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Season 4 Talk

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Watching these people pretend MJs showmance was with Charlie was real was amusing.

Bobby is an over sharer. If he can't see that he will most likely never be able to maintain long term relationships. He and Asifa can exit stage left, please and thank you.

Mike's behavior is suspect. Jessica appears to know the truth now regarding his inclination for infedility. His thwarting her to join the Shahs not only makes me believe GG's version of events but also that Mike and Leila have been far more intimate than they should be post his engagement. I'm very curious about the contents of the texts that we're going back and forth between Mike and Jessica.

I think there is a very real possibility Mike will not be asked back to the show after his behavior on the reunion between the incessant texting and forbidding the wife to enter the arena. He seems quite vested in keeping his secrets and that won't make for good TV. Too bad numerous sources have already reported findings of his many indiscretions.

Oh, and Reza should grow back that stache stat to hide those frighteningly thin lips of his.

Edited by Rahul
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I'm interested in reading all your comments here.  My head is spinning.  I'm so shallow I thought what a waste on hair, make up and a dress regarding Jessica.  Keep your comments coming.  I feel like Mike is torn.  Good thing is, there was no wedding special for their wedding ;)

Edited by Lablover27
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Mike is a grade A piece of crap. I saw some things tonite that really sealed it. He's a liar and a cheat. I think the only reason he wants to be 'friends' is to remain on the show for money. Jessica is her own worst enemy in being too afraid to see the truth.

GG is no innocent and I have no problem shaming this drunken woman. She is way too old to act the way she does. Allowing Mike to tug on her g string and get handsy plus going to his room late is flirting and acting in a way that is receptive to advances. What he did in public that everyone saw is showing he wanted to F her so why is this such a big revelation that he just kept doing what he was doing in private? She didn't say he forced anything or got violent. They all seriously need to understand and respect boundaries.

Asa, I would love you except for your stance on the veil. Why aren't men wearing them or have a choice to? It is oppressive because the regions that force women to wear one are the most oppressive.

Asifa's energy is way too masculine for Bobby's extremely feminine energy. I think that is what attracts and repels them but Asifa will always make Bobby feel emasculated and he will rebel in his passive aggressive way making Asifa scream at him to be a man (just a horrible thing to say to a guy!). She needs a cave man type to tell her to shut it and fling her over his shoulder and F the anger out of her. Asifa and Bobby are fascinated with each other but it will never work in the long run.

Edited by OnceSane
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And another thing (Hahahah).... Reza... He always makes me cringe when he calls out people and gets ugly about it like he did with MJ previously and now Mike but after some time it ends up being true or making sense for some reason. Mostly because the people he is offending seem to accept it by still wanting to be friends with him. So I hate and like, hate and like in a cycle. Come to think of it I do the same with MJ.

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I could see it all this way - but I guess we'll never know for sure!


Think about it guys.  GG has all the leverage.  Mike was engaged and is now married.  If Mike banged GG or they came anywhere close to it, what can he possibly say without outright admitting to his wife that he had sex with GG or almost did.  Either way Jessica would have every right to Asifa the crap out of Mike for 7 years.  So Mike has to sit there while GG unleashes on him with her stupid noises and faces, and as wonderful as it would be for those of us who hate GG for him to reveal that GG had willing consensual sex with him, which would vindicate himself to Asa and all the others, it would come at the cost of his marriage.  Mike's behavior makes perfect sense.


What bothers me is why none of them bothered to ask GG why she's so determined for the "truth" to come out.  I was so happy when Mike pointed out how GG wanted her for so long and it seems so obvious to all of us but no one on the show.  I think Reza, Asa, and the others are too close to the situation because it's clear as day that GG is completely jealous of her sister, Jessica, and everyone else that Mike sleeps with.

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I really don't think GG is lusting after Mike. She may have pined for him as a teenager but those days are long gone. Besides, GG could have had him (and maybe she did) a few times over by now--he's made that clear enough. If anything she wanted to expose his cheating ways to the world because genuinely did strike up a friendship with Jessica and was disgusted. That being said, she totally did not go about it the right way and held on to the little nugget she had for maximum screen time.

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Part Two of the reunion was a gigantic snooze fest.  Asifa needs professional help/counseling.  She needs to move out of Bobby's apartment, stop dating him and start working on herself.  If Asifa really wants Bobby - no worries.  Once Asifa physically moves out and stops contacting him Bobby will come running again.  Know that.  The minute a guy thinks you've lost interest they come sniffing around.  Asifa would know that if she would distance herself from Bobby for a hot minute AND START VALUING HERSELF.  That alone would probably make Bobby come crawling back. 

ITA. The girl needs a therapist ASAP. I could not believe it when she actually said she didn't think she could do better than Bobby.


