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"The View": Week of 01/19/15


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The show got off to a good start this morning (except for that Naya woman), but I hated that Nicolle interrupted Mario, not once, but three times when he was talking about his partner being shy.  Fortunately, RO did her job & stepped in & stopped her interrupting.  Sometimes Nicolle gets carried away & not in a good way.  Just sayin'.

Edited by Medicine Crow
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Dear people in charge at the View, Nicole Wallace is not good in interviews unless it is a political figure where she can put her political skills to good use.  I'm tired of her asking questions then interrupting the guest to ask other questions or answer her question she asked, it is horrible.  Either have Rosie coach her on how to ask a question and sit back and let the guest answer or...well hell idk, use her for hot topics and craft/food segments.


Was kind of shocked they didn't bring up the major Oscar snubs w/the Selma crew, but I guess it's still a touchy subject and i'm sure that Oprah is getting her hit squad together regarding it.  


I was surprised that Naya was there today after that blind item from last week that eluded to her doing some things w/an executive in order to guarantee a spot on the show.


Damn, what happened to LeeAnn Womack, she looks completely different.  I guess i'm used to her looking like she did 15 years ago, lol.

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The sad thing is that she was barely on today and she still bugs me. Don't know why I have such a strong, negative reaction to her.

Oh yes, my feeling as well, she bugs the heck out of me & I feel it is partly due to the overly made up, totally clueless persona. There are many talented, intelligent young women who would be so great on the show.

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Don't know why I have such a strong, negative reaction to her.



I don't either.  She's pretty and harmless.  


Oh yes, my feeling as well, she bugs the heck out of me & I feel it is partly due to the overly made up, totally clueless persona. There are many talented, intelligent young women who would be so great on the show.



What's wrong with her make up?  I thought she looked nice.  

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No, Whoopi will be back tomorrow.  Today was pre-recorded, was it not?  I have a feeling it was b/c Whoopi wasn't there, I mean who starts back on a Tuesday...and now that I think about it Nicole's question to the Selma cast about Oscars might help the movie out clearly shows it was recorded before the Oscar nominations where the movie was basically shut out.

Edited by CMH1981
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I think Naya Rivera is beautiful! I love make up and I love fake lashes, I was not blessed with naturally long/thick lashes like every one in my family, couple my sisters look like they have black caterpillars on their eyelids. :(

Haven't watched the show yet.

Please neither Cox nor Rivera are suitable AT ALL................

I think both would be fine. Especially Laverne Cox. Edited by imjagain
I usually agree with what she has to say.  However, she has a kind of affected way of speaking which sometimes distracts me.


Thanks, Morgalisa.  I feel the same way--like her work and admire her...but I've gone beyond "distraction" now.  It's difficult for me to watch her speak.  If I look away from the TV it's not as bad.

What's wrong with her make up?  I thought she looked nice.



Neurochick, I thought Naya looked better today.  I think she'll always be over-the-top as far as eye makeup is concerned.  The two previous days (at least the way my TV showed it), she had way to much "luminescence" on her cheeks and shoulders.  She might even glow in the dark.

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Today was pre-recorded, was it not?  I have a feeling it was b/c Whoopi wasn't there, I mean who starts back on a Tuesday


I thought so too, CMH1981, more for what wasn't discussed rather than for what was...the Pope's travels, the AFL/NFL championship games, and the new media buzz around the possible return of Mitt Romney, for example.  As far as Whoopi not returning until Tuesday, I just chalked it up to her private reflection on Martin Luther King today.

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In general ever since the advent of HDTV the makeup that has been developed to make people look 'nice' must be a VERY heavy matte.  Pretty much everyone has the same flat look and rosy cheeks - apple cheeks dontch'a know.


I agree her eyelashes are over the top, but so are very many others on daytime tv.  It must be the 'current' trend.


What bothered me more was the shiny lipstick - gloss? - she used.  My lord, I was riveted, the shine was fairly blinding.  And then I went to watch The Talk for the first time and someone on that panel had the same thing. 


My guess is they all give into whatever the "newest, hottest" trend is regarding makeup.


This too shall pass I guess.

It will be interesting to see how Whoopi acts tomorrow.  It's been just so ... pleasant ... watching the show without her heavy-handedness.


Now a normal person might try to make some adjustments to his or her public persona.  But Whoopi's need to be the smartest and only correct person at the table at all times seems to preclude that.


I'd love to see her back and playing nicely with the others.  I'd like to see Rosie O'D be as up-front as she has been in future shows.  If that can't happen, I'd like to see Whoopi use her back as an excuse to leave The View.

