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S11.E13: Staring At The End


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Blah. Amelia remains insufferable. Dr. Herman has grown on me; I think she's a great fit for the show. I'm torn as to whether I want her to live though, simply because I'd like to see Amelia suffer for her hubris. Oh, and I hate that the writers think we're unwise to their trick: just because Derek and now Alex voice their approval of Maggie doesn't mean I'm going to suddenly like her. Also tired of all these fancy editing gimmicks. Love the lack of April though. 

Edited by upperco
  • Love 5

Can they kill Amelia and keep Geena Davis? The other Dr. Shepherd is insufferable.

You win the Internet tonight.


This is the second time in my life that I've "watched" the show while paying attention to my laptop. Whose idea was it to bring this annoying character onto this show? I can't take her seriously, I don't care about her, I don't care about her love life, I don't cry for her Argentina. Honestly, I hope her unwillingness to reach out to other colleagues is her undoing (including her brother, and his "smug" voice - vomiting now). I'm going to hell (not really) for hoping she fails, crashes and burns, and has to think about the idiocy of her not seeking help.


I get that some of the actors need/want time off, but this show blows without Meredith and Derek. Sorry, this story isn't bringing back the glory days of Grey's - it makes me nostalgic for them.


To think this season started off so freaking strong, and now has become this dreck.

  • Love 9


Can they kill Amelia and keep Geena Davis? The other Dr. Shepherd is insufferable.


Yea - what self-aggrandizing quack job goes into an 18 hour complex, groundbreaking surgery, without other senior specialists in tow and/or without multiple consults? Her 'presentations' were laughable. I mean I happily suspend a lot of disbelief for this show but this writing - with a weak character driving a ridiculous story line is just not pleasant.


Can Geena Davis make it, but Amelia still fail in some way? I'm only tuning in next week in the hope that the real Dr. Shepherd will make a life-saving appearance.

  • Love 12


I want to know how many pages of dialogue Caterina Scorsone had to memorize for this episode. That was a LOT of monologuing.

Was that the longest monologue anyone has EVER had on this show, or is it just that CS was delivering it? I can't tell. But aside from the parts that they ripped straight from Derek's "career-making" surgery on Isaac in S6, I found it both stupid and frankly, offensive. A tumor is "God's little masterpiece?" Say that louder, Shonda: the millions of people affected by cancer might not have heard you.


And apparently, we get another heaping helping of "the wrong Dr. Shepherd" next week.


  • Love 8

I actually fast forwarded all the tumour talk crap right after the part where a bunch of doctors went "ooohhh...." when they heard about some tumours with teeth / eyes.  Ummm...aren't these trained professionals who have been to medical school?


Loved it when Callie asked if anybody was helping her.  Yeah, no, I'm doing an 18 hour surgery by myself with my "idiot resident" in tow.  I know we don't get anything about the nurses anymore, but wouldn't they have a whole specialty team selected to do this surgery who might not be available at the drop of a hat?  


Where was Meredith?

  • Love 7

I actually really like Amelia, but damn, that was insanely long. Why on earth would there be several different seminars about what she's going to do? Wouldn't it make more sense once the outcome is known?

I don't blame Amelia for not wanting to call Derek. Dude is smug. With a side of insufferable. But he's not the only neurosurgeon in the world, so call someone else. It's ridiculous, anyway. I had a coworker who had a marathon brain surgery, and there was a series of doctors who cut on her. She was the only person who was actually there for the whole thing.

I had a second-hand panic attack when they snapped Herman into that goalie's mask.

  • Love 10

I felt Amelia was like Charlie Brown's teacher: wah wah wah wah.


She's a terrible surgeon. Even Derek, in all his grandiosity, asked for his peers' opinion. Or some input in his surgery. Hell, when he went against the Chief, he had the entire staff on his side. Amelia? Nada. No Amy, the tumor won't think you're the wrong Dr. Shepherd. The tumor knows you're the wrong Dr. Shepherd.


Another thing that bothers me is that Amelia is beyond fascinated with the tumor but doesn't seem to care much about the owner of the tumor. I feel that she wants Herman alive just to be able to get to do the surgery. I don't know why she comes off like that to me, but it does. 