I was FLOORED when GG actually invited Mike out for a drink after filming. You were sitting there, foaming at the mouth, hoping to drag the fuck out of Jessica, and when all is said and done, you want to make up and be friends again? With friends like the Shahs, who needs enemies?

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So after filming, when everybody was outside in the classy trailerlot parking lot when they decided to ask Mike to go for a drink, Reza goes over to Mike to convince him to try to patch things up by saying, "You know GG's crazy". So does he believe GG or not? Once again Reza's disloyalty shines through. What an asshole. He just can't help himself. 


GG saying to MJ while they are standing outside smoking cigs and MJ is fiddeling around with her titties trying to make them fit in that blue monstrosity that MJ looks great in that dress. WTF? GG stop kissing ass, please. It's just not you.  


Mike in Asifa's trailer telling Asifa to get away from Bobby before her looks fade and she becomes too old to  pop out some babies.  The best advice that chauvinist pig has ever given I'm sure. 


Andy kept saying Jessica told him in the trailer that she wanted to come out to the couch to apologize to the "gang" and she was sorry for the things she said but Mike wouldn't let her. What? Did I miss that part cause I didn't hear any apologies coming out of Jessica's mouth. She wanted to go out there to defend herself, that is all. Mike put a stop to it because he didn't want any more of his dirty little secrets coming out.


The best parts of this reunion were filmed during the break.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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Andy kept saying Jessica told him in the trailer that she wanted to come out to the couch to apologize to the "gang" and she was sorry for the things she said but Mike wouldn't let her. What? Did I miss that part cause I didn't hear any apologies coming out of Jessica's mouth. She wanted to go out there to defend herself, that is all. Mike put a stop to it because he didn't want any more of his dirty little secrets coming out.


Yeah, Andy way oversold that. She said she knew she wasn't perfect and made some mistakes too, but I never heard her say that she wanted to apologize to each and every one of them. I feel pretty certain she never would have apologized once they got into it.


Thank god they finally took away Mike's phone. He was probably texting Leila begging her not to spill the beans.


One of the other lines that struck me was Mike saying to Reza in Farsi "You know certain things because you're my friend." I'm pretty sure Reza knows all about Mike's cheating ways and he's irritated that he's keeping the secret for Mike when Mike and Jessica treat him like crap.

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Mike in Asifa's trailer telling Asifa to get away from Bobby before her looks fade and she becomes too old to  pop out some babies.  The best advice that chauvinist pig has ever given I'm sure. 


I didn't think that he was saying that she needed to get away from Bobby before her looks fade. His delivery was a little odd, but I do think he meant well.


I do think he had a fair point about Asifa wanting children. It is absolutely pointless to stay in a loveless relationship. Asifa is what, 32/33? Why has she wasted the last 7 years of her life with Bobby? Is she intending on spending another 7 years in misery? Bobby doesn't even want to go to therapy. She will never get over Bobby dating that friend (who I don't even think was a friend - sounds like she was a trainer at a gym Asifa attended), so why stay? I honestly don't understand why people love to punish themselves with relationships that clearly are not working. Asifa could start over now, go to therapy, meet a great guy, and be happy. But she chooses to stay with a man who says he's not in love with her. Honestly, I just can't imagine living life like that.  Based on what Asa and GG have said, the fighting between Asifa and Bobby is just as intense and frustrating off-camera. It's constant and involves the same bullshit.


Looking at Asifa's instagram, she is STILL with Bobby. Oy.

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ITA. The girl needs a therapist ASAP. I could not believe it when she actually said she didn't think she could do better than Bobby.



It's not that Asifa doesn't think she can find anybody better; it's that she has a history with Bobby.  She's been with him for 7 years.  For her to find someone new, would mean, to her, that she wasted those seven years.  I think it's the same with Jessica and Mike.  Jessica has invested a lot of time and energy in Mike, she even changed her religion for him.  She was going to marry him no matter what, she's invested too much for the relationship to go down the tubes.  I don't think that's right, but I get it.

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Think about it guys.  GG has all the leverage.  Mike was engaged and is now married.  If Mike banged GG or they came anywhere close to it, what can he possibly say without outright admitting to his wife that he had sex with GG or almost did.  Either way Jessica would have every right to Asifa the crap out of Mike for 7 years.  So Mike has to sit there while GG unleashes on him with her stupid noises and faces, and as wonderful as it would be for those of us who hate GG for him to reveal that GG had willing consensual sex with him, which would vindicate himself to Asa and all the others, it would come at the cost of his marriage.  Mike's behavior makes perfect sense.


