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S05.E18: Divorce

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Is it possible that Robyn iss planning on filing for complete and sole custody of the children and thinks that the courts would be more likely to grant her that if she can show that they'll be in a 2 parent stable home environment (even though there is nothing stable about that family).

They are still a polygamous family. He is rotating through four women, four homes and 17 children. That hasn't changed with a piece of paper, according the the family. Of course, they could go into court and now claim that Kody and Robyn are monogamous and he isn't involved with the other wives, but there is that pesky problem of the show and their book and all.

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OK. All I have to say is that their grammar and pronunciation are atrocious. Just atrocious. And they should be barred from teaching them "school," or whatever the hell it is that Meri says she used to do with the kids when they lived in one home.

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I tried to find the answer , but I couldnt find it.

 Someone stated that Christine and Kody are separated.

Where did this information come from?


They didn't say it was true, they prefaced their comment with "this is what i think is happening." (not exact wording, but that was the point of their post, listing the things they think are actually happening or happened. It's on the last page somewhere. 

Edited by I-Kare
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This show is just a hot mess.


Janelle is angry. Is her low self-esteem keeping her from running away from it all?


Christine---I can't even. She seems to be the abused wife that never wakes up to the abuse.


Mary--I think she was done with K-douche a long time ago. She probably is ready to move on to have her own life without the mess that comes with this bs of a "marriage."


Sobbin--she got the "prize." Karma will come to get her later. I can tell that Janelle doesn't like her and as O trust in her. And they want to keep doing the show because they aren't done spreading their message? HA yeah ok I believe that. *eyes rolling out of my head*


K-douche is just a creep that sold these women with low self-esteem on this bullshit of a lifestyle. WTH? Who wants to share a husband??? Just plain nasty.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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Riddle me this. .if Preston the deadbeat never sees his kids and doesn't care. .why in hell are they worried he would suddenly ride in like a knight in shining armour if Bobbyn was to choke on a chicken wing and expire?


There are plenty of dead beat dads who would swoop in at the thought of receiving social security benefits on three children.


I don't know this Jessop guy, but I've never heard anything that makes me think he's an honorable man.  I'm not talking about the details of his marriage to Robyn.  I'm talking about the fact that Robyn and three little kids lived in a trailer in Montana, with no heat in the winter.  I don't know one man who wouldn't kill himself working to provide for his children.


As for whether he would relinquish his rights to his kids.  He's delinquent in child support.  If he has chosen to withgo his visitation, he may agree to give up his parental rights in lieu of being sued for back child support.

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Joint filing does not necessarily mean both parties agreed. It goes by who filed first

I wanna know what happens when all the kids are gown! Will Meri become the legal wife again? Sadly probably not..

If she's smart, she'll be married in a monogamous relationship to a wonderful man who has a good job and loves her and only her. 

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In addition to everything else already discussed, while watching the episode I was struck by how many pictures of "Kody and Robyn's family" there were, and many of them looked like they were from professional photo shoots. I only recall seeing one or two pictures like that from the other mom's families, the entire season. And one of them was taken at the first wedding to Robyn.

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They didn't say it was true, they prefaced their comment with "this is what i think is happening." (not exact wording, but that was the point of their post, listing the things they think are actually happening or happened. It's on the last page somewhere. 

Thanks for the info.    I thought I had originally read it as a statement of sorts.  :)

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Will the Browns will spend big bucks they don't have--not that ever stopped them--to take David Jessop to court until he gives up rights to the children? I don't know if Jessop is a decent father, but Kody and Robyn have obviously lied about his contact with his children, so that doesn't make them trustworthy. Jessop could be done in by expensive custody fights.

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Along that line, why didn't Robyn go to court to get that back child support he allegedly owes? We know how much they have whined about needing money, especially for her joory business and makin' new babies. Getting back child support would free up other resources for those two impor-ant time-consuming areas of her life. 

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Why does Meri have a wedding gift bag behind her on the counter prior to the divorce announcement?  You can spot it at about 6:00 minutes into the episode.  It's behind Meri as she calls Robyn and Kody to come over.


At 16:44 when Kody and Meri break the news of the divorce to their daughter, you can spot Xmas lights on the hutch in the background.  http://imgur.com/pYuoH1E  but then there are November/fall decorations behind Mariah.  I think this scene was filmed inbetween Thanksgiving and Christmas, as they transition one set of decorations for the other.


