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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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29 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

My brunch peeve is that living in GA means I can't even get a brunchy drink until 11am and that's lunchtime!

Heh, lunch; 11:00 on a Sunday morning is about the time I'd haul myself out of bed.  But I share the "I hate blue laws" sentiment.  At least I only encounter them when I travel; it would suck to live with them. 

I once flew home from Oklahoma on a Sunday morning.  I had my usual Bloody Mary on the flight from OKC to DFW, boarded a different plane in Dallas, and was asked if I wanted some orange juice or coffee.  No thanks, but I'll take a Bloody Mary.  Nope.  Because we were in Texas (or maybe just the county DFW is in) and it was Sunday, no alcohol could be served while we were still on the ground.  At least we didn't have to leave TX airspace, just take off, and the flight attendant brought me my drink as soon as we leveled off, but come on. 

36 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Uh, no. We can disagree all we want but the information showing your meme is wrong is clearly in the executive summary of the damn law. 

It's quite disheartening how often one has to say, "You're entitled to your own opinion, not your own facts," these days. 

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In 2017, after the NC governor signed a new law allowing local governments to decide their own blue laws, Charlotte City Council passed the "Brunch Bill" (seriously!) to change the Sunday alcohol sales hour from noon to 10am. State-run liquor stores remain closed on Sunday, so the new law applies only to restaurants and general retail/grocery that sell beer and wine.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I complain about those a lot, but I don't know if I've mentioned that the express lane at a nearby Smart & Final has two signs above it, about four feet apart, and one reads "10 Items or Less" and the other "10 Items or Fewer".  I don't shop there very often, so I'm not sure of the sequence of events - given their respective placements, it seems to me like the "or fewer" sign was added later.  So I like to fantasize enough customers told them "or less" was wrong that they ordered new signs.  (And then forgot to remove the old ones?)  I'll have to wander into another S&F one of these days to see if this is a pattern.

I go to Smart & Final when they advertise a good sale of something that's on my list.  One of the clerks there told me that she was "SICK" of hearing that the sign should say "fewer" instead of "less" because she hadn't painted the "GD" sign and couldn't do anything about fixing it!!!!  She volunteered this information out of the blue, not in response to anything I'd said -- but some/many people apparently do take their angst out on the cashiers, which isn't fair.  On the other hand, at least this particular clerk now knows the difference between "less" and "fewer" (though she seems to resent it).  I've never seen a correct sign there, but I do keep looking.

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17 minutes ago, PRgal said:

11 am seems to be the "standard" for booze in many jurisdictions. 

Aside from blue laws, I don't understand the arbitrary social rules for when it's okay to drink. Brunch is fine; expected even. Lots of people have a drink with lunch in a restaurant (but not at home). Plenty of folks have a beer or several during the day when watching sports or hanging out in their yards. Then somehow mixed drinks are okay again after 5pm. 

I'm not talking about problem drinking, but I don't see why someone having a Ramos Fizz or Bloody Mary with breakfast at home should cause such raised eyebrows. 

I typically only drink 2-3 times a year* on holidays or whatever, but my sister recently received a gift of fancy margarita mix and I had her make a batch when I was there around 9am. Her husband was appalled, to the extent of giving us disapproving looks, even though she typically has a couple of glasses of wine each night.

So silly!

* I eat my feelings instead of drinking them. ;-)

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41 minutes ago, PRgal said:

11 am seems to be the "standard" for booze in many jurisdictions. 

I don't care what the "standard" is. I don't appreciate being told I can't have a brunchy drink during Sunday brunch when the same drink at the same time is acceptable during Saturday brunch.

And I rarely drink or brunch these days but this nonsense pisses me off.

2 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Aside from blue laws, I don't understand the arbitrary social rules for when it's okay to drink. Brunch is fine; expected even. Lots of people have a drink with lunch in a restaurant (but not at home). Plenty of folks have a beer or several during the day when watching sports or hanging out in their yards. Then somehow mixed drinks are okay again after 5pm. 

Right? A Bloody Mary, Irish coffee, or mimosa is fine at 10am but you want a rum and coke or vodka soda with your breakfast and you're judged.

