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S04.E02: Bracing The Waves

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Daphne struggles with the speed and depth of her coursework, which is made more difficult when her interpreter, Josh, picks and chooses what he will interpret for her. Bay tries to balance her long-distance relationship with Emmett and fulfilling her sentence, all while dealing with an aggressive person on her team. Meanwhile, Kathryn has a meeting with a movie producer about her book.


This episode was super boring and a whole lot of nothing.

Kathryn/John/Regina are boring.

Regina's scenes with the coffee guy in particular were sooooo long.

It seems weird that all the adults are treating Bay's community service like she is just a well-meaning volunteer doing something nice.

Yeah, they've totally moved on. Princess Daphne is safe and sound and that's all that matters. Their time would have been better spent actually checking in with Bay and actually maybe talking to her about what she did and why. They spent all of last week petting and fretting over Daphne, but Bay, whose life is forever changed, nothing. They suck ass as parents to Bay. As long as Daphne's okay, everything else is all good.

Speaking of Daphne, didn't this Josh guy tell her up front he wasn't an interpreter? Why is she surprised he doesn't know the rules and procedures for an interpreter? And of course it all works out for her in the end with him and the study group. I give it two more episodes before she and interpreter guy are making out.

Bay continues to not be able to catch a break. And no one really seems to care. It would have been nice to see Toby talk to her. But, no. Tank needed to be the one to pick her up instead of her brother.

I did think it would take longer for the blond girl and Bay to become friends. She is such a Natalie/Sharee redux with the enemy that becomes BFF. I was glad Bay told her off because she doesn't owe that girl anything. It was just so stupid that she couldn't come to that conclusion on her own. She's not a stupid girl, but the show continuously portrays her as naive to the point of it being unbelievable.

And really? Cheating/maybe cheating? Again? C'mon writers . . . you don't have anything else in your toolbox?

I guess that's why the now random Tank randomly turned up with the perfect and sage advice that oh my god! worked in the end. He will randomly show up to be Bay's shoulder to cry on if Emmett cheats again. Lame.

Did anyone else notice that in the picture that Emmett sent Bay, the actor is wearing the same exact shirt that he has on in the promo for next week? This show just doesn't even seem to be trying too hard anymore.

Edited by KBrownie
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I'm very confused by Bay saying she and Emmett were being separated for a year.  The original sentence was 12 weeks, when this season (or half season?) started it was 10 weeks into that sentence.  Then with the lunch/drug thing she got an extra 100 days on her probation.  So 12 weeks + 100 days is about 190 days or 6-6.5 months.  I don't get it.  Plus they had that 10 weeks together, didn't they?  Or if not, they just saw each other last week.  So that's 114 days (100 days + the 2 weeks left on the sentence).  Where does the year come in?  Plus, you can't tell me he won't be home for Christmas or Thanksgiving or something.


And yeah, Hi Tank!  Weird seeing you again.  Although it is a change from the boyfriends that randomly disappear over each hiatus.

It seems weird that all the adults are treating Bay's community service like she is just a well-meaning volunteer doing something nice.


This simply astounds me.  I cannot believe how ho-hum they are to the point of completely ignoring it.  And Regina!  Daily reminders of the Riverside project, daily reminder of what Daphne did to that construction site which helped tank the project, and not a moment's thought for Bay who took the fall for her precious Daphne.  She could have at least brought her a cookie or something from that coffee shop.

  • Love 6

That was incredibly boring. No fall out for what Bay did with the parents huh? And then there's Daphne off living the typical college life. Even sitting on the quad with her hot interpreter (Austin Cauldwell is one of the only things saving the show for me at this point). I don't get this show. We don't even see them being a family lately, which I thought was the whole point - crazy that Bay and Daphne are technically older than the "girls" on Pretty Little Liars now. Oh and I call it now, something will happen that makes Bay stick around even longer and she'll decide to move in with the girl from her community service. She must have mentioned a dozen times that she needs a roommate.

Don't even know what to say about the parents. Daphne is so like Regina. Guys just fall at their feet. Must be nice. I also predict that coffee guy and interpreter will be dating their respective Vasquezes by season's end.

