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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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I have a peeve with pharmacies that can't fully refill a prescription.  I'm not on any rare medicines, only a couple of meds, and I get them refilled at the same pharmacy every time (for years and years). So, why do I have to make another trip back at another time frequently because they could only refill my prescription partially?  It's not always a problem, since I make a point to piggyback errands so that I'm heading right by the place anyway, but when it happens, I have to be careful to see that I've actually picked up all refills.  I thought I was caught up, but I was refilling my 7-day pill dispenser (I don't have a lot of pills--my main meds are eyedrops--but I use one so I can put my vitamins in as well as my BP med) and when I used the last of my BP pills from my '30 of 90 supply' bottle and then opened the one other bottle that I had picked up about a week later, I realized that it only had '30 of 90' as well.  So (a month after picking up when I thought was the rest of the refill), I had to call to find out where my other 30 days of pills were.  It turned out that it has been backordered and I'll get a call when it comes in, but the fact that I wasn't told this at the time or didn't get an e-mail alerting me to this fact, makes me think that the back order got lost in the shuffle.  At least I have enough to last me for several more weeks.  I'll just have to make sure I check all refills from now on very carefully. (Now I'm wondering if I was actually right when I went back a couple of weeks ago to pick up one of my eyedrop refills and told them that I should have had one more partial refill to complete.  I was asking about eyedrops, and they said I had picked up everything, but now I'm thinking my subconscious was thinking 'BP med'.) I keep going to that pharmacy even though it's kind of out of the way for me (I pass by another one in the chain every day that's right near my house, but I don't care for the staff there--they can be kind of dismissive and rude sometimes), because the staff are generally helpful and pleasant and the place is open 24 hrs. but the partial refill thing is getting old fast.  I thought about getting my medicines via mail, but I worry about having refills stolen.  Oh well, it's another incentive to try to get in better shape to see if I could get off the BP medicine. 

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On 3/13/2019 at 4:36 PM, theredhead77 said:

I said something to the Macy's manager who is going to talk to their manager. Just reinforces my decision to not go to Macy's.

I’ll NEVER buy from Macy’s ever again after my experience with them last year. I’d bought a cute little beer mug-shaped purse on sale from there for a beer festival; not even an hour into the festival, the damned strap literally broke in half! So I couldn’t find my receipt but went back the next day hoping to at least get store credit. Even went back to the same cashier who remembered me. The cashier told me that it was “Macy’s company policy” that without a reciept and since it was a sale item, they would have to simply mail me a gift card for the sale amount. Okay whatever, I was fine with that, despite what a stupid store policy that is.

Cue three weeks and three phone calls to Macy’s later, I never received my gift card. I *still* haven’t ever received that goddamned gift card, those greedy bastards. So there’s $35 down the drain. Fuck Macy’s; I’ll never step foot in that shithole again.

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My peeve right now is with that damn Taco Bell commercial that looks like a trailer for a movie set in space, making me think, "Oh, that looks interesting; I may have to go see that," only for it to turn into a commercial for nacho fries or something. Going in search of nacho fries or to bring them back from wherever is NOT the same as exploring space. 

On a different note: Dear people in parking lots, the parking lot is not a residential street. It for sure is not a damn highway. So quit driving at speeds that are more suitable for the interstate. Also, news flash to pedestrians in parking lots: Walking behind a vehicle that is already backing up is a good way to get run over. 

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28 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:

Also, news flash to pedestrians in parking lots: Walking behind a vehicle that is already backing up is a good way to get run over. 

This drives me crazy, they just walk by like it's not their problem. Also, when people walk out of a store into a parking lot, LOOK BEFORE YOU STEP OFF OF THE SIDEWALK. There's a shopping area near me that has a Party City & a Home Goods right next to each other. There is sidewalk in front of the front doors & then parking lot. People continuously just walk out the front doors without looking to see if a car is coming. A lot of times they're looking at their phones & are completely oblivious. I guess they think they're impervious to getting hit by cars, but people, YOU'RE NOT.