Then, the next scene -- where Meri is talking to Janelle and Christine, ALL holiday decor is gone --- but the USPS box on her counter and mail are in the same exact spots as when Kody and Robyn were over.  


These people are terrible at acting.

Edited by CofCinci
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To be honest, I was surprised by Christine's reaction.  This is the lady that got pissed about Kody picking out Robyn's first wedding gown and about countless other things, but she was instantly more than OK with Kody legally marrying Robyn.  I expected SOME resistance from Christine.  And this being Meri's idea?  Hard to believe the seed wasn't planted earlier with Robyn mentioning..."only IF I was married to Kody, he could adopt the kids.."  Maybe once she got her wet bar, she just didn't care anymore.

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To be honest, I was surprised by Christine's reaction.  This is the lady that got pissed about Kody picking out Robyn's first wedding gown and about countless other things, but she was instantly more than OK with Kody legally marrying Robyn.  I expected SOME resistance from Christine.  And this being Meri's idea?  Hard to believe the seed wasn't planted earlier with Robyn mentioning..."only IF I was married to Kody, he could adopt the kids.."  Maybe once she got her wet bar, she just didn't care anymore.

Her reaction screamed Psych 101 "Reaction Formation" to me.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Defence_mechanisms


In psychoanalytic theory, reaction formation is a defensive process (defense mechanism) in which emotions and impulses which are anxiety-producing or perceived to be unacceptable are mastered by exaggeration (hypertrophy) of the directly opposing tendency.

Edited by CofCinci
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The thing that bothered me most about this episode was that Robyn tried to justify this divorce/marriage/adoption business by saying that her kids ask her when they will get the brown name and that they want to feel like full siblings, blah blah, blah. Guess who is responsible for that? Not the legal system, not a name change, not a custody change, it was ROBYN's issue to fix all along. She is the one to make her kids feel like part of that family. If they don't, it is because she is feeding them BS or she is insecure and projects that on them. It doesn't have a damn thing to do with anything legal.

But then again, the spiritual marriages are really where it is at, aren't they??

Edited by Neonyellowclover
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I just can't accept the notion that David Jessop (SENIOR -- in case you missed that, Kody) is the one at fault here because it seems like all Robyn does is lie, twist and manipulate.  If she mentioned missed child support payments, that could mean an amount anywhere between $1 and one million dollars.  If she says he was SO abusive and frightening, then why did she willingly hand her small children over to him for visitation?  Was it just so she and Kody could have alone time on the way home?  As someone else noted, if DJSr is such a deadbeat who doesn't ever want to see his kids, then why the HECK are they acting like he's on some secret ninja mission to come and steal his kids away? 


We haven't heard his side of the story at all, but we do know (at least somewhat) the caliber of person that Robyn is -- and we know that she's desperate to absorb Kody whole, making him her's and her kids', and only her's and her kids'.  Those poor kids probably have been brainwashed to hate their dad.  Robyn is that selfish and sneaky, imo. 


Regarding what would happen "if she passed"... That's like the ultimate manipulation.  It reeks of, "what are you going to do if I die tomorrow??  how will you feel??  what'll happen then??  and all because you didn't listen to me!!  all because you didn't do what i said!!" 


I need a shot of Jameson.  These motherflippers are driving me to drink.

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IKR?? Janelle and Christine looked so pretty compared to Meri and Bobbyn the goblin. Meri has taken over as heaviest wife. She has to be a stress eater.

Christine's fake lashes are so off putting. They just look like giant fury caterpillars on her eyes. 

Janelle really does look nice though. 

As far as christine's reaction to the divorce news - i really could see mixed emotions on her face. Mostly like she was trying to hide her real reactions from Meri, the camera, and most deeply herself as she doesn't wanna be /selfish/. 

That or she's a terrible actor lol .

Edited by iii
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Meri looked so much nicer IMO, with softer curls instead of the harsh choppy layers she usually sports and with what I assume is her natural complexion.  I think everyone looked nice, but Robyn was going full force with the teary eyeliner wiping. 

Edited by purpleflowers
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I'm trying to decide what I believe. I can buy that Christine was actually OK with it because she was all "I WANT THOSE KIDS" if something happened to Robyn. I got the feeling that it had come up between them all before (except maybe with Janelle) and that Meri was doing her classic should I/shouldn't I waffle (see: fertility treatments, college, back to work, etc, ad nauseum). Christine said, "Oh Mer, really?" and tears came right to her eyes like it was something she actually hoped for.

