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S14.E04: Auditions #4

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Adam Lambert is soooooo good looking. His eyes sparkle. So happy he sang AND they showed his original audition.

(Here's a secret though...in his season, Anoop was my favorite. But Adam won me over when I saw the tour concert.)

However. Are my ears broken? Because I thought that guy who sang Queen and the girl who sang Valerie were absolutely wretched. A lot of the people they said yes to I did not think were very good. And that floral romper on that one young girl just upset me.

I did love the bear be-bopping to "My Prerogative." Harry is just too adorable sometimes. But I thought that guy was awful too, he was all over the place.

Edited by mojoween
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However. Are my ears broken? Because I thought that guy who sang Queen and the girl who sang Valerie were absolutely wretched. A lot of the people they said yes to I did not think were very good. And that floral romper on that one young girl just upset me.





ITA, but Adam thought both girls were cute.  He is not immune to feminine beauty!  And the Queen guy reminded him of himself at age 16.  I can see that.

Edited by susannot
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I forgot...if anyone has Twitter, read Harry's feed. He was so funny tonight. For example...

@HarryConnickJR: reason @carrieunderwood was running through the field in the @AlmayCosmetics commercial: she was being chased by the @KeithUrban drawing.

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Yeah, what the hell was that? Now cosmetics are politics?

Didn't help that Country Barbie is not exactly my favorite...

I was pleasantly surprised tonight. Haven't watched in years because I got tired of the bland always winning and the bitchy freak show audition segments. But in general it felt pretty grown-up tonight and there were some really interesting performers and voices.

But that guy who butchered the Show Must Go On...sorry, Adam, but you of all people know what that song is supposed to sound like. However, I will forgive you because now you're so pretty.

Edited by Oldernowiser
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Why are so many people with pitch problems (and waaayyy too many out-of-control runs) going to Hollywood?

Well, at least there was one great musical performance with star quality. Too bad he's not going on (or at least going on as a judge. I liked that Adam had higher standards than JLo or Keith, imo, even if he also was kind of a softy at times with a couple he should have kept as "no". Nice guy, bringing the looks AND talent!)

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This was a good episode.  I've been watching with a skeptical eye since this season began last week.  I hadn't seen a lot of talent that actually moved me in any way, but I like watching the judges interact with each other.  Tonight, I liked the blonde girl who sang "I Want to Hold Your Hand."  It's not my favorite song in the world, but she made it interesting and gave it some feeling and depth that it didn't have before.  Harry was right when he said she sang in an affected way, but it was a good affected way.  I don't know how far she'll go in the competition because she seems a little too niche-y and coffee house-y, but she is very talented.


Adam looks great.  

Edited by Sherry67
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God, I loved Najah with the guitar!  Fabulous voice!

"The Show Must Go On" guy?  Really?  He was horrible.

OMG, the interplay between Kaseem and his mother.  She was just killing his cred.  :D

Damn, Travis.

Why didn't they let the girl who did the Cup Song sing another song?

Was that large black person with the long hair male or female?

Loved Hollywood, too.  And a nice song.

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I love that they are filling the episode with more antics from the judges and less with bad auditions. I sort of wonder how much Harry has to do with that. I can see him being ticked that a focus is on the untalented.

Love the antics - Harry giving the $100 to Sal, the teddy bear thing (although I think he went overboard) and praising the guy for hustling Adam. I miss Keith because they play off each other so well. Adam was out of his element, since I'm sure the atmosphere was completely different his season.

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I'm in the minority as I've never been an Adam Lambert fan.  In fact, I could not stand him during his season.  However, he was a great addition to the judge's panel tonite.  He has a great perspective on the process and he offers constructive advice/criticism.  He sees how someone would appeal to viewers of the show.  And I also admit I enjoyed the reenactment of his audition.  They should make room for a 4th judge during live shows and keep him on. 


Loved Jax.  I am not a fan of the "heartstring jerking backstories" on this show - it's been known to turn me off of a contestant but her audition just blew me away. 


