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S04.E11: Enough Is Enough


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I haven't seen any ads out yet.  Granted - don't watch the channel except for Royal Pains and Suits but usually it is advertised on other stations.  Had to go snoop around on Google last week to see if it was coming back.

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Louis is going to leave scorched earth.  I'm hoping though, he and Donna repair their friendship.  It's obvious Donna does want to be friends, and Louis was deeply hurt by her not telling him.


Good to see that Katrina will continue her career, even if it's not at Pearson, Specter, and Litt.  It would have been nice to see her be Louis' associate again, but Amanda Schull is a main on 12 Monkeys.


Just a note for USA: I don't give a flying rat's ass about Fifty Shades of Grey.  Well, unless one of them was an alien and it's all a plot for alines to take over the world, they could call it Fifty Shades of Greys.

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Oh, Suits. You and your sophomoric fondness for overusing the word “shit” and its derivatives. Yes, you’re very hip and cool and edgy. We get it.


In case you’re wondering, "shit" and its various forms (bullshit, shitty, shitting, etc.) was used a grand total of 23 times. Yes, I counted.


The episode was really one-note to me. Louis angry! Louis smash! I did like Jessica one-upping him by getting him to sign the contract wherein he admitted to being a co-conspirator, though. All I hope for this season is no season-long arcs, because this show is awful at them (Daniel Hardmann, Ava Hessington, the third case I don't even remember).

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The shits were so abrasive this episode. Jesus!!!


I liked the episode for the most part. Jessica is my fave (and LBR the only reason I still watch this show) and she got a fair amount of screentime so I'm satisified.

I was never a huge fan of Louis and am not a fan of his never ending whining and need to be coddled by Harvey and Jessica but I love how he went off on everyone. It was fun to watch for 1 episode.


Plus I got my life whenever Louis would "in the words of Suits" shit on Mike. I could watch just 40 minutes of that. Mike annoys me so much, my hate is only increased by the fact that he always acts so indignant whenever anybody wants to say something to him. Shut up and go away forever.


Love how Jessica got the win in the end....only to then be disappointed when the final scene between Malone and her wasn't a breakup. I literally roll my eyes whenever he's on screen. He's such a whiny bitch. Jessica deserves better.


I'm wondering if for the rest of the season Jessica or Harvey or Jessica&Harvey will be trying to secretly find a way to oust Louis from the firm? Secretly meaning offscreen. Or if Louis being a name partner will be the status quo?

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If Louis doesn't stop threatening people and pissing them off, he's gonna wind up dead and it won't be pretty. Seriously, he's pissing me off more than Mike and/or Harvey at this point! Chill the F* out.


Hmm, maybe they should just rename the show "Shits." Would suit them all well enough.

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Mike will always be a fraud.  Even if he went and got  himself a law degree, it wouldn't change the fact that he once practiced law without one.  He'd still be guilty of that rather serious offense and, I assume, if found out he'd lose his license to practice law.  I really don't like him, he is a sanctimonious little...umm....shit.

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Mike will always be a fraud.  Even if he went and got  himself a law degree, it wouldn't change the fact that he once practiced law without one.  He'd still be guilty of that rather serious offense and, I assume, if found out he'd lose his license to practice law.  I really don't like him, he is a sanctimonious little...umm....shit.

Losing his license would be the least of his worries.  His ass would be in jail for fraud, and he'd be joined by Harvey and Jessica.  The entire firm would also come crashing down.

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Oh, Suits. You and your sophomoric fondness for overusing the word “shit” and its derivatives. Yes, you’re very hip and cool and edgy. We get it.

In case you’re wondering, "shit" and its various forms (bullshit, shitty, shitting, etc.) was used a grand total of 23 times. Yes, I counted.



It's not just the overuse, though the overuse is impossible to ignore. It's that every actor puts so much mustard on it in their line delivery and it's so strange and distracting!

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Wow. Though I wouldn't want to see a whole season of it, Louis ON FIRE was something to witness. Though I have to wonder why Jessica, Harvey, and co. were all so surprised that he was so angry. They know Louis has been the perennial outsider, whose obsessive reverence for Harvard Law and the firm has led him in some strange directions. He even quit rather than have his actions of last season  negatively affect the firm- he was still liable to get in trouble personally- only to discover that Mike was not only lying about Harvard, he wasn't a law school grad, or a licensed attorney, and everyone who he was desperate for acceptance from knew this and covered up for Mike since the beginning, while they were not willing to do the same for him.

