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S03.E02: The Wanderer

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A lot of dreams going on in this episode. Aslaug, Siggy, Helga and the Ragnar wannabe.

I wonder if Lagertha will come back to regain her title? And Athelstan bleeding for her at the end, what did that mean? I hope the seer is OK. Can't wait to see who bleeding/fire hand guy is.

I'm on the fence if I want King Ecgbert to be Lagertha's boyfriend. Can she trust him?

Did (can't think of his name) guy who got the arm amputated, did he die at the end?

Can't blame the Princess for being so vengeful after she told Ragnar her story of abuse.

That severed head mobile was terrifying! I would have run away too.

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Bjorn and Thorunn still have no chemistry. I just don't like her. You can do better Bjorn!


Alright, it's official. I ship Lagertha & King Ecbert. I think Athelstan does too a little bit, so I'm in good company there. ;)

I'm not feeling Athelstan/Judith on the other hand.


I'm really loving the interaction between Siggy, Helga, and Aslaug. It's about time Aslaug got some freaking development away from Ragnar. She's not so bad, really.


Floki and Princess Kwenthrith should be besties.

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Really good episode once again.  Rollo tripping on mushrooms was funny in a horrible kind of way.  I like that Helga has joined the other two women and this storyline can be intriguing.  Athelstan's religious storyline is interesting.  Floki might have found someone as screwed up as he is.  Ecbert is getting better and better with every appearance.

Edited by benteen
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Now that I know crazy princess's story, I can't blame her.  I hope she gets a chance to get her hands on her brother.


There was a lot of craziness going on tonight, with Aslaug, Helga and Siggy with those dreams.   I am beginning to tolerate Aslaug more when she's with the women instead of Ragnar.


Poor Torstein and the bad arm.  I guess gangrene had set in which made him act crazy?  I hope he pulls through but it doesn't look good for him.  Although, what was Rollo's problem?  What prompted him to go and hack up that poor guy who was sleeping?  At first I though he and Torstein were eating poisonous mushrooms that were making them crazy.


I, too, ship Lagertha and Ecbert.  I love how he's courting her.  I just hope he's not using her to get back at Ragnar.

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BTW, props for the epic and gorgeously shot scene of the Vikings sailing up shore with a bunch of severed heads and a smiling Ragnar.  Epic.


Good bit of dark humor with Torstein saying he never liked his arm.

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This show. 


Rollo trippin' on mushrooms and hacking up the English because of the angle of a leg was amazing. The heads on the boat, and a pan down to a smiling Ragnar. All the blood. 


Lagertha looked especially beautiful this episode, but I really wish various men would stop trying to use and double cross her. I say this every week, but the music, the costumes, the whole feel of this show is beautiful. 


"It is so beautiful, dwarves must have made it.

We don’t have dwarves in England.

Of course you do. You just don’t see them."


Also, Kwenthrith back story was interesting and creepy (to the point Ragnar didn't know what to do with that information). And it explains erratic behaviour and her overt sexual boundary crossing (which can sometimes be an indication of sexual abuse.) I also like her teaching Rollo the word "No!" and he and Torstein saying it to each other. Heee. 

Edited by Pogojoco
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First, hi team!  I watched the first two episodes when they originally aired and gave up when Rollo raped that poor servant girl, but after being bombarded with ads, I decided to give it another try...I'm glad I did and caught up in time for season three.  I still hate what Rollo did, but I don't feel guilty about needing him on this show.  If Floki could get eaten by the world serpent or drowned in a particularly spectacular shipwreck, all would be right with this show.


Get it, Lagertha, GET IT.  Especially in the hot tub boardroom.  As if Ragnar wasn't threatened enough by Ecbert and Athelstan's bromance, he'll be fuming with jealousy when he finds out about Lagertha/Ecbert.  Mostly because, the man's his equal: progressive, practical, proactive, and into clever women.  Of course, a man worthy of Lagertha lives across an ocean, but it's still important for her to be valued and appreciated for who she is rather than what she can provide.  Their courtship is lovely and respectful, although lacking the passion of her relationship with Ragnar.  Plus, as we learned from his romp with Kwenthrith, he's pretty clueless about ladies' anatomy and Lagertha deserves to be satisfied. Mostly, I hope it brings about a confrontation between R/L -- I don't need them back together, but their unfinished business has to be put to bed at some point.