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1 minute ago, GaT said:

People continuously just walk out the front doors without looking to see if a car is coming. A lot of times they're looking at their phones & are completely oblivious. I guess they think they're impervious to getting hit by cars, but people, YOU'RE NOT.

I remember Stephen Colbert made a joke "rule" of sorts about that once. He said something like, "If you think you've got the right to walk right into the middle of the street while looking at your phone, I have the right to run you down in my car while I'm staring at my phone." :p. 

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3 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

My peeve right now is with that damn Taco Bell commercial that looks like a trailer for a movie set in space, making me think, "Oh, that looks interesting; I may have to go see that," only for it to turn into a commercial for nacho fries or something. Going in search of nacho fries or to bring them back from wherever is NOT the same as exploring space.

I keep hearing on the radio a commercial for something that starts with "Red Red Wine," and I get all excited because I love that song, and then it turns into a commercial. I'm not sure for what because I'm so annoyed that I immediately change the station.

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8 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I keep hearing on the radio a commercial for something that starts with "Red Red Wine," and I get all excited because I love that song, and then it turns into a commercial. I'm not sure for what because I'm so annoyed that I immediately change the station.

I've heard that commercial, too, when riding the bus here in town. I think it's an ad for some kind of cleaning product or something. 

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26 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I keep hearing on the radio a commercial for something that starts with "Red Red Wine," and I get all excited because I love that song, and then it turns into a commercial. I'm not sure for what because I'm so annoyed that I immediately change the station.

I would immediately change the station too, but that's because I really hate that song. 🙂

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This is a minor peeve in the great scheme of things, but it still bugs me. Some time ago, I read the original Boxcar Children books to my son. Only the original ones (and then I told him that's all there were) because I was tired of them and didn't want to go on for more than 100 books more. Gertrude Chandler Warren wrote 19 of them. After she died, other authors carried on, and now there are 152 books. I did not want to read 152 Boxcar Children books.

Anyway, some I got from the library and some I bought the Kindle version on Amazon, so the information that I bought Boxcar Children books is in the information Amazon has about me. And I keep getting emails from Amazon about new Gertrude Chandler Warren books I might want to buy. That's what it says: "New from Gertrude Chandler Warren." It's more books about the Boxcar Children. But did I mention she's dead? The books are not by her. Her name is on the books (peeve for the publisher), but she didn't write it. She's dead. Couldn't the email say, "New from the Boxcar Children," or something like that?

Again, I know it's no big deal, and I know Amazon is following the publisher's lead, but it bugs me.

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3 minutes ago, auntlada said:

This is a minor peeve in the great scheme of things, but it still bugs me. Some time ago, I read the original Boxcar Children books to my son. Only the original ones (and then I told him that's all there were) because I was tired of them and didn't want to go on for more than 100 books more. Gertrude Chandler Warren wrote 19 of them. After she died, other authors carried on, and now there are 152 books. I did not want to read 152 Boxcar Children books.

Anyway, some I got from the library and some I bought the Kindle version on Amazon, so the information that I bought Boxcar Children books is in the information Amazon has about me. And I keep getting emails from Amazon about new Gertrude Chandler Warren books I might want to buy. That's what it says: "New from Gertrude Chandler Warren." It's more books about the Boxcar Children. But did I mention she's dead? The books are not by her. Her name is on the books (peeve for the publisher), but she didn't write it. She's dead. Couldn't the email say, "New from the Boxcar Children," or something like that?

Again, I know it's no big deal, and I know Amazon is following the publisher's lead, but it bugs me.

Nancy Drew and Carolyn Keene is one thing as that is a pseudonym that was specifically made as an umbrella for everyone writing those books.  But, to use a dead author's name to continue her works seems wrong.  They do the same thing with VC Andrews, right? 

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All y'all's prediction algorithms can bite me.