As much as I like this show, it's the problem I have with the central premise. Harvey, and now Jessica, are knowingly allowing Mike Ross to practice law. This is ridiculously illegal. And as much as Louis was over the top with his fury, he was absolutely right-when this comes out (and as the list of people that know the secret grows, does anyone doubt that this is going to come out?), every case Ross ever touched will be crap. The firm would be toast.

I can only guess that this was the idea, to show how a powerful firm can be compromised by a dirty secret. Because a secret is easy enough to manage when only your "friends" are part of the circle. The problem starts when that cancer spreads outside the inner circle. Rebecca now knows-but she's so angry with Harvey at this point that she's just happy to never deal with any of these people again-for now. Rachel's dad doesn't even know what the secret is, but he's knows it's something big and has already been able to use it to get Harvey to compromise himself. Now that it's worked for him, he'll really be like a dog after a bone to find out what Harvey's hiding. And Jeffrey Malone? I think the wheels are already starting to turn in his head. He seems to be placated by Jessica's explanation, but I think he's knows there's more to the story.


This should prove to be an interesting season, but I wonder how long Pearson Specter Litt can pull this off.

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Mike and Rachel need to stop having sex at work.  And Rachel needs to stop crying at work (this was 3 or 4 times now?). Woman up already!  What Louis said to her wasn't even that bad.  He said she was a liar like Mike, Harvey and her dad.  If wasn't nice but it was far from horrible.  


Why did Scotty save Harvey again?  She's just a wimp, too, I guess.  Good thing we have Jessica or I'd be really mad at the portrayal of women on this show.  While she's far from perfect at least she's not some emotional wimp.


Aside from that, I did enjoy Louis on the rampage.  

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"Enough is Enough" pretty well sums up how I feel about all of these people passing the buck about "Mike's secret".  Every person that's found out about the lie and didn't immediately turn him shares just as much of the blame as Harvey does, as far as I'm concerned.  Good grief, HOW many people know about this now?  Off the top of my head, Jessica, Harvey, Louis, Donna, Rachel, Scottie all know.  Oh, and the best friend and girlfriend from the first season both know.  Does Mike's secretary from "I was an investment banker during my summer vacation" know?  Does Katrina?  And really, I'm guessing most of the underlings of the firm know, considering how many casual, but hushed conversations these people have had in the break room, the file room, or in the hallways.  Actually, I'd love for the firm to get busted by some random person from the mail room.  

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Yeah, I didn't care about the big damn secret until more and more people were in the know.  Now I care and it bugs me.  I don't hate Mike but dear lord fire him already.  If they hadn't written all these clauses where everyone is signing that they knew, they could have fired him and said they just found out.  It would have been their word against his.  Or, barring that, while he was an investment banker he could have been getting a degree or passing the bar as himself.  Then be hired back as a consultant or something.  They had so many outs for so long and now I, too, expect the whole office knows.  It's like the worst kept secret and they need to just be done with it.

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Aquarian1, you just make me realize that Mike drafted Louis' contract.  I'm not sure how these things work, but wouldn't Mike's name be on the contract as the author?  I guess I'm assuming that there's some sort of notation about who worked on what at law firms, so that a firm can't omit people if they get investigated or sued.  If that's the case, then Louis has all the proof he would ever need if he did decide to bust them.  Before, he just had the fact that Mike didn't have a file in the Harvard archive, but now he has an official Pearson, Specter, Litt contract, written by Fake Lawyer Mike and Jessica, stating flat out that Mike is a fraud.  That would prove that both Harvey and Jessica knew about it and any delay that Louis would have about alerting the authorities, he could say that he was trying to find out how many people on the board knew about it.

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My nomination for awesome series finale- Mike goes to the Feds and is protected by the Whistleblower laws, while the rest of the firm goes up in flames. Then Rachel & Mike move to the suburbs as soon as she passes the bar where she hangs up her shingle as a jack of all trades and Mike serves as her paralegal. And they live happily ever after. (What??? It's no more ridiculous than what USA is currently showing us!)

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Wouldn't Louis, who has always been shown to be a very good lawyer, have insisted that the partnership contract be drawn up in plenty of time for him to review it before signing.  All seemed very spur of the moment.  It appeared to be a multi-page document, and Louis didn't even glance at it other than to find the one clause that propelled the storyline.  Louis, they just got you to sign a document admitting that you are a party to a crime, do you not think it might be wise to read the contract to see what else is in there.