I sometimes feel bad for Aslaug, but then I remember that she slept with a married man who then divorced the wife he loved to marry her out of obligation.  She had his sons and it needs to be enough and it's what she deserves given the circumstances.  So I'm happy she has a storyline outside her marriage and that it involves the other ladies. 


This episode featured an amputated/cauterized arm, heads tied to the mast, and threats of branding, and I was most offended by Kalf joking about Lagertha's pubic hair.  Die, Kalf, DIE.  No one talks about Lagertha that way and gets to keep his liver.


BTW, props for the epic and gorgeously shot scene of the Vikings sailing up shore with a bunch of severed heads and a smiling Ragnar.


The music was pretty epic too, moody and chilling and absolutely perfect for that scene.

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Mostly, I hope it brings about a confrontation between R/L -- I don't need them back together, but their unfinished business has to be put to bed at some point.


I really hope that Lagertha and Ragnar never come even close to getting together again. Do they have chemistry? Sure. But, I feel like it would cheapen the Lagertha character somehow to get them involved romantically again.

Watching Ragnar chase after her though and get rebuffed at every turn? I could get on board with that. :D

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That severed head mobile was terrifying! I would have run away too.

That severed head mobile was nothing compared to Ragnar's smiling face beneath the mobile.  THAT's what made them run.



Rollo tripping on mushrooms was funny in a horrible kind of way.

Is THAT what was happening?  I couldn't figure it out.  That was an enemy soldier he killed, right? One that was playing possum?



the hot tub boardroom

I love this so much words fail me.


The end of the episode was all kinds of confusing, but in a good way.  All those bleeding limbs -- both in dreams and in real life -- it has to be connected, right?


I'm worried for the seer.

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Hey, Kevin Durand is The Wanderer.  That's cool; he's good in almost everything, even if the quality of the show/film itself isn't there (hello, The Strain.)  Curious about what his deal, and how Aslaug, Siggy, and Helga all had the same dream of him.  Glad they are doing something with those three characters.  But, what did happen to The Seer?  That vision didn't look good.


Ecbert doesn't play around.  Dude is totally pulling all the stops at courting Lagertha.  Hey, no way in hell am I going to blame him.  I just hope he's being sincere, because Ecbert/Lagertha would be awesome.  Katheryn Winnick and Linus Roache play off each other very well.  Continue to enjoy how Athelstan keeps being their translator and his reactions to all of this.  I did notice he didn't translate the part when Lagertha said she needed a bath, which is too bad, because Ecbert would have been all "You can use my hot tub!  It's the greatest!"


Still, the fact that they brought up what The Seer said to her again, has me just a bit worried.  They aren't idiotic enough to go there, are they?  Oh, and Kalf needs to not only go down, but after his crack about what's between Lagertha's legs, I now vote for harm to befall what's between his legs.


Kwenthrith's back-story certainly explains a few things.


The army sailing to their opposition with boats hanging severed hands, was only top by that big-ass grin on Ragnar's face.  He really was getting a kick out of how much he was freaking them all out.  You are messed up, Ragnar.


Was the final scene with them all looking at Torstein suppose to be showing that the amputation didn't work, and he was dying?  He really didn't look good.


Bjorn has now proposed to Porunn, which I'm not sure Ragnar is going to be too wild about.  It just hit me tonight for some reason, that I think the actress kind of looks like Billie Piper (Rose from Doctor Who.)

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All I kept thinking was that Huck from Scandal would have been right at home in this episode.


Too graphic for me. I know it gets that way, and I accept it - last season I turned away twice, once during the Blood Eagle and during the crucifixion.  No problem, 2 separate episodes.  But last night was too much - severed heads, severed arms, severed legs, etc.  I've always thought you can make the same point without rubbing our faces in it.


Vikings is an excellent show, well-written and well-acted.  And I hope they don't continue to go down this path, because I think it detracts from it.

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All I kept thinking was that Huck from Scandal would have been right at home in this episode.


Too graphic for me. I know it gets that way, and I accept it - last season I turned away twice, once during the Blood Eagle and during the crucifixion.  No problem, 2 separate episodes.  But last night was too much - severed heads, severed arms, severed legs, etc.  I've always thought you can make the same point without rubbing our faces in it.