This made me giggle! I love that Asifa has become a verb. To express insane jealousy, combined with barely concealed rage, massive insecurity, resulting in the pathological need to emasculate one's partner.


I agree with everyone who said the Trailer Chronicles were far more intriguing than the actual reunion. Why aren't they doing this for every Bravo reality show?


So after filming, when everybody was outside in the classy trailerlot parking lot when they decided to ask Mike to go for a drink, Reza goes over to Mike to convince him to try to patch things up by saying, "You know GG's crazy". So does he believe GG or not? Once again Reza's disloyalty shines through. What an asshole. He just can't help himself.


I think it's possible to believe GG's story and to also understand that she's crazy. GG definitely hovers around the 'Vicky Mendoza Diagonal'.

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It's not that Asifa doesn't think she can find anybody better; it's that she has a history with Bobby.  She's been with him for 7 years.  For her to find someone new, would mean, to her, that she wasted those seven years.  I think it's the same with Jessica and Mike.  Jessica has invested a lot of time and energy in Mike, she even changed her religion for him.  She was going to marry him no matter what, she's invested too much for the relationship to go down the tubes.  I don't think that's right, but I get it.


I think this is why they're all sad for her.  She has wasted those 7 years.  I think that's what Mike was trying to say in his clumsy way, yeah it sucks but it's better to realize this now and cut your losses today, while you still have even have the opportunity to get what you want.  Stay with this guy one more day and you're not only still unhappy, you're sad and pissed and resentful and childless.


The infidelity clearly doesn't matter to Jessica.  What she was saying to Andy in the trailer was it's not just that she's this submissive doormat (okay girl) but she's chosen to believe her husband and it doesn't matter now anyway because they're married = the past is the past, he might've been a dirty whore up to and including the day we got married, but that's what single life is, he's married now so all that changes.  Leave that child be with her unicorns and shit.   I say all that to say that despite his whoring attempted rapey ways, I believe him about wanting to protect her.  Because she doesn't care about the cheating, there's nothing the others can say to her to ding him about it, but an all out shitflinging fest, of which your outsider wife is the center, is legit, not something any one claiming to be that much of a man stands idly by to watch happen.


These people have provided me with endless amounts of entertainment.  They look no different from any/every dysfunctional family I've ever seen.  Talk to each other any old kinda way, cuss, spit, dance, sweat, tear each other the fuck up, then go outside and do the double cheek kiss, talking about, let's go settle this at dinner.  The unmitigated fuck?  I don't really feel Jessica but she's right, this is the most fucked up group of people ever, why would he lose any sleep over missing them?


Reza keeps killing me softly with his unintentional hilarity

Andy:  who thinks these two should stay together?

everybody:  {{crickets}}

Reza:  {{to Asifa and Bobby}} not even you 2 are raising your hands.



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ITA. The girl needs a therapist ASAP. I could not believe it when she actually said she didn't think she could do better than Bobby.

I was FLOORED when GG actually invited Mike out for a drink after filming. You were sitting there, foaming at the mouth, hoping to drag the fuck out of Jessica, and when all is said and done, you want to make up and be friends again? With friends like the Shahs, who needs enemies?

Omg yes that is the part that had me picking up my jaw off the ground.

MJ tells her to go invite him, and GG goes and they both speak so civilly to each other. I was like wtf is this shit!?

They both said terrible things and after it's done they are all, umm you want to get a drink?

And where was Jessica at that point? Did she leave before they finished filming?

Bobby and Asifa are terrible together. As much as I don't like Mike he was right Bobby is begging her to end it. How can you sit there with your man as he says horrible thing and still stay with him.

I thought through the season that I disliked Asifa more than Bobby, but after the reunion that changed. He loves playing the victim. I hate that. If he's so unhappy move the hell on.

Edited by imjagain
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I guess so. Mike said "Can I call the car?" and Jessica pouted and finally nodded. So I guess she left the location.

OK, thank you.

I must have missed that. I'm surprised she left, but then again it must be a long day to sit around in a trailer.

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If Asifa really wants Bobby - no worries.  Once Asifa physically moves out and stops contacting him Bobby will come running again.  Know that.  The minute a guy thinks you've lost interest they come sniffing around.  Asifa would know that if she would distance herself from Bobby for a hot minute AND START VALUING HERSELF.  That alone would probably make Bobby come crawling back.

MAYBE. I think there's a big caveat that needs to go along with this. As a general rule, I think you're right, and the most attractive thing a girl in Asifa's position can do is establish independence and take care of herself. But, in my opinion, there are circumstances where a guy is just DONE with a girl, and she can be as independent and self-assured as Beyoncé, and all he is concerned about is that she is far away from him/his friends/his new gals, and that she STF away. It doesn't mean they're gone forever--I'd say about half the guys in this latter category come sniffing around within a year or so--sometimes just to see whether she's willing to take him back, or to ascertain whether she's had a personality transplant that would finally allow them to get along--which, I'd say, does actually happen to people, but it's very rare.