         Under normal circumstances, you're absolutely right about Louis. However, he was so out-of-control with anger and blinded by being so close to getting The Prize that he's coveted for so long, Jessica could have given him a document signing away his vital body organs and he would have signed with only a moment's hesitation.

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"Enough is Enough" pretty well sums up how I feel about all of these people passing the buck about "Mike's secret".  Every person that's found out about the lie and didn't immediately turn him shares just as much of the blame as Harvey does, as far as I'm concerned.  Good grief, HOW many people know about this now?  Off the top of my head, Jessica, Harvey, Louis, Donna, Rachel, Scottie all know.  Oh, and the best friend and girlfriend from the first season both know.  Does Mike's secretary from "I was an investment banker during my summer vacation" know?  Does Katrina?  And really, I'm guessing most of the underlings of the firm know, considering how many casual, but hushed conversations these people have had in the break room, the file room, or in the hallways.  Actually, I'd love for the firm to get busted by some random person from the mail room.  


Nah, have the IT guy who has shown up a few times bust the secret wide open.


Or have Mike blow the whistle on the whole thing and get immunity in exchange for testifying against the firm.

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I wish Donna would tell Louis to GFH.


Completely agree.  There was WAY TOO MUCH angry Louis and I hope that will end very quickly.  It's beyond ridiculous how many people know "mike's secret".  A hugely successful law firm and nobody is going to tell ?  Blackmail for ever and ever and ever ?  I was really disappointed in last night's show and I love this show !!

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Aquarian1, you just make me realize that Mike drafted Louis' contract.  I'm not sure how these things work, but wouldn't Mike's name be on the contract as the author?  I guess I'm assuming that there's some sort of notation about who worked on what at law firms, so that a firm can't omit people if they get investigated or sued.  If that's the case, then Louis has all the proof he would ever need if he did decide to bust them.  Before, he just had the fact that Mike didn't have a file in the Harvard archive, but now he has an official Pearson, Specter, Litt contract, written by Fake Lawyer Mike and Jessica, stating flat out that Mike is a fraud.  That would prove that both Harvey and Jessica knew about it and any delay that Louis would have about alerting the authorities, he could say that he was trying to find out how many people on the board knew about it.

Actually Jessica added that clause to the contract after Mike drafted it. Mike had nothing to do with the extra clause. Jessica had kept that secret all to herself.

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After about the fourth tantrum and threat, the mother in me just wanted to tell Louis "that's enough." We get it, Louis. No one in the history of the world has even been as poorly treated as you. Now calm the heck down and move on.

Loved Mike's look of relief after Jessica played her hand. 


Is it too much to hope that they'll stay away from the one-major-storyline-for-the-season? Yes, I thought so. 

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The whole time I was screaming at the TV "SEND MIKE TO COLLEGE & LAW SCHOOL - THEN HE WON'T BE A FRAUD AFTER THAT"


I have been yelling this at the TV for the last couple of seasons. He would already be a lawyer by now if he had gone to law school in secret once he got the job. If they think we believe Rachel can work as a paralegal and successfully matriculate full-time at Columbia, why couldn't they have let Mike do the same or at least provide a plausible explanation for why that doesn't work?

Actually Jessica added that clause to the contract after Mike drafted it. Mike had nothing to do with the extra clause. Jessica had kept that secret all to herself.


But, I think the point still stands that by referring to Louis as a co-conspirator in a legal document written by Mike, she has memorialized the fact that Mike is not a lawyer. Also, is a contract drafted by someone who is not a lawyer legal? I mean doesn't it have to be filed somewhere in order to have Louis added as a named partner in the firm? If Louis wanted to go back on the agreement, how could they enforce that contract?

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I wonder what Mike's end game is supposed to be?  He can't get away with it much longer.  Too many people know, and the number keeps growing.  Real curious to see how Suits resolves this fundamental paradox Mike and the firm face. 


He would already be a lawyer by now if he had gone to law school in secret once he got the job.


I think it's too late for that.  Mike has practiced law, supposedly as a lawyer.  Lawyers correct me on this, but my guess is that coming clean now (or at any point after he started working with Harvey) would throw a monkey wrench into every case he worked on.  It would also ruin Jessica and Harvey and destroy the firm. 