Vikings is an excellent show, well-written and well-acted.  And I hope they don't continue to go down this path, because I think it detracts from it.

I agree with you but that severe head mobile with Ragnar grinning was masterful. Before I realized what they were I was thinking how beautiful and peaceful the ships looked gliding through the water.

Am I the only Eclbert disliked? I think he is creepy and his attention to Lagertha is creepy, the way he stares at her and such. Ick. I am not sure he is sincere either, I think he s trying to manipulate the situation and poss Ragnar off.

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Lagertha better be the one eating Kalf's liver. Lagertha's a much better leader, like Ragnar, they are both great warriors not only fighting prowess but because they also think long term and what's best for their people, which would be having plenty of food to grow big and strong warrior children. 


Kalf's ego should be his downfall. What Lagertha should do to him would make him famous in songs about her. 


Ragnar grinning like a lunatic with his severed head mobile was awesome. I would've run away from that too. That's nightmare inducing stuff right there. I also loved Floki's gleeful reaction to behead the Kwenthrith's uncle and him enjoying watching her stab said head like a crazy person. Rollo was tripping? I was wondering why the camera got all wonky. At first I thought Torstein was hallucinating it from his injury. But it actually happened and I was confused. He was high explains it now.  


It just hit me tonight for some reason, that I think the actress kind of looks like Billie Piper (Rose from Doctor Who.)


She didn't before, but this episode she looked exactly like her. I thought they replaced the actress with Billie Piper. 

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Torstein had a gut wound, but it wasn't very bad. The worse wound was to his arm. You can see him cradling it all episode. Until he kisses it goodbye, that is.


I really did love the brusque kind of care the crew was giving him, keeping him company, making sure he ate, agreeing without much fanfare to amputate, etc. It's nice they can count on each other.


Lag's necklace was really pretty.

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Poor Torstein and the bad arm.  I guess gangrene had set in which made him act crazy?  I hope he pulls through but it doesn't look good for him.  Although, what was Rollo's problem?  What prompted him to go and hack up that poor guy who was sleeping?  At first I though he and Torstein were eating poisonous mushrooms that were making them crazy.


I, too, ship Lagertha and Ecbert.  I love how he's courting her.  I just hope he's not using her to get back at Ragnar.

See, this is why I don't trust mushrooms. ;) I'm with you on hoping that Ecbert has honorable intentions toward Lagertha. Of course, if he doesn't, he should fear her reaction more than Ragnar's!


I sometimes feel bad for Aslaug, but then I remember that she slept with a married man who then divorced the wife he loved to marry her out of obligation.  She had his sons and it needs to be enough and it's what she deserves given the circumstances.  So I'm happy she has a storyline outside her marriage and that it involves the other ladies. 


This episode featured an amputated/cauterized arm, heads tied to the mast, and threats of branding, and I was most offended by Kalf joking about Lagertha's pubic hair.  Die, Kalf, DIE.  No one talks about Lagertha that way and gets to keep his liver.



The music was pretty epic too, moody and chilling and absolutely perfect for that scene.

It was nice to see Aslaug in a story with other women. It was interesting to see them parse through the dreams and be equally confused by it all.


As far as Kalf's crudeness, I'm going to let it slide, feeling that he was referring more to her lack of peen and using that to sway the crowd to supporting him as Earl.


The music in general is perfect for this show. 


Torstein had a gut wound, but it wasn't very bad. The worse wound was to his arm. You can see him cradling it all episode. Until he kisses it goodbye, that is.


I really did love the brusque kind of care the crew was giving him, keeping him company, making sure he ate, agreeing without much fanfare to amputate, etc. It's nice they can count on each other.


Lag's necklace was really pretty.

Best line in the amputation scene? Floki's crack, "Too bad it's not your flicking arm." Hey, you've got to keep your buddy's spirits up!

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I'm still thinking about Rollo killing that guy.  Was he an enemy, lying there playing possum and then Rollo thought he saw the guy breathing and decided to whack off his leg to see if he was, in fact, dead or playing possum?  Anyway, I still felt bad for him getting hacked up.  Then again, this is Viking world. 


I loved the expression on Floki's face when Princess Krazypants was going all stabby on her uncle's head:  "And I thought I was crazy!" 


Speaking of heads, those head mobiles on the ship were cool; loved the expression on Ragnar's face.  He really is devilish-looking.