Edited by t7686
  • Love 3

Is Daphne only taking ONE class?  Where is her interpreter for, oh I don't know, Freshman English?  Math?  Etc.  And does the poor pseudo interpreter get to go to his classes, or is he sacrificing his education so Princess Daphne can take what clearly would never be a freshman chem course?  And what professor cares what you wear to class?  I admit it's been several decades since I was in college, but this stuff just drives me nuts.

And in what world is Bay remotely responsible for what happened to that girl's boyfriend.  HE took the drugs.  His ex-girlfriend brought them.  If Bay hadn't been there, someone else would have either taken the sandwich to him or reported it. 

  • Love 5

I love how Bay always like she has been literally rolling around in dirt all day. I've never seen roadside cleanup crews that look like that. (Though Mr. TG kept waiting for them to find a dead body instead of a dead rat. I think he watches too many procedurals.) But man the hits just keep on coming for her. Maybe shoving someone when you're on parole is not the best idea? I can't believe the hard-ass guy in charge didn't get them into more trouble for that. And I am not interested in her inevitable friendship/roomie sitch with Tess or a Bemmett breakup.

The interpreter guy definitely redeemed himself this week a bit, but that's kind of a rough gig. He's got to be available to her 24-7 now? I hope John's paying him well.

I love/hate whenever the show tries to tackle anything professional for Kathryn. That movie producer talk had about as much realism as her publishing storyline (and--did Kathryn really negotiate to retain movie rights? I doubt it). The musical is going to be such a clusterfrak too. I'm sure they'll be debuting on Broadway by season's end.

I keep expecting Tank to come out like his Karofsky on Glee. SaB could use a gay character.

  • Love 1

Is Daphne only taking ONE class?  Where is her interpreter for, oh I don't know, Freshman English?  Math?  Etc.

She's probably taking all that stuff through the Deaf program. I can't remember what they said about the program in the episode last week but it was something like they'd take all their core classes in the Deaf program and then anything extra (so for Daphne, probably just this chemistry class) would be taken outside of their program.

  • Love 3
Maybe shoving someone when you're on parole is not the best idea? I can't believe the hard-ass guy in charge didn't get them into more trouble for that.


Worst. Guards. Ever!!! Bay and the blond were yelling at each other for quite awhile before he intervened. There's no way the guards didn't see/hear the exchange. Why wait until after the blond busted Bay's phone? 


And are we to seriously believe that there was no rule about fraternizing with outsiders before Bay's incident... really?! I know it's basically a soap opera... but, still.


It's just silly to believe before that before Bay joined the chain gang people were just allowed to talk to and hand out packages willy-nilly to the work crew; that it took Bay handing over an illicit package for the prison system to wake up and say... "Hey, wait a minute! We can't let the inmate interact with outsiders anymore. It could lead to something illegal."  There was obviously a rule in place or Bay wouldn't have gotten into so much trouble. 


I guess that's why the now random Tank randomly turned up with the perfect and sage advice that oh my god! worked in the end. He will randomly show up to be Bay's shoulder to cry on if Emmett cheats again. Lame.


For what it's worth... I don't think Emmett will cheat on Bay again. It's just a tease to get us to watch. I'm thinking it's going to be pretty uneventful... a misunderstanding that will be quickly cleared up. Emmett knows how much it hurt Bay the first time it happened... No way he's going to mess up like that again. 


I'm not saying the two won't break up. But, it'll be because Bay doesn't go to California... or they grow apart.. or they can't make long distance work. But, IMO it won't be because Emmett cheats. 

  • Love 2

Getting really tired of Bay and Emmett's pining. Children, please. You saw each other like a week ago. You will be joining each other in 3-6 months. Sure, a temporary long-distance relationship is frustrating and inconvenient but it's really not the end of the world. If your teen twu wuv can't survive a few months of separation, it was probably never going to work long-term. In short, suck it up and stop pouting.


For once I was glad to see the show showing a deaf student actually having a hard time in a hearing world. But in the end, Daphne gets everything she wants, so all is right with the world.

  • Love 4

why was Deafne looking at the interpreter and not at the teacher and the board? Shouldn't he be next to the teacher so she can see both and lip read and see what th the teacher is writing on the board? didn't that seem wrong to anyone?


The interpreter should have been in front of her and to the side slightly. If the professor has been teaching for any length of time at a university, surely she has had a deaf student? Not to mention she would know which interpreters employed by the school (or contracted) can interpret chemistry at the level the teacher feels is appropriate. I feel like Daphne is the first hearing impaired student to ever go to this university, which suddenly has a Deaf college on campus. This is why she needs a PROFESSIONAL interpreter. Whomever their consultant for Deaf issues is needs to go into the writers' room and smack people. 


