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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

Bugs! Fricking bugs! Something bit me on the leg while I was out cleaning the bird feeders. Probably a mosquito. I put neosporin and a bandaid on it mostly to keep me from scratching it.

Summer. Hate it.

Last week my family went to the park for a Fourth of July cookout, and my god, the amount of flies we were swatting away was insane. 

Stuff like that and the heat is definitely why I much prefer fall/winter. 

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6 hours ago, ABay said:

Bugs! Fricking bugs! Something bit me on the leg while I was out cleaning the bird feeders. Probably a mosquito. I put neosporin and a bandaid on it mostly to keep me from scratching it.

Summer. Hate it.

Be very careful of mosquitoes. My father worked in the yard a lot, and roughly 6 years ago died of West Nile virus, almost certainly infected by a mosquito bite. Elderly people are much more vulnerable to it, but it’s not good for any age. 

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8 hours ago, ABay said:

Bugs! Fricking bugs! Something bit me on the leg while I was out cleaning the bird feeders. Probably a mosquito. I put neosporin and a bandaid on it mostly to keep me from scratching it.

I'm covered in bites. I need to either start using spray or get a light weight long sleeved shirt and some breezy pants. At least for when I'm puttering in the evenings. That's when they get me. 

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1 hour ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I'm covered in bites. I need to either start using spray or get a light weight long sleeved shirt and some breezy pants. At least for when I'm puttering in the evenings. That's when they get me. 

Also choose white or light colors. You can also buy those citronella plants and rub a leaf on yourself. It really has helped me, although the candles not so much. 

I mix a paste of baking soda and water to put on bites and stings. It helps and is cheap. 

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I mix a paste of baking soda and water to put on bites and stings. It helps and is cheap. 

Thanks for the reminder! I had forgotten about this remedy. 

Has anyone else noticed that the flies and mosquitos love sun-screened flesh?

Edited by shapeshifter
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2 hours ago, janestclair said:

Mosquitoes love me no matter what I do.  I could be outside with a group of people, none of whom get bitten and I get eaten alive, even on areas that are covered.  

I wonder if it would confuse the little bloodsuckers if we stood together -- they can't leave me alone, either.

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Descent into madness, a continuing saga:

  • Today I got a new injectable medicine pen out of the fridge, put on a needle, and threw the old one away. Later I noticed I had thrown the new one away by mistake. Fished it out of the trash, inserted a new needle and tossed the used one. Later saw that I had AGAIN thrown away the full one.
  • Was working on a puzzle game and apparently there's a hole in my brain where the first name of President Jefferson used to be. I had to look it up!
  • Turning up "forgot why I came into this room" to 11, I went to the bathroom to pee, got distracted by the gummy bottom of the soap dispenser and cleaned that, then left without peeing.
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28 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Descent into madness, a continuing saga:

  • Today I got a new injectable medicine pen out of the fridge, put on a needle, and threw the old one away. Later I noticed I had thrown the new one away by mistake. Fished it out of the trash, inserted a new needle and tossed the used one. Later saw that I had AGAIN thrown away the full one.
  • Was working on a puzzle game and apparently there's a hole in my brain where the first name of President Jefferson used to be. I had to look it up!
  • Turning up "forgot why I came into this room" to 11, I went to the bathroom to pee, got distracted by the gummy bottom of the soap dispenser and cleaned that, then left without peeing.

Sounds like a regular Tuesday to me.   ;~)

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9 hours ago, janestclair said:

Mosquitoes love me no matter what I do.  I could be outside with a group of people, none of whom get bitten and I get eaten alive, even on areas that are covered.  

Take some vitamin B1. It should help. It’s a natural repellent to them. 

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18 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:
9 hours ago, janestclair said:

Mosquitoes love me no matter what I do.  I could be outside with a group of people, none of whom get bitten and I get eaten alive, even on areas that are covered.  

Take some vitamin B1. It should help. It’s a natural repellent to them. 

I seem to recall my mosquito-magnet daughter's pediatrician recommending B6 back in the 1980s, and that it worked.

Back in the 70s I was covered with countless mosquito bites for 2 weeks in Banff National Park. Ever since then, each year, the first few bites still swell up like marbles and itch for a week, but soon they don't swell and only itch for moments. 
--except this year I'm not doing quite as well, maybe because it's not just mosquitoes; there biting flies and tiny yellow spiders too.