If I were a betting person, I'd put money on the idea that, if Bobby can find a way to extricate himself from the situation, it'll be "Asifa who?" for at least 9 months to a year. I mean, stating on national TV that he doesn't know if he loves her, then that he loves her, but doesn't know if he's in love with her, he won't go to therapy, she needs an exorcist, and he's already told her to leave, but she won't, and what is he supposed to do--call the cops? are all really fighting words. I think Bobby's exhausted and just wants to get away. #FreeBobby.

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Bobby could extricate himself from the situation if he really wanted to. He doesn't want to. Since Asifa won't leave his home, he could easily initiate eviction proceedings. He could change his phone number, stop following Asifa on social media, etc. Bobby, IMO, probably enjoys the dynamic even if he's saying otherwise. When a man is truly done, he will leave.

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Oy, next season is going to be even worse…especially if Asifa and Bobby are on and still together.

I found it hilarious that MJ had made dinner reservations for everyone--including Jessica. THAT would have been some awkward ass shit.

WTF, Reza? "Fuck everyone, Mike. You know I'm the only important friendship"…is how that exchange seemed to me.

Will it be Reza's turn to be the odd man out next season or will GG get round two? IDK, but something tells me Leila will be back in a "friend of" capacity/amount of airtime.

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If they all would turn against Reza, Chile!


One can only hope. He certainly deserves to be treated the same shitty way he's had no difficulty treating others.


I thought through the season that I disliked Asifa more than Bobby, but after the reunion that changed. He loves playing the victim. I hate that. If he's so unhappy move the hell on.

I wholeheartedly agree. Bobby is kind of a dick. Why can't Asifa just let go?

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This group is so odd. I've been friends with my friends for a really long time too. There's no way we'd trash each other, call each other out of our names, call each other's parents out of their names, and then afterwards be like, "wanna get a drink?"


You would if you were attention-seeking, "fame" (Z-list though it may be)-addicted, reality whores with self-esteem issues who were following a script.  And getting paid. In other words, maybe they think they're actors - I can't imagine any reason that someone would willingly behave on national television the way people do on "reality" shows than said behavior being their job. 




Looking at Asifa's instagram, she is STILL with Bobby. Oy.


See above.

FYI on MJ's boobs


Those are hers not store bought.

She normally uses DUCT tape....stuck from her nipple going under her boob and then pulling the tape under her armpit behind the shoulder. She does this to both sides. and also some pieces of duct tape horizontal to pull them up...and another long strip going along the underside of her boobs to life them. Then over this but under the top she would wear one of those corsets she favors.




Your comments are intriguingly specific.  Educated guess or are you privy to some inside knowledge?

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Kind of boring part 2 even if seeing behind the scenes was fun (and highlited how ridiculous one can look in full evening gear in plain day). 

WTF is wrong is Jessica? At some point she seemed to carry Mike's balls in  her purse and now, she's respecting "her husband's wishes". Don't get me wrong, Mike made, suprisingly, the right call because it would have been an humiliating blood bath but still. Her dichotomy is baffling to me.

Did marriage did that to her? Was she like that before and I forgot?

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Anyone else disturbed Mike told Jessica to shut up in the trailer.?? Was he not aware there were cameras there or is she accustomed to hearing that...The correct Persian translation isn't on the same level as 'shut up' is in English, it's more along the lines of 'shut the eff up' and is considered very offensive in Persian. I cant believe I heard him say that to his wife.

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WTF is wrong is Jessica? At some point she seemed to carry Mike's balls in  her purse and now, she's respecting "her husband's wishes". Don't get me wrong, Mike made, suprisingly, the right call because it would have been an humiliating blood bath but still. Her dichotomy is baffling to me.

Did marriage did that to her? Was she like that before and I forgot?

Mike and Jessica have a star ante power dynamic where one is in complete control of the reigns and the other is just sitting in the coach, along for the ride. I noticed that throughout the season.

As for marriage, I think Jessica is wary of rocking the boat. She likely knows the truth about Mike and neither wants his many instances of unfaithfulness to be further exposed on national television now that they both have a serious stake in the matter. Just my take, anyhow.

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Anyone else disturbed Mike told Jessica to shut up in the trailer.?? Was he not aware there were cameras there or is she accustomed to hearing that...The correct Persian translation isn't on the same level as 'shut up' is in English, it's more along the lines of 'shut the eff up' and is considered very offensive in Persian. I cant believe I heard him say that to his wife.


