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S02.E17: Awakening

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Sleepy Hollow: Days of Future Past


Honestly, I only watched the last ten minutes.  I've been watching Anatomy of a Murder on TCM.  Looks like a got all I needed from this episode. 

Edited by bmoore4026
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I didn't think the Katrina/ Henry storyline could get more stupid, but I was unfortunately wrong. So Katrina will join Henry’s quest to reawaken their coven so that they can rule at it’s center. And what will this coven do all day? Knit sweaters? Surely if Katrina has issues with Henry working with Moloch, she should have issues with him wanting to reawaken a dangerous coven. Also, has Henry forgotten that this same coven is who buried him alive due to his own evil hundreds of years ago? Lastly, I guess Katrina just remembered after more than a year that General Washington failed to keep his promise to allow witches to reintegrate into society. This story might could've been interesting had it not been executed so poorly.

As always when these two came on screen the episode came to a screeching halt. Their scenes are just boring, lifeless, completely unbearable. With all that said, THANK GOD HENRY IS DEAD!!!! I have waited so long for this and finally it happens. Katrina finally turns in to badass witch that is not whispering but I really could careless because her story and motivation is just silly.

Loved all the Ichabod and Abbie scenes!

Loved all the Jenny and Irving scenes! Glad he's back to himself!!!

Cool call back to Ichabod arriving in Sleepy Hollow modern times with Abbie arriving in Sleepy Hollow in 18th century Sleepy Hollow.

This episode was very uneven. Not the best, however. I'm looking forward to how things play out next week.

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I can't imagine why Abbie would not have been destroying the bell while Henry was dying. Dare I hope that he is really gone for good?  At this point, I almost wish they had left Irving dead. How ridiculous was the scene with Abbie in modern clothes speaking that way to soldiers?  It would have made so much more sense for her to seek out her relative (Grace?) once she realized that she was back in Sleepy Hollow. What things did she have? If it was a cell phone, surely they would have had more questions? 


I can't believe how this has gone from must see tv to MUST I see this on tv?  Also, does Icabod have to be involved in every historical event? Really??!!

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It does seem kind of put together at the last minute, but it really seems like they're listening to the audience a little (despite the fact that we still had to suffer through some CFD).

I love that the Frank issue was resolved and I'm pleased at the amount of Jenny we got in this episode.
"This is wrong on so many levels." Indeed it is, Abbie.  I thought Abbie being arrested and mistaken for a slave was going to happen in the final episode; I had planned to just skip that one.  I will say that Nicole Beharie and Tom Mison give their characters so much charm and warmth. 

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One down, one to go. Kill the witch!

Katrina going along with Henry's plan made zero sense to me -- between the bad acting and the lack of foundation neither Katrina nor Henry came off as believable in their motivations. But I won't quibble because HENRY IS DEAD!

I could believe Katrina turning on Ichabod after Abbie killed Henry. The Katrina and Henry scenes...just...dragged...on...thank goodness they are over FOREVER.

Kinda loved Ichabod calling out Henry. Happy that Frank is back but damn was he creepy when evil.

Tom Mison needs to tone down the finger gestures.

Cautiously optimistic that they may reset this show for S3.

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It wasn't the most elegant showing of the series, but there were parts I appreciated: Crane/Abbie being in it together, Katrina finally showing who she is, Frank/Jenny being awesome. 


I too loved the callback to the pilot. I will say that Abbie in that atmosphere worries me, but I can't wait for her and Crane to team up for old timey goodness.  I wonder how this ends up messing with the space/time continuum, as it were.  That said, based on Kartina's intentions, it is good Abbie, his real partner, is there.

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It feels like they made an abrupt change of plans and decided to have Katrina turn dark side. Up until she met Solomon, she didn't seem to be pining for a coven or witchy vengeance or any of that. Well, maybe it wasn't a change of plans so much as a "not very well built-up or executed" plan. 


I did appreciate that Ichabod was so exasperated with Henry. "I didn't abandon you! I didn't know you existed, you dumbass!" I clearly heard that last part...in my head.

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Ichabod bobbling his head like the gnome was just about the damn cutest thing I've ever seen.

"Abbie!" Nobody does the angsty pain cry better than Tom Mison.

Just shoot the bell already!

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I know it wasn't the best but I got things I wanted so I can't complain too much.

Henry is dead.

Ichabod and Katrina splitsville.

Frank seems to be back to normal.


