Toos January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Did they mentioned what happened with Julia's boyfriend? Link to comment
truebluesmoky January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Did they mentioned what happened with Julia's boyfriend? They broke up a few episodes again. She did mention to Joel in last night's episode that she'll still be working with him. Joel said something along the lines of he'll just have to deal with it. Also, their talk about needing work in their relationship gave me hope that they will go to therapy. They need couples counseling and family counseling. 1 Link to comment
CMH1981 January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 I do agree that Julia and Joel do need to go to couples counseling now, as well as family counseling b/c i'm sure the kids are going to have issues where they are afraid their father might abandon them all again. I think it's easy to say that Joel will have to deal with Julia and her boss/ex-lover working together again, but like I said, it's easy to say that. He needs to deal w/the fact that Julia was actively seeing and sleeping w/other guys that way it doesn't fester. I really think we will find out in the final few episodes that Julia and Joel are pregnant. They had issues getting pregnant in the past, but it was just that it would be hard for them to get pregnant, not that they couldn't. I hope they are, as it will solidify their relationship again and they are my couple I love on this show. Wasn't the main reason that Sarah and Mark Cyr didn't work out was he really wanted children, which he is getting at this point w/his new wife, and Sarah was past that point in her life of wanting to raise another child. 1 Link to comment
allboys January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 I really shouldn't come to this site after Parenthood. I come here thinking " how can they not like this episode"? I cried when Drew (who I have a real soft spot for) told Zeke how he felt, cried when Zeke and Camille sat in the car watching a new family get their start in their old house, felt for both Jasmine and Adam in their scene. And that shot of Joel when he showed up at the rink! The show is much less annoying if you can suspend disbelief and just enjoy the good things about it. 17 Link to comment
marceline January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 (edited) I only watched 20 minutes of the last episode and I haven't watched this one at all. The show is going away forever and I can't bring myself to care. I think I was only watching this season because there was supposed to be a death. Edited January 16, 2015 by marceline 1 Link to comment
MaiSoCalled January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 I was much more on board with what Kristina said re: the Luncheonette, and definitely not okay with Jasmine's interference. I would have been upset that the other wife in the business thinks she can come in and decide what is right for everyone. Is Jasmine going to pay for both families if the business fails? Kristina thought it was decided, and then suddenly sees Adam getting it started again without warning her, and since it was based on Jasmine, yes, Kristina should say something. I just don't think Jasmine had any right to interfere--at some point Crosby has to grow up and know how to deal with these things. I guess I am glad the show is ending so I don't have to see anything more about the business. I think my biggest issue with Kristina's point of view is that we've seen her time and time again take a large professional and financial risk. She ran for mayor (and lost). She opened a school. She continues to follow professional passions using Adam's secure income as a safety net. Now Adam is reconsidering what he wants to do and Kristina's argument isn't "you've been so miserable." She has depended on the Bravermans time and time again to support her dreams, and she seems unable to accept that it might be time to support another Braverman. Kristina has a lot of traits I like, but her inability to see the world outside of her viewpoint is one of my least favorites. To me, it's the same as not seeing Max for the bully he was. Jasmine makes sense to me. She's a dancer, she's a bit of a dreamer, but she's a realist. She takes the (unrealistic) filing job, while encouraging those she loves to reach for the stars. She went to Adam because she knew Crosby never would. I saw it as her making sure her husband's voice was heard. I'm not sure I would ever do that, but her actions were very true to her character. Also, their talk about needing work in their relationship gave me hope that they will go to therapy. They need couples counseling and family counseling. I really liked the conversations Joel and Julia were having. Julia took ownership that she wasn't in a good place, and admitted it could happen again. She had to be sure Joel wouldn't leave her, and Joel seemed to understand that mistakes were made on both sides. I think they will seek out counseling, and I think their family will come out stronger. 6 Link to comment