I watched one sweet documentary about dogs, you simplistic nitwits! Stop suggesting that "I might like" every other tragic, gut-wrenching, politicized, conspiratorial, pessimistic, environmentally dire documentary out there.

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7 hours ago, auntlada said:

I read the original Boxcar Children books to my son. Only the original ones (and then I told him that's all there were) because I was tired of them

Even as a non-parent, this made me laugh out loud.

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I'm so over Starbucks baristas and their snippy attitudes. I pay entirely too much for their product to deal with their constant backchat. I always get an iced drink of some sort and ask for very light ice (I have tooth sensitivity from the Invisalign, so I don't want my drink too cold) and 9 times out of 10, I get half a cup full of ice. I very nicely ask for them to please remove some of the ice and I always get "I did give you light ice" or "Next time ask for a venti in a grande cup" or they show me how they are supposed to fill the cup of milk to the 2nd line and the rest with ice. I worked as barista for 3 years---you make what the customer requests, period. If they are unhappy with the way you made their drink, remake it or remove the ice. Its not that serious. Get over yourselves.

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I hate when places expect you to know their specific unique way of ordering! I had this issue at Taco Bell years ago--I wanted a burrito with beans instead of meat (I think? I feel like that's already a menu item. Maybe it wasn't then, or I am thinking of something else. Anyway...) and apparently that was not how I was "supposed" to say it and they acted like I was speaking a made-up language. And don't get me started on the ice cream place I went to once that had only sizes medium and large--how is there a "medium" at all if there are only two options to begin with?!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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30 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I hate when places expect you to know their specific unique way of ordering! I had this issue at Taco Bell years ago--I wanted a burrito with beans instead of meat (I think? I feel like that's already a menu item. Maybe it wasn't then, or I am thinking of something else. Anyway...) and apparently that was not how I was "supposed" to say it and they acted like I was speaking a made-up language. And don't get me started on the ice cream place I went to once that had only sizes medium and large--how is there a "medium" at all if there are only two options to begin with?!

I used to work at McDonald's but I never worked breakfast. One day, for whatever reason I was working breakfast and someone came in and ordered an egg McMuffin w/sausage. So, I told the coordinator I needed an Egg McMuffin w/Sasuage.  She snapped back "it's a Sausage McMuffin w/Egg."  Which I guess I should have known, because that's the button I pushed, but gee whiz.  We all knew what the guy wanted.  And, then somebody wanted something with ham.  I told the coordinator.  I didn't usually work with this person because like I said I wasn't on the breakfast shift and I don't know if she was just in a bad mood that day or if she was always like this, but she pretty much snarled at me "We don't have ham."  "What's that on an Egg McMuffin?" "Canadian bacon.  Why don't you know this?"  Well, gee I guess because I never work breakfast. This whole conversation took place about 3 feet away from my register.  I turned to him and said "Canadian bacon, OK?"  He rolled his eyes and said yes.  

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It's like every ice cream shop wants me to order mint chocolate chip their exact way: 

"Two scoops of mint chip in a cup, please."
"You mean mint chocolate chip?"

Yes. You danged well know what I mean!

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Hello, Hulu.  I have eleventy billion shows & movies on my watchlist - not a single one has ANYTHING remotely related to anime or cartoons.  Yeah, I also call "graphic novels" by their real name, i.e. comic books.  So while I was occupied in the kitchen, the last episode of Cardinal played out (international crime is my genre), and autoplay decided to piss me off by slipping into some Dating Guy cartoon.  WTF?  Now I'll have to throw something at my TeeVee when Hulu announces that I was watching some dumb cartoon, and do I wish to continue.  Grrrr.

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Tumeric instead of turmeric! Carmul instead of caramel!