I also liked the call back to when Ichabod arrived in Sleepy Hollow. Good thing Abbie kept her wits about her. She is in a very dangerous situation.

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No, no no.....I totally disagree with some. This episode was AWESOME! Holy cow! Brilliant.


For the first time in - forever - Katrina  DID NOT BORE ME. See, it's like I always thought - she'd make a perfect evil witch. And for the first time, the actress/character showed actual passion, actual reaction to things that were happening. I don't even care how quick it seemed - the switch so fast I mean. I blame that on the last minute retooling of the show. But I'm cool with it. So cool with it. Not a problem. Honestly, Katia Winter should have been playing this role from about season 2, episode 2. She does the entitled evil bitchy very well. Now I feel bad for her, because THIS should have been her legacy.


ABBIE KILLED HENRY! YES!! I love you, Abbie. You are totally the best! But loved that Crane finally came on board and did what needed to be done. His bullet didn't kill Henry, but he fired it without hesitation. Never forget that. Crane finally came around.


Oh, and the Home Depot scene - just made me smile and made me happy. Mison is brilliant at comedy and Beharie and Mison are SOOOO good together.


OMG!!! So the Ichabod of the past IS not the same from the future. Holy Cow. No wonder he remembers nothing. And Abbie, darling. What were you thinking, trying to save a useless witch. She needs to be defended though. If Abbie doesn't go back to the 1700's, Katrina WILL kill Ichabod, therefore future Ichabod will cease to exist. So she has to be there to save him. Awesome.


Jenny! Frank! Orlando Jones, you are one sexy man!! Holy cow, you do evil well. Beautiful man! (and I love me some Mison) Loved their scenes and Irving is Free!! YES!!


Mison totally brought it this episode (well, he always does). But his scenes with Henry and Katrina. Yeah, I don't blame him for wanting his wife to get one more chance, then another. But I loved his smackdown to Henry (I didn't know you existed). Honestly, one or two of the writers are reading this board. He always does brilliant, but damn boy, you were amazing


Honestly, for me, this was a fabulous episode. It really was. One of the best of the SERIES. Yes I said it. It was fast, had action, emotion, baddies doing their thing and it was good. Cannot believe it was written by M. Raven Metzner. You've (almost) atoned yourself for your past behaviour, sir.


I KNOW many will not be happy with Abbie being considered a slave in the past. For now, we know she has no papers. Also think of the Nazi regimes and how certain people needed papers. From watching TURN (and reading the book), apparently even the white guys needed papers during that time. It's discrimination, and discrimination has occured throughout millenia. It is a reflection of human failings, so I don't want to slam it yet, in the sense of not addressing it. It is a reality that people had to face and needs to be addressed, so let's give it a chance.


Also (with apologies to John Noble.) Ding dong the Henry is dead. Wicked Henry, the Henry is dead. Ding dong the wicked Henry is dead......"


ETA: Oh shit, totally forgot to mention --> The Marriage is DEAD!!! Hallalujah!! YES!!!!


And this shows needs a 3rd season!! The potential was reflected in this episode. Season THREE please!!

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So, did I hear right, Macy and Cynthia would have been awakened as a part of the witch coven had the bell-spell been enacted? That could have been interesting.


The episode was good enough. I'm glad Jenny and Irving survived, since there was some negative speculation. The Henry/Katrina alliance seemed somewhat hastily constructed; the execution of which at least rid us of Henry/Jeremy in present-day Sleepy Hollow --- so, good.


Amazing that it took two whole years for  Katia Winters, professional actress, to finally learned to display another emotional state other than wounded, pouty, and wide-eyed.

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If Jenny/Frank is a crackship, then I'm taking a hit. That hug on the floor was just about one of the hottest things I've seen on TV recently.

I'm inclined to forgive the wonky storytelling. They're trying to U-turn the Titanic before it hits the iceberg; I didn't expect it to happen without a few creaks and strains and thumping of passengers around.

I prefer Katrina gone, but if they're going to keep her, at least keep her unrepentantly evil, please.

Edited by Miss Dee
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Is Henry gone? For real this time? I hope so!

This episode seemed sloppily slapped together. One minute Crane and Abbie were in the store, next minute they have a super heavy bell moved into an alley getting it ready to blow up. That was fast! And how did Jenny and Frank get in the tunnel after Henry bricked it back up?

Well, anyway, next week looks good, Crane will get her out of jail and I'm sure they will explain her cell phone somehow.