 I think this part is more Christine's tendency to repeat whatever the person said right before, like "oh well we treat everyone like guests" or " oh yes we totally overschedule"... I've seen her do this a bunch of times, and it seems either passive-aggressive or going along to get along bsing.. in the case of "we would totally raise the kids' or whatever it was she actually said, it was probably stage-acting code for 'see how I am so on board and good with everything, see how we all support each other blahblahblah' depending on how they were trying to make themselves look at the time.  The 'tell -all' she didn't tell jack sprat.. just made the hmm,that's interesting mask face and I understand why.  Totally agree with CofCinci re the reaction formation.  TOTALLY AGREE ! lol  but yes, Cof is spot on with that and mine with the passive-aggressive- I might have to watch the Lunch of Hate where Chris and Robyn supposedly make up LOLZ just to enjoy Christine saying things in that scary whisper again. "I really wanted to like you, I really did, but it didn't happen' ... she needs to work on it a little bit more if she is going to truly go all Art of War ...


.I actually feel bad for Christine, I think she had built up in her mind how great Kody was, only to see him fall off this mythical ideal she had built of him- and it wasn't as simple as just oh, he likes this person more than me, but more that he was obviously and willfully defying the way their lifestyle is supposed to be lived by acting like a teenager with a crush rather than the patriarch of large family with a spiritual tradition, disrespecting the rest of the wives as well, and of course reaffirming this immaturity over and over with the 'no biggie' attitude with the Ken thing, and the oh, we should have had a longer courtship thing and to everything she challenges him on, he meets it with some flaky response, not self-reflection. Maybe she is not willing to go on tv and say all these things but I would bet things like this add up.


At this point the alliances and dysfunction has probably reached such a critical mass, why should she let on to any of them what she really thinks, probably having figured out at this point hardly any of them care. If you compare the Christine of the early shows to the Christine now, you really see how shut down she is and I don't blame her.  In this effed-up rodeo of competitive martyrdom, having one's needs met or simple human and normal things like feeling like one matters and being listened to and respected or standing up for oneself seem like negative character traits in their world, (but playing helpless and crying and baby-talk is ok and rewarded- gross)  where they all continue to orbit around one person like the sun ,no matter how dim his light..

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I think if Kody had been breaking the news to wives 2 & 3 we would have seen different reactions.


Christine has massive insecurities with Kody specifically. I think if Kody had announced he was divorcing Meri to marry Robyn we would have seen a Christine flip out reminiscent of weddingdressgate. But because Meri broke the news, Christine was focused what she perceived to be a huge sacrifice on Meri's part and seemed genuinely moved.


Similarly, it it had been Kody doing the announcement,  as opposed to Janelle's arch nemesis we probably would have seen Janelle be her usual calm self. Meri is Janelle's sore spot, and it must have felt like one of Meri's mean old moves from where Janelle was sitting.


Lets not forget that if Janelle was rightfully next in line to be the legal wife. And hell, if any of these people should be dealing with finances and legalities is should be Janelle.


But to me the biggest giveaway for what little joint relationships there really is in this family was the fact that Meri was telling Janelle and Christine THE DAY BEFORE she was signing the paperwork. By their own admission, there were no family discussions, no "heads up, I am thinking about this" but a cold "technically they're part of the family so I guess I should tell them" announcement.


It speaks volumes about the true nature of their strained barely-in-each-others-lives relationships, it really does.

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I think if Kody had been breaking the news to wives 2 & 3 we would have seen different reactions.


 Hence the cowardly way of him not even being there. Oh right, because this way it would be more sennnnnssssiiiitttiiiiivveeeeee 


Christine has massive insecurities with Kody specifically. I think if Kody had announced he was divorcing Meri to marry Robyn we would have seen a Christine flip out reminiscent of weddingdressgate. But because Meri broke the news, Christine was focused what she perceived to be a huge sacrifice on Meri's part and seemed genuinely moved.



I thought maybe shocked rather than moved , like 'really, you'll go this far?' likely Christine seeing doing that is a breakdown of the original configuration, maybe not that it increases any one person's status, but more as a kind of abdication. Like you could just see even any grudging respect flying away...like wow Meri is that desperate. It doesn't seem as though Robyn's kids are in imminent danger. I wonder if Robyn has got something on the guy, no matter how lame it is, that he doesn't come forward even to say something as simple as 'those are my kids, I'm not having Brown adopt them.'