Ugh, peeve! I just took a peek in the Walking Dead thread (I know, why? All you usually get is "I hate this show!"). But I am having a some downtime at work so I did, and what did I see? A bunch of headscratchy posts about shit I did not see! (In my head, I said this like Negan would.) I guess the DVR cut off early (and, oddly enough, at a part that could have been the logical end of the episode). And because Talking Dead was on later than usual because of some other show in between, I figured I'd just watch that tonight if I felt like it. Apparently big doings occurred and I had no idea? Thanks, AMC!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I think my biggest peeve among food mispronunciations is mar-skah-pōn for "mascarpone" - because I repeatedly hear professional cooks/chefs say it on cooking shows!

Second place is probably adding a second R to "sherbet" (as if it was "sherbert").

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5 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

 I guess the DVR cut off early (and, oddly enough, at a part that could have been the logical end of the episode).

You are not alone in losing the last 20 minutes to DVR void.

I watch 15 minutes behind - start show, hit pause, do things for about 15 minutes, unpause, FF commercials. Even my TV was telling me it ended at 10 and the 'logical point of ending' did  happen at 10.

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The backer-intos are a mysterious cabal.

All parking lots everywhere, including 7-11 strip malls, national forests outlook, and their own driveways.

Edited by 2727
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I back in because I drive a 26 year old POS that has had to be jumped more than once in the last decade. But I also make an effort to not intentionally delay or obstruct others, waving everyone by until I start backing in.

My pet peeve - people who cannot park between two lines. IT'S NOT THAT HARD.

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There are quite a few lots with signs saying backing into spaces is prohibited (especially, but not only, in lots requiring permits which are displayed in front windshields/on rear view mirrors), and I know there are cities and possibly even states where it's illegal.  That last one seems excessive to me, but I guess it makes sense in places where there are only rear license plates. 

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I know this is a common one and has been shared before but: Vaguebooking. Either share what is going on social media or don't.  Posting "I'm sad" and then leaving people hanging with a bunch of unanswered "Why?"'s or "What's wrong?" just drives me up a wall. 

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8 hours ago, Bastet said:

There are quite a few lots with signs saying backing into spaces is prohibited (especially, but not only, in lots requiring permits which are displayed in front windshields/on rear view mirrors), and I know there are cities and possibly even states where it's illegal.  That last one seems excessive to me, but I guess it makes sense in places where there are only rear license plates. 

What? I come from a family where it’s almost an obligation to back in. Even when my brother (now the patriarch) comes to my house to visit he peeks into my garage to make sure that I’m following family policy. (He also snoops and gets on me for messy closets or drawers but that’s another whole can of worms...snooping. I’m a grown ass woman, not a child.) 

Where is this illegal? Which states. I’d love to test him on his knowledge of this. Yes, I’m the bratty little sister and have to test him. 

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11 hours ago, forumfish said:

The odds of someone/something being hit as you are backing in are way lower than when backing out. It becomes a habit.

Definitely true. 

Also, I would speculate that the introduction of the backup camera into cars over the last few years has made it easier for more people to do so. Not everybody likes the backup camera, but for those who get used to it, backing into spots becomes a heck of a lot easier.

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14 hours ago, IrishPirate said:

Why are so many people backing into a parking spot in a well-striped lot? The seconds that maneuver saves when you leave does not make up for the time I have sat here waiting for you to back in.

I don't because I'm not good at it, but I thought you were supposed to back into parking spaces.

6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I know this is a common one and has been shared before but: Vaguebooking. Either share what is going on social media or don't.  Posting "I'm sad" and then leaving people hanging with a bunch of unanswered "Why?"'s or "What's wrong?" just drives me up a wall. 

I had someone unfriend me because I made a post about my birthday and I guess she was mad she got left out. But, anyway, I was kind of glad, because after I realized I was seeing a lot fewer posts about "people who talk about you behind your back..." and "it's sad that some people lie,"  etc, etc, etc.  

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The parking lot at work has diagonal spaces, so if you back in you either have to make a hard right or a hard left to go in the direction of the exit. But I see still a few backed-in cars anyway.

