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S11.E10: The Bed's Too Big Without You


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Enjoyed this episode. I loved the main tumor story and the way that the writers reintroduced the 3D printer. Nice continuity. Also, really appreciated the scene between Meredith, Bailey, Amelia, and Maggie, even though the latter is still the weakest actress and least dynamic character on the series (yes, even eclipsing Jo). Once again, the April/Jackson storyline dragged down an otherwise solid episode. While I appreciate this good drama, I hate the stereotypical way the show presented April's mother. Instead of a complex character with a different point-of-view than Jackson's, she's shown as an over-the-top agenda pusher. Otherwise, the episode was thematically cogent and coherent, and the characters behaved logically. Oh, and Sara Ramirez is still this show's MVP. 

  • Love 3

Sarah Drew's overacting gives me headaches. I get that it's a trademark of Shonda's shows that screaming hysterically and chewing the scenery is supposed to be good acting, but damn. It's hard to care about that storyline in general. I laughed when the episode ended on a super dramatic cliffhanger...and then next week's trailer gave it away.


Cristina's ghost haunted this episode. I miss her more and more with each passing week. And NO, Maggie will never be Meredith's Cristina replacement.

  • Love 6

Worst. Episode. EVER!  We got a Cristina ghost, but no Derek ghost/flashback/"Previously"??  This episode may be the beginning of the end of me being a viewer, as Patrick Dempsey is/was the only reason I continue(d) to watch.


I wonder if Shonda learned from her Season 4 mistake (**cough**arrogance**cough**) with Isaiah Washington, and it's now legal for her to use actor/character likenesses when they're no longer on the show.  If she was smart, she would've put that in all the actors' contracts after IW busted her, but who knows.


ETA:  I kept waiting for #CureDeath to show up on the screen during the tumor surgery.  And I'm surprised that the tumor wasn't a giant sun when Mer lifted it out of the patient.  /sarcasm

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
  • Love 2

I enjoyed the hospital cases in this episode.  I enjoyed seeing all of the doctors working together with Meredith's case and I enjoyed the interaction that the doctors (Bailey, Meredith, Maggie, and Amelia) had in the printer room while waiting for the tumor to finish printing. I was surprised to see Meredith call Maggie at the end; when she dialed her phone, I thought it was going to be a quick scene with Derek.  


The scenes with Callie and Owen seemed out of place.  It seemed like they were in there just for the purpose of including the two of them in the episode.

  • Love 2

Sarah Drew's overacting gives me headaches. I get that it's a trademark of Shonda's shows that screaming hysterically and chewing the scenery is supposed to be good acting, but damn.


Co-sign. I have never warmed up to the actress and this frontburner storyline is not winning me over. She has no range: it's like she stays on shrieking harpy in perpetuity. At least she stopped stuttering her lines as much. And, yeah, that preview completely ruined the "shocking cliff-hanger."


As soon as I saw Owen standing on the air vent I knew we were in for a Crowen flashback.

  • Love 4

I enjoyed the tumor collaboration, and especially that everyone was competent instead of doing stupid things like arguing during the middle of a surgery.


Seeing all the women doctors doing their thing made me realize the show is light on male doctors with Patrick Dempsey being away.  I was hoping that would mean more time for Alex, but it doesn't seem like they're going that way.


I felt for April.  Her mom pressing her view onto Jackson was out of line.  I wondered at first if she was speaking for April, but then I felt she was only speaking for herself though April might agree with some of it.

  • Love 4

I thought it was boring.  I'm glad that Meredith called Maggie even if its an insta-bond. I am hoping that maybe Maggie will get her some of the time and free Alex up. I find the person stuff annoying. Friends is one thing but a 40+ year old expecting people to pause sex with their SO to text her because they are her person is way too stupid.


Didn't Meredith hire a nanny in the last episode? Why were the kids in the 24 hour day care again? Her children's lives have been disrupted by Derek leaving yet she leaves the kids in daycare instead of going home and spending some time with them because she doesn't want to be alone. Mother of the year.

  • Love 3

I actually felt glad that this show is still on. It had been bugging me. 

I felt bad for April, and hated that they ended the show that way - what I thought would happen at the beginning of the episode.