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I don't know what the hell is happening this week, but I am getting super-peeved by people who either do not reply to texts or who reply to only part of what I asked! And I don't mean a vague "what's up?" or "how are you?" (which I always make sure to start with because polite!); I mean a specific question to which I need an answer--even if that answer is not what I want--so that I do not have to keep asking. Just...ugh.  COME ON!

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6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I don't know what the hell is happening this week, but I am getting super-peeved by people who either do not reply to texts or who reply to only part of what I asked! And I don't mean a vague "what's up?" or "how are you?" (which I always make sure to start with because polite!); I mean a specific question to which I need an answer--even if that answer is not what I want--so that I do not have to keep asking. Just...ugh.  COME ON!

  • Ever since hearing a presentation (by Steve from http://writingatworkonline.com/), I now cut my concluding sentence (with the question) and paste it at the top.

    I also save the polite stuff ("hope Ethel and the kids are well") for the end.
  • Don't send important emails Friday through Monday; send them Tuesday through Thursday,
    text or call.

Just trying to share some of the best advice I ever got -- not trying to be a jackass.

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It's actually personal stuff, not work, but thank you just the same! (And, man, I am so tired now from all that repyin' I just did--now I get why it is just sooooo hard!)

I am actually trying to find out when a friend can come by to care for my cats while I am away next weekend. I need to know when she can come over to get the keys (because I need to have a key made first*) and so I can show her everything (cats' tricky hiding spots, for instance--stuff I can't really do if I bring the keys to her, or I would do that). I have a pain-in-the-ass schedule so I kind of need to know. But I can't get a straight answer and it is stressing me out. 

*I would not have to get a key made at all if my neighbor who has one would...oh, answer me about giving it back to me before next weekend!

It's all making me pissed off and feel like, from now on, I will just say forget it if anyone asks me for help. And I don't like feeling that way.

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14 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

It's actually personal stuff, not work

I apply it to personal stuff too.

For instance:

   Can you come by tomorrow at 3?
   I need to give you a tour of Kitty's hiding places.

   Hope George and the puppies are doing well.
   TIA for looking after Kitty while I'm in Vegas!

   See you tomorrow at 3.


Or something like that. 


Edited by shapeshifter
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To be honest, it's making me want to say fuck it and ask my other downstairs neighbor to do it. She wouldn't even have to put shoes on, as she's inside the building about 20 steps from my door anyway! Maybe I will!

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@TattleTeeny it sounds like your evasive friend may not want to be the cat caretaker.

My downstairs neighbor who I'm friends with offers to watch my kitties but I'd prefer to pay a professional pet-sitter that I know will be there daily and not get distracted by work or a social obligation.

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Oh, she does want to (and would do a good job, I'm certain, not that the cats would do much more than stare at her, if that, even if she decides to hang out with them all night, haha!) and is all set for the dates I will be gone. But she's just not getting that I need to make a solid plan re. the stupid key, man! One needs more than good intentions to enter my home.

OH, and one more: the director of the animal shelter at which I am a volunteer/trustee said I need to review some docs before our meeting tonight. Well, she never attached them and is...

not replying to my message that says she never sent them!

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Now, I love a great smelling man as much as you like wearing cologne but gotdamn, some colognes are too strong and much be put on sparingly!

There is a men’s cologne going around that smells like the car freshener, Black Ice…this shit smells like ASS!!  Within seconds of smelling it I get an immediate headache, which gives me a straight up attitude. 

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I get customers who don't bathe or use deodorant and then some that smell like they broke the bottle of cologne over their head. I'm not sure which is worse.

Then there are the ones that REEK of pot so much that I imagine a cloud envelopes them like that of Pigpen of Peanuts fame. The stench lingers for 15 minutes after they leave.

I really, really don't care if you smoke. I do care if I have to smell it and it smells like a pack of skunks ran through the place.

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Peeve of the week: People from work who email you even though you're on vacation and they KNOW you're on vacation because the autoreply pops up as soon as you enter an email address. Fuck you. Most of them are teaching faculty who either have the summer off or get paid every time they step foot on campus. I work 12 months a year unless I use up precious vacation time.

Not to mention I spent an hour on the phone Tuesday going over an appeal I now have to present the Monday I get back because the person who was supposed to do it is teaching faculty and will be away. So that's the final weekend, at a minimum, of my vacation shot because I have to prepare for that.