Edited by ABay
Verbs important
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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I had someone unfriend me because I made a post about my birthday and I guess she was mad she got left out. But, anyway, I was kind of glad, because after I realized I was seeing a lot fewer posts about "people who talk about you behind your back..." and "it's sad that some people lie,"  etc, etc, etc.  

Ugh...just consider that like the garbage taking itself out in this case. She sounds like a tiring drama queen, if her random bitching about that stuff on social media is any indication—people like that need to just get off Facebook and get into a therapist office. 

I had a former friend like that, only she would repeatedly post about how she hated “fake, phoney people.” Well gosh, excuse the rest of us for being way too polite to tell you straight to your face that you’re a demanding, rude bitch with no class—-so much for common courtesy, that’s for phonies!

“Vaguebookers” are the absolute worst too, I agree, @AgentRXS!! Facebook isn’t the place to force other grownup’s to drag information out of you like you’re a small child. I actually call out Vaguebookers in the comments when I see them, and it’s been so liberating—-they either sheepishly cop to it and admit their folly or get even more annoying and get snippy with me just before unfriending. Honestly, if you’re annoying enough to regularly Vaguebook, I don’t wanna be your friend anyway, so no big loss there.

My latest Facebook pet-peeves: first, there are the people who somehow feel the weird need to announce that they’ve unfriended a bunch of random folks from their “Friends” list, usually followed by a platitude of how much better/lighter they feel. Uh, good for you? Why did you even Friend all those random people in the first place?? And why should I give a shit that you have that much time on your hands to sit there and comb through your Friends list like a psycho?!? You’re just going to gather a whole bunch of more random “Friends” to replace those within a year anyway, so what a waste of time/effort.

Second, there are those folks who often dramatically post announcements that they’re deactivating their accounts/leaving for a while. Meanwhile, the rest of us all know they’ll be slinking back on there like the self-absorbed losers they really are after they go into inevitable social media withdrawal. No one cares, and we all know these folks are just announcing their online flounce for attention/ego-stroking.

Better yet, if you ever get tempted to announce to all that you’re leaving Facebook, just remember this helpful meme: 


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7 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

My latest Facebook pet-peeves: first, there are the people who somehow feel the weird need to announce that they’ve unfriended a bunch of random folks from their “Friends” list, usually followed by a platitude of how much better/lighter they feel. Uh, good for you? Why did you even Friend all those random people in the first place?? And why should I give a shit that you have that much time on your hands to sit there and comb through your Friends list like a psycho?!? You’re just going to gather a whole bunch of more random “Friends” to replace those within a year anyway, so what a waste of time/effort.

Second, there are those folks who often dramatically post announcements that they’re deactivating their accounts/leaving for a while. Meanwhile, the rest of us all know they’ll be slinking back on there like the self-absorbed losers they really are after they go into inevitable social media withdrawal. No one cares, and we all know these folks are just announcing their online flounce for attention/ego-stroking.

Yes! Every know and then, I'll see a post that says "If you are reading this, you survived the purge.Consider yourself lucky, I just unfriended half my list!". I'm always like "Who the hell cares?".  I don't friend randoms so the people on my list are people I want to be there. What a concept.

I love  that when they announce their FB retirement, they state how much mental and emotional stress FB/social media is putting them through, as if they are some celebrity being inundated by followers and comments. If you are that invested in social media that participating in it causes you stress, maybe you should just stay away.

Edited by AgentRXS
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2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Ugh...just consider that like the garbage taking itself out in this case. She sounds like a tiring drama queen, if her random bitching about that stuff on social media is any indication—people like that need to just get off Facebook and get into a therapist office. 

I had a former friend like that, only she would repeatedly post about how she hated “fake, phoney people.” Well gosh, excuse the rest of us for being way too polite to tell you straight to your face that you’re a demanding, rude bitch with no class—-so much for common courtesy, that’s for phonies!

