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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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44 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

My current peeve is a literal peeve: inconsistent hair days. I can't figure out what I do differently to have amazing hair one day and WTF hair the next.

Yep. I have shoulder length hair which is in that weird category of not curly, but not straight. Some days I use a flat iron to make it look a bit less unruly, other days I use hot rollers to curl it. After I wash and dry it, my hair kind of lets me know if it's going to be a straight day or a curly day, and I go with  that.

  It looks best a day or two after I curl it.  But whats making me crazy is that I can get it curled and looking great, and then an hour later the right side is significantly more straight than the left side. No idea why, it just chooses that on its own.

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5 minutes ago, auntlada said:

Is it possible to get supper cooked at the time I want, not 15 minutes early or 10 minutes late?

Not in my experience.  I’ve concluded that time bends around my cooking. 

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3 hours ago, ABay said:

Earworms. That's my pet peeve of the day. I was doing a crossword and one of the clues was about the song "The Girl from Ipanema." Get out of my head!

We must have been working on the same puzzle.

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2 hours ago, Jean-Beth said:

By 'taking out' your knit dress, do you mean that you physically removed it from the closet or that you 'offed' it with the Raid and swatter?

Ha! Removed it so I'd have something to wear if by chance I need to leave the house.

The closet has tile flooring but I'd still rather not use bug spray in there. The smell lingers, for one thing. The Raid is a last resort if I can't reach them with a swatter. I assume this particular numskull crawled into one of my shoes or the clothes hamper. Shudder.

I never use the my third bathroom and leave it empty and closed off. Went in last week to do my twice-yearly wipe down, saw at least 4 dead roaches on the floor, screamed, slammed the door, and called my sister to come sweep them up. The phobia is real, dog.

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Man caves. I think less of every man who wants or has one and it's all I can do to bite my tongue when a friend's boyfriend/husband is proudly showing me around his.

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1 hour ago, slf said:

Man caves. I think less of every man who wants or has one and it's all I can do to bite my tongue when a friend's boyfriend/husband is proudly showing me around his.

I agree. A special room with leather recliners and a big screen tv?  That's called a family room. The men I know who call it a man cave really mean, "I get the best chair and the biggest tv and I get to decide what channel is on."

You want your own "cave?" You can have the he-shed I the backyard. (I also hate the whole she-shed concept).  

Edited by tinkerbell
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2 hours ago, slf said:

Man caves. I think less of every man who wants or has one and it's all I can do to bite my tongue when a friend's boyfriend/husband is proudly showing me around his.

2 hours ago, slf said:

Man caves. I think less of every man who wants or has one and it's all I can do to bite my tongue when a friend's boyfriend/husband is proudly showing me around his.

Heh. My friend has a "lady cave" in their basement. It's full of plush carpet, bean bags and overstuffed chairs and hundreds of books. 


@2727 I used to pay my friends in booze to get rid of the roaches in my old place.

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Here is a TV specific pet peeve I recalled last night :

Shows that come back from the first commercial and are still showing opening credits on the screen as the show is ongoing 

So annoying.

I kept track once of the longest into a show it went with them still showing opening credits.  There was one drama, I forget which one now, it went on for like 20 minutes into the show. 

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17 hours ago, ABay said:

Earworms. That's my pet peeve of the day. I was doing a crossword and one of the clues was about the song "The Girl from Ipanema." Get out of my head!

"tall and tan and young and lovely"  :)

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16 hours ago, auntlada said:

That drives me crazy. In that situation, my son gets cheese because he doesn't like pepperoni. He says it's too hot, which is weird because the meat topping he prefers is spicy Italian sausage. And he wants it with fresh tomato, which not all pizza places have, but should.

