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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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I kept trying to figure out what Brandi meant since I knew she was wrong about comparing Eileen's home to American Psycho since the apartment in that movie is modern style. Thanks for that, it was driving me batty trying to figure that out.

Brandi said it looked like Norman Bates lived there (edit: I'm watching WWHL now and she called it "Norman Bates-chic"), so she obviously confused Psycho with American Psycho.  Um, big difference.


LisaV and Ken really do love dogs, not just their own.  I've run into both of them separately, and they absolutely love my dog.  Lisa came out of Villa Blanca once to say hi to him and gave him kisses (my doggie obliged, of course!)  Ken actually said he wanted to take him home with him.  As much as my dog would probably love Villa Rosa, I think I'd miss him just a bit! 

Edited by Teddybear
  • Love 12

One other thing that cracked me up - when Yolanda and Brandi were having their sit down, and Brandi was trying to tell Yolanda about how Kim had fallen off the wagon, and Yolanda kept deflecting it back to Brandi, "Were you drinking?" "You don't have the right to be drunk." etc.  Yolanda wasn't going along with the narrative of "Brandi saving Kim" and Brandi got so mad!!  She finally said, "That's not what this conversation is about!  This conversation is about KIM!" 


It was pretty close to unveiling production secrets there - Brandi thought the scene was set up so she and Yolanda could discuss Kim, with Brandi in the savior role, and Yolanda was going "off script" by changing the subject.  Brandi all but yelled, "Cut!"  (For all we know, she DID yell cut - the scene ended pretty abruptly.  And we know from Joyce that both Yolanda and Brandi have a habit of doing that - interrupting "scenes" on camera when they don't like the subject matter.)


I just thought this was pretty obvious and funny, and pretty telling that Yolanda was directly going against Brandi by refusing to entertain her narrative, and instead shining the spotlight back on Brandi.


Back in the day, when Brandi was the golden child of the show, someone asked about bringing Leann on, and Brandi said "the producers would never do that to me, they've got my back."  I think Brandi is just now learning the cold hard truth that the only thing the producers care about is the narrative - not the women living it.  


(What's funny is that she's simultaneously getting a hero's edit on Celebrity Apprentice, apparently, so she has two totally different personas going at one time.  Got to be frustrating for her.  Love it.)

Edited by ottergirl
  • Love 9

It would be best if the owners worked with the dog, following the orders of the trainer, but then the VP-T's couldn't have their fabulous globetrotting lifestyle.  I'm sure in Beverly Hills a lot of dogs go to puppy camp.  


When we saw Rumpy pulling Ken, the general consensus at my house was "So much for the lesson on heeling."  But he's a young, excitable, high-energy boy; so getting his friend is probably the best thing for him. It will run off some of his energy, maybe help Avery-Pumpy drop some weight, and keep the smaller pups from getting steamrolled by  well-meaning 60-pound dog who may not understand how big he is.  


I think he had to be at the breeders, too, and that the breeders thought Rumpy's having a friend was a good idea - I think it is too.  I also can't help wondering if Avery-Pumpy was a return to the breeders because she got too fat.  Sometimes people are really screwed up about pets, even if they're the ones overfeeding/under-exercising her. 


And you can change a dog's name if you want to.  Usually you start out calling her Avery-Pumpy, then you gradually drop the first part until she responds to just Pumpy.  Or, she looks like a food-driven dog, so maybe just rewarding her (with something lean, maybe) and calling her Pumpy can make the connection.  Sort of like the saying, "Call me anything but late for dinner."

It would be best if the owners worked with the dog, following the orders of the trainer, but then the VP-T's couldn't have their fabulous globetrotting lifestyle.  I'm sure in Beverly Hills a lot of dogs go to puppy camp.  


When we saw Rumpy pulling Ken, the general consensus at my house was "So much for the lesson on heeling."  But he's a young, excitable, high-energy boy; so getting his friend is probably the best thing for him. It will run off some of his energy, maybe help Avery-Pumpy drop some weight, and keep the smaller pups from getting steamrolled by  well-meaning 60-pound dog who may not understand how big he is.  


I think he had to be at the breeders, too, and that the breeders thought Rumpy's having a friend was a good idea - I think it is too.  I also can't help wondering if Avery-Pumpy was a return to the breeders because she got too fat.  Sometimes people are really screwed up about pets, even if they're the ones overfeeding/under-exercising her. 


And you can change a dog's name if you want to.  Usually you start out calling her Avery-Pumpy, then you gradually drop the first part until she responds to just Pumpy.  Or, she looks like a food-driven dog, so maybe just rewarding her (with something lean, maybe) and calling her Pumpy can make the connection.  Sort of like the saying, "Call me anything but late for dinner."

I immediately thought that she was one of the breeder's retired mamas.

I have a former golden retriever, breeder mama that came to me as Sparkles ( obviously named by a 5 year old) and is now Bella (obviously named by a 13 year old). More goldens less Brandi.

  • Love 5

LisaV needs to give Brandi a "job" at Sur or Pump she would fit right in.

As a waitress OK, but not the show. The cast of Vanderpump Rules is still too classy for Brandi.


Besides I don't want the skank ruining the best little gem on BRAVO. Jax is bad enough, but other than dumping him, they just don't need to mess with this clusterfuck masterpiece. 


Other than dragging in side pieces from all over the country to confront the chuckleheads of course.   

Edited by chlban
  • Love 3

I can't even imagine having more money than I'll ever need in my life. After all the lavish trips are made to the world's most exotic places, after buying more jewelry that your could ever remember, after buying the most expensive homes and furnishings, after buying designer dresses and shoes, what's left to buy? There are endless possibilities to spending cash forever. Having a closet that's larger than the living rooms of most people is like a hobby for Lisa. One comforting thing I did notice in Lisa V's bathroom was a neat collection of little brown pharmacy bottles with white caps. "Okay!", I thought. I have SOMETHING in common with Lisa Vanderpump, we both take prescription drugs for hypertension, cholesterol or GERD or whatever. Boiling down to the very most basic thing everyone has in common is that we're all only human, even those rich housewives.