“Vaguebookers” are the absolute worst too, I agree, @AgentRXS!! Facebook isn’t the place to force other grownup’s to drag information out of you like you’re a small child. I actually call out Vaguebookers in the comments when I see them, and it’s been so liberating—-they either sheepishly cop to it and admit their folly or get even more annoying and get snippy with me just before unfriending. Honestly, if you’re annoying enough to regularly Vaguebook, I don’t wanna be your friend anyway, so no big loss there.

My latest Facebook pet-peeves: first, there are the people who somehow feel the weird need to announce that they’ve unfriended a bunch of random folks from their “Friends” list, usually followed by a platitude of how much better/lighter they feel. Uh, good for you? Why did you even Friend all those random people in the first place?? And why should I give a shit that you have that much time on your hands to sit there and comb through your Friends list like a psycho?!? You’re just going to gather a whole bunch of more random “Friends” to replace those within a year anyway, so what a waste of time/effort.

Second, there are those folks who often dramatically post announcements that they’re deactivating their accounts/leaving for a while. Meanwhile, the rest of us all know they’ll be slinking back on there like the self-absorbed losers they really are after they go into inevitable social media withdrawal. No one cares, and we all know these folks are just announcing their online flounce for attention/ego-stroking.

Better yet, if you ever get tempted to announce to all that you’re leaving Facebook, just remember this helpful meme: 


I wasn't on Facebook before it was cool not to be on Facebook.

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20 hours ago, 2727 said:

The backer-intos are a mysterious cabal.

All parking lots everywhere, including 7-11 strip malls, national forests outlook, and their own driveways.

I back in most of the time, including my driveway/garage and most parking lots.  It is safer that way, as you have a better look at traffic coming down the lane/road if you pull out forward.  Also, the backup camera on my SUV makes it much easier.  A hundred years ago, flying KC-135s in the Air Force, when we pulled Alert and had a full-sized, 4-door cab pickup as our response vehicle, we had to back into parking spaces so we could respond quickly when the klaxon went off.  Since I usually drove for my crew, it became habit.

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21 hours ago, IrishPirate said:

Why are so many people backing into a parking spot in a well-striped lot? The seconds that maneuver saves when you leave does not make up for the time I have sat here waiting for you to back in.

20 hours ago, 2727 said:

The backer-intos are a mysterious cabal.

I always think they're going to rob someplace & need to make a quick getaway.

4 hours ago, ABay said:

The parking lot at work has diagonal spaces, so if you back in you either have to make a hard right or a hard left to go in the direction of the exit. But I see still a few backed-in cars anyway.

They may have pulled in from the other side. I do this all the time, so I guess it looks like I backed in, but I didn't.

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There are median between the parking lanes so you can't pull through. It's the diagonal thing that gets me--if you can pull straight out and turn, no problem backing in or pulling through, but in a lot with diagonals and one way to the exit, you're facing the opposite direction from the one you need to go in to leave.

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58 minutes ago, Katy M said:

I have 35 FB friends.  My sister has over 450.  I always think that she can not possibly know all those people well.

I just checked.  I have 717 FB friends, and almost 600 of them are people I have met in person, whether from school, Air Force, work, hobbies, and such.  Most of the rest are people I know from on-line groups - I have belonged to a few e-mail discussion lists going back more than 20 years - that I haven't met in person, but have been communicating with for years.  I also have who are some friends of friends but who have common interests - photography, aviation, auto racing - and we have connected on FB over the years.

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As our legal beagle @Bastet mused, check your local laws if you regularly back in! Rummaging around online traffic ordinances:

Kailua, Hawaii: Prohibited from backing into slots where there are meters. All cars must face the meters.

Fullerton, CA: Prohibited entirely. "Police will be able to check if rear license plates are registered and legal. Also, it’s a standard policy to have lot permit tags in the front windows and parking stickers on the back sides of the cars for employees. This prevents motorists from parking in the wrong spaces."

Martha's Vineyard: Prohibited entirely. Also illegal to exit by pulling through a vacant slot ahead of you.

Bellingham, WA: Backing into angled parking is prohibited.

Fort Collins, CO: Prohibited in city limits.