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This entire episode was like one long trip even before Rollo got wacked out on mushrooms and hacked up a guy because his leg was angled wrong.  I realized afterward that this may be the first episode where we got to the end and I still wasn't sure if everything we saw happen actually happened.  Last season also had trippy moments like bleeding stigmata, but it was always clear afterward that it was only a vision. I'm not sure how I feel about it.  I'm reserving judgment on the group dream and wanderer character until we see where it goes.


Ragnar and his head mobile boat was all kinds of horrible awesomeness as was the imagery of the Mercian soldiers taking one look and immediately fleeing for the hills in the background while rapey brother stood in the foreground and continued to insist they would fight.  Ragnar and Floki were both masters of underreaction this week with Ragnar barely blinking while Princess Crazy told her terrible incest story and Floki not even breaking stride when asked to go get Uncle Rapey's head.  I'm still not clear if we're suppose to think Torstein was left to bleed out, but I'll miss him if he was.  He's always been a solidly competent secondary character to all the craziness going on around him.


Kalf still looks like he belongs on another show and clearly has a death wish.  My only hope there is that it's Lagertha who gets to eat his liver in the end instead of Ragnar because she's the one he's trying to screw over.  On the Wessex front, Lagertha is glowingly radiant in every scene she's in and I'm really enjoying Ecbert's oily courtship of her.  It seems pretty obvious he's going to get his wish and get both her and Athlestan in his bath with Athelstan either joining in or awkwardly sitting to the side translating the entire seduction.

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I'm still thinking about Rollo killing that guy.  Was he an enemy, lying there playing possum and then Rollo thought he saw the guy breathing and decided to whack off his leg to see if he was, in fact, dead or playing possum?  Anyway, I still felt bad for him getting hacked up.  Then again, this is Viking world. 


I loved the expression on Floki's face when Princess Krazypants was going all stabby on her uncle's head:  "And I thought I was crazy!" 


Speaking of heads, those head mobiles on the ship were cool; loved the expression on Ragnar's face.  He really is devilish-looking.


The guy was one of their prisoners.  There were other prisoners sitting around near him too.  (See the light brown colored jerkins they were all wearing).  He was just the only one trying to take a nap and was lying  down.


Meanwhile Rollo was tripping his brains out on good old-fashioned magic mushrooms though I got the impression he didn't know what they would do since they were local ones and he thought they were just a snack maybe.  Anyway, being a Viking, he wasn't into peace, love and seeking truth while enjoying those effects.  More like "awesome new reason to hack off a leg" instead.  Kind of turned him into a real life Viking "beserker" though a different intoxicant was used for that.


David, I don't think most of the dreams or waking visions can be explained away on the show except the Virgin Mary one when it turned out to be the beaten wife Athelstan had saved instead.  I think they seem to give us the view points of the Vikings and English on this show as just basically fact for their world.  I agree the three women dreaming the same dream may impact the more skeptical viewers looking to interpret things into 21st century terms.  But for me, I always took all of them at face value.  It's their world and it is real for them ... even if Ecbert can't quite see dwarfs himself, heh.  But I agree the three dreams and the very real stranger are indeed an interesting twist and raising the dream/vision level to a point that even modern day skeptics have to take note of it.


Loving that Floki is in his element and is happily enjoying that he can be of service to people by chopping off body parts for them. 


Awesome "Hanging Heads, Grinning Ragnar" montage.


And you can believe Ecbert has an agenda with his courtship of Lagertha.  Ecbert might actually like her but he is always playing the game first, last and foremost.  If his personal desire (Lagertha) and his goal (more power) are in synch, so much the better.

Edited by green
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Ahhh, thanks.  I didn't realize those were prisoners.  Poor guy just taking a nap with his leg angled all wrong--at least to Rollo.  One thing that amused me was that the other people didn't even blink an eye, like they were thinking, "Oh well.  That's Rollo for ya.  Pass the meat!" 

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And you can believe Ecbert has an agenda with his courtship of Lagertha.  Ecbert might actually like her but he is always playing the game first, last and foremost.  If his personal desire (Lagertha) and his goal (more power) are in synch, so much the better.




This show will really piss me off if King Ecbert ends up merely using her, rather than having some kind of sincere interest. She's already being betrayed by Kalf. I loves me some Ecbert, but that love will die if he ends up screwing over Lagertha in some way.