I was a child of the '70s and teen of the '80s, and my mom cooked almost every night. If she couldn't for some reason (like when she went back to school to get a master's degree), my dad cooked. It was best if he didn't cook, though, since he would use whatever was in the refrigerator or cabinets. That's how Spam stew came into being. I don't recommend it. We didn't eat out much because we didn't have a lot of extra money. We were probably poor, certainly poorer than many of my friends, but I didn't know it then. We had a house we (well, Mom and Dad) owned in a nice although not fancy neighborhood, two cars (always used and one was usually pretty old), enough to eat and clothes to wear. I had pretty nice clothes because some wealthier people at our church had three daughters and the youngest was a year older than me, so I got her hand-me-downs. Then when I outgrew them, if they were still good, we passed them on to another family with a daughter two years younger than me. I thought that was just how people did things -- passed on stuff they didn't need to people who might need it. Now I look around and want to pass on my son's outgrown but still good clothes and can't find anyone I think would want them and wouldn't be offended -- which is OK because we donate them to our church's clothes closet, where people who need clothes can get them.

I wonder if kids' meals are pre-prepped or if you could ask whether you could, say, have cheese with mushrooms on a kids' sized pizza.  I mean, if adult pizzas have mushrooms (or if it's an option to add onto non-kids' pizzas)... 

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13 minutes ago, PRgal said:

I wonder if kids' meals are pre-prepped or if you could ask whether you could, say, have cheese with mushrooms on a kids' sized pizza.  I mean, if adult pizzas have mushrooms (or if it's an option to add onto non-kids' pizzas)... 

Most places you can. You just have to pay extra for it because it's an additional topping, even though the restaurant has a different one-topping for the same price.

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After the earworm talk about 'that song', I had to post this:  



Pet peeve: I hate it when people are out walking (or walking their dogs or riding a bike) at dusk or full dark and they are wearing dark clothes. It's particularly bad when it's in a neighborhood that has no streetlights or lights that are few and far between.  That being said, I appreciate the guy who walks his two dogs every evening along one street that is on my route home who wears a little headlamp (to make it easier to see to pick up poop maybe?) and wears a reflective bandolier (and his two dogs each wears one, too!).  He is easy to see and to avoid on that dark street. 

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On 1/14/2019 at 9:50 AM, PRgal said:

OG = original, until some women from my high school started using it to abbreviate Old Girl (i.e. alumna(e)) on social media.  Funny, since "Old Girl" has been used for at least a century, if not longer (the school itself is over 150 years old).  Took more than a second for it to click.

I’ve seen OG used as ‘original gangster.’ Maybe not a literal gangster, but usually a grassroots member of a neighborhood, community, etc. who knows its customs. 


I don’t know if this is a pet peeve or just my personal bias:

My birthday pops up on Facebook, so all of my friends know when my birthday is, and they send me lovely greetings.

I have other FB friends whose birthday also pops up with a reminder, but they’ll post things on their wall like, “Today’s my birthday. I’m so happy to see another year.” I could give them the benefit of the doubt and say that maybe they’ve recently overcome an illness or have experienced the death of friends or family in the past year. But the cynic in me thinks they simply want to remind everyone again that it’s their birthday--just in case we don’t see the bold-font reminder in our feed. It seems like pure compliment-fishing to me.  Am I too cynical?

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@BooksRule that episode was on last night! I thought about this thread.


@topanga I turn off my birthday settings so very few people post. My BFF will and maybe a few people will see it and post after but I get annoyed at birthday wishes from people who are obviously just going through the motions and have no idea when my birthday is. If the people who are posting about their own birthday are "it's my birthday month" sort of people I would agree that it's pure fishing. Otherwise maybe they had some health issues you didn't know about, or maybe they're just grateful they made it another year.

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On 1/14/2019 at 9:50 AM, PRgal said:

Or do they mean Original Recipe (as in the original version of a TV show rather than the reboot/remake)?

That's exactly the meaning it has for me, as, for instance, how I would use it to differentiate between the 1978-91 original Dallas on CBS, and its abortive 2012-14 TNT reboot (in fact, the Dallas reboot is what caused me to use that to differentiate between versions of any show, when that show has had at least two versions).

Edited by bmasters9
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One of the folks that lives in my building (but different entry) drives a truck that I've complained about here. He's got an obnoxious alarm (and remote starter (I think?)) on it that loudly chirps SIX times when it is set or turned off. Well, apparently it is malfunctioning, because it now alerts (the horn honks) when he disables the alarm/starts the truck. It goes HONK! HONK! HONK! [engine starts]. Jesus god why?!

