'm not Asian).  I can indeed easily hold a single grain of rice with chopsticks, as long as they aren't those stupid laquered ones, or plastic chopsticks (plain wood is best).


But I think for the most part that real big change to Asian food being eponymous nationwide didn't happen until the 90s (you might have specific things like a Chinese restaurant in a local town before that, but they'd always have forks around for the white people).  And these contestants are all of that generation.

Why would I ever want to count my steps?  I get up and go somewhere.  However many steps I take, I take.  End of story.




Taking 10'000 steps a day is one way to meet the current exercise recommendations.


Maybe the FitBit can be converted to count beers  drunk or rotis eaten or something.  So I can try to meet  the current exercise recommendations that way.

  • Love 3

I really thought Blair was being dry and sarcastic funny, not having poor humor, for asking Hayley if she thought he was fat, just like when he was feinting hurt that she thought he was 35.  I really do enjoy this date from hell though, I think it's hilariouss, I hope they stay for awhile, but it's looking unlikely with him not able to stand the the thought of being next to her, who is admittedly, at the very least shrill.


Rochelle, I'm also not enjoying, she seems to be so damn negative, thank god for her partner, who's cheerful and seem to be supportive all around.   Everyone else, I'm indifferent on, except...I agree with some other poster saying that Jackie's face looks "harsh", perhaps all the makeup that she pounded on for her job?

Edited by interesting
  • Love 1

I love my Fitbit. I spent 20 years developing crappy eating and exercise habits. MyFitnessPal and my Fitbit have helped me develop much better habits over the last few years and become more healthy. I don't look at my Fitbit and freak out if I don't reach 10,000 steps but I aim for it. It has helped me rethink how I get around and been a reminder to be more active at work, take the stairs, walk to a further away bathroom, take a walk at lunch. Is it something that I have to have? No. Is it something I like to have as a reminder to get off my ass and move? Yup.


Would I have been excited about a prize that was all Fitbits? Nope. I would be thrilled for the cooking lessons and the groceries for a year and the Fitbits.

  • Love 4

I love my Fitbit. I spent 20 years developing crappy eating and exercise habits. MyFitnessPal and my Fitbit have helped me develop much better habits over the last few years and become more healthy. I don't look at my Fitbit and freak out if I don't reach 10,000 steps but I aim for it. It has helped me rethink how I get around and been a reminder to be more active at work, take the stairs, walk to a further away bathroom, take a walk at lunch. Is it something that I have to have? No. Is it something I like to have as a reminder to get off my ass and move? Yup.


Would I have been excited about a prize that was all Fitbits? Nope. I would be thrilled for the cooking lessons and the groceries for a year and the Fitbits.

I am with you on that. At the end of the day, if I look at the number of steps and realize I haven't moved enough, I walk laps around the house until I get a respectable number. My fitbit holds me accountable. I can't do 10,000 steps on days I work, but I have reached that number on weekends.
  • Love 2


And Rochelle is a Roller Derby girl.  I would think that she's had worse spills in Roller Derby and not asked for a medic.


I hadn't even thought of that but you're right. She strikes me as someone who runs to the doctor every time she breaks a nail.



I was so glad that Kurt and Bergen were able to say on caamera how creepy it is to be paired with someone who looks like they could be your twin. They really, really do look like that, and with the German-sounding names besides, it's like the show deliberately cast them for maximum creepy twincest effect. The should both get makeovers, designed to differentiate, and see if that helps.


It appears the show did make some effort to pair the singles up with people they had something in common with: the two lawyers, and the doctor with the nurse. Not a bad start. In the case of Kurt and Bergen, they are both from small, southern towns where everyone is conservative and they have very little dating opportunity, so they do seem to come from very similar backgrounds. I think they have only a superficial physical resemblance in that they are both fair haired and do their hair the same way, but it may well be that the casting people had significantly less understanding of how to pair up two gay men than a straight man and straight woman.

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The 1st Place "Fit Bits" prize seemed really cheap.


I would have been expecting a vacation trip, a new car, $5000 each ... instead, they get Fit Bits.  


Really lame.


It wasn't until the third season of the show that there were any prizes for winning any leg, except the last one.  And in the third season, the prizes were small digital cameras.