 If it were that bad a thing that she had on him, she would likely have been able to have taken the kids from him already, so whatever she may be hanging over his head likely isn't that bad.  If you look at it pragmatically, if he makes Robyn look bad and people stop watching the show, the more likely it is she is going to go for child support  if and when the show ends- which she may do anyway, as someone else posted here some other man adopted someone's kids, and the biodad is still paying support. In any case, it seems lame to make such a drastic decision when it doesn't seem that the kids are under any threat of say abuse, poverty, whatever.



Similarly, it it had been Kody doing the announcement,  as opposed to Janelle's arch nemesis we probably would have seen Janelle be her usual calm self. Meri is Janelle's sore spot, and it must have felt like one of Meri's mean old moves from where Janelle was sitting.



             I don't know if Janelle would see it as another slam as far as oh, I got passed over, as sadly she has had to likely take a back seat for a long time. It's possible she may have even been disgusted as well as incredulous, not for herself not being next in line, but at what Meri is doing, and her motivations for doing it.  Maybe Meri even thinks this will sort of 'win both Kody and  Robyn back' as far as feeling more positive about her in general, maybe Meri feels lonely out there in the mcmansion, especially saying she doesn't feel as close to the younger kids since the move- and it sure looks like none of the wives are really hanging out with each other. Maybe Meri thinks some drastic, desperate move will somehow put things back where they were or somehow 'fix' things between Robyn and herself, and Kody as well. How many times have we seen Meri cry about things not being as they once were?



Lets not forget that if Janelle was rightfully next in line to be the legal wife. And hell, if any of these people should be dealing with finances and legalities is should be Janelle.



As  I said, it's possible Janelle isn't worried about 'next in line'- she has said more than once she isn't great about things changing- likely more about the possibility of a power dynamic changing more than a legal one. She may not give a sh*t about whether who is the legal wife but more worried about this possibly being an act of desperation on Meri's part , and how sad that is.  It is a little disturbing when you think someone is strong in who they are and their position/role and then they do a 180, whether or not you like them.



But to me the biggest giveaway for what little joint relationships there really is in this family was the fact that Meri was telling Janelle and Christine THE DAY BEFORE she was signing the paperwork. By their own admission, there were no family discussions, no "heads up, I am thinking about this" but a cold "technically they're part of the family so I guess I should tell them" announcement.



          Having it be a last minute thing and not having any input into it, like this is what I'm going to do and I'm not here asking you for your opinion or to talk about it is kind of insulting. As well as cowardly rather than bold. I wonder if Kobyn  told her 'let's just keep this out little secret until the day before (that way, you will be way too set in your plans so that no one can talk you out of it, yes shock and awe is the way to go, winning!)...oh Mer, they're (C and J) just going to give you grief over this....this is the best way for everyone.... yeahhhhh we're going to have to ahhh  go ahead and have you yeahhh not be the legal wife anymore...mkayyyy Meri?





It speaks volumes about the true nature of their strained barely-in-each-others-lives relationships, it really does.



  Yes that and it does make you wonder if this they are not the exception after all, but the rule. Ok so they don't wear prairie dresses and have child brides but golly, all the power trips and cattiness and sucking up/acting out for crumbs of attention and the rest are there.

 Oh and here is some bonus gossip fodder though I can't vouch for its veracity.


"Two of Meri's dad's wives are first cousins with Robyn's first husband."


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I think if Kody had been breaking the news to wives 2 & 3 we would have seen different reactions.


Christine has massive insecurities with Kody specifically. I think if Kody had announced he was divorcing Meri to marry Robyn we would have seen a Christine flip out reminiscent of weddingdressgate. But because Meri broke the news, Christine was focused what she perceived to be a huge sacrifice on Meri's part and seemed genuinely moved.


Similarly, it it had been Kody doing the announcement,  as opposed to Janelle's arch nemesis we probably would have seen Janelle be her usual calm self. Meri is Janelle's sore spot, and it must have felt like one of Meri's mean old moves from where Janelle was sitting.


Lets not forget that if Janelle was rightfully next in line to be the legal wife. And hell, if any of these people should be dealing with finances and legalities is should be Janelle.