Seriously, whatever she's trying to prove it's not to save Herman's life or her peers. It's just to prove Derek wrong about something. This is pathetic. Not sure if Amelia was better written in PP or if everyone was just worse there that she seemed kinda great. But no.


Where was Meredith?

To be honest, I didn't miss her. Especially after last week. And when she complained about her love life, I just thought "Well, you made your bed, now lie alone on it."


Dude is smug. With a side of insufferable.

He can be the worst human being in the world, but if he is still the world class neurosurgeon that he is and one at reach (because it seems Amelia has not many colleagues as Derek does), then she needs to swallow her pride and give him a call. Suck it up, you're an adult. Deal with it. It's a life you're playing with.

  • Love 8

I'm also fed up with the criticism of Derek as being "smug." FFS, THEY'RE ALL SMUG. It's how we know they're surgeons, even when they're not wearing their blue scrubs. Nobody ever called out Meredith, Cristina or Bailey for being smug. Name one surgeon on this show who isn't guilty of this!


But when Derek does it (and it's less often than he's accused of it, and often done with humor), it's unacceptable.

  • Love 9

I'm also fed up with the criticism of Derek as being "smug." FFS, THEY'RE ALL SMUG. It's how we know they're surgeons, even when they're not wearing their blue scrubs. Nobody ever called out Meredith, Cristina or Bailey for being smug. Name one surgeon on this show who isn't guilty of this!


But when Derek does it (and it's less often than he's accused of it, and often done with humor), it's unacceptable.


Goodness, THANK YOU! This is what annoys me most about some of these characters. Wasn't it just a few weeks ago (show's timeline) when she was having him suture cuts and basically humiliating him by keeping him out of surgeries? Who has the problem here?


And AnitaM86 was absolutely right - I can think of at least twice when Derek's mentioned other surgeons around the country he's consulted. I want my surgeons to be smart enough to know that they have colleagues to bounce things off of.

  • Love 7

This episode felt different. It didn't feel like Grey's, so many people missing and had so little screen times. I didn't like less of Alex but on the bright side I don't have to see Mere being a bitch like last week. 


I don't even know about Bailey anymore. It seems like she's just a prop for another story line I don't care about. We can basically replace Bailey with anyone else and it's all still the same. Actually I might like it better if it was Alex. Bailey used to be semi close with Arizona in early season but the writer just dropped it and then Alex had this mentor thing with Arizona. I just don't want to drop this too.


I felt bad for Herman. She's growing on me and it will suck if she dies because I'm sure there's a gonna be Amelia drama crap that follows. Come to think about it, I don't even know if I can suffer another Arizona drama. I hope she deals with it better than how she coped losing her friend.


I don't hate Maggie but the show needs to stop having people say it out loud that she's funny or likable or whatever. It's very annoying. 

  • Love 1

I didn't care much for this episode.  I like Amelia, but thought the seminar speeches were a bit much.  I'm surprised that this was the first time that Derek's name was brought up during this whole brain tumor story.  The final scenes with Arizona and Dr. Herman were very good and I like the mentor/friend relationship that was shown today.


I really don't pay attention to spoilers, but having Geena Davis narrate tonight makes me think that this surgery isn't going to go very well.  

I think half the amount of time could have been spent on the lead up to the surgery and it would have worked better. Sometimes less is more.


I like Amelia and I don't have a problem with her referring to Derek as smug (he can be) or wanting to do the surgery without her brother. I do find it strange that no other neuro surgeons at all are involved but that seems par for the course at this hospital. I laugh every time one of them talks about being head of their department because they're all department of 1. The only department with more than 1 seems to be general. Who is the department head of general? Is it Richard?  Just curious. I would find it more believable if she consulted with any other neuro surgeon anywhere in the world.  She could have still come up with the plan and done the surgery even if they had her talking to some other doctors.


I wonder if either Owen or Callie call Derek and that's why he returns to the hospital. I can easily see him getting there too late or something.


The final scenes with Arizona and Dr. Herman were very good and I like the mentor/friend relationship that was shown today.


