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S30: Will Sims II

Donny Ketchum
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I just looked at his twitter and he hasn't tweeted anything since yesterday when he said, "Gotta go get some popcorn for tonights episode of #survivor!  LOL!  #teamwill" and  "I got my popcorn!  #bringthepopcorn #survivor #teamwill" so evidently even after months to think about it, he's still not ashamed. People are lambasting him for what he did, but he's not responding at all. If he were any kind of decent human being, he'd apologize, express regret, and go back to silence until next week, but I won't hold my breath for that.

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I agree he should apologize, but so should Shirin, Mike and Jenn. I'd be pissed too if someone questioned my integrity after I had done something nice for them that I was under no obligation to do. They could and should question his motives, but what they did was beyond that. Up until last night I felt sorry for Shirin. When she responded by being petty, she lost me.

Edited by laprin
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Yes, Will was nasty to Shirin and over the top in his attacks.  But Shirin had accused him (based on nothing whatsoever) of hoarding food.  Food that he had won fair and square, btw, and was under no obligation to share to begin with.

That has happened in Survivor. Good for her for raising the possibility.  

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Well that's the thing. 

On one hand, I'd understand why Will would be upset about being questioned. But this is a show where people hide stuff all the time, so while it was wrong for those three to be like "Hmm, I wonder if there is more food," (and I think on a baser level, it was "Hm, I wonder if there is a clue in the food.). Will should have stopped with "You should not have questioned me" 

the moment he went personal (twice). showed no remorse, he lost all my sympathy and support. 

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See, questioning peoples actions is a part of the game. It has always been a part of the game. People on the Blue Collar tribe questioned Mike and Dan when they brought back the beans. Mike and Dan did not get pissed off and yell about integrity, they understood it was part of the game. So and Joaquin were called on their story and ended up confessing that they were lying. No one got pissed and yelled and screamed about integrity.


People lie on Survivor. Tony pulled the model in his season aside and gave him a bogus clue to an immunity idol and then took it at then end of the visit. He lied about the clue being a clue for their idol and put the model in hot water because people didn't believe him even when he told them what was on the clue. He didn't complain about Tony or the folks not believing him.


So yeah, Will didn't have to share the food. It was nice that he did. But to go ballistic because someone was suggesting he had not shared it all? A bit of an over reaction. Handle it calmly like Mike and Dan did. Or be agitated like he was and stay on topic. But the personal attacks he made were so far outside the game it was ridiculous.


There is no way to justify his behavior. Just as there was no way to justify Dan's bullying of Sierra or Shirin earlier this season. Just as there is no way to justify Rodney and his regular threats to fight someone. First Dan over the mother comment and then Mike tonight over the plan to vote Mike out. Not only is said behavior bad game play, it demonstrates that there are some pretty serious character flaws in them as people.

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hey, u have an argument with somebody, if its the street, u'll handle it like a man, right? and when the fight is finished, u get beat up, u shake his hand and everything is cool right? lol. thats how u do it man.

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hey, u have an argument with somebody, if its the street, u'll handle it like a man, right? and when the fight is finished, u get beat up, u shake his hand and everything is cool right? lol. thats how u do it man.

Or you're an adult about it and agree to disagree and not pummel each other into submission or toss nasty insults at each other.

Edited by Andromeda
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Will took his comments outside of the game, where he doesn't know Shirin, doesn't know her life, doesn't know what kind of person she is, and has no clue what she's been through. Survivor might be an immersive experience, but it's still a GAME. I was estranged from my father for years before he died because he was a raging drug addict and alcoholic. If I accused someone of bluffing at poker (which, in reality, is comparable what Mike and Jenn were doing to Will in the confines of the game), and they got mad about it, then started raging at me because I have no dad and half my family hates me and so forth, you best believe I'd be hurt and offended. Will not only crossed the line, but gleefully danced over it and then tried to justify it while claiming he's a Christian. None of that is acceptable.

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Never actually liked him, but there was just a sort of vibe of shallow, crowd-pleasing vacancy to him that I was never really sure if it was him, or an act, or just me misinterpreting his mannerisms, or whatever. But apparently there's more to him than meets the eye. Under all that surface stupidity, he does in fact have a personality. I wish he didn't. Like Dan last week, he has now officially joined my actual 'hate" list.

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"Crowd-pleasing" vacancy is such a good way to describe his jokes earlier in the season and his attack on Shirin. I'm sure part of him did that because he thought the rest of his alliance would love him for it and it would be something they could bond over. 