Sarasota, FL: Prohibited in public lots and streets. They cite licenses only being on the rear of cars as the primary reason. Also "In some parking areas, like Bayfront Park and the Palm Avenue Parking Garage, there are many pedestrians walking around, so back-in parking is not allowed for safety and operational efficiency reasons."

There should be clear signage in the affected areas or you can fight the ticket.  :-)

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6 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Fullerton, CA: Prohibited entirely. "Police will be able to check if rear license plates are registered and legal. Also, it’s a standard policy to have lot permit tags in the front windows and parking stickers on the back sides of the cars for employees. This prevents motorists from parking in the wrong spaces.

I don't know if any of you are familiar with Fullerton but they have some bizarrely strict parking regulations and in many areas there isn't a shortage of parking.

Now the area of Long Beach that I'm from needs the rules Fullerton has because there is a massive shortage of parking and people who have garages use them to store things, not park their cars, which contributes to the shortage of parking.

So, my parking peeve is this: if you have a garage and you live in an area that is always dealing with parking issues, park in it. It's not a storage unit for your crap, it's for your car. My other peeve is in the area I'm from, if there are garages available with the units landlords will charge extra and would rather have it sit empty when their tennant parks on the street instead of forking over another $150 for a garage then just including a more reasonable amount it in the rent.

Oh, and I always back in at concerts and sporting events to the point I will sit in the car and re-park if they make me pull in head first. I am not fucking around with avodin everyone walking behind you when trying to leave.

Edited by theredhead77
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45 minutes ago, GaT said:

I always think they're going to rob someplace & need to make a quick getaway.

For the record: I have never robbed or stolen nor needed to make a quick getaway. 

Part of a mysterious cabal...yes...my family lol. 

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26 minutes ago, 2727 said:

Bellingham, WA: Backing into angled parking is prohibited.

It's illegal to do that in on-street angled parking here. I had a boss whom everyone hated (she was either crazy or a bitch, depending on who you asked) who did that all the time. Finally one of my co-workers called the parking enforcement people, and she got a ticket. I think it's related to J-turns being illegal (when you turn into angled parking on the other side of the street that is pointed the other direction from the one you are going), but I'm not sure. Many people make J-turns anyway, and I'm OK with that as long as they have small cars. I wish the people with SUVs, vans and pickup trucks would stop.

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On 3/25/2019 at 9:17 PM, forumfish said:

It's a safety thing. I used to work for a company that had a fleet of service trucks and the drivers were instructed to always back into a parking spot. The odds of someone/something being hit as you are backing in are way lower than when backing out. It becomes a habit.

At my job we have employees who think the long aisle to get out of the parking lot is a drag racing strip, it's dangerous to attempt to back out. 

On 3/25/2019 at 5:46 PM, IrishPirate said:

Why are so many people backing into a parking spot in a well-striped lot? The seconds that maneuver saves when you leave does not make up for the time I have sat here waiting for you to back in.

Because inevitably 2 large SUV's will park on either side of my Hyandai Sonata, which will make me have to back out blindly hoping someone will have mercy on me and not take out the back end of my car. In grocery store parking lots especially, like @theredhead77 said, I don't want to take the chance of running over a small child whose parent is distracted or some little old lady/man who isn't paying attention. 

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People who parked on the street leading other drivers having a hard time making sure it is safe to make a turn. I have a few neighbors who are a little too lazy to find a safer place to park. I know at least one neighbor got a warning about doing it to the point of coming close to having their vehicle towed away. It also makes it harder for emergency vehicles to park or get down the street. Plus the fact, it can make it hard for all drivers to get down the street especially because of the lazy nitwits who park at the end of the street making it more dangerous and harder to turn on and off the street.