I liked those scenes as well.  I also like Alex during his usual 12 words of screen time, which of course was about Meredith.

  • Love 2

This was one of the biggest, steamiest piles of Shonda Rhimes crap in this show's history. I can't remember an episode of Grey's that was THIS bad. The MONOLOGUES. The REPETITIONS. The PASSIONATE YELLING. The OVERACTING. I had to stop watching Scandal last year because it got too unbearable, and now Grey's is the exact same thing.


It all felt like a middle schooler wrote it, one who thinks that grand idiotic monologues like Amelia's badly delivered speech are powerful writing. For FUCK'S SAKE, this is such awful, hackish, idiotically bad writing and acting.


Fire everyone on the writing staff. Exile Shonda Rhimes. Keep Geena Davis but let everything else burn.

  • Love 12
I laugh every time one of them talks about being head of their department because they're all department of 1. The only department with more than 1 seems to be general. Who is the department head of general? Is it Richard?  Just curious.

I thought it was Bailey, as Richard was meant to be in charge of the Residents. But to be honest, I have no clue. 


Hey, excuse me. Shadow Shepherd? The guy still exists. I think. He hasn't quit, right? Oh why do I bother.


It all felt like a middle schooler wrote it, one who thinks that grand idiotic monologues like Amelia's badly delivered speech are powerful writing. For FUCK'S SAKE, this is such awful, hackish, idiotically bad writing and acting.

Officially the best review of the night. Winner.


I agree with Tuleh2. Everyone is smug. Derek can be smug, but Amy is right at his side now. Must be a family thing, I guess. Whatever it is though, Amelia is way over her head.

  • Love 1

I just... I cant take it anymore. I am a huge Alex fan who's basically loved him from the beginning and I also adore his relationship with Jo. Or maybe you could say adored because this season has been so awful for both of them and I don't even know if I'm still allowed to hope for a storyline or not. Ever since Cristina left Alex has been neglecting his girlfriend. Now I totally get why he wants to be there for Meredith and that he feels responsible for her etct. but he could do it in a less intense way. The Mer/Alex friendship always used to be my favorite but this season I can't enjoy them anymore. Mer is so needy and constantly demands his full attention 24/7 but when he needs her for something, be it help him with his speech for the board she doesn't give him anything back. Their relationship has become so one-sided and Meredith is constantly telling him that Cristina was better at this person thing than him. It is so tiring for me to watch their interactions anymore because most of the time she's nagging him about something. She's also being wxtremely cold and rude to Jo and Alex doesn't even say anything. We get it, she's your person now but that doesn't mean that you have to let her call your girlfriend a hoodlum. Why is Alex letting her say and do everything without even so much as a "stop"? The only times he appears to be annoyed is when Mer disturbs his sex life with Jo and I'm really not okay with that. The writers are doing a very good job with ruining Alex for me this season since he's not the snarky Evil Spawn anymore but his only purpose seems to be being Meredith's support system 24/7. He has no patients, no storylines (oh except having Bailey rob his seat), we barely see any scenes between him and Jo that are even remotely emotional or meaningful. He said last episode that he wants to marry her but the impression I have been having for 12 episodes was him putting everyone but her first. He even seems to be spending more time with his new "friends" Callie and Maggie than he spends with Jo. While I like Callie and am neutral about Maggie I don't like the dynamic of their weird friendship with Alex at all. That feels completely forced to me. Why would Alex spend more time with them all of a sudden than with Arizona or Jo? He doesn't fit into that little group of theirs and I absolutely HATE that his entire 1min screentime is being wasted on scenes with them. I miss Alex/Arizona scenes and I definitely more than anything miss Alex and Jo. The writers haven't given them a storyline as a couple since their love contract which was almost an entire season ago. I would totally understand if they were broken up and we wouldn't get to see them interact but THEY ARE IN A RELATIONSHIP and apparently Alex wants to take the next step within this relationship. Can't they just for once focus on them? I'm sick and tired of waiting every single week for a new scene or storyline between them and getting disappointed every time. Let's not even talk about the fact that Jo basically gets NOTHING just as much as Alex gets nothing. This is her 3rd season on the show and while I get that the newer characters like Maggie and Amelia needed their screentime to be integrated the writers are completely neglecting Jo and Stephanie. Just because they're not related to Meredith or Derek does that mean that they will never have a storyline? I honestly don't even care that much about Stephanie but Jo is dating Alex who is an original. The writers had spent so much time on developing Arizona and Owen when they were first brought in for Callie and Cristina. Jo doesn't get any storylines, she has no real friends except Stephanie, she never does have any surgical successes. All they're making her do is hold a suction for someone during surgery or run around naked in the house. She has a very interesting past and imo could be a very interesting character if they gave her at least a little bit more material.. I'm not even asking for a storyline that will require so much Jo that everyone will end up hating her for stealing screentime but it is more than necessary to develop her character more! If they are gonna stick with Alex and Jo as a couple (which I hope they will because finally after 11 seasons I love an Alex relationship) then the writers need to give them storylines!! I'm honestly more than annoyed by now and I hate being disappointed every single week that everyone except them seems to be getting storylines.