This.  Thank you.  I forgot to mention how disturbing I found not only that he said it, but that she's heard this often enough to understand what *shut the eff up* means in Farsi.   I swear a year from now we're gonna find out that dude is the Iranian Mike Tyson

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Jessica is young.  What she fails to realize is that Lazy Mike needs to bow down to the group as a whole.  Mike seriously needs that Bravo paycheck and if he pisses the group off enough so that no one wants to film with him he's gonna be shown the door a la "Lily Galechi".  Cue replacement Shervin.  What's Mike gonna do?  Go out and actually get a real job?  Sell real estate? Um, okay....  Dude's too lazy to work.  Everyone knows that.


Mike doesn't want Jessica pissing off the the rest of the cast to the point of no return and vice versa (although the situation is almost there IMO).  Mike needs the easy, steady income that cameras following him around for 6-8 weeks a year provides.  Hey, let's face it.  There's no flossing on a nurse's salary.  That's why Mike thought about it for less than a hot second before taking arch enemy GG up on the offer of dinner and drinks after taping wrapped while sending 'I'm a WIFE" home in a car by herself.  OY.  I wish the cameras were rolling at the Shouhed residence once Mike's drunken, sloppy ass stumbled home.  Mike having to explain why he went out and partied with "the enemy" while leaving Jess at home by herself to stew.  Hee. You so know Jessica went HAM on his no good ass.  


As to the consummate mess that is Bobby and Asifa.  Some one up thread posted that they are still together in real time.  Of course they are.  Asifa and Bobby need dysfunction as their story line (which BTW is getting BORING.  I'm so tired of it).  If Asifa leaves Bobby (which she will not) what's her story line going to be?  Bobby is it.  Bobby, the conflict, the dysfunction IS the story line.  If Bobby truly leaves Asifa then he loses air time/face time on TV because he is only on "Shahs" because of Asifa in the first place.  I guess they need each other and will stay dysfunctionally and eternally connected after all.


Oh, and am I the only one who was hoping Bravo would pull a stealth move and Surprise!!! trot Layla (GG's older sister) on stage to discuss "tuxedo shopping" andwhatnot?  

Edited by beesknees
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I just can NOT with Asifa & Jessica. I can't relate to them even one bit, that desperation to be married, to settle for someone for any reason at all.


On another note, I thought the 'to be continued' meant we were getting some sort of PS to the whole season.

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On another note, I thought the 'to be continued' meant we were getting some sort of PS to the whole season.

I initially thought it was a lame reference/joke about the obligatory "lost footage" special before they added "next season!".

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Anyone else disturbed Mike told Jessica to shut up in the trailer.?? Was he not aware there were cameras there or is she accustomed to hearing that...The correct Persian translation isn't on the same level as 'shut up' is in English, it's more along the lines of 'shut the eff up' and is considered very offensive in Persian. I cant believe I heard him say that to his wife.

Jessica has fully immersed herself in Mike's culture. I knew she converted for him, but I had no idea she learned Farsi. It seems she has a pretty good grasp on the language, too.


When Mike also told her to go change, I was shocked by his tone. The whole situation is a mess. I know Jessica is going to hold on to him for dear life and wow...I wouldn't want to live that life.

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If Bobby sticks with Asifa he deserves every bit of crazy she serves his way.

Jessica is young.  What she fails to realize is that Lazy Mike needs to bow down to the group as a whole.  Mike seriously needs that Bravo paycheck and if he pisses the group off enough so that no one wants to film with him he's gonna be shown the door a la "Lily Galechi".  Cue replacement Shervin.  What's Mike gonna do?  Go out and actually get a real job?  Sell real estate? Um, okay....  Dude's too lazy to work.  Everyone knows that.


Mike doesn't want Jessica pissing off the the rest of the cast to the point of no return and vice versa (although the situation is almost there IMO).  Mike needs the easy, steady income that cameras following him around for 6-8 weeks a year provides.  Hey, let's face it.  There's no flossing on a nurse's salary.  That's why Mike thought about it for less than a hot second before taking arch enemy GG up on the offer of dinner and drinks after taping wrapped while sending 'I'm a WIFE" home in a car by herself.  OY.  I wish the cameras were rolling at the Shouhed residence once Mike's drunken, sloppy ass stumbled home.  Mike having to explain why he went out and partied with "the enemy" while leaving Jess at home by herself to stew.  Hee. You so know Jessica went HAM on his no good ass.  