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2 hours ago, ABay said:

Peeve of the week: People from work who email you even though you're on vacation and they KNOW you're on vacation

I was retired a month ago (passive verb on purpose) and, although I will miss the paycheck, I am so glad my difficult boss will not be emailing me when I'm on vacation anymore. 

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Regarding the email, I generally don’t pay attention to whether someone is on PTO or not. For the most part, any email I send to someone is information that person will need to have, whether it’s today or when they get back to work. I am absolutely not going to delay sending an email until the person is back in the office. Now, if it’s the rare email where I am requesting someone to take an action, and the action needs to occur before the person is due back, I will direct the email to an appropriate backup person and copy the original person as an FYI. 

Maybe I’m missing something here, but when I am on PTO, my auto reply states how long I will be out of office and a designated person if there’s something urgent, and otherwise, I will respond when I am back in the office . Nobody forces me to read work emails on my days off. If supervisors are insisting you reply to emails while you are on vacation or whatever, that’s something you should discuss to set expectations that you will respond when you are back at work. I realize, though, that assumes you have a reasonable supervisor/manager. 

ETA: If you are being forced to attend meetings and reply to emails, then you are not really off work. Your manager is just pretending you are. 

Edited by BookWoman56
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I know better.  The world is full of incompetents.  Why did I do this to myself?

I got the stupid idea to be a little energy conscious and save a pittance of money by letting the electric company put a load bearing switch on my A/C.  Well they did it today and now my AC isn't working at all.

Now they are sending someone out because they "forget to reattach the thingamajig all the time".  I want to feel bad that this guy is dragging his ass out to my house at 9PM but I'm too hot to be nice.

And to make matters worse I have no choice but to get my house clean tonight because I've got an appointment here tomorrow.  I want to crawl in a hole and escape the heat but there is no where to go.  So I'm cleaning in increments.  Stand in front of fan.  Clean something until I'm sweating profusely. Repeat.

Oh, and when I called them I think I dropped more f bombs than I have in any conversation ever.  I didn't go all rageaholic on them.  It went more like.... I think broke my fing AC.  I'm fing hot.  When are they Fing coming.  Ok. Let me double check if its fing working.  No its still not fing working.  Its fing hot.  You want me to check what?  OK, let me get my fing shoes.  Its fing cooler outside than in my house.  I was having some kind of dis-associative event where my mouth went into the gutter.  I hung up and realized that I had been cussing a lot.  Then I went to get my fan.

Edited by ParadoxLost
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7 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

I am absolutely not going to delay sending an email until the person is back in the office.

I used to work from home doing tech support. A bit of an insomniac, it wasn't unheard of for me to be taking care of an outage or emergency at 2-3am my time.

If I sent an email in the middle of the night and the recipient had chosen to (1) receive work emails on their phones, (2) left their phones on overnight and (3) got jolted awake by my message ... that was their decision. I did not feel guilty.

Edited by 2727
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12 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

I am absolutely not going to delay sending an email until the person is back in the office.

Neither will I. We don't even have Outlook anymore (which sucks!!!!!!!!!) so there is no notification until we get an OOO (if we even get one) but if I need to send an email I'll send the email. Their OOO will come back and I'll know I won't hear back. If the person feels inclined to respond that's on them but I know they are on vacation and I am not expecting a response.

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I am in a agreement with  @BookWoman56, @2727 and @theredhead77 said, if I send an email and get an OOO reply I either go to the person directed or if it can wait, I wait until the recipient returns. I also feel if you are able to get emails on your phone and choose to reply after hours or while you're away, that's on you. I opted to not connect my work emails to my personal phone because I am not salaried and am not required to be available 24/7. I have coworkers, also not salaried, who did opt to get their emails and on occasion will complain about being 'bothered' after hours. It's only a bother if you choose to look at them and/or respond to them. If I am needed after hours, my boss and my coworkers all have my cell phone number and I will answer because if they're calling, it's urgent. 