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Mike also fraudulenty took the Bar Exam.  IIRC, didn't he get expelled from college and didn't finish his degree? 


Partnership is joint and several liability, but the way; Jessica and Harvey (and now Louis) continuing to employ Mike leaves every partner on the rolls vulnerable to charges of fraud.  REAL fraud.  Mike's time has been billed to clients - as an attorney.  Mike is not an attorney.  MAIL fraud.  (Remember the movie "the client").  He has been presented to clients as an attorney and has, in fact, appeared in court on their behalf as an attorney. 


And these are just the causes of action their own clients could bring against the partnership and the firm.  I can't even begin to imagine what the State Bar of New York would do - the ethics and violations of the code of professional conduct citations would be outrageous. 


Of course, it's a TV show and we're supposed to suspend our disbelief.  But still, can you stop making it harder and harder for us to do. 

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Practically every single scene on this show is an argument, just with different players arguing. It's gotten to the point of ludicrousness. It's like they just toss names in a hat, pull out argument pairings, and throw in a bunch of S-words. Lather, rinse, repeat.


Clearly, this seems to be working for them, as they are in their 4th season now, but I miss the days when the group worked together and had lighthearted moments, and tried to jointly do their best to represent their clients and beat other law firms. Not this incessant tearing down of each other that has been going on for way too long now. Who in their right mind would work in a place with this much constant antagonism? Who would hire these people?


The cast and characters deserve a lot better than this, writers. Stop it.

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Is it too much to hope that they'll stay away from the one-major-storyline-for-the-season? Yes, I thought so. 


We could all refer to it as "the secret that shall not be spoken of anymore" 


Or maybe we can call it the "secret Harvey isn't telling" just so we can shorten it to the SHIT.


I sometimes think about what this show would have been like if they would have resolved the Mike is faking it storyline early in the series -for instance as soon as Harvey found out, he made Mike go to law school.  Then they could spend their time handling cases instead of trying to protect their secret by telling everyone the secret and then arguing and threatening each other all the time. 

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This episode confirmed that

1) Mike is an entitled, arrogant ass. When he falls,,it will be something to behold.

2) Luis is not name-partner material because how didhe not process that once he brokered his blackmail information into a partnership, he no longer had leverage because he immediately became a co-conspirator. Moreover, he has to know that making bitter enemies of everyone around you is a massive mistake because now Jessica, Harvey and Mike are all just waiting to slit your throat.

3) if Luis can reduce Rachel to utter nothingness with the truth, she really is going to make a crap lawyer. The Mike's, Harvey's and Jessica's of the world would gut her in a legal battle. With all her expose to the Sharks of the law, Rachel remains a guppie.

4) D.B. Woodhouse (?) has to go, he has no charisma or impact. I actually forgot he was on the show until his scene with Jessica. He just can't sell it and being paired with Gina Torres does him no favors because she is phenomenal.

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The whole time I was screaming at the TV "SEND MIKE TO COLLEGE & LAW SCHOOL - THEN HE WON'T BE A FRAUD AFTER THAT"

As others have noted, this would in no way address the problem. In fact at this point, it would guarantee that they will all wind up in jail and the firm and all the partners would be bankrupted because why would Mike be attending law school and passing the bar now if he has been practicing law for years.

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I think the trick to watching this show, and enjoying it, is to acknowledge that the premise is somewhat ludicrous, and then just accept it anyway. Complaining about how implausible "the secret" is is not going to change the fact that it is the central premise of the show. You can complain about it forever, and you'll be totally right about how dumb it is, but it's a much more enjoyable ride when you just suspend your disbelief and go with the flow.


I actually really like the acknowledgement that enough people know and have used it for leverage that it's no longer "Mike's secret" but rather a crime that belongs to all of them equally. Before, it was easy to vilify Mike and say that by staying he was endangering the firm, but it's just not true. They've all done this together. I thought this episode really brought home how the situation they're in now can't be fixed. Yes, they can fire Mike, they can get him a real law degree, whatever, but it doesn't change the fact that they hired him and kept him and allowed him to work cases knowing that he wasn't officially qualified. These will be the facts no matter what happens going forward. It's too late to turn back. If the secret gets out now, the whole firm goes down. If it gets out later, the whole firm goes down later, regardless of Mike's situation at the time. There is really no way around it, and no way out of it. Now it's just a matter of seeing how far they can ride this wave before it all comes crashing down. For me, I think that clears up a lot, if not ALL of the bullshit surrounding the secret. Rather than shuffling blame around by leaving doors open (Mike could get a real degree! Jessica could fire Mike and Harvey! Some people have plausible deniability and others don't! Mike could just get another job! They could all protect themselves by stopping this now! It's crazy that they don't!), it closes down every avenue but the simple truth that if/when the secret gets out, they're all done. And there's nothing more to it.