I fully understand not being able to immediately afford fixing it, but in the meantime, cut a wire! Remove a fuse! Don't set the alarm! Do something...anything!

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On 1/12/2019 at 11:43 AM, Bastet said:


She was kind of a pain to travel with, though, because of the food thing.  We were once in New Orleans (one of the greatest cities in the country to eat your way through) with two other friends, and we kept having to make time for her to stop at Burger King before or after we went to all these great restaurants at which she wouldn't eat.  But it was still a wonderful trip, and she never once suggested the rest of us limit our dining experiences to places that had fries and chicken fingers on the menu; she just drank (and maybe had an appetizer) and talked while we ate.

I am not a picky eater, as I like exponentially more food than I dislike, but like most people I have a number of things in the big wide world of food I strongly dislike and thus won't eat -- every single type of bean I have ever tried, mustard, egg yolks, potatoes, yogurt, green beans, peas, blue cheese, and a few types of fish.  I don't really care for stews regardless of ingredients because the vegetables have been cooked too long for me (in terms of both texture and taste).  There are quite a few cuts of beef/beef dishes I will eat to be polite but would never make or order (add pot roast and meatloaf to the "wouldn't eat with someone else's mouth" list, though).  I'm not a big fan of cooked tomatoes or tomato-based sauces.  I won't eat sour cream unless it's mixed with a whole lot of flavorful things to cover it up.  Same with tofu.  Raw carrots do nothing for me, and cooked carrots I straight-up dislike.  But pretty much everything else I've tried I like, and there's a lot of food I truly love.


That's quite a long list for someone who's "not a picky eater" and I'm sure you're grateful for friends who were happy to go with the flow to accommodate your food preferences.  Just as your friend who only wanted to eat at Burger King would be grateful that you "make time for her to stop at Burger King".

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I really hate mealy-mouthed people that always have to have a "cutesy" way of saying things. For example calling sex "snuggling" or a cold "the sniffles". It's just annoying AF. It's one of the many reasons I hate Marge Simpson with the fire with a thousand suns.

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1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

I really hate mealy-mouthed people that always have to have a "cutesy" way of saying things. For example calling sex "snuggling" or a cold "the sniffles". It's just annoying AF. It's one of the many reasons I hate Marge Simpson with the fire with a thousand suns.

Snuggling and sex are two different things.  And so are the sniffles and a cold.  I would say I have the sniffles right now, but I don't have any other symptoms, so it's just the cold weather, not a cold.

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2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

I really hate mealy-mouthed people that always have to have a "cutesy" way of saying things. For example calling sex "snuggling" or a cold "the sniffles". It's just annoying AF. 

"Nibbles" for "snacks".  Makes me want to put my fingers down my  throat.

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1 hour ago, Katy M said:

Snuggling and sex are two different things.  And so are the sniffles and a cold.  I would say I have the sniffles right now, but I don't have any other symptoms, so it's just the cold weather, not a cold.

Not for some people. But even hearing people use those terms in general annoys the crap out of me.

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I always figured sex was referred to as "snuggling" on The Simpsons because it is on at 8pm and kids are watching. Hearing "mmmmm sexy time" come out of Homer's mouth seems way more 'adult' than 'mmmmm snuggling'. I agree with the rest about Marge though. Overall that level of passive and timidness  grates on my last nerve.

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I find the terms 'fooling around' ,'making love' or 'making whoopee' far more appealing than the technical 'having sex' or the profane 'f-word' but to each one's own. I understand that in times of duress or during strong emotions, one can let said profanities slip (which I have done) . However; I dislike it when public figures or television personalities who know their words are to be broadcast to viewers of all ages, genders and demographics DELIBERATELY interject profanities even when they know they'll be bleeped out (e.g. the late Anthony Bourdain would actually frequently use them in post-production narratives which was not something I liked about him, I mean would it have been so tough for him to have said 'effin' , 'blanken' or even 'freaken' if not actually have attempted to use some imagination or consulted a dictionary to think of other terms that would have better made his point).  Yeah, I know it's an UO and as I said, to each one's own and I'm not attempting to dis any other posters here  but, re public figures and personalities, that IS my Pet Peeve! 