As to the consummate mess that is Bobby and Asifa.  Some one up thread posted that they are still together in real time.  Of course they are.  Asifa and Bobby need dysfunction as their story line (which BTW is getting BORING.  I'm so tired of it).  If Asifa leaves Bobby (which she will not) what's her story line going to be?  Bobby is it.  Bobby, the conflict, the dysfunction IS the story line.  If Bobby truly leaves Asifa then he loses air time/face time on TV because he is only on "Shahs" because of Asifa in the first place.  I guess they need each other and will stay dysfunctionally and eternally connected after all.


Oh, and am I the only one who was hoping Bravo would pull a stealth move and Surprise!!! trot Layla (GG's older sister) on stage to discuss "tuxedo shopping" andwhatnot?  


You nailed it!

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Your comments are intriguingly specific.  Educated guess or are you privy to some inside knowledge?

I saw it, not in person, I dunno if it was on Youtube or on WWHL.

MJ pulled to the side pieces of whatever she was wearing and she showed the grey metal duct tape.

Whoever was helping her....was asked by MJ....I think I need another strip here....and here.

Once she and the assistant fixed it...the assistant pulled the corset thing up and MJ said the corset thing was to cover up the lumpiness of the duct tape.

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Watching these people pretend MJs showmance was with Charlie was real was amusing.



I missed the first few minutes. Can anyone fill me in?


none of them bothered to ask GG why she's so determined for the "truth" to come out.  I was so happy when Mike pointed out how GG wanted her for so long and it seems so obvious to all of us but no one on the show.  I think Reza, Asa, and the others are too close to the situation because it's clear as day that GG is completely jealous of her sister, Jessica, and everyone else that Mike sleeps with.



IIRC, the crush was even part of the storyline in the first season.


Someone needs to wipe that smug look off of GG's face...she is NOT innocent in that whole Turkey scenario. When he was drunk out of his mind and was acting a fool (and I'm not excusing him, by the way- keep your hands to yourself, for God's sake) she did NOT discourage him. She did not say to him "Hon, you're trashed, you might regret this tomorrow and I'm outta here." But no- she keeps trying to act like she was a victim. She keeps saying she stopped it eventually, so if that is true (and who is to say it isn't) why not just let the damned thing GO already? She wanted Mike to squirm and Jessica to break it off with Mike.



That's why I've had to reluctantly be Team Mike. There was two-sided flirting (shown) and them going back to the room (shown). She admits either during a convo or a TH (?) that she asked him to stop and he stopped. She asked him to leave and he left. Her motive, IMO, after waiting ONE YEAR, was to break up an engagement for the sake of a storyline. That sucks.

Edited by missy jo
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Not sure if anyone else caught this.


At some point, Bobby says regarding Asifa something along the lines...she won't leave what do you want me to do call the cops?

Then Asa telling Asifa you should move out, get your own place, maybe date other people,.....


Fast forward to Andy asking GG if she thinks she and Asifa can heal their rift.

Asifa says of course I live next door to her and GG laughing and agreeing


Um....GG lives in an apartment building which I am sure is not next door to the "house" they've shown Bobby lives in.


So does this mean Asifa has her own apartment?

Or was the GG apartment a lease apartment just during the filming of the show and she still lives at home with dad?

Or does Bobby really live in an apartment and the house they showed was "leased" just for filming


Edited by KungFuBunny
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Kind of boring part 2 even if seeing behind the scenes was fun (and highlited how ridiculous one can look in full evening gear in plain day). 

WTF is wrong is Jessica? At some point she seemed to carry Mike's balls in  her purse and now, she's respecting "her husband's wishes". Don't get me wrong, Mike made, suprisingly, the right call because it would have been an humiliating blood bath but still. Her dichotomy is baffling to me.

Did marriage did that to her? Was she like that before and I forgot?


Jessica can only go so far, she may be a wife but she's not a mommy yet. The Doodool Tala hasn't sowed those oats yet.  Remember that goal is in red, bolded, and underlined; it's what's next on her list. Once she has that crown she will go back to ball busting. Right now she can only break Mike's balls every so often and I'm sure Mike put her in check after the dinner party. They need this gig.

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Jessica can only go so far, she may be a wife but she's not a mommy yet. The Doodool Tala hasn't sowed those oats yet.  Remember that goal is in red, bolded, and underlined; it's what's next on her list. Once she has that crown she will go back to ball busting. Right now she can only break Mike's balls every so often and I'm sure Mike put her in check after the dinner party. They need this gig.

I also think that's why Mike didn't let Jessica appear on the reunion and why Jessica agreed.

Jessica agreed to be interviewed one on one with Andy so that she didn't have to be side swiped by the crew.

Mike and Jessica need the income from this show...so they aren't giving anything away on the reunion...maybe Bravo will invite them back next year....to continue this story.

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I just caught a reairing of part 2. I had forgotten the piece about obnoxious Jessica who invited Reza to her wedding, cashed his wedding check, and then talked shit about Reza on Instagram. I almost never give Reza credit for anything because he's an id left unchecked, but he showed a lot more restraint than I would have in that situation.