Mom2twoNonna2-3 January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 The former Braverman compound looked different to me as well, it was the grass in the yard, right? Zeeke and Camille had mulch and not grass for all the landscaping if I recall from before. It was definitely not the house they showed in the first seasons of the show. It must have been a house they had early in their marriage and moved to the Braverman compound when Julia was a baby or sometime after. The old house was a lot of wood, not mostly stone and did not have such an open yard, although the new owners could have ripped all Camille's landscaping out to make a bigger yard for the kids to play in. I wasn't paying close attention at first ad thought they were reminiscing about when they were younger and that was Adam and Crosby running around while Camille was prego with Julia. Link to comment
AnythingCanBe January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 (edited) I'm pretty sure it was the same house, just with very different landscaping. Old house: I like what the new family did with it. The lighter paint and grassy yard really brightened the place up. Edited to add: Here's what it looked like last night. Edited January 16, 2015 by AnythingCanBe 9 Link to comment
izabella January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Kristina has a lot of traits I like, but her inability to see the world outside of her viewpoint is one of my least favorites. To me, it's the same as not seeing Max for the bully he was. Kristina is a big bully herself, as we saw time and time again on this show whenever it had anything to do with protecting her special snowflake bully. 2 Link to comment
Maximona January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 Huh. I love this show, and every time I read this board -- Gawd, I miss TWoP -- i have to wonder why so many people who hate this show waste an hour of their lives watching it every week. Seriously. 15 Link to comment
Portia January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 I do find Hank fairly funny, and think he's shown that he can be good with Sarah's family (his talk with Drew, his support toward Amber, bonding with Max and with Joel.) I must not have been paying much attention during the Mr. Cyr episodes, because I don't really get the fascination with him. He looks like a kid, and didn't he want to have children? Which is the last thing Sarah needs more of... I with you, pal! I like Jason Ritter as an actor, but I always found Mr. Cyr to be bland, and physically he doesn't do it for me at all: he doesn't strike me as a grown man who shaves every day. I had to chuckle when Sarah mentioned as a "pro" that Hank is taller than she is; I immediately looked it up on IMDb, and sure enough, Lauren Graham and Jason Ritter are exactly the same height. 5 Link to comment
Shermie January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 I don't hate the show, I am frustrated by such a glaring waste of potential. There are some great moments, those posted above by allboys, for example. I think it's sad that the writers had this great cast and strong basis and just went in such ridiculous directions. But since I watched from the beginning, I want to see how it ends. 9 Link to comment
alexvillage January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 WEll, I don't watch it, I just come here to see if I can waste my time. And when I watch it is to debunk all the autism bullshit Katims decided is true. I am enjoying the titles though, very appropriate to my sentiment about this show. Let's Go Home: yes, Bravermans, go home, to the strange planet you all came from and don't bother to let us know how you are doing. 1 Link to comment
evilmindatwork January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 (edited) She's 47. That's what a 47 year old looks like ... and she looks MUCH better than a lot of women pushing 50 that i know in real life.I agree that it looks strange though. In the same vein, I always think Beyonce and JLo look downright thick to me when I see them in leotard-like costumes onstage performing. And then I remember that in person, they're TINY. And only by comparison to the lollipop heads in entertainment do they look larger. Hell, Lauren Graham is over 20 years older than me and sometimes I feel as if she looks better than me. I think she looks great. WRT to the house, I think Camille and Zeke mostly had native plants hence no grass and the new family put in a lawn. Edited January 16, 2015 by evilmindatwork 2 Link to comment
cali1981 January 16, 2015 Share January 16, 2015 What kind of salaries would Kristina and Adam get from Snowflake Academy? Salaries? You mean that Kristina should actually get paid for her fine stewardship of the school? Anyone notice that in the first three return episodes there has been no mention of Snowflake Academy? I wonder if Katims and the production team caught such flack over the horrible way in which the school mess that Kristina, Max and Adam created was portrayed that they decided to quietly drop its story line. 1 Link to comment
ElectricBoogaloo January 17, 2015 Author Share January 17, 2015 I notice that nowhere on either Camille's or Sarah's list is there an item covering "Is he a self-involved manchild who never gives a crap about your feelings or anyone else's, for that matter?"I liked Camille's question in theory but in reality, everyone needs to add this third question to their list. I still believe that if you have to think about it, make a pro/con list, or ask other people what you should do, this is not the person for you. 5 Link to comment