Edited by Blergh
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This happened a month ago and it still peeves me.  I work for a million dollar company with multiple stores (we specialize in cheap tourist souvenir crap).  This was my first holiday season working for them.  At our Christmas luncheon, the CFO came around to mumble his thanks to each of us for our hard work.  I didn't even know who the hell he was but sensed he was a big deal.  He gave each of us an envelope with a $50 gift card.  A few weeks later I was talking to my "work son" about building something in his backyard and he said that he could use the Home Depot gift card he got from the company.  Wait a minute, what?, they gave me a Target gift card.  After some asking around, it turns out that all the men got Home Depot and all the womenfolk got Target.  And this is the second year in a row that they've done this.  I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn't 1955.  Hey, you morons, women can buy their own homes now and do their own repair work and not all men care about tools.  I went home and ranted to Mr. Angeltoes about this blatant sexist stunt and he didn't think it was.  He said,"Well, maybe they were just trying to gear it towards the fact that women like to shop at Target and they wouldn't find anything useful at Home Depot."  Fool, please, I don't do tools myself but Home Depot has other merchandise that interests me, like the marked down Christmas stuff.  I quizzed my friend who was a Human Resources manager for years if this was sexist and she agreed with me.  Her exact words were,"Hell, yes, that's sexist."  To top it all off, our company president is female, although I'm beginning to think that's just for show.

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 Somewhat reminds me of what happened in my high school ages ago. Long short is that the male best seller of the school raffle tickets got dinner for two at the city's  finest restaurant but the female best seller got- wait for it- a DOLL! Yeah, it was a fancy doll but still a doll. Come on! Didn't they think that not only were not all high school girls interested in dolls but also that THEY might have wanted to make use of a dinner for two at the restaurant? !


  For those not interested in why there was  gender disparity re   prizes. I'd like to offer my pet peeve of raffles in general!  Even back when I was a kid, not only did I dislike having to pitch stuff  I knew others would  have no use for to total adult strangers and neighbors but I hated how we were pressured into selling quotas JUST to keep from being one of the few students stuck at school while all the quota makers got a 'free day off' and dissed by other classmates. I wish there was a movement BANNING them -especially for private schools which already get monies from parents just to have kids get in! Oh, and how safe is it for even teens to be pitching stuff to indifferent if not hostile strangers?

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1 hour ago, Blergh said:

Oh, and how safe is it for even teens to be pitching stuff to indifferent if not hostile strangers?

My private elementary school used to send us door to door selling chocolate covered almonds from 3rd grade on. I don't remember what we were raising money for, but participation wasn't optional. Nowadays if I ever see Girl Scouts with a table set up outside, there's always an adult with them. Doing most of the work, probably.

Re company holiday gifts: One place gave out turkeys for Thanksgiving. I live alone and don't really like turkey, but there was no process for refusing. The food bank wouldn't accept it so if I couldn't shove it off onto a co-worker, I'd end up throwing it away. Stupid policies.

We then got a $50 gift certificate to Costco for Christmas, which was at least easy for me to give away. The store was about a 30 minute drive and I'm not a fan of crowded big box shopping and long checkout lines. This was before online ordering. I'm sure the company got a 50 cent discount on each card by buying in bulk, but just give me the damned $50 in my paycheck. Yes, the couple bucks of withholding tax is fine.

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I'm male and would rather have the Target gift card than the Home Depot gift card.

They could just ask your preference.   Does seem very sexist. 

AT our office they just started a policy for birthdays of asking our preferred place for gift cards like this. 

Knowing several teachers as family and friends, I know this is a pet peeve for them around Christmas :  they'd rather have gift cards than any other "'best teacher" gift or trinket. 

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5 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

After some asking around, it turns out that all the men got Home Depot and all the womenfolk got Target.  And this is the second year in a row that they've done this.  I had to check the calendar to make sure it wasn't 1955.  Hey, you morons, women can buy their own homes now and do their own repair work and not all men care about tools.