I also didn't mind the call at the end, between Meredith and Maggie. I liked their excitement over the 3D printing, rushing to see it start, and then realizing that it would be another ten hours. :) 

Doesn't really feel like Grey's, but I enjoyed it. I have a really hard time when conflict is stupid and manufactured and would be solved by being a reasonable person and communicating (like everything about Derek going to DC being considered a split until the end of last week - hello, married couples do the long-distance thing; even if it doesn't work out, they go in intending to make it work).

Liked the four women around the printer all night (though I wondered about the nanny Meredith supposedly JUST HIRED).

They'd better either have April flip to a compassionate termination or (more likely, I think, since they've done an abortion plotline already) make the poor baby die soon after birth, because I'm not super interested in a long term tragic infant plot. I like the plotline in terms of raising issues for public discussion, educating re the range and limits of fetal diagnoses and treatments, etc, but it's just too depressing to watch long term when the show is primarily for entertainment. April's mother really grated - too single-note, though consistent with how I remember her previously. But she was the epitome of unhelpful and pushing her own agenda. It would be more effective if she weren't being written so simply (for lack of a better descriptor). April has the same beliefs but presents them as a reasonable, compassionate, thoughtful person.

  • Love 7

It's the first episode that I didn't find Dr. Herman and Amy annoying. Herman seemed to be less of an asshole and I can fanwank that the enthusiasm in Amy is just like one of your friends who is kind of brilliant but no one has any idea what he/she talking about.

Felt like there were more group scenes and they were enjoyable. Maggie is slowly and suddenly become Mere's person. I haven't decided if I like it or not because I thought Alex and Meredith was kinda cute together as friends and that I like that Alex won't put up with her needy tendencies like Cristina would.

I didn't enjoy April storyline that much. I didn't think the actors April nor Jackson can pull this off. Same goes for April's mother. I like April's family more when they were just comic relief. Seeing cartoon characters in a serious storyline is just not working for me.

I hope we see more of April/Arizona friendship. But I doubt that it would actually happen.

Well, since they brought the "Big Gun" in to talk to April/Jackson, it means they will have to make a big decision right now.  Little Gun (Arizona) could have delivered news be it bad or worse, as they were expecting. I am assuming that Big Gun WATBT (With a Terminal Brain Tumor) is asking them to do something risky right now that could lead to immediate death of the fetus or a potential better life than expected. So, I'm not sure this story will drag out. Why else bring in BGWATBT just to relay a bad diagnosis that all are expecting? 

Edited by pennben
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My thinking was that they always knew "worse" was on the table.  They were always looking at "bad" versus "worse".  Why would they need the Big Gun if it was just bad versus worse?  Big Gun is all about saving babies now, in extraordinary ways and not wasting time.  I think she's going to say "now" or forget it and deal with bad v worse with Little Gun.

Edited by pennben
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I loved the scene of Meredith, Amelia, Bailey, and Maggie sitting around late at night. That is the kind of camaraderie and discussion that happens when you are all working late hours together and tired. I also liked that it was Meredith's little tribe: her new half-sister, her sister-in-law, and her big sister/surrogate mom she never had.


I liked that when Meredith brought up Derek being in Washington, Amelia didn't make any judgmental comments. I don't know if that's more because she likes Meredith or because she knows how Derek can be or if she is staying neutral or if she just doesn't care what's going on between the two of them. Whatever the reason, I liked that she didn't turn a comment about the kids being in daycare into a fight about her brother.


I was totally cracking up when Meredith had her epiphany about printing the tumor and acted like they would immediately have all the answers because I remembered how long it took just to print a fork last season. So I totally laughed when Meredith finally remembered and said they would have the answers...in ten hours.


Cristina's ghost haunted this episode. I miss her more and more with each passing week. And NO, Maggie will never be Meredith's Cristina replacement.

ITA on all counts. In fact, when Meredith stopped the surgery and said to page cardio with 911 because she didn't know what to do, I immediately wondered what Cristina would do. You know she would have been super excited about this weird tumor! Later when Meredith and Maggie were looking at the scans, I thought dude, why isn't Meredith calling Cristina right now and asking her to look at them too?