Edited by GoodieGirl
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First of all, I want to say that I am not some old crab who hates kids and don't want them to have any fun.  I have no problem with kids jumping in the pool.  I don't mind getting splashed before I am wet, either halfway into the pool or lounging at the side.  I'm at a pool, for goodness sake, I should expect to get wet. My pet peeve is that I do not think that it is too much to ask to make sure you have at least 1 foot clearance from your head.  2-3 would be better.  If it is so crowded that you can't find a spot that doesn't have a person within 1 foot in all directions, maybe you don't need to be jumping. Or, more likely, you can just move and jump from a different spot

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15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

First of all, I want to say that I am not some old crab who hates kids and don't want them to have any fun.  I have no problem with kids jumping in the pool.  I don't mind getting splashed before I am wet, either halfway into the pool or lounging at the side.  I'm at a pool, for goodness sake, I should expect to get wet. My pet peeve is that I do not think that it is too much to ask to make sure you have at least 1 foot clearance from your head.  2-3 would be better.  If it is so crowded that you can't find a spot that doesn't have a person within 1 foot in all directions, maybe you don't need to be jumping. Or, more likely, you can just move and jump from a different spot

I had 3 daughters who didn't do a lot of pool jumping. Would it be just sexist of me to say that it's the little boys who tend to not look before they leap, or would it be both sexist and true?

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44 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

I had 3 daughters who didn't do a lot of pool jumping. Would it be just sexist of me to say that it's the little boys who tend to not look before they leap, or would it be both sexist and true?

actually, today I almost got jumped on by a girl, so no, it's not just boys.  I was lucky enough to have grown up with a pool of my own (OK the whole family) so I didn't have to worry too much about others.  Oh, how I miss those days.

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Having an over the elbow cast on my dominant arm is so frustrating!! It's hot, itchy, and impossible to do anything without a terrific amount of energy and concentration. I just want to be able to stretch my arm out straight and clench my fist. Plus, it's been 8 days since I broke my wrist and it's still slightly painful and weak. It's been years since I've broken a bone and now I've broken two in less than a month. Luckily my broken big toe is 99% healed.

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9 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Having an over the elbow cast on my dominant arm is so frustrating!! It's hot, itchy, and impossible to do anything without a terrific amount of energy and concentration. I just want to be able to stretch my arm out straight and clench my fist. Plus, it's been 8 days since I broke my wrist and it's still slightly painful and weak. It's been years since I've broken a bone and now I've broken two in less than a month. Luckily my broken big toe is 99% healed.

Have you been tested for osteoporosis? 

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On 7/12/2019 at 6:51 PM, Katy M said:

First of all, I want to say that I am not some old crab who hates kids and don't want them to have any fun.  I have no problem with kids jumping in the pool.  I don't mind getting splashed before I am wet, either halfway into the pool or lounging at the side.  I'm at a pool, for goodness sake, I should expect to get wet. My pet peeve is that I do not think that it is too much to ask to make sure you have at least 1 foot clearance from your head.  2-3 would be better.  If it is so crowded that you can't find a spot that doesn't have a person within 1 foot in all directions, maybe you don't need to be jumping. Or, more likely, you can just move and jump from a different spot

I just returned from a vacation (at a water park resort) with my three grandchildren. Dang I understand exactly what you mean!  Or that the parents put them to bed at a reasonable hour (one night they were jumping etc until 4:30 am). 

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20 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Have you been tested for osteoporosis? 

Yes, ever since I turned 40 my gyno added it to my yearly tests. Woohoo, aging is fun! 🤣

I just broke the hell out of my wrist. Apparently it was slightly compressed and it's just going to take a while to heal. It is, though, my fingers are no longer swollen sausages and my purple thumb is now a lovely yellow-green. I'm just impatient. 

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I swear, my sister never listens to a word I say. I tell her the same thing multiple times and it's all new to her.

Today she brought me a meal from a restaurant we regularly go to and included a baked sweet potato.

I appreciate her thinking of me, of course. But we've been to that restaurant probably 25 times and I've never ordered sweet potato. I also eat at her house every holiday and she always makes sweet potatoes. I never eat them and have told her I don't like them. Numerous times.

She's not getting senile or anything, but does believe her opinions and world view are the only ones that matter and I think just mentally brushes everything else off as unimportant. She does the same to her husband.

Yeah. Our first ever sweet potato peeve.

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4 hours ago, 2727 said:

I swear, my sister never listens to a word I say. I tell her the same thing multiple times and it's all new to her.

Today she brought me a meal from a restaurant we regularly go to and included a baked sweet potato.

I appreciate her thinking of me, of course. But we've been to that restaurant probably 25 times and I've never ordered sweet potato. I also eat at her house every holiday and she always makes sweet potatoes. I never eat them and have told her I don't like them. Numerous times.