I just want Ecbert/Lagertha/Athelstan to live happily ever after together. Is that too much to ask? ;P On this show, probably. LOL


I don't trust Judith. She seems like a sneaky little bitch to me.


Aslaug should hook up with Siggy. They have much more chemistry together than with Ragnar and Rollo respectively.

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I find it fascinating that pagan Ragnar is learning about Christianity from Athelstan and embracing parts of it, while Christian Athelstan is learning about paganism from Ragnar and embracing parts of that. Both are doubting and open-minded, and both are side-eyed by their peers for it.

Lagertha is just a prize all-around for Ecbert. Not only is she beautiful, she is powerful. He gains one heck of a trophy wife with her.

Lots of stuff in this ep about a woman's place and problems. Lagertha getting shade because she doesn't have a dick, Princess Crazy sharing her story of abuse, Porunn being told by her man what to do and then being "bought off" with a marriage proposal, and the three home gals bonding over disturbing dreams.

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Like everyone else I loved the severed heads and Ragnar grinning.  Best image of the ep.


Have to give credit to Amy Bailey on this ep, for playing it so raw and really giving an insight into Kwenthrith and why she is the way she is, from being happy and drunk one minute to stabbing the severed head of the uncle the next.  Ragnar may be the first man to treat her with anything like respect.


Sorry to see Torstein lose his arm, he doesn't seem to be doing well.  It looked like he took an arrow in the arm during the battle and snapped it off.  I don't know if he ever pulled the point out.



And you can believe Ecbert has an agenda with his courtship of Lagertha.  Ecbert might actually like her but he is always playing the game first, last and foremost.  If his personal desire (Lagertha) and his goal (more power) are in synch, so much the better.


Pretty much.  He not only gets a beautiful shield-maiden, but also influence among the Norsemen.  Nice use of language to show the points of view between Ecbert and Lagertha, the POV of which one was speaking modern English.  Athalstan being trapped between the two cultures is interesting, and I'm curious what Lagertha will make of the stigmata bleeding in front of her.  Mildly curious about the relationship between Judith and Athalstan due to historical spoilers. 

Athalwulf and Judith's (actually her name was Osburh, Judith of France was his second wife) first son was named Athalstan


Interesting about Aslaug, Siggy and Helga having the same dreams.  Wondering who the Wanderer is.  The wound in his hand makes me wonder if there's a connection to Tyr.

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I'm loving this season so far. I think the Aslaug/Siggy/Helga friendship is a nice change of pace from all the fighting and gore. I'm interested to see where the Wanderer storyline leads.

Bjorn's girlfriend irks me for some reason. Given how ambitious Ragnar is I don't think he'll be happy about his son marrying a nobody.

I hope Thorstein doesn't die, I've always liked him. I also wish we could see more interaction between Ragnar and Ecbert's son. I like the conflicting dynamic of barbarian versus civilized gentleman (relatively speaking, of course).

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I wasn't sure if Rollo chopping the guy was real or something he or Thorsten imagined. So it was real? Hmm. Poor Thorsten. That amputation was tough to watch. :P

Eh, Lagertha should let Kalf have that cold, dreary village and stay in lovely green, lush Wessex. And Ecbert has a groovy hot tub. Funny how the show shoots the Scandinavian scenes in blues and grays. So cold and depressing.

Not much of Ragnar in this episode. I think he finally getsPrincess Crazypants. His one soft spot is children. Her story about being abused as a 6yo touched him.

I'm loving the use of ye olde languages. A lesser show wouldn't bother.

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I loved this episode so much that my mouth was hanging open thru out & I had chills up & down my spine !!! Just incredible... My Vikings are back with a vengeance !!

The severed head mobile ( Straycat - is it you we thank for coining that perfect description ?! If so ... Just pure. Genius.) - I loved it so much along with Ragnars smirk.

Lag /Ecbert : damn kick ass necklace (didn't know dwarves were jewelers /craftsman). But I dunno Eckbert is a tad creepy in his pursuit

Athelstan has a fan girl :) not sure I trust her but I'd like to see him get laid nonetheless ... He's too hot to go without

I thought Rollo had PTSD for a second there but guess it was the shrooms.

Was so tough watching Torsteins ordeal :( I think the end scene with him & everyone hovering over him was everyone contemplating what to do about him as he's clearly near death.