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4 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Right? A Bloody Mary, Irish coffee, or mimosa is fine at 10am but you want a rum and coke or vodka soda with your breakfast and you're judged.

It's so arbitrary and stupid.  During a leisurely vacation breakfast, a friend and I ordered Bloody Marys, but they weren't very good, so for round two we both switched to vodka sodas.  The server made some comment I can't recall specifically, but it was inane -- how does changing the mixer turn it into an "unacceptable" option?  Vodka with tomato juice or orange juice, fine, but vodka with club soda you have to wait for "cocktail hour"? 

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

I eat my feelings instead of drinking them. 😉

My choice tends to depend on which feeling I’m unproductively avoiding. 

1 hour ago, Bastet said:

It's so arbitrary and stupid.  During a leisurely vacation breakfast, a friend and I ordered Bloody Marys, but they weren't very good, so for round two we both switched to vodka sodas.  The server made some comment I can't recall specifically, but it was inane -- how does changing the mixer turn it into an "unacceptable" option?  Vodka with tomato juice or orange juice, fine, but vodka with club soda you have to wait for "cocktail hour"? 

I never put much thought into this, but seriously, arbitrary and stupid is a spot on description of it.  


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3 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

I go to Smart & Final when they advertise a good sale of something that's on my list.

5 hours ago, Bastet said:

I complain about those a lot, but I don't know if I've mentioned that the express lane at a nearby Smart & Final has two signs above it, about four feet apart, and one reads "10 Items or Less" and the other "10 Items or Fewer". 

The name of this store fascinates me—I’d never hear of it till I read your posts. Does the store have smart prices, a smart food selection (whatever that is), or are you smart for shopping there? Or something else? And what does final mean? It’s the final word in groceries? The store will be your final stop because you’ll find everything you need? Or are all sales final—no returns or exchanges? LOL 

Edited by topanga
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6 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

My current peeve is willful ignorance and lack of research. A FB friend of mine posts memes that are factually wrong and never removes them. I've taken to posting the correct information which is ignored or argued with. Most recently I posted a link to bill directly from the senate.gov website and she said that was wrong and her meme was correct. Uh, no. We can disagree all we want but the information showing your meme is wrong is clearly in the executive summary of the damn law. 

I've had success posting:


A useful site we academic librarians encourage others to use for checking the reliability of online media websites is: https://mediabiasfactcheck.com 

Since I'm not actually saying that the FB friend is posting hooey, it avoids the whole public embarrassment thing, which might make them more receptive to the other alternate facts, i.e., the actual facts, not the "alternate" ones.
The 2 friends on whose pages I posted this comment "liked" my comment and are actually now posting from more reputable sources. 
Still, some of the barely acceptable sites are re-posting stories without attribution (i.e., plagiarizing) and then not quite getting the facts right. *sigh* 
Note: Retired librarian here with emeritus status (giving me access to academic databases) and willing to fact check your blog for a few bucks an hour.

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5 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Aside from blue laws, I don't understand the arbitrary social rules for when it's okay to drink. Brunch is fine; expected even. Lots of people have a drink with lunch in a restaurant (but not at home). Plenty of folks have a beer or several during the day when watching sports or hanging out in their yards. Then somehow mixed drinks are okay again after 5pm. 

Amen to ALLLLLL this, thank you!!

And I’ll even take it a step further when I mention that I don’t understand the arbitrary social acceptance of American people who drink period.

Maybe it’s because I’m friends with so many liberal Europeans and drinking feels even more judged down here in the South, but there’s always this tip-toeing around the mere mention of social drinking. Lord forbid you admit that you enjoy a good night of shots, alcohol and merriment, especially while on vacation. As a teacher I have to worry about even having too many pics of me holding booze on my private social media accounts! 

My husband and I both are admitted partiers and my girlfriends and I jokingly refer to ourselves as lushes—-work hard, play hard, right? We’re  all responsible adults who know how to keep those nights out at a very controllable and responsible level otherwise. It’s nothing habitual or problematic for any of us, we just like to let our hair down now and then.

