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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Gotta love rude people. I went to the grocery store this evening to pick up a few items. When I came out, some rude jerk was placing his cart in front of my car instead of simply just rolling it back to the front of the store. When I caught him, he said "I guess you'll have to move it if you want to get out, huh?" and just walked back to his car. It took everything in me not to push the cart into him, his vehicle, or to simply block his his vehicle with his own cart. He laughed as he watched me push his cart toward the entrance, calling him all sorts of names along the way.

Why do people go out of their way to be jerks sometimes? I don't get it.

Edited by AgentRXS
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8 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

Gotta love rude people. I went to the grocery store this evening to pick up a few items. When I came out, some rude jerk was placing his cart in front of my car instead of simply just rolling it back to the front of the store. When I caught him, he said "I guess you'll have to move it if you want to get out, huh?" and just walked back to his car. It took everything in me push the cart into him, his vehicle, or to simply block his his vehicle with his own cart. He laughed as he watched me push his cart toward the entrance, calling his all sorts of names along the way.

Why do people go out of their way to be jerks sometimes? I don't get it.

I think it's because they get so used to doing it under the cover of anonymity on SM that their brains just don't register that it's not ok to do it in our public lives to other people. Or he was just a plain jerk (ass...e). Sorry he crapped on your evening. 

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6 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Gotta love rude people. I went to the grocery store this evening to pick up a few items. When I came out, some rude jerk was placing his cart in front of my car instead of simply just rolling it back to the front of the store. When I caught him, he said "I guess you'll have to move it if you want to get out, huh?" and just walked back to his car. It took everything in me not to push the cart into him, his vehicle, or to simply block his his vehicle with his own cart. He laughed as he watched me push his cart toward the entrance, calling him all sorts of names along the way.

Why do people go out of their way to be jerks sometimes? I don't get it.

Some people do this as part of a setup purely for it to be captured on camera and then uploaded to SM either for the laughs, or depending on the actions of the person on the receiving end, a hate campaign or evidence for a law suit if things get ugly. 

I have read quite a lot of similar incidents here in the UK whereby you get Moron #1 being an intentional, but cunning jackass to someone in say a supermarket car-park, while his/her buddy, Moron #2 is secretly filming the incident in the distance. 

So best not go ape in case you're caught on camera

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9 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Gotta love rude people. I went to the grocery store this evening to pick up a few items. When I came out, some rude jerk was placing his cart in front of my car instead of simply just rolling it back to the front of the store. When I caught him, he said "I guess you'll have to move it if you want to get out, huh?" and just walked back to his car. It took everything in me not to push the cart into him, his vehicle, or to simply block his his vehicle with his own cart. He laughed as he watched me push his cart toward the entrance, calling him all sorts of names along the way.

Why do people go out of their way to be jerks sometimes? I don't get it.

I wouldn't have rammed it into his car, because you'd have had to pay for the scratches and dents or whatever, but I would have totally pushed it in front of his car.

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10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Why do people go out of their way to be jerks sometimes? I don't get it.

I'm guessing a significant need for attention, even bad attention like a child who acts up just to get the parents to notice him/her.  Or someone with aggression issues just itching for a fight and they don't care who they fight.  Based on his continued taunting of you perhaps this one is closer to the truth.

At the end of the day, I'd say you handled it the right way.  I probably would have called him pathetic in my most clinical voice with an eye roll (I have barely mastered controlling my WTF? and How stupid are you? looks - they are involuntary reactions.  Eye rolls will probably never be constrained) denying him the pleasure of getting any reaction at all. 

Younger DeLurker might have hit his car with a lugee, a skill mastered from growing up with 4 boys, but she really isn't who should give advice to someone trying to be a responsible adult.

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I wouldn't have rammed it into his car, because you'd have had to pay for the scratches and dents or whatever, but I would have totally pushed it in front of his car.

While that response appeals to me as well, there are too many idiots with guns out there these days.

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My upstairs neighbor's toilet is running and has been for hours. I can hear it like it's in my own bathroom across the tiny hall from my bedroom. It sounds like loud static. I want to run up there and tell her to jiggle the damn handle! How does she not hear that noise?

I don't do well with noise, obviously. "White noise" doesn't work on me. It makes me very anxious.