The ending scene were incredible ! They are all interconnected with their wounds & I can't wait to see what it truly means. Athelstan of course / stigmata.

I'm so happy these crazy pagans are back on my TV!!!!

Edited by jnymph
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Was this episode the first one with a supernatural element (shared dreams) that can't just be explained away?

I think so, yes. All the other stuff could be attributed to psychedelic mushrooms or stress/guilt or even battle craziness with Ragnar's Odin-vision in the first episode. This is the first time that something is pretty unequivocally mystical.

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Maybe its just the nature of the show, filled with characters who live in a world strongly governed by prophesy and belief in otherworldly beings, but I`ve always gotten kind of a magical realism vibe from this show. The lady`s having a matching, possibly prophetic dream, lines up with that pretty well. 


I agree with everyone else that the visual of the floating heads mobile coming towards the opposing army, with Ragnar sitting their, smiling this creepy smile, was an amazing image. This show has some of the best cinematography and music on TV. 


Floki and the Princess clearly need to hang out. Their craziness could be quite complimentary. I loved his nonchalant response to getting the uncles head, and all the English guys being all weirded out. 


The Christian/Pagan stuff is really interesting. And the culture clashes in general. Plus my history dork self always squeals with glee whenever Old English or Old Norse is spoken!  

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I sacrificed the better half of this weekend to watching this show for the first time, marathoning my way through seasons 1 and 2 and now finally catching up with these latest episodes (as a Tumblr post once said, I gorged myself on episodes, and now I have to wait for a weekly dose like a common peasant). 


You can tell the cast is beginning to get bulked up, as all the characters felt stretched a little thin here. Perhaps it's time to start thinning the herd? The heart of the show is Ragnar, Lagertha, Athelstan, Flocki and Bjorn - now they're competing with the Anglo-Saxon crew and it's getting a little crowded as a result. King Ecbert can stay, because Linus Roache is awesome, but I can't say I'm as invested in Athelwulf or Judith and the like.


That said, I really hope Ecbert is being at least 80% sincere in his attentions to Athelstan and Lagertha, though I also concede that he must be very well aware that these two are Ragnar's favourites. If he's got these two on his good side, then he's exerting some measure of influence over Ragnar. Still, he seems genuinely smitten with Lagertha (who wouldn't be?) and their interactions are so cute that I can't help but ship them a little. Even if it ends badly, I'm glad that for now Lagertha is getting some positive male attention.


And I'm sure things (in terms of the bigger picture) WILL end badly. For now it's all sunshine and roses when it comes to Ecbert's ideas of "sharing cultures", but he's under the false impression that he's got the Vikings on his leash - and they're definitely not.


Princess Kwenthrith - that poor girl. Sadly therapists won't be around for a few thousand years, and she needs at least twenty of them. It was interesting to see Ragnor looking genuinely disturbed by the story she told him, and I hope he manages to give her some sort of closure on the horrible stuff her family put her through. But the idea of giving her a throne is just an all-around bad one.


Not sure what Judith's up to, though I suspect she's suffering from a case of severe medieval wifey boredom. Girl, that wasn't a confession, that was a sneaky way of telling the cute monk you've got the hots for him. And Ecbert is observant enough to notice she's got a crush, but foolish enough to called Athelstan "dangerous." Seriously, dude? You're telling a teenage girl that the guy she likes is "dangerous"? She'll never get him out of her head now!


And with the exception of the lingering look he gave Judith at the dinner table, Athelstan seems way more preoccupied with his crisis of faith, so I'm not sure where the writers are going with these two. I much prefer seeing him with Lagertha - it's about time they got some decent interactions together, and even though I was probably meant to be disturbed by the stigmata at the end, I was instead going "awww" at the fact that Athelstan went to Lagertha like a scared kid would go to his mum. 


I also love all the religious/mystical stuff. Ever since Athelstan pointed out in season two that there were similarities between the Norse myths and Christianity, I've been waiting for someone to bring up the myth of Odin sacrificing himself on the tree and then coming back to life - which is surely the most striking similarity between the two. Then there was Siggy's dream of the seer's death - maybe an indication that the Norse gods are on the way out? After all, we know that Christianity eventually comes out on top.