In addition to tools, home depot also sells light fixtures, window treatments,  lots of stuff you need for a house.  Home depot has a nice selection of houseplants and plant pots, and in the spring  they have outdoor plants.  I spend more money at Home Depot than I ever would at Target.   I imagine though, that people who live in an apartment or condo might have less use for a home depot card.   It's not about gender, for me it's more about whether or not you're a home owner.   A home depot card is our favorite to buy for housewarming gifts. 

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5 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

I went home and ranted to Mr. Angeltoes about this blatant sexist stunt and he didn't think it was.

Was Mr. Angeltoes dropped on his head as a child or something?  Of course it's sexist.  (Yes, I know, the answer is no, that it's unexamined privilege, not brain injury, that led to his answer.  But come on; even if you don't initially get it, kick your brain into gear once it's pointed out and acknowledge reality.)

This is likely something staffed out, but the CEO should still be aware (signing the invoices if nothing else) and put the kibosh on a gender-based division in who gets what.  A better gift of this kind would be a pre-loaded Visa/Mastercard gift card that can be used anywhere, but if going with a store gift card, Target is the better of the two because of the variety of items carried, but Home Depot is still okay because the various departments still allow the average person to find something to her or his liking.  Perpetuating some tired "Home Depot = Tools = Men" stereotype by giving the male employees a different gift card is not okay.

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Where I used to work they gave out some cheap gifts for "employee recognition".  The women all got scented candles (which I hate) and the men got  mini-tool kits.   I would have much rather had the tool kit (even though it was a pretty flimsy one) than the scented candles.  This was just a few years ago.

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When I worked at McDonald's that bugged me, so I asked "Barbie or Hot wheels" instead of boy or girl?  One time, I was doing counter and I asked, and it was just a mom and her daughter, and she said "Barbie, she's a girl," like really snottily.  Ok, Whatever.  You don't have to get mad about it. I wasn't implying I thought your girl looked like a boy.

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14 hours ago, Bastet said:

This is likely something staffed out, but the CEO should still be aware (signing the invoices if nothing else) and put the kibosh on a gender-based division in who gets what.  A better gift of this kind would be a pre-loaded Visa/Mastercard gift card that can be used anywhere, but if going with a store gift card, Target is the better of the two because of the variety of items carried, but Home Depot is still okay because the various departments still allow the average person to find something to her or his liking.  Perpetuating some tired "Home Depot = Tools = Men" stereotype by giving the male employees a different gift card is not okay.

Exactly. If a company is going to hand out gift cards to several employees, why not just use a generic Visa/MasterCard that the employee can use at whatever store he/she wishes? I like Home Depot, and rarely go to Target, but I'd appreciate the ability to use the $50 at other places. There's bound to be people who dislike both stores, and a neutral gift card is a much more flexible option. It would be different if these Home Depot and Target cards were individualized gift cards, where the CEO knew what kind of stores you like. For example, several years ago my manager gave me a gift card to a bookstore chain, because she knew I read a lot. That's very different from just assuming all male employees want to go to Store A and all female employees want to go to Store B.

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2 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:

Exactly. If a company is going to hand out gift cards to several employees, why not just use a generic Visa/MasterCard that the employee can use at whatever store he/she wishes? I like Home Depot, and rarely go to Target, but I'd appreciate the ability to use the $50 at other places. There's bound to be people who dislike both stores, and a neutral gift card is a much more flexible option. It would be different if these Home Depot and Target cards were individualized gift cards, where the CEO knew what kind of stores you like. For example, several years ago my manager gave me a gift card to a bookstore chain, because she knew I read a lot. That's very different from just assuming all male employees want to go to Store A and all female employees want to go to Store B.

A store might give you a discount for volume gift card buying. I don't know that Visa/MasterCard would.