But to me the biggest giveaway for what little joint relationships there really is in this family was the fact that Meri was telling Janelle and Christine THE DAY BEFORE she was signing the paperwork. By their own admission, there were no family discussions, no "heads up, I am thinking about this" but a cold "technically they're part of the family so I guess I should tell them" announcement.


It speaks volumes about the true nature of their strained barely-in-each-others-lives relationships, it really does.

I agree with all of this, and wrote something similar earlier in the thread. The way this decision was supposedly decided really calls into question the notion that Kody is married to four wives. Or looked at from a different angle - what a distant, unfeeling and uninvolved husband Kody is. He didn't even have the decency to talk to Janelle and Christine, his wives, about such an important change. "Did Robyn and Meri talk to you?" Kody asked Janelle. Are you kidding me? I despise Kody with the heat of a thousand suns....I have to keep reminding myself that this whole thing is fake and concocted for TV drama......

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I'm in the camp that believes that TLC knew about this earlier and decided to create cliff hanger drama by dropping it as a bomb at the end instead of dragging it out all season long.  The episode where Robyn changes her name to "Brown" was not just because she wanted to change it but because she was already married to Kodouche by that point.  I can't see how that was a secret to TLC.  I believe these episodes were intentionally shown out of order.  Obviously, TLC has gotteen what they want out of it given the road kill factor interest this has generated for the show.  As much as I detest what is happening and why, I admit I will tune in again with renewed interest next season just to see the train wreck unfold.

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K-douche is just a creep that sold these women with low self-esteem on this bullshit of a lifestyle. WTH? Who wants to share a husband??? Just plain nasty.

Let's give the women their agency - Meri and Christine grew up in polygamy, and they were young adults but still actively chose their marriage. Meri went in knowing their would be other wives (probably not how poorly she might handle it, but unexpected infertility surely made it exponentially harder), and Janelle, Christine, and Robyn all chose to enter a plural relationship from the get-go. There was no bait-and-switch here.

Kody is several things, but the only one he introduced to polygamy was Janelle, who knew his existing wife/her former sister-in-law before she and Kody started anything. She also had it in her to leave the family before, with her kids, and she's one of the best equipped to do so if she wanted to again. (The other being Meri, since she 1) has only herself and an adult child to support and 2) does have a work and educational history. Christine and Robyn have too many kids and neither work history or education to fall back on, so they'd have the hardest time going at it alone unless they had TLC follow them with a special, which, as I'm typing it, does sound like a distinct possibility if any of them ever wanted a lifeboat.)

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The episode where Robyn changes her name to "Brown" was not just because she wanted to change it but because she was already married to Kodouche by that point.

I think she changed her name before Christmas in 2013, and the Great Wife Swap didn't occur until a year later? Her legal name on her marriage license is already Robyn Alice Brown.

I admit I will tune in again with renewed interest next season just to see the train wreck unfold.

Me too! It's just sort of fascinating to me.

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Christine and Robyn have too many kids and neither work history or education to fall back on, so they'd have the hardest time going at it alone unless they had TLC follow them with a special, which, as I'm typing it, does sound like a distinct possibility if any of them ever wanted a lifeboat.)

Christine has a supportive aunt who left polygamy, and a mother who I suspect dislikes it more than she lets on to her daughter and son-in-law. Christine would have help. And she only has 4 kids left at home, The oldest two are out and I suspect that either there is TLC money, or they have student loans. It would be hard, but Christine can leave if she wants to.

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I'm in the camp that believes that TLC knew about this earlier and decided to create cliff hanger drama by dropping it as a bomb at the end instead of dragging it out all season long.


I absolutely agree.  


And as to Christine's and Jenelle's filmed reactions, those were totally scripted.  I believe that last year they saw the "end of series" writing on the wall and sat in a room and planned all of this out.  What hysterics Christine displayed at that time were slapped down with "you want to keep this house and the money coming in you will keep your mouth shut and go along with it". Christine's stupid but not stupid enough to not know where from whence her income flows.


They didn't anticipate the backlash because they all have the intellect of turnips.  Even their moronic followers (none of whom are on this forum) are unhappy with the divorce as evidenced by the Twitter and Facebook comments - if you can stomach the horrible spelling and grammar to read more than a few of them.

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Why the divorce? Well, Kody is a man who hates drama but loves female attention. It's finally dawned on him that it's better to get loads of female attention from one happy wife who loves him than it is to deal with the endless drama, tension, and tears that results from selfishly banging four different women who only end up resenting him.