On the note of being human like me, I cheered when Kyle took off those awful stilt shoes they all totter around on (Kim takes her own off in the extended version). Glad to see that those back breakers are for "the camera" and not real life.

First Look Sat 8:36.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 6

Eileen's husband peeping through the garage window was hysterical.

Every time I see Brandi, I know why Eddie cheated on her. Could you imagine taking her to a business dinner?


Definitely my favorite part of the episode!  Smart man. 


Lisa R's "When sisters collide" phrase was great.  In this case, when three attention seeking, drama queens collide in your driveway and just cannot stop.  I hope that Kyle watches and watches again her own ridiculous behavior in these scenes and comes to some realizations about how not to proceed.  She's full of it.  For all the complaining about the weirdness that is Brandi, the one I'd like to see booted off the show is Kim.  She loves being the center of these conflagrations -- eats it up with a spoon.  She's got NOTHING to offer the show aside from her constant, tedious froggy-voiced proclamations of love for her family and these super uncomfortable scenes showcasing her massive dysfunction. Grab the hook, Bravo, and get her off the payroll.  


"Where's my pizza?" indeed.  Everyone gets turned into her handler, sooner or later.  Health issues or no health issues, she's just so unlikable. 


Brandi is beyond any need for comment, really, but I do believe there's a large dollop of truth in her pointing out that Kyle turns on the super concern for Kim for the cameras.  Hair tossing, taking off of shoes, running after her wanting to talk when clearly the woman is off her rocker -- just stop already with the drama, Kyle.  Let her go home and sober up until the next binge.


I'd applaud her, really, if she could freeze her sister out ON camera at this point.  And, stop, with all the talk about how so and so owes you an apology for anything! Get on with your life, women, and spare us all the demands for I'm sorries.   Only two of these gals deserved an apology for Poker Night from what I saw -- Lisa R for having to endure the limo ride with Kim -- and Eileen for having her party night turned into such a giant, stupid drag.  Unless I missed it, didn't see either of these two sane, grown-up women demanding anything in the way of mea culpas.  They both get that the Richards sisters and Brandi just can't help themselves. 

  • Love 6

Something about the way Brandi was hugging and clinging to Kim creeped me out. Like she needed to show the others how much Kim depended on and needed her. Seems like she wants a loyal pet in Kim.

Also, I dislike Brandi, but I really saw nothing wrong with her denim shirtdress. Not my style, but I didn't find it inappropriate.


I agree...with the creepy feeling.  I got the same vibe when Brandi and Kim were in the car ride home together, and Kim was sitting in the middle rear seat, right next to Brandi, instead of closer to the door.  And, I don't know if I imagined it, but there was a very strange, cryptic look between Brandi and Kim when Brandi mentioned "Kyle doesn't know EXACTLY how close we are" (I'm paraphrasing here...).


I didn't think the denim dress was necessarily wrong, but, for crap's sake - doesn't she own a washer/dryer and an iron?  It looked sloppy, wrinkled and dirty (as did her hair...looked like she had just rolled out of bed and didn't bother brushing it, especially in the back). 


To me, it was more telling that she made the comment that her kids only attend public school - like she didn't think she really needed to make an effort to put her best appearance forward, as she may have if her kids attended a private school.

  • Love 6

- her friend Jen is looking rougher every time. She and Brandi looked like wax figures with all the fillers.  So sad. I think these overworked women lose their eyesight as a side effect of all the chemicals & implants.  There is no way someone with 20/20 vision can look in a mirror and think Damn! I'm fabulous!

I don't expect to ever be famous, wealthy, or female, so I just don't understand it.  The housewives across the franchises and their friends look more plastic and disfigured every season.  I can't imagine that Adrienne, for example, would look any worse than she does now if she just had sagging, wrinkled skin.  Is there some unwritten rule that it's better to look inhuman than to look old?  Do they just get a pass for at least getting the work done?  I know we live in a youth-obsessed culture, and celebrities feel the pressure to look young.  A lot of them have passed the point where the lifts, fillers, and implants only serve to draw attention to their age.  Cher, Joan Rivers (RIP), Meg Ryan, Goldie Hawn, Madonna... why are any of those looks better than Betty White?

  • Love 9

It would be best if the owners worked with the dog, following the orders of the trainer, but then the VP-T's couldn't have their fabulous globetrotting lifestyle.  I'm sure in Beverly Hills a lot of dogs go to puppy camp.  


When we saw Rumpy pulling Ken, the general consensus at my house was "So much for the lesson on heeling."  But he's a young, excitable, high-energy boy; so getting his friend is probably the best thing for him. It will run off some of his energy, maybe help Avery-Pumpy drop some weight, and keep the smaller pups from getting steamrolled by  well-meaning 60-pound dog who may not understand how big he is.  


I think he had to be at the breeders, too, and that the breeders thought Rumpy's having a friend was a good idea - I think it is too.  I also can't help wondering if Avery-Pumpy was a return to the breeders because she got too fat.  Sometimes people are really screwed up about pets, even if they're the ones overfeeding/under-exercising her. 


And you can change a dog's name if you want to.  Usually you start out calling her Avery-Pumpy, then you gradually drop the first part until she responds to just Pumpy.  Or, she looks like a food-driven dog, so maybe just rewarding her (with something lean, maybe) and calling her Pumpy can make the connection.  Sort of like the saying, "Call me anything but late for dinner." 

Yes to all of this. All of my dogs have been rescues and only once did anyone know the dogs previous name so I named the others. If they are actually with a rescue group the rescue usually names them. This happened with my latest rescue a Shih Tzu they named Ginger. Problem was I already have a dog named Ginger, so I changed her name to Emma. She clearly responds to Emma and not Ginger, but of course she didn't have that name long, she was only in rescue about a week before I got her.  


Beleive me, rescues are so happy to have their new lives, they don't mind a new name one bit.I have this on good authority!