Yet there are always those folks ready to throw out accusations to me or others that we must be “drunks” or “alcoholics”, which is ridiculous. Meanwhile, my friends from other countries are often baffled by how quickly our drinking habits around here are judged; they grew up around wine and spirits at a young age and therefore didn’t have that urge to go nuts on beer ragers in college like the rest of us nutty 18-year-olds: because there wasn’t this puritanical view of drinking in their countries and it’s just part of their regular culture, without any unnecessary stigma to make underage drinking seem edgy and alluring. 

And I *still* wonder why America finds it perfectly normal to allow kids at 18 to fight for their country and vote, yet they can’t even be allowed to buy a beer until they’re 21? So stupid.

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If I could award my entire daily allotment of likes to one post, yours would have it, @Sun-Bun.  Normally, when I have nothing more to add, I just "like" rather than respond, but even though you laid out everything I could have said and I've nothing of substance to add, I'm taking the extra step of a response.  Because a-fucking-men from this sister responsible lush who is regarded rather differently in America than many other countries when adult drinking comes up as a topic and calls bullshit on the pearl clutchers.

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17 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

And I *still* wonder why America finds it perfectly normal to allow kids at 18 to fight for their country and vote, yet they can’t even be allowed to buy a beer until they’re 21? So stupid.

If it helps you feel better, a lot of us here in the States are baffled by that, too. 

Yeah. I'm not much of a drinker personally-I like one every now and again, but it's just never been a regular thing in my life-but if other people like to have a drink on a regular basis, fine by me. So long as people are being responsible in that they're not drinking and driving and knowing their individual limits and all that good stuff, then have fun, I say. 

(Besides, I drink way more pop than is probably healthy for me, so I'm really not in any position to judge :p.)

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I'm pissed at myself for screwing up my meds...again. I just realized that I've not taken (ran out of) one of my migraine preventive meds in who knows how long. I was getting daily almost-migraines a couple weeks ago, and I thought it was because of my having had one of my psych meds dosage increased (added a morning dose). I quit taking the increased dose last week on my own. I see the doc Thursday. I'm still having a continuous headache, but not as severe.

So now I'm not sure how long ago I ran out of the migraine preventive and if the psych med really was causing the extra headaches. I will be able to pick up the migraine preventive Thursday when I'm off work again.

I do this, like, every third month, and I don't know how or why. I fill up my weekly pill containers/dispensers every Saturday night and call in my refills to the pharmacy as I run out of meds/as I'm filling the containers. My pharmacy just closed three weeks ago, and the records were sent to a different store, so maybe that's the reason for this particular snafu. It doesn't explain the 800 other times I've screwed up, though.

Managing my meds for the next 40-odd years is not looking good for me, folks.

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11 hours ago, theredhead77 said:
11 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

If someone wanted to host brunch in their home, could they be arrested for serving mimosa's before 11?

No, you just can't purchase alcohol. Private parties and residences aren't included in the ban

BTW that was the case even when the Eighteenth Amendment was the law of the land.  Those who had the foresight to stock up and fill their basement or barn with booze wine and beer could drink it at home and serve it to their friends without restriction.  They just couldn't BUY or SELL it.  Thus, those huge boozy Long Island parties in The Great Gatsby.

7 hours ago, topanga said:

The name of this store { Smart & Final} fascinates me—I’d never hear of it till I read your posts.

Hold onto your hat - the actual name is Smart & Final Iris:


full disclosure : growing up in California I always thought the name Smart and Final Iris was funny too.  Of course as the link above explains it's just three companies who merged - much like Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus.

Edited by ratgirlagogo
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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Managing my meds for the next 40-odd years is not looking good for me, folks.

After I fill a script for my migraine medication, CVS always auto-texts me to ask if I want to set up automatic renewals, to which I always have to reply "no," which was a pet peeve because I don't want to stock pile them for the apocalypse (hmmm, or do I?), but then
I discovered on a whim about 6 months ago that when I am ready to fill it again, I can just go back to that text and reply "yes" (pet peeve that CVS doesn't seem to be aware of this option).
I don't know if they do mail delivery (the climate and location of the mailbox here aren't good for that service), but United Health Care's pharmacy does (but that is a whole other pet peeve about UHC over-charging while advertising that it is a discount) but probably CVS or Walgreens or Costco does do recurring mail delivery of prescriptions (except for so-called "schedule" drugs, like morphine).