But on a larger level, I like that the show isn't taking the usual tv approach of having someone leave and then no one ever mentioning them again. Cristina was a huge part of Meredith's life so to lose that major support system and to feel that loss so acutely now that Derek is gone (and to see that Alex is only willing to be her person to a point because he refuses to interrupt sexy time) is realistic. It would be weird for Meredith NOT to be floundering and trying to find some sort of substitute for losing two of the most important people in her life.


While I loved watching Meredith, Bailey, and Maggie working together so well on the tumor and the surgery, I just can't see Maggie ever replacing Cristina. I'm fine with Meredith being more open to having a relationship with Maggie, but I have a hard time imagining Maggie sliding into that spot in Meredith's life. Cristina left some pretty big shoes to fill.


I am so tired of April and Jackson's baby story. I feel mean saying that until I remember that I'm talking about a fictional baby.


If they keep Jo and Stephanie at a minimum as they did this week, I can handle them still being around. I need a little less Amelia too though.

  • Love 5

It was tough for me as a Derek/PD fan to have an episode without him (and knowing there are more episodes without him to come), but I was happy that Meredith is missing him and talked about him. After seeing the quick clip of Cristina, I thought they could have done that with Derek, but I think they're trying to really show Meredith missing him, and without seeing him ourselves, it was more effective. I rolled my eyes at the "pause" because as others have said, I never remember either Meredith or Cristina pausing in the middle of sex to talk to each other. Just another writers' room/Shonda thing that is ridiculous.


Amelia continues to bug. I don't know if it's the character or the actress, but I can't take someone that perky/quirky seriously. There's no way I'd let her operate on my dog, let alone me. I kept thinking, "Why don't you ask your brother for a consult?" but quickly realized that she'd rather ask the switchboard operator than ask Derek. Maybe I'll be wrong about that.


I was happy to see Baby Bailey, but the kid (was it a doll?) looked even smaller than he was last season. It appears that Meredith has those kids in daycare for days on end. What happened to the nanny?


I'm still going to hell for not caring about April and Jackson and their doomed baby. I'm a Christian, but not one who thinks 1) God micromanages our lives and "decides" that our baby will be sick, we will get cancer, we will be in a car accident. Last week, April wondered why God would "let this happen" and I think life happens. 2) God doesn't give us more than we can handle? Yarite. Ridiculous. People are devastated by horrible events every day. Many of them can't "handle" it. 3) I was waiting for Jackson to talk to April about what's best for the baby - if the baby is unable to live a pain-free live, then to me it's more loving and humane to terminate the pregnancy.


All in all, it was an okay episode. I'll always miss Derek, but at least Meredith remembered she was married to him and loves him. That's something.

Edited by LakeLover
  • Love 7


Why would they need the Big Gun if it was just bad versus worse? Big Gun is all about saving babies now, in extraordinary ways and not wasting time.


That's when you need the Big Gun. Arizona can tell that that their baby has a serious disease but the Big Gun is there to tell them their baby is going to die. When I was in med school and residency, that's how it went. The "resident/student" can give you bad new but terminal news comes from the attending.


There is no "saving" this baby if it's the worst. There is no experimental treatment, no fetal surgery, nothing that the medical establishment can offer to help. Therefore, since compassionate termination will be on the table, the attending needs to be in the conversation. You don't leave such a serious decision to the residents, students, or fellows.


Also, the "patients/parents" are fellow doctors -- they are not going to get bad news except from the attending staff. It's part of professional courtesy culture in medicine.

  • Love 7

 Ok, so can Merideth's new sister be any more pathetic? "I can't sleep with someone next to me." "I had this great guy but since I can't have him in bed he left me and married someone else who could." Yeah, one cat away from crazy. Ok, I can get there are people like this but guess what, why some couples have two beds and still enjoy marriage. We get it, your other halves are gone and you are alone in bed. Why you go out partying and drinking why your kids are watched in 24 hour daycare or by nannies. Yes, Avery has the MFH with her super religious morals because that wasn't beyond heavy handed? The tumor and 3D printing was fantastic but the rest, just end the show.

Ok, so can Merideth's new sister be any more pathetic? "I can't sleep with someone next to me." "I had this great guy but since I can't have him in bed he left me and married someone else who could." Yeah, one cat away from crazy. Ok, I can get there are people like this but guess what, why some couples have two beds and still enjoy marriage.