  • Love 5

Brandi once again shows her vicious and stupid persona.  Just when I think she can't possibly get any lower, she whips out "Ask your husband." to Kyle.   

She's not even worth commenting on, so I'll stop.


Kyle looked so gorgeous getting ready in her closet with that blue / white dress on with her hair up.   I thought she was going to wear it like that and was disappointed when she didn't and let it down in her same old boring way.  (I know her hair is gorgeous, I'd just like to see it different for once.)


Poor Avery-Pumpy getting dumped at the trainers;  but so cool that Lisa/Ken took her in.   She seems very sweet (Avery. Not Lisa.) Too bad every dog that's deemed "unfit" or abandoned couldn't go live with the Todd/Vanderpumps! Shit if I'm ever dumped I hope they take ME in !!


So Bella gets a DUI and is now living in a gorgeous NY apartment with a promising modeling career.  Sheesh.  Talk about unfair. 


Kim is just one unlikeable, needy, clingy self-entitled addict.  


I love Eileen.  The Neosporin/get a grip comment was precious. 

So does this mean that soon she's going to get the bitch edit and piss me off ?   


eta: Forgot to say I loved Lisa V's comment about Avery-Pumpy

"Now THIS bitch I can handle, the other ones.........mmmm not so much"  <- or something to that effect.  LOL

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 5

Cher, Joan Rivers (RIP), Meg Ryan, Goldie Hawn, Madonna... why are any of those looks better than Betty White?


They aren't.  I think Betty White's overall happiness quotient and lust for life is what has kept her relatively healthy into her 90s.  Her attitude is also what probably prevented her from going the Joan Rivers/Cher/Madonna route.


When I look at any of the actresses who have effed up their faces, I always think there's unhappiness underneath it all.  I look at Betty White and I see nothing but joy and acceptance of self.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 10

I would really like to know who is paying for Kims multiple rehab stays. The days of insurance paying for 30 days is looooong gone. I Don't think Brandi can afford that , so she might not be so quick to push Kyle aside. As for addiction counselor Jennifer if she is trying to be a legit addiction professional she needs to either confront Brandi ,cut her loose or not film with her anymore. I'm not being snarky. I liked her on sober house ( and am going to pretend I don't know she is Andy Dicks ex) and she had a long hard fight to get sober. I hate to see her loose her credibility in that community.

  • Love 6

Brandi told Jennifer (or was it Yo?) that she could tell Kim was on something from the start.  Since she didn't know that Kim had told Kyle that she was on something, Brandi probably thought she was the only one who knew (roll-eyes), and was trying to get her out of there.  I can buy that.


But Brandi continued to try to get Kim away from Kyle even after Kyle and Kim were huddled together by the garage doing their weepy talking thing, even after Kim tried to get Brandi to stop being so aggressive.  Her being a giantess compared to Kyle and Kim didn't help.


There were a couple of things about that scene that bothered me.  First, Kim and Kyle were both trying to get Brandi to leave them alone.  Brandi wouldn't listen to either of them, and proceeded to attempt to make the situation about her, by yelling at Kyle and getting in between Kim and Kyle. 


And, what is up with Brandi trying to act "ghetto" (whatever that means...I hate that phrase!) - she even made some type of comment like "You want ghetto, I'll show you ghetto"....WTF?  And, then again, one of her favorite go-to phrases - "Bring it, bitch".   Please, Brandi - get a clue - these types of comments do not endear you to ANYONE....and you are not that tough.  If someone actually "brought it", I'd be interested to see how she would react.


Secondly, if Brandi knows Kim as well as she claims she does, she would know that the Richard sisters have a very complicated relationship.  She would know that no matter what is currently on the surface, their relationship (as messed up as anyone may think it is) is very, very tight at the core. 


Thirdly, if Kim is as fragile as Brandi thinks she is, wouldn't trying to de-escalate the situation by leaving the sisters alone to speak with each other be the smarter thing to do? 


Brandi, in her talking heads and comments to the others, has said Kyle wants everything to be all about her - I think that Brandi is actually projecting her own actions, because from where I sit, it looks like she is the one trying to make the situation all about Brandi.

I agree that Brandi has some really bad things from her childhood that affect her. I have no proof or reason, but both her parents creeped me out.  



Oh, crap!!  I really hope Brandi doesn't read these boards - you have just given her an excuse for all of her bad behavior!!! 

  • Love 12

I have my own theory about the relationship that "bloomed" between Lisa and Brandi.


I had read the stories that Brandi was supposedly a friend of Cedric (later debunked by Cedric, if one is to believe Cedric).


Cedric later gave an interview that the producers set up the whole Brandi/Cedric "friendship" to bring her onto the show.


He also said the real reason Brandi was brought onto the show was to help take Lisa down a couple of pegs as she had become a bit difficult to work with and was developing quite an ego.


Lisa, love her or hate her, is shrewd.  To use Kyle's expression, Bobby Fischer shrewd.


Brandi joins the cast.  Lisa steps back.  Besides supposedly being a friend of Cedric, now Brandi is draping her drunken self all over Ken, making sexual innuendo talk with Ken, doing everything she can to set Lisa off.


Instead of taking the bait, Lisa instead went the opposite direction and befriended Brandi.


I don't necessarily believe that Lisa ever had a real friendship with Brandi.  I think she was simply keeping her friends close but her enemies closer.  I think Lisa sized up what Bravo was up to, saw right through Brandi's drunken game plan, and went the opposite direction of what anyone expected her.


Kind of like when Lisa reassessed Taylor at the Tea Party from Hell and suddenly all was forgiven and Lisa befriended Taylor.  I never believed that, either.


I also don't think, after seeing Kyle's comments from last season, Lisa will ever fully trust Kyle again, either.


Lisa is a Bravo game player extraordinaire.  I think she'll be keeping her manicured fingers relatively clean this season and let these women implode.  

  • Love 19


Dear Bravo,

    Can you please fire Brandi Glanville and hire Denise Richards.

    Thank you.


I'll co-sign this. Can we start a petition?

