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S19.E06: Week 6

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Chris takes the nine remaining ladies to Deadwood, S.D., where he takes one of them on a romantic horseback ride. Six bachelorettes meet country singers Big and Rich, and write love songs with the duo, and one lucky lady gets to attend a Big and Rich concert with Chris.

Edited by OnceSane
locked thread until the show airs
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She is from my hometown, she is at a viewing party here. She is definitely delusional because most people in their right mind would be embarrassed for people to see them act this way, let alone at a public viewing party.


Her sister is live blogging defending her, but I am not buying it. The crazy is too strong in that one.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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The part in brackets was so obviously inserted into Becca's talking head I almost thought it was a different person talking:  "I want Chris to kiss me.  It's been a while since I've had a kiss, but {I'm a virgin so it's kind of awkward for me} if he kisses me, America's going to see; my dad's going to see..."  I guess TPTB thought she wasn't playing up her "story" as much as she should have been (even though that is clearly someone else's story - heck it might even have been Ashley who actually spoke that line...)

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Man Chris sucks at this. I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say this was all the producers but wow, way to create drama. In what world did it seem like a good idea to run off with Britt, leave the women just sitting there like idiots, with no idea what's happening and then she comes back in with the rose and it's all "well thanks for today and peace out..." Seriously? it's crazy but I swear Chris is surpassing Juan Pablo as the worse Bachelor ever.  At least Juan Pablo was entertaining. Chris is just boring and awkward and on top of that he made the women feel like shit. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Sir, you are no gentleman! Kissing in front of other girls and disappearing for an hour with one girl while the rest waits is so NOT cool. I really wish all the girls had gotten up and left the show right then and there.

Edited by looksee
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So if Chris had pulled any of the other girls aside & said "Come on, lets head across the street for a little while", EVERY one of them would have said "No, that wouldn't be fair to the other girls!"


Bullshit.  Every single one of them would have done the same thing Britt did. 

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Chris is a complete ass for that. Any chance I thought he might be an okay guy is gone. 


Leaving in the middle of a group date for an hour with one date without a word of explanation, and then walking hand in hand back in with her having the rose? Ridiculous. I mean, say to the group "I'm giving the rose to Britt and we're going to go off for a little time to ourselves while you guys go back to the hotel." That's still not great but better than how he handled. it. 


And of course the other girls would have done it. I don't have a problem with Britt - it's all on Chris. And frankly I don't think they had a problem with her, other than feeling sad and upset at being treated like crap by Chris. 

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I will gather more thoughts later, but Ashley's attempt at "contouring" with her makeup looked like she had streaks of dirt all over her face. So distracting. My skin was crawling on that 2 on 1, both Ashley and Kelsey creep me the hell out for different reasons and the fact that they were both given Master's degrees blows my damn mind.

Edited by SallyAlbright
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Kardashley's weave looks particularly ratty in the wind.


Oh god, here come the waterworks.


I hope this ends with him leaving both of them stranded in the badlands, like that time Ali dumped the "guard and protect" weirdo in the middle of a snowdrift.

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I'm not even a big fan of Chris, I think he's a nice guy but SO out of his league here. But I have to admit, that 2 on 1 was every man's worst nightmare. Catty, crying, hysterical women? I was cringing so hard for him. 


At this point, the only ones I can really stand are Whitney, Carly and Becca, and Carly is so in the friend zone. Whitney seems mature and actually into him, and Becca seems mature and fun. Britt is okay, but there is no way in hell that girl is going to live in Iowa, and Kaitlyn still bugs me. I really hope they don't choose her to be the next Bachelorette, because she is not quite as funny as she thinks she is. 


As for Kelsey and Ashley, no man deserves to have to put up with either of them. Kelsey comes off as being batshit crazy, and her affected way of speaking is so grating. I think she thinks she's coming off as mature and poised, but the effect is more insane and pretentious. Ashley is just a child of the Kardashian age, and I think her true loves are the mirror and Instagram. She seems like the kind of girl who sits in her bedroom taking selfies rather than learning how to act like an adult. 