I don't love Meredith's new sister but I don't think she's crazy or pathetic just because she can't fall asleep with someone in the same bed. If you have slept alone your entire life from childhood on, it can be weird to share that space. Other people just need a lot of space in bed to fall asleep. I have a friend who has sleep issues and she tosses and turns like crazy. She really can't sleep with anyone else in the same bed. And yes, some couples have two beds but it sounded like Maggie was willing to do that and her fiancé was not (luckily my friend's husband is fine with them having separate beds so that she can get some sleep).

  • Love 4

I'm still going to hell for not caring about April and Jackson and their doomed baby. I'm a Christian, but not one who thinks 1) God micromanages our lives and "decides" that our baby will be sick, we will get cancer, we will be in a car accident. Last week, April wondered why God would "let this happen" and I think life happens. 2) God doesn't give us more than we can handle? Yarite. Ridiculous. People are devastated by horrible events every day. Many of them can't "handle" it. 3) I was waiting for Jackson to talk to April about what's best for the baby - if the baby is unable to live a pain-free live, then to me it's more loving and humane to terminate the pregnancy.


ITA that those are platitudes, but I think it's the kind of thing people tell themselves when they hear devastating news and they're looking for comfort, even if they don't normally believe that.  So it felt realistic to me.


I assume the termination discussion is happening next week.  I was totally with April there - I saw no reason to discuss what to do until they got the test results.  It seemed unnecessarily harsh for Jackson to keep assuming the worst, when she clearly didn't want to talk about it.


April's mother... ugh.  I was so glad April finally told her to STFU.  She's been shown to like Jackson in the past, and she has to know that religion is a hot button for him and April.  It just seemed super OOC for her to be so incredibly tone deaf to April's needs AND to cut Jackson out of the conversation.

  • Love 2
I assume the termination discussion is happening next week.  I was totally with April there - I saw no reason to discuss what to do until they got the test results.  It seemed unnecessarily harsh for Jackson to keep assuming the worst, when she clearly didn't want to talk about it.


I was confused on the whole test results thing.  I thought they already knew it was the worst case scenario (type 3 or whatever) from the ultrasound, and the test was really just to confirm it but they already knew.  I didn't think there was a possibility of it being the not-quite-worst scenario.


Wasn't it Geena Davis who took one glance at the ultrasound or scan, and knew right away that it was the worst case scenario?  And kept telling Arizona to keep it factual and not give them any false hope?  Am I misremembering?

Edited by izabella

I was confused on the whole test results thing.  I thought they already knew it was the worst case scenario (type 3 or whatever) from the ultrasound, and the test was really just to confirm it but they already knew.  I didn't think there was a possibility of it being the not-quite-worst scenario.


Wasn't it Geena Davis who took one glance at the ultrasound or scan, and knew right away that it was the worst case scenario?  And kept telling Arizona to keep it factual and not give them any false hope?  Am I misremembering?


I don't think you're misremembering, because that's what I thought as well.  But in the context of this episode, since they were doing a test, I assumed a bit of retconning went on during the hiatus.  I mean, if there was no possibility, why do a test at all?  If I was in April's position, and a doctor said, "I'm sure your baby has a horrible fatal condition, but we want to do this test to be 100%," I'd hear that as, "I'm not really sure."

  • Love 1

I can see April having that hope that they weren't really sure, but Jackson isn't on that page with her.  That's why he wanted to talk about next steps, while April was still hoping it might turn out differently.


Still, when Jackson was talking about how easy it would be to break the baby's bones and April was like, "we're doctors, we can handle it!" I wish he would have said, "This isn't about us; it's about the baby and what the baby can handle, and constantly broken bones until he dies isn't something I want to put him through."  I'm sure that would have been the wrong thing to say to her, though.

  • Love 6


I don't think you're misremembering, because that's what I thought as well.  But in the context of this episode, since they were doing a test, I assumed a bit of retconning went on during the hiatus.  I mean, if there was no possibility, why do a test at all?  If I was in April's position, and a doctor said, "I'm sure your baby has a horrible fatal condition, but we want to do this test to be 100%," I'd hear that as, "I'm not really sure."