Edited by bigskygirl
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2 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

Because inevitably 2 large SUV's will park on either side of my Hyandai Sonata, which will make me have to back out blindly hoping someone will have mercy on me and not take out the back end of my car. In grocery store parking lots especially, like @theredhead77 said, I don't want to take the chance of running over a small child whose parent is distracted or some little old lady/man who isn't paying attention

I have the same problem, which is why I always try to park in the one aisle at the supermarket where you can pull straight through, so I can pull out forward.   I too get surrounded by giant SUVs with darkly tinted windows, making it impossible to see anything coming towards me.   I drive a VW Jetta, and it's hard to see the back end of the car.   (I'm also short, making it even more difficult to see out the back).

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23 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

So, my parking peeve is this: if you have a garage and you live in an area that is always dealing with parking issues, park in it. It's not a storage unit for your crap, it's for your car.

Or at least park in your driveway.  In my immediate neighborhood, everyone has garages.  The overwhelming majority choose to use them for storage instead of parking their car(s) in them.  Fine.  I don't understand this in most situations, but it's neither my car nor my stuff.  Except, if you're not going to park in your garage, park in your driveway.  Have more than one car and don't want to deal with tandem parking (the driveways are almost all narrow)?  There is room for two cars on the street in front of your house. 

But no.  I somehow always have at least one neighbor's car in front of my house, and often two.  It's a public street, so I don't own the part of it that's in front of my house; anyone is entitled to park there for 72 hours at a time.  My car goes in my garage, and a guest can park in my driveway.  It's not a situation like you're describing, where the whole block is routinely jockeying for street parking, but it does irritate me a bit.  

In the case of a neighborhood where many residents and their guests have to park on the street (which is the case with a friend I visit weekly), it drives me bananas when people don't park in a way that maximizes curb space and lets as many cars as possible fit.  Leave room for people to get in and out of their driveways and for you to maneuver out of the space, of course, but pull up!  (I know there are situations where it looks like a person parked like an asshole, but it's possible that another car's driver parked like an asshole, necessitating the second car's placement, and now the first car is gone.  I'm not talking about those.) 

My other residential parking peeve happens on garbage day -- in my neighborhood, it's people parking in front of someone else's house without leaving that resident enough room to put the bins out, and in neighborhoods like my friend's, it's people putting out their bins spread apart far more than the truck's mechanism requires, thus taking up more of what should be parking space.

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I have had such an annoying day, man (that I think might culminate in an anxiety attack, I swear). And now, all of a sudden for whatever reason, when I scroll on my laptop, there's this little bounce at the top or bottom of whatever site I am looking at--like a bit of blank space that appears while the actual page bounces. I don't know how to explain it but it's annoying. I looked it up and it seems to be called scroll bouncing or scroll elastic or some shit, and I can find no solutions that don't involve, like, coding. 

And now, here, there's an ad for Dumbo and it's making me crazy because you couldn't pay me to see that! I just recall how horrifyingly sad and upsetting the old cartoon was--like I could seriously cry if I think about it too hard (because I am apparently an emotional lunatic right now) and I just want nothing to do with that movie! Ugh, this day. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
Edited because I typed "add" when I meant "ad"! I hate everything!
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I need to take a moment to complain about lining up in stores like Old Navy and Kohls where people all wait in one spot for the next available register. This older, grandparent couple came right up to the register and put their things down on the counter pushing my items further down to make room for them. Did I forget to mention they had a child in a stroller that they pushed right up next to me and then the grandma came around the front and bent over to her grandson and shoved her large bottom into my side. FFS, what is wrong with people? I had to crane the pay pad completely to the left to sign for my purchase. 

Then we have the people in grocery stores who don't care to notice there is a line waiting for the next available self-check register to open. I was in line with my 6 year old. When the next one opened, we walked toward it. A man cut through the flower section and went right to the register. My exact words, "excuse me sir, we were next, there's a line". He grabbed his beer and toilet paper and said, "chill out, bitch." And, because whatever karmic force in the world you believe in has a sense of humor, he ended up at the register across from me. I lit him up as best I could with my child with me. Total DB. I really wish employees would step in before something happens. How hard is it to direct people to the line?

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