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My mother is killing me slowly. She's texting me for tech support and is extremely frustrated. I'll tell her to do x action, then she goes silent for five minutes. She comes back, "Oh, I got distracted. Something something blah blah about a totally unrelated thing." I love you, Mom, but FOCUS.

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22 hours ago, bilgistic said:

My upstairs neighbor's toilet is running and has been for hours. I can hear it like it's in my own bathroom across the tiny hall from my bedroom. It sounds like loud static. I want to run up there and tell her to jiggle the damn handle! How does she not hear that noise?

I don't do well with noise, obviously. "White noise" doesn't work on me. It makes me very anxious.

Sorry about your neighbor. I am noise-sensitive also. I hate apartment living sometimes.

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It's not running tonight, thankfully. I would've had to go up there and fix the toilet myself.

I don't know her at all, nor do I know any of my other neighbors. We all do the smile and "hi" thing in passing, but the residency has pretty high turnover. There have been several renters in the apartment below mine in the 3.5+ years I've been here, and it's vacant again.

I'm sure my neighbors all think I'm completely batshit crazy because of all the "conversations" the cat and I have...and the songs I sing to him.

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We need a support group and colored ribbon, and perhaps some day a very quiet parade, for those of us with noise sensitivity. I'm renting a small house, smaller than the apartment I was living in, in a very quiet neighborhood because I couldn't handle the noise all around me at the apartment complex. 

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4 hours ago, ABay said:

We need a support group and colored ribbon, and perhaps some day a very quiet parade, for those of us with noise sensitivity. I'm renting a small house, smaller than the apartment I was living in, in a very quiet neighborhood because I couldn't handle the noise all around me at the apartment complex. 

I'm picturing a silent parade and a group of slient onlookers.  Then along comes a mother and her child.  "What's going on, Mommy?"  And 300 people turn and say "shhh" at the same time. More silence ensues.

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5 hours ago, ABay said:

We need a support group and colored ribbon, and perhaps some day a very quiet parade, for those of us with noise sensitivity. I'm renting a small house, smaller than the apartment I was living in, in a very quiet neighborhood because I couldn't handle the noise all around me at the apartment complex. 

Count me in on that support group. I have to wear ear plugs to the movies as the volume is just too darn loud (I go with my grandkids so opting out isn't a choice). My friends wonder at the quiet in my house as I don't feel the need to have constant loud music on. Sometimes the cable co's light classical lightly in the background. Which brings me to:

Sitting next to ppl who chew their gum loudly and make popping noises. I shudder at the thought. 

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4 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Count me in on that support group. I have to wear ear plugs to the movies as the volume is just too darn loud (I go with my grandkids so opting out isn't a choice).

So do I!! That is, on the extremely rare occasion I go to the movies.

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3 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

So do I!! That is, on the extremely rare occasion I go to the movies.

I like noise, but only in the right places (i.e. rock concerts, sports venues, festivals, night clubs etc), but I get really aggravated when people can't shut the hell up in cinemas, theatres, museums or libraries. Fortunately, where I live it is very quiet, especially the neighbours. But when I was a university I lived in a dorm with another couple of girls. They were fine to live with; however the girls next door used to party in their room nearly every night; and if they weren't partying they were making quite loud "sex noises" during the night!

Glad I moved out after 6 months.  

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2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Count me in on that support group. I have to wear ear plugs to the movies as the volume is just too darn loud (I go with my grandkids so opting out isn't a choice). My friends wonder at the quiet in my house as I don't feel the need to have constant loud music on. Sometimes the cable co's light classical lightly in the background. Which brings me to:

Sitting next to ppl who chew their gum loudly and make popping noises. I shudder at the thought. 

I had a sister growing up who chewed gum loudly just to aggravate. To this day it is my worst pet peeve from anyone.

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On 8/28/2017 at 6:46 PM, AgentRXS said:

Gotta love rude people. I went to the grocery store this evening to pick up a few items. When I came out, some rude jerk was placing his cart in front of my car instead of simply just rolling it back to the front of the store. When I caught him, he said "I guess you'll have to move it if you want to get out, huh?" and just walked back to his car. It took everything in me not to push the cart into him, his vehicle, or to simply block his his vehicle with his own cart. He laughed as he watched me push his cart toward the entrance, calling him all sorts of names along the way.

