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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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I cannot remember, but it was either Kyle or Lisa V that said in an interview that "some" of the ladies did partake while they were there.

That has to mean Brandi but who else? Eileen?


I wonder if in Kim's world it would be okay to try an edible? I'd be shocked to see them smoking on camera but maybe a couple of them will go the brownie route or we'll see a couple of them try cannabis lemonade or some kind of cocktail. 

  • Love 2

So what was the point of Camille and the 9th person (didn't pay attention to who she was) in the scavenger hunt if they were not going to get to go on the trip?


Now that was some charity event, WOW!  Other than that I was underwhelmed by this episode.


I am so repulsed by everything Kim, so I don't even care to elaborate.  Had enough.


Ok, lets bring on next week, that should be more fun.

  • Love 15

Kyle is disgusting.  Frankly, everything Kim was saying was true this episode, so I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Lipsa doesn't seem sincere to me, at all.  She talks behind Kim's back, but if she was  so damned concerned, TALK TO HER FACE.


Harry Hamlin was an alcoholic?  Nice to out him Lipsa.  Yet you still drink?  If he's only been clean 3 years, that must be tough, and yes, if it runs in families, perhaps you should be more aware of drinking in front of your girls.  Oh, and you can take off for 5 days and 5 nights, but didn't manage to visit your parents until Bravo was filming you? 


What a bunch of grumpy bitches during the treasure hunt.  Oh, and as much as you complained non stop about Kim, Eileen?  She was the one who solved "Jack Nicholson" for you.  These women may do the gym stuff, but they are not in good shape. 

  • Love 5

Kyle is disgusting.  Frankly, everything Kim was saying was true this episode, so I guess even a stopped clock is right twice a day.


Lipsa doesn't seem sincere to me, at all.  She talks behind Kim's back, but if she was  so damned concerned, TALK TO HER FACE.


Harry Hamlin was an alcoholic?  Nice to out him Lipsa.  Yet you still drink?  If he's only been clean 3 years, that must be tough, and yes, if it runs in families, perhaps you should be more aware of drinking in front of your girls.  Oh, and you can take off for 5 days and 5 nights, but didn't manage to visit your parents until Bravo was filming you? 


What a bunch of grumpy bitches during the treasure hunt.  Oh, and as much as you complained non stop about Kim, Eileen?  She was the one who solved "Jack Nicholson" for you.  These women may do the gym stuff, but they are not in good shape.

Did she say he was an alcoholic, or just that he decided to not drink anymore because of family issues? I was multi-tasking during that scene amd may have missed something. It sounded like Kyle was aware of it, so I am not sure he was "outed" either way. Sounds like a positive thing if there are issues in the family, so good on him.

  • Love 12


Did she say he was an alcoholic, or just that he decided to not drink anymore because of family issues?


She never called him an alcoholic. He chose to stop drinking because of the family issues with alcohol. And I'm not sure why that means Lisa has to stop drinking since she isn't the one with a family history of issues with alcohol.

  • Love 21

This episode was fun, the "hunt/race" in BH was fun to watch (loved the Camille cameo) except for Kim's complaints "I don't wanna" and my legs hurt.

The charity event looked wonderful and it looks like all had a great time. Wish I was there!

Arriving in Amsterdam, Kim is really a rude/mean bitch. She is not grateful for anyone or anything in her "sober" or non-sober life. Still not commenting on foul mouth moron.

  • Love 24

It sounded to me like Harry stopped drinking just in case he inherited the same genetic tendency to become an alcoholic. I applaud people who are smart enough to do that.

I agree.

I assume Lisa knows her husband better than us. So if he is an alcoholic, maybe he does not care if Lisa speaks of it.

I hope Kim gets help but geezus I'm so freaking done with this chick.

I'm patient and thoughtful but lord, she is a pain.

I'm a Virgo, so I'm with Eileen I make lists and check and double check them. Oh yeah, I'm fun, lol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 8

I've not been feeling well all week and was going to go to bed right after the show, but I've got my second wind, so I'm using it to bitch about the show.  lol


Kim is a sucking black hole of need.  And I’ve said this before; nothing will ever be enough for her.  No one will ever be able to give her enough, because there is no enough, there’s only not enough.   Kim sucks the air, the fun, the emotional honesty, and the serenity right out of the room.  And THIS, my friends, is why I feel for Kyle and anyone and anything Kim targets.  Save yourself, Lisa R.