I'm getting annoyed with all the quirky singers.  All the little squeaks and affectations in their voices just sounds so put on by now.   There's some definite talent in most of them but it's starting to make me tune them out.  If everyone is quirky, there is no longer anything original about it.   

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Adam was out of his element....
I didn't see that at all! He judged as well as or better than some judges have in the past, maybe not HCJr., but certainly J"Goosies"Lo!


And I'll be watching that one girl Adam insisted wasn't ready, just to see whose ear was most discerning!

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Adam Lambert - that is all, the man is gorgeous, talented & was a great judge with his insight and empathy, but tough when he needed to be

Wish we saw more of Asshole Adam 


One thing that bugged me was how Harry & Jennifer would rudely talk & laugh during the singing


Oh and best one-liner of the night: “I’m not into bears.”  

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I think Harry has a bit of a crush on Adam, what with him repeatedly mentioning how handsome he is. I don't blame him.

I, too, was surprised the judges didn't let Yanni (Cups Girl) sing again. She has a lovely tone, and I think, were she able to sing without the distraction of the cup, she could have been a bit more powerful with her voice.

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Discovered a new song.  First Aid Kit's "My Silver Lining" played when Jax got her golden ticket.  Very nice.

FAK is phenomenal - two young, Swedish sisters with incredible talent. Also check out "Emmylou," "Cedar Lane" and "Master Pretender."

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I always look forward to the start of AI as it's my guilty pleasure to get me through the winters.


But today, I admit I am a terrible, rotten, awful, no-good, small, immature, mean-spirited person because now I am looking forward to when a certain contestant that got a ticket last night gets cut in what I can't help but hope will be an especially spectacular manner.  Because (s)he was just that obnoxious.


I know.  I suck.

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2008 audition Adam was an adorable 26 year old but mature 32 year old Queen lead singer Adam is simply one of the most devastatingly handsome men on Earth.


AMEN to that!!!!!!


I wonder if one of the judges ever leave, if they will consider replacing him/her with Adam?

Edited by nutty1
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I am looking forward to when a certain contestant that got a ticket last night gets cut in what I can't help but hope will be an especially spectacular manner.


Yes pray tell which one are you talking about?

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The guy whose father was in Stomp was good but he won't last long. He's only there because he's fun, seems nice and his mom would be tv gold. The black guy that Adam and Harry thought was super handsome(also had on leather pants) was good but if he doesn't stop with the runs and tries to sing any higher and he will be done. I 100% agreed with Adam when he said the handsome guy was perfect for AI and that the show is made for singers like him. I think the guy who sang Show must go on got through because he was such a nice guy and Adam kind of felt a connection to him. Some of the others that were iffy who Adam said yes to were all just to please the viewers and keep them from hating Adam. The girl who sang Valerie was horrible and will not make it any farther than hollywood. The three blonde girls were good but the last one who sang lady gaga I believe should not have gone on. She was screaming. Also the two other blonde girls in that lineup will be duking it out for a spot because they both sound the same and have the same type of look. It continues to crack me up when they tell contestants like the girl who sang Valerie that her voice was unique and out there because she sounds like every other damn Amy Winehouse wannabe out there. These girls who are singing with the breathy voices and the breaks and almost yodeling type qualities are not unique.. Look at Megan Trainor, Sia, Clean Bandit, Jess Glynn, Ellie Goulding, etc. All I have seen so far is a lot of wannabes and imitation artists. J.Lo and her whole "I'm from the bronx" shit crack me up because we all know she wouldn't go there unless you paid her to. Even then she wouldn't stay there or take a stroll around the old neighborhood. Harry cracked me up when he said he wanted to be called Shayenne(sp?). He is so hilarious and I could watch just him for hours. 


ETA: The guy who sang Sam Smith was good but his falsetto wasn't strong enough to sing Sam Smith. Also he seems bland so I don't know if we will be seeing him again. 