So, not only does this lock down the sketchy premise pretty well, but it also opens up some new dynamics and storytelling possibilities. After all, up to now the characters have been lying to and manipulating each other in order to keep from being found out. Now, they're all in the same boat, committed to seeing this through, and will have to suck it up and work together to protect the firm and each other. I'm about ready to see how that goes!

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3) if Luis can reduce Rachel to utter nothingness with the truth, she really is going to make a crap lawyer. The Mike's, Harvey's and Jessica's of the world would gut her in a legal battle. With all her expose to the Sharks of the law, Rachel remains a guppie.

Yeah, Mike may have the biggest conscience of them all, but against another lawyer in a trial, he'd go for the throat.  That's not a great way to show that Rachel is ready, hell if she were to face Travis Tanner, with the way they wrote her in this episode, she'd be crying while cross examining a witness.  They could write her better, especially since her dad is Robert Zane, who we've seen is like Jessica, Louis, and Harvey.  He's an asshole in the court, and he'll try to get under the opposing council's skin.  Louis got under Rachel's skin way too easily, and it wasn't even like when Louis took on the former partner, where it was a moment of "Oh shit, I could face Jessica, but Louis will eat me alive with financial law" moment.

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I think the trick to watching this show, and enjoying it, is to acknowledge that the premise is somewhat ludicrous, and then just accept it anyway. Complaining about how implausible "the secret" is is not going to change the fact that it is the central premise of the show. You can complain about it forever, and you'll be totally right about how dumb it is, but it's a much more enjoyable ride when you just suspend your disbelief and go with the flow.


You are right - we can't make the secret go away, no matter how tightly we close our eyes and wish. I may not like it, but I can handle the secret existing - However, I want them to go back to actual lawyer work with clients and trials.  I am finding that the infighting and arguing is getting boring (same with the Good Wife)

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Losing his license would be the least of his worries.  His ass would be in jail for fraud, and he'd be joined by Harvey and Jessica.  The entire firm would also come crashing down.

What's frustrating about the premise of this show is how that situation is actually so easily avoided.  When first year associates start in a law firm, NONE are lawyers and none can practice law legally. Is this even widely known? I actually bet that clients don't know that the first year associate they're paying for isn't licensed, but nonetheless, it's true pretty much across the board, I don't even know of a firm that hires students out of law school but make them wait until they're licensed to have them start working as an associate.  There are still problems of course in representing him as a Harvard graduate, but it would be so easy to avoid being guilty of practicing law without a license.  In some cases, it can take upwards of a year for new associates at a law firm to be able to practice law.  And in the real world, it honestly really doesn't come up much whether someone is licensed to practice law.  Harvey would have to depend on him slightly less, but not much.  In the mean time, he should have just done the most accelerated version of law school he could and passed the bar. Or not.  He could still be very useful to Harvey without ever crossing the line into practicing law.  When I worked for a large firm, they dealt with this by not putting new associates' profiles on the website until they were licensed, but really, that was the only thing that changed when I passed the bar -- my picture went up on their website.  My hourly rate didn't go up at all -- pretty sure I was billed out at the same rate when I was a licensed lawyer compared to when I wasn't.  And other firms had non-lawyer associates' profiles up from day one.  Some might have an asterisk saying "Not licensed to practice law in [state]" but not all.  There would still be drama from the whole didn't-go-to-Harvard thing and Harvey's lie to his fellow partners, and I think that would be a far more believable amount of drama, but I guess the producers wanted more drama than that!  


I actually really like the acknowledgement that enough people know and have used it for leverage that it's no longer "Mike's secret" but rather a crime that belongs to all of them equally. Before, it was easy to vilify Mike and say that by staying he was endangering the firm, but it's just not true. They've all done this together. 

I agree, I had the same reaction to that.  It actually made it easier for me to accept the premise -- there needed to be something in it for Harvey, and something in it for Jessica, and now Louis.