She's not getting senile or anything, but does believe her opinions and world view are the only ones that matter and I think just mentally brushes everything else off as unimportant. She does the same to her husband.

Yeah. Our first ever sweet potato peeve.

I could write something similar about my sister, but reading it from someone else it occurs to me that she could say the same about me, heh.
Still, my sister is the steam roller, so I just get out of the way.

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"For all intensive purposes."

Especially because this peeve seems to be stalking me tonight -- in less than an hour, I have seen it twice (by two different people, on two different sites).

Also, I am driven batty by the proliferation of posts with a space between a word and the punctuation that follows it ("I went to the store today .")  I looked up why this is A Thing, and apparently it's from so many people posting from phones and such rather than typing on a keyboard, because "predictive text" functions automatically add a space after bringing up the word, so when that is followed by a punctuation mark rather than another word there's an improper space unless the poster removes it.  And many people don't (presumably the same people who don't check to see if auto-correct/auto-fill inserted the wrong word - or so many incorrect words it reads as if they're posting drunk).

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8 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

I could write something similar about my sister, but reading it from someone else it occurs to me that she could say the same about me, heh.
Still, my sister is the steam roller, so I just get out of the way.


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On 7/12/2019 at 5:51 PM, Katy M said:

First of all, I want to say that I am not some old crab who hates kids and don't want them to have any fun.  I have no problem with kids jumping in the pool.  I don't mind getting splashed before I am wet, either halfway into the pool or lounging at the side.  I'm at a pool, for goodness sake, I should expect to get wet.

I hear ya, @Katy M. I’ve complained probably way too much about children on this forum. I don’t mind children and get along great with them as a teacher for the past 15+ years. But time/place and parenting consideration is everything with me: like the lines between adults only/kids included places are getting more blurred every day and I DO NOT appreciate trying to relax and have a drink around kids at a bar, poolside or not. 

I’ve been to several breweries this last week alone and literally had to order drinks standing at a bar while some kid sits beside me on a barstool. Like are you fucking kidding me?! First of all, that used to not even be legal. Second of all, why aren’t the bartenders telling parents to cut that out? That’s usually when I start cursing and/or loudly talking about inappropriate shit; if you’re the type of parent who’s dumb enough to plop your kid down at a crowded bar while adults swarm around the kid trying to order drinks, I’m the type of adult who’s petty/passive-aggressive enough to make you wish you never did.

I also agree with you on public pools being different, I get it. Hell, I live right above my building’s pool and have come to accept that screaming kids and that pool go hand in hand, even if it does feel like free daycamp for residents’ extended family members that I help pay for with my monthly HOA fees.

But yeah, you just reminded me of how upset my girlfriends and I got on our girls trip last month with children’s incessant pool diving. We were staying at a lovely upscale resort with poolside bar service and were looking extra forward to enjoying several bottles and a quiet night at the pool together to watch the sun go down. 7:30pm, tons of kids screaming and playing at the pool still, diving incessantly. Okay whatever, it’s summer, we knew kids are going to be playing later at the pool.

So we dodged the diving kids and continued our adult fun regardless. One of my girlfriends even went back to the room because the kids were giving her a headache and she said she’d be back out in an hour. 9:45pm rolls around, we’re on our second bottle, my girlfriend comes back up and all those screaming kids(aged 5-12, it looked like) were STILL out there raising Hell with their oblivious parents. We finally gave up on a quiet poolside night by 10:15 and left those families out there to continue hogging the pool. Never once did any of those parents stop to think that maybe the other adults at the pool sans children finally wanted some quiet time, nahhhh, we were just there to witness them making sure their kids would be properly worn out by the time they hit bedtime. Beyond annoying and thoughtless; those are the kind of parents I loathe.

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That's why my friend and her husband didn't renew their membership at a country club they'd been enjoying for years - the kids were allowed to take over.  There used to be a natural order of things, especially at the pool, where the parents took the kids home for the night and the child-free adults got some quiet time.  But it morphed into a scenario like what you experienced, and in general the parents let the kids run amok - everywhere, not just at the pool - and the staff didn't enforce any rules, so it felt like they were at a damn daycare.  And they don't dislike kids (he has a grandchild out of state and they enjoy when she visits), but they have no interest in being at a daycare.  So they left.