  • Love 4

Worst. Episode. Ever.


I have watched my share of surgical lectures.  Dr. Muffyn is a cardiac surgeon.  SheShepard would have been laughed out of there. Way to be professional!  Please tell me how the tumor is god's little wonder.  Maybe she should gorp out Dr. Herman and keep her alive on life support so she can watch that wonder grow.  


Also, way to announce the patient's name.  Let's hope none of Herman's recent patients have any post-surgical complications.  You just handed them a malpractice suit.  


And after you've been working all day, why not start an 18 hour solo surgery?  There is no extra risk there.  Hell, line up a few more patients while you're at it.  There will be plenty of space in the operating room since it's just you, a resident, an anesthesiologist and a surgical nurse.  There should be plenty of room for some clowns and performing seals to join you.  Might as well make sure your chances of success are as low as possible.  How about a blindfold too?


I assume the other people at the hospital understand how phones work and have even possibly spoken to Derek since he left for DC.  No need to place a call.

  • Love 13

The idea that Amelia would do the surgery alone, isn't just selfish, but incredibly stupid and against the interests of her patient. Rather than maximize her chances and consult with experts in the field (doesn't even have to be Derek), she just goes it alone? I wish someone would point out to get how much she is risking her patient's life, just because of her oversized ego. The idea of her just having one resident in a ground breaking, never been done before, long surgery is idiotic and sounds like malpractice to me. Since the show doesnt care about realism, I say in the middle of surgery, the baby tumor pops out with its sharp teeth and attacks Amelia. Baby tumor slashes Amelia's throat. Derek comes in and saves Harman. Amelia, in her last moments of life, sees this. And then she dies. The end.

  • Love 16

Can anyone remind me who all knows about Maggie?  I know Richard, Alex, Meredith, and Derek know.


I'm irritated that next week looks like Meredith is told to stop Amelia.  This is a hospital - it should be handled by the proper channels - not by the sister-in-law.


I can never turn off the nurse in me.  They wouldn't take Herman to surgery without eight hours of fasting.


I had a second-hand panic attack when they snapped Herman into that goalie's mask.


Oh my God!!  I'm a bit claustrophobic, and barely made it through an MRI with my eyes squeezed closed.  Hearing that mask being locked on almost made by hyperventilate.  It also seemed like it restricted her breathing a bit.

  • Love 2

Can anyone remind me who all knows about Maggie?  I know Richard, Alex, Meredith, and Derek know.


I'm irritated that next week looks like Meredith is told to stop Amelia.  This is a hospital - it should be handled by the proper channels - not by the sister-in-law.


I can never turn off the nurse in me.  They wouldn't take Herman to surgery without eight hours of fasting.



Oh my God!!  I'm a bit claustrophobic, and barely made it through an MRI with my eyes squeezed closed.  Hearing that mask being locked on almost made by hyperventilate.  It also seemed like it restricted her breathing a bit.

I have had MRIs in a head cage more open than the one shown.  My sister had radiation done in a mask that covered her head and both shoulders.  I'll never know how she did it.  I've reached the take major drugs, insist on an open MRI and have a fan going to blow cool air on my face route and even then it's hell.  Of course my sister also had a boob in a mammogram machine when an earthquake hit.  She did say she always thought about that when they would bolt her into the mask.