Edited by Dancingjaneway
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I agree with the poster that said JLo was expecting the old guy on her old front porch to swoon over her.  Him not know her threw her off.  I am assuming he was on the porch because production went to the house first and got him out there you would think they would have told him who was going to walk by.  Maybe they knew he did not know her and thought it would be funny (or mean) to not tell JLo.  Maybe production hates her or at least want to take her down a peg or two or three.  Maybe that's why she did not stop to talk to him because he was not a fan.  It was a weird set up.


And I love Harry.  I missed Adam's season so I don't get all the Adam love.  He seems nice enough but I missed Keith.  He and Harry interact so well together it was definitely missing.

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Very good episode.  I think I liked Jax the best, followed by the two subway singers (Hollywood and Najah).  I also really liked Katherine Winton on that Civil Wars song and only wished that they hadn't shown her audition over a montage of crying losers.


Despite that weak group from KC, they do have some talent this season.  I may actually try to watch the show this time around.

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Loved Adam in season 8 and think he did a good job on the judging panel. Nice how Harry acknowledged Adam's unique perspective from being both a former contestant and judge, and good cue to show some of Adam's audition back in the day. :)

I like when there aren't many really awful "singers" (jokers and delusional narcissist types) presented at this stage of auditions in front of celebrity judges, sent through to them for silly entertainment/humiliation. I enjoy people who audition because making music is their THING, regardless of Fame and Fortune.

Humorous clips are fun too.

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My thoughts on each contestant:


Sal - He was no doubt good in his genre of music but he's not really the type that appeals to most viewers. His genre is not popular on this show. He also looked way older than 19. His "New Yawk" shtick grew old after about 2 minutes. Good singer, not a good fit for Idol. Maybe AGT is more his lane.


J. None - Decent voice but seen and heard it before. Without the bear, he wouldn't have been memorable.


Jax - What urked me was that the judges even admitted her voice was affected but they didn't seem to care. I agree her voice is nevertheless pleasant to listen to, but I'm sick of the affected quirky girl voices. Enough already. And she needs better styling ASAP.


Jonny aka Violin Dude - I didn't know what to make of him. I couldn't tell if he was serious or a joke contestant. Glad they said no though. 


Najah - Her arrangement of Payphone was very good, but I don't know if I'm that in love with her voice. 


Tion - Sounded too similar to Bruno Mars, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I don't like it when contestants know they sound like a certain singer and then sing one of their songs. It sounds karaoke. The JLo crush thing from him and the other guy were just too much.


Shi - I think this is one of those "love it or hate it" voices. I hated it. It did sound like a bad Amy Winehouse impression and I am glad the judges told her so. I agreed with Adam - I don't think she's ready. 


Eric Lopez - Ugh. Adam was a good judge until this. There were people better than this guy that they said no to. Seriously, his Queen cover was awful and Adam of all people should have recognized that. In fact, he did, but he let the kid wheedle him into saying yes. They always criticize contestants who beg, yet he was rewarded for it. Well I guess they need some fodder for Hollywood Week.


Out of the blonde trio I only liked Maddie WalkerMy only issues with her are that she had on far too much makeup and looked like a plastic doll for a 16 year old, and my other issue is that she sounds a lot like Carrie Underwood. That isn't necessarily a bad thing, but I can't tell if it's intentional, or that's just what her voice really sounds like. 


Quassim - Fun fact about Quassim: He was on a Nickelodeon show several years ago called The Naked Brothers Band. I enjoyed him a lot and he is very unique and memorable.


Adam aka Chris Sligh Look-alike - Loved him a lot, actually. He is quirky without being overbearing and annoying like so many other contestants who try to be quirky and fun. He is also a really good caricature artist. I actually enjoyed his Born to Be Wild cover more than I'm Yours. Curious to see more of him and see what direction he'll go in.


Katharine - I was a little too distracted by the montage of rejected singers to really pay much attention to her singing. She was decent I guess?


Travis - I see a lot of people (from various sites) raving about this guy. I think he is pretty good but needs to cut back on the runs.