It turned out that it just wasn't worth it. Too bad it took him this long (and 17 kids) to figure that out. It takes most guys way too long to figure that out.


I'm in the camp who thinks Kody and Sobbyn will end up in monogamy, even if some of the other concubines still hang around. For all practical purposes, those two will be a monogamous couple because that's what makes Kody happy.

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I'm in the camp who thinks Kody and Sobbyn will end up in monogamy, even if some of the other concubines still hang around. For all practical purposes, those two will be a monogamous couple because that's what makes Kody happy.



Honestly it seems to me they are already a monogamous couple. They are the couple. They make the decisions. They talk to each other about things. As pointed out above, he wasn't even the one who talked to his "wives" about the divorce and remarriage. From all evidence  and comments Kody and Robyen are the ones still in a regular physical relationship. Kody is married to Robyn. He may occasionally sleep with someone else but he's not married to Christine, Janelle or Meri. They are just people who had his babies. The divorce just highlights it but it's been that way for a while now.

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This is one of the benefits of taping in Las Vegas vs. taping in Utah - no pesky weather differences to point out breaks and inconsistencies in the timeline.



Except the temperature.  You don’t wear coats, scarves and blazers in LV in September. 


I'm talking about the fact that Robyn and three little kids lived in a trailer in Montana, with no heat in the winter.  I don't know one man who wouldn't kill himself working to provide for his children.



But, to be fair, do you know one woman who would run up Victoria’s Secret bills when she lived with her children in a trailer in Montana with no heat in the winter?

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I am aware that there has to be 2 parties but if Meri filed, then she should be listed as PARTY # 1. Maybe the wording is not the same in all states, just as taxes and laws vary. There's no objections from PARTY #2 so state law could view it as a joint action.

Top right hand of the document clearly states JOINT FILING.

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Except the temperature.  You don’t wear coats, scarves and blazers in LV in September. 


But, to be fair, do you know one woman who would run up Victoria’s Secret bills when she lived with her children in a trailer in Montana with no heat in the winter?


NO KIDDING!!!  I had no idea if Robyn's ex is a good guy or not but all the 'horrible' things he's supposedly done have been told to us by Robyn. She doesn't have a track record of honestly and is notorious for revisionist history. 

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But, to be fair, do you know one woman who would run up Victoria’s Secret bills when she lived with her children in a trailer in Montana with no heat in the winter?

Maybe she used the stuff as fire starter...you know it's gotta be highly flammable...

Edited by Oldernowiser
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I figure that the Brown brunch is not immune to the TLC divorce is around the corner disease.   They can and have succumb to the same crap the rest of these families do.

 The money and lifestyle upgrades affect them and then boom.......divorce.

  If they indeed took out Arm loans, then they are all going to lose their homes.  I can see the first 3 wives saying I have had enough , while Robyn and Kody have stars in their eyes thinking they can keep the show going on their own.  Sisters Wives Closet anyone?

         The 3 first wives could be moving back to the old Utah house to live together, while Kodes and Robbs go down with the ugly stucco sinking ship.

           Or TLC could support them after Kody signs a contract to marry at least 2 new wives.

            Most of these people get addicted to their D list status and the money.


 Edited to add:  I dont think David Jessop or most parents no matter how bad would sign away their children on a national tv show.  So, I think this scenario is totally fake, covering up for everyone but Robyn telling Kody see ya.

Edited by Cherrio
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The ratings were actually pretty good.  The shows were near the top of the cable shows for the day.  As you say, definitely in the renewable range.  They need to drop closer to the 1 M viewer range to get cancelled.

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Anyone with twitter should check out Bobbyn today. She is trying to explain the VS purchases..haha

Wasn't the debt $3K or so?  That's a whole lot of long sleeved t-shirts and pajama pants.


It must be so mentally exhausting to keep all of these stories and timelines straight.  I'd love to hook every last one of the Brown adults up to a polygraph machine.

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Ratings:  2.792 M viewers and a .9 rating.


Tell All (or nothing) episode: 2.123 M viewers and a .7 rating.

*Sister Wives* is directly opposite both *The Walking Dead* and *Talking Dead.* That's some really heavy competition. I never miss my Dead and usually catch Sister Wives on a rerun -- or just come here to catch up. But I'd watch SW on the first run if it wasn't in competition with *Walking Dead*, which is one of the most popular things on TV.