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I found this episode awkward and intense. Clearly these ladies have never seen the show or know the premise. Chris did the right thing in sending both ladies home. I didn't particularly care for Kelsey; I found her manipulative and Ashley was too immature. For someone who has a "master's degree from a good place", she is very inarticulate. I am eagerly awaiting the episode(s) where Carly and Kaitlyn are left roseless.

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"Bitches be crazy." Kaitlyn speaks the truth. That should be the tagline for this show.

Goodbye, Samantha. On the bright side, saying goodbye to Chris were the only 4 words we've ever heard you utter to him, so you managed to come out of this show unscathed. Apparently you have a tragic story and didn't use it--not sure whether that's your downfall or your saving grace. She could be the female Juan Pablo--get to be the next lead because she just stood in the background looking pretty, and Bachelor Nation doesn't know anything about her to NOT like her at this point.

"You say a lot of mean, sly, hurtful comments," say Whitney and Carly. "I get it. I've been blessed with eloquence," Kelsey responds. This must be one of her paradoxes she's created by expanding her horizons beyond reality.

I missed Becca talking about her "past hurts." Sob story there or just the basic haven't found "the one" yet? Oh, that's right, she's a virgin, too. Almost forgot since she's not measuring her hymen against dead husbands and whatnot like Kardashley. But cringing a couple of times about her Dad seeing her kiss? Isn't she mid to late 20s? Bit of a red flag there although she otherwise seems like a good catch.

Which one is Big and which is Rich? I guess it doesn't matter. This won't ever live up to the Boyz II Men date. Oh wait. I spoke too soon. Running up the street yelling to get the creative juices flowing? Either Big or Rich is wacky...or just wanted to watch Jade jog. Banjo guy for the next Bachelor! I don't see a wedding ring!

Ooh. Running off to the concert without even saying anything to the other girls?! Daaaaaamn. They are going to be pissed! Britt is lucky that Ashley and Kelsey aren't on this date. They would scratch her eyes out. Silent treatment! Why are they making these girls awkwardly sit here after Chris leaves?! Oh, for the tears. The many, many tears. Is this this season's first "Here for the Right Reasons"?

Let the 2:1 battle of the crazies death match begin! Death glare: "I know what you did." Holy shit. Run for your life, Ashley! Ashley has a master's degree from a good school?! Didn't see that twist coming! This is better than I had imagined! Ashley SOBBING over Chris, and Kelsey auditioning for the Bachelorette with her amazing story. The girls celebrating over Kelsey was all kinds of awesome. Carly popping the bubbly and pouring all of the glasses at once--too funny! And the girl left on their respective ridges in the Badlands to die as Chris flies away.

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I really hope they sent separate choppers to pick the girls up after that 2-on-1.  Can you imagine the trip if they went together?  <shudder>


Gotta admit I did love the shot of them both standing abandoned in the Badlands, though.  It only would have been better with someone calling out "Chris! Come back, Chris!" with it echoing all around them, followed up by a vulture screech.  LOL

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I still like Chris, and think he's obligated to do a lot of things that seem "rude".  For a well raised man with a mom & 3 sisters to keep him in check, I don't think he would have chosen to be rude on purpose.  I can see production saying "just duck into the concert with Britt, you'll only be there 10 minutes".  Then an hour passes.  He was obviously embarrassed that the girls were so put out.

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I will gather more thoughts later, but Ashley's attempt at "contouring" with her makeup looked like she had streaks of dirt all over her face. So distracting. My skin was crawling on that 2 on 1, both Ashley and Kelsey creep me the hell out for different reasons and the fact that they were both given Master's degrees blows my damn mind.

I actually thought it was dirt! I guess Kelsey was right -- Ashley does wear too much makeup!

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The end of that 2-on-1 may have surpassed Andy leaving Peyton on the aircraft carrier!


Chris really doesn't have the common sense that God gave some of the animals on his farm.  Between the way he handled his return with Britt after the concert and the way he put Ashley on shout to Kelsey, just remarkable.  


I'm sure Kelsey is playing a role.  Unfortunately, psychos like her are just as happy be infamous as being famous.  I really, really hope she just ends up being forgotten.  Because that's the only justice.