I agree! I've been a Denise Richard's fan for years. I find her very genuine and sweet. I also love how she's willing to care for Charlie's other children even though he treats her like crap. #TeamDeniseRichards. I would love for her to be on this show.

PS: And she's an animal lover like myself.

Edited by RockyHorror64
  • Love 6

Just to add my two cents... Ii thought it INTERESTING that Kim only told KYLE about taking the "pain medication".  Never mentioned it again in this whole fiasco.  Brandi and all her "Kim is doing all this by herself" shit is just really hilarious to me.  Considering the fact that Brooke's wedding was at sister Kathy's house, just exactly HOW MUCH planning did Kim actually do? Followed by Kim "taking care of Monty and his cancer" bit; WHY would she even try to do something like that in her condition?  A number of my family members  had cancer and passed away from it, and IT IS NOT PRETTY.  Talk about having to drink occasionally to get thru it... And that's why HOSPICE was invented.  Just a giant pantload, imho.


Glad to see Kyle do the double finger at Kim in the previews. Girl is just a frickin' MESS. She AND Brandi need to just go the fuck away. Puleez Bravo, make it happen!

  • Love 6

Kyle:  "She doesn't understand our HISTORY!"  Waaaaah.


After all these seasons, I sure feel like I get the history and increasingly just don't care.   We've all got our issues and problems, Kim-Kyle and Bravo -- Asking us to keep on caring and caring year after year -- I feel like I've had more than enough.  Last night I sat down to some BBC on Netflix and was a lot happier for it. Watched the first 15 or 20 of this last chapter this morning and that was it.  


This constant story line of clear mental illness and addiction issues is killing it for me.  No more excuses for Kim in my world. And Kyle is working my very last nerve with her concerned sister victim routine.  This constant milking and mining of the Richards family illnesses does a real disservice to the countless number of folks dealing with these conditions in a real way in their own lives.  Two spoiled and self-indulgent BHs women parading their craziness for a paycheck and bringing NO real insight to the story.  

  • Love 14

Some dogs are easy to train at home and some aren't. Some are easy to train in general but have other issues that need to be addressed by a professional and sometimes "bad dog boot camp" is the most effective way to do thatthat

I agree. Brandi needs a professional and to go away to bad dog boot camp. Send Kim too.

Kyle you don't have a relationship with your sister. No one can have relationships with an addict. They are self-centered people who are not capable of having any relationships.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 10

"I could forgive Brandi; But I don't want to" - Deflect much, yourself, Kyle?  Not buying it.  All this family crap is killing you and your sister. Let her go. It'll be the best thing for her if there were actual stakes attached to a relapse.  

Okay. Letting go ...


This is why I'm eagerly awaiting the double bird flip off in next week's episode. I really do hope that Kyle is just done with Kim because Kim and her issues are soul suckers. 


And, what is up with Brandi trying to act "ghetto" (whatever that means...I hate that phrase!) - she even made some type of comment like "You want ghetto, I'll show you ghetto"....WTF?  And, then again, one of her favorite go-to phrases - "Bring it, bitch".   Please, Brandi - get a clue - these types of comments do not endear you to ANYONE....and you are not that tough.  If someone actually "brought it", I'd be interested to see how she would react.


Brandi knows who she can take that shit to. I don't like Faye Resnick, but dammit if I didn't begrudgingly (and briefly) like her for the way she broke Brandi all the way down. Brandi was so in love with calling herself a truth cannon, and then crumpled like a paper bag once Faye dug all up in it.  

  • Love 9

I agree...with the creepy feeling.  I got the same vibe when Brandi and Kim were in the car ride home together, and Kim was sitting in the middle rear seat, right next to Brandi, instead of closer to the door.  And, I don't know if I imagined it, but there was a very strange, cryptic look between Brandi and Kim when Brandi mentioned "Kyle doesn't know EXACTLY how close we are" (I'm paraphrasing here...).


I didn't think the denim dress was necessarily wrong, but, for crap's sake - doesn't she own a washer/dryer and an iron?  It looked sloppy, wrinkled and dirty (as did her hair...looked like she had just rolled out of bed and didn't bother brushing it, especially in the back). 


To me, it was more telling that she made the comment that her kids only attend public school - like she didn't think she really needed to make an effort to put her best appearance forward, as she may have if her kids attended a private school.

I see what you mean and was referring to the casual "hip mom" style of the get-up. Of course, she's pretty tall and maybe should mind the length a bit too, at least at her kids' school (though, L.A.--maybe the "rules" are more lax? I have no issue with short skirts--in fact I love them too much, some might say--but you should be vigilant while wearing them).

  • Love 5

I was kind of thrown by how bad Brandi's hair looked at the jewelry party. A rat's nest in the back, and downright greasy in the front.


I seriously hope Kim is downgraded or fired next season. Her addiction, which is mined for drama over and over again (not just by the sisters, but I see you Bravo, with those extended clips and swooping in with the closeups) is just so exhausting. I for one would like to see Kyle without her being defined by her relationship with her sister, which is a no-win for her, particularly with how it plays out on camera. She is never going to "out" her sister on camera again -- good thing others are being more blunt. And Kim -that dead-eyed stare in the previews -- ugh. Plus, rosacea or sun damage? What is going in with Kim's skin?


With Eileen and LisaR we've gotten a glimpse of what the show could be, and it could be fun! Imagine that, a HW franchise that's fun and not cringeworthy. It's like a shimmering dream just out of reach, given that I don't know if Eileen is going to sign up for another go-round of this ridiculousness.


It was interesting to see Eileen and LisaV together, I was curious what their dynamic would be but I thought they were well-matched! Although it was funny to see Eileen literally holding her hair back while nary a strand moved from LisaV's mane.


Denise Richards...she has potential but frankly she has baggage (rumors) that could take the level of discourse back down to Brandi level, so I don't know...