pinklemonade January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 As for the photos, I noticed that many of them were the photos from the credits. Also, when she had them all spread out, it reminded me strongly of photos being chosen for a funeral service. If that's what their purpose will be, I'm wondering if Sarah will be the one dying - as her photo had the most dialogue and discussion. Sarah Watson @SarahWatson42 · 21h 21 hours ago We were SO excited in the writers' room when we came up with this lost photo story because we realized we could use the opening credit pics. One of the writers tweeted that during the show. I don't think they mean more than a way to show in the credit pictures. I don't think the writers are all that clever so I don't think any surprise death will happen. I think it has to be Zeke, after he sees his new grandson. Then we'll get the spilling his ashes on the pitchers mound scene he talked about with Adam. 1 Link to comment
Clanstarling January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 (edited) I have always liked the show. I don't watch any shows live anymore (thank you DVR), but Parenthood is virtually the only one I watch the next day. We can pick apart the unlikely and illogical finances - but they're not that much worse than any other TV show of its sort. There've been story lines I didn't like, I'm looking at you Snowflake Academy, but ultimately I think the characters are well drawn, and the actors nail it. Sometimes I love them, sometimes I hate them. Sometimes they get on my last nerve. That seems pretty true to life. :-) I can't imagine wasting my time hate watching anything. But different strokes, and all that. Edited January 17, 2015 by clanstarling 5 Link to comment
evilmindatwork January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 I still believe that if you have to think about it, make a pro/con list, or ask other people what you should do, this is not the person for you. I think I agree with you there, it made me uncomfortable. But, I think it makes sense within the context of Sarah's life. She's made a lot of bad decisions impulsively and I think this is her maybe trying to rein in her impulsive personality and trying to make a decision with practicalities in mind. 3 Link to comment
txhorns79 January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 I think my biggest issue with Kristina's point of view is that we've seen her time and time again take a large professional and financial risk. She ran for mayor (and lost). She opened a school. She continues to follow professional passions using Adam's secure income as a safety net. Now Adam is reconsidering what he wants to do and Kristina's argument isn't "you've been so miserable." She has depended on the Bravermans time and time again to support her dreams, and she seems unable to accept that it might be time to support another Braverman. Kristina has a lot of traits I like, but her inability to see the world outside of her viewpoint is one of my least favorites In fairness to Kristina, she didn't ask Jasmine and Crosby to bankroll her dreams, and as far as I know, none of the other Bravermans are bankrolling Snowflake Academy. I think it's different to expect support from your husband versus asking your sibling and his wife to continue in what appears to be a failing venture when there appears to be a real opportunity for everyone to get out with decent money. Though I think Jasmine bringing up Amber's impending baby was a jerk move. I sympathize with Amber, but it isn't Crosby and Adam's responsibility to ensure her employment. Also, Amber close your freaking door. Even if she wasn't 8 months pregnant, I can't imagine just leaving your door open for anyone who happens to walk by is a good idea. 1 Link to comment
JasminePhyllisia January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 I'm all for married couples making decisions together but it seems Adam and Crosby handed their balls over to their wives and let them decide what they should do. Looks like Jasmine won out. Am I the only one who is very concerned that Amber is going to be living alone in that dingy apartment when the baby comes? I know her mother said she is totally going to be there for her but not really, she has spent most of this season with Hank and his evil daughter, now she's marrying into that mess. Good luck raising your baby alone, Amber. 1 Link to comment
AlliMo January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 Yeah, as adorable as Mr. Cyr was, I was never on board that train. He had his act together, and he wanted a family. She was a mess and had grown children. They were simply at far too different places in their life to ever work out. Sarah and Hank have far more in common, and this time around seem willing to work on the issues that were a problem before. 1 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 (edited) Also stupid to leave the baseball in a random barn in the hopes that some random kids will find it someday. That baseball will be worth a pretty hefty sum, and he doesn't want to gift that to his sure-to-be destitute great-grandchild? Unlikely. Or just give it to fricking Drew, who helped him look for it, like he always helps Zeek, and thought Zeek was still mad at it him (for doing the right thing, no less), and would really appreciate a memento from his grandfather? And I realize hyperbole is part of what makes a Braverman a Braverman, but seriously"the best day of their lives" when they find it? It'll be more like: "Hey mom, we found this old baseball, looks like it's signed by Roger Jackman, whoever that is. Maybe you can sell it on ebay like all those vintage bongs we found hidden under the floorboards." Edited January 17, 2015 by Latverian Diplomat 8 Link to comment
Sandman January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 "Vintage bongs," hee! Excellent. 1 Link to comment