This whole story line makes me angry. I feel like the little old lady in the commercial screaming "That's not how this works! That's not how any of this works!" at the TV every week. 


Also, Bay needs to get the hell out of there. The show would be a lot more interesting if it focused on Bay and Emmett in LA. 

  • Love 3

I'll say this: the assholery and the gunner behavior by the students who take bio science classes is on point (esp. the pre-med students). That said, it's fucking Gen Chem. It's not that serious. It's perfectly doable even if you don't like or instinctively get Chemistry (like me). I want Daphne to fail at this because of her not being a good fit for medicine and not because she's deaf. So, I was on Daphne's side during last night's storyline even though, ultimately, I want her to crash and burn. I know it won't happen sigh.


As for Daphne's attire, I took undergrad science classes in recent years at a public university. No one cares what you wear especially in a huge classroom like that. I might have bought it if the class was much smaller. Even during my med school lectures, people wore whatever they wanted, except on clinical days/guest speakers/panels etc. People wore shorts often. Though, there's always the certain douches dressed in slacks and a tie everyday even on days they didn't need to smh. Things change once it becomes more clinical but the classroom was fairly casual unless there's a school wide dress code. 


Bay needs to stop letting people walk all over her. I still find it amazing how her parents are treating her being a felon. Just amazed. 

Edited by loveigniting
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So that's 114 days (100 days + the 2 weeks left on the sentence).  Where does the year come in?  Plus, you can't tell me he won't be home for Christmas or Thanksgiving or something.


I thought it was 2 weeks on house arrest but then probation for longer (so she couldn't leave the state).  Didn't she say something about joining him in 87 days?  But then even with an extra 100 days you're not at a year.


What was Bay planning to do in LA while Emmett is in art school?  Graffiti all day?  

She had gotten a job and maybe was thinking of applying to art school?  It was some kind of crappy job...washing dishes or something at an art museum? Something that wouldn't actually pay for any kind of apartment.

Edited by KaveDweller
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I'm tired of Bay being a punching bag and the writers making her into a weenie. Hiw is she responsible for what happened to the blond girls boyfriend? HE took the drugs, Bay was just an innocent bystander who also got burned by his dumb choices. Why was Bay so apologetic? Whatever blond girls problems are they sure aren't Bay's fault. That whole part just irritated me. Tired of Daphne getting everything handed to her.

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Why did I think this show would ever change?


Bay is still the too nice for her own good punching bag and Queen Daphne will always get the world handed to her on a diamond plated platter. Thank god for Toby and Emmett, so at least Bay has someone in her corner. God knows the parents only care about Daphne. No wonder Angelo was killled off. Can't have anyone giving a damn about Bay.


I actually enjoy Josh, so I suppose his likeability will be ruined by her highness in due time.

Edited by Gumdrops
  • Love 4



For what it's worth... I don't think Emmett will cheat on Bay again. It's just a tease to get us to watch. I'm thinking it's going to be pretty uneventful... a misunderstanding that will be quickly cleared up. Emmett knows how much it hurt Bay the first time it happened... No way he's going to mess up like that again.

I'm not saying the two won't break up. But, it'll be because Bay doesn't go to California... or they grow apart.. or they can't make long distance work. But, IMO it won't be because Emmett cheats.


Oh, I don't think he'll cheat on her again either.  I agree that Emmett isn't going to mess up his second chance by doing that again. I was being sarcastic about the stupid promo people and show even throwing that image and idea out there.  At this point, it's pretty clear that neither Bay or Emmett are ever going to want anyone else or do the cheating thing again.  So why even bring it up?  It was just eye-roll inducing.


For what it's worth, I don't think Emmett's going to be in LA for very long.  I don't think the show is going to dedicate much time to his life in LA because it's been a long, long time since Emmett has had much to do, so unless they send Bay and/or some other established characters out there with him, he'll end up back in KC with the rest of them.  If it was Bay or Daphne alone far away from home like that, it would be one thing, but not Emmett.  He isn't going to get his own cast of new characters like Daphne has so I don't see him being away long.  And like them or not, Bay and Emmett are presented as the big couple of the show, so if she isn't going out there with him, he won't be out there long either.