In general, pharmacists are very helpful — maybe because they have easy access to their meds, heh — and they like to answer questions.

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7 hours ago, Annber03 said:

If it helps you feel better, a lot of us here in the States are baffled by that, too. 

Yeah. I'm not much of a drinker personally-I like one every now and again, but it's just never been a regular thing in my life-but if other people like to have a drink on a regular basis, fine by me. So long as people are being responsible in that they're not drinking and driving and knowing their individual limits and all that good stuff, then have fun, I say. 

(Besides, I drink way more pop than is probably healthy for me, so I'm really not in any position to judge :p.)

Not much of a drinker, either. I think, after the chemo, I have even less of an inclination to do so. The two exceptions being my go to champagnee on New Year's and my birthday. Or when it's really cold outside and I've come home, I'll have me a whisky neat or brandy.

And dammit, dammit, dammit, dammit. I was hoping with my dad as a co-applicant, I'd get my car loan from the federal credit union, but since he and mom live in India now (15 years since retiring), no credit history for him, so they just made the decision based on my own crappy credit history--which is chock full of errors that I've been fighting with them to FIX, with no success. Like how suddenly I have a middle name, when I've NEVER had a middle name. And I've since received two notices that there was a data breach in a couple of companies where I've been paying my medical bills and to let the credit report agencies know. HAH! I say. Like they give a shit about ruining a person's credit history from erroneous information.

I was going to wait until I got my car to let y'all know (I didn't want to jinx myself), but it's all moot now. So I'll try to see if the dealership won't hose me with their obscene interest rate. I actually got a good deal via the credit union member savings using Truecar (thanks to all who recommended it!) and with the nearly 40% I'm putting down, the loan isn't that much. I have the option to refinance the sucker, so I'll suck it up and pay Honda, then refinance.

It's times like these I wish I were a hacker or knew someone who was, so I could go and fix my goddamn credit history. Because I also got an email from Ann Taylor card people telling me if I didn't use my card by August 2, they'd cancel it because I haven't used it in three years. Well excuse the FUCK OUT OF ME. I had to deal with being jobless and looking for a job, paying rent, and insurance.  I'd read how it goes against you if you cancel a credit card you've opened. Would it also go against me if the credit card cancels due to non-use over a period of however many years? It's all so fucked up. You need a credit history to buy big things, but it's counted against you if you pay up in full and don't use certain cards for whatever reason.

But I want my new car and I'll cancel my cable/cut down on even more expenses if I have to. The car I still have is nothing but bad luck and throwing money away. Now the stupid CD player has stopped working and I can't even eject the CDs that are in it when I sell it.  Some ass where I usually get the thing serviced said I had to remove the entire system--radio/tape/CD if I wanted to get access to those CDs and replace it. Fuck him. Dude didn't even look at it, according to my dad, who watched him "work" at it.

I'm going to have to see if I can find some reputable mechanic who can take a look at least to see if it's just a wiring issue or something. I'm not paying to fix this sucker.

Shit. I thought I'd feel better unloading. I don't.

Apologies for the whining.

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7 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I'm pissed at myself for screwing up my meds...again. I just realized that I've not taken (ran out of) one of my migraine preventive meds in who knows how long. I was getting daily almost-migraines a couple weeks ago, and I thought it was because of my having had one of my psych meds dosage increased (added a morning dose). I quit taking the increased dose last week on my own. I see the doc Thursday. I'm still having a continuous headache, but not as severe.

So now I'm not sure how long ago I ran out of the migraine preventive and if the psych med really was causing the extra headaches. I will be able to pick up the migraine preventive Thursday when I'm off work again.

I do this, like, every third month, and I don't know how or why. I fill up my weekly pill containers/dispensers every Saturday night and call in my refills to the pharmacy as I run out of meds/as I'm filling the containers. My pharmacy just closed three weeks ago, and the records were sent to a different store, so maybe that's the reason for this particular snafu. It doesn't explain the 800 other times I've screwed up, though.