This....this, and this!!!  And, it was proven all over the place in this episode - especially when Kim said that "Kyle is there for me, but it's just NOT enough" (or something to that effect).

I usually just ignore Kim's comments and actions because I sometimes feel some empathy for her, but not anymore - she was itching for a fight with Kyle, since she didn't get one from Lisa Rinna on the plane.  

She is an antagonistical, narcissistc bitch!!  

I cannot believe that no one has yet called her out on her shit - it's about time someone (other than Kyle) do that - and maybe a smack upside the head would help, too!!


  • Love 23

Brandi completely misrepresented the conversation she had with Lisa R. She conveniently leaves out all things she, the greatest BFF of all time, said about Kim. Typical lying behavior from her and of course Kim ate it up with a spoon.



We all called that last week, didn't we?  lol  She's nothing if not predictable.  Kim feeds right into it, because she's looking for people to blame and take her rage out on.  Same predictability. 

  • Love 24

Lisa said that after Harry stopped drinking that things got better. He chose to live a different life. Reading between the lines he probably had some issues with drinking.

Kim wins most annoying. I believe she is not using here because she is super grouchy.


That was what I was thinking, too....she is being a bitch because she is not seeing/hearing/experiencing everything from her usual fuzzy, un-sober perspective.

A little withdrawl symptoms, maybe?

But then, I thought, well, maybe she is just a bitch, plain and simple!!  

  • Love 18

What is up with all the effing luggage? Are they going to stay in Amsterdam for 3 months? Jeez most people go to Europe with a bag or two, I counted 6 or 7 for each How many pairs of white jeans were in Yo's bag? Haven't these women ever heard of laundry service? Most nice hotels have it. 


Kim is a nasty piece of work. Maybe Lisa overstepped, but nothing like screaming at someone while sitting on a plane. Talk  about no manners. If Kim  had an issue, she should have taken Lisa aside, not started screaming at her in front of everyone. And why so pissed about Kyle's lost bag? I'd be concerned if my sister lost a bag. I agree with the others who said that perhaps she had yo be sober for this trip and is being a  super bitch because she doesn't have her booze and pills  to take the edge off


THe scavenger hunt was lame. 


Stephen Tyler looked scary. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 6

I've not been feeling well all week and was going to go to bed right after the show, but I've got my second wind, so I'm using it to bitch about the show.  lol


Kim is a sucking black hole of need.  And I’ve said this before; nothing will ever be enough for her.  No one will ever be able to give her enough, because there is no enough, there’s only not enough.   Kim sucks the air, the fun, the emotional honesty, and the serenity right out of the room.  And THIS, my friends, is why I feel for Kyle and anyone and anything Kim targets.  Save yourself, Lisa R.

I agree Kim Richards is a fun sucker

  • Love 9

I actually rather enjoyed the scavenger hunt. Aside from the bitching here and there, it looked fun. I'd rather see that than everyone still focusing on Kim and Kim being a massive bitch on the trip. Why did she go or go on the scavenger hunt if it's obvious she didn't want to be there? I know they're forced to go on trips by production, but she knows by now this is part of her requirements for the show and so if she knew this, why did she sign up for another season? Why did she agree to be on another season and continue her wacko behavior but gets mad when cast or viewers call her out? Is she that desperate for a paycheck? She probably blew all her money on drugs, alcohol, etc. and now she's pressed for cash, especially since her daughter is in college.

Next week looks... I don't know what to say about it. At least it looks like the type of drama I expect from this show. But seeing Lisa R getting into it with another cast member looks alarming. Something must really set her off. And you know this type of drama is 100% real when other cast members get involved and try to block them from hitting each other.

Speaking of Lisa R, did anyone else catch when she was showing her daughter her clothes and she says "That jacket is cute," "It's from Target," and she goes "Oh" in this disgusted way. Then she holds up a Stella McCartney dress and she says it's cute. Frankly I liked the Target jacket much better. Half of my wardrobe is from Target, ain't nothin wrong with that!