Lillybee January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 Kristina needs to realize that the Luncheonette means as much to Adam and Crosby as the Snowflake Academy means to her. 2 Link to comment
Readalot January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 Eh the film roles could realistic. Hubs and I have been married almost 25 years. Over the years I will find a roll and do nothing about it. We are moving tomorrow and this past week I've thrown out about 10-12 rolls. Only a small part of me regrets doing that. I figure if I have not developed by now it's never going to happen. 1 Link to comment
txhorns79 January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 (edited) Kristina needs to realize that the Luncheonette means as much to Adam and Crosby as the Snowflake Academy means to her. I think it means a lot to Crosby, but I think Adam is more indifferent to the business. I think Adam wants to stay only because it means so much to Crosby, and he feels obliged to stay as his brother. If it wasn't so important to Crosby, Adam would be done with it. Am I the only one who is very concerned that Amber is going to be living alone in that dingy apartment when the baby comes? I know her mother said she is totally going to be there for her but not really, she has spent most of this season with Hank and his evil daughter, now she's marrying into that mess. Good luck raising your baby alone, Amber. I'm concerned that Amber seems to have no real plan in place for anything baby related. Even if her mom is "helping," Amber is going to be the one doing most of the work. Edited January 17, 2015 by txhorns79 3 Link to comment
BetyBee January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 I really hope that after Zeke kaks (sp?), Amber moves in with Camille for help with the baby and a decent place to raise her child. That apartment is ridiculous! She is so unprepared for motherhood. I am thankful every week that this ridiculous show is nearly over and will soon be put out of its misery. Still, I cry every week and that is enjoyable! 1 Link to comment
Eeksquire January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 Everything should be about Snowflakes and their school. Only until Max graduates. Then, no doubt, the school building will be sold at an enormous profit so that Adam and Kristina's next vanity project can be funded. 2 Link to comment
JoannKB January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 The prints Camille had spread out on that table were all different sizes. Certainly they would have all been the same size print if they had just been developed, with the possible exception of Hank wanting some of Sarah's to be larger. Also, some of them (The picture of Adam/Peter and the picture of Julia/Erika) are so obviously school portraits. They even have that photo studio background effect. I doubt Zeke was taking pictures of his kids up against a backdrop. In theory, I love the idea that they found the old photo rolls that turned out to be the opening credits pics, but it just didn't come off as realistic, the way they shot it. 3 Link to comment
kathe5133 January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 Pictures. On four or five rolls of film. Pictures spanning 20 years???????????? But, Jasmine... And what is so pitifully sad is this show is touted as TV at its finest??? I will not waste my time finishing this episode or the series. The writing SUCKS! 4 Link to comment
cee January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 The Julia/Joel resolution was refreshingly easy. Probably the best part of the episode. And, the Joel I loved was back. I understand that Adam & Crosby founded the Luncheonette together, but I still think they should "break up." Crosby could get another partner and buy Adam out. Jasmine would use the studio, part-time to teach dance lessons. That way both Crosby and Jasmine would follow their passions. And then Adam could be a paid business consultant, as needed. Crosby has grown up a lot. He doesn't really need his big brother to be his business manager. 3 Link to comment
MaiSoCalled January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 I think it means a lot to Crosby, but I think Adam is more indifferent to the business. I think Adam wants to stay only because it means so much to Crosby, and he feels obliged to stay as his brother. If it wasn't so important to Crosby, Adam would be done with it. I feel like the Luncheonette itself isn't important to Adam, but I think working with Crosby is important to Adam. I think for Adam working alongside his brother and supporting him is what he loves. It's stressing him out and draining him, but ultimately I think working with his brother makes Adam happy in the same way that music makes Crosby happy, law makes Julia happy, or fighting for Max makes Kristina happy. I don't know if Adam will end the series working with Crosby or not, but I understand why he's torn. He thrives on helping his siblings and craves security. He thought cashing out would be good for him as well as Crosby. Now that he knows it's not good for Crosby, Adam has to decide which instinct is stronger. 1 Link to comment
runninggal January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 The funny thing is I actually agreed with Kristina's general point, but I find the character so annoying that I still wanted to punch her in the face. Normally I would agree with her but she went ahead and did everything she wanted (running for mayor, opening the school) without really caring how it would affect her family so yeah I was wanting her to shut up. 3 Link to comment