On topic - we can only hope Herman has a bad reaction to the anesthesia and projectile vomits on Amelia.  The whole silliness of bringing her a gown and wheeling her right into surgery, so over the top.  The two women sold the scene, but it was ridiculous. 

  • Love 2

I'd love it if Derek shows up because Callie or Owen or Meredith called him, however I don't think PD will be back so soon. Amelia is in way over her head, and though she is not untalented by any means, she's definitely being negligent by insisting on tackling this by herself. Swallow your pride and get your brother in there for the benefit of your patient. Or at least Shadow Shepherd. 


Dr. Herman is toast and she knows it. Between Amelia constantly declaring that she's going to save her life, Arizona trying to convince herself that Amelia has it under control, and Herman telling Arizona when to pull the plug and her burial requests, it basically comes down to if she's going to die on the table or post-surgery due to a clot or some other complication.   

  • Love 1

ITA that I want to keep Herman and get rid of Amelia. I am so tired of Amelia. Between her obnoxious "I can fix anything!" shtick and her "waaaaaaa, what am I going to do?" whining, I am so sick of her. I get that Derek can be an ass, but if you don't want to ask his opinion, how about consulting with any of the hundreds of other neurosurgeons in the world? Her inferiority complex about Derek was so annoying too. If you want to be better than Derek, then be better than Derek. But don't screw your patient out of spite because you don't want your brother's help. Your job as a doctor is to help your patient, not feed your ego at the patient's expense.


How did this theoretical surgery merit having at least three separate lectures? How did she end the first two? By saying, "Uhhhh, and then God's little chubby cheeked miracle baby is magically aborted from Dr. Herman's brain but I haven't exactly figured that part out yet"?


I guess an eighteen hour surgery merits eighteen hours of lecturing about it beforehand. It probably took longer since she had to go on and on about how we need to respect the tumor and life will out and blah blah blah.


While I totally agree with the overall message of Stephanie's lecture ("Get it together, Dr. Shepherd!"), I didn't like that Stephanie was lecturing Amelia on how she should be worthy of Stephanie worshipping her and looking up to her and being a mentor to her. While I agree that Amelia shouldn't yell at her resident and call her names, all that "make yourself worthy of the fact that I have been following you around like a puppy dog" just made me roll my eyes. You're not 12 years old, Edwards. Get your shit together too.


When Robbins and Herman set her mask on fire in the office, all I could think was dude, is it safe to burn plastic? Especially in an enclosed area?


Hated Bailey's storyline. If someone walked up to me during my lunch and said, "Edward," by way of starting a conversation that continued with a story about how he died with her hands inside his body, I would be insulted. It's such a hack-y way to try to suck someone in.


I love Geena Davis (and her See Jane/Institute on Gender in the Media group) so I would love to find a way for Amelia to fail but still keep Herman.


I got so annoyed when Amelia was yelling during her lecture. Those lecture halls always come with clip on mics. Please use one and QUIT YELLING AT ME.


And while we're at it, please stop trying to make this Hunt/Shepherd thing happen. Watching Amelia babble for two minutes straight about coffee made me want to put duct tape over her mouth just to make it stop.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
  • Love 8
I'm irritated that next week looks like Meredith is told to stop Amelia.  This is a hospital - it should be handled by the proper channels - not by the sister-in-law.

A properly qualified surgeon should be sent in also. If Shadow Shepherd is still there he would be sent in and not Meredith. If they are pulling a surgeon then they need someone who can take over. If its supposed to be this never done before difficult neurosurgery then why send in a general surgeon?


The episode was boring. There was way too much medical lecturing to hold my interest. I would have been bored regardless of the surgery or surgeon.


And no, Alex participating that lunchtime Yaz commercial doesn't count.

Alex is desperately in need of a male friend. This being Meredith's person stuff has ruined his chance for anything decent for the season. He can't even get a scene alone with Jo these days. Meredith is always shoved in. 