Yanni G and Nick - Well first off, it was great for me to see a couple contestants from CT since I'm also from CT. I liked "Yanni" and thought she should have gone through. I saw many people weren't impressed with her but I thought she did a great job on the cups song, it can't be that easy to do that while singing, and she had a pleasant, but not annoyingly "quirky" affected, voice. Nick has a very current sounding, marketable voice, but he doesn't interest me. He doesn't sound like anything I haven't heard before. Apparently he is the lead singer of a successful CT band called Beach Avenue which had a brief stint on AGT.


Hollywood Anderson - Didn't get this guy at all. I see everyone raving about how great he and his original song were. I don't get it at all. His original song was average at best. It didn't sound like it had any real solid structure to it and the lyrics were pretty meh overall. I thought Harry calling him the best audition of the season so far was just ridiculous. Even someone generic like Nick was better than him. 


Additional thoughts:


I am in the minority but I've never been an Adam Lambert fan. However, I do think he's a really nice guy and funny, good looking, and even though I think he's incredibly overrated, he does have talent. And I think except for a few slip ups, I think overall he was good at judging talent and who was ready. Although it was under unfortunate circumstances, it was a good opportunity to have someone from the show be on the other side of the table. It was a good tester for possibly adding him to the panel next season. I would like to see him added to the panel next season and I'm sure many other viewers would as well. It is high time someone from the show gets hired as a judge.


I have heard that the producers from the show sit in the audition room but they are not seen. They are within the judges' eye level and prompt them as to who to say yes and no to, so I kind of have to wonder if maybe that's why some of the judges' decisions seemed a little off with some people, like Shi and Eric Lopez. I guess the judges really don't have much say or power when it comes to choosing contestants, and that they really only serve a purpose in the live shows with just giving comments and critiques.

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I posted this in the wrong episode so want to correct that :


Not sure who pointed out the shifting of audition days in an episode but have to admit I never really paid enough attention to notice it or have it irritate me.  Last night, totally different story.  JLo's lipstick did me in for this - one day she has bright red lips and the next day they're more neutral.  Adam's suit was also a huge indicator of the day flipping.  Blue suit, no blue suit.  Why can't they run one day and then the other day?  It really irked me they kept switching days.



Oh and best one-liner of the night: “I’m not into bears.”  

That was hilarious!  I think I startled my son because I was laughing so loud when I heard this.  Given all the censorship issues the U.S. seems to have (I live in Canada, so not as big an issue here), I'm surprised it was left in the show to air.

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I was on a Bear cruise recently (500 bears) and most people thought they were a motorcycle club as most people are not familiar with the term.  Love Adam and hope he can fill in more often.  I prefer to just have three judges on the panel.

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As someone who was a huge Kris Allen fan that season, I surprisingly enjoyed Adam on the judging panel. He has tons of performing experience so he has that clout behind him and he wasn't too nice and not too mean (in that "look at me" Simon Cowell way). If they brought him back I wouldn't be sad.


I am with everyone as saying this was a good episode. I am loving that they aren't spending so much time on dumb or joke auditions like they started doing in the past.

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I am a sucker for good Sinatra clones.  Sal absolutely has a voice that could do a lot of things.  But, he won't.


Adam is the most amazing artist I've seen in decades.  Most certainly he is not for mainstream pop.  Never was.  Never will be.  The thing I always believed was that he was the most astute AI contestant evah.  He seemed to "get" and respect Simon more than anyone else.  Tonight, I saw Simon, Jr. on the panel (That is a major compliment).  He let a few go through against his best judgment knowing full well they won't make it past the first cut in Hollyweird.  Simon did the same thing.  However, for the most part, he was more dismissive than any of the jidges since Simon sadly moved on. I loved it.


I felt a little too much territorialism from Harry tonight.  He established that this was HIS panel and that Adam was but a guest.  His getting Adam to sing for his supper was not about the show.  It was about putting Adam back in his place.  JLo got it.  Having said that, this panel would be darn good as the actual panel.  Adam gives more constructive advice than Keith on his best day.  


The JLo goes home thing had to be staged.  EVERYone knows the house where Jenny grew up.  I'm surprised she went along with it.