  • Love 22

This whole "amazing race" was kind a lame. Obvious episode filler and free pub for those businesses. Shut up kim with your Debbie Downer attitude. Lisa V got herself a bubble butt. Geez Yolanda, if you don't like something don't tell others they should choose and then be upset with their choice. Way to "bond", Yo. I'm sure if it were a lemon cleanse she'd down it in a heartbeat.

Good grief Yolanda. I'm sure these "girls" have been to fancy galas before (except for Brandi maybe).

What is the point of a glitter apron?

Yolanda wants to share her life with everyone, but can't be bothered to show up for the other girls' events? Or were they there to work the event?

Kyle looked a-mah-zing in that jumpsuit! Work it girl!!

  • Love 12

They sure pack a lot for 5 days. Yikes.

It will be interesting to see how all the ladies AND all their luggage will fit into Yolanda's mother's apartment....weren't Yolanda and her Mom discussing something about the ladies staying there for at least part of the time in Amsterdam?

Who wants to bet that at least half of them will bail and head for the Four Seasons Hotel in Amsterdam??  

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 4

Okay, so I so want to go on a scavenger hunt.  They just look so fun.  But I hate running, so maybe a scavenger hunt that consists of brisk walking.  lol


I also felt a little nauseated watching them run around, drink a milkshake, and then run around again.  Camille was a sight for sore eyes even though she didn't really say anything.  And maybe that's exactly why, too.  lol 

  • Love 6

Lisa said that after Harry stopped drinking that things got better. He chose to live a different life. Reading between the lines he probably had some issues with drinking.

Kim wins most annoying. I believe she is not using here because she is super grouchy.

I think it means that he realized he too could end up an alcoholic and that he had a lot to lose so he chose to stop it before it happened and live!


Kim is just as nasty and aggressive when she is high, just re-watch the limo ride with Lisa R to witness it. I think Kim is just plain nasty, aggressive, vile, hurtful to her core.

  • Love 17

I'm actually kinda shocked Yo didn't claim chocolate shakes exacerbate Lyme's....

I thought she was going to have a meltdown, first, because it was chocolate, and next, because she had to drink it (I half-expected her to run to the bathroom to throw up, LOL!!)

I wonder if she yelled at the race organizers for that task...but, the race looked like fun, and it was nice to see them doing something different, even with all the whining!  I didn't even mind the whining - if my friends and I did something like that, we would probably be whining too...that's just what we do!   ;-)

  • Love 7

This whole "amazing race" was kind a lame. Obvious episode filler and free pub for those businesses. Shut up kim with your Debbie Downer attitude. Lisa V got herself a bubble butt. Geez Yolanda, if you don't like something don't tell others they should choose and then be upset with their choice. Way to "bond", Yo. I'm sure if it were a lemon cleanse she'd down it in a heartbeat.

Good grief Yolanda. I'm sure these "girls" have been to fancy galas before (except for Brandi maybe).

What is the point of a glitter apron?

Yolanda wants to share her life with everyone, but can't be bothered to show up for the other girls' events? Or were they there to work the event?

Kyle looked a-mah-zing in that jumpsuit! Work it girl!!

Oh my god yes! I loved that jumpsuit! She did look amazing!

Side note: My SiL loves Steven Tyler, I don't get it, ugh.

  • Love 3

Why did Brandi say she doesn't have a long evening dress? We've seen her in a couple of them this season alone. Or were they dresses she bought and took back to the store the next day? I forgot to look for tags hanging out.....I should be used to looking for hanging things with her by now. Kyle saying "I am not going to drink after Brandi. Would you?" cracked me up.

Yolonda looked like she was going to throw up when she had to drink the shake.

Kim, you're kidding yourself, And no one's buying it. Taking a pain pill that wasn't prescribed to you was, indeed, taking medicine that wasn't prescribed for you (your words). Her brain is like that busted egg ad.

Nice to see a Camille cameo. And when the women jumped on the Hollywood Tour van and the people in the back all stood up to take photos, I just laughed. I'd be one of those people! :) Wouldn't you?

I want to see Lisa V get high. I think she'd be hilarious.


^^^ I saw what you did there.


You may or may not owe me a new keyboard for that explosive fit of giggling whilst swallowing hot coffee.  

  • Love 9

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