The first tests were the ultrasounds which are not 100% accurate. Very accurate but not 100%. With an ultrasound, there is always the small chance that the diagnosis could be wrong. My ultrasounds did not alert my OB to the fact that my daughter had Down syndrome. That's why they needed the amnio which would look at the chromosomes and other things and give the definitive diagnosis.

  • Love 3

I don't love Meredith's new sister but I don't think she's crazy or pathetic just because she can't fall asleep with someone in the same bed. If you have slept alone your entire life from childhood on, it can be weird to share that space. Other people just need a lot of space in bed to fall asleep. I have a friend who has sleep issues and she tosses and turns like crazy. She really can't sleep with anyone else in the same bed. And yes, some couples have two beds but it sounded like Maggie was willing to do that and her fiancé was not (luckily my friend's husband is fine with them having separate beds so that she can get some sleep).

I have both problems.  I'm so used to sleeping alone that I have trouble sleeping if someone else is touching me AND I toss and turn a lot, so next man I have needs to be okay with separate beds.  Or separate rooms, since I also snore, and he might actually like quiet.


I'm no fan of Maggie, trust me, but this actually made her a teeny tiny bit relatable to me, unfortunately.

  • Love 2
I also didn't mind the call at the end, between Meredith and Maggie.


I didn't mind it, either, really, but I did wonder why Meredith wasn't calling Derek to show him the plastic tumor instead.  What a day Meredith had, saving the life of a woman with an incomprehensible tumor!  I'd think she'd want to share that with her hubby.  I know PD isn't around, but she could have said something to Maggie about calling Derek to show him the tumor, or they could have shown her dialing and then just saying, Derek, meet my new "person" and then they could fade away.

  • Love 2

The first tests were the ultrasounds which are not 100% accurate. Very accurate but not 100%. With an ultrasound, there is always the small chance that the diagnosis could be wrong. My ultrasounds did not alert my OB to the fact that my daughter had Down syndrome. That's why they needed the amnio which would look at the chromosomes and other things and give the definitive diagnosis.

If I remember correctly before hiatus, it wasn't a definite diagnosis, it was more of a teaching moment where Edwards brought it to Arizona because she wasn't sure, then Arizona brought it to Herman who wanted to see if Arizona knew what it was, then confirmed that's what it looked like.

Wow, was that longwinded. Sorry.

I was always indifferent to April but now I am seeing why people hate her. So annoying. Over acting does not mean that she is a good actress. Calling, Kerry Washington. SHUT UP April!! And why do ALL their differences have to be about religion? Can you not think of something else?!?! Please, I beg of you. I am so over it!

Edited by redsox7819
  • Love 2

Oh, Mama Kepner. I'm having a hard time taking you seriously when I see & hear you all I can think of is Bobbi-Claire and her fake boobies (Hope Floats, anyone?).


I like both Sarah Drew & Jesse Williams--especially him, for reasons that largely have to do with his activism and his face--but I'm struggling with the storyline, both because of how tortured it feels and because my ex's sister has osteogenesis imperfecta. It's a brutal disease. 


As so many of you have noted, the best scene by far (in ages?) was the four women shooting the shit around the printer. More of that, please.

  • Love 4

These people are the wife/sister/friends/colleagues of the designated World's Best Brain Surgeon and no one even wings Geena Davis' tumor past him?  Yeah, yeah, Amelia's competitive.  .  .but, really?


In general, gay (/bi-) people do not automatically assume everyone they meet is straight, and particularly not to the point of Callie's hummina-hummina-saaaay-whuuuuuut?!? foolishness.


Kepner's baby:  Tried.  Don't care.


Oh, Grey's, you're losing me and I don't want to go.  We've been together for so long. 

: (

Edited by candall
  • Love 4


I'm still going to hell for not caring about April and Jackson and their doomed baby.

I have tried, too. But I know the reason I can't is because of ALL the ridiculous relationships GA has tried to sell me in the past 10 years, this one - April & Jackson - is the most unbelievable to me. (And I'm including George/Izzie, and Rose/Derek in that.) THEY HAVE NOTHING IN COMMON. What on earth can they possibly talk about? Their relationship has been nothing but cliched scenarios: her losing her virginity, her fretting over Jesus, her thinking she was pregnant, him proposing because he thought she was pregnant, them running away to elope. There's no "real" couple there, as far as I'm concerned, so I can't get worked up over their baby.