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I just caught a reairing of part 2. I had forgotten the piece about obnoxious Jessica who invited Reza to her wedding, cashed his wedding check, and then talked shit about Reza on Instagram. I almost never give Reza credit for anything because he's an id left unchecked, but he showed a lot more restraint than I would have in that situation.

And yet he still went over to Mike in the trailer lot after the show to try to patch things up. Go figure. These people are insane. 

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Some quick questions:

● In the segment before the reunion, while they were all prepping for the reunion, why did these close friends act like they hadn't seen each other since the season finale?

● What was that "Stop! We need to insert a new vidtape into cameras!" about? Clearly, they were still taping while they changed tapes -- was this someone's sneaky ploy to get some candid footage?

● Where was Assifer's husband?

See I noticed that. We need to change tape? Really? But they were still filming. I was thinking that they were doing that purposely to make them think they were off camera and say things that they wouldn't on camera. It worked too because we saw Mike talking to Reza saying the reason you know things is because you're my friend so to me that was Mike reminding him that he told him things in confidence because they were friends and was hoping to high heaven that Reza didn't throw him under the bus like he knew Reza could.

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Well, I consider growth having a career.  Now I'm not sure what career GG and Asa have though.  My point was that getting married isn't always growth, especially if your spouse takes up where your parent left off.  If Jessica told Mike not to hang around with his friends, and Mike obeys, that says all I need to know about that marriage.  

To be honest if I saw the shenanigans that happen with those pathetic excuses for "adults" happening in a crew that my man was a part of hell no am I going to pretend that shit sits right with me. I don't think Jessica forbad him I just think she gave him the excuse HE wanted to distance himself from them. Mike isn't a saint however in passed seasons we have seen him try to be the voice of reason when it came down to some of the real deep shit that has gone down with this crew. After seeing how they all disrespect each other. How they all encourage some very very questionable behavior, how they are okay with being completely dismissive of other people and their feelings and how they get enjoyment at other people's expense. Again Mike is no saint but I never saw him as completely dismissive as some of the others. He has other faults but he fits in because he likes to party and he likes the fast life but I never saw him as much of a shit stirrer like the others. Reza's straight 2 faced, nasty and mean. MJ is the same. GG is spoiled and entitled, Asa is cool but her superior attitude does rub me the wrong way sometimes and Asifa is completely selfish and self centered. Mike is aggressive and can be a bit sneaky but in all honesty I feel like the others aside from Asa have expressed some serious vitrol towards another for no real reason accept that they are middle aged people badly behaved.


I totally get why Jessica has not sugar coated her feelings toward this group. I wouldn't. If I saw first hand how badly a group of friends treated my boyfriend I would make it a point to open his eyes. She isn't brainwashing him and the very worst she's opening his eyes and he has no defense. It's one thing to put your foot down and make it clear that she's not about to tell him who he can and can't be friends with but when the behavior is something that can't be defended not even a little bit. No wonder Mike limited his contact with them. How do you justify spending time with such terrible people, that treat you and people you consider YOUR best friends like shit. I mean I know family and friends go through shit. Forgive and forget unconditionally and all that but this group of people take the cake in just vicious and dangerous they are to each others lives and happiness. They don't have little bullshit beefs that causes rifts here and there and distance that get mended. These people really try to fuck with each others lives like for real. Like permanent damage sort of shit. That's dysfunctional and I'll be damned if Imma let my man allow that shit in MY life.


I'm pretty sure that once she expressed her feelings on it and he looked at it through the eyes of someone who doesn't think friendships should be THAT LEVEL of dysfunction that he started to really take a good look at what he really wants out of life. Besides, it ain't all her fault either. I don't appreciate friends that want to dictate what sort of respect should and shouldn't be shown to the significant other. If your friend is cutting back from chilling with you then that's on him. If he's letting his boo kept him from you that that's his fault. Like I said before I think that Jessica takes the brunt of what Mike really wants and the reason why she's so cocky about it is because she knows first hand that a lot of the negative views of the Shahs comes from Mike. She's just agreeing with him and pushing her agenda in the process as would I. Those immature fools. Who in their right minds would want to bend over backwards to keep happy and answer to. Really? They really think that there shouldn't be any adjustments in a newly married mans way of life? Oh Puleeezzee!

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I agree, Mike is nowhere as wealthy as his sartorial and vehicular choices might lead us to believe. That being said, why did Reza feel the need to have a full on hissy fit about it? Reza should be content knowing he possesses actual material wealth, which is oh-so-important to him but thats not enough. He must belittle Mike in front of the others to point out Mike's car is a decade old and second hand. (To be fair, Mike was equally as condescending to Bobby when he snipped the thread from his jacket). My dislike for Reza grows with every season because I see an additional layer of just how ugly a person he is, inside and out.