Managing my meds for the next 40-odd years is not looking good for me, folks.

Have you considered having your pharmacy fill your planner on a weekly basis? I arranged this for someone, and it is delivered to her home every Friday. You could pick it up, if that’s more convenient scheduling wise.

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I'm kinda peeved that today wasn't my work from home day.  The rain was torrential in nyc this morning, the sidewalks were like a river and I got really soaked walking the 6 blocks(with an umbrella) from my apartment to the subway.  I brought an extra pair of shoes with me, but the side of my dress is still damp after two and a half hours.

Edited by partofme
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@Sun-Bun I agree with your post on so many levels. First, my sister is a teacher, we live in upstate NY, and she could never go out for a drink near where she taught and I was not allowed to post pictures of her with a glass of wine on social media. Seriously? Are teachers supposed to be nuns/priests outside of the classroom or something? I'm not talking about getting rip-roaring drunk, but having a drink at a restaurant where one of your students might see you is a crime? She has gotten better over the last few years, I think mainly because she is nearing retirement but it used to bug the shit out of me that she worried about "what will my students think?" because she enjoyed an IPA at a picnic.

Second, I get annoyed with people at work (I work in an office) who will comment after seeing pics of my weekend where I have a drink or am with people who are drinking, with snide remarks about "drying out your liver after your weekend?" Really? I had 3 beers at a party and that makes me a stumbling drunk? I had a glass of wine with my girlfriends at dinner and now I need AA on Monday? I refuse to conform to the thinking that any alcohol makes you an alcoholic. I dated a drunk for several years, a man who would slam rum & coke after rum & coke until he couldn't talk or walk, a man who's workplace mandated him to AA because he showed up drunk or severly hungover to work on many, many occasions. That, IMO, is a alcoholic. Me having drinks with my husband at a bar on a Friday night is not.

Edited by GoodieGirl
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Well, now I am pissed at the pharmacy. I mentioned upthread that my former pharmacy (Rite Aid) closed. The company was bought out by Walgreens. All the other nearby Rite Aid stores were turned into Walgreens stores. My former Rite Aid store's records were supposed to be transferred to a nearby Walgreens. I even got two voice mails from a corporate number about the transition.

You can guess what happened.

I dropped off five prescriptions last night to be refilled. All of them had refills on them. I woke up to the notice that Walgreens had called my doctor for refill authorization. I imagine that this is happening to thousands of local customers. I'm so irritated.

I messaged my doctor through their online portal to ask for the refills. They rarely respond to the pharmacy, which is a whole other issue.

Why does this have to be so difficult?!?

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28 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Well, now I am pissed at the pharmacy. I mentioned upthread that my former pharmacy (Rite Aid) closed. The company was bought out by Walgreens. All the other nearby Rite Aid stores were turned into Walgreens stores.

I'm really sorry that you're having this problem.  I had no idea Rite Aid was bought by Walgreens.  Rite Aid has always had the best sales, they're my go to place for all of my household items.  If their sales discontinue I will be really sad, the Walgreens/Duane Reades by me are super expensive.   

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On 6/22/2019 at 1:36 PM, ABay said:

Sound. My pet peeve is sound. Specifically the boom boom boom of someone else's "music". The neighbors behind me used to have a lot of parties during the summer, and their music was pretty loud and the screaming children were just as bad, but it wasn't every weekend and they quieted down by 9. But they must have moved because the current owners apparently think it's ok to make walls vibrate in other people's houses.

The first time, a few weeks ago, I ended up calling the police because they couldn't hear me yelling to get their attention, and the back fence is too high to see over. I saw another neighbor go through a fence (I don't know how she did that) and talk to them but the noise didn't stop until after I gave up and called the police. I felt so stupid calling.

Anyway, long story long, it started again this afternoon and once again I couldn't get their attention to ask them to turn it down a decibel or two, so I called the police. Again, I feel so stupid doing this but seriously, it was louder than acceptable unless we were on a fairground. Louder than the usual weekend party noise and who knows when it would end?