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At least Katrina showed some emotion instead of a blank stare when she tried to kill Ichabod, and it only took two seasons to get it.  But when she tried to kill Abbie in the car, I yelled "The bitch must die!"


Getting Mr. and Mrs. Smith vibes from Jenny and Irving.  If he and Cynthia don't work out, Irving and Jenny should hook up.  Glad he has his soul back, but was he implying that Macey and Cynthia were witches?


Farewell Henry/Jeremy/Horseman/John Noble.  You chewed the scenery like a pro, and honestly, I would rather keep you around as a baddie than your dimwit spineless mother, but them's the breaks. 


Lol, Katrina didn't waste any time going all dark side, did she?  I knew she didn't care about Henry's victims.  She was basically "Henry, you did some bad shit, but whatever, you called me Mom.  Let's open our own coven!"  No guilt, no regret, no subtlety.  Ichabod, next time she's in Purgatory, leave her ass there.


Abbie and Ichabod were all sorts of cute in the hardware store.  And the last five minutes were a good callback to the pilot.  It will be interesting when she meets Ichabod in his own time.

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Katrina did go into Dark Phoenix mode for 5 minutes...then went back into staring into space.  


At least now we're getting somewhere: Henry's dead, Frank is...still dead but more himself  and Abbie needs to become  Marty McFly in order to save Ichabod.  


Please God, make this work.  Season 3 is at stake. 

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I really enjoyed this episode. I loved Mr. and Ms. BAMF running through the tunnels. I thought it was sweet that Jenny basically climbed on top of Frank in her happiness that he was no longer possessed. I loved Abbie and Cranes banter through out the episode, and his anguish when he thought she was dead.

I liked how nasty Evil!Katrina was, and that she showed no signs of going back to the good side. On a shallow note, I love her black dress, so I was glad to see her back in it.

Lastly, I may of geeked out a little bit at the string version of Sympathy for the Devil. I noticed that the promo for next week said season finale, as opposed to last weeks promo which just said finale. Has a decision been announced yet?

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Not a huge fan of the episode.  The plot as mentioned above seemed just thrown together and I didn't really get why Katrina went along with it.  It was such a quick heel turn.  Also sad that we might not be getting anymore Jenny or Frank this season/series. 

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I can forgive the wonky storytelling because it's pretty evident that they are trying to turn on a dime to fix this mess. And-- Henry is dead! I will always love John Noble for giving me Denethor in LotR but damn he's been chewing scenery hard.

I think they ruined a chance to give Katrina's story a finish that makes sense by having her repudiate Ichabod to sign on to Henry's crazy plan. I think there was a much stronger story there if Katrina had only pretended to go along with Henry and if she had killed him herself, realizing he was too broken to ever fix -- THEN she could go all crazy, blame Ichabod, and head to the past to undo her prior actions. All that society of witches nonsense seemed somewhat silly.

Will we get any more Abraham before the end? We still have Katrina's promise to separate him from Death hanging out there.

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I enjoyed the episode more so because it seems to be a step in the right direction rather than it be a great episode in itself though there were some nice moments in it; Katrina displaying emotion other than a blank stare or some shadiness, Abbie & Ichabod and Jenny & Frank interactions. Welcome back Mr and Mrs. BAMF. Also love the callback to the pilot. I'm still a little apprehensive about Abbie being in the past but I'm going to wait and see next week's show before I comment any further on that.


And this may be fanwank but I thought that Henry was tricking Katrina into resurrecting the coven for his own dastardly plans. Watching their interactions, all I saw was him manipulating her and playing into her motherly guilt and of course she felt for it. 

Edited by allyw
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No, no no.....I totally disagree with some. This episode was AWESOME! Holy cow! Brilliant.


For the first time in - forever - Katrina  DID NOT BORE ME. See, it's like I always thought - she'd make a perfect evil witch. And for the first time, the actress/character showed actual passion, actual reaction to things that were happening. I don't even care how stupid it seemed - the switch so fast I mean. I blame that on the last minute retooling of the show. But I'm cool with it. So cool with it. Not a problem. Honestly, Katia Winter should have been playing this role from about season 2, episode 2. She does the entitled evil bitchy very well. Now I feel bad for her, because THIS should have been her legacy.


ABBIE KILLED HENRY! YES!!I love you, Abbie. You are totally the best! But loved that Crane finally came on board and did what needed to be done. His bullet didn't kill Henry, but he fired it without hesitation. Never forget that. Crane finally came around.