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@Katy M, maybe so, but my gut feeling is that the choice of token holiday gift shouldn't be determined by whether the company can get a discount for volume purchases. Undoubtedly the bottom line is a factor, but there's still no excuse for basing the choice on gender. If the company was hellbent on buying Home Depot and Target cards, then they could have just distributed them randomly so there was no way to predict who would get which card, rather than dictating that all male employees get the Home Depot card and all female employees get the Target card. Personally, I'd prefer an Amazon card rather than either the Home Depot or Target; a couple of years ago my manager's manager gave me an Amazon gift card for having jumped in to help a project, which I liked because it was digital and I didn't have to worry about misplacing a physical card. 

However, my pet peeve in general is when companies/managers use a token gift card or something similar in an attempt to make you feel good even though they treat you like crap the rest of the year. When I was in the early stages of my career, the head of the academic department where I worked routinely guilt-tripped/manipulated those of us who were hourly into working extra hours without pay. Then at some point during the year, we'd get tickets to attend some fancy event, as if one party with expensive food and drinks was supposed to make up for all the hours we'd worked for free. I'm old enough now that I'd go straight to HR to report the not-so-subtle pressure to work off the clock, but at that time I was afraid to make waves. 

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I was at some store and overheard a dad talking to his son, trying to convince his son that he wanted the dark blue whatever it was, not the light blue because the light blue looked too purple and purple was a girl color. STFU dude, let the kid get the one he likes.

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22 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I was at some store and overheard a dad talking to his son, trying to convince his son that he wanted the dark blue whatever it was, not the light blue because the light blue looked too purple and purple was a girl color. STFU dude, let the kid get the one he likes.

This reminds me of the opposite of that. I saw a man and his (about) 6 year old son cutting through cosmetics at Target. The display of facial masks caught the little boy's eye and he asked if he could have one. His dad said "Oh, no - those are for making your skin look nice and your skin already looks nice!" Keep it up dad!

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4 minutes ago, Nordly Beaumont said:

I saw a man and his (about) 6 year old son cutting through cosmetics at Target. The display of facial masks caught the little boy's eye and he asked if he could have one. His dad said "Oh, no - those are for making your skin look nice and your skin already looks nice!" Keep it up dad!


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21 minutes ago, BookWoman56 said:

However, my pet peeve in general is when companies/managers use a token gift card or something similar in an attempt to make you feel good even though they treat you like crap the rest of the year.

On the flip side of that, I used to give gifts to people who worked under me: a $10 Starbucks card as a welcome when they first started and a $25 Amazon card for their birthdays. I'd also order baby gifts and have them sent to the employee. They were clearly from me, not the company. There were 19 people in my department and I kept a danged spreadsheet with their applicable dates, plus the names of spouses, kids, and pets. 

What shocked me was how many people never acknowledged the gifts or said thank you. We all worked remotely so the most I expected was a quick email or instant message. I mean, especially when you're a new hire and your boss sends you a gift? Nothing?

Another peeve is that the year-end reviews at that place included an evaluation of managers by their staff. Mine were always very high* except for one question along the lines of "Does your manager play favorites?" It used to rankle because you know what? I did rely heavily on one person because she always stepped up and volunteered, asked me if I needed anything, and DID WHAT I ASKED quickly, correctly, and without complaining. It's tiring to assign people upper-level tasks and have them done poorly. Is it really favoritism to give bigger raises and bonuses to the person who does the best job? Bah.



* I think almost everyone's were because people were afraid that HR would tattle on them to their managers if they badmouthed them. "Anonymous" comments or not, supervisors can fairly easily tell which bitch came from which person.

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

What shocked me was how many people never acknowledged the gifts or said thank you. We all worked remotely so the most I expected was a quick email or instant message. I mean, especially when you're a new hire and your boss sends you a gift? Nothing?

Yikes...I hate that too; how horribly rude!! Don’t people have general manners anymore?

Which reminds me—-I’m still waiting for my boss to thank me for the Christmas gift I gave her. It was a nice gift too. A simple email or text or just acknowledgement would’ve been nice...and I say this as someone who actually likes her boss and we have a good relationship! Guess I’m just a bit surprised, that’s all.