Why do people go out of their way to be jerks sometimes? I don't get it.

It's about power and control. See he had  power over you because you couldn't move your car and he controlled you by forcing you to move the cart yourself. You were smart not to engage him.

Edited by peacheslatour
a word
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22 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

Sorry about your neighbor. I am noise-sensitive also. I hate apartment living sometimes.

I have that too. I have dyslexia and discaulia and that makes it difficult to concentrate with background noise. My current workplace is very noisy one because of deliveries and the mostly because of an asshole. I use headphones sometimes. Or do my tasks in shorter bursts when the jerk is around. 

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On ‎8‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 11:07 AM, janestclair said:

My mom also used to rinse cantaloupes.  

You actually should wash off cantaloupes and other melons, they're one of the foods most likely to cause food poisoning.  They grow on the ground, not raised up like a lot of fruits, and  sometimes there are bacteria on the outside.  when you cut into it, you can push the bacteria to the inside.  washing is supposed to take care of the risks.  There was an outbreak of listeria traced to cantaloupe, a bunch of people died.   

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My pet peeve on TV related forums like this one is people who are so into reality shows that they remember every contestant ever, by season.  So, in the middle of a discussion of a current season, people make a comparison to a contestant on a previous season, and that derails the discussion into talking about people who were on the show 4 or more years ago.  Like - yeah, remember, season 12?  this is even better, because A is just like B, and C is............   .Even if I saw that season, I have no idea who the hell these people are.  I don't retain the names of everyone on every show.   So I scroll past until the discussion goes back to the current show.   It drives me crazy.  

Same thing when people explain or discuss one show by comparing the show, character, storyline, to another show, assuming that everyone watches all the same shows. 

But my biggest peeve is acronyms.  Even at work, or attending a training.  I must have a specific learning disability that interferes with my ability to understand acronyms.  I stumble over them, and have to remind myself of the words.  Like, on a forum,  someone referred to ANTM, and I was stuck on what the hell that could possibly mean.  Oh, America's next top model?  why didn't you say so?  

9 hours ago, Quof said:

I had a coworker who chewed gum so loudly, in her own office, that I could hear it in my office. 

I have threatened my husband with physical violence if he kept chewing with his mouth open.   Yeah, I don't care about your sinus issues - stop it! 

Edited by backformore
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15 hours ago, Quof said:

I had a coworker who chewed gum so loudly, in her own office, that I could hear it in my office. 

I believe it! And don't folks realize how unprofessional and indifferent they look while chewing it on the job? Of course, I haven't attempted gum in decades mainly because I got tired of trying to find trash cans to throw away the ABC variety (and even as a tiny child, I knew there was no 'gum fairy' to collect it from beneath chairs and tables). Thankfully, I see FAR less ABC gum beneath chairs and tables nowadays than in my youth!

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I used to call out "That gum sure sounds good".  It had no effect.

I think gum is inappropriate just about anywhere and anytime.   Gum chewers should look in a mirror for just a minute and that would be the end of it, you would think.    Mints, people.  You have a breath issue, suck on a mint or find a washroom and brush your teeth. 

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9 minutes ago, Quof said:

I used to call out "That gum sure sounds good".  It had no effect.

I think gum is inappropriate just about anywhere and anytime.   Gum chewers should look in a mirror for just a minute and that would be the end of it, you would think.    Mints, people.  You have a breath issue, suck on a mint or find a washroom and brush your teeth. 

I hate gum.  I don't chew it. I actually find it to be totally too much work.  I say this only to prove that I am not trying to justify my own bad behavior. However, there are times when gum is almost necessary to some people.  Those with ear problems specifically. I remember when we were kids my sister had a doctor's note that allowed her to chew gum in class.  I think there was a girl in my class with the same thing.  And, it helps a lot of people on airplanes.  None of that is to say that any of those people have the right to be obnoxiously loud about it.

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I'm a big gum chewer, mostly because I had to have braces TWICE as a kid (don't ask), so, yeah, I missed it.

However, I never chew gum at work (really, no one should if they work with the public), and my husband tells me I chew it in such a way that it isn't too obvious. Also, I always, always, ALWAYS dispose of it properly (spit it out into wrapper or piece of paper, into the trash it goes). I seriously don't get the assholes who just spit it out on the ground. WTF?