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That look Whitney gave Britt as she returned from the Big Fig Newton concert would stop a clock. Britt is such a fake ass that I don't care to see her much longer.

Oh, how beautiful was it to see Kardashley left sobbing and sucking snot on a dried up mud hill?? Almost as beautiful as Kelsy fake concerned victory hugging sweaty before she too got her walking papers. Boo yah!

I like Megan's dumb ass.

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That Badlands date was pathetic. It wasn't even a nice set up and then he took the girls one on one to sit on a blanket on a rock. Some fun. There are rattlesnakes all over the place out there. I kind of hoped maybe one of the girls would run into a snake when she was storming off.

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Wow that was like the worst date ever.  Every time Mount Rushmore is referenced they will remember it.  LOL


Totally disappointed with this show that they are going to have a sit down interview with Kelsey before the season is even over and give her more air time.


Leaving with Britt for the show was lame but this was not Chris' idea it was producer driven, it was not his idea.  I mean we know he does not really plan and coordinate this stuff himself right.

Edited by FamilyVan
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So if Chris had pulled any of the other girls aside & said "Come on, lets head across the street for a little while", EVERY one of them would have said "No, that wouldn't be fair to the other girls!"


Bullshit.  Every single one of them would have done the same thing Britt did. 


Oh without question I'm not putting this on Britt, but it's just like with Nick last season, and funny Chris was one of the ones leading the charge. The fact is they're not going to take it out on Chris because they're all stockholmed right now and are convinced they're "in love" and well some of them are also competitive and want to win. That's why, fake or not, I did appreciate that when Britt was bothered about Kaitlyn, fair or not, she called Chris out about it and confronted him instead of hating on Kaitlyn.


The most hilarious part of this episode though was Chris taking off in the helicopter while the two drama queens are left to meander around the Badlands. Realistically, of course they were picked up but I loved the producers' mean move of making them look stranded and abandoned as Chris is whisked off in the helicopter, rushing to get away from their crazy. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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The 2 on 1 date felt too theatrical to be real. It wasn't particularly enjoyable to watch either, and I just wanted it to end as quickly as possible. The only good part was the celebration of the remaining bachelorettes upon seeing the second suitcase bite the dust.


Whitney really does have an incredible mean face/glare, and she goes to it with great frequency. She scares me. Living with her would be a nightmare. You would never know when you would turn around to see her glaring at you like she was about to kill you.


Becca...well she's kind of my dream woman...you know...except for choosing to be on this show.

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I bet Carly learned that champagne pouring trick on her cruise ship!  The girls were so cute, joyously celebrating the booting of both Kelsey & Ashley.  Hugs for everybody!


I swear I heard one of them saying after they saw the second suitcase leave that "Chris is smart!"  Shook my head at that one.


But I do think his apparent rudeness was producer driven, as far as the group date goes.  I think with Kelsey and Ashley, he just didn't want to toss Kelsey without giving her a chance to defend herself, and gauge whether he was buying what she was selling once he was alerted to watch the delivery.  I think it was a gut-check moment for him.  I think it was an attempt to be "fair" which ended up backfiring on him.  Though, I don't imagine he had a lot invested in any relationship with Ashley.  Maybe he'd already decided that her drama was too much, and figured he'd just grit his teeth and bear one more afternoon of drama... then fly away in his own private chopper. LOL

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I'm so overwhelmed by all the WTF moments of this episode (there were more than usual!) that I can't begin to comment.


Well, just one...I really didn't think Ashley would pull the "I have a Master's" card before Kelsey, but then again I didn't know she had one--she sure faked me out on that! Who knew? :p

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This episode was amazing.


Okay, so 100% Kelsey faked that panic attack, right? And 100% the show producers made him keep Ashley and Kelsey just so that they could do that awkward/hilarious/terrifying 2 on 1 date, right?


Everything about that 2 on 1 date was amazing. Kelsey is genuinely terrifying. I hope they didn't leave Ashley alone with her out there. 


For some reason I get the feeling that Ashley might actually be kind of cool in normal life (her talking head "do you have actual paperwork?" about Kelsey's husband was gold), but man, what a hot mess she was throughout this show. Chris broke it to her the best way he could, and he was dead right - she would not fit into the Iowa farm lifestyle. Instead of arguing that no, she totally could, she just threw out "and you think Britt would?" demonstrating just how much she saw this whole thing as a competition, which probably sealed her fate, if it hadn't been already.