OMG!!! So the Ichabod of the past IS not the same from the future. Holy Cow. No wonder he remembers nothing. And Abbie, darling. What were you thinking, trying to save a useless witch. She needs to be defended though. If Abbie doesn't go back to the 1700's, Katrina WILL kill Ichabod, therefore future Ichabod will cease to exist. So she has to be there to save him. Awesome.


Jenny! Frank! Orlando Jones, you are one sexy man!! Holy cow, you do evil well. Beautiful man! (and I love me some Mison) Loved their scenes and Irving is Free!! YES!!


Mison totally brought it this episode (well, he always does). But his scenes with Henry and Katrina. Yeah, I don't blame him for wanting his wife to get one more chance, then another. But I loved his smackdown to Henry (I didn't know you existed). Honestly, one or two of the writers are reading this board. He always does brilliant, but damn boy, you were amazing


Honestly, for me, this was a fabulous episode. It really was. One of the best of the SERIES. Yes I said it. It was fast, had action, emotion, baddies doing their thing and it was good. Cannot believe it was written by M. Raven Metzner. You've (almost) atoned yourself for your past behaviour, sir.


I KNOW many will not be happy with Abbie being considered a slave in the past. For now, we know she has no papers. Also think of the Nazi regimes and how certain people needed papers. It's discrimination, and discrimination has occured throughout millenia. It is a reflection of human failings, so I don't want to slam it yet. It is a reality that people had to face and needs to be addressed, so let's give it a chance.


Also (with apologies to John Noble.) Ding dong the Henry is dead. Wicked Henry, the Henry is dead. Ding dong the wicked Henry is dead......"


I have to agree with you here, all of it.  The hour flew by for me.  Katrina showed emotions, and has a real voice?  For the first time I found myself actually watching her without yelling at the screen.  I was interested in what was going to happen and I was enjoying watching her...act?


Sure, some of this stuff is a quick 180, but we asked for things to change, and with only so many episodes left they could either do it subtly and slowly and leave us hanging until next fall, or they could rush some things so we'd know where we stood.  I'm ok with the second.


Katrina's motivations were a little vague, but I bought that she would pretty much do anything to get her son back and atone for what she saw as her greatest mistakes.  It was hard to buy that she'd let Henry kill Ichabod, but I'll take that, too.  I didn't think it was weird that she'd want to resurrect the coven--it was her coven, the one she was originally a part of, her witch "family".  Yeah, they'd angered her with their rejection, but now it would have all new members and she'd be in charge.  I didn't think she necessarily intended that the witches would bring hell on earth or do evil, just basically subjugate the "norms".  (Not that that isn't bad, just not the end of days or anything.)


I was ok with Ichabod having sixty seconds to say goodbye and mourn his son.  It would have seemed weird if he just shrugged, evil son or no.  


I will say that Abbie is too smart to have realized where (and when) she was and still argued like that with the soldiers.   Not because she's black, not because they might think she was a slave, but because she's out of time and sticking out for her clothes, the way she speaks, her hairstyle, the things in her pockets.  Even if she were white she'd be standing out and looking crazy, and the worst thing she could have done would be to keep antagonizing them.  I feel like Abbie would have figured out a better way to proceed, would have found a place to hide until she could figure things out, find some time period clothes that wouldn't draw attention and make a game plan.  I appreciate the fact, though, that she probably needed to be written as standing up to the soldiers for reasons that also make sense.  Again, I'll take it.  


I'll take it all.  I loved this episode from beginning to end!  I do hope they don't reset to the point where this season didn't happen at all.  That would be a waste of some good stuff, too, not to mention a  year of our time and Tom's and Nicole's.  There were mistakes that were made, big ones, but this episode called out some of the mistake-makers and showed them facing consequences for them.  I could almost believe some of it was planned all along, if I didn't know it wasn't.

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Oh, I forgot. The one weird thing that kept bothering me the entire episode.  The awkward "there's been a bell here since colonial times, but it didn't look like this" deal. So there was always a bell, but it was a different bell?  And then Henry moved the old bell...somewhere, and brought this bell in?  And people didn't notice that the old bell was gone?  Why make it that unnecessarily complicated?  Why not, hey, new bell in the town square?  Plus the way it was phrased made me shake my head and rewind it twice.  "There's been a bell here since colonial times, but it didn't look like this."  Not"This isn't the bell that's always been here."  Not "Our town's bell has been switched out for this one."  Not "Hey, where did this bell come from?"  I know it's completely picky, but that's the think I got stuck on.