And to people saying that Shirin provoked him a) from what we saw it was Jenn and Mike saying that lied and telling other people that (Jenn said "he just gave us the s*** he didn't like" and b) I don't care what Shirin said about him sharing or not sharing food. That kind of disgusting bullying is not excusable and then c) Will is so idiotic that he actually denied everything he did at tribal because he's not aware of what his actions actually are.

Edited by wudpixie
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Will's verbal attack was one of the ugliest things shown on any Survivor episode to date.  Anyone who was witness to that and did nothing to curb it is just as bad as Will.  I think I'll just check in here to find out who get's voted off from here on and not watch any more episodes of this season.  This cast is simply vile for the most part.

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Never actually liked him, but there was just a sort of vibe of shallow, crowd-pleasing vacancy to him that I was never really sure if it was him, or an act, or just me misinterpreting his mannerisms, or whatever. But apparently there's more to him than meets the eye. Under all that surface stupidity, he does in fact have a personality. I wish he didn't. Like Dan last week, he has now officially joined my actual 'hate" list.


This is so perfectly put.  I found him affable and inoffensive early in the game, which made him easy to root for with all the nasty personalities out there.  I never dreamed he'd make Dan--fucking Dan--look mild by comparison.  What a fucking dickhead.

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I thought it might be useful to revisit Will's Survivor profile.  First of all, I want to say that I'm even more appalled with his behavior when I see that he is 41 years old.  Emphases below are mine.  But otherwise, I will let his words speak for themselves.


Inspiration in Life: God - for being the head of my life, my wife and daughter - for always believing and trusting in me and my parents for being great role models.
Pet Peeves: People who can’t admit when they are wrong and people who don't tip.
3 Words to Describe You:  Funny, loyal and caring.
Why You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR:  I have great people skills and I am a team player.
Why Will You Be the Sole SURVIVOR: Because no one will be able to outplay my social game!

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Has anybody heard anything from Will on social media since this episode aired?  I'm just wondering if he's trying to backpedal or explain himself.  I'm positive he's not going to actually admit any fault or apologize.  I wish Shirin would find her way to her thread to see the last few pages of love she's getting from viewers.

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Will still hasn't tweeted. Based on his tweets right before the ep aired he thought he was gonna be thought of as so awesome after this ep and he's obviously now hiding. LOL at how delusional he has to be to have thought up until that ep aired that he would be applauded for that display.



I wish Shirin would find her way to her thread to see the last few pages of love she's getting from viewers.


Max has been getting a lot of kind message about Shirin on Tumblr that he said he passed along to her.

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To be continued. ...

Monifa Sims

Just watched Survivor. Can't wait till the live finale so the truth can be told... Just saying....‪#‎editingisreal‬





This is from Will's wife's Facebook page.  That would go along with what Tyler tweeted about answering the questions at the finale, and the two sides to the story.  However, has a contestant ever successfully defended a bad edit argument and gotten away with it in front of Jeff?  I can already hear him saying 'but you said that, we didn't edit it in' and asking Shirin who exactly came to her defense.  TPTB must not want to waste the moment if the contestants are allowed to talk ahead of time.  Somehow, I have a feeling Shirin will get a chance to really let them have it, and they won't be able to bite back if they want to come out looking good.  Judging from the backlash everyone is getting on twitter, I see a decent chunk dedicated to this at the reunion show.  I think we all know what will be said and happen.  From what I've read on other sites, it seems as though Will and his wife are getting death threats.  From what his twitter said before the episode, he seems about as self aware as Dan for his behavior.  Dan didn't apologize to Shirin until he got called out on twitter-and it took 2 days for that.  Judging from Shirin's twitter, she's getting a ton of positive feedback, though there are some comments I noticed in there of people saying she's blowing this out of proportion for her own gain.


I'm surprised for a "Youtube sensation" that Will and his wife have so few followers on twitter.  Even Dan passed the 1,000 mark.

Edited by LadyChatts
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If it had just been the blow-up at camp, I could almost agree with the people who think that Shirin and Will were both being assholes. I would still think Will crossed the line, but if he had gone to Tribal Council and said something along the lines of, "It was shitty of you to accuse me of being dishonest about the food I shared with you, but I realize now that I went too far and I apologize for that," then I would have been been willing to write it off as the stress of the game. But he didn't. Instead, he stood by everything he said and didn't seem remotely ashamed or apologetic for attacking someone whose father was abusive for "not having a family" and for the fact that "nobody loves her". It's a terrible thing to say to anyone, but someone who grew up in a functional family might be able to shrug it off in a way that someone who grew up in an abusive one just can't—it dredges up too many awful memories and feelings.