  • Love 9

April's mother was insufferable, an over the top nightmare. She ruined the storyline for me because I couldn't stand her. I do feel bad for April and Jackson and think its a very sad storyline.  I don't see anyway this can be a "OMG! Its so bad! but Look! Its all OK!" kind of story like for Callie and Meredith's babies. I'm not a fan of sick/dying baby storylines at all so I'm hoping this doesn't drag on too long (nothing against the actors, its the storyline).


I was so happy when Maggie's face popped up on that phone. Maggie could become my favorite character if she becomes Meredith's person and Alex is freed. Anyone having the expectation that a friend should pause their life (even during sex) so you can rant about your husband is a selfish, clingy asshole not your "person".


Overall I thought it was a predictable and rather dull episode. I doubt I'll ever go back to watching live.

Edited by windsprints
  • Love 3

I didn't mind it, either, really, but I did wonder why Meredith wasn't calling Derek to show him the plastic tumor instead. What a day Meredith had, saving the life of a woman with an incomprehensible tumor! I'd think she'd want to share that with her hubby. I know PD isn't around, but she could have said something to Maggie about calling Derek to show him the tumor, or they could have shown her dialing and then just saying, Derek, meet my new "person" and then they could fade away.

Or they could have had her call Derek without any Facetime (you know, the way people used to make phone calls before iPhone 4) so that they didn't have to deal with actually showing him in the episode. It just seems weird that after this big dramatic surgery she would go home and call Maggie instead of Cristina or Derek.
  • Love 3

I was almost in April's shoes 35 years ago when I was pregnant. At about 18 weeks, my ob told me that I should terminate my pregnancy because I had toxiplasmos. The hubby was ok, do it and we can start another one. The thing is my baby was real to me with all the kicking and the 24/7 morning sickness. I did a lot of research and found out that there was a 25% chance of a normal baby and 75% chance of a grim outcome. So I understand what April is going through. Luckily my daughter was born healthy. The last months of my pregnancy were hell.


I hope that Amelia will comfort April about carrying an unviable baby because she did do that.

  • Love 7

Amelia continues to bug. I don't know if it's the character or the actress, but I can't take someone that perky/quirky seriously. There's no way I'd let her operate on my dog, let alone me. 



Believe me, it is both. You are not alone, I feel the same way. I could not stand her in the scene with Meredith, Maggie and Bailey. Her medical abilities are zero. Her scenes make me cringe, the actress is trying so hard and it does not work at all.


What else is "new"? Right, Owen pining after Cristina who could care less about his feelings and is enjoying Shane in Zurich every night. Poor Owen this woman devastated him to the point of no return. Have some balls man and let her finally out of your mind and heart! But don´t jump to bed or into relationship with Amelia, that is the worst thing you could do! Look around and there might be another woman....

Happy, so happy, it was Richard in scenes with Amelia and not Owen.


The vent scene with Owen imagining holding Cristina? -I give all the credit to writers for still finding a way of torturing Crowen fans, even with Cristina gone they still find a way how to put a knife and stab even deeper. Too many Callie/Owen scenes for my taste unless it is really going to them hooking up in the end, I guess Owen is up for Sloan No2 in regards to give Callie some sex, and maybe along the way they might plan up and be like hey why don´t we use it even more for our benefit, let´s find a surrogate as we both want  a child. Writers do not care about Owen at all in terms of truly developing his character, family background, hobbies, nothing. He is just a prop for Callie.Sad,but true.

They have done the almost adoption for Owen, they won´t go there again, so we are up for surrogacy if they want him to be a dad, which is still debatable.


Kudos to Maggie voicing her being perfectly all right with being on her own and not pining after men in her bed. It remains to be seen if deep down she also longs for man´s arms to hold her at night and maybe just Dean was not the right man. Or if he loved her why leaving her for this reason? Maggie is growing on me, the character has depth,the actress is doing fine job with what she gets, hopefully will be explored.