Without a doubt, the best talent I've seen this year was Adam Ez.  He owns more musicality than any of the others thus far.  He can do anything - just like Lambert.  It's a matter of packaging and presentation.  Being fat makes it just about impossible for him to win, though.  A matinee idol he is not.  I still want to see whatever it is he wants to try.

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Jordin, Candice, and Caleb were rather... Let's say "large" people and they all won their respective seasons. He could also potentially go through some dramatic makeover during the season and lose weight, get better clothes, etc.

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Jordin, Candice, and Caleb were rather... Let's say "large" people and they all won their respective seasons. He could also potentially go through some dramatic makeover during the season and lose weight, get better clothes, etc.


And let's not forget the original biggest American Idol, Season 2 Winner Ruben Studdard!  Big shouldn't matter!

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I use it to honor Cat Deeley, who is simply awesome as a co-host.   So You Think You Can Dance always opened with Cat, in her English accent,  "America...here are your JIDGES!"  It got to the point where she would not say the word and the audience would yell, "JUDGES!"  


Nigel Lythgoe was an Executive Producer of Idol.   

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IMost certainly he is not for mainstream pop.  Never was.  Never will be.

Whaddya Want From Me was mainstream pop.  And considering Max Martin is producing his next album, I would bet money there will be singles on there that will be mainstream pop. He'll probably to continue to a variety of things, like touring with Queen, possibly acting but it does look like mainstream pop will feature in his future.


I felt a little too much territorialism from Harry tonight.  He established that this was HIS panel and that Adam was but a guest.  His getting Adam to sing for his supper was not about the show.

I thought Harry asking Adam to sing was as producer-contrived as JLo's visit to the Bronx.  I didn't take it as territorial or establishing the hierarchy.  


I enjoy Keith on the panel quite a bit but Adam was a great replacement.  He quickly developed chemistry with the other two judges so I didn't feel like we missed any of the playful banter we get when Keith isn't around.  He also brought a very specific point of view to the table.  He was nice but didn't feel the need to "play nice" with the contestants.   


There was also some talent that I actually remember from this audition.  Both this season and last season, I felt a lot of the auditions blended together.  There may actually be some contestants who could be interesting to follow.

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I felt a little too much territorialism from Harry tonight.  He established that this was HIS panel and that Adam was but a guest.  His getting Adam to sing for his supper was not about the show.  It was about putting Adam back in his place.  JLo got it.  Having said that, this panel would be darn good as the actual panel.  Adam gives more constructive advice than Keith on his best day.  

 I just saw that part and really disliked Harry for it. I hoped it was scripted, but AL really seemed surprised and J-Lo said, "You don't have to" and seemed surprised as well. As AL said, no time to warm up, etc. but it -did- show him as a very good sport and, of course, very talented and adorable.


Harry, on the other hand, brings a lot of energy to the audition and some humor, but he's also pretty rude. I thought that whole "walk out on the audition" last week was rude, not funny, and thought the same about the way he was with Adam. (Plus, it was weird how close J-Lo and Harry were sitting to each other with a big gap between J-Lo and Adam.) Adam can sing rings around Harry so I thought he should have been a little more obviously impressed by his performance of BR. AND by his good-nature in doing it.  


I wanted Adam to say, "Okay...your turn"  because I'm sure HCJ would have sounded quite mediocre following him. But Adam is apparently far nicer than I.


Also agree about Sal. And I loved Adam as a judge. He made the tough calls and I think was absolutely right when he said many of us at home would want to see Sal go through to Hollywood and that was a good reason to send him on. He has no chance at top 24 (I'm pretty sure Simon would have dismissed him as a wedding singer, but he's got such a good voice and I was glad to see him advance, particularly as they've put through quite a few that I have zero interest in hearing again.)

Edited by Padma
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I think Adam's closed eyes during his singing and yelped "You made me nervous!" afterwards clearly evidenced the surprise that was HCJr's dare.


For a dare is what it was, as well as putting Adam back in his AI supplicant days, a way of diminishing him. Didn't work, DID it, Harry, old boy?

Edited by LennieBriscoe
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