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2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

We finally gave up on a quiet poolside night by 10:15 and left those families out there to continue hogging the pool. Never once did any of those parents stop to think that maybe the other adults at the pool sans children finally wanted some quiet time, nahhhh, we were just there to witness them making sure their kids would be properly worn out by the time they hit bedtime. Beyond annoying and thoughtless; those are the kind of parents I loathe.

If their kids are anything like mine, you'll get revenge early the next morning when the kids wake up. It doesn't matter if mine is up late, he's still going to wake up between 6 and 7 a.m. I can't imagine letting him stay out past 10 p.m. (except on July 4). Even when we are visiting family and doing family things, we try to get him in bed no later than 9 p.m., and that's late. His normal bedtime is 8 p.m., and I don't like to deviate much even on vacation. Of course, we can't stay up much past that most nights. I feel old.

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5 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I hear ya, @Katy M. I’ve complained probably way too much about children on this forum. I don’t mind children and get along great with them as a teacher for the past 15+ years. But time/place and parenting consideration is everything with me: like the lines between adults only/kids included places are getting more blurred every day and I DO NOT appreciate trying to relax and have a drink around kids at a bar, poolside or not. 

Never once did any of those parents stop to think that maybe the other adults at the pool sans children finally wanted some quiet time, nahhhh, we were just there to witness them making sure their kids would be properly worn out by the time they hit bedtime. Beyond annoying and thoughtless; those are the kind of parents I loathe.

I think this is an unintended consequence of helicopter parenting.

When my brother had kids, my Mom let us in on the secret that our childhood was an illusion.  She and all the neighbors and our friends parents had gotten together to make sure we all had the illusion of being independent.  In reality people were watching out for us, much more closely than we realized, when we thought we were going to the bus by ourselves, running all around the neighborhood, and were latch key kids.  They felt that it was important to instill responsibility in us.

I think more kids are running amok and going to places that are inappropriate or at times that are inappropriate because their parents created a cycle where they nurture immaturity in their kids. 

Its hard for me to think of any other reason when I think about my childhood vs some of the things my peers talk about regarding their kids.  The minute I reached the age (12-13)  and the state was ok with babysitting siblings, that was what I was doing after school or when my parents went out.

As a result, I'm dumbfounded when my peers have to go pick up their high schooler because they are uncomfortable walking home from the bus stop to an empty house (these are low crime suburbs).

I try not to roll my eyes and then contemplate how that is possible.

And if you take that to its extreme conclusion, then how do these parents ever get any time to themselves?  Who can they hire as a babysitter?  They didn't raise their kids to spend a couple hours on their own.  I assume they won't admit to themselves that maybe other people raised kids to be responsible enough to babysit so they have a narrow pool to draw from for child care.

And that leaves them stuck with their kids all the time.  So the parents take them out to bars or pools or whatever at night because that is better for the parent than being stuck at home with them all the time. 

As to why no one at pools or bars tells them to stop... Well that is the same reason that no one who works in a grocery store tells that person with a cart load of items in the express line to get into the appropriate line.    

Edited by ParadoxLost
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On 7/15/2019 at 2:27 AM, Bastet said:

(presumably the same people who don't check to see if auto-correct/auto-fill inserted the wrong word - or so many incorrect words it reads as if they're posting drunk).

Even drunk, I keep an eye on what the phone is doing with my punctuation. It’s either something that’s important to you or it isn’t.

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I am having a slow week at work. Here is why that is peeve-inducing (other than boredom): 

I work at an agency and we record our time in 15-minute increments that are billed to a job's clients. On super-busy days, I sometimes rack up at 6 hours by 1 p.m. But on slow days, like today, I have nothing logged to my timesheet yet, even though I've been here for over two hours. If the powers that be didn't care, it would be fine. BUT...

We are repeatedly told that we need to be "billable"--more than three hours a day attributed to "admin tasks" is frowned upon. So basically, we need to lie about how long we took to do a job, I guess? But here's another but:

There are only a certain amount of hours allotted to each job, so you also can't hog 'em up just to fill a timesheet!

Oy vey.

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"Annunciate" for "enunciate" (or "annunciation" for "enunciation").  Nowhere near that's not how apostrophes work! level of annoyance, but it's really getting my goat lately.

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42 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I'm seeing a lot of writers use "seniors care."  Shouldn't it be seniors' care?  We don't say children care, we say children's care.  

Maybe seniors care about stuff. But, otherwise yes, it should be senior care or senior's care.

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