  • Love 8

Just to say again -- and realize it won't be popular -- not every single addict and mentally ill person out there is a human being incapable of relationship and caring for others.  Just ain't so. Which is why this Richards sisters story for Bravo is becoming increasingly tired, disgusting, and irresponsible. 


I haven't wasted too much time thinking about Brandi or pondering what drives her because I thought from her very first appearance that she was a gun for hire for Bravo, brought on to do whatever the producers told her to do--because the other women had too much at stake or too much pride to go there.  She's the best actress of the lot in my book.  She was brought on for drama and shit stirring and she's done an admirable job of that.  Her drunkeness and outbursts -- her own looney tunes behavior now in every single episode -- is bought and paid for by Bravo.  I can see her losing it on and off air as she chafes against her contract and its obligations. 


I don't care about her one way or the other except sometimes to pity her.

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 7

Pretty sure the Hiltons finance Kim's frequent hospital stays.


If she had been taking Monty's potent pain medications for any length of time (those things are notoriously addictive even over a short run), I'd almost be willing to bet Kim had run out of medications, was starting to go through withdrawal, and presented to the hospital as a "frequent flyer" hoping to waltz off prescription in hand.  


Must have been like hitting the jackpot for her when they actually admitted her.  IV pain medications 24/7 and likely a guaranteed prescription for pain medications in her hand when she was discharged.


To the poster who queried, all Kim had to do was exercise her right to keep her medical information private, even from family, and those doctors are legally unable to tell Kyle, Kathy, or any other family member anything about Kim's condition.  And I can totally see Kim forbidding the treating clinicians from sharing anything about her "condition" with anyone, leaving Kyle to have to take Kim at her word for what was going on with her "condition."


And to the other poster who queried, this is a "celebrity" at Cedar Sinai.  Their rooms are private and fabulous.  The food served is amazing.  For an addict to be in a private room with a quick fix IV in the arm getting all the pain medications they want, you betcha it's a relaxing environment.  Better than a 5-star hotel for addicts, when you factor in the medication factor.


Hell, Tori Spelling treats the hospital like her own private spa (which I think Candy probably bankrolls).  I can totally see Kim doing the same thing.  Plus there are nurses there to wait on her hand and foot and see that her every need is met.  Yeah, I can absolutely see Kim enjoying her little "vacay" at Cedar Sinai.


And I haven't seen anyone mention what is arguably the best part about Eileen's blog this week:



I'll be auctioning off a lightly used poker tournament trophy (held proudly for a moment by Brandi), that was left at our house for charity. Opening bid is $100.00.


This little nugget is at the very end of the blog, right below the video clip of Yolanda and Brandi.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 5

Some random thoughts.


I think Kyle was trying for the victim/martyr storyline, and the "SEE, I'm the bestest sister!" crap, as well as redemption for the Limo scenes.  I don't like Kyle, I think she's an awful mean-girl who never grew up.  Further, SHE (once again) put hands on someone first, this time, that person didn't take it.  I don't care that Brandi was "in between" her and Kim, Kim obviously wanted to leave, and seemed to be relying on Brandi to get her out of there before Kyle got her victim/redemption screen moments.  Also, stop pointing your damn fingers in people's faces Kyle, because sooner or later, someone is going to slap that hand away.  Her blog this week, ironically is about someone putting their hands on her!  Yeah, pot/kettle.  I also think Kyle used Brandi last season to finally take Lisa down a peg, something she's been trying to do since the show began.  She has no further need of Brandi (big surprise, she never wanted her on the show anyway) so Brandi is dumped.


Brandi was drunk though, and is emotionally immature to think that she meant more to Kim than a sister.  Her inebriation really backfired on her this time, but will she realize it, and learn to not drink while filming?  My guess is, not yet.  She's not a pleasant drunk.  Apparently Brandi still doesn't get that Kyle played her like a fiddle last season, which, to me, makes Brandi look very stupid.  Maybe her blog this week will change that impression, or maybe Brandi doesn't want to admit, or recognize what an idiot she was to dump on Lisa for Kyle.  Yet.  In general, last night's show certainly made Brandi look bad, no question about that.  Her popularity seems to have gone to her head.  I'd like to see her pull it together, but will it happen?  I do also wonder if Bravo saw that they had a pretty boring season going and urged her to ramp it up. 


I think LisaR is disingenuous at best.  There is no way in hell she hasn't watched every episode, she's even been on WWHL talking about it, and I remember at least one time where she was already anti-Brandi.  She's still a good addition to the show, and I love Harry, and her house, but gimme a break.  She's been friends with Kyle for years, drop the act.


Eileen is an interesting addition.  She's so busy, with family and the somewhat grueling soap schedule, so it's possible she really hasn't watched RHBH, but I kind of doubt that.  She's another Lisa V type, which is probably why she's getting paid the most.  A real get.  A few good zingers this week, and it's nice to see someone calm and collected on a housewife show.  So far, thumbs up, and she's too smart to overindulge, so will Bravo get bored with her?


Lisa V is obviously still not that interested in filming with the bitches.  At least she showed up for a "party" this week.  She can't keep filming these solo things and stay relevant on the show though.  I adore her house and grounds, and Ken.  I think she's very happy Brandi is "getting hers" after last season, but I'm really looking forward to the time she pays back Kyle.  She's too smart to not realize Kyle was behind all of it last season, and I don't for one second believe Lisa won't get even.  I can't wait to watch that.  She's the master.


Kim backsliding is a sad story.  It happens, and you just pick yourself up and dust yourself off and start over.  Having a terminal cancer patient in your house is hell, and it was probably risky for someone as fragile as Kim.  Unless you've watched someone struggle with the pain and promise of death, and cancer treatment first hand, and dealt with those emotions, it may be hard to understand how having death/love/pain/sadness always there, in the spare bedroom.  She was so kind and caring with him earlier this season that my heart melted for her.  She's really helped plan two weddings, the early one so he would be alive and well enough to walk his daughter down the aisle, and the original get-away "big" wedding.  I think it was all too much, and Brandi was right about that part.  Do I think Kyle is there for her sister when cameras aren't there?  Not really.  To me it would have been obvious that Kim would need extra support while Monty was there.