  • Love 3

Jeezus, Amelia. Why don't you get a 3-D printout of the tumor and hump it on stage for all the doctor's to see? I think we wasted enough time listening to her compare the fucking thing to babies and tell us how awesome it is. And I'm sorry, but NOT calling your brother and at least ASKING his opinion is NOT in the best interest of your patient. 


How about if Geena Davis stays, but Derek has to come bail Amelia out in order to save Dr. Herman and they have to put aside their egos and work together to get it done? This way, we keep her, but knock the OTHER Dr. Shepherd down a peg. 




I had a second-hand panic attack when they snapped Herman into that goalie's mask.

Oh my God!!  I'm a bit claustrophobic, and barely made it through an MRI with my eyes squeezed closed.  Hearing that mask being locked on almost made by hyperventilate.  It also seemed like it restricted her breathing a bit.


Raises hand. No way. Couldn't do it. I couldn't stand having a tube under my nose and a monitor attached to my chest to test my sleep patterns. I freaked and ripped them out. 


Worst. Episode. Ever.


Second worst. The Musical Episode. I'm just sayin'. 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 4

Jeezus, Amelia. Why don't you get a 3-D printout of the tumor and hump it on stage for all the doctor's to see?

As long as she doesn't launch into another grand speech while doing it.


Add me to the list of people freaked out by the face mask and how it was secured onto the table. I've had brain MRIs but even those seem like a breeze compared to that.

  • Love 2

While they haven't come out and told us, it's most likely that he negotiated fewer episodes this season. Most of us thought it would be to make room for more racing, but it could also be that he knew his personal life was going to become more complicated and he needed time to sort things out. Officially, he has a two year contract just like Ellen.

Edited by LakeLover
  • Love 1

The character of Amelia should have been aborted last year, it is laughable. The actress is so blah, so boring, I can barely stay awake. The tumor schumer story is beyond dumb, just like Merediths pancreatic tumor and the 3D tumor.

I think it is time to retire this show, the writers have lost their focus which should be on the core characters.

Arizona is a bright light, Jessica Capshaw is so underrated.

The physicians sitting like lap dogs listening to the lectures would never happen. A real doctor would never set himself up for failure and lawsuits, the surgery is probably experimental if no one does it. In real life physicians don't make surgeries up as they go along.

I think Callie will alert the chief and others, they will come to the rescue. Herman will survive but will probably be blind.

The fetal surgery story line is so blown out of proportion, most of it is experimental and rarely done.

  • Love 3

I want to keep Herman in place of Amelia. Amelia has no personality, at least Herman has some.


I also like seeing a character play the dark/rough person that is rarely vulnerable. You know, how Meredith, Alex, Cristina, Teddy, Hunt and Bailey used to be. All of those people are now emotionally driven or gone (or in Alex's case, just not given screen time) and frankly I don't give a crap about them. I might have added Jo to the list, but they dropped her hardass routine as soon as she went to Alex after punching her emotionally abusive ex.

  • Love 2

Thanks for the head's up.  I was prepared to FF through Amelia, but she's the whole show.  There was even one funny moment where her lecture voiceover continues while they flash the "One Week Later" screencard.


Yesterday's three-episode rerun on Lifetime was the hospital gunman arc and damn--SO good!  Derek, Mer, Richard, Lexie and especially Yang and Bailey:  so so so so good.  Oh, and April Kepner was there, helplessly stammering and sniffling.


It feels like they've tried to fill Yang's vacancy with Kepner, Amelia and Maggie, which is just not working.  Concentrating on Alex would have been a better move. 

  • Love 3

 This is a hospital - it should be handled by the proper channels - not by the sister-in-law.

Sorry, I couldn't stop laughing at this comment. This place ceased to be a normal hospital eons ago. This is Shondaland General Hospital. Those silly rules don't apply. Why, this is the place where LVAD wires are cut, DNRs are ignored, and "HIPPAA" is something Zola said she saw at the zoo. This show has become more of a soap opera than ever. Next week? A case of Kopfgeschlagen!



*Edited to replace something I intended to be a joke sound less than the condescending comment it looked like. Sorry, OP.

Edited by Captain Asshat
  • Love 3

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