No one has any control over the circumstances of their childhood, which is why mocking or otherwise attacking someone on that basis is a spectacularly awful thing to do. Will may not have thought that's what he was doing, but once he realized that's how Shirin took it, he needed to recognize that he had gone too far and in a way that could not be in any way construed as "gameplay". Will needs a lesson not just in empathy, but in basic human decency.

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The funny thing about Will, Dan, and Tyler claiming that after the show they'll be vindicated is that if the show is truly going to such lengths to hide Shirin being the devil and deserving of the shit she got then what makes them think TPTB are going to let them say that at the reunion? Idiots. They should've just said nothing.

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Shirin said in interviews that he mentioned she has no soul more than once. 

I googled but couldn't find any specific information on Will's religion.  But he did say that God is very important in his life. 

Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is part of a very small not particularly well viewed faction of Islam that believes women have no soul. 

Pretty sure Will is a Christian of some sort? is Shirin a Muslim?  Is part of his dislike of her something to do with religion? 

I don't think Bashar's sect and Will's dislike are directly related but I think there are Christians that don't like Islam/Muslims based on some

sort of religious view but I don't know any specifics. 

The soul thing is just such a weird thing to say repeatly I'm grasping at straws. 

Of course it seems like any sort of lie/ betrayal is a big hot button for him and questioning his big strategic move to be liked by bringing back his reward likely to be

seen as  as a very threatening thing to his game.  So going off on someone he already didn't seem to like is not that big a surprise, although the length and depth of the attack sure were.

From a pre-game interview

Holmes: Are you able to detect when other people are lying?
Sims: Most of the time. There’s a difference between manipulating and blatantly lying. People who blatantly lie and you know they’re lying? That’s my pet peeve. But, if you embellish a little, that’s fine.

Holmes: If there is a twist to this season, what do you think it will be?
Sims: I think the only twist that could be a downfall for me is if I trust someone and they backstab me.
Holmes: That’s not a twist, that’s just something that happens. Often.
Sims: (Laughs) Yeah, but because I’m playing it, I’m going to take it personally.
Holmes: That does happen. There are friends who never talk again after the show because of something that happens out here.



I have to say, in pre interviews he frequently alludes to his social game.  Given that his No collar tribe had no idea he flipped and still don't know why it doesn't seem like he is really communicating much? 

He really hasn't gotten much screen time. 

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Upon further reflection I've decided that this was most about the letter, but precipitated by the accusation of food; both of which came from the same person, who he did not like anyway. .  The timing was close to the everybody reading their letters right?  He was pretty upset by not getting a letter and the personal attack alludes to say.....how could she have love in her life if she would deny someone a letter from their family, you must be soulless to be so heartless sort of thing. 

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Except that Shirin said in interviews he had been calling her soulless for a while. That was the first time we heard him say it but he had made that comment many times before. Even during that episode, there is a bonus clip where Shirin says that this was not the first time Will had been awful towards her.

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I had read that.  That's where I got that he just didn't like her and wondered about the religion angle.  But I think the food thing and the letter thing together  just really made him snap.  Not sure why the previous allusions to soulless.  Maybe he bangs on and on about family and Shirin disagreed (without personal details).  Or made comments about playing the game, being in the game, not thinking about family.  Maybe it started as a joke, Shirin "its all strategy"  WIll "you're so cold you're soulless"  Who knows, its really impossible to know what happened out there based on a few hours of edited film. 

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But Shirin's objection to Will's getting his letter didn't happen until after his attack on her at camp. If he hadn't done that to her, she likely would have gone along with everyone else and let him have his letter.

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I've been thinking about Will and his non-chances of winning.  I wonder, if prior to the Shirin blow up, if he still would have stood a chance or would have been considered more of a threat to keep around (over, say Rodney and Dan).  Will seems to be a pretty smooth talker, and even though he's flipper, ultimately flip flopping alliances ended up benefiting his game.  Which, that's the whole point is getting yourself to the end.  He might have been able to make a somewhat convincing case to the jury to garner some votes.  Maybe not a win, but good enough for second place.  Now, I don't see that happening.  Because he did flip on the NC and blamed it at first on Shirin, they may all have been bitter about that as it is.  Throw in the Shirin blow up, and that was game costing.


I'm so done with this season, though, that I can't even say I care about it at this point.  I started out liking Will, I did hate him for flipping on Jenn/Joe/Hali (even though it made game sense for him), but he crossed the line at the Shirin moment.  I have to say, if its true Shirin said some nasty things about Will and they left that out, I think even less of the producers for not showing both sides.  That's not to say I still wouldn't say Shirin deserved the verbal beat down she got, but I think she got super lucky with her edit.  They probably knew they were bringing her back for a second chance before this season started airing.