Edited by Evangeline
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The shits were so abrasive this episode. Jesus!!!


Tell me about it.  Thing is, I had no idea this show was coming back last Wednesday (I swear, USA moves this show around every week - didn't the second half premiere in March last year?).  So I had to scour the guide to see when it would be rerun, and that happened to be Sunday at 10 am.  I guess the regulations for TV are a bit different at 10 am, so every shit was muted out.  Talk about abrasive!  Just can't help but chuckle when every line in a conversation is censored out with all the shits.  Not many god damns this episode at least..

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Tell me about it.  Thing is, I had no idea this show was coming back last Wednesday (I swear, USA moves this show around every week - didn't the second half premiere in March last year?).  So I had to scour the guide to see when it would be rerun, and that happened to be Sunday at 10 am.  I guess the regulations for TV are a bit different at 10 am, so every shit was muted out.  Talk about abrasive!  Just can't help but chuckle when every line in a conversation is censored out with all the shits.  Not many god damns this episode at least..


Basically they're allowed to run it at night with the cursing because that is what the advertisers & FCC approve. They can't run it during the day with the cursing, otherwise they'd get so many complaints.

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The whole time I was screaming at the TV "SEND MIKE TO COLLEGE & LAW SCHOOL - THEN HE WON'T BE A FRAUD AFTER THAT"

You would think, heck I even thought that, but then I thought " Nope. Can't do it, what about all those pesky cases in the past where he and the firm represented himself as a lawyer."

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You would think, heck I even thought that, but then I thought " Nope. Can't do it, what about all those pesky cases in the past where he and the firm represented himself as a lawyer."


Honestly, at this point, I would be fine if they handwaved it away with Harvey & Jessica calling in all of the favors they have to make nobody care about Mike's secret.


Or if they just, one day, go "Oops, looks like Mike wasn't actually a lawyer in the Pearson Hardman/Pearson Specter/Pearson Specter Litt employee database or on the website, he was listed as a legal consultant! Now Mike can go to law school after he gets that hacker to wipe his fake transcript out!"

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3) if Luis can reduce Rachel to utter nothingness with the truth, she really is going to make a crap lawyer. The Mike's, Harvey's and Jessica's of the world would gut her in a legal battle. With all her expose to the Sharks of the law, Rachel remains a guppie.

I don't think This means Rachel would be a bad lawyer, I think it just means she would be a bad lawyer of the type we see on this show. I agree Rachel may not be trial attorney material, but many lawyers rarely see the inside of a courtroom. Rachel has shown good analytical skills and an eye for detail-- these are important traits for drafting contracts or wills.

She definitely needs to stop crying and having sex at work because those traits are just not acceptable for a professional woman. Yeah, if a family member dies I think no one will look down on a woman crying at work, but Rachel cries because people say mean things to her, she doesn't get what she wants, etc. However, it's TV so this is wat we get. No one wants to watch a realistic show about a law firm because most of it would be people doing research, filing documents, endless signing papers and stamping them with a notary seal....

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"You would think, heck I even thought that, but then I thought " Nope. Can't do it, what about all those pesky cases in the past where he and the firm represented himself as a lawyer.""

Have him disappear for three years (time jump!) and go to a small law school somewhere, giving Jessica and Harvey plausible deniability. Then he comes back with a law degree and goes to Harvard for a Master's, thus being both a lawyer and a Harvard grad. It's frustrating that this problem never gets solved.

But if it is, I guess the writers can't come up with anything else to cause trouble, so we're stuck with the same problem for the fourth season now.

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I put off watching this season because I was upset with the front ass, so I'm late to the party, but Oh. My. God. Mike is such a arrogant ass. What makes him worse than everyone else because he thinks he's the most morally centered and clean, but he is knowingly practicing law WITHOUT A DEGREE. I'm not bothered by the premise, I'm bothered by his nerve to act as if his continuance of the lie isn't highly hypocritical and hasn't influence many things in the firm--for the worse. He insists on continuing law to the detriment of not only the clients he claims to fight for, but the co-workers and his friends that he cares for. Sure, they are contributing to it as well, but I'm just fed up with his mindset because he pretends to be clean when he's just as dirty, if not dirtier, than the others.


Why did Louis want to know if Harvey and Donna slept together?

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I don't think he really did, or was only somewhat curious.  What he really wanted to know was whether Donna would answer truthfully, as proof that she was truly his friend.

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