I wish Bay would pack her shit and leave though when she can.  The parents don't care all that much about her well-being, so she needs to get away from there as soon as she can.  For her own sanity and well-being.


Maybe Emmett will have to come home because his parents can't afford his tuition long-term or something.  Emmett mentioned when he first got accepted that he wasn't going to go because it was "super expensive" and nothing was ever said about how Melody and/or Cameron were paying for it.  Or he can't make any friends and decides that he gave it a try and comes home.  It happens frequently in real life.  So many kids are forced to leave school because their parents end up not being able to afford it or they just can't adjust to being away.  He won't have any regrets as he did give it a go.  It would be an interesting story to tell about going away to college.  Since Daphne seems to be getting the happy, adjusting well to college life story, maybe Emmett can get the not so successful going away to college angle.



Bay needs to stop letting people walk all over her. I still find it amazing how her parents are treating her being a felon. Just amazed.

I agree.  I just don't understand why she thinks she owes anyone anything.  She doesn't.  She tries to be decent and that's all she needs to do.


The parents suck.  Bay has NO value to them unless it's saving Daphne.  I don't like how the show keeps focusing on how LA was all about Emmett for her.  He was the catalyst and a big part for sure, but she had her own things planned.  She had a job lined up and was signed up for classes at the art museum.  Sure, it wasn't planning to be a doctor, which apparently trumps all, but she did have plans.  Everyone acting like it's no big deal that she gave that up is annoying.  I don't care if her plan was to bum around with nothing to do, it doesn't mean she should just throw it away because it's convenient for Daphne.



Why did I think this show would ever change?

I also keep foolishly hoping for the same.  But, nope.  Daphne always lands on her feet with no consequences or accountability while Bay keeps on taking hit after hit after hit.

  • Love 5

I'm definitely not enjoying the first two shows of this season as much as I did the previous ones. Do not like seeing Bay constantly being dumped upon and have zero interest in seeing her befriend Tess. Can't believe that TPTB are going to leave Emmett out in LA by himself for too long.


I'm not educated as to the state/national laws regarding equal access for disabled students at college but doesn't the school have a responsibility to provide an interpreter for Daphne? Also surprised that Daphne didn't mention her interpreter issue to Melody.


I like Tank so I hope that they give him something to do.


Completely agree that the parents should have imposed the same restrictions on Daphne that the court gave to Bay. That would have been interesting.

  • Love 1
I'm not educated as to the state/national laws regarding equal access for disabled students at college but doesn't the school have a responsibility to provide an interpreter for Daphne?


I'm not really sure how this works because Daphne was admitted to the deaf program Melody just started at the University.  I think those would be all deaf classes, so either the teacher would do the signing (like in their high school), or there might be one interpreter for the whole class.


So I don't really know Daphne's status at the rest of the University.  I guess she can take classes as part of the regular program, but needs to find her own interpreter?

I'm not really sure how this works because Daphne was admitted to the deaf program Melody just started at the University. I think those would be all deaf classes, so either the teacher would do the signing (like in their high school), or there might be one interpreter for the whole class.

So I don't really know Daphne's status at the rest of the University. I guess she can take classes as part of the regular program, but needs to find her own interpreter?

If I had to guess it is like an honors college. You are a part of the university but have a special core curriculum. That being said, it is most certainly the university's job to provide an interpreter. We had to provide one for anyone on campus that requested it, even if it was a visitor. Edited by AdorkableWitch

Daphne said something about the school providing an interpreter but the teacher told her that a regular interpreter wouldn't be able to keep up with super science 101 for pre-med students. so she'd have to find her own.


So, basically, the school would provide one if asked, but the teacher scared Daphne in to thinking she needs one who is also a science wiz.

Is anyone else scared that as a tie-in to Kathryn's musical, there is going to be a musical episode of the show?!

Incredibly.  I really hope they don't do that to us. Maybe everyone in the house will get annoyed at Kathryn for playing the piano and singing all the time. They'll crush her dreams once again but we'll be off the hook for the musical episode.