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Okay, this will likely be my first post. I will return when I have the opportunity to flesh out my thoughts.

I love John Noble and it was not until right before his demise that I realized what really went wrong with his character and his portrayal this season. Some thought he was overexposed, I thought so too becuase of the context in which he was being used, but tonight, I realize that he too became a victim of the Katrinaration of the show. The previous episode when he had no interaction with Katrina he was back to the vaguely dark and dangerous Henry Parrish we were introduced to. I think that as others have noted, KW's extremely limited talents helped destroy his character. When Noble had scenes with her, his acting and delivery felt forced, it was really noticeable when he had his confrontation with Ichabod. Once Katrina was front and center, the atmosphere changed. It was as if Noble, recognizing the dead weight he was forced to carry began to overact so as to deflect from how little was being brought to the screen by his co-star. He tried to bring life to the scene because KW kills every scene she is in.

Based on this, I am saddened that John Noble is gone because I think we could have seen a return to the Henry we actually found interesting if Mama Crane had been killed rather than Baby Crane. However, I am glad that his demise seems to have brought about the return of the Frank Irving we knew and loved.

As for Katrina, I was suspect of Grossman, but willing at least temporarily to be open to the idea of evil Katrina, but this episode actually served to prove that the black void of talent that is KW must go. Scenes that should have been breathtaking and suspenseful were actually painful and tedious to watch because KW can't carry them. I actually had to ff through much of her scenes at the end because I just couldn't take her anymore. For me, there is only so much ff you can do before there is no longer any point in watching the show. KW can't pull off the big bad and with the current team at the helm, they would undoubtedly make it the Katrina redemption show, so she simply must go. Bring in someone else to carry that role and end the nightmare that is Katrina. If the show is lucky enough to get renewed, show the audience you learned from your mistakes by essentially resetting the show with Katrina serving as little more than the footnote of a season gone wrong.

That's it for now. I will return to discuss my thoughts on the episode as a whole when I have had more time to process.

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I'm really nervous that instead of the CFD we'll have Sleepy Hollow: Roots edition. I have so little faith in these writers.


My take is, why let it eat away at you for a week when it could wind up being ok?  I say don't borrow trouble until you have to :)

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Completely batsh!t insane episode - and the evil Katrina turn didn't make sense at all - but I really don't care! It was still entertaining and I loved it.

I'm too sick to comment and need to go to bed - will be back tomorrow with comments!

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but tonight, I realize that he too became a victim of the Katrinaration of the show. The previous episode when he had no interaction with Katrina he was back to the vaguely dark and dangerous Henry Parrish we were introduced to. I think that as others have noted, KW's extremely limited talents helped destroy his character. When Noble had scenes with her, his acting and delivery felt forced, it was really noticeable when he had his confrontation with Ichabod. Once Katrina was front and center, the atmosphere changed. It was as if Noble, recognizing the dead weight he was forced to carry began to overact so as to deflect from how little was being brought to the screen by his co-star. He tried to bring life to the scene because KW kills every scene she is in.

Good insight. Agree.

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Oy, but this show has the worst writers! S3 will need a whole new writing team.


Katrina didn't make any sense as usual, but Ichy not siding with his family didn't make sense either. There was no development from point A to point B. How did he go from not caring about anything else than his family, to actually be of help to Abbie? Did they change him for his good twin? Okay, I suppose I should just be glad he didn't help Katrina in killing Abbie.


They should have killed off Katrina instead. At least, John Noble can act and played a better villain.

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So just to avoid letting all things Katrina pollute a positive appreciative post, I will lance the boil and get her part in this out of the way. I am happy to see her go evil,( I always knew you had it in you dear.) I do think the broader strokes of a villain give Katia more to do both as character and an actress so she is somewhat less dull and her opaque acting style works better as well.  She really seemed distraught by Henry's death and by distraught I mean looked like she showed up a day late for a warehouse sale. The dry, sandpapery chemistry between the Cranes seemed as arid as ever, at least in this episode their passionless disinterest made sense. I've said I'd be happy if the show put herself or Henry permanently out of our misery and that elderly tween seems gone forever, however I still hope this ends with her final end. Even if she is no longer a useless witch, she is still a useless character.

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Oh good grief.  They really did it.  At least they had Abbie speak the truth. "This is wrong on SO many levels". 