Chris taking off with Britt without telling anyone and leaving the rest of the women just sitting there for an hour was just downright mean. He seems like a decent enough guy in general, but that was a rude, shitty thing to do, even to Britt, who he put into a pretty awkward situation and then just left her on her own there to explain where they went to the others.


Everyone cheering and popping champagne and hugging each other when they realized Kelsey had been sent home was hilarious. Best part of the episode.


Ultimately, while I mostly like everyone who's left (Britt annoys me and Megan just seems like an idiot), I really can't see all of them being happy with the small town farm lifestyle. I love Kaitlyn and like Carly a lot, but I just can't see either one of them moving out there and being happy. In the end, I can only really see Whitney, Jade, and Becca as fitting in with Chris's life.

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Wait a minute... Did Kaitlen actually sing a line in her song about someone doing something to her beaver!?!? I'm just...no words.

Glad Kelsey mcFakerson is gone. I think she really thought she was coming across so smart and eloquent. She's not smart if she has no,idea what a psycho she seems to be.

I like Carly but btn this weeks crying jag and last weeks boyfriend confession, I think she's in need of a class on "how to love yourself". And I don't mean that the way Kaitlan would.

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I will say, as shitty as Chris' move with Britt was, I'm really over Carly's tears and overwhelming lack of self confidence. At this point, that woman needs some therapy and books about loving herself rather than a husband. I also agree about Whitney's glare. But for me it's not so much just the eyes but the eyes and the pursed lips.


She definitely looks like the type that could become very nagging and snappy the longer she's married. That said, she's the one I buy the most who might fit into Chris' hometown. She has that vibe about her and I'm guessing it's because she's originally from a place like that, thought maybe not as small. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I really hope they sent separate choppers to pick the girls up after that 2-on-1.  Can you imagine the trip if they went together?  <shudder>


Gotta admit I did love the shot of them both standing abandoned in the Badlands, though.  It only would have been better with someone calling out "Chris! Come back, Chris!" with it echoing all around them, followed up by a vulture screech.  LOL

I doubt the show is going to spring for separate choppers for the two rejectees. I imagine a jeep pulling up and the two of them having to share the back seat on a four hour ride back to Deadwood, with a camera pointing at them the whole way. Heh.
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It seemed weird that Chris was having an old-timey photo shoot there in Deadwood...alone. But hey, that means there's no one crying, creating drama, backstabbing the other women to ruin his fun--you know, those things that men generally hate to be involved in with women, yet they continue to do. I kinda shuddered at his naked-except-for-boots look, limbs sprouting from the tub at various angles.

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Worth the wait!  Loved the long-shot of them both "stranded" on the rocks.


It only would have been better with someone calling out "Chris! Come back, Chris!" with it echoing all around them, followed up by a vulture screech

All kinds of awesome, that would be!

I did wonder if the "no cocktail party" bit from last week came from Chris wanting to send them home right then and there, but production said, "No, wait - keep 'em and we'll do a two-fer! " Very entertaining bit.  The girls celebrating when they saw Kelsey's bag go was great.  Friends all around, again.  Yea!


I was a little disappointed, though. In the very beginning I was hoping Kelsey would go far - she looked more like a real person than some of the others. She's got some issues, I think. A viewing party? Uncomfortable, maybe? Yikes.

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I feel Whitney's pain at finding out after the fact that she missed out on the Big & Rich show with Chris, especially to someone who apparently has no love/appreciation of country music. If Chris loves that music, I would think he'd have wanted to share it with someone like-minded in that setting (actually, I'm projecting what I'D have done in that situation, heh). Chris apparently missed that B&R swapped out "cowboy" and sang "save a horse, ride a farmer" instead.


I wonder if Chris could've helped smooth things over with the women after the concert, if he hadn't just up and left but stayed to hang out with them more. Or had them go back to the hotel earlier rather than just sit and wait all for naught. Production drama shenanigans no doubt, but still.

Edited by KR Vermont
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