Finally, Yolanda.  She's not filming in groups much either, maybe the whole illness thing, and it's easier to usually film at home, do a short segment here and there, with kids, or one visiting wife?  That doesn't really cut it on a show like this.  She did show up for the jewelry thing, and have her one party though.  She's so fascinating to me, the aging beauty with the 50's ideas about marriage.  I'd like to see more of her.



The Richards sisters are still playing out their childhood jealousies, insecurities and pain for all of us to see.  Still trying to be the "best" daughter.   It's very sad, they both need joint and single therapy and to finally be honest with themselves about the damage caused by the way they were raised.  Sadly, I don't think either is willing to admit dear dead sainted momma screwed up in any way.  So they are both fucked.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 10

As terrible as Brandi is and as obnoxious as it was for her to bodily block Kim from Kyle, I was kind of glad that Brandi grabbed and twisted Kyle's arm when kyle swatted her. Kyle needs to learn to keep her hands off people and her stubby little fingers out of people's faces.


Besides the other nonsense going on, I can't imagine throwing or dropping a piece of pizza in someone's house and just walking away and leaving it there :-)  I wanted to see Eileen's face when she found the pizza on the floor and wondering who the hell she had invited into her house.


Lisa's house is really something. Her decor isn't my cup of tea, but what a beautiful property! And some of the other ladies have incredible views and properties as well. I love this part of the show.


I go back and forth thinking that Brandi's actions or at least a lot of them are calculated to ensure camera time and to support her outrageous persona to keep selling books, etc., and thinking that she's just a damaged, spoiled little brat with a substance abuse problem. For example, when Eileen made her completely reasonable comments to Brandi about insulting her homes, etc., and Brandi basically just rolling her eyes -- does Brandi know Eileen is right and just doesn't want to admit it to keep her storyline going or does she really see this as these women with sticks up their asses lecturing her?

Edited by NeelyO
  • Love 12

Lisa V's blog is up.  Added to Eileen's and Lisa Rinna's, I think it's safe to say that these women are definitely over Brandi.




I enjoyed reading that. Maybe I side eyed one or two things but overall I feel like Brandi got a bit of a reading. From Lisa's blog:


This excuse that keeps being used that Brandi has no filter is wearing very thin...This is not an example of someone with no filter, this an example of a person that needs to realign her priorities and boundaries. It's everything. The crass comments about Eileen's house were uncalled for as she had the grace to even entertain her, invite her into her house, which is warm and cosy with a plethora of family pictures decorating the walls that indicate happy relationships. Maybe that is what she finds creepy.



Damn, snap.

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 21

Just to add my two cents... Ii thought it INTERESTING that Kim only told KYLE about taking the "pain medication".  Never mentioned it again in this whole fiasco. 


That scene is the limo with Kim and Brandi was so telling.  Kim had no idea that she wasn't making sense and that her behavior was not that of a sober person.  When Brandi told her she wasn't making sense in there, Kim was all, "Whaa?  You know, Lisa R. said the same thing..."


I was hoping she'd follow that with, "Gee, do you think it was the pill I took that caused me to be high and not make any sense?"  But no.  I still don't think she's put it together that pills = high and do not equal sober.

  • Love 5

I became a fan of Eileen Davidson in the episode preceding the "Kim is nuts" poker lessons episode. You know, the one where Yolanda was learning that 'cunnilungus' isn't something to dip a bread stick in at a cocktail party. Eileen had a couple of comments that became gifs but the one that didn't was when she said "blah blah blah cunnilingus!"




But think about it. If Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle, Eileen and Lisa Renna all decide to stick together and ignore and shun Brandi Glanville and crazy-nuts Kim then where would all our viewing fun come from? Certainly not from Yolanda, to me she's doesn't have anything more to add to this show than her constant bragging about her amazing model daughters. And Kyle might come to her senses one of these days and figure out that Kim may just have to be written off her bucket list of people to rescue. I'm starting to think of analogies here with their relationship. Two people in a leaky raft out in the ocean comes to mind. One person wants to cling to the raft and may possibly die in the raft, the other tries to tug and pull them out of the raft and swim to the island but that person just holds onto the sinking raft stronger and refuses to leave. Do they both stay there gradually sinking deeper into the water, or does the one decide to abandon the raft, let her drown and try to swim to the safety of the island?

One final comment about this episode, (I promise). It was presented in a very vague manner as to the cause of Kim's hospitalization. I think Kim said something to Mauricio about 'bleeding ulcer'. It may be a bad reaction to pain pills, nobody knows yet. But I do know that too many prescription AND non-prescription analgesics can cause gastric and duodenal ulcers and bleeding.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 3

But think about it. If Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle, Eileen and Lisa Renna all decide to stick together and ignore and shun Brandi Glanville and crazy-nuts Kim then where would all our viewing fun come from?

I agree.  But the two Bitchard sisters and Brandi are making me so tirrrrrrred .  /Kyle whine


It's time for Rinna and Davidson to start acting up.  Cuz you know it's going to happen.  Although, after watching WWHL, I think Eileen is done after this season.  Unless she can convince Andy to dump Brandi and/or Kim.  Force him to make a choice.  Them or me.

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 2

And, what is up with Brandi trying to act "ghetto" (whatever that means...I hate that phrase!) - she even made some type of comment like "You want ghetto, I'll show you ghetto"....WTF?  And, then again, one of her favorite go-to phrases - "Bring it, bitch".   Please, Brandi - get a clue - these types of comments do not endear you to ANYONE....and you are not that tough.  If someone actually "brought it", I'd be interested to see how she would react.




Oh, how I wish the Bravo gods and goddesses would do a "very special appearance" of Brandi Glanville dropped right into the middle of the Atlanta women.


Those women would read Brandi like no other and hand her her sloppy, shit-stirring, intoxicated ass on a silver platter.


She wants to play "bring it, bitch!"?   I'd love nothing more than to put her with a group of women who would most assuredly "bring it" and send her scurrying from the room like a cockroach in daylight.  