The incessant fidgeting and fussing with her boobs bothered me precisely for this reason. MJ's breasts are absurdly ginormous. I couldn't help but think that if she lifted one of those melons 45 degrees to the side she could start a Newton's cradle type pendulum reaction that would go on for quite some time. 

Ok what really bugged me about Reza's rant was how it started. Andy asked Mike if he had a prenup and Mike simply answered No, what's mine is hers. That's it! Reza giggled and just started in on him and all the while Mike just sat there and agreed while Reza went more and more crazy. Like really? I mean just because you felt stupid about his quick, short and honest answer you needed to humiliate him and go off on him? Wow! How I wish Mike responded with "well I could have giggled when Andy asked you about your pre-nup cause a pre nup was never necessary since marrying Adam wasn't ever gonna happen and you knew it".

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Yep, that Jessica is a bastion of manners isn't she??  Cashed that check of Reza's (wasn't it $500?) and then commenced to just tear him a new asshole.  Think she wrote him a thank-you note first?

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To be honest if I saw the shenanigans that happen with those pathetic excuses for "adults" happening in a crew that my man was a part of hell no am I going to pretend that shit sits right with me. I don't think Jessica forbad him I just think she gave him the excuse HE wanted to distance himself from them. Mike isn't a saint however in passed seasons we have seen him try to be the voice of reason when it came down to some of the real deep shit that has gone down with this crew. After seeing how they all disrespect each other. How they all encourage some very very questionable behavior, how they are okay with being completely dismissive of other people and their feelings and how they get enjoyment at other people's expense. Again Mike is no saint but I never saw him as completely dismissive as some of the others. He has other faults but he fits in because he likes to party and he likes the fast life but I never saw him as much of a shit stirrer like the others. Reza's straight 2 faced, nasty and mean. MJ is the same. GG is spoiled and entitled, Asa is cool but her superior attitude does rub me the wrong way sometimes and Asifa is completely selfish and self centered. Mike is aggressive and can be a bit sneaky but in all honesty I feel like the others aside from Asa have expressed some serious vitrol towards another for no real reason accept that they are middle aged people badly behaved.


I totally get why Jessica has not sugar coated her feelings toward this group. I wouldn't. If I saw first hand how badly a group of friends treated my boyfriend I would make it a point to open his eyes. She isn't brainwashing him and the very worst she's opening his eyes and he has no defense. It's one thing to put your foot down and make it clear that she's not about to tell him who he can and can't be friends with but when the behavior is something that can't be defended not even a little bit. No wonder Mike limited his contact with them. How do you justify spending time with such terrible people, that treat you and people you consider YOUR best friends like shit. I mean I know family and friends go through shit. Forgive and forget unconditionally and all that but this group of people take the cake in just vicious and dangerous they are to each others lives and happiness. They don't have little bullshit beefs that causes rifts here and there and distance that get mended. These people really try to fuck with each others lives like for real. Like permanent damage sort of shit. That's dysfunctional and I'll be damned if Imma let my man allow that shit in MY life.


I'm pretty sure that once she expressed her feelings on it and he looked at it through the eyes of someone who doesn't think friendships should be THAT LEVEL of dysfunction that he started to really take a good look at what he really wants out of life. Besides, it ain't all her fault either. I don't appreciate friends that want to dictate what sort of respect should and shouldn't be shown to the significant other. If your friend is cutting back from chilling with you then that's on him. If he's letting his boo kept him from you that that's his fault. Like I said before I think that Jessica takes the brunt of what Mike really wants and the reason why she's so cocky about it is because she knows first hand that a lot of the negative views of the Shahs comes from Mike. She's just agreeing with him and pushing her agenda in the process as would I. Those immature fools. Who in their right minds would want to bend over backwards to keep happy and answer to. Really? They really think that there shouldn't be any adjustments in a newly married mans way of life? Oh Puleeezzee!


If these are his friends and he's getting something out of them, then it's not your business to interfere IMO.


But Mike will be back next season because he needs that Bravo paycheck, he's got a princess to support.

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Finally got around to watching this, and Mike is a sad sack but I still find him likable in his non-ragey moments. I don't know why he got married at all, he is clearly someone who wants to be free.  But he looked like he lost some weight and looked a lot better so there's that. 


Bobby and Asifa, wow. The fact that Bobby had not one good thing to say about her and she's still saying she loves him and wants to try to work it out? Why? She really is a beautiful girl, go find someone else who doesn't hate you.

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