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Just an observation---


When they are doing the 'tell all' interview shows--- I HATE the way Kody stares at whoever is talking with that weird look on his face, like he is trying so hard to concentrate.  Then as others are asked questions, he flips his head around in different directions with his gross hair flowing in the wind behind him.  


Also noticed in the 'reveal' to Mariah that Kody was ready to book the minute Mariah said she was Ok with the divorce situation.  Like he couldn't wait to get out of there and thank god Mariah didn't complain or bring up anything else.  I would think he would be very careful to assure Mariah that things were OK between him and her mom and to make sure she OK with the situation.  You know, actually comfort his daughter.  It really bothered me the way he rushed out of there.  Guess King Solomon and ol' Lantern Jaw were waiting for his return.  I would really really like to know how much time he actually spends with the different wives.  I always thought he really did love Meri and the first wife thing did have a certain power.  I dont know if he really loves Janelle, but I think he respects her.  I think he is totally over poor Christine.  And we know he would drop them all for Sobbyn in a heartbeat.  


If the rumors are to be believed, this divorce was all engineered by Sobbyn and grew out of her anger that Meri wanted out of the joory business.  Sobbyn was furious that Kody was supporting Meri's plans to go back to college and demanded that he side with her.  When he wouldn't, she actually moved out for a few days until Kody begged her to return.  She supposedly would not come back unless he took her side over Meri's.  Apparently Meri was so furious Kody would change sides to appease Sobbyn that she decided she was through with Kody and decided to divorce him.  Supposedly she is just sticking around for appearances and to pick up the TLC paycheck. There are reports that she has already moved out of the cul-de-sac to a condo in town (hopefully there is a wet bar included).  The adoption thing was just a convenient excuse used to cover everything up.  


I bet the true story is somewhere in between.  

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Wow, that seems like good ratings! Vanderpump Rules gets about 1 million and that might be Bravo's highest rated show right now. Crazy so many tune in to see this (usually boring) train wreck of a family!


I agree with the poster who very intelligently explained that Christine was wanting a spiritual polygamous family and instead got Kody. I think she genuinely wanted to get along with her sister wives and give her kids what she had growing up. I think it was like this for a while in Utah, but television really really changed things. Even if she didn't get along amazingly with Meri, or Janelle sometimes, at least their kids all lived together and really felt like siblings. That must have been rewarding enough to counteract Kody's douchery. Now, they all live separately. 


It's sad to see the older kids talk about how great it was growing up with so many brothers and sisters in Utah, then see how little the younger kids interact now. I can understand why Mariah and ... Aspyn, I think?... would want THAT lifestyle because big families are great! But now it's not a big family. Just four, separate nuclear families. 


I wish Meri and Janelle would leave and find a monogamous man to treat them like queens. Yes, even Meri, who I think wouldn't be terrible outside of this very strange, jealousy-inducing bubble that surrounds a very, very immature, egotistical man. And I think Christine really could thrive in a spiritual polygamous marriage with sister wives that care about her and a man who at least pops in once in a while and is grateful for what she does. Not that these women need men to complete them, and they could certainly make it on their own (maybe not Christine, but by no fault of her own :/), but I just want to see someone give them a little respect.


It's incredible how manipulative Robyn is. Up until now, I'm sure it could be difficult to completely see. After all, Meri always seems to support her and be close with her. Kody favors her. The show on a whole is so benign and boring. But those reading between the lines could see all along. And now it's clear as day for even the most shallow of viewers: Robyn MARRIED Kody. I always suspected this was her goal but could see no fathomable way she could accomplish it seeing as THREE OTHER WOMEN were married to him first and would certainly step in the way! But wow. She did it. She really did it. I still can't believe it! It is utterly disgusting and I hope she and Kody live a long, miserable life together, without dragging other innocent parties along for the ride.

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The Sister Wives tweets are all about how much they love their sister wives. But their behavior and words on their own show that they have partial control over doesn't reflect that. Their behavior on the show reflects that Robyn and Meri are close, Janelle is totally disconnected emotionally and often physically, and Christine is an emotional mess who had to move her mother in to get household help when she has THREE Sister Wives, one of whom has no children left at home. Nothing about this show depicts the bond they're claiming to have between the 4 of them.


Kody tweets that Meri is still first wife. But on the show, Meri doesn't appear to have been first in anything except buying house upgrades for a very long time. She sure as hell doesn't appear to be the lead wife in that household.

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