How about co-workers who loudly proclaim how sick they are (um, go home?), or who cough, hack and wheeze without covering their mouths (seriously, go home!)?

Edited by Wiendish Fitch
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6 minutes ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

How about co-workers who loudly proclaim how sick they are (um, go home?), or who cough, hack and wheeze without covering their mouths (seriously, go home!)?

Yeah, cover your mouth, but you may not be able to afford to go home.

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I realize this is really petty and silly to be peeved about, but for whatever reason, I can't stand it when someone doesn't hear what someone else said and, instead of "I'm sorry; I didn't hear you" (or even just "What?"), people say, "What happened?" Like, nothing happened, I merely said "good morning" or asked to borrow a pen!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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4 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I realize this is really petty and silly to be peeved about, but for whatever reason, I can't stand it when someone doesn't hear what someone else said and, instead of "I'm sorry; I didn't hear you" (or even just "What?"), people say, "What happened?" Like, nothing happened, I merely said "good morning" or asked to borrow a pen!

My boss says "what happened?" every time I walk into a room. Go in to give him his mail, "what happened?"  Go into give him a draft for proofing, "what happened?"  AARGH!  Nothing happened.  I'm just doing my job.

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Also, while I'm being kind of an ass, when coworkers' (typically women's) voices change depending on who they're talking to. Suddenly the person who says "thank you" in a completely "normal" way is now saying a breathy/squeaky-ass "theeeenk yeew" on the phone to god knows who.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Also, while I'm being kind of an ass, when coworkers' (typically women's) voices change depending on who they're talking to. Suddenly the person who says "thank you" in a completely "normal" way is now saying a breathy/squeaky-ass "theeeenk yeew" on the phone to god knows who.

Reminds me when I used to work in a office and one of my colleagues sitting next to me was on the phone to a customer going over an IT problem. My colleague was clearly approaching the red-zone in the patience stakes because she began rolling her eyes, tapping her pen on the desk and gripping the phone in clenched fingers.

After a further 15 minutes of being "calm and helpful" the conversation came to an end and she slammed the receiver down before shouting a stringful of rather unsavoury words. But unbeknown to her was she hadn't put the receiver correctly into its cradle and the line was still live. So when she could hear the customer's voice on the other end of the phone saying "Hello?" her face went red, and began uttering "OMG" several times.

Ultimately, the customer made a complaint to management and because all IT Support calls are recorded, she was cautioned for unacceptable behaviour.


So, kids, always make sure your phone line is dead after a call!

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4 hours ago, Katy M said:

I hate gum.  I don't chew it. I actually find it to be totally too much work.  I say this only to prove that I am not trying to justify my own bad behavior. However, there are times when gum is almost necessary to some people.  Those with ear problems specifically. I remember when we were kids my sister had a doctor's note that allowed her to chew gum in class.  I think there was a girl in my class with the same thing.  And, it helps a lot of people on airplanes.  None of that is to say that any of those people have the right to be obnoxiously loud about it.

I chewed gum constantly when I was pregnant because I had heartburn. Fruit-flavored sugar-free gum helps (in addition to food and antacids because you can only eat so much and swallow antacid so often).

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I hate gum.  I don't chew it.

Ugh, I don't either but it's because I am a crazy weirdo who finds it repulsive to think about (and loud chewers do nothing to diminish that feeling--that sound is so bad). I'm sorry, no judgment, of course--I swear!

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I'm afraid to admit I chew gum and pop it when I do, but I chew it very infrequently. I don't think to buy it unless I'm at the dollar store. I had some in my desk at work, and I knew my popping gum pissed off my coworker, so I did try to keep it at a minimum. It's kind of a subconscious habit, though. Once I'm chewing, I can't help but pop.

I'd be lying if I said it didn't amuse me that I found something that pissed him off. Him getting paid significantly more than me with far less experience pissed me off. Nevertheless, I reined it in. I left the gum in my drawer at work, so they all probably burned it.

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12 hours ago, Katy M said:

I hate gum.  I don't chew it. I actually find it to be totally too much work.  I say this only to prove that I am not trying to justify my own bad behavior. However, there are times when gum is almost necessary to some people.  Those with ear problems specifically. I remember when we were kids my sister had a doctor's note that allowed her to chew gum in class.  I think there was a girl in my class with the same thing.  And, it helps a lot of people on airplanes.  None of that is to say that any of those people have the right to be obnoxiously loud about it.