  • Love 13

Jennifer Gimenez has had huge swings in her weight.  I believe when she went into rehab she gained over 100 pounds.  Looks like we are seeing more of the "Sober House" Jennifer these days. http://www.lifeandstylemag.com/posts/jennifer-gimenez-how-i-lost-100-pounds-30077

I was actually looking at photos of her the other day.  I don't know if it's the weight gain/loss/gain or botox or what, but damn--something ain't right.  I don't think she got a nose job or anything.  Maybe it's the lips?


LisaV needs to give Brandi a "job" at Sur or Pump she would fit right in.

Then she and Kristen can fight for "Smelliest Cast Member."


I'm trying to envision the seating arrangement at the reunion. Who the hell is going to be stuck on the couch with Brandi? Yo?

  • Love 2

Pure speculation and so worth less than zero -- If I had to bet a nickle, I'd say Kim's drug and alcohol use -- in combination with whatever prescription stuff she's mixing it with -- was taking her down that road which results in frequent blackouts, rage fests, and near psychotic episodes.  All this could be messing with her gastric system too.  I would bet that she's been into Monty's painkillers -- possibly his bank account.  Add the dog drama.  I think Kim flees to hospitals and rehabs when it just gets to be too much -- and/or when it looks as though jail might become a real possibility for her. 


Held my nose and watched the rest of the episode.  It's weird how Yolanda mythologizes all of her children for the cameras.  "This extraordinary human being ... " (Huh?  Who?).  Anwar is introduced and suddenly at 11 he wanted and needed to step up and be the man of the family, protecting Yo and her daughters.  


Why can't these three kids just be kids, Yolanda?  I know she adores them and loves them dearly but the big stories she makes swirl around them are so strange and extra.  And bring to mind all the deathless David love we're asked to admire.

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 10

As terrible as Brandi is and as obnoxious as it was for her to bodily block Kim from Kyle, I was kind of glad that Brandi grabbed and twisted Kyle's arm when kyle swatted her. Kyle needs to learn to keep her hands off people and her stubby little fingers out of people's faces.


Besides the other nonsense going on, I can't imagine throwing or dropping a piece of pizza in someone's house and just walking away and leaving it there :-)  I wanted to see Eileen's face when she found the pizza on the floor and wondering who the hell she had invited into her house.


Lisa's house is really something. Her decor isn't my cup of tea, but what a beautiful property! And some of the other ladies have incredible views and properties as well. I love this part of the show.


I go back and forth thinking that Brandi's actions or at least a lot of them are calculated to ensure camera time and to support her outrageous persona to keep selling books, etc., and thinking that she's just a damaged, spoiled little brat with a substance abuse problem. For example, when Eileen made her completely reasonable comments to Brandi about insulting her homes, etc., and Brandi basically just rolling her eyes -- does Brandi know Eileen is right and just doesn't want to admit it to keep her storyline going or does she really see this as these women with sticks up their asses lecturing her?


I think they were both wrong. Once the grabbing at each other's hands and arms started - especially when Brandi had Kyle pinned against the garage door by her wrists - there was no one behaving appropriately.


I have such a different view of Kim now after this episode. She was so manipulative by not just leaving when Brandi first ushered her outside and she was totally calculated and knew exactly what kind of drama it was going to cause when she said "thanks a lot" to Kyle. She'd been itching for a fight from the moment she hopped into that limo all hopped up and she got exactly what she wanted.


In other news, Brandi's friend Jennifer used to date Andy Dick. Gross. She is gross and hangs out with some seriously nasty people!

  • Love 3

I'm pretty sure Jennifer's nose collapsed from cocaine use, and that is the best they could do to remake it.  I know I read that somewhere back when she first appeared on RHBH.  ?


Oh, that could be a distinct possibility.


I remember when Jasmine Bleeth from Baywatch had her nose collapse from too much cocaine and the corrective surgery pretty much changed her entire appearance, but even the best of surgeons can only work with what they have left.


Whenever I see Genifer/Jennifer (pick a spelling and keep it, please, Jennifer!), I always envision her scene from Sober House where she was having her own meltdown doing her makeup and hair in the mirror and referring to the Sober House as a freakshow.


Full disclosure: I've loathed her ever since I thought she was mean to Mike Starr on Sober House.  I'm a huge Alice in Chains fan and admittedly had a soft spot for Mike on that show.  Yes, I'm very biased.


Regarding Brandi and her ensemble for the parent-teacher meeting, I didn't so much think her attire was inappropriate in and of itself.  I just thought she looked dirty, smelly, and hungover.  


It literally looked like she had snatched that dress from the hamper and threw it on.  Her hair was a mess, too, and she looked all bloated in the face.  The whole look was just not good.  


I thought she would have looked much better in sensible shoes, a pair of jeans, a T-shirt, and a jacket.


And running a brush through those horrific weaves she insists on wearing.  


I dunno, maybe make herself presentable so that the boys might be proud of her.  I can't imagine the hell these boys must be (or soon will be) going through with this bitch's shenanigans on the television and in the tabloids.  I hope Eddie is setting aside money for what is likely to be years of intensive therapy when they're older.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 4

As someone upthread mentioned, addicts will oftentimes have lots of medical problems, some real and some designed for the purpose of getting a hospital or doctor to give pain meds. I have known several alcoholics and addicts and they all had a myriad of health issues and were rushed to ER time an time again. Also when you detox, it's painful. Addiction is a horrible thing. Brandi needs to stay the eff out of Kim and Kyle's relationship. Even clown faced Jen said that family gets tired of the drama. That's doesn't mean that Kyle doesn't care. She is probably just at her breaking point and needs to draw boundaries to stay sane and protect herself and her family. 