The funny thing about Will, Dan, and Tyler claiming that after the show they'll be vindicated is that if the show is truly going to such lengths to hide Shirin being the devil and deserving of the shit she got then what makes them think TPTB are going to let them say that at the reunion? Idiots. They should've just said nothing.



This.  Since Will has seen that both Tyler and Dan just dug their holes a little deeper with the interviews, maybe he's getting off lucky and will do what they should have done: just shut up, apologize, and say you are more self aware.  Jeff isn't going to let them get away with making excuses or telling their side.  It will be all about Shirin, especially since she's likely to be voted onto S31.  No way will they let her look bad.  I don't see how Tyler or Dan made themselves more vindicated.  They just made themselves look worse, especially the babbling over being heroes.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Go away Will, and take your wife with you. The audacity of him to believe that Shirin should accept and forgive your semi-apology on your terms, instead of her own. Begone.

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Go away Will, and take your wife with you. The audacity of him to believe that Shirin should accept and forgive your semi-apology on your terms, instead of her own. Begone.

Seriously. Go away Will. God doesn't want you to treat people like that. What's that you say... You don't think I speak for God.... Preach! You don't either so stop using Christianity to bludgeon people into agreeing with you. You are not a nice guy dead fish. You are not. The reason you singled out Shirin for the most abuse is because she wasn't popular. You big useless bully. "Nobody likes you!" I would punish my ten year old severely for saying that to another person. And you are an adult. Awful! Shame!

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I think Will is an ass and I am on Shirin's side with that being said I can't blame his wife for sticking up for him. I do wish they would have asked her what she thought so I could form a better opinion. I think he put his family in a shitty position for acting the way he did. 

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I would stick up for my husband too. But i won't defend him for bullying a woman half his size, not when it is taped and I see that he did it. You can't make something "unhappen" by shouting down the victim. It actually filled in my already ugly picture of Will.

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Something really irrelevant, but I believe CBS has him as Will Sims II, but he only mentioned having a daughter. Is there a son we don't know about? Is the daughter Will Sims III? Perhaps a nephew is III? Because in my experience, generally men would just go by Will Sims Jr. Unless there was a III.

Don't know how old Will's daughter is, but I feel bad for her. Her father is an obvious crapbag, and her mother is clearly not much better, to be shouting down a victim of some serious verbal abuse. If she's of an age where she and her friends and classmates are watching the show, I'm sure she was put in a tough situation, defending her father's actions.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Especially given her relationship (or lack thereof) with most of her family.

That was the biggest WTF. It's like he wasn't even listening when she said that she didn't have a really good relationship with her family. Maybe he meant the apology for the people in her life that she is close to, because he said she had none? Whatever he meant, he sucks.

Edited for spelling

Edited by truelovekiss
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I would stick up for my husband too. But i won't defend him for bullying a woman half his size, not when it is taped and I see that he did it. You can't make something "unhappen" by shouting down the victim. It actually filled in my already ugly picture of Will.

That's a good point. I was expecting him to blame editing, but I'm sure his agent made him memorize a statement so I was surprised by it. I don't believe anything he said. I guess the way I look at it his wife actions looked to be spontaneous and caught up in the moment and it was so brief it was hard for me to get a read on her. I hope privately she let him have it. Unfortunately the more I read other peoples perceptions the less likely I think that is the case.

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That was the biggest WTF. It's like he wasn't even listening when she aid that she didn't have a really good relationship with her family.


Oh, he was listening.  He was making that another dig at her.  It was vile, in my opinion.

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There's still a chance Will will blame editing.  I don't think he's sorry or thinks he was wrong at all.  Of course his wife will stand up for him, and it doesn't sound like she thinks he did anything wrong, either.  I expect Will to either tow the line in his interviews and pretend he was sorry, or just be as un-self aware as Dan and say Shirin had a victim complex.  

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Rewatching the finale (I know, I need a hobby) and Will's speech about doing your best and being a winner, blah blah blah is disgusting. Shut the hell up, you lost, this isn't your moment. Especially the day after he was talking a big game about how Mike had "better win" that immunity. If I had one immunity and that asshole asked jf he could have the honor of putting it on me, I would have a hard time not saying "no, fuck you, you're not Jeff's co-host." It was so fake. He knew (far too late) it was time to start acting like he wasn't an asshole.

Edited by truelovekiss
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Something really irrelevant, but I believe CBS has him as Will Sims II, but he only mentioned having a daughter. Is there a son we don't know about? Is the daughter Will Sims III? Perhaps a nephew is III? Because in my experience, generally men would just go by Will Sims Jr. Unless there was a III.


He would only be Jr. if he was named after his dad - if he was named after a grandpa or uncle he would be "the second"  :)

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