  • Love 1

This show, which started out with such fresh promise has really fallen on hard times lately.  I know that ABC Family tends to burn through shows quickly but it almost seems as if the writers and the creators of this show are doing all they can to alienate their fan base.  I imagine Emmett won't be long in LA either.  The problem with shows of this nature is that they can't realistically do a going away from home to college storyline and still keep the dynamics of the show.  So the kids really can't go away to college.  The show isn't going to pull a Parenthood and just write off one of the central characters (Bay) and they are certainly not going to create a whole cast of characters around a supporting one like Emmett.  So either Emmett comes back after a rough first semester ( or perhaps first year) or they write him off the show entirely.  At this point though, I am not sure this show has another season left in it....so there's that.  I certainly am wavering at this point on whether to continue to watch it and I know I'm not the only one.


Yeah and I am not sure why SaB continues to push Alec Mapa (Renzo).  His character is irritating and I say this as a fellow gay man who enjoys a camp performance as much as the next guy.  Ultimately, I think that the writers don't seem to know what to do with the parents and so they keep giving them (particularly Regina and Kathryn) silly story lines.  What I would really love for Regina to do is to use the Daphne away at college thing and Bay at home on probation thing to actually spend some time getting to know Bay.  And to perhaps find a central professional and personal direction in her own life that does not involve falling for whatever man comes around.  Now that Daphne is out of the house and she has had time to mourn Angelo's passing I would like to see Regina have a steady happy relationship, she deserves that after all she has been through, but coffee guy just seems like the latest romantic interest to cycle through.  I am still not sure why they didn't pursue the Kathryn and Regina going into business together thing when they had a chance, because this silly writing story line is just....and yeah I think we all are going to have to suffer through another musical


As far as Bay and art school is concerned, she has probably honestly picked the one profession where her conviction is not going to hinder her too much.  Since she won't need financial aid to go to college I am sure that she will either go to a local community college and then transfer to either a local art school (not sure if there is one in KC) or UMKC which I imagine has a decent, if not world renowned Studio Art program. Not saying that Bay's art isn't good but honestly success in the art world is part talent, part luck, and a lot of  connections.  Half the stuff that passes for great art is not anything most people would want on their wall, but some art collector or wealthy patron has decided that it's worth something so it's worth something.  Other people buy it because cultural brokers have said that its worth buying and so on. Her family has the money to sustain her dreams and she grew up in a social mileu where she would have access to tastemakers who can support her work.  While I wouldn't see her being the next greatest thing in American art, I imagine with the right training she could make a decent living off of her art.  Its not like she grew up in East Riverside with no connections....


What could be interesting if the show does wind down (with this being its last season) is actually having Emmett remain in LA and doing a spin off with him and Bay.  Toby could maybe join them in LA to pursue his music career and the rest of the cast could make guest appearances as necessary. I am not sure I would watch that show but Daphne has become so insufferable....

  • Love 2
What could be interesting if the show does wind down (with this being its last season) is actually having Emmett remain in LA and doing a spin off with him and Bay.  Toby could maybe join them in LA to pursue his music career and the rest of the cast could make guest appearances as necessary. I am not sure I would watch that show but Daphne has become so insufferable....


I'd watch this because I still find Emmett, Bay and Toby enjoyable enough. It wouldn't be a switch so much of a sitcom of about a girl, her Deaf boyfriend, and her brother. I'd enjoy it more than whatever is going on with the parents (who have neglected Bay) and awful Daphne. I'm tired of this show. I remember when I discovered it and marathoned 1A. There hasn't been one moment where the show really started to decline, but it's been gradual. I'm not sure if it can remain fresh and interesting at this point because the plots and situations are becoming repetitive.

  • Love 2

Another alternative would be that Regina and Kathryn focus on getting Bay a career in the arts if that is her true passion. With Kathryn's philanthropic connections in the arts and Regina's design business, I don't see why they couldn't help her get a start to make up for her being stuck on probation. I just wish they'd give Bay a storyline where she can find herself, be strong and gain more confidence, rather than through boyfriends and look at the "Freida Kahlo" within her. Have her venture to work her way up to be the head of an art museum or she could run her own art gallery with Regina as a co-designer/manager and Kathryn as her publicist. Is that so hard?

  • Love 5


What could be interesting if the show does wind down (with this being its last season) is actually having Emmett remain in LA and doing a spin off with him and Bay.  Toby could maybe join them in LA to pursue his music career and the rest of the cast could make guest appearances as necessary. I am not sure I would watch that show but Daphne has become so insufferable....