When (or around when) I was in fourth grade, Aspergum came out. A classmate was chewing gum, and our teacher, Mr. G, called her out on it. She produced a note (from her mom, I think) stating that it was medicinal gum and she should be allowed to chew it in class, as she was getting over a cold or something like that. Mr. G's response: What's next, are they going to say marijuana is good for the common cold? Because in the late 1960s, clearly chewing gum = pot. Of course in retrospect, Mr. G was prescient with his comment, but we 8-9 year olds merely thought he was the squarest of the squares.

I confess: I chew gum. I try to do it without smacking or popping, but sometimes I need to clean up my breath - and I'm sorry, but a mint just doesn't do what a piece of Orbit does -- or kill a food craving.

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12 hours ago, Quof said:

I think gum is inappropriate just about anywhere and anytime.   Gum chewers should look in a mirror for just a minute and that would be the end of it, you would think.   

I have a friend who probably 30 years ago said he quit chewing gum because he noticed how awful and stupid it looks when other people do it.  I thought, "You know, he's right," and I haven't chewed gum since then, either.  Or, actually, I got a piece of dubble bubble somewhere once and chewed that, and had an olfactory flashback to the barber shop my brothers used to go to when we were kids, but that once was very much enough.

My roommate when I was a freshman in college--every night she'd wash her hair and wrap it up in a towel, and put on headphones and study, while chewing gum.  She had holes in her teeth or whatever it is that makes every chew have a little popping sound.  She couldn't hear it, of course.  But I could.

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My roommate when I was a freshman in college--every night she'd wash her hair and wrap it up in a towel, and put on headphones and study, while chewing gum.  She had holes in her teeth or whatever it is that makes every chew have a little popping sound.  She couldn't hear it, of course.  But I could.

Not a peeve, but this whole scenario reminds me of the opening of a generic '80s-era horror movie(or perhaps Lifetime)--girl in bathrobe, chewing her gum, unaware of surroundings, and--bam!--the villain shows up, axe in hand!

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9 minutes ago, ratgirlagogo said:

What is discaulia?

Coincidentally, this came up in recent conversation, so it's fresh in my mind; it's dyscalculia, and it's a mathematics disorder, so in the most simplistic terms it's referred to as the math equivalent of the reading disorder dyslexia.  I did only a cursory search for articles to find a good explanation, gave up on evaluating them, and will just post this from Mental Floss.

Edited by Bastet
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I chew gum, but only in the privacy of my own home or when I'm our running the streets. 

Chewing gum helps me concentrate, as well as preventing me from nibbling on junk food. But I can understand other people's irritation at "gum poppers", and so I never chew gum in the public domain.

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Hurricane Irma is nowhere near the US or any other land mass at this point. The media needs to STFU with all these articles about "Irma COULD hit the US as a Cat 4/5 as early as NEXT WEEK!!!!!1!!!!"

The last need we need is fear mongering.  Irma COULD be the next Harvey and it could just as likely be an ocean-dwelling hurricane. NO ONE knows yet, which is why predictions are made only so many days in advance. Even then, they can make unpredictable slight turns. And the jerks who made the false model showing Irma headed straight for Texas? I hope karma catches up with their asses.

If I had to choose my poison of all the natural disasters that could potentially occur in a region, I would still choose a hurricane over a snowstorm, tornadoes, or an earthquake.  Hurricanes give people time to prepare. And storms like Andrew/Katrina/Harvey/Sandy/Matthew which are deadly and tragic, fortunately are somewhat rare. The ratio to how many storms are formed each season vs how many make landfall is a bit amazing to me.

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2 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

If I had to choose my poison of all the natural disasters that could potentially occur in a region, I would still choose a hurricane over a snowstorm, tornadoes, or an earthquake. 

About a dozen years ago, a friend moved to Orlando to work at the Sentinel - I was from Long Island, he was from north New Jersey.  That year, it seemed like just about every week, a hurricane blew through Florida.  We got to talking after that about which was worse, a hurricane or a big snow storm.  We decided that at least after a blizzard, your house would still be there after the snow melted...

Edited by Moose135
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