Edited by owenhuntfan
  • Love 1

Since when are Maggie and Meredith such good buddies that Meredith called her at night from bed? I thought that they were initially enemies and now grudgingly accept each other?

Since that moment. Apparently, discussing sleeping arrangements makes you insta-besties. I did really like that scene, though (the sleeping arrangement discussion, I mean).


But on a larger level, I like that the show isn't taking the usual tv approach of having someone leave and then no one ever mentioning them again. Cristina was a huge part of Meredith's life so to lose that major support system and to feel that loss so acutely now that Derek is gone (and to see that Alex is only willing to be her person to a point because he refuses to interrupt sexy time) is realistic. It would be weird for Meredith NOT to be floundering and trying to find some sort of substitute for losing two of the most important people in her life.

Agreed. And even though from a viewing perspective it feels a bit heavy-handed to mention it pretty much every episode, that's not entirely unrealistic. She hasn't been gone that long, especially in whatever timeline the show exists on, and she was a huge part of these people's lives. I do think it would have been better if Meredith had called her at the end instead of Maggie. But maybe it wasn't Friday.


In general, gay (/bi-) people do not automatically assume everyone they meet is straight, and particularly not to the point of Callie's hummina-hummina-saaaay-whuuuuuut?!? foolishness.

True, but if you have made an assumption based on observation (and while I'm not about to watch it again to confirm, I certainly got the impression that she was hitting on Owen), and that gets turned on its head — particularly when that flipping results in the amorous attention being unexpectedly aimed at you — you can get a bit confused and flustered. It was a bit over the top, though; I'll agree with that.


Also, was not pleased with the anvils dropping about Callie & Owen. I'm down with them as friends; can't they just be friends? Ooh, maybe, to satisfy both the bi-visibility element and the element that thinks it's ridiculous that she just "needs a man," maybe they could get close — maybe even hook up once or twice (although preferably not) — but then some other woman comes into the picture and she has to choose, and it's actually presented as a legit choice, and she ultimately picks the woman.


And finally, April's mom. Yeesh. I get that April was feeling a little like Jackson was trying to push what he wanted on her (although, to be fair, if you refuse to actually discuss it and he's the only one talking, of course it's going to feel that way), and I have zero problem with her wanting her mom around during this time, but man. That woman tried to completely and deliberately cut Jackson out of the discussion altogether, and I think that's reprehensible. I was 100% on his side in that scenario. Not necessarily about what should be done about the baby, but about the notion that it should be discussed, and that he should be involved in that discussion. Her mom's behaviour there, though? Just no. Glad that April seems ultimately to have not just gone along with the agenda her mom was pushing.

I hated that April and her mother acted like the situation was solely April's decision to make. Jackson as the father is entitled to be involved even if they don't share the same mindset. And April?...If you feel alone, it's because you clam up and shut your husband out!

I'm completely for making your friends a priority, but the whole PAUSE thing to me is just rude and inconsiderate to your significant other. It may be amusing on TV, but in real life that sort of thing would make me furious (and a little hurt actually).

  • Love 7

I'm completely for making your friends a priority, but the whole PAUSE thing to me is just rude and inconsiderate to your significant other. It may be amusing on TV, but in real life that sort of thing would make me furious (and a little hurt actually).



I was waiting on Alex pointing out that Christina was divorced and Meredith's marriage is in the toilet, also he's in a happy relationship, and that's not a coincidence. 

  • Love 9
It just seems weird that after this big dramatic surgery she would go home and call Maggie instead of Cristina or Derek.


There is a time difference between Seattle and Washington DC, and an even bigger one with Switzerland.  It may have been too late to call.


Poor Owen this woman devastated him to the point of no return. Have some balls man and let her finally out of your mind and heart! But don´t jump to bed or into relationship with Amelia, that is the worst thing you could do! Look around and there might be another woman....


Maybe it's because I never liked Owen and Christina together at all, but I don't even get why Owen is still so devastated.  They haven't actually been together for awhile, right?   I know they angsted about each other all the time, but they weren't actually together.

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Maybe it's because I never liked Owen and Christina together at all, but I don't even get why Owen is still so devastated.  They haven't actually been together for awhile, right?   I know they angsted about each other all the time, but they weren't actually together.

Kind of depends on one's definition of "together."

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