It rained a little right after I called and things are blessedly peaceful now. But I see they have a long table set up in the backyard and the rain has stopped and I;m not sure what to do if they start up again. If the police did check it out, judging by the timing, it was after the booming had already stopped. Maybe someone else also complained. How their immediate neighbors put up with it, I don't know.

I could hardly hear the dispatcher--I called from the backyard so she'd experience it, too--and I swore she said something about the officers talking to me before they checked it out, but it's been quite a while so I must have misheard her.

It's going to happen again and I'm not sure what to do. I don't want to call the police every freaking weekend. I pray for rain. Or for weather so miserable I have to close every window and turn on the a/c. I can still feel the booms when the a/c cycles down, though. Do I leave a note? The town ordinances are useless or I'd stick a copy in their mailbox. Maybe make a flag to wave over the fence to catch their attention?

Oh, joy, it has begun again.

Air horns don't cost much.

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14 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

and drinking feels even more judged down here in the South, but there’s always this tip-toeing around the mere mention of social drinking. Lord forbid you admit that you enjoy a good night of shots, alcohol and merriment, especially while on vacation.

I fucking dare someone here in "the south" to say something to me. I'm from Los Angeles, bitch*. Home of the Sunday Funday starting at 9am

(nobody panic. I'm not calling Sun-Bun a bitch. It's an expression)


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22 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

My current peeve is willful ignorance and lack of research. A FB friend of mine posts memes that are factually wrong and never removes them. I've taken to posting the correct information which is ignored or argued with. Most recently I posted a link to bill directly from the senate.gov website and she said that was wrong and her meme was correct. Uh, no. We can disagree all we want but the information showing your meme is wrong is clearly in the executive summary of the damn law. 

Oh my god, I can't even say enough how much this also peeves me to hell and back! And the gullibles who post them seem to think that just because it exists means it's true. I CAN PUT WORDS ON A PICTURE TOO, PEOPLE!

And also? Half the people prone to these shit-show lie-memes also post articles--which they clearly don't even read--with sensationalized biased headlines. And when you click to read the thing (why I do it, I don't know), it says nothing about whatever thing the poster is all charged up about. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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53 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh my god, I can't even say enough how much this also peeves me to hell and back! And the gullibles who post them seem to think that just because it exists means it's true. I CAN PUT WORDS ON A PICTURE TOO, PEOPLE!

And also? Half the people prone to these shit-show lie-memes also post articles--which they clearly don't even read--with sensationalized biased headlines. And when you click to read the thing (why I do it, I don't know), it says nothing about whatever thing the poster is all charged up about. 

My bigger peeve, instead of the reposters, are the people who are purposely disseminating misinformation, whatever it is.  That goes double, or even quadruple, when it's supposed to be a reputable news source. Even if it's just the inflammatory headline and the article is correct.  They know very well some people only read the headlines.

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I wish people, including news media, would stop using "millennials" as a catch-all term for "young person." A lot of millennials are in their 30s now and there's an entire new cohort after them who really are young.

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

I wish people, including news media, would stop using "millennials" as a catch-all term for "young person." A lot of millennials are in their 30s now and there's an entire new cohort after them who really are young.

I wish people would stop just lumping together everyone who was born in a 20(?) year time frame and acting like they're all the same.

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3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I fucking dare someone here in "the south" to say something to me. I'm from Los Angeles, bitch*. Home of the Sunday Funday starting at 9am

(nobody panic. I'm not calling Sun-Bun a bitch. It's an expression)


That menu is an affront to the standards of sound graphic design. My eyes!

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47 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

That menu is an affront to the standards of sound graphic design. My eyes!

Oh, don't worry. The snipping of that menu is just a glimpse of the actual venue is like and the least shitshowy thing about the entire experience.

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My peeve is with my bank. Although it’s only 10 miles to the nearest branch, because of traffic in my area, it takes a half hour each way. Then there’s a 30 minute wait on line if you are using a teller. To see someone it takes 45-60. I’ve been three times in person to get something straightened out. These a 2-3 hr trips in total and a waste of my time. So today, rather than fuss with the hassle of going, I call them. Seems what I need can’t be done. Well, then why at the branch do they keep telling me that it can? I know. I’m just so frustrated because they seem incompetent. I’ve banked with them for so long that I don’t want to lose my good status and credit by changing over to another bank. Grrr...