I'd watch this because I still find Emmett, Bay and Toby enjoyable enough. It wouldn't be a switch so much of a sitcom of about a girl, her Deaf boyfriend, and her brother. I'd enjoy it more than whatever is going on with the parents (who have neglected Bay) and awful Daphne.


I would SO watch a show with Bay, Toby, and Emmett in LA.  I've often thought this is a dynamic that the show doesn't highlight enough.  Emmett and Toby are really Bay's staunchest and consistent support systems.  I would love to see them working together in support of Bay.  Bay has also shown that she supports and loves them as well.  There are no conditions or selfishness on any of their parts.  It's ridiculous that we're two episodes in and Toby hasn't had any scenes with Bay.  They are there for her no matter what.  It makes total sense for the three of them to be in LA trying to make it in their respective career paths.  I'm not all that familiar with Kansas City, but is it really known for producing filmmakers, DJs, or artists?  The three of them can take the influence of their hometown to a larger audience.



Another alternative would be that Regina and Kathryn focus on getting Bay a career in the arts if that is her true passion. With Kathryn's philanthropic connections in the arts and Regina's design business, I don't see why they couldn't help her get a start to make up for her being stuck on probation. I just wish they'd give Bay a storyline where she can find herself, be strong and gain more confidence, rather than through boyfriends and look at the "Freida Kahlo" within her. Have her venture to work her way up to be the head of an art museum or she could run her own art gallery with Regina as a co-designer/manager and Kathryn as her publicist. Is that so hard?


This is such a great idea.  It's a wonder no one on the writing staff hasn't considered this rather than throwing Regina into yet another East Riverside plot and another boyfriend.  It would be the perfect time for her to finally form some kind of meaningful bond with Bay and actually show that she gives a damn about her.  Daphne's not around, so Bay and Regina could have some real time to bond, but no.  Regina's wasting her time in East Riverside.  I would be perfectly happy to never hear about East Riverside ever again.  


And if Kathryn and Regina need a project, it would be great if it were helping her daughter salvage the life that she threw away for the other daughter.  They could show Bay that yes, she does matter, and help guide her through the realities of her new situation, but again, nope.  Kathryn is making a musical.  A musical.  I just don't get why they can't spend that time talking to Bay, or doing things with her.  I don't know, I'm not interested in the parents' subplots.  They're boring and not captivating in the least.  Especially when they have nothing to do with anything else.  And especially when their time could be better spent with the child who they emotionally and continuously neglect.  It wouldn't have killed either of Bay's mothers to maybe ask her how she was handling being away from Emmett.  Something.  They've all moved on.  Daphne's fine, so Bay must be too.



  • Love 5

This episode was frustrating. Too much separation and little to no Kennish-Vazquez family interaction, which is basically what makes the show. No Toby in sight, instead we get Tank. Still wishing Angelo Jr. somehow would transition from the alternate reality to the real world.. he could definitely add some drama to a so far scatterbrained season.


Josh so far is the only thing keeping me interested. Speaking of, Daphne was pretty much a douche to him. But when he came to apologize of course she just deigned to "rehire" him instead of apologizing for her inappropriate outburst and treating him like dirt for trying to help. SHE DOESN'T DESERVE HIM. Josh, quick. Get out while you still can. Get to Bay (maybe? I do like Bemmett.)


Speaking of Bay, her selflessness is bordering on door-mat at this point. She and Daphne really need a dose of what the other is taking. Characterization-wise, Bay could use a *little* more bite, and Daphne desperately needs some softening. 

  • Love 2

I've been trying to pinpoint when Daphne became such a princess shrew. Then I realized I've never liked her. Even at the beginning she's always been ever so perfect and sheltered and amazing at everything. I think the whole Angelo thing was the nail in her coffin from my perspective. When she went insane after he died, even though she had basically been a raging bitch to him until the episode before his death and ignored Bay's paind espite the fact that Bay had actually wanted to get to know him and find out about his life. 

  • Love 3

I'd watch this because I still find Emmett, Bay and Toby enjoyable enough. It wouldn't be a switch so much of a sitcom of about a girl, her Deaf boyfriend, and her brother. I'd enjoy it more than whatever is going on with the parents (who have neglected Bay) and awful Daphne. I'm tired of this show. I remember when I discovered it and marathoned 1A. There hasn't been one moment where the show really started to decline, but it's been gradual. I'm not sure if it can remain fresh and interesting at this point because the plots and situations are becoming repetitive.