candall January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 When Zeke was wrangling the stepladder, I thought he was trying to maneuver a walker up the many stairs in his new home. Heee. I got teary when Zeke and Camille visited their old house. (I've sold two houses I loved and after the first one, I learned to pick good buyers over bottom line. Lost a little money but saved myself ten years of bitter taste in my mouth.) I'm glad Z & C saw the happy family instead of going into shock about all that gorgeous landscaping getting ripped out. Victor's had a growth spurt! Kristina has suddenly discovered her long-lost sense of fiscal responsibility! Why am I not surprised that Sarah (a "building super," no less) is the only middle-aged single woman in the world who doesn't possess a rudimentary set of basic tools? 2 Link to comment
txhorns79 January 17, 2015 Share January 17, 2015 (edited) Normally I would agree with her but she went ahead and did everything she wanted (running for mayor, opening the school) without really caring how it would affect her family so yeah I was wanting her to shut up. I agree with the idea of punching her in the face out of principle (if for nothing else than the horrible way she has handled Max this year), but I do think she actually did discuss both those things with Adam and had his blessing, before she did them. And I'll admit, I am fuzzy as to the details (I don't remember the details of the storylines exactly), but I don't think it was a situation where she decided first, and then went off whether he wanted her to or not. Why am I not surprised that Sarah (a "building super," no less) is the only middle-aged single woman in the world who doesn't possess a rudimentary set of basic tools? The sad part is, in the world of the show, it makes total sense that Sarah would be a building superintendent, yet not possess the most basic things needed to do her job. Edited January 17, 2015 by txhorns79 1 Link to comment
truebluesmoky January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 (edited) Sarah's situation this season is so confusing. Is she still the super at that apartment we saw last season? The only "home" set we've seen her sleeping in this season is Hank's apartment. Is she still having success with photography and using Hank to help with her jobs or is she back to helping him? Or are they partners? It's frustrating to see the conclusion of her character's on-screen journey be wrapped up in the romantic partner she chooses, as opposed to being about being confident in who she is as a person and a mother. Edited January 18, 2015 by truebluesmoky 7 Link to comment
MaiSoCalled January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 Sarah's situation this season is so confusing. Is she still the super at that apartment we saw last season? The only "home" set we've seen her sleeping in this season is Hank's apartment. Is she still having success with photography and using Hank to help with her jobs or is she back to helping him? Or are they partners? It's frustrating to see the conclusion of her character's on-screen journey be wrapped up in the romantic partner she chooses, as opposed to being about being confident in who she is as a person and a mother. What's frustrating for me is that in season one her character had such potential. The story of an adult woman making the same educational and professional discoveries that most people do in their early 20's is a great story, and one I don't see enough of on television. I loved when she was looking at college, and really like the idea of her trying on different career hats. Somewhere along the way that got put on the backburner, and turned into "Sarah is great at everything and let's focus on her love life." I think Hank is a good match for her, and I'm glad they are ending up together. I understand why the woman who married the wrong man too young and was engaged to the wrong man only a year or so ago, would be wary about saying yes. She didn't trust her instincts, and that makes sense to me. I just wish we knew more about her professional success. 2 Link to comment
random chance January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 I don't have children so I would like to know, is it a trope that parents always freak out about making their child wait for 10 seconds before they open the door? Or do parents in real life also act like their child is a bomb that they need to defuse before it goes off, as opposed to telling the kid that they'll be out in five minutes? I'm sure he was sincere when he told Julia he would never leave her again, but it's hard to take someone's word about how they are NEVER going to do something that they've already done, so I understood Julia's hesitation. I'm sure he was sincere, just like people are sincere when they say their wedding vows, but here's the thing: you can't really promise anyone how you're going to feel in the future. So it shouldn't be a matter of whether she believes him or not, it should be a matter of, can she live with that kind of uncertainty. Can she relax and enjoy her life and not fall apart every time he's acting in any way like someone who might be ready to bolt. I think she just has "Goldie Hawn Syndrome" where a person's face starts to melt into her neck and the jawline completely goes away. I agree that I'm glad to see someone looking real, but it's so unusual as to be distracting. She's 47. That's