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I'm full of peeves this week.

I'm so tired if the power being out! A couple weeks ago, the power company replaced the "service panel" on my building. They are doing so on all the buildings in my complex. We got one day's notice that the power would be out "from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm". It lasted all day and included them drilling and drilling into the brick building right under my window. I sleep late because I work 2-10ish five days a week. Yeah, that was fun.

They came back unannounced the next day and the power was out all day again.

Then last week, there was a huge storm. The power was out from 4:00 pm to 3:00 am. I was at work until 10:20ish, and I knew I was going home to no power, per what my customers were telling me.

Yesterday, the power went out for no reason. It came back on after a few minutes. After the storm, I signed up for text alerts from the power company. Some 3,000 customers were affected.

I woke up today to the power being off again! And again, some 3,000 customers affected. It's back on now, but was off for an hour.

I could maybe understand if Duke Power was telling people, "We are still working on the issue from the storm the other day, so expect some outages from x to y time. Your bill will reflect credits for the outages."

I pay $68(!!) a month for power for an 800-square-foot one-bedroom apartment.


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17 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

ould maybe understand if Duke Power was telling people, "We are still working on the issue from the storm the other day, so expect some outages from x to y time. Your bill will reflect credits for the outages."

I pay $68(!!) a month for power for an 800-square-foot one-bedroom apartment.


You should call and request a reduction even if it hasn't been offered.

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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I'm full of peeves this week.

I'm so tired if the power being out! A couple weeks ago, the power company replaced the "service panel" on my building. They are doing so on all the buildings in my complex. We got one day's notice that the power would be out "from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm". It lasted all day and included them drilling and drilling into the brick building right under my window. I sleep late because I work 2-10ish five days a week. Yeah, that was fun.

They came back unannounced the next day and the power was out all day again.

Then last week, there was a huge storm. The power was out from 4:00 pm to 3:00 am. I was at work until 10:20ish, and I knew I was going home to no power, per what my customers were telling me.

Yesterday, the power went out for no reason. It came back on after a few minutes. After the storm, I signed up for text alerts from the power company. Some 3,000 customers were affected.

I woke up today to the power being off again! And again, some 3,000 customers affected. It's back on now, but was off for an hour.

I could maybe understand if Duke Power was telling people, "We are still working on the issue from the storm the other day, so expect some outages from x to y time. Your bill will reflect credits for the outages."

I pay $68(!!) a month for power for an 800-square-foot one-bedroom apartment.


That's ridiculous.  I pay about that for a house in NJ, a state not known for things being at all cheap.  

1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I feel annoyed when people insist on putting an apostrophe-s on things -- usually store names -- that don't have one.

Like Penney's?  My paerents always called it that so for the longest time I thought that's what it was actually called.

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Yeah, though that one doesn't seem as bad as others, haha--and I think my mom said that too! "Barnes & Noble's" used to drive me mad! Sometimes it's people's names too--Howard Sterns, Steven Hawkings, etc.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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8 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’ve banked with them for so long that I don’t want to lose my good status and credit by changing over to another bank.

Can you keep your account open with a small balance or just keep your credit card open and do your primary banking at a new bank or credit union?

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On 6/25/2019 at 12:21 PM, GoodieGirl said:

@Sun-Bun I agree with your post on so many levels. First, my sister is a teacher, we live in upstate NY, and she could never go out for a drink near where she taught and I was not allowed to post pictures of her with a glass of wine on social media. Seriously? Are teachers supposed to be nuns/priests outside of the classroom or something? I'm not talking about getting rip-roaring drunk, but having a drink at a restaurant where one of your students might see you is a crime? She has gotten better over the last few years, I think mainly because she is nearing retirement but it used to bug the shit out of me that she worried about "what will my students think?" because she enjoyed an IPA at a picnic.