You know when I wrote this post I imagined this as a kind of off-hand comment but now that you and others have supported it, it got me thinking and  I do actually think it'd make an interesting show and would be in keeping with ABC Family's stable of shows.  It would be kind of a young adult dramedy.  Emmet, Bay, and Toby live together and pursue their dreams.  Bring in a new cast of supporting characters and I actually would probably watch it as well. 

Edited by xman4802
  • Love 6

I live in KC and have attended UMKC, so how I view episodes is colored by that, although I am trying to watch the show knowing that it's just a show.


In the last episode, Daphne was wanting to take "Chem 1", yet in this episode, the board shows that this is "Chem 303, Fundamentals of Chemistry for Majors".  I get that it's possible for both Josh and Daphne to have taken chem classes for credit in high school, but Chem 303 is a junior level class.  I had thought that maybe the professor just hadn't wiped the board, but the office hours she mentioned matched up with the hours written on the board, so I'm going to assume that the class is actually Chem 303.  Gallaudet offers a chem major, so I'm assuming that there are already established signs for various terms, so why are Daphne and Josh having to make up their own?  


And the professor complaining about her attire?  Never would have happened.  I've taken classes from intro to grad level, at both community colleges and universities, and not a single professor said a word about attire.  What they would complain about would be coming late and letting the door slam.  I had one professor who hated tardiness so much that you would be better off just skipping class if you arrived after the door was shut.  


I actually don't know why Bay and Emmett aren't enrolled at the Kansas City Art Institute.  It's odd to me that a show that has done a decent job of highlighting that KC is not actually a small town would immediately ship the artists off to LA.  KC has a pretty decent and solid arts scene and it would be much more likely for Emmett, as a deaf filmmaker, to get national recognition if he started here than in LA, since there's more of a chance of him being overshadowed.  And Bay will have a better chance of displaying her art, or getting to do "legal" street art, in KC since she's a local artist.  


I know Kansas City isn't LA, NYC, Chicago, or Austin, but it actually isn't "midwestern conservative cowtown".  I think the show has done a decent job of avoiding the stereotypes until now.  That said, I do understand Emmett wanting to leave, as I'm actually a KC transplant from a smaller area.  I get wanting to move, but for the purposes of the show, I hope it's not permanent.

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I like Josh. But the writers decisions about Bay make me dislike Daphne a lot more. I will never get TPTB about this. Why can't they write both characters at the same level? It would actually make Daphne more rootable. Instead,  even if I like Josh and find their chemistry nice, all I could think was: "Please don't make another guy fall in love with her and make her happy while Bay's dealing with dead rats".

Edited by braziliangirl
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What the heck is Melody there for if she can't help Daphne find a qualified interpreter? She wanted Daphne on campus, knowing she was a pre-med major and would need Classes outside of the interpreted program.

Maybe Bay's family is acting like community service is actually a volunteer position because by focusing on what Bay's actually doing, it highlights that Bay doesn't deserve it and that her position stinks.

How can Regina promise funding when Angelo's settlement went to the new program? You don't get naming rights for a small amount-even a million is pushing the limits of veracity.

Maybe Bay's family is acting like community service is actually a volunteer position because by focusing on what Bay's actually doing, it highlights that Bay doesn't deserve it and that her position stinks.



I think they just don't want to admit that they were 100% okay with Bay potentially throwing her future away for Daphne's sake.


It always bothered me that the parents didn't impose any punishment/restriction on Daphne for her major screw up. Just because Bay stepped in to take the fall for her in terms of legal consequence, doesn't mean Daphne should have been let off scot free by her family. I know she was 18 when it happen but she's still their child who was living in their home at the time and 18 is only an adult in the legal sense. Daphne should have been made to suffer all the consequences Bay did, even if they weren't state sanctioned. Bay had to do court mandated community service, so Daphne's parents should have made her do volunteer work for the same amount of hours. Bay had to be on house arrest, then Daphne should have been put on lock down as well. Bay had her driving privileges revoked, so should have Daphne. And whatever else. Just because Daphne was innocent in the eyes of law, doesn't mean her family had to treat her like she did nothing wrong when they knew otherwise. There's a reason why she's become such an intolerable, entitled, selfish brat... because all 3 of her parents encourage it. 

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