what a 47 year old looks like ... and she looks MUCH better than a lot of women pushing 50 that i know in real life. I noticed her jawline and hated myself for noticing it, but yep, in a land where everyone gets everything botoxed and tightened and lifted (if they want to continue working anyway), someone with a natural 47-year-old gravity-is-winning jawline looks pretty awful. It reminds me of back when Ryan's Hope was on Soapnet and the first week I watched it, I was so distracted by everyone's yellow teeth that I kept having to rewind the dialogue. Actors don't have the luxury of normal human teeth these days, they have to bleach the living crap out of them. I thought it was cringeworthy how Joel was having the "I just wanted to hear your voice" intimate conversation, while in the construction trailer with two other guys. Seemed so awkward to me. I was so sure they were going to kill him off in that scene. I really shouldn't come to this site after Parenthood. I come here thinking " how can they not like this episode"? I cried when Drew (who I have a real soft spot for) told Zeke how he felt, cried when Zeke and Camille sat in the car watching a new family get their start in their old house, felt for both Jasmine and Adam in their scene. And that shot of Joel when he showed up at the rink! The show is much less annoying if you can suspend disbelief and just enjoy the good things about it. If I truly love a show that people mostly hate I don't read the forum for it, because it will ruin the show for me. 4 Link to comment
alexvillage January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 She's 47. That's what a 47 year old looks like ... and she looks MUCH better than a lot of women pushing 50 that i know in real life. My 2 cents: I haven't seen her face in a while so I don't know if it looks "worse" then before. I never saw LG as an attractive woman and some people just don't age well. We are all somewhat conditioned to see beauty on what is "sold" to us as beauty. (I am pushing 50 and sometimes the mirror scares me) I do prefer the natural aging than the botox-me-everywhere approach. I saw Jennifer Aniston during the Golden Globes and I thought she looked awful, her face bloated. I don't know how old she is, I think mid forties, but she seems to want look like she is thirty and it just does not work, no matter how much botox she injects. Link to comment
ShadowFacts January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 My 1 cent: another possibility is she is showing the side effect of a drug that causes bloating. I don't mean illicit drugs or injectables, but something like steroids that she has to take for a medical condition. Also in one of these threads, someone said she looks like she has been crying a lot and maybe she has, from emotionality of the series ending, etc. I saw her a few months ago on Craig Ferguson and she looked fine, so it may also be a matter of make up and lighting and close-up shots. I agree with alexvillage that we are conditioned to think certain things constitute beauty and variation from that stands out. We may be thinking of what she looked like on Gilmore Girls which was years ago and Lorelei was consistently polished as far as makeup, hair and clothes. Here she has always looked more like an average attractive woman in her 40s rather than the sparkling and impeccable belle of Stars Hollow. 6 Link to comment
Clanstarling January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 (edited) Yest. 9:36 pm I don't have children so I would like to know, is it a trope that parents always freak out about making their child wait for 10 seconds before they open the door? Or do parents in real life also act like their child is a bomb that they need to defuse before it goes off, as opposed to telling the kid that they'll be out in five minutes? We always had locks on our door - and used them. So no, we never freaked out and unless there was blood or bodily injury, the kids could wait. I never thought LG was gorgeous, and I do think she's not aging particularly well. Bone structure is everything as you get older. On the other hand, she looks better than I do (of course I'd look better if I had makeup artists and costumers at hand). Edited January 18, 2015 by clanstarling 1 Link to comment
BBDi January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 (edited) I prob shouldn't comment at all because I just started watching Parenthood this season, and only because my daughter tapes 2 different shows at this time so I couldn't watch anything else and figured I would just watch Parenthood. Over the last few years I have caught parts of episodes here and there when I've sat in while my daughter was watching, so I knew who all the characters are, but not any nuances of their personalities. I haven't been hate-watching this season, though, just watching in bemusement. With regard to the Luncheonette, I just feel like it takes so much passion and commitment to run your own business. It makes sense to me for Adam to back out, especially if maybe he realized that he would never be great at running it if he's not all-in the way Crosby is. The only explanation I've seen here that might explain what's in it for Adam if he sees that his true passion is his family and that he needs to be there for Crosby. But why would they expect things to go any better now if they were struggling before? Something clearly needs to change, and maybe if Crosby had a partner with the same passion for the business it would help matters. I don't think reality is the strong suit of this show, so I just hope they conclude everyone's story in a satisfying way. I liked it when they visited their old house, and Zeke (refuse to write Zeek) and Camille realized that even though you can't go back, you can find pleasure in watching the cycle start over again and again. Edited January 18, 2015 by BBDi 2 Link to comment