I'm amazed this still exists. Years ago, my sister taught first grade for a year in Pine Plains. When she told me that she & her fellow teachers had to go way out of town to have a drink, I was shocked. So, that "rule" still applies after all these years. 

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The loud noise peeve made me think years back (apologies if I have already shared this story).  I was in my 30's sick as hell with the chicken pox.  Fever from hell and itching like crazy.  Could not sleep but in short stints.  I wanted to zip out of my body like the aliens in Cocoon.  

So I'm living in a townhouse.  Idiot neighbor had turned on his music super loud before, and I'd not complained once.  He did it while I was sick.  I had a fairly good microphone (I sang with groups for a while), which could plug into my stereo.  Think Mr. Microphone but better.  I first blew on this noisemaker someone just gave me as a gag gift like 2 weeks before (it could probably wake the dead).  Idiot didn't get the hint.  So I went OFF on him via the microphone, saying I am sick as hell, if he didn't turn it down, I was calling the police.  And I added that music shouldn't make shit move around your home like those old electric football games.  Poof.  End of music.  Never loud after that time.

With the fourth coming up, not wild about folks shooting off fireworks.  I can deal with it, but if it's past midnight, give me a break.  Now my family has to complain about fireworks in their area - endlessly.  Even if it's 10 pm.  Oh the deadline is 10 and it's 10:05.  Ok, cut them some slack.  And they should only shoot off fireworks on the fourth.  Again, lighten up, Francis.  Then I get to hear about how much money people spend on Fireworks.  I'm already hearing the complaints.  Ironically, my mom can't hear half of it (hearing is just about gone). 

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Ha - I spent my 21st birthday at the Manhattan Beach one (or maybe the Hermosa one - one of those), drinking out of a bucket with my best friend.  Shit-show is right; GrubHub called Sharkeez "Southern California’s sports bar bastion for drunk twenty-somethings on the make" and that's spot on.  Needless to say, I have not been to one in quite a long time.

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54 minutes ago, hoosier80 said:

With the fourth coming up, not wild about folks shooting off fireworks.  

You jinxed me.  The first firework of  July4th is at least 8 days long went of as I read this.   Not kidding.

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17 hours ago, hoosier80 said:

With the fourth coming up, not wild about folks shooting off fireworks.  I can deal with it, but if it's past midnight, give me a break.

I don't understand why people can be so inconsiderate to think making very loud explosive noises in a neighborhood where people are sleeping is ok to do. I have no problem with town/city sponsored fireworks shows, they can be spectacular and people can choose to attend them. But the idiot next door who buys $400 of explosives and sets them off outside my window at 1:00am BECAUSE IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY is just being an ass. 

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35 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

But the idiot next door who buys $400 of explosives and sets them off outside my window at 1:00am BECAUSE IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY is just being an ass. 

To say nothing of the fact that a lot of the people in your average neighborhood who light off fireworks aren't professionals and therefore won't be quite as safe or responsible in handling them. Next thing you know, there's a story about a fireworks accident on your local news. 

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1 minute ago, Annber03 said:

To say nothing of the fact that a lot of the people in your average neighborhood who light off fireworks aren't professionals and therefore won't be quite as safe or responsible in handling them. Next thing you know, there's a story about a fireworks accident on your local news. 

It’s always a busy night in the ER...sadly. 

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43 minutes ago, GoodieGirl said:

I don't understand why people can be so inconsiderate to think making very loud explosive noises in a neighborhood where people are sleeping is ok to do. I have no problem with town/city sponsored fireworks shows, they can be spectacular and people can choose to attend them. But the idiot next door who buys $400 of explosives and sets them off outside my window at 1:00am BECAUSE IT'S THE FOURTH OF JULY is just being an ass. 

I think it's mostly kids on summer break who don't have to get up for school the day after and they just don't care.

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3 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I think it's mostly kids on summer break who don't have to get up for school the day after and they just don't care.

Unfortunately, it's also a lot of adults who should know better. I worry about something landing on someone's (mine!) roof.  Thankfully, it doesn't bother our cat but I feel sorry for all the dogs who can't handle loud noises like this or thunder.

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