Loved Eileen and Yo calling about Brandi. Of course she doesn't care. I see Brandi's OTT behavior as a desperate attempt to stay on the show. She's not a howife. She's not famous or rich or anything else associated with BH. She thinks that her role is  to stir shit and if she stopped, she'd be history. In some way I understand,but I find watching her annoying. If she was gone, I could happily watch Lisa R and Eileen be fabulous, Lisa V with her dogs, Kyle with her family and Yo with her lemons and almonds. I don't need the fighting and drama to watch. And they need to get rid of Kim. It's not good for her to be on the show. 


Speaking of Yo, she has to text and face time twice a day?  She needs to hop out of that parental helicopter. 


If there's one thing I hate, it's ignorant stupidity. American Psycho is not Psycho is not American Gothic. And little pancakes served at a party are not kids pancakes, they are blinnis. I know that I don't live in BH. 

  • Love 7

Where is all this information coming from on Kim?  She's completely fabricating a medical illness, she's treating the hospital like a spa visit and the Hiltons are footing the bill.  She's stolen all of poor Monty's pain meds, and he was driven from the house to escape her theft.  Kim's receiving all the drugs she could ask for, via 24/7 IV drip.  And in addition to Kim stealing and using all of Monty's medicine, she has somehow broken into his bank accounts and robbed him.  Can anyone provide links, or is this wild speculation?  

  • Love 5

And, what is up with Brandi trying to act "ghetto" (whatever that means...I hate that phrase!) - she even made some type of comment like "You want ghetto, I'll show you ghetto"....WTF?  And, then again, one of her favorite go-to phrases - "Bring it, bitch".   Please, Brandi - get a clue - these types of comments do not endear you to ANYONE....and you are not that tough.  If someone actually "brought it", I'd be interested to see how she would react.

She wants to play "bring it, bitch!"? I'd love nothing more than to put her with a group of women who would most assuredly "bring it" and send her scurrying from the room like a cockroach in daylight.

While I would enjoy it, Brandi does not need to be placed in a situation with the Atlanta cast for her to get a taste of people who will not put up with her nonsense. It is 100% correct that she will scurry out of the place like the vermin she is, we've seen her do that already.

Beneath her gangsta bravado, Brandi's a weak woman who scurried out like a roach when Faye Resnick gave her a piece of her mind, she scurried out like a roach when Mauricio gave her a piece of his mind, and (my favorite) she scurried out like a roach when the Joyces gave her a piece of their mind, and she would have scurried out like a roach on the original Game Night except Kim hid her crutches.

Now don't get me wrong, plop Brandi's bony ass in a situation with the Atlanta cast and I will surely tune in, but I don't expect Brandi to stay longer than a few minutes, however I suspect that it will still be a good time because the Atlanta women will drag her / read her for filth whether she's in the room or not.

  • Love 6

Already described as being over the top speculation -- not denying it.  But this is what happens, unfortunately, when a tv series spends 4 or 5 or 6 seasons hitting its viewers over the head with a story that makes no real sense and that just drags on and on, asking us to suspend disbelief at every pass and continue to swallow whatever we are told -- which, aside from  driveway and limo drama, ain't much.


And the victim-heroine continues to, I do believe, lie to us repeatedly about the deal is.  Kim not telling the truth is also pure speculation.


So, yeah, I'll take a spanking on the wild surmising aspect but, hey, am only human and this show knows no bounds when it comes to manipulations.  And, won't lie, I do believe that Kim does use whatever men in her life choose to still hang around, for whatever reason, because the feeding of her habits demands it.  It's rotten of me to say it but none of her constant talk about how much she loves Monty and wants to take care of him at this dire hour have rung entirely true.  The way she talked about what he owed her when she was off her nut in the limo with Lisa R. only underscored my general distrust.


Bottom line for me is that I'm tired of being told that I need to trust anything that Kim says when all I see is a broken person who is banking on no one getting really real with her ever about much of anything.

  • Love 7
I think they were both wrong. Once the grabbing at each other's hands and arms started - especially when Brandi had Kyle pinned against the garage door by her wrists - there was no one behaving appropriately.

I agree that they were both wrong in the initial tussle on the stairs but I think the difference is that Brandi was worse and continued to be wrong and inappropriate whereas Kyle was continually reacting to Brandi's bullshit. Kyle asked Brandi to please not block her from Kim. She repeatedly asked her for a moment alone and for her to flat out get away from her and Brandi wouldn't oblige. Kyle had one wrong moment that night whereas Brandi literally had dozens. 


I have such a different view of Kim now after this episode. She was so manipulative by not just leaving when Brandi first ushered her outside and she was totally calculated and knew exactly what kind of drama it was going to cause when she said "thanks a lot" to Kyle. She'd been itching for a fight from the moment she hopped into that limo all hopped up and she got exactly what she wanted.



At one point when they are in the house Kim makes the same cut, cut throat slashing motions that Brandi had made earlier. I'm not sure what to make of that. Did anybody else catch this? 


I remember when Jasmine Bleeth from Baywatch had her nose collapse from too much cocaine and the corrective surgery pretty much changed her entire appearance, but even the best of surgeons can only work with what they have left.

Tara Palmer Tomkinson also comes to mind. Her nose was completely wrecked. She looks okay now but they couldn't get it totally right. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 8

"I could forgive Brandi; But I don't want to" - Deflect much, yourself, Kyle? Not buying it. All this family crap is killing you and your sister. Let her go. It'll be the best thing for her if there were actual stakes attached to a relapse.

Okay. Letting go ...

Yeah after a solid week of feeling bad for Kyle...oh take several seats. Brandi is a vile, immature, hot mess of a human who will never be a friend to anyone, and she still isn't the problem between you and Kim. It took exactly zero seconds for Kyle and Kim to decide to blame the evening's events on Brandi. How convenient for both of you.

  • Love 4

Yeah after a solid week of feeling bad for Kyle...oh take several seats. Brandi is a vile, immature, hot mess of a human who will never be a friend to anyone, and she still isn't the problem between you and Kim. It took exactly zero seconds for Kyle and Kim to decide to blame the evening's events on Brandi. How convenient for both of you.

When did Kim blame the evening events on Brandi?

  • Love 5

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