txhorns79 January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 (edited) We always had locks on our door - and used them. So no, we never freaked out and unless there was blood or bodily injury, the kids could wait. Yes, locks are a good thing. I'm honestly surprised they haven't had the "privacy" talk with Sydney yet. From the episode, it sounded as if she knocked and was going to walk right in regardless of what was going on, until the door lock stopped her. Here she has always looked more like an average attractive woman in her 40s rather than the sparkling and impeccable belle of Stars Hollow. I look at it this way. If Sarah was a real person, she would have had a pretty hard life during her marriage to Seth and the pressures of raising kids and earning a living in that kind of marriage. She should look worn, and frankly, older than Lauren Graham does (i.e. when a person appears appears older than they actually are from hard living). In terms of costuming and styling, I don't see a huge difference in how she was dressed and made up on Gilmore Girls, as opposed to here. I would just say Graham looks her age and leave it there. Edited January 18, 2015 by txhorns79 1 Link to comment
random chance January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 That's what I meant too - she looks her age in a business where women usually do everything humanly possible to look twenty years younger. 6 Link to comment
panthergirl13 January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 It reminds me of back when Ryan's Hope was on Soapnet and the first week I watched it, I was so distracted by everyone's yellow teeth that I kept having to rewind the dialogue. Actors don't have the luxury of normal human teeth these days, they have to bleach the living crap out of them. I'm so glad you brought up the teeth thing (and I think it's more than bleach).. It's reallly true. When you see someone on TV with 'normal' teeth now it looks completely strange! Bottom line is that we've come to see weird as normal, and normal as weird. 6 Link to comment
formerlyfreedom January 18, 2015 Share January 18, 2015 Let's go ahead and get back to discussion of the episode here, please. Link to comment
backformore January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 (edited) I don't have children so I would like to know, is it a trope that parents always freak out about making their child wait for 10 seconds before they open the door? Or do parents in real life also act like their child is a bomb that they need to defuse before it goes off, as opposed to telling the kid that they'll be out in five minutes? Yeah, it was pretty stupid. a real-life mom, in Julia's position, would have called "One minute!" or "go in the kitchen, I'll be there in a minute" - you know TAKING CHARGE and telling the kid the terms of the conversation. Normal parents have no problem telling kids when and where a conversation will take place, rathere than giving in to a child insisting on coming into the parents' room. But - the producers wanted to do the "cute" (bleh!) guy-hiding-under-the-bed cliche. The way this show is being written, I predict that it WILL be Zeke who dies. but first, he has to make sure that everything is in order - sarah gets married to Hank, Julia and Joel get back together, amber has her baby, Crosby magically finds a way to keep the business going, Adam figure out what the hell his role is, and once everyone's problems are settled, Zeke feels that his work is done, and he declines the life-saving surgery, ends up dying. Everybody cries, but they're happy because he figured out solutions to ALL their problems before dying. And they all lived happily ever after. (gag) Edited January 19, 2015 by backformore 4 Link to comment
MaryPatShelby January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 I just feel extremely compelled to respond to " his festering guilt about having told Camille about Zeek's plan to take her to France." He never told Camille about the plan; he asked her "can he fly?" or something similar. That's it. Nothing about France, nothing about the B&B, nothing about the restaurant near the B&B. Zeke's behavior toward him was reprehensible, Drew had nothing to apologize for, and I will never, ever let it go (as my daughter instructed me to do, today). 11 Link to comment
Latverian Diplomat January 19, 2015 Share January 19, 2015 Yeah, it was pretty stupid. a real-life mom, in Julia's position, would have called "One minute!" or "go in the kitchen, I'll be there in a minute" - you know TAKING CHARGE and telling the kid the terms of the conversation. Normal parents have no problem telling kids when and where a conversation will take place, rathere than giving in to a child insisting on coming into the parents' room. But - the producers wanted to do the "cute" (bleh!) guy-hiding-under-the-bed cliche. But they updated it for the texting era! (even if Joel was "comedically" inept at turning off or silencing his phone). Which makes me wonder, do moms other than Bravermoms let their kids just grab their phone and start blasting out texts w/o asking? 1 Link to comment
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