Also interesting/nice was seeing the Kattegut ladies have some interaction with each other sans the men. I wonder what this new guy is up to... given that his arrival was interspersed with Athelstan's stigmata and all the other mystical stuff, I imagine he'll have some religious significance. 

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Yeah, I wonder if the wanderer is a Christian.  Good thing Floki is far, far away at the moment.  It would be quite the shock if the men come home to find all the women and children have been baptized.


Athelstan is dangerous for Judith if she continues her infatuation.  


Wow, I was so looking forward to watching Vikings all day that I completely forgot TAR was on and neglected to DVR it.

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I really don't get all the Lagertha/Ecbert shipping on this site. The guy comes across as a used car salesman. I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw him and I'm pretty sure I couldn't even pick him up. I cringe every time he flirts with her because I just know it's all part of some evil plan to trick the vikings out of everything. It seems pretty obvious to me and I keep wondering why she doesn't see it but then again....she does have pretty crappy taste in men.

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It is really difficult to tell what is going on through Ecbert's mind, but I wonder if maybe he is less concerned about Judith than he is about the alliance between him and her father breaking down.


Also, as learned or curious as Ecbert is about these foreign people, I wonder why he never brought up that the Saxons themselves came to England four centuries earlier as an Eastern force that was possibly hostile to the local populace and perhaps also pagans.


I believe that this was discussed at length on TWOP, but was Old English and Old Norse that mutually unintelligible at this point? I can sort of pick up an odd word here or there, but the characters seem to not even make an effort to understand the other unless they commit to learning the language.


As for the supernatural thing, I had accepted it as a clear possibility, especially during the Season 1 finale when things got weird. Still, if one really wants to keep it ambiguous at most, one could theorize that the three women were doing the "me too" game like seven-year-olds who totally have that hot new toy. Sure, that does not explain the guy at the end, but maybe someone overheard. Also, I find it amusing that a queen, a former jarl's wife, and a (former?) slave are just hanging out together, though I hope that their dialog goes beyond dream matching.


And...has anything actually changed for Ragnar in practical terms now that he is king?

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I believe that this was discussed at length on TWOP, but was Old English and Old Norse that mutually unintelligible at this point? I can sort of pick up an odd word here or there, but the characters seem to not even make an effort to understand the other unless they commit to learning the language.

Old English and Old Norse were separate branches of Germanic and had been growing apart for several hundred years.  That said, it would have been easier for a speaker of one to learn the other than it would have been for one to learn Latin or Old French.  In the coming centuries, Norse settlement in England would have a huge influence on the language.  It is sort of funny to be able to pick out a word here or there that hasn't changed since Old English.



Also, as learned or curious as Ecbert is about these foreign people, I wonder why he never brought up that the Saxons themselves came to England four centuries earlier as an Eastern force that was possibly hostile to the local populace and perhaps also pagans.

I thought Ecbert mentioned about the Saxons being pagans at some point last season.

Edited by Lugal
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I don't know that it's actual shipping of Lagertha and Ecbert that's going on (at least for me, it's not) as much as enjoying the story and chemistry of the actors.  I assume someone is going to get screwed over badly in the end, but right now it's just fun to watch.  Ecbert is coming off as rather oily and self-serving in his courtship and Lagertha clearly is enjoying the attention even I don't think she fully buys it.  Throw in Athlestan who's getting dragged deeper and deeper into the middle of it through his awkward interpreting and Ecbert's clear fixation on him as well and it's one of the more entertaining storylines going on a show where most of the other storylines are involving a fair amount of bloodletting.

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I sacrificed the better half of this weekend to watching this show for the first time, marathoning my way through seasons 1 and 2 and now finally catching up with these latest episodes



And I'm sure things (in terms of the bigger picture) WILL end badly. For now it's all sunshine and roses when it comes to Ecbert's ideas of "sharing cultures", but he's under the false impression that he's got the Vikings on his leash - and they're definitely not.


Welcome aboard the dragon boat!  You must have a big feast in your head you are still digesting.  Though I envy you getting to see Seasons 1 and 2 without the weekly wait.


I think Ecbert's worst false impression is that he has his son on his leash.  It's the intolerant son who I'm pretty sure is going to be the fly in the ointment for both the vikings as well as Ecbert's plans for peace.  What to speak of poor Athelstan when said dude finds out his wife, Judith, has the hots for our lost little monk and his bleeding hands that has her turned on so.  He may be worse for Athelstan's future health than all of Floki's threats combined.