I don't believe we've seen the last of Henry.  This is what happens when one watches Supernatural.  The dead never really stay dead.


I am grateful for the Ichabbie in this episode and goodness knows we needed that bonding.  I was glad to see Ichabod finally admit he didn't really know Jeremy and he didn't have anyting to be sorry for.  I am pretty tired of Katrina's whole "MY BABY"....bleh. whatever.  Okay Katrina...sure Ichabod caused all your problems...Whatevs. Talk to the elbow cause you ain't worth the hand. 

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I think they ruined a chance to give Katrina's story a finish that makes sense by having her repudiate Ichabod to sign on to Henry's crazy plan. I think there was a much stronger story there if Katrina had only pretended to go along with Henry and if she had killed him herself, realizing he was too broken to ever fix -- THEN she could go all crazy, blame Ichabod, and head to the past to undo her prior actions. All that society of witches nonsense seemed somewhat silly.


I was thinking the same thing.  Katrina literally went from good to evil in the span of what, a minute?  Initially, I thought she was playing Henry so she could trap him somehow to either fix him, or kill him.  The consequences would have been the same: Abbie and Ichabod kill Henry thinking that he's the mastermind, Katrina goes insane with grief, and so on.  It even makes sense for her character because once again, she would be hiding the truth and manipulating others to keep people safe.  And her plan blowing up in her face causes Henry's death.  It would absolutely work instead of that coven mess they were trying.


I couldn't believe that Katrina seriously went turncoat that fast.  I'll go with it because it's better than the alternative, but this just makes all of her martyr behavior this season even more absurd, because it shows what little conviction she has.  

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I love John Noble and it was not until right before his demise that I realized what really went wrong with his character and his portrayal this season. Some thought he was overexposed, I thought so too becuase of the context in which he was being used, but tonight, I realize that he too became a victim of the Katrinaration of the show. The previous episode when he had no interaction with Katrina he was back to the vaguely dark and dangerous Henry Parrish we were introduced to. I think that as others have noted, KW's extremely limited talents helped destroy his character. When Noble had scenes with her, his acting and delivery felt forced, it was really noticeable when he had his confrontation with Ichabod. Once Katrina was front and center, the atmosphere changed. It was as if Noble, recognizing the dead weight he was forced to carry began to overact so as to deflect from how little was being brought to the screen by his co-star. He tried to bring life to the scene because KW kills every scene she is in.more than the footnote of a season gone wrong.


No lies detected, but I also think the concept of the character wasn't any good. I found that petty man child really off-putting.

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First of all: That cover of Sympathy for the Devil on strings was freaking awesome. So was the call back to the pilot with Abby in the colonial days. That actually gave me straight up chills. 


So, Katrina went darkside pretty quickly didnt she? I mean, I`m ok with it, because it means she might do something interesting, and will most likly be gone from the show soon, it seems a little random. She went from one prick of a dark rose, and a little lecture from Evil Witch Guy, and now shes Team Evil? Completely forsaking Ichabod, and her whole purpose in life? Again, not unhappy about the development, but it seemed to come out of left field. Couldn't they have started her slip to the dark side a bit earlier? Until the very end, I thought she was going to be playing Henry. Speaking of which...


So ends Henry. I`ll miss John Noble, but I miss him being Henry Parish, Sin Eater. Not Henry Parish, whiny teen trapped in an old mans body. 


I had my issues, but I really enjoyed the episode. At the very least, they seem to be heading back in the "Abby and Ichabod fight evil and make sunny quips, while Ichabod reveals he was apart of literally every major moment in the American Revolution ever" direction. I can get behind that! 

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Ichabod bobbling his head like the gnome was just about the damn cutest thing I've ever seen.


I had to rewind that to make sure I'd really seen it -- those tiny little things are what keep me watching!


That made me laugh a stupid amount. That is all Mison right there.  Just like the stuff with Ichabod's hands. 

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Completely batsh!t insane episode - and the evil Katrina turn didn't make sense at all - but I really don't care! It was still entertaining and I loved it.

I'm too sick to comment and need to go to bed - will be back tomorrow with comments!


Aww.. phoenics baby.... just rest and relax and log off this board. Sleep and drug yourself up. We'll be here when you wake!! ;')


So how did Katrina and Henry move the bell? Magic? U-Haul? Magical U-Haul?


Uh, a Leviosa spell??   (see Harry Potter..)

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