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I'm also hoping that Annoya Rivera isn't being considered for a permanent spot.

Hahaha!  I love this snarky nickname Fisher.  If they hire her I'm totally using it.   


All in all I think she's pretty harmless but she's an actor with a short resume.  I'd love to see a young broadcaster or even broadcast journalist or someone whose qualifications are bigger than a handful of TV shows.  


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Today was pre-recorded, was it not?

Yes, the show was pre-recorded last week. A "bug" came up on screen saying as much as they were walking out. Another dead giveaway is when they show clips from the show in the intro. I'd guess it was most likely recorded on Tuesday or Wednesday before the Oscar nominations were announced.

I'm pretty ambivalent about Naya R. I don't feel strongly about her one way or the other, but the rumors of her bad on-set attitude and diva behavior concerns me. The last thing this show needs is more backstage drama. And yes, she looked like she had fuzzy caterpillars glued to her eyelids. I don't understand that particular latest fad. It's not attractive or alluring, and invariably the lashes are too short in width so they don't cover the entire length of the lid. Even if human beings did grow natural lashes that ridiculously thick, it would be obvious that those are fake because they don't fit the eye properly. I don't get the appeal, but whatev....

I'm sad. Very, very sad that Whoopi is returning today, because Rosie? Was just beyond AWESOME as moderator last week.  I wonder if some of her lines just weren't adlibbed each time they cut to commercial--because she's just so good and natural, and I think it comes from being a comedienne as well.


I've never watched Glee and so I had never heard of this Naya person, and she adds nothing with her presence. She starts to say something and never finishes what she was going or trying to say.


I did wonder why they didn't have Selma's director on, though.

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So thank god....our national treasure Whoopi Goldberg is back on the View.   Jesus Christ...  Whoopi didn't know that the vertebrae were labeled, like L7 and whatnot?  I call bullshit.  I do think that Whoopi was told to take some extra time off after the holiday b/c of all the onstage/backstage arguments and she decided this was the perfect time to get some elective surgery.


Wow, I did not miss Whoopi and her pointing figure, lecturing to others, her burping/hiccuping/farting jokes.


So with Whoopi back on panel now, Nicole has someone who can have her back and she can "call out" Rosie.  I didn't see this Nicole in the weeks w/o Whoopi, she is beginning to remind me of Bitsy, unless she has someone in her corner to back her, ie...Bill Geddie/Sherri, she won't argue/fight.


What the hell was Nicole wearing today?  Did she stay out all night from some benefit/gala and just come into work.


How does Rosie sit there and allow Whoopi to point her finger at her constantly, even if it isn't meant directly for Rosie, I just couldn't take it.


That house band was annoying...especially that lead singer, who the hell did he think he was, James Brown?


I love Kristin Chenoweth, and I love the relationship b/t Rosie O and Kristin.  I will always remember Kristin's first appearance on the Rosie O show, Rosie told her at that point she would not only get a Tony nomination, she would end up winning and of course she did for "You're a Good Man Charlie Brown.  I remember Rosie gave Kristin her costume dresser for the Tonys b/c Kristin had to perform her song then her category was following the performance, Rosie lent her dresser b/c she knew she would win and she did.  I loved the old Rosie O show.


What deal w/the devil did Judith Light light make?  She looks amazing...

Edited by CMH1981
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What the hell was Nicole wearing today?  Did she stay out all night from some benefit/gala and just come into work.

Aw, but she sure did look awfully pretty.  My giant crush* on her hair and wardrobe continues.  That dress was gorg.  Sigh.


*My crush is a shallow one that only extends to her hair & wardrobe; not to the thoughts & opinions that come out of her interrupting mouth.

Edited by Cementhead
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Seth Rogen even explained it just reminded him, not that he was comparing the two movies in his Tweets and then tweeted making fun of news organizations that made an issue out of the tweets when he didn't mean anything serious by it and the show still talks about it and Nicolle wants a boycott.  If anything, the hot topic should be how Seth Rogen mentions a US military movie in the same sentence as a fake Nazi propaganda movie or makes a movie about assassinating a real world leader and then is all like, "Whaaaa?  What's the big deal guys."  I haven't seen American Sniper, but I've read critical reviews of it, so when I saw Seth's original tweet I thought it was a serious criticism.  


Whoopi's argument was all over the place, but she was kinda saying famous people in the industry shouldn't publicly criticize other people's work, which is something I've heard other famous people say before, but damn if I was famous I would want to constantly use my platform to condemn things I hate (like HBO's Girls!).

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