Yeah, I wonder if the wanderer is a Christian.  Good thing Floki is far, far away at the moment.  It would be quite the shock if the men come home to find all the women and children have been baptized.


I don't think in any way that the wanderer is Christian.  Think he is more out of Norse lore but don't know all the details.  There was a scene in Season 1 where a still pregnant Lagertha was in charge at Kattegat with Ragnar away raiding his little heart out.  Some woman was charged with having a baby by a wandering stranger the couple had taken in and given shelter to.  The husband was quite upset at the developments but Lagertha managed to nip it in the bud saying it had to be Heimdal (sp?) in some form or other who stopped by to honor them by conceiving one of his sons with the guy's wife.  She let the woman off as being "blessed by the gods" and told the husband not to even look crossed-eyed at her for that or the Wrath of Lagertha would take him down basically.  He looked none too happy as he shuffled off, hah. 


Now I don't know Norse mythology worth a darn but I have heard of Heimdal vaguely. Just don't know his story.  Guess I should wiki it before next week's episode cause maybe the men will come home not to find Ragnar's and Floki's wives and Rollo's on again and off again partner in crime not baptized but rather having conceived whilst they were away playing in England.


Also Christianity is several hundred years away from taking down paganism in Scandinavia.  Though this show does play a little loose with the timelines which is okay since one of their main themes is when two worlds collide.  So if they want to keep Ragnar around for a few more centuries, fine by me.


... Also, I find it amusing that a queen, a former jarl's wife, and a (former?) slave are just hanging out together, though I hope that their dialog goes beyond dream matching.


I don't think Helga was ever a slave.  Maybe you are confusing her with the slave that Rollo raped in the second episode of the show.  I know I did when I first saw Helga.   After all the raped woman seemed to be Floki's slave and we never saw her again afterwards.  Then Helga pops up in the storyline later I think when Ragnar was wounded and they went to Floki's to hide out and recover.  So I was confused and even went back and doubled checked.  From that double checking I can say they are definitely not the same woman.  Different actors totally.


Also rulers and regular folk just intermingle more in a small, rustic society.  The titles just got bloated and more snobby over the years as populations grew and countries developed etc.  We have the more modern stereotype of a queen or an earl set in our brains and we tend to forget how small populations were 1200 years ago where everyone knew everyone else.


I thought Ecbert mentioned about the Saxons being pagans at some point last season.


Yep.  I remember it.   It was early on when some others were demeaning the vikings as pagans and how could they trust them cause it meant they had no honor etc etc.  He spoke up at that point to remind them that "it wasn't so long ago" their ancestors had also been pagans. He added that did that make their own ancestors without honor or love and care less for their families etc because they were pagans?


Ecbert has been shown to be as interested in paganism as Ragnar is in Christianity if not more so.  Remember Ecbert loves him some Roman statues, scrolls, frescoes and of course his beloved hot tub.  (But don't even tell Ecbert's own son that, Athelstan, or Ecbert will have to kill you for it).

Edited by green
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I don't think Helga was ever a slave.  Maybe you are confusing her with the slave that Rollo raped in the second episode of the show.


Didn't that girl have dark hair though? And she was rather youngish looking?


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This show will really piss me off if King Ecbert ends up merely using her, rather than having some kind of sincere interest.

I do not trust him.  This flirtation will end in tears.  Preferably his.



I don't think Helga was ever a slave.

I think the poster up-thread is confusing Bjorn's girl-friend (who was a slave and was freed) with Floki's wife, who I don't recall ever being a slave.



I have heard of Heimdal vaguely. Just don't know his story.

Isn't he the guy in the gold armor guarding the rainbow bridge between Thor's home world and everywhere else (including earth) in the Marvel "Thor" movies?  I presume that means he is viewed in Norse mythology as one of the more powerful servants to Odin with some special "all seeing" skills.  I didn't know impregnating random Vikings was one of this hallmarks but hey, if every single Greek god and demigod can get freaky with humans, why not the Norse ones?

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No, I am definitely referring to Floki's wife. I don't remember when or where, but someone said that she was Floki's slave and no one seemed to dispute that at the time, so I accepted that. Whether it was correct or not, that is what was said.

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