The Road Block with the puzzle and the drummers in was a little disappointing.  I would've preferred it have been challenge involving the racers using the drums.


Lebya and C.J. seem nice enough, after but the many mistakes this episode and the last, I'm not too sad to see them go.  Plus, the marriage talk was just too awkward.  Lebya, you may have to move on. 


I was pleasantly surprised that there were two episodes in Japan that had no Japanese game show challenges.

  • Love 3

I was surprised so many of the guys did the puzzle box. Don't they tend to go for the physical challenges? I hope they're going to stick to the rules about each teammate doing a certain number of tasks this year.


Aw, maybe I'm just feeling sappy but I thought the noodles were a cute date activity.


Jelani and Jenny are still my favorites. I'm sure they'll hit race fatigue eventually but for now I like them. I kind of liked the fitness prize as well. A vacation lasts however long it lasts (seems to be a week or two) but those prizes would be useful long-term, maybe not that expensive but yeah, I'm into it.


I felt bad for the "chair" people who weren't Olympic athletes. Sure, I don't mind an uneven challenge when it works against a team I hate (usually later in the competition) but I don't dislike anyone right now and the detours are seeming really uneven. You can't choke down a bowl of noodles? I don't care if you hate noodles, that isn't even close to the worst of the eating challenges on the show.

Lilabennet- Phil said in interviews that they did this blind date twist in part so they could cast people who wanted to be on the show but didn't have a partner. So that would also explain why few of them are looking for romance- they just agreed to the twist so they could race around the world and they didn't care if their partner became a lover or just a friend.


So what, none of them have friends or acquaintances who'd race with them?  Really?  I'm still not particularly liking this twist, partly because of the lack of cast diversity (nope, still can't tell most couples apart) and partly because I always liked the "pre-existing relationship" requirement - people knew each other's strengths and weaknesses (OK, sometimes...) and could work around them (OK, sometimes... that woman who was afraid of heights and water stands out a bit.) 


Having said that I did like #selfiefail - one of the most facepalm moments on the race ever.  I can't believe they were doing the selfie outside the train - I'm much too paranoid, and would have been ON the train doing selfies.  I was also surprised at the low time requirement for the skating - normally there's a bit more of a buffer on these things.

That argument doesn't really holds anyways, at least three of the blind daters previously applied with a partner (Jenny, Blair, Hayley) and three were recruited (Bergen, Kurt, Jackie), so that doesn't leave a whole lot of space for lone wolves down there. If they really wanted to let solitary people do the race, why not just make an entire season made up of strangers (ok, that has the potential to be pretty awful), instead of going out with the Ultimate! Love! Test! exceeding TAR6 levels?

  • Love 1
If you are athletic, you can probably kick out the ice skating faster. If you aren't- there is another option.


I would agree but the team of Olympians one of who is an Olympic speed skater and the other who has to push something on ice that weighs more than her on a chair beat the clock by 24 seconds I think the detours were embalanced.


Phil did say the fans were so they would help cool down the noodles.

I didn't think it was a big deal last year and I don't think it is a big deal right now. The tasks are set when they are set and sometimes play to a teams strength. I am not going to complain that someone who is good at memorization does better at a memorization task so why should I care that the surfers did well in the wave task and the Olympians did well in this ice chair task. Most of the teams did pretty well with that task, quite a few of them only took two tries to get around the track so it is hard to say it was imbalanced or favored one team over the others.


Heck, there were dancing tasks with a member of a boy band in them, are those imbalanced because he has more experience learning dance routines? Nope, he didn't do the one dancing task in Japan because he said he is not a good dancer. Cheerleaders and other people with dance experience have an advantage in those tasks.


So, yeah, no big deal.

Yeah, I didn't have a problem with the surfing challenge last year or this ice skating challenge, my point about them being unbalanced wasn't that the Olympians performed it but that the time it took them to complete it made it seem like it would be hard even for relatively atheletic teams given that the noodle task was so easy.

I wasn't commenting on your post.  Last season some (many?) thought the WaveRider was some sort of fix for the surfers benefit.  Which I thought was completely unfounded.  I'm just surprised that a skating challenge presented to two skating Olympians didn't result in similar suggestions about TPTB tampering.  Which I again think is completely unfounded.  


It's just strange that one incident was so controversial and the other sparked no comment at all.  Go figure! 

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