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This was a pet peeve of my Dad, but he mentioned it enough over the years, and it goes with the conversation.  He was a mechanic at TWA for nearly 40 years.  When employees reached 25 years with he company, they were given a choice of a very nice wristwatch or a plaque.  Of course, everyone chose the watch.  A couple of years before he reached 25 years, they did away with the choice, and gave everyone a plaque.  A couple of years after he made 25, they went back to offering a choice.  For the longest time, if someone at work asked him what time it was, he would answer "I don't know, I didn't get a watch!"

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I guess this is kind of a jokey peeve, but I'm peeved at the moon right now.  It's beautiful and bright and the night is perfectly clear, but it's too frickin' cold to stand outside and watch the eclipse (although I'm going to go outside several times during the event to see it).  Why can't the eclipse be timed just for me so I can sit in my warm house and watch it from the window?  (Ha ha)  It's 37 degrees right now, but because I don't usually have to stay outside when it's cold here (I mainly just need to get from my car into a building or vice versa) I don't even own a heavy coat. 

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Sharing @BOOKSRULE's moon peeve, sort of -- I just went out to check it (in short sleeves, as it's only mid-40s here) and while it's half eclipsed, it's not reddish. I guess it's too cloudy here. I'll try later, since none of us go to bed before midnight.

I just checked and there's about one fourth of the bottom of the moon that's dark.  I think the reddish tint won't show up until totality.  I'm not sure I can stay awake long enough to see it, but I'll try.  (I have two cats that always wake me up early no matter if I have the day off or not, so I don't usually stay up late!)

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2 hours ago, forumfish said:

I bet @Moose135 gets some good shots, and I hope he shares them with us!

I hope so!  I was having a time of it, trying to keep the moon in the viewfinder, trying to get the focus right, I finally gave up a little past totality.  A quick look after downloading and I think I may have some halfway decent shots.  I'll post in the morning.

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I got all bundled up and went to see the moon, ahead of the eclipse. I came back inside and promptly started wheezing. Needless to say, I missed the eclipse (and it took over an hour to stop wheezing). I guess I better find a GP and get that looked into.

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I went out at totality snd it still looked like a pinkish tint to me. Glad I saw it though. Surprised that I was the only one outside to look at it in my general area. Although It was in the 40s, which is the Artic cold for our region. 

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On ‎1‎/‎20‎/‎2019 at 1:30 PM, forumfish said:

Reminds me of one year when McDonalds was putting Hot Wheels in their Happy Meals. They also had Barbie or Hello Kitty or some other girlie toy. When I ordered at the drive-thru, the employee asked, "is this for a girl or a boy?" I said, "it's for a girl and I want the Hot Wheels." Okay, technically I was no longer a "girl," but I still have my Matchbox cars from when I was. And my Dawn dolls.

I guess we could blame the whole gender-stereotype issue on Thomas Gainsborough -- Pinkie  &  The Blue Boy

And that reminds me of when Target, a few years back, made the decision to get rid of the section signs of "toys for girls"  and "toys for boys" in separate aisles, and just had "Toys".  there was BACKLASH over that, believe it or not.  I guess some parents are so afraid that their boys might see dolls in the same aisle as Legos, and have some sort of homosexual panic. 

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Ok, my pet peeve is about my husband, but I've encountered others who do the same thing.  

I ask an either/or question, and he answers "yes"  or "no".   Then I have to ask again to figure out what the hell he means.  It's like he can only hear part of the question, and answers that.  

Example:  "so, did you want to go out, or should we order pizza?" 


"No?  you're not hungry?" 

"I'm hungry, we should order pizza" 

"But you said no"

"I said no to going out, I was answering the first question."   


"Are you staying home today, or are you doing something?" 

"yeah, I think so." 


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@tinkerbell that shit drives me BONKERSSSSSSSSSSS (with all the S at the end).

My peeve is this: I was approved for a new credit card and I have to wait  2 weeks for it to show up so I can book airfare. Alright, my bad for procrastinating (and I can use another card to book this trip if necessary). But the peeve comes in when their spend bonus for the first 90 days starts TODAY, when I can't even use the card for 2 weeks.

Like it should be 3 months from date of activation, not